
Author Topic: Tales of Legendia  (Read 2669 times)


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Tales of Legendia
« on: January 16, 2008, 12:03:00 AM »
Tales of Legendia!

Boring stuff first!

HP: Avoid losing these, and live!
TP: Keep these up, and the Hadoukens keep coming!  Note that ToL characters regenerate ~1-2 TP a second during battle, so running them out isn't an easy thing to do.
ATT: Stabbing power!
DEF: Easiest way to own FE characters - make them tink!
INT: Not only does it make Fire1 stronger, it also owns VP mages!
ACC: Allows you to more easily break enemy evade and guard.
EVA: Evade and guard, duh.
LUK: Affects a multitude of things, such as critical rates, status resistance, and everything under the sun.  But, like in all other Tales games, it's random - it changes after resting at inns, turning the game on, etc.  Hence, it's not listed >_>

Stats are taken at level 76.  This is the level at which all but one character gain their last eres.  The last remaining skill is level 99, but it's basically nothing besides a throw that works on any enemy regardless of class - not that useful when you've got enemy-specific throws as well.  It's just a lazy person skill >_>

An * indicates a customized piece of equipment that isn't unique.  There's enough to make everything for everyone, but in case you don't allow customization, here it is.  All other equipment is unique or storebought.  Titles...I defaulted to base titles, i.e., no stat boosts.  Titles in this game are merely equipment - it minimally boosts stats when equipped (like +10 ATT, +5 INT, stuff like that), but I figured I'd ignore them, as the boosts are minor, in addition to how the Tales of Symphonia opinions on titles panned out.

Combat notes: the four Crystal Erens (Teach, Bubbles, G-Girl and Shirl) can't combo, obviously.  As for the Iron Erens, they have techs listed as Base, Arcane and Compound eres (and, for Senny, Throws, but these are an entirely different category).  Think of Base and Arcane Eres as level 2 and 3 techs.  You can combo from a physical sequence (1) into a Base Eres (2) into an Arcane Eres (3).  Compound Eres cannot be combo'd.  Compound eres have special affinities that can be modified that I'll list with individual characters, as it's too much to list right now.  Senny's throws can be combo'd, however - they count as Base Eres in combo terms.  Note that they're also a pain in the ass to test, so the damages are as close as I could get them, but could be a bit off in some cases (due to the weight and defense variations among enemies).  The same can be said of all the other Compound Eres.

Every character has the Guardian tech, like in ToS.  However, unlike ToS, it's free, and activates the same way.  Much like blocking reduces physical damage by ~80%, using Guardian will reduces a magic attack by ~80%. 

The game has 6 elements: Fire, Ice, Lightning, Earth, Sea, Curse.  Sea is an oddity, as it's a mix of previous Tales games' Light and Water elements (it has both spells like Spread and Ray classed as Sea).  Everything else is pretty easy to get the hang of.

As always, I assume every hit connects with every tech.  That should be it!   

"Sorry, I forgot to go easy on you"
HP: 4554
TP: 576
ATT: 538 (1431)
DEF: 177 (291)
INT: 182
ACC: 148 (153)
EVA: 136

Weapon - Kaiser Gears: +893 Attack, Increased damage to evil gods
Armour - Mumbane: +88 Defense, Resists all elements by 30%
Helmet - Star Helm: +26 Defense, +5 Accuracy
Title - Kind Brother: Nothing

Alternate Equipment
Heaven's Claw: +673 Attack, sea element
High Speed Bracers: +673 Attack, +50 Evade
Ghost Shell: +536 Attack, curse element
*Star Mail: +62 Defense, Restores 5% of max TP every 5 seconds
*Reflex: +58 Defense, Reduces physical damage received by 30%
Prereflex: +50 Defense, Reduces physical damage received by 10%
Rune Mail: +31 Defense, +5 Intelligence
Light Speed Fist: +50 HP, +5 Attack, +5 Accuracy
Sexy Senel: +15 TP, +3 Defense
Combo Master: +50 HP, +25 TP
True Puzzle Master: +5 Intelligence
Mirage Palace Master: +5 Luck
Baker: +5 Defense, +5 Accuracy

Physical Sequence: 1500 (3 hits)

Base Eres
Demon Fist (4 TP): 650, LR
Shadow Rush (4 TP): 650
Impact (5 TP): 700, Downs Target
Dragon Blast (8 TP): 900
Talon Strike (9 TP): 900
Swallow Dance (13 TP): 1100
Talon Storm (14 TP): 1000
Whirlwind Dash (16 TP): 1250
Twin Demon Fist (17 TP): 1300, LR
Dragon Crush (19 TP): 1350
Wyrm Rush (21 TP): 1350
Beast (23 TP): 1600, Downs Target
Talon Blast (27 TP): 1800, Downs Target
Phoenix Strike (31 TP): 2000, fire element, Downs Target

