Author Topic: Live a Live (Full)  (Read 2638 times)


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Live a Live (Full)
« on: December 18, 2007, 09:28:19 PM »
All stats were taken at Level 16, except Cube who does not gain levels and thus is level 7. Stat growth is semi-random, but the variance is usually small (~20 HP and ~5 in other stats).

On Cube: Cube's HP is increased by UpGradeParts, an item sometimes received after winning a fight. For this stat topic, I used the HP value I had when I had raised the other characters to Level 16. Also, he can gain new moves by equipping special accessories. However, I consider them illegal because they come from Akira's chapter, and Akira wants to carry over better stuff for himself.

Which brings me to another point: the equipment. There are no shops in LaL, so storebought equipment is naturally not an option. >_> I decided to allow the following:

1) Anything the character gets in his own chapter, as long as it's not from a superboss.
2) The ultimate weapons.
3) Amegist Shields. You find 4 of them in the final chapter, only 4 people can equip them and only 2 want to equip them.

Besides, Cube and Masaru get no equipment inside their own chapters. I decided against random drops from the final chapter because final chapter randoms change according to your level...yeah. You normally won't gain nearly enough of the equip drops for everyone before the enemy set changes, unless you abuse saves(tates).

Some info on the LaL system:

ATK and DEF affect attack and defense power (both physical and magical, I believe). They are gained from equipment only, an unequipped character has 0 in both stats.
PW affects physical attack power.
SP affects evasion. It might have other effects, but nobody seems to know of them (it has nothing to do with speed)
CN affects physical defense.
IQ affects magical attack, magical defense and status resistance.
LV up/down in battles affects accuracy.

There is no normal "Attack" command in the game - everything is a tech. I have put the character's first attack (the only one they can use under Drunk status) first in their movelist, then listed all the other moves that could have any theoretical use in a duel.

Damage types: There are 5 different damage types for physical attacks in game; I grouped all of them under "physical" for the sake of sanity in this stat topic. Anything not listed as "physical" is a magical attack (yes, even Sunset's gun attacks). Also, I have listed "Mind" as "magical", because it basically is non elemental magic barring a few special cases (think Pokemon's psychic element)

Damage fields:

Some attacks cause damage fields that hurt all the characters standing on the tiles on random intervals (2 rounds seems to be the most common one). The damage is pretty insignificant, but listed for the sake of completeness.

Water = 8 damage
Poison = 16 damage
Fire = 24 damage
Electric = 32 damage.

Status effects:

Paralyze: Target can't act for 2 rounds.
Sleep: Target can't act for 5 rounds or until he is hit by an attack. Unlike Paralyze, can be reapplied while the target is under the status.
Poison: Small HP loss after each round.
Arm break: Character can't do anything involving the use of hands.
Leg break: Ditto for legs. Target is also unable to move.
Drunk: Character is only able to use their most basic technique. Movement becomes random.
Petrify: Game over.
Knockback/Turnaround: A pseudo status effect that cancels enemies charging attack. Every character (except Cube/Sunset) has at least one knockback attack, listing them all would clutter the list with mostly useless moves created for one purpose so I left them out.

Few last notes: The stats to the left are unequipped character's stats, and the stats in parentheses are post-equipment. Stat drop/rise percentages mean the change of stat drop/raise to succeed, not the amount the stat rises/drops. Also, CT is an abbreviation for the amount of turns the tech takes to charge.


317 HP

25 ATK
28 DEF
31 (89) PW
38 (38) SP
50 (78) CN
84 (92) IQ

GoldenGodPin (IQ+8)
GutsGlove (ATK+25, PW+16, CN+15, Immune: Leg break, Arm break, Poison, Paralyze, Sleep, Drunk)
PowerWrist (DEF+2, PW+4)
BeastgodShrt (DEF+20, PW+10)
Ironfoot (DEF+6, PW+12)

RiderBelt (PW+4, CN+2)
RiderBelt (PW+4, CN+2)
RiderBelt (PW+4, CN+2)
RiderBelt (PW+4, CN+2)
Lacquer (CN+5)


LowKick: 165 physical

SelfHeal: 350 healing
HeavenImage: 100% Sleep, 60% LV down (1CT)
HellImage: 55 dark, 60% PW/CN/LV down (1CT)
FlameImage: 110 fire (2CT)
HolyBlow: 180 physical (1CT)
FreezeImage: 60 water, 100% Paralyze/SPD down (2CT)
ShadeImage: 80 dark, 60% LV down (2CT)
HolyImage: 20 magical, 80% PW/SP/CN/IQ/LV down (3CT)

HolyGhost: 40 magical, 60% IQ down, used only as a counter to melee attacks

Comments: Damage is horrible (fails to break 20% on average....) Status immunities help, as well as the healing against low-damage attackers. HolyImage's stat breaks are very strong, but he won't usually live long enough to pull it off. Eh, some sort of Low Middle I guess.


