Anna vs Lilly - Mostly kneejerk. Evade+SoM being stupid fast+2HKOing Anna. The second part is essential here, and if I see the SoM attacks actually going -after- Anna, this may change.
Anna vs Noa - Tough Love. The end.
Anna vs Blastoise - The speed difference here is sorta telling, honestly. Don't think Blas can even chip through Last Stand, which probably makes things sorta ugly.
Anna vs Aelia - Aelia probably doesn't 2HKO Anna? And, if she does, she probably can't avoid Last Stand, which may well undo the 2HKO and makes the offense scarier. Blade Chaos => Shadow Chase x2 probably works here.
Lilly vs Noa - Tough Love.
Lilly vs Blastoise - Thinking Blastoise's generally unimpressive as a Middle here.
Lilly vs Aelia - I guess. Both should 3HKO, Lilly is faster and more accurate. EDIT: and yeah, evade is probably the clincher for me.
Noa vs Blastoise - Tough Love.
Noa vs Aelia - Tough Love. Perfect charm off that speed alone makes Noa a Heavy.
Blastoise vs Aelia - Right. Sees her third turn, smashes.