Coil (11 TP): Boosts ATT by ~10%

Ground Slam (6 TP): 3000; enemy must be downed (Feather Weight)
Stone Crush (10 TP): 3000; enemy must be downed (Light Weight)
Landslide (13 TP): 3000; enemy must be downed (Middle Weight - most human enemies in-game are this weight)
Avalanche Drop (17 TP): 3000; enemy must be downed (Heavy Weight)
Rending Earth (20 TP): 3000; enemy must be downed (Massive Weight)
Lord of Creation (40 TP): 3000-4500; enemy must be downed (Any Weight, including "Special" weights, including those thrown specifically by Senny's Compound Eres); note that this skill basically will perform the appropriate Throw on the enemy it's used on, so if Senny uses it against a Feather Weight enemy, it will perform Ground Slam

Arcane Eres
Demon Shadow (6 TP): 950
Demon Blast (7 TP): 1000, Downs Target
Divine Dragon (10 TP): 1200
Impact Coil (14 TP): Raises ATT by ~10%; 1850, Downs Target (Note that the Coil effect kicks in before the attack, so this is the damage with Coil in effect - you won't see it without Coil in-game at all)
Phantom Dragon Dance (16 TP): 1550 
Swallow Storm (18 TP): 1500
Whirlwind Blast (20 TP): 1150
Demon Strike (22 TP): 2050
Wyrm Crush (27 TP): 1800
Beast Impact (29 TP): 2000, Downs Target
Whirlwind Talon Blast (34 TP): 2200, Downs Target
Dragon Strike (39 TP): 2700, fire element (1/2 of it), Downs Target

Compound Eres
*Senny can add the following effects to his Compound Eres (his choice):
- Lower enemy ATT, DEF or ACC by ~10%
- Inflict Poison, Burned, Paralysis, Panic or Instant Death status (~100% if attack fully connects; ~33% otherwise)
- Nerifes Crush and Killing Time cannot have any added effects
Writhing Demon (40 TP): 4500; enemy must be downed (Dinowyrm Weight)
Ogre Drop (40 TP): 4500; enemy must be downed (Megant Weight)
Scale Assault (40 TP): 4500; enemy must be downed (Hill Angler Weight)
Sandman Hurl (40 TP): 4500; enemy must be downed (Mimic Bed Weight)
Dag Surge (40 TP): 4500; enemy must be downed (Sea Gaet Weight)
Serpent Strangle (40 TP): 4500; enemy must be downed (Dragon Weight)
Demolition (40 TP): 4500; enemy must be downed (Automaton Weight)
Nerifes Crush (40 TP): 4500; enemy must be downed (Embodiment of the Sea Weight)
Killing Time (40 TP): 4500; enemy must be downed (Evil God Weight)

Ideal Combo: Physical Sequence->Dragon Crush->Dragon Strike (5550)

"Every drop of sweat in training is one less drop of blood in battle!"
HP: 4347
TP: 633
ATT: 449 (1189)
DEF: 169 (262)
INT: 273 (293)
ACC: 111 (161)
EVA: 124

Weapon - Mjolnir: +740 Attack, +50 Accuracy
Armour - Amelia's Love: +69 Defense, +50 Luck
Helmet - Graduation Hat: +24 Defense, +20 Intelligence
Title - Old Naturalist: Nothing

Alternate Equipment
*Stole: +55 Defense, Resists sea element by 20%
*Moon Robe: +51 Defense, Restores 5% of max TP every 5 seconds
*Spirit Robe: +50 Defense, +20 Intelligence
Rune Robe: +44 Defense, +10 Intelligence
Brainy Champ: +25 TP, +5 Defense, +5 Intelligence
Combo Master: +50 HP, +25 TP

Physical Sequence: 380 (1 hit)

Lightning (7 TP): 400 lightning/magic
Stone Blast (9 TP): 460 earth/magic
Fire Ball (12 TP): 570 fire/magic
Ice Arrows (17 TP): 500 ice/magic
Spread (25 TP): 800 sea/magic, AoE
Freeze Lancer (28 TP): 930 ice/magic
Flame Blade (31 TP): 1050 fire/magic, AoE
Thunder Blade (33 TP): 1290 lightning/magic, AoE
Indignation (36 TP): 1500 lightning/magic, AoE
Icicle Volt (42 TP): 1100 ice/magic, AoE
Eruption (50 TP): 1420 fire/magic, AoE
Final Embrace (53 TP): 1220 ice/magic, AoE
Black Hole (57 TP): 1920 curse/magic, AoE
Extension (60 TP): 2300 magic, AoE; inflicts instant death ~50%
Shooting Stars (64 TP): 1580 ice/magic
Big Bang (68 TP): 2550 fire/magic, AoE

First Aid (7 TP): Heals 30% MHP
Antishield (15 TP): Lower enemy DEF by ~10%
Recover (20 TP): Cures status effects
Shield (23 TP): Raise ally DEF by ~10%
Cure (39 TP): Heals 100% MHP
Anitshelter (44 TP): Lower enemy DEF by ~10%, MT
Shelter (47 TP): Raise ally DEF by ~10% , MT

"Rest in peace!"
HP: 3933
TP: 576
ATT: 449 (1328)
DEF: 161 (290)
INT: 227 (247)
ACC: 124
EVA: 136

Weapon - Eternal Sword: +879 Attack
Armour - Golden Armour: +92 Defense, +20 Intelligence
Helmet - Skeleton Mask: +37 Defense, -10 Luck
Title - Girl Knight: Nothing