350 HP

30 ATK
15 DEF

26 (26) PW
18 (28) SP
96 (96) CN
99 (149) IQ

17Diode (ATK+30, SP+10, IQ+50)
AmegistShld (DEF+15)

Innately immune to all status effects except Sleep


HighSpeedOp: 110 healing, also used as a counter to physical attacks

UpGreat: 30 healing, 80% PW/SP/CN/IQ up
MindHack: 85 magical, 80% Sleep
Research: 25 non-typed(?), 60% LV down, shows enemy HP
SpinDrive: 65 physical
MazerCannon: 150 magical (6CT!!!)

Antifield: 115 physical, used only as a counter to magical attacks

Comments: I said something about Akira's damage being bad? Well, Cube's is even worse(doesn't even 10HKO unless using MAZERCANNON!!!1 -_-). The healing is pretty awful too. Beats scrubs with MindHack spam and using HighSpeedOp to heal when the enemy is asleep, then spamming MindHack some more. Middle. (I learned that he is not a Light in RPGmon. >_>)


384 HP

20 ATK
31 DEF

82 (102) PW
99 (149) SP
51 (83) CN
61 (106) IQ

Wok (DEF+4, CN+2, raises evasion against sharp physicals)
MasterNunchk (ATK+20, PW+20, SP+20, CN+20, IQ+20)
DragonHand (DEF+6, IQ+9)
DragonSuit (DEF+16, IQ+6)
KingShoes (DEF+5, SP+20)

Chouchou (CN+10)
ArtOfWar (IQ+10)
Panda (SP+10)


MonkeyHand: 160 physical

Ryuuhawan: 95 physical, 60% PW/SP/CN/IQ/LV down, also used as a counter to punch attacks
LeagueLeg: 115 physical, 80% Paralyze, used as a counter to melee attacks...when diagonal to the enemy. Um.
ShimarisuLeg: 180 physical, 25% Paralyze, also used as a counter to kick attacks
OldFoxDance: 155 magical, 100% Arm/Leg break, also used as a counter to magical martial arts attacks
ShootingStar: 125 physical, 60% PW/CN down
FinalBlow: 320 fire (1CT)
TigerRoar: 360 healing, 50% SP/LV up
Sengazanken: 475 physical

ShiningShot: 130 magical, used only as a counter to long range physicals

Comments: Good status whoring with LeagueLeg and OldFoxDance, and 2HKO damage in Sengazanken. Also has infinite near-full healing which buffs speed, a very nice trick. Heavy.


911 HP

50 ATK
15 DEF

99 (189) PW
93 (93) SP
50 (130) CN
25 (25) IQ

BestBandage (ATK+50, PW+90, CN+80)
AmegistShld (DEF+15)


GaleFist: 230 physical

Taunt: 30 healing, 50% PW/LV up (1CT)
GSuplex: 320 physical, 100% Paralyze
Armlock: 60 physical, 90% Arm break, also used as a counter to punch attacks
C.H.Hold: 130 physical, 90% Leg break, also used as a counter to kick attacks
AlohaLight: 125 wind
Tsuda: 250 physical, 75% PW/SP/CN/IQ/LV down
Daigekido: 320 earth (8CT!!!!)

Comments: Masaru is an incredible physical tank, his game-best HP and top-tier CON see him through almost all pure physical slugfests. That 25 IQ hurts, though....his magic defense is so bad it negates his HP edge, and he goes splat against status. As for his offense, he's a very average LaL character: 3HKO and some status. Heavy.


