Author Topic: Season 51, Week 6: Go away, Ghaleon.  (Read 1438 times)


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Season 51, Week 6: Go away, Ghaleon.
« on: April 11, 2009, 02:15:57 PM »
Team Myria (Myria, Hugo, Nina5, Camus) vs Team Ghaleon (Ghaleon, Edgar, Alhazad, Slash)

H/G: Luther, Fujin, Choko, Id, Hugo, Edgar

M/H: Mia, Sabin, Odin, L1Hero, Nina5, Alhazad

L/M:  Guy, Orlha, Virginia, Sheela, Camus, Slash
« Last Edit: April 11, 2009, 02:19:20 PM by superaielman »
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
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Re: Season 51, Week 6: Go away, Ghaleon.
« Reply #1 on: April 11, 2009, 02:22:49 PM »
Team Myria in a slaughter.  Nina5 makes sure Edgar never gets a turn, and the team's too fast otherwise to deal with.

H/G: Choko>Id=Fujin>Edgar=Hugo

Tenative at the moment.  Choko beats all. Id beats Fujin/Edgar and still loses to Hugo. Fujin statuses out Edgar and Hugo (Not buying Edgar 2HKOing Fujin or Hugo OHKOing her in time), Edgar beat Hugo already. Hugo beat Id.

Pool has trainwreck writ large upon it. No idea who's going up or down. Hopefully Edgar stays down.

M/H:  Uh. Odin's swept, don't know from there. Pool's a mess. L1 Hero may tank.

L/M:  Guy=Camus>Orlha>Slash=Sheela=Virginia

Guy: 4-1
Camus: 4-1
Orlha: 3-2
Slash: 2-3
Virginia: 1-4
Sheela: 1-4

Virginia's evade keeps her in some fights, but it's not enough. Orlha's too solid on stats, Guy's IPs give him the edge in a long fight (Namely  haste and healing), and Slash/Camus can ignore magic evade. Don't think Sheela's healing is enough.

Camus beats everyone but Slash. Guy beats everyone but Camus.  Orlha's an excellent chipper but I don't think she can deal with Guy's haste or set up an uber combo in time. Slash beats the scrubs.
« Last Edit: April 11, 2009, 02:31:04 PM by superaielman »
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
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Re: Season 51, Week 6: Go away, .
« Reply #2 on: April 11, 2009, 03:50:26 PM »
Team Ghaleon.

Unfortunately, (for more than one reason) the only member of Team Myria to have won against their respective counterpart on the other team, is without much in the way of a legitimate argument against said opponent. Tragic really. (again, for more than one reason)

Respect for Ghaleon as an MTD boss means Myria and the other members of her team gets raped no matter who Ghaleon goes after. If they all try to focus on Ghaleon, then they only open themselves up against the other members of his team. Remember those guys, the duelists who trounced them the week before... Yeah.

Team Myria goes splat.

Also.. FS!
« Last Edit: April 11, 2009, 03:56:15 PM by James_xeno »
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Because there are 500 antelope and three crocodiles. Not because the crocodiles are enviornmentalists.

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Re: Season 51, Week 6: Go away, Ghaleon.
« Reply #3 on: April 12, 2009, 02:11:31 AM »
Team Myria. Alhazad would be scary here, Slow Down would let Ghaleon rape... but he dies to Myria + Hugo + Camus if necessary, while Nina IDs Edgar before he gets a turn.

Now it's Ghaleon + a boss who is terrible at full HP vs. a full party. Even if you think Ghaleon can win this normally, chances are he can't now.

I'll digest the pools later.

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Re: Season 51, Week 6: Go away, Ghaleon.
« Reply #4 on: April 12, 2009, 02:29:22 AM »
You're saying go away to the wrong Godlike.

H/G: Luther, Fujin, Choko, Id, Hugo, Edgar


Fujin has an argument against Hugo, but he's faster, 2HKOs, chooses to block Confuse...and she needs 2 turns to kill him unless Poison kicks in at the beginning of Hugo's turn, meaning 3 turns using her first turn for Blind.