Alternate Equipment
Destroyer: +731 Attack, Increased damage to Mini-Automaton
Last Fencer: +588 Attack, Increased damage to Humans
Laser Blade: +586 Attack, sea element
Ice Coffin: +569 Attack, ice element
Flamberge: +558 Attack, fire element
*Star Mail: +62 Defense, Restores 5% of max TP every 5 seconds
*Reflex: +58 Defense, Reduces physical damage received by 30%
Prereflex: +50 Defense, Reduces physical damage received by 10%
Star Helm: +26 Defense, +5 Accuracy
Soul Edge: +50 HP, +5 Attack, +5 Accuracy
Combo Master: +50 HP, +25 TP
Masked One: +3 Defense, +3 Intelligence

Physical Sequence: 1350 (3 hits)

Base Eres
Demon Fang (5 TP): 600, LR
Sword Rain (5 TP): 650
Tiger Blade (7 TP): 750
Shining Gale (8 TP): 800
Alpha Tempest (10 TP): 750
Eagle Rising (11 TP): 900
Ram Strike (13 TP): 1000, Downs Target
New Moon Blade (15 TP): 1000
Phantom Blade (16 TP): 700
Gambit (19 TP): 1250, Draws target closer
Sword Rain: Alpha (21 TP): 1500
Shining Storm (23 TP): 1400
Twin Demon Fang (27 TP): 1200, LR
Lightning Tiger Blade (31 TP): 1900, lightning element (1/5 of it)

Focus (18 TP): Raises ACC by ~10%

Arcane Eres
Sword Rain Demon (6 TP): 900
Sword Rain Tiger (9 TP): 1000
Tiger Tempest (13 TP):  1000
Demon Fang Blast (17 TP): 1700, Downs Target
New Moon Rising (19 TP): 1700
Sword Rain Phantom (21 TP): 1550
Tempest Gambit (25 TP): 1550, Draws target closer
Sword Rain: Omega (27 TP): 1900
Shining Storm Rising (29 TP): 1900
Demon Fang Fury (34 TP): 2000, LR
New Moon Lightning (39 TP): 2250, lightning element (1/4 of it), Downs Target

Compound Eres
*C can add the following effects to her Compound Eres (her choice):
- Lower enemy ATT, DEF or ACC (by ~10%)
- Inflict Frozen, Blind or Panic status (~100% if the attack fully connects; ~33% otherwise)
Cold Blood Rush (40 TP): C enters a defensive stance whereupon if she is attacked, she will automatically counter with an attack that deals 500 physical damage; must be maintained; C does not take damage in this stance; Increased damage to Lizardmen
Ursa Rage (40 TP): C enters a defensive stance whereupon if she is attacked, she will automatically counter with an attack that deals 500 physical damage; must be maintained; C does not take damage in this stance; Increased damage to Egg Bears
Wolf Rising (40 TP): C enters a defensive stance whereupon if she is attacked, she will automatically counter with an attack that deals 500 physical damage; must be maintained; C does not take damage in this stance; Increased damage to Galfs
Shadow Steel (40 TP): C enters a defensive stance whereupon if she is attacked, she will automatically counter with an attack that deals 500 physical damage; must be maintained; C does not take damage in this stance; Increased damage to Gelures Swords
Carapace Gambit (40 TP): C enters a defensive stance whereupon if she is attacked, she will automatically counter with an attack that deals 500 physical damage; must be maintained; C does not take damage in this stance; Increased damage to Base Turtles
Prima Donna (40 TP): C enters a defensive stance whereupon if she is attacked, she will automatically counter with an attack that deals 500 physical damage; must be maintained; C does not take damage in this stance; Increased damage to Divas

*The damage from hitting the proper enemy is ~3600, so it's pretty significant

Ideal Combo: Physical Sequence->Lightning Tiger Blade->New Moon Lightning (5500)

"You call that...uh...where'd it go?"
HP: 3312
TP: 691
ATT: 359 (1032)
DEF: 161 (250)
INT: 227 (247)
ACC: 99
EVA: 124

Weapon - Gold Straw: +673 Attack
Armour - Heavenly Garb: +68 Defense, +20 Intelligence
Helmet - Magical Ribbon: +21 Defense, Resists sea element by 10%
Title - Treasure Chick: Nothing

Alternate Equipment
Scope Straw: +515 Attack, +50 Accuracy
Marbled Straw: +490 Attack, Restores 5% of max TP every 5 seconds
Love Love Straw: +447 Attack, +15 Luck
*Star Cloak: +50 Defense, Restores 5% of max TP every 5 seconds
*Angel's Halo: +24 Defense, +30 Intelligence
Star Circlet: +18 Defense, +15 Intelligence
Bubble Master: +25 TP, +5 Defense, +5 Intelligence
Combo Master: +50 HP, +25 TP
Rich Girl: +50 HP, +5 Luck

Physical Sequence: 900 (3 hits)