422 HP

60 ATK
49 DEF

50 (58) PW
76 (102) SP
38 (42) CN
77 (107) IQ

GenjiHelm (DEF+15, raises evasion against blunt physicals)
Murasame (ATK+60, PW+8, SP+13)
Tekkou (DEF+2, SP+8)
GenjiArmor (DEF+30, raises evasion against firearms and water)
MerfolkSocks (DEF+2, SP+5, absorbs water field damage)

Inrou (IQ+30)
Maid'sObi (CN+1)
Maid'sObi (CN+1)
Maid'sObi (CN+1)
Maid'sObi (CN+1)


Shinobikiri: 150

Kaenbotaru: 10 fire, fire field
Mizuton: 25 water, water field
Hiton: 45 fire
Antidote: 15 physical, 100% Poison
Mugenchou: 250 wind, 100% Sleep/Poison (2CT)
Sunajin: 500 earth, 60% IQ/LV down (2CT)
Yukigarashi: 275 water, 60% SPD down (3CT)
Kamaitachi: 175 wind, 80% CON down
Shura-In: 75 magical parasitic healing, 75% CON/LV drain
Hinotori: 115 fire (3CT)
Komamawashi: 30 dark
Eichimonji: 203-736 random physical damage, 100% Petrify. Average damage was 382.
Yakuramakuchi: 400 physical(?), 60% POW/CON down (2CT)

Comments: Several status effects, slightly below average durability, 3HKO damage. Middle/Heavy.


811 HP

40 ATK
39 DEF

87 (123) PW
62 (55) SP
76 (86) CN
42 (140) IQ

UhohoMask (DEF+10, IQ+15, Sleep Immunity, raises magical and wind evasion)
BuriburiAxe (ATK+40, PW+20)
GatsunGlove (DEF+5, PW+16)
WildArmor (DEF+24, CN+10, SP-8, raises evasion against blunt and sharp physicals)
Gigigagawaka (SP+1, IQ+1, raises evasion against blunt physicals)

Rock (IQ+50)
FlowerCirclet (IQ+8)
FlowerCirclet (IQ+8)
FlowerCirclet (IQ+8)
FlowerCirclet (IQ+8)


Bokoboko: 200 physical

Uhopu: 120 non-typed(?), 15% Paralyze/Poison (1CT)
Guuguu: 100% Sleep
Gabaracho: 100 magical parasitic healing, 60% PW/CN drain
Kikokiko: 150 fire, fire field to target enemy (2CT)
Zudoge: 250 physical (2CT)
Dodege: 28-868 random physical damage, 75% own PW/CN/LV down. Average damage was 537.

Comments: You wouldn't expect a caveman to be a magic tank, but Pogo's IQ boosting equipment makes him one. As for his offense...Dodege 2HKOs, but is not suited for longer slugfests: the stat drops of Dodege are HUGE. Probably makes Heavy.


583 HP

20 ATK
31 DEF

92 (112) PW
41 (91) SP
99 (131) CN
13 (58) IQ

Wok (DEF+4, CN+2, raises evasion against sharp physicals)
MasterNunchk (ATK+20, PW+20, SP+20, CN+20, IQ+20)
DragonHand (DEF+6, IQ+9)
DragonSuit (DEF+16, IQ+6)
KingShoes (DEF+5, SP+20)

Chouchou (CN+10)
ArtOfWar (IQ+10)
Panda (SP+10)


BearHand: 1-7 hits of physical damage, 60 damage/hit (1CT)

Hoikourou: Random magical ITD damage, average 27.
Toubanjan: 150 physical, 60% CN down
ExtremeForce: 450 physical, 60% PW down (2CT)
Ryuuhawan: 120 physical, 60% PW/SP/CN/IQ/LV down, also used as a counter to punch attacks
LeagueLeg: 125 physical, 80% Paralyze, used as a counter to melee attacks...when diagonal to the enemy. Um.
ShimarisuLeg: 110 physical, <5% Paralyze, also used as a counter to kick attacks
OldFoxDance: 110 magical, 100% Arm/Leg break, also used as a counter to magical martial arts attacks
WinningTicket: 140 magical parasitic healing, 60% LV drain/Drunk
SteamedBun: 300 physical, 80% Paralyze
Sengazanken: 425 physical

ShiningShot: 80 magical, used only as a counter to long range physicals

Comments: Samo has the best physical durability of the three Shinsanken inheritors, but his Sengazanken fails to 2HKO, and his healing is parasitic (and bad.) A losing trade. Middle/Heavy.


253 HP

29 ATK
18 DEF

52 (52) PW
94 (120) SP
40 (50) CN
84 (96) IQ

NewCap (DEF+4, IQ+4)
44Magnum (ATK+29, SP+20, IQ+4)
BurntLine (SP+6)
Jacket (DEF+8, IQ+4)
NewBoots (DEF+6)

FryingPan (CN+10, raises evasion against firearms)
SheriffBadge (raises evasion against firearms)


SingleShot: 105 firearm

NewMidarePummel: 325 firearm, 60% CN/LV down
HurricaneShot: 999 firearm, 70% Paralyze (2CT)

MultiCounter: 85 firearm, only used as a counter to everything(?)

Comments: Sunset's durability is horrible, an average physical attack comes close to killing him and debatably might OHKO. Evasion helps a little, though. NewMidarePummel 3HKOs, HurricaneShot kills things if he lives to turn 3. Beats weaklings and healers in Light.


255 HP

20 ATK
31 DEF

99 (119) PW
99 (149) SP
99 (131) CN
99 (144) IQ

Wok (DEF+4, CN+2, raises evasion against sharp physicals)
MasterNunchk (ATK+20, PW+20, SP+20, CN+20, IQ+20)
DragonHand (DEF+6, IQ+9)
DragonSuit (DEF+16, IQ+6)
KingShoes (DEF+5, SP+20)

Chouchou (CN+10)
ArtOfWar (IQ+10)
Panda (SP+10)


Stab: 300 physical

Ryuuhawan: 115 physical, 60% PW/SP/CN/IQ/LV down, also used as a counter to punch attacks
LeagueLeg: 125 physical, 80% Paralyze, used as a counter to melee attacks...when diagonal to the enemy. Um.
ShimarisuLeg: 170 physical, <5% Paralyze, also used as a counter to kick attacks
OldFoxDance: 180 magical, 100% Arm/Leg break, also used as a counter to magical martial arts attacks
FreezingPalm: 135 water, 100% Paralyze
BurningHand: 135 fire
SkyBreaker: 300 physical, 50% PW down, uncounterable
Self-rest: 300 healing, 90% PW/CN up
InvertBreaker: 999 physical, 100% Paralyze/PW down (10CT)
Sengazanken: 475 physical

Comments: A heavy.



Masaru 911 > Pogo 811 > Samo 583 > Oboro 422 > Lei 384 > Cube 350 > Akira 317 > Yun 255 > Sunset 253

Average: 476


Masaru 189 > Pogo 123 > Yun 119 > Samo 112 > Lei 102 > Akira 89 > Oboro 58 > Sunset 52 > Cube 26

Average: 97


Lei = Yun 149 > Sunset 120 > Oboro 102 > Masaru 93 > Samo 91 > Pogo 55 > Akira 38 > Cube 28

Average: 92


Samo = Yun 131 > Masaru 130 > Cube 96 > Pogo 86 > Lei 83 > Akira 78 > Sunset 50 > Oboro 42

Average: 92


Cube 149 > Yun 144 > Pogo 140 > Oboro 107 > Lei 106 > Sunset 96 > Akira 92 > Samo 58 > Masaru 25

Average: 102


Temps. I have noted each mains stats and damage for reference for each chapter, except Medieval, which I treat as completely different from other chapters because it has no characters in common with the final chapter.

Prehistoric Chapter

Pogo's L11 stats:

569 HP
25 ATK
39 DEF
80 PW
48 SP
76 CN
126 IQ
Damage: 110


433 HP


47 (47) PW
30 (51) SP
58 (58) CN
13 (29) IQ

BeastKaburi (DEF+4, SP+10)
Pelt (DEF+4)
Gigigagawaka (SP+1, IQ+1, raises evasion against blunt physicals)

Gigigagawaka (SP+2, IQ+3, raises evasion against blunt physicals)
Gigigagawaka (SP+2, IQ+3, raises evasion against blunt physicals)
Gigigagawaka (SP+2, IQ+3, raises evasion against blunt physicals)
Gigigagawaka (SP+2, IQ+3, raises evasion against blunt physicals)
Gigigagawaka (SP+2, IQ+3, raises evasion against blunt physicals)

Nnga!: 30 physical

Uho: 15 magical, 65% LV down
Ukii: 15, poison field
Ukipu: 30, 50% PW down (1CT)
Dogodogo: 80, 75% own PW down (1CT)
Nngo!: 40 draining, 40% CN drain (2CT)

Comments: Fails at life. Light.