M/H: Mia, Sabin, Odin, L1Hero, Nina5, Alhazad

Not dealing with Odin, need to replay and see his durability again. Nor Alhazad because he hurts my head.
Mia...loses to Sabin, beats L1 Hero (I'd...imagine, she's faster and should 2HKO), loses to Nina 5
Sabin beats L1 Hero, loses to Nina 5
Nina 5>L1 Hero

Nina 3-0
Sabin 2-1
Mia 1-2
Hero 0-3

Assuming Odin and Hero go down.

L/M:  Guy, Orlha, Virginia, Sheela, Camus, Slash

Hmm, head.
Guy loses to Orlha (She's faster, CC is good at avoiding limit ranges), loses to Virginia I think (She needs 3 Attacks and a full Gatling or 4 attacks and a lesser Gatling I think...let's say Guy needs 5 attacks to put her down.), probably loses to Sheela (Faster healer with damage of both types, too. Chip, bide time, wait until double smash), Camus and Slash
Orlha beats rest. Boss Orlha and such.
Virginia loses to Sheela. Sheela has the magic damage, and Camus...and Slash too. Gatling being 80% damage isn't as helpful against all of Slash's HP.
Sheela loses rest

Orlha 5-0
Slash 4-1
Camus 3-2
Sheela 2-3
Virginia 1-4
Guy 0-5
...into the nightfall.


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Re: Season 51, Week 6: Go away, Ghaleon.
« Reply #5 on: April 12, 2009, 02:52:21 AM »
Sheela is 2HKOed by Guy and can't 2HKO him back. She can't chip past a haste IP from the Kite shield (which kills the speed advantage) She's also below average speed herself which doesn't help matters. Orlha shouldn't be the PC form. Boss form is a different kettle of fish.
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Re: Season 51, Week 6: Go away, Ghaleon.
« Reply #6 on: April 12, 2009, 03:41:32 AM »
Team Myria (Myria, Hugo, Nina5, Camus) vs Team Ghaleon (Ghaleon, Edgar, Alhazad, Slash) - See NEB, really.

H/G: Luther, Fujin, Choko, Id, Hugo, Edgar

Hugo > all but Edgar. Against Lansfeld, the evade gives him nightmares, and while Luther is faster and gets two shots of Perfect Symmetry... the evade is just a bit much. Good match, though. Regarding Fujin, her pdur is epic failure, and Hugo is shockingly close to OHKOing her as it stands. She casts Pain, then she still lets him get two turns to finish off what he started. She goes Sai, Hugo just finishes the kill. Id against that evade is just horrible, and Hugo OHKOs. Finally, Hugo > Choko by pure technicality. Non-uber AtL2 Choko fails and all the other ones are illegal to me.

Luther owns non-Hugo people. Id triggers Perfect Symmetry and gets blown up, Fujin triggers Perfect Symmetry, is vastly outsped and blows up, Edgar suffers the same fate. Choko eats it on that technicality thing.

Id > Edgar, Choko and Fujin. Edgar... doesn't quite OHKO (FAIL), and Fujin gets doubled off the bat, which means horrible things. Choko has Choko issues.

Fujin > Edgar and Choko. I don't think Edgar even 2HKOs Fujin (-_-) and it's questionable whether he even goes first. Choko is Choko. God, I can't believe Fujin avoids a downgrade to me here.

Edgar > Choko and Hugo. Explained before already.

Choko owns nothing. Boot Choko.

Finally, this pool is a Code Geass-level trainwreck.

Hugo: 4-1
Luther: 4-1
Id: 3-2
Fujin: 2-3
Edgar: 2-3
Choko: 0-5

M/H: Mia, Sabin, Odin, L1Hero, Nina5, Alhazad

Alhazad > all. Slow Down and Sleep do horrible things to Sabin and Melinda. Sabin probably 2HKOs Alhazad due to ITD damage, but I think Sleep is turn one. Odin just gets OHKOed by a stiff breeze. Alhazad Symphony is better than a stiff breeze.

Sabin > the rest of them. Melinda just gets heal-locked, while Moppy is Moppy.

Melinda > Odin. More of that OHKOing action.

Odin begins making applications for the double-downgrade club in advance.

Alhazad: 3-0
Sabin: 2-1
Melinda: 1-2
Moppy: 0-3

L/M:  Guy, Orlha, Virginia, Sheela, Camus, Slash

Camus > non-Slash. Orlha may get OHKOed due to the 1.25x weakness (Final Flame is a near-OHKO as is), and Camus doesn't need to OHKO to win, either. Virginia suffers the same fate, only without weakness. Guy gets owned by judicious chipping here, and Sheela gets heal-locked by a crappy physical.

Guy handles Sheela, as far as I know. He 2HKOs her in his sleep (1.62x durability, Sheela? Failure) and ShF2 status may be neat when it hits, but it's epic failure at hitting even Guy MDef. Sheela certainly can't capitalize on it well -when it does hit- to boot. The fact she is lacking at speed hurts even more. Guy vs. Orlha is a bit close, but I think she avoids a 2HKO, which means she 4-3s and kills him. Guy vs. Ginny... this is a rather interesting match. He 2HKOs Virginia. However, she 3-2s him and probably gets two extra turns due to evade... hmmmm. She starts at 63 FP, 12+24 = 36, plus the extra from the hit she takes. By her fourth turn, she has the FP needed for a full Gatling, and her damage is a bit too bad to actually trigger a limit before that range - and she even gets a turn to reload here. The question is whether the full FP Gatling+the two hits she gets in are enough to kill Guy. And my kneejerk is not quite. Good fight, once again, could be argued.

Guy vs. Slash... hilariously, Slash constantly doubles Guy, which puts a lot of pressure on him, particularly at the point where he unlocks his 3HKO. This means Guy gets heal-locked forever if he goes Tough Hide, and gets outpaced if he tries offense. Too much speed. That covers Guy.

Ginny > Orlha (CC against evade is rarely pretty, and Ginny is faster by a stretch), also owns Sheela because Sheela is terrible, is owned by Slash. Simple.

I think Slash also beats Orlha. Funny. He owns Sheela by virtue of 2HKOing her once he hits his limit and due to her healing SUCKING ASS (YAHOO TWO SHOTS OF FULL HEALING THEN SHE CAN'T OUTHEAL AVERAGE DAMAGE THIS IS THE WAY).

Finally, Orlha > Sheela. God, the durability.

Slash: 5-0
Camus: 4-1
Virginia: 2-3
Guy: 2-3
Orlha: 2-3
Sheela: 0-5
« Last Edit: April 12, 2009, 05:22:17 AM by Jo'ou Ranbu »
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: Season 51, Week 6: Go away, Ghaleon.
« Reply #7 on: April 12, 2009, 05:13:07 AM »
Guy's immune to Confuse.  Guy should be able to sneak in some hasting before Slash's limit phase.
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Re: Season 51, Week 6: Go away, Ghaleon.
« Reply #8 on: April 12, 2009, 04:56:06 PM »
Team Myria (Myria, Hugo, Nina5, Camus) vs Team Ghaleon (Ghaleon, Edgar, Alhazad, Slash) - Ghaleon, I think.  Alhazad starting with the bugs keeps him alive for a while.  Camus and Nina and Hugo...yeah.  Sleep only gets Edgar, same with ID.  A team of one boss and bunch of PCs does not stop a heavy boss team easily.  Even if Edgar dies, Hugo, Nina, and Camus are ensured to die after.

H/G: Luther, Fujin, Choko, Id, Hugo, Edgar - Luther > Fujin > Choko >  Edgar ~= Hugo ~= Id.  Bosses > PCs, and the best boss is Luther.  Choko has enough variety to pimp the rest.  Edgar loses to Id, beats Hugo, Hugo beats Id, loses to Edgar

M/H: Mia, Sabin, Odin, L1Hero, Nina5, Alhazad - Odin > Alhazad > Hero > Mia > Sabin > Nina5.  Big things with the lower group are that I don't know how I view traps (definitely need to allow them, idea how), and that I am debating on if I allow Sabin's Easy Type form, where he can heal himself.  Mia is fast enough to start killing things with her Astra, and Hero has the healing to keep him afloat.  Alhazad is immune to damage, and Odin is just excellent.

L/M:  Guy, Orlha, Virginia, Sheela, Camus, Slash - Orlha > Slash > Guy > Virginia > Sheela > Camus.  Need to decide if I allow Virginia's MF6 form or not.  If not, she still has Mystic for healing and other stuff, which is decent.  Camus hates runes being storebought, so loses to Sheela's healing.  Guy has IPs, and Orlha is a good boss.
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

[19:26] * +Terra_Condor looks up. Star Wars Football, what?
[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory