Author Topic: Soji Seta vs. Godlike  (Read 1681 times)


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Soji Seta vs. Godlike
« on: March 05, 2009, 04:44:25 PM »
Welcome, one and all, to yet another OK-inspired topic!

So yeah, with Persona 4 likely coming up for ranking consideration...soonish...this can't hurt.  Whereas Minato was nuked for ranking immediately, Soji (P4's main character) has generally been considered more rankable (now, whether he would actually be ranked or up for debate).  He lacks the "potential initiative" Minato had, no fusions (Armageddon!), and generally doesn't have as much broken. 

Plus, I'm nearly finished up with the stat topic stuff.  >_>

So, here's the idea - our entire Godlike field vs. Soji (including the newly ranked people).  Even if you haven't played P4 and want to vote, I'd love to have your opinions here as well (if you feel comfortable basing it off the stat topic and not your own experience).  Mostly, what are people's thoughts on his rankability, and how does he stand up to the Godlike fields? 

Mechanics/Equipment Link:
Characters/Averages Link:
Soji's Persona Options Link:

(Doing this so people can avoid the spoilers in the boss section)

And here's the field:

 Lunars Ghaleon
 SH3 Lady
 BoFs Myria 
 Lunar2 Zophar
 BoF4 Fou-Lu
 FFX Yuna
 SoA Piastol 
 FF7 Sephiroth
 DDS Jenna Angel
 BoF1 Jade 
 FF6 Kefka 
 BoF3 Ryu 
 DDS Heat 
 G3 Xorn
 SHs Yuri Volte Hyuga 
 G3 Emelious de Pamela 
 PS4 Profound Darkness 
 FF3 Cloud of Darkness 
 SO2 Indalecio 
 G2 Melfice 
 XS1 Luis Virgil
 Saga TimeLord 
 VP1 Loki 
 DQ8 Empyrea 
 FF1 Chaos 
 CT Lavos 
 Pers Nate Nanjo 
 Pers Ellen Kirishima 
 FF9 Kuja 
 G3 Violetta
 PKMN Kyogre
 LoL2 Avalon
 BoF4 Ryu
 Lunar2 False Althena
 S2 Luca Blight 
 S3 Chris Lightfellow
 PS4 Rika
 TotA Vandesdelca Musto Fende 
 XG Citan Uzuki (Hyuga Ricdeau)
 FF6 Terra Branford 
 Suikos Tir McDohl
 DQ8 Guv 
 WA4 Belial
 S4 Ted
 ToP Dhaos
 FF4 Rubicant
 AtLC Elc
 Lunar1 Royce 
 FFT Orlandu, Cidolfas 
 Disgaea2 Zenon
 SoA Ramirez
 XS2 Patriarch Sergius XVII 
 FF4 Zeromus
 FFX Seymour
 SO3 Luther Lansfeld
 FFX Yunalesca
 VH Ash Lambert
 SF2 Odd Eye
 DQ8 Rhapthorne 
 PS2 Rolf Landale
 AtLC Arc Eda Ricolne 
 BoFs Deis
 Disgaea Lamington
 FF9 Beatrix 
 FF8 Ultimecia
 SH3 Shania
 WA Cecilia Lyne Adelhyde 
 WA3 Malik Benedict
 PSs Dark Force
 XS Albedo 
 SH3 Gilbert 
 AtLC Choko
 FE9 Tibarn
 SH3 Killer
 OB Rashidi
 OB Endora
 SO2 Claude Kenni
 WA4 Lambda Zellweger
 CC Miguel
 DW4 Necrosaro
 S2 Riou
 BoF3 Teepo
 SH3 Johnny Garland
 Lufias Gades
 G2 Millenia
 FF6 Celes Chere
 BoF1 Zog
 FF4 Rosa Harvey 
 PKMN Lugia
 DQ8 Jessica Albert 
 FFX Jecht
 PKMN Mewtwo 
 SH2 Kurando Inugami
 FFX Lulu
 DQ8 Dhoulmagus
 FFT Altima
 WA4 Raquel Applegate 
 Suikos Lucia 
 VPs Brahms 
 WA3 Asgard
 VPs Lenneth Valkyrie
 PS4 Wren
 VP1 Genevieve 
 FF5 Gilgamesh 
 FF4 Valvalis 
 PS4 Zio 
 S3 Emily
 FF5 X-Death
 SoM Purim
 Saga T260G
 FE8 Eirika 
 SO2 Berle
 Lunar1 Xenobia 
 DQ8 Sir Leopold
 SO2 Cyril
 S2 Sierra Mikain
 ToS Kratos Aurion
 CT Magus (Janus Zeal)
 FFX Tidus
 SH2 Masaji Kato
 BoF2 Ryu
 AtLC Diekbeck
 PS4 Chaz Ashley
 FF8 Fujin
 MMXCM Marino
 MK Isolde
 FE9 Naesala
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