157 HP

40 ATK
63 DEF

13 (49) PW
30 (31) SP
23 (23) CN
51 (125) IQ

UhohoMask (DEF+10, IQ+15, Sleep Immunity, raises magical and wind evasion)
WildBag (ATK+40, PW+20, IQ+8)
GatsunGlove (DEF+5, PW+16)
WildDress (DEF+48, IQ+10)
Gigigagawaka (SP+1, IQ+1, raises evasion against blunt physicals)

FlowerCirclet (IQ+8)
FlowerCirclet (IQ+8)
FlowerCirclet (IQ+8)
FlowerCirclet (IQ+8)
FlowerCirclet (IQ+8)

Pokapoka: 1-4 hits of physical damage, 45 damage per hit

Furefure: 130 healing, 55% PW up
Luuluu: 470-999 random damage. Average damage was 694. (1CT)

Comments: Kills things...if she lives to see her second turn. Middle. Defenses help.


320 HP

27 PW
43 SP
21 CN
55 IQ

No equipment.

Gagango: 15, physical

Barikikyuun: 50, also used as a counter

Bariboruun: 15, counter only

Comments: Light.

Kung Fu Chapter

Yun's L10 stats:

202 HP
31 DEF
88 PW
108 SP
90 CN
99 IQ
Damage: 170

(Note: the two other possible inheritors have much higher HP and much lower other stats.)


160 HP

21 DEF

14 (25) PW
12 (32) SP
14 (16) CN
65 (65) IQ

Bowl (DEF+2, CN+2)
Tekken (ATK+5)
TigerHand (DEF+4, PW+6)
TigerSuit (DEF+10, PW+5)
KingShoes (DEF+5, SP+20)

Ryuuhawan: 40 physical, 60% PW/SP/CN/IQ/LV down, also used as a counter to punch attacks

LionHand: 85 physical
ShimarisuLeg: 50 physical, 15% Paralyze, also used as a counter to kick attacks
OldFoxDance: 90 magical, 100% Arm/Leg break, also used as a counter to magical martial arts attacks

Comments: Horrid stats. Beats physical fighters if he gets a turn. Light/Middle.

Bakumatsu Chapter

The characters are taken at endgame levels.


270 HP

40 ATK
52 DEF

44 (44) PW
62 (70) SP
32 (32) CN
86 (86) IQ

GenjiHelm (DEF+15, raises evasion against blunt physicals)
Yoshiyuki (ATK+40)
Tekkou (DEF+2, SP+8)
GenjiArmor (DEF+30, raises evasion against firearms and water)
SurprisedGuy (DEF+5, all damage fields heal)

Ookamikaba: 115 firearm, 25% LV down

IkakuJageki: 100% leg break
Okushinichi: 90 physical, 40% paralyze

Comments: ...Liiiight.


223 HP

29 DEF

95 (95) PW
97 (97) SP
99 (99) CN
8 (10) IQ

TopKnot (DEF+1, IQ+2)
Kanesada (ATK+8)
GenjiGlove (DEF+4)
MariaVeil (DEF+20, raises evasion against magic and fire)
GenjiSocks (DEF+4, raises evasion against earth, absorbs fire field damage)

Shinobikiri: 90 physical

Kaenbotaru: 20 fire, fire field
Mizuton: 20 water, water field
Shura-In: 50 magical parasitic healing, 60% CON/LV drain
EvilWindDart: 550 physical damage
Discharge: 80 wind, 90% paralyze
BlazeRadiate: 85 fire
Komamawari: 140 wind
Komamawashi: 25 dark
Charmkiss: 135 magical, 60% POW/CON down
Daigekido: 320 earth (8CT. Yes, it's godly.)

Comments: Yun syndrome, really low HP but very high other stats to offset that....except IQ, so his magical durability is impressively bad. Evasion helps somewhat, at least against status. EvilWindDart 2HKOs, Discharge gets him wins against the non status immune. Mmm...High Middle.

Wild West Chapter

L8 Sunset's stats are basically identical to Maddog's, other than his damage, which is 80.