Grave (9 TP): 440 earth/magic, AoE
Fire Wall (12 TP): 470 fire/magic, AoE
Ice Wall (15 TP): 600 ice/magic, AoE
Thunder Arrow (23 TP): 1050 lightning/magic, AoE
Fire Storm (31 TP): 980 fire/magic, AoE
Dark Force (37 TP): 1200 curse/magic, AoE
Rolling Stone (42 TP): 1310 earth/magic, AoE/LT/MT
Blizzard (45 TP): 1500 ice/magic, MT
Ray (50 TP): 310 damage per hit, sea/magic, hits an average of 4 times on normal size enemies, AoE
Ground Dasher (54 TP): 1760 earth/magic, AoE
Black Hole (57 TP): 1700 curse/magic, AoE
Tractor Beam (61 TP): 1900 magic, AoE
Ancient Nova (64 TP): 2050 fire/magic, AoE
Meteor Storm (68 TP): 380 damage per hit, fire/magic, hits an average of 3 times on normal size enemies up to a max of 6 times, AoE

Taunt (18 TP): Lowers enemy ATT by ~10%
Rally (20 TP): Raises ally ATT by ~10%
Silence (26 TP): Silences target ~65%; it felt higher during casual testing, but this is the number I got when I say down and tests; note that ToL silence seals both magic and techniques (crystal and iron eres)
Revive (28 TP): Heals 30% MHP, MT
Resurrection (34 TP): Revives a target to 50% MHP
Cheerleader Taunt (39 TP): Lowers enemy ATT by ~10%, MT
Cheerleader Rally (47 TP): Raises ally ATT by ~10%, MT

"Come on, y'all gotta' do better than that!"
HP: 4554
TP: 518
ATT: 494 (1287)
DEF: 169 (279)
INT: 182
ACC: 124 (129)
EVA: 124

Weapon - Gungnir: +793 Attack, Restores 10% max TP for each enemy killed
Armour - Body Paint: +84 Defense, Restores 10% of max HP every 5 seconds
Helmet - Star Helm: +26 Defense, +5 Accuracy
Title - Beast Tamer Man: Nothing

Alternate Equipment
Earth Javelin: +592 Attack, earth element
Thunder Javelin: +507 Attack, lightning element
*Star Mail: +62 Defense, Restores 5% of max TP every 5 seconds
*Reflex: +58 Defense, Reduces physical damage received by 30%
Prereflex: +50 Defense, Reduces physical damage received by 10%
The Emperor's New Clothes: +0 Defense, Absorbs all elemental damage
Best Brawler: +50 HP, +5 Attack, +5 Accuracy
Combo Master: +50 HP, +25 TP

Physical Sequence: 860, LR (2 hits)

Base Eres
Lone Wolf (9 TP): 800, LR
Eagle Shot (11 TP): 900, LR
Savage Strike (13 TP): 1000, LR
Outcast (15 TP): 1050, LR
Wolf Pack (17 TP): 1100, LR
Wolf Storm (19 TP): 1200, LR
Wild Rain (21 TP): 350 damage per hit, hits an average of 2 times against normal size enemies up to a maximum of 4 times, AoE, LR
Rogue Hunt (25 TP): 1400, Downs Target, LR
Lion Cannon (29 TP): 1500, Downs Target, LR

Arcane Eres
Rabid Wolf (14 TP): 1200, LR
Lion Rain (17 TP): 150 damage per hit, hits an average of 6 times against normal size enemies up to a maximum of 12 times, AoE, LR
Savage Wolf (22 TP): 1000, Downs Target, LR
Outlaw (24 TP): 1500, LR
Lone Eagle (27 TP): 1700, LR
Savage Wolf Storm (29 TP): 1800, LR
Outcast Hunt (36 TP): 2100, Downs Target, LR

Compound Eres
*Red can add the following effects to his Compound Eres (his choice):
- Lower enemy INT, ACC or CST (Casting Time) by ~10%
- Inflict Silence (~100% if the attack fully connects; ~33% otherwise)
Witch Dragon (40 TP): 450, Downs Target, LR; Increased damage to Eres
Rotting Tiger (40 TP): 450, Downs Target, LR; Increased damage to Eryngi
Bird of Prey (40 TP): 450, Downs Target, LR; Increased damage to Peepits
Elemental Storm (40 TP): 450, Downs Target, LR; Increased damage to Elementals
Phoenix Scamble (40 TP): 450, Downs Target, LR; Increased damage to Eggtopi
Gryphon Shot (40 TP): 450, Downs Target, LR; Increased damage to Phynxes

*Like with C's Compound Eres, Red's will do ~3500 damage to the appropriate enemy

Ideal Combo: Physical Sequence->Wolf Storm->Outcast Hunt (4160)

"I'd rather be small and strong than big and stupid!"
HP: 4140
TP: 576
ATT: 494 (1301)
DEF: 161 (272)
INT: 250
ACC: 136 (146)
EVA: 136 (186)

Weapon - Hotate: +807 Attack, Restores 10% max TP for each enemy killed
Armour - Capoeriacco Robe: +78 Defense, +50 Evade
Helmet - Ninja Mask: +33 Defense, +10 Accuracy
Title - Jay the Unseen: Nothing

Alternate Equipment
Kusanagi Blade: +652 Attack, +20 Accuracy, sea element
Kageboshi: +602 Attack, +50 Evade
Fuji: +499 Attack, earth element
Shiden: +491 Attack, lightning element
Chizakura: +427 Attack, curse element
*Stole: +55 Defense, Resists sea element by 20%
*Moon Robe: +51 Defense, Restores 5% of max TP every 5 seconds
*Spirit Robe: +50 Defense, +20 Intelligence
Rune Robe: +44 Defense, +10 Intelligence
Rune Beret: +15 Defense, +5 Intelligence
Jay the Assassin: +50 HP, +5 Attack, +5 Accuracy
Combo Master: +50 HP, +25 TP
Flavour of Home: +4 Evade, +3 Luck

Physical Sequence: 1300 (3 hits)

Base Eres
Dagger (13 TP): 1000, LR
Pyre (13 TP): 900, fire element, AoE
Ice Storm (14 TP): 1000, ice element, AoE
Silent Reaper (17 TP): ~800, curse element; Silent Reaper seems to have a random element of sorts attached to it - I've seen it deal from ~300 to ~1300 damage
Brutal Earth (18 TP): 1100, earth element, AoE
Merciless Thunder (19 TP): 1200, lightning element, AoE
Shadow Blade (20 TP): 1300, curse element
Dark Cloud (21 TP): 1200, Downs Target
Ill Wind (23 TP): 1400
Falcon (25 TP): 1500, LR
Crow Blade (26 TP); 1500
Sparrow Hawk (30 TP): 1600

Ghost Blade (15 TP): Raises Running Speed by ~50%

Arcane Eres
Wraith Earth (17 TP): 1600, earth element, AoE
Wraith Ice (20 TP): 1700, ice element, AoE
Hawk Talon (21 TP): 1600
Flame Dagger (23 TP): 1600, fire element (1/2 of it), AoE
Silent Pyre (24 TP): 1600, fire element, AoE
Silent Lightning (26 TP): 1900, lightning element, AoE
Shadow Reaper (29 TP): ~3550, curse element; I...don't know what's up with this, as it's not hitting a weakness; the random element of the Silent Reaper hit (2nd hit - the first hit is a 900 damage Shadow Blade) seems to only range from ~2500-~3000; no, I have no idea what's going on here
Dark Wind (38 TP): 2400

Compound Eres
*JJ can add the following effects to his Compound Eres (his choice):
- Decrease resistance to Lightning, Fire, Ice, Sea, Curse or Earth elements (resistance drop is ~10%)
Fallen Idol (40 TP): 250, Downs Target; Increased damage to Humans
Arachne Shot (40 TP): 250, Downs Target; Increased damage to Dadarantulas
Brimstone Plague (40 TP): 250, Downs Target; Increased damage to Hoppers and Hopperflies
Tragic Gale (40 TP): 250, Downs Target; Increased damage to Zephyrs
Shield Blast (40 TP): 250, Downs Target; Increased damage to Gelures Shields
Demon Seal (40 TP): 1000, Downs Target; Increased damage to Fiends

*Like with all the Compound Eres mentioned so far, JJ's will do ~3000 to appropriate enemies, except Demon Seal, which should do ~5000

Ideal Combo: Physical Sequence->Sparrow Hawk->Dark Wind (5300)

**I'm not touching Shadow Reaper until I know what's going on with it

" hand's stuck..."
HP: 4140
TP: 633
ATT: 359 (876)
DEF: 161 (264)
INT: 250
ACC: 124 (144)
EVA: 124

Weapon - Temnein: +517 Attack, sea element
Armour - Aurora: +72 Defense, Resist all elements by 40%
Helmet - Purple Hood: +31 Defense, +20 Accuracy
Title - Mystery Babe: Nothing

Alternate Equipment
Diktyon: +502 Attack, curse element
Spyra: +468 Attack, ice element
Bomba: +410 Attack, fire element
Dory: +357 Attack
*Star Cloak: +50 Defense, Restores 5% of max TP every 5 seconds
Warlock Garb: +44 Defense, +10 Intelligence
*Angel's Halo: +24 Defense, +30 Intelligence
Star Circlet: +18 Defense, +15 Intelligence
Her Majesty: +25 TP, +5 Defense, +5 Intelligence
Combo Master: +50 HP, +25 TP
Lethargic Syndrome: +4 Evade, 1/2 TP Usage

Physical Sequence: 220 (1 hit)

Bloody Howling (37 TP): 1050 curse/magic, AoE
Aqua Laser (40 TP): 1350 sea/magic, LT
Absolute (43 TP): 1350 ice/magic, AoE
Brilliant Lance (45 TP): 300 damage per hit, sea/magic, hits an average of 3 times against normal size enemies, AoE
Eruption (50 TP): 1200 fire/magic, AoE
Demon Lance (51 TP): 1670 curse/magic, AoE
Negative Blade (54 TP): 1770 curse/magic, AoE
Ray (50 TP): 350 damage per hit, sea/magic, hits an average of 4 times against normal size enemies, AoE
Black Hole (57 TP): 1800 curse/magic, AoE
Maelstrom (65 TP): 1850 sea/magic, AoE
Judgment (69 TP): 2270 sea/magic, AoE

"Humhumhumhum, humhum!"
HP: 4140
TP: 633
ATT: 449 (1050)
DEF: 161 (256)
INT: 227
ACC: 124
EVA: 124

