Author Topic: Fact Center #3  (Read 1202 times)


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Fact Center #3
« on: March 27, 2009, 07:14:56 AM »
For today's topic, I shall wrap up my recounting on Final Fantasy VI's world. These are various tiny bits of "what if"s, events that never came to be, early possibilities thrown away in the developmental stage before the world was created.

I shall begin with the case of Terra. For we all know, she survived into the new world, despite all magic disappearing from the world; this was due to being half human. However, this wasn't what suppose to occur originally. Terra wasn't even a girl to begin with in the first place, and was doomed to perish after Kefka was destroyed, in a far more tragic ending. And Locke? He was originally the person who wielded the power of Runic and was intended to be a dark, brooding man and friendly rival to Terra.

As for Edgar, he was originally the character intended to disgust and baffle people with his rude speech and mannerisms, and this is one thing I am glad that didn't come true, quite frankly. Sabin was intended to actually be able to die from the count down rescue event, with the game continuing without a game over. And once you and Edgar arrived at the fallen building later on, he would spend endless nights digging Sabin's body out from the debris of the building.

For Celes, originally she suffered from a mental disorder like Kefka after she obtained her magic powers, although not as serious. Due to her unstable mind, she had strong desires to depend on someone else, and eventually fell for Locke, who has been kind to her. As for Cyan, remember the pub lady who taunted him in Nikeah? Originally, instead of just some random pub lady, there was a whip user named Angela that involved Cyan in a similar event. Very little is known, however, what role she was supposed to play in the story. As for Strago, he supposedly has a wife named Lala, a geomancer. They are a... interesting couple, you may say. This is an excerpt from their daily conversation:

Lala: "You'll most definitely die before me!" Strago: "Hah! Look at yourself, you old hag! With that many wrinkles? You're sure to die before I do!" or: Strago: "Hah, I'll be waiting for you in heaven or hell, you witch!" Lala: "You're leaving me with the debts?! I am so going before you!"

... and such, I guess they really get along ... Another scenario that supposedly should have happened was that Strago was going to beseech Shadow to remove his mask, for the sake of Relm, and Shadow does so, but away from our sights. For Mog, instead of having his entire race wiped out in the World of Ruin, a total of twenty would have survived in Narshe's mine, and Mog must be distinguished from the other nineteen survivors in order to re-recruit him. And finally, Gogo, instead of living inside of a land worm, supposedly would have traveled between towns, taking disguise in the form of the player characters. To recruit him, one must break his disguise by bringing along the character he was disguised as.

And this is all of the "what if"s there are, and all the hidden truth that I can tell of Final Fantasy VI. The secrets of a different world awaits you the next time we meet, the backside of a legend from the far away earth....


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Re: Fact Center #3
« Reply #1 on: April 02, 2009, 03:52:55 AM »
Wow, that's some really fascinating stuff. Particularly the bit about Lala.

Any word on how much of that is still considered canon, just not shown in-game?

The Shadow and Strago bits particularly.

Also... any word on who/what Gogo is?


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Re: Fact Center #3
« Reply #2 on: April 09, 2009, 05:31:21 PM »

wow, just wow.
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Re: Fact Center #3
« Reply #3 on: May 07, 2009, 12:38:51 AM »
So Meeple got it here...


And finally, Gogo, instead of living inside of a land worm, supposedly would have traveled between towns, taking disguise in the form of the player characters. To recruit him, one must break his disguise by bringing along the character he was disguised as.

They should have kept it!!!


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Re: Fact Center #3
« Reply #4 on: May 07, 2009, 05:12:00 AM »
That Gogo bit would have been hilarious. Too bad they didn't keep that.
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