144 HP

18 ATK
14 DEF

24 (24) PW
37 (54) SP
19 (19) CN
29 (33) IQ

CrudeCap (DEF+2)
Peacemaker (ATK+18, SP+8)
Burntline (SP+6)
Jacket (DEF+8, IQ+4)
OldBoots (DEF+4, SP+3)

SingleShot: 55 firearm

TXJitterbug: 30-232 random firearm damage. Average damage was 118.
Sidewinder: 50 firearm damage, unevadable(?)
InazumaBeat: 1-3 hits of Wind damage, 40 damage per hit.

Comments: Look, it's Sunset. Except he 2HKOs. TXJitterbug can also deal with healers. Light/Middle?

Near Future Chapter

L10 Akira's stats:

200 HP
16 ATK
28 DEF
68 PW
29 SP
45 CN
65 IQ
Damage: 130


330 HP


45 (55) PW
32 (32) SP
64 (89) CN
24 (24) IQ

Cap (DEF+4)
BowlingBall (ATK+8)
PowerWrist (DEF+2, PW+4)
RiderBoots (DEF+3, PW+6)

Any robot accessoryx5: (+25 CN total)

TaroPunch: 35 physical

5KVShock: 25% paralyze (1CT)
ChickShot: 300, 45% CN up for target (1CT)
GoldfishShot: 225 (1CT)
PlasmaSpark: 75 fire (1CT)
ViolentSnap: 150, 60% IQ/CN/LV down (1CT)

HeadShot: 15, 90% paralyze, only used as a counter to everything(?)

Comments: Averagish damage with charge times attached. HeadShot is a nice trick though. Middle.


355 HP

16 ATK

55 (65) PW
35 (35) SP
72 (72) CN
19 (19) IQ

ShowerCap (DEF+1, raises evasion against water)
TaekoPunch (ATK+16)
PowerWrist (DEF+2, PW+4)
RiderBoots (DEF+3, PW+6)

Any robot accessoryx5: (+25 CN total)

InazumaUpper: 85 physical

AngryFist: 350 physical

Comments: Borderline 2HKO damage. Bad magical durability. Middle.

Science Fiction Chapter

Cube's stats are identical to CS's.

Captain Square

240 HP

26 PW
18 SP
96 CN
99 IQ

No equipment.

TachyonSword: 40 draining, 60% SP drain

SpinningStar: 55
PlasmaCharge: 65 healing, 60% PW/SP/IQ up (1CT)
Supernova: 50 fire, fire field (1CT)
PlasmaBall: 100 wind, electric field (1CT)
SpacePhase: 50, 100% Paralyze+Poison
PiMesonShot: 170 (3CT)
QuarkSword: 400 (6CT)

Comments: ...uh, yeah. At least QuarkSword owns MazerCannon!!! SpacePhase is his only trick, but it is good. Middle.

Medieval Chapter

I take the Medieval chapter as completely separate from the rest of the game for purposes of averages.


The damage tests were overleveled for the time, and because Uranus and Hash do not have stat growth, they look far worse than they should. Normally when Hash and Uranus leave, Orsted should have 350 HP, StrayBow should have 224 HP, and their other stats and damage would be much lower also.


604 HP

30 ATK
53 DEF

75 (97) PW
39 (49) SP
64 (79) CN
54 (74) IQ

IceHelm (DEF+10, raise evasion against water)
Bryon (ATK+30, PW+22)
Defender (DEF+5, CN+10)
FlameArmor (DEF+36, IQ+20, raise evasion against fire)
CharioBoots (DEF+2, SP+10)

BlueGate (CN+1)
BlueGate (CN+1)
BlueGate (CN+1)
BlueGate (CN+1)
BlueGate (CN+1)

CutOneWay: 100 physical

Plasring: 80 physical, used as a counter
HammerPower: 200 physical, 80% CN down
Swordview: 165 wind
InCage: 95 wind, 100% arm & leg break
MoonDown: 25 magical, 100% sleep
Spindle: 130 wind, used as a counter
DragonSoul: 335 magical (2CT)
JumpShot: 370 physical
HexaFringe: 210 wind, 100% paralyze, halves damage done to the enemy afterwards
DeathTrail: 999 dark, 50% own LV down (1CT)

MirroredLive: 150 wind, only used as a counter

Comments: Lots of nice tricks. MonDown, InCage and HexaFringe all seal the match when they work. DeathTrail horribly splatters on turn 2. JumpShot isn't bad damage to fall back on either. Still probably wants his other form though. >_> Heavy.


486 HP

24 DEF

12 (12) PW
35 (33) SP
27 (32) CN
86 (112) IQ

IceHelm (DEF+10, raise evasion against water)
GotahlRod (IQ+10)
HeroShield (DEF+10, SP-4, IQ+8)
MorganRobe (DEF+2, IQ+8)
LeatherBoots (DEF+2, SP+2)

BlueGate (CN+1)
BlueGate (CN+1)
BlueGate (CN+1)
BlueGate (CN+1)
BlueGate (CN+1)

RedBarette: 275 fire

SilverFreeze: 90 water, 55% SP down
BlueGale: 150 wind, 100% paralyze (1CT)
RedCage: 28-544 random fire damage. Average was 225.
PaperMist: 140 magical, 75% IQ/LV down
RedCoat: 190 fire, used as a counter
PaperStray: 170 magical, failish LV down rate
BrownSugar: 200 earth, 75% Drunk, 60% IQ/LV down
SilverFang: 175 water, failish stone rate
AmberStorm: 100 earth, electric field

BlackAvis: 220 magical, only used as a magic counter

Comments: The damage is pretty bad, counters help though. Has some variably useful tricks, dies to physicals and is a magic tank. Does he want this over his other form? Mmm...not sure. Middle.

Again, do not compare the stats below directly to the above stats.


224 HP

24 DEF

20 (20) PW
17 (15) SP
14 (29) CN
68 (89) IQ

IceHelm (DEF+10, raise evasion against water)
HashibamiCane (IQ+5)
HeroShield (DEF+10, SP-4, IQ+8)
MorganRobe (DEF+2, IQ+8)
LeatherBoots (DEF+2, SP+2)

BlueGate (CN+1)
BlueGate (CN+1)
BlueGate (CN+1)
BlueGate (CN+1)
BlueGate (CN+1)

GodBless: 220 healing

GodVoice: 50, 100% paralyze
Prayer: 350 healing + status heal
Sanctuary: 999 (2CT)

GodShield: 110, only used as a counter to melee

Comments: Infinite full healing for the win? GodShield + Prayer is a nice counter against melee fighters, a healing strategy should win against mages. He also has GodVoice, which gives him wins over the not status immune, and if he can pull off a Sanctuary, you go splat. Doesn't feel out of place in Heavy.


288 HP

30 ATK
14 DEF

54 (76) PW
40 (45) SP
47 (52) CN
36 (36) IQ

IceHelm (DEF+10, raise evasion against water)
Bryon (ATK+30, PW+22)
MarvelSword (SP+5, raises evasion against firearms and sharp physicals)
LeatherArmor (DEF+4)

BlueGate (CN+1)
BlueGate (CN+1)
BlueGate (CN+1)
BlueGate (CN+1)
BlueGate (CN+1)

CutOneWay: 110 physical

HammerPower: 200 physical, 80% CN down
JumpShot: 400 physical
DeathTrail: 999 dark, 50% own LV down (1CT)
DragonSoul: 300 magical (2CT)
Spindle: 150 wind, used as a counter to magic

Comments: JumpShot is a solid 2HKO, and Hash's version of DeathTrail kills things even more horribly than Orsted's version. Heavy.


Important bosses.

Prehistoric Chapter


992 HP
Good physical defense

Average HP: 370

Ransack: 25 physical, also a counter
Bite: 70 physical, CON down
BloodSuck: 125 physical
ReverseCalm: 130 physical, knockback

Damage: 134

Comments: Reasonably threatening in-game if you don't have Luuluu. In DL...durable, and 3HKO physicals!!! Middle.

Kung Fu Chapter

Odi Wan Lee

688 HP

Average HP: 300

DragonKick: 50 physical, knockback
WolfKick: 30 physical, self-knockback
FireDance: 60 fire
Flying Claw: 45 physical, poison

Damage: 200 (you get OPB Sengazanken for this battle)

Comments. Hahaha. Fail. Light.