Weapon - Angelic Quill: +601 Attack, sea element
Armour - Shaman Dress: +68 Defense, Resist sea element by 50%
Helmet - Baker's Hat: +27 Defense, Restores 5% of max TP every 5 seconds
Title - Praying Girl: Nothing

Alternate Equipment
High Grade Pen: +541 Attack, +50 Accuracy
*Star Cloak: +50 Defense, Restores 5% of max TP every 5 seconds
Warlock Garb: +44 Defense, +10 Intelligence
*Angel's Halo: +24 Defense, +30 Intelligence
Star Circlet: +18 Defense, +15 Intelligence
Angry Merines: +25 TP, +5 Defense, +5 Intelligence
Combo Master: +50 HP, +25 TP

Physical Sequence: 930 (3 hits)

Fire Ball (52 TP): 1500 fire/magic
Ice Wall (54 TP): 1620 ice/magic, AoE
Indignation (57 TP): 1700 lightning/magic, AoE
Ground Dasher (60 TP): 2000 earth/magic, AoE
Blizzard (63 TP): 1780 ice/magic, MT
Shooting Stars (68 TP): 1800 ice/magic
Tractor Beam (71 TP): 2050 magic, AoE
Tidal Wave (73 TP): 1650 sea/magic, AoE

Cure (39 TP): Heals 100% MHP
Rally (20 TP): Raises ally ATT by ~10%
Shelter (47 TP): Raise ally DEF by ~10% , MT


HP: 4140
1t) Senny - 4554
2t) Red - 4554
3) Teach - 4347
4t) JJ - 4140
4t) G-Girl - 4140
4t) Shirl - 4140
7) C - 3933
8) Bubbles - 3312

DEF: 271
1) Senny - 291
2) C - 290
3) Red - 279
4) JJ - 272
5) G-Girl - 264
6) Teach - 262
7) Shirl - 256
8) Bubbles - 250

INT: 235
1) Teach - 293
2t) JJ - 250
2t) G-Girl - 250
4t) Bubbles - 247
4t) C - 247
6) Shirl - 227
7) Senny - 182
8) Red - 182

Non-Combo Damage: 2296
1) Senny: 2700 (Dragon Strike)
2) Teach: 2550 (Big Bang)
3) JJ: 2400 (Dark Wind)
4) G-Girl: 2270 (Judgment)
5) C: 2250 (New Moon Lightning)
6) Red: 2100 (Outcast Hunt)
7t) Bubbles: 2050 (Ancient Nova)
7t) Shirl: 2050 (Tractor Beam)

Combo Damage: 3679
1) Senny: 5550 (Physical-Dragon Crush-Dragon Strike)
2) C: 5500 (Physical-Lightning Tiger Blade-New Moon Lightning)
3) JJ: 5300 (Physical-Sparrow Hawk-Dark Wind)
4) Red: 4160 (Physical-Wolf Storm-Outcast Hunt)
5) Teach: 2550 (Big Bang)
6) G-Girl: 2270 (Judgment)
7t) Bubbles: 2050 (Ancient Nova)
7t) Shirl: 2050 (Tractor Beam)
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

[19:26] * +Terra_Condor looks up. Star Wars Football, what?
[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory


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Re: Tales of Legendia
« Reply #1 on: January 16, 2008, 12:04:00 AM »
Boss Time!

Note that there are other bosses that I didn't get, mostly because I forgot.  These are boss forms for PCs, as well as boss forms of other major characters.  Maybe I'll get them on a replay.  These bosses include:
- Giet (1 and 2)
- Moses (1 and 2)
- Solon
- Mimi
- Curtis
- Isabella

Granted, I don't think most people will care about them - the boss forms for Moses are pretty crappy, Giet is an animal, and Solon, while a majour player in Jay's quest, isn't uber important.  Nonetheless, at a later time, I might grab them.

HP: 16000
DEF: Above Average
MGD: Average
Weak to Ice
Strong to Fire

Average HP: 1605

Attack - 125, physical
Red Rose - 350, fire/physical
*As a note, Melanie's ACC stat sucks - you should never, ever be hit by the full brunt of her physical attacks, as the EVA stat on your characters (auto-guard) should never, ever fail to kick in, reducing the damage by a lot (drops Red Rose to ~50 damage, her physical to ~10)
Fireball - 250, fire/magic
Fire Wall - 250, fire/magic
Flame Cutter - 500, fire/magic, AoE
Eruption - 750, fire/magic, AoE (seems to only start using this at 50% HP or below)

*Melanie fights with a Fear Bear X, which has 8000 HP and can do ~300 physical damage at be honest, I really didn't test it much, since it's just an improved Fear Bear, one of the randoms in the same dungeon you fight her in, and it horribly fails, as it's pathetically easy to lock them down and guard their attacks >_>

Comments: Uh...not bad, I guess?  4HKO damage to start, then gets 3HKO damage when nearly dead?  Granted, pretty much entirely fire-based, which sucks, and her physicals are utter shit.  Low Middle?