[19:26] * +Terra_Condor looks up. Star Wars Football, what?
[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory

Mad Fnorder

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Re: Soji Seta vs. Godlike
« Reply #1 on: March 05, 2009, 09:52:57 PM »
I don't have time to go through everything, but I expect Souji to be a winning high godlike, if not better. Honestly, his interp depends on a few key things.

1. Light and Darkness Immunity=ID immunity. If you take this away, forms of "Non-elemental ID" pose a significant threat- like those who see Fate Storm as ID would see him getting splattered. It furthermore raises the issue of people saying "Well, the instant death looks like X"- While Deadly Fingertips is dark (and I believe checks that resist), what's Expode? Eliminat? Arguments can be made, but it gets messier from there on. Admittedly, there is precedent for "Almighty ID" in game in the form of Ghastly Wail (Or whatever kills you when you're feared, 100%), so he may just be vulnerable to non-elemental ID.

2. The World Persona. Him having it is a significant boost, giving him a persona he can start in with AGI 30 something points above average, for the crucial Turn-one quickdraws. Being New Game+ only moves against it. With it he has a great slugfest persona and pseudo-initiative with an arguably strong base than Minato, because it's rooted in a concretely huge speed stat.

Other than that, he's a hell of a dueller. An overkill 2 or 3HKO using some combinations of Debilitate, Power Charge, and Hassou Tobi, utterly mocks limit fighters, and can wall entire fighters. He's not as vulnerable to non-lethal status due to Insta-Heal- Celes, for example, can't rely on invis+Berserk/Imp=win, if he's recovering when he gets turns.  If you allow 1, he's High Godlike. 2 without 1, and he's more mid-godlike: a contender but not powerhouse. 1 and 2? Probably has under 10 matches he loses.


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Re: Soji Seta vs. Godlike
« Reply #2 on: March 05, 2009, 11:45:22 PM »
Ghastly Wail is technically dark elemental, it just ignores dark resistance/immunity/whatever (you can be weak to it and Endure/Survive Dark work against it).  Not sure if Summons to Yomi works the same way or not, but I suspect it does.

World Persona's a big hell no.  NG+ stuff is out.


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Re: Soji Seta vs. Godlike
« Reply #3 on: March 06, 2009, 02:37:30 AM »
One of the key things Souji has going for him is that one of his unique accessories grants an Endure effect... that stacks with Enduring Soul as a skill.  So you have to kill him twice... in order to knock him to one HP.  One top of his nigh-infinite skillset and freewheeling immunities.

Might dig into the actual topic here later, but figured I should point that out. 
(PS OK you forgot to list that accessory in the stat topic~)
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Re: Soji Seta vs. Godlike
« Reply #4 on: March 06, 2009, 02:40:31 AM »
Deadly Fingertips does not check dark resist. It's 100% short of immunity. You can give it a flavourful Dark element, but that's it.

Wait, why did I even click on this topic?

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Re: Soji Seta vs. Godlike
« Reply #5 on: March 06, 2009, 02:51:46 AM »
You secretly want to play more SMT. 

Oh...yeah, I need to add that accessory >_>
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

[19:26] * +Terra_Condor looks up. Star Wars Football, what?
[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory


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Re: Soji Seta vs. Godlike
« Reply #6 on: March 06, 2009, 03:33:47 AM »
Kneejerk thoughts on your list after studying Souji's stat topic entry for a while.

Lunars Ghaleon - Fate Storm > P4 ID immunity?
 SH3 Lady - Double Stock handles killing him twice if he's using Shiva. She'll finish him off with her death counter at worst.
 BoFs Myria  - He... may win with World? Myria1 durability > non-World Souji.
 Lunar2 Zophar - Think Zophar is durable enough to tank through 3 Soujis.
 BoF4 Fou-Lu - Same.
 FFX Yuna - With World, he wins. Otherwise, she gets a turn, summon parade.
 SoA Piastol  - Faster... but durability isn't great. Think 3x Souji can take this.
 FF7 Sephiroth - Faster, and has durability... it's close to me. Leaning Souji.
 DDS Jenna Angel - Kneejerk Jenna.
 BoF1 Jade  - Shiva gives Souji Enduring Soul -and- reflects Electric. Jade explodes.
 FF6 Kefka  - Fallen One -> poke? Eh... not sure. Think Kefka's slower.
 BoF3 Ryu  - Loses against Souji with World, but faster than most other Soujis.
 DDS Heat  - Kneejerk Heat
 G3 Xorn - Xorn might be faster than Souji with World. Kneejerk Xorn.
 SHs Yuri Volte Hyuga  - Souji has more resources.
 G3 Emelious de Pamela  - Emelious... does get a lot of turns.
 PS4 Profound Darkness  - Formchaining > Souji's damage. Though Souji can wall most of PF's damage for a while... probably Souji.
 FF3 Cloud of Darkness  - Not sure.
 SO2 Indalecio  - Not sure.
 G2 Melfice  - Leaning Melfice.
 XS1 Luis Virgil - Don't know Luis well enough.
 Saga TimeLord  - Overdrive can kill 3 Soujis.
 VP1 Loki  - Souji doesn't completely wall him, but I have overall low Loki respect. (Loki vs. Loki fight!?)
 DQ8 Empyrea  - Souji.
 FF1 Chaos  - Not sure.
 CT Lavos  - Souji's faster, can wall most of his big damage, just too many ways to take out Lavos.
 Pers Nate Nanjo  - ?
 Pers Ellen Kirishima  - ?
 FF9 Kuja  - Closer fight than I was expecting, but probably Souji.
 G3 Violetta - Lots of turns.. leaning Violetta.
 PKMN Kyogre - Not sure.
 LoL2 Avalon - ?
 BoF4 Ryu - Leaning Ryu4, though I don't know why.
 Lunar2 False Althena - Kneejerk FA.
 S2 Luca Blight  - He does get a lot of turns... but probably Souji.
 S3 Chris Lightfellow - Souji walls physicals, next.
 PS4 Rika - Eliminat > P4 ID immunity.
 TotA Vandesdelca Musto Fende  - Souji laughs at limit fighters.
 XG Citan Uzuki (Hyuga Ricdeau) - Citan has trouble with 3x Souji.
 FF6 Terra Branford  - Ultima hype. If you allow Souji World, then Terra's getting Ultima.
 Suikos Tir McDohl - Deadly Fingertips > P4 ID immunity.
 DQ8 Guv - Kneejerk Souji.
 WA4 Belial - Kneejerk Belial!?
 S4 Ted - Not sure.
 ToP Dhaos - Not sure.
 FF4 Rubicant - Walled. Souji.
 AtLC Elc - Walled. Souji.
 Lunar1 Royce  - Leaning Royce.
 FFT Orlandu, Cidolfas - Leaning... Cid?
 Disgaea2 Zenon - Walled. Souji.
 SoA Ramirez - Leaning Souji.
 XS2 Patriarch Sergius XVII  - ?
 FF4 Zeromus - Not sure.
 FFX Seymour - Walled. Souji.
 SO3 Luther Lansfeld - Not sure.
 FFX Yunalesca - Souji with no SP? Thinking Yunalesca.
 VH Ash Lambert - ?
 SF2 Odd Eye - Souji. From this point on, I think everything loses to Souji with World. Other comments assume a non-World Souji build.
 DQ8 Rhapthorne  - Souji.
 PS2 Rolf Landale - How many times can Rolf use Megid? I'd see Megid as Almighty-like.
 AtLC Arc Eda Ricolne  - Invincible may allow Arc to outlast Souji without World.
 BoFs Deis - Not sure.
 Disgaea Lamington - Walled. Souji.
 FF9 Beatrix  - Not sure, thinking she's walled. Souji.
 FF8 Ultimecia - Not sure.
 SH3 Shania - Souji.
 WA Cecilia Lyne Adelhyde - Cecilia may win against Souji without World. With world, obviously loses.
 WA3 Malik Benedict - Souji.
 PSs Dark Force - Souji.
 XS Albedo  - ?
 SH3 Gilbert  - Leaning gilbert.
 AtLC Choko - Not sure.
 FE9 Tibarn - Walled. Souji.
 SH3 Killer - Leaning Killer.
 OB Rashidi - Not sure.
 OB Endora - Not sure.
 SO2 Claude Kenni - Walled. Souji.
 WA4 Lambda Zellweger - Not sure.
 CC Miguel - Walled. Souji.
 DW4 Necrosaro - ?
 S2 Riou - Walled. Souji.
 BoF3 Teepo - Walled. Souji.
 SH3 Johnny Garland - Souji.
 Lufias Gades - L3 Gades might have a shot!?
 G2 Millenia - Helel gets around SBE, but Millenia might be able to blitz him? Loses to World, of course.
 FF6 Celes Chere - Walled. Souji.
 BoF1 Zog - Souji.
 FF4 Rosa Harvey - Walled. Souji.
 PKMN Lugia - Not sure.
 DQ8 Jessica Albert  - Magic Burst is only one shot. Souji.
 FFX Jecht - Leaning Jecht!?
 PKMN Mewtwo  - Not sure.
 SH2 Kurando Inugami - Souji.
 FFX Lulu - Kneejerk Lulu evasion and elemental diversity > non-World Souji builds.
 DQ8 Dhoulmagus - Kneejerk Souji.
 FFT Altima - Not sure.
 WA4 Raquel Applegate  - Walled. Souji.
 Suikos Lucia  - Walled. Souji.
 VPs Brahms  - Souji.
 WA3 Asgard - Not sure.
 VPs Lenneth Valkyrie - Kneejerk Souji.
 PS4 Wren - looks interesting, not sure.
 VP1 Genevieve  - Souji.
 FF5 Gilgamesh  - Not sure.
 FF4 Valvalis  - But how will he stop her spin!?
 PS4 Zio  - Souji.
 S3 Emily - Walled. Souji.
 FF5 X-Death - Souji. ...Dissidia form busts his SP!
 SoM Purim - Oooh... Purim might have a shot?! Leaning Souji.
 Saga T260G - Souji.
 FE8 Eirika  - Souji.
 SO2 Berle - Souji.
 Lunar1 Xenobia  - Souji.
 DQ8 Sir Leopold - Souji.
 SO2 Cyril - Souji.
 XS KOS-MOS - Souji.
 S2 Sierra Mikain - Crap... was her ID non-elemental?
 ToS Kratos Aurion - Walled. Souji.
 CT Magus (Janus Zeal) - Not sure.
 FFX Tidus - Leaning souji...
 SH2 Masaji Kato - Souji.
 BoF2 Ryu - Leaning Souji...
 AtLC Diekbeck - Get out of Godlike.
 PS4 Chaz Ashley - Has a shot with Megid, though not as good as Rolf's.
 FF8 Fujin - Souji.
 MMXCM Marino - ??
 MMXCM X - ??
 MK Isolde - ??
 FE9 Naesala - Walled. Souji.

Some games I didn't remember the dueller well enough are listed 'not sure'. If I haven't played the game or don't know the dueller at all, it's '??'. Souji beats a large large portion of the ones I know.



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Re: Soji Seta vs. Godlike
« Reply #7 on: March 06, 2009, 03:24:51 PM »
...The World Persona?

...The first True End run form of Iza-N-O?

Second run-through does allow for a twelve fusion Iza-N-O...
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Re: Soji Seta vs. Godlike
« Reply #8 on: March 07, 2009, 12:42:24 AM »
Exactly- but you can't get it without clearing the game once.