Bakumatsu Chapter


640 HP.
Heals on poison field.

Average HP: 250

SharpFang: 1 physical, poison
Temperate: 5 physical, CON/IQ down, fail paralyze rate
ViperWhip: 1 physical, poison, creates a poison field
BloodSucker: 115 draining

Damage: 125

Comments: Draining that actually is noticeable healing on a boss. Gasp. Heavy.

Wild West Chapter


704 HP

Average HP: 144

FreezingHand: 20 water, 60% LV down
Molotov: 25 fire
Gatling Gun: 235-999 random firearm damage, average damage was 804.

Damage: 100

Comments: ...scary. Fate Storm off average speed (well, only 2HKOs Myria) and has some durability too. Ubergodlike.

Present Chapter

Odie Olbright

832 HP

Average HP: 320

DeathSize: 80 physical
ExperienceGun: 35 physical
TerribleShaunt: 20 healing + status heal
AcroDDO: 280 physical

Damage: 70

Comments: Big physical damage. Lots of durability. Godlike.

Science Fiction Chapter


448 HP

Average HP: 240

HardProtect: 60 physical, also counters magic with this.
QuickAnalyze: 15, 65% POW/SPD/CON/IQ down, scans the enemy
SystemRecover: 230 healing, also used as a counter to physicals. Can't be used after being scanned.
DriveBack: 30 Wind, adds electric field, used as a counter to any scan attempts after the first one.

Damage: 85

Comments: Really unique quirk boss. Have scan or face healing of doom and counters. Um...Godlike.

Medieval Chapter

Demon King

720 HP
Excellent defenses. (reduces DeathTrail to ~500, and physicals by a fair margin)

Average HP: 250

SonicBeam: 210 magic
MeltPress: 220 fire, POW/CON down, poison
BefuddlingPupil: 1 magic, IQ down, sleep

BarrierBust: 220 magic, LV/SP/CON/IQ down for self, Stone, only used as a counter against Dark element

Damage: 400

Comments: Bad HP, but great defenses and excellent offense with some status. Anti-Tir! Godlike.


999 HP

Average HP: 550

BrownSugar: 90 earth, 75% Drunk, 60% IQ/LV down
SilverFang: 100 water, failish stone rate
AmberStorm: 70 earth, electric field

BlackAvis: 180 magical, only used as a counter to magic

Damage: 350

Comments: StrayBow fails as usual. Light.

Final Chapter

Okay, Odio himself is a formchain. First form is a multipart boss, where 1 part can act per turn (1-1 turnsplit between PCs and enemies, always), and the second form is one part only.

First form: 2x OdioEye, 1x OdioMouth, 1x OdioMole. OdioMole doesn't need to be killed, though supposedly if you do kill it before killing the other parts (very, very hard to do) you won't fight PureOdio at all.

Average HP for this fight is 476, and average damage is 355.

Second form: PureOdio

And now, stats:


800 HP each

LifeEraser: 180 magical draining
WhiteWaterSword: 60 physical
HyperLiquid: 100 magical
BefuddlingPupil: Sleep, also used as a counter to physical attacks


1440 HP

MeltPress: 150 fire, POW/CON down, poison
DespairSpace: 200 magical, leg break


992 HP
INSANE defense (It takes 1 from almost everything, and even Hurricane Shot does single digits..)

Counters everything with RevengeStorm, which heals 65 HP to all enemies (1 to OdioMole), and has a 60% chance of raising each stat. Doesn't have to be killed.

Form 2:

Pure Odio

2032 HP

ScentAlicia: 250 magical, drunk/stone/sleep, LV down
LifeEraser: 160 magical draining
Canceller: 80 magical, knockback
DespairSpace: 200 magical, leg break

Comments: Um. Hell. Godlike, that much is obvious. Past that...form 1 has some status, draining that keeps it alive a bit longer and 3HKO damage, also can take a while to kill without MT. (Full MT is bad, though. >_>). Form 2 is a low 2HKO status whore with a few odd tricks. The forms combined have really solid durability...hard to gauge his strength, really. Solid Godlike.

Oh, and ITD does mean things to OdioMole, giving some people a win that way. >_>
« Last Edit: July 14, 2010, 06:06:14 PM by Tonfa »
<Niu> If I ever see that Langfadood, i'll strangle him on sight
<Gourry> What, for making the game three times better?
<Gourry> And playable, at that?
<Niu> that lose the whole point of of L2!!!