HP: 13861
DEF: Above Average
MGD: Average
Weak to Fire
Strong to Ice

Average HP: 1605 (didn't gain any levels between the battles...they're almost right after each other)

Attack - 250, physical
Cuthroat Phantom - 750, physical
Dissolution One - 650, physical
Dissolution Two - 800, physical
Ghost Waltz - 675, physical, inflicts poison status ~25%
*Cashel's ACC stat is better than Melanie's, but also not that great, so see her for physical issues
Grave - 200, earth/magic, AoE
Stone Blast - 225, earth/magic
Ice Needle - 300, ice/magic
Ice Wall - 275, ice/magic, AoE
Freeze Lancer - 500, ice/magic, AoE (seems to only start using this at 50% HP or below)
Lightning - 175, lightning/magic
Volt Arrow - 425, lightning/magic, AoE
Bloody Howling - 600, curse/magic, AoE (seems to only start using this at 50% HP or below)

Comments: Pain in the ass.  Ok, those physical numbers you will probably never see, as, like Melanie, his accuracy is awful.  Still...he's less durable than her, but fast, and has more variety...but if you take that accuracy into account?  Yeah, High Light.

HP: 14513
DEF: Above Average
MGD: Slightly Below Average
Weak to Lightning
Strong to Earth

Average HP: 1671

Attack - 350, physical
Howling Blade - 400, physical
Vicious Blade - 450, physical (seems to only start using this at 50% HP or below)
Stance I - Stingle enters a defensive stance whereupon if you attack him, he will automatically counter with an attack that deals 400 physical damage; must be maintained; Stingle does not take damage in this stance
Stance II - Stingle enters a defensive stance whereupon if you attack him, he will automatically counter with an attack that deals 450 physical damage; must be maintained (seems to only start using this at 75% HP or below); Stingle does not take damage in this stance
Stance III - Stingle enters a defensive stance whereupon if you attack him, he will automatically counter with an attack that deals 500 physical damage; must be maintained (seems to only start using this at 50% HP or below); Stingle does not take damage in this stance
Death Stance - Stingle enters a defensive stance whereupon if you attack him, he will automatically counter with 100% accurate instant death; must be maintained (seems to only start using this at 50% HP or below); Stingle does not take damage in this stance
*Much, much improved ACC stat compared to the last two bosses; Stingle actually can break your auto-guard a decent amount and get damage in
Coil - Raises attack power (and damage, thusly) by ~10%

Combo Info: Attack--->Howling Blade or Vicious Blade

Comments: Well, competent.  Finally.  Took half the goddamned game, but ToL finally handed us a decent boss!  Hurrah!  Anyway, Stingle's pretty good.  Damage is far more consistent than the other two (though a little lower),but it's his stances that sell him - he's a different play on Ramsus.  With Coil to boost his damage, Stingle can play a decent waiting game, and the instant death effect just sells him as a Low Heavy, I think.   

HP: 17415
DEF: Decently Above Average
MGD: Above Average
Weak to Earth
Strong to Lightning

Average HP: 1723

Attack - 650, physical
Rending Blast - 500, physical, LT
Hell Strike - 700, physical, SA
God of Pain - 1000, physical (this involves knocking a person on the ground, and then throwing them - this is the full move damage, i.e., both knocking them down and then throwing them)
Devil Strike - 450, physical, LR/LT
Overlord Blast - 600, physical, LT (seems to only start using this at 75% HP or below)
Imperial Fist - 900, physical, LT (seems to only start using this at 50% HP or below)
God of War - 1000, physical, SA (seems to only start using this at 50% HP or below)
*See Stingle for ACC stuff

Combo Info: Attack--->Rending Blast, Hell Strike, Devil Strike, Overlord Blast or Imperial Fist

Comments: Pretty solid.  Nothing special, but the damage is good, durability is fine, resists a common element...yeah, overall works.  Heavy.

HP: 55270
DEF: Decently Above Average
MGD: Slightly Above Average
Weak to Curse
Strong to Sea

Average HP: 2405

Attack - 650, physical
Roar of the Sea - 1000, physical
Hallowed Wings - 400, physical
Wings of Slaughter - 400, physical, AoE
Wings of Hallowed Doom - 500, physical (seems to only start using this at 50% HP or below)
*ACC stat is good - see Stingle or Vaclav for notes
Flame Cutter - 750, fire/magic, AoE
Icicle Volt - 975, ice/magic, AoE
Blizzard - 1050, ice/magic, MT
Thunder Blade - 750, lightning/magic, LT/AoE
Indignation - 850, lightning/magic, AoE
Spread - 625, sea/magic, AoE
Aqua Laser - 950, sea/magic, LT
Ray - 175 per hit, averages around 3 hits on normal size characters, sea/magic, AoE (seems to only start using this at 50% HP or below)

Combo Info: Attack--->Roar of the Sea, Hallowed Wings or Wings of Slaughter

Comments: Ugh...for all the plot hype, horribly unimpressive.  Yes, he can 2HKO, but why are his ultimate attacks so bad?  His magic backup is decent, at least, but he's nothing but ok damage and solid durability.  Low Heavy. 

Maurits Part One
HP: 31724
DEF: Very Good
MGD: Average
Weak to Curse
Strong to Sea

Average HP: 2577

Attack - 750, physical
Maw of the Sea - 600, physical
Hand of the Sea - 250, physical, LR
*Probably the best ACC stat in the game, as he's decent at guard-breaking
Spread - 700, sea/magic, AoE
Aqua Laser - 1000, sea/magic, LT
Freeze Lancer - 700, ice/magic
Flame Cutter - 750, fire/magic, AoE
Thunder Blade - 800, lightning/magic, LT/AoE

Combo Info: Attack--->Maw of the Sea or Hand of the Sea

Maurits Part Two
HP: 33217
DEF: Very Good
MGD: Average
Weak to Curse
Strong to Sea

Average HP: 2577

Attack - 850, physical
Maw of the Sea - 700, physical
Hand of the Sea - 350, physical, LR
Raging Nerifes - 700, physical, SA, dizzies targets (seems to only start using this at 50% HP or below)
*Probably the best ACC stat in the game, as he's decent at guard-breaking
Aqua Laser - 1200, sea/magic, LT
Ray - 200 per hit, averages around 3 hits on normal size characters, sea/magic, AoE (seems to only start using this at 50% HP or below)
Brilliant Lance - 325 per hit, averages around 3 hits on normal size characters, sea/magic, AoE (seems to only start using this at 50% HP or below)
Rolling Stone - 1050, earth/magic, MT/LT/AoE
Indignation - 950, lightning/magic, AoE

Combo Info: Attack--->Maw of the Sea, Hand of the Sea or Raging Nerifes

Comments: No, I don't know why the brittle old man hits harder with a cane than the trained martial artist, but whatever.  Anyway, he's a pretty legal form chain (beat the first half, fight the next half right after without any healing or time in between), which totally saves the durability.  Generally the same as Walter, all things Low Heavy.  Note that he loves you if you allow the next form (, but I can vaguely see it).

Nerifes (Maurits?)
HP: 83043
DEF: Decently Above Average (Very Good)
MGD: Average
Weak to Curse
Strong to Sea
*Nerifes is constantly under the the Shelter effect (Defense up by ~10%)

Average HP: 2593 (gained a level for a few characters between the two previous fights)

Attack - 1100, physical
Raging Hammer - 600, physical, LT/AoE
Raging Wave - 900, physical, LT/AoE
Raging Wheel - 50 per hit, hits an assload of times at very short range, physical
Raging Spear - 500, physical, LT
Raging Serpent - 1000, physical, LT
Raging Arrow - 850, physical, LT/MT
Raging Whip - 300, physical, LT/AoE, dizzies targets
Wrath of the Sea - 1700, physical, AoE
*Once again, solid ACC stat, so his techs hit decently well - probably just as well as the last boss
Aqua Laser - 1200, sea/magic, LT
Ray - 200 per hit, averages around 3 hits on normal size characters, sea/magic, AoE
Rolling Stone - 1050, earth/magic, MT/LT/AoE

Combo Info: Attack--->Any "Raging" move

Comments: Uh...plot explanation: I guess you could argue this as a legal form for Maurits.  Technically, he calls on the power into himself, and it's kind of referenced as him in-game, and also has Maurits's voice.'s called Nerifes in-game, looks nothing like him, and is plotly taking control of Maurits's body to become corporeal...yeah.  Odd.  Also, Talaysen is a huge asshole.  Anyway...uh...not much in terms of variety, but does well.  Heavy.   

HP: 60405
DEF: Slightly Above Average
MGD: Unknown (Senel has no magic - I assume it's average or so)

Average HP: 3918 (solo battle with Senel)

Attack - 600, physical
Demon Fang - 250, physical, LR
New Moon Rising - 650, physical
Sword Rain: Alpha - 350, physical
Phantom Blade - 500, physical
Demon Fang Blast - 850, physical (seems to only start using this at 50% HP and below)
Tempest Gambit - 700, physical (seems to only stat using this at 50% HP and below)
*ACC stat is good - breaks guard a decent amount

Combo Info: Attack--->Demon Fang, New Moon Rising, Sword Rain: Alpha, Phantom Blade, Demon Fang Blast or Tempest Gambit

Comments: ...Uh...probably not better than the PC form >_>  At least has status immunity!  Low Middle.

Schwartz: The First Engagement
HP: 138253 (note that, once she reaches 50% MHP, the battle ends)
DEF: Average
MGD: Average
Weak to sea
Strong to all other elements

Average HP: 4140

Attack - 1500, physical
Melody of Life - 1500, physical, knockdown
Spiral of Life - 800, physical, AoE
*ACC stat is godly - breaks guard easily
Extension - 2500, magic, AoE; inflicts instant death ~50%
Aqua Laser - 1600, sea/magic, LT
Ground Dasher - 2000, earth/magic, AoE
Bloody Howling - 1200, curse/magic, AoE

Combo Info: Attack--->Melody of Life or Spiral of Life

Comments: She might very well have more attacks than I listed, but this form is generally a plot battle, as the durability sucks a lot at this stage of the game (~69000 HP?  Awful!), nor do you get any experience/money from the battle.  Still, the damage and ID are nasty.  High Middle.

**Add Final Schwartz**

FROM NIU!!!!!!!!!!
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

[19:26] * +Terra_Condor looks up. Star Wars Football, what?
[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory