Author Topic: Season 51-3 Missing Comments  (Read 707 times)


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Season 51-3 Missing Comments
« on: May 08, 2009, 05:14:36 AM »



« Last Edit: May 08, 2009, 11:39:51 PM by SageAcrin »
<RichardHawk> Waddle Dee looks broken.
<TranceHime> Waddle Dee does seem broken.

"Forget other people's feelings, this is fun and life is but a game and we nought but players in it.  CHECKMATE!  King me and that is Uno." - Grefter


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Re: Season 51-3 Missing Comments
« Reply #1 on: May 08, 2009, 06:08:26 PM »
Worker>Pamela for now.
<%Laggy> we're open minded individuals here
<+RandomKesaranPasaran> are we
<%Laggy> no not really.

<Tide|NukicommentatoroptionforF> Hatbot is a pacifist


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Re: Season 51-3 Missing Comments
« Reply #2 on: May 08, 2009, 06:26:04 PM »
« Last Edit: May 09, 2009, 01:08:23 AM by Taitoro »


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Re: Season 51-3 Missing Comments
« Reply #3 on: May 08, 2009, 10:23:17 PM »

One scarlet flash.

One person, standing.

Then slowly falling.

The horrible river of gore.

The spectacle that no one would ever forget.


"And that is why you <i>never</i> touch my hair." Bernadette stated simply, as she tossed Durandal back up to a confused Eliwood in the second row of the stands.

Eliwood's jaw dropped. He'd never seen her take it.

What was left of Cyan was unrecognizable.

Of course, stealing someone else's weapon-let alone one you can't wield, at least in theory-and using it to slaughter your opponent is indeed highly illegal.

But even as an accident, you don't stab a woman's hair.

You may get a bad cut yourself.


Malik had no chance.

Lady's assault was brutal.

And then things got worse.


"...go on, finish me!" Malik muttered.

Crushed to the ground by a force of pure Malice, Malik's hopes were all crushed with him. He had no chance left to win.

"...Nah." Killer called out from the stands.

Lady smiled slightly.

"...what?" Malik mumbled.

"We agreed on this before. Lady kinda hates your guts. Like, really. Way the hell too creepy for her. So we agreed on this thing beforehand. She's kinda not good with words, so she had me do the talking. It's like an intervention, except I get to insult you the entire time." Killer said, with a shrug.

"So, let's start on the whole Oedipal complex and exactly why and how it's creepy. We'll get to the horrific monstrosity, egomaniacality and overall personality after." He finished.


Well, it had somewhat of an effect.

Ultimately, there was nothing illegal about someone taunting your opponent from the stands, let alone in a situation where you could probably be declared the winner if you asked, anyways.

And ultimately, Malik did indeed end up regretting his ways.

Mostly because several dozen people killed him in the weeks to follow. Evidently he'd slipped under the radar to some Duellers, who were rather revolted by Killer's list of Malik's personality flaws.

But did it do Malik much good?

Well, maybe acceptance that you have the flaws is something.

He was recently seen getting a beer with Emelious and Kuja.


"And then I killed them all! Whole damn village of the worthless rats!" Luca boasted, as he probed Meflice's defenses.

"Hah, generic, nameless, faceless rats? You haven't lived until you've stabbed a woman you've known straight through the heart, while feeling the raw, surging power of darkness run through your veins!" Melfice laughed, as he feinted.

"...Huh. That does sound pretty good." Luca noted, frowning.

"...and yeah, I really could go for a village slaughtering right now. Never got to do that, worthless brother kept tailing me around." Melfice muttered.


"...Well, Luca just puked on the bartender and passed out. Can we count <i>that</i> as a win for Melfice?" Ellen half-sputtered in disgust, as she swirled a glass of wine. "I swear, judging matches where the idiots decide to go get drunk instead of fighting..." She shook her head.

"Don't look at me, you were the one that kept saying Melfice taking off his shirt and yelling 'WOOOOOO!' wasn't enough to disqualify him." Terra said, sighing. "Those bastards have to have planned to step out of the arena at the same time, it just doesn't make any sense any way else. Anyways, fine, sure, Melfice wins, whatever, let's get out of here before Melfice tries to hit on us."


"I am Deamoned." Deamoned intoned.


<i>*Twenty-eight hours ago.*</i>

"Wait, you will?" Lezard asked, stunned.

He'd never expected his opponent would <i>agree</i> to face his full power. Those foolish judges had always called it a plot power. Crystals were too good. Foolish.

"Oh, certainly. After all, it's only fair. But on one condition. There's a certain something I've always wanted to try." Deamoned smiled, a frightening sight on his scarred face. "A certain...thing I wish to borrow from another dueller."

"Certainly, certainly, whatever you wish." Lezard chuckled inwardly. The fool couldn't possibly find anything even remotely legal to use anywhere that could defeat him. No equipment, no spell this fool could use, could possibly beat him!


"The sword that smites stalkers!" Deamoned roared, as his massive mecha blasted towards Lezard Valeth.

"...right...not ranked...people..." Lezard mumbled, staring upwards at Thrudgelmir's five-story-long blade, just before it bisected both him and his crystal simultaniously.

Fou-Lu, staring from the judges box, shook his head.

"I'd said it before they even started it, but I shalt say it again. This is silly. Even by this place's standards." He added simply.


Milon was to be feared.

He'd spent his time campaigning and plotting and sneaking.

And by god, he'd finally done it.

He'd managed to get a new form.

A stronger, more dangerous form, one that would make him the terror of...well, not Godlike. He didn't have that much to bribe with. But it was a step in the right direction. One out of Light!

And what had Gijimu been doing?

Some foolish training regimine involving hitting candles! Hah! Candles! Ridiculous.

Milon would finally take his place as the leader of the League!


Gijimu stood proud before Milon's new wrath.

The only words out of his mouth were simple.

"Hydro Storm."

It turned out that Gijimu had managed to replace his axe with a better subweapon.

Certainly, it wasn't legal, at all. Gijimu himself had specifically used it several minutes before the match started. He was careful about not being disqualified. It was simply too good not to try, however.

But Milon, depressed, threw the rematch.

After that much effort, getting crushed by a rainstorm was just too much.

At last sighting, Milon was seen eating six quarts of Rocky Road.


A simple match.

One person needed to kill in one hit.

The other needed to not be killed in that hit.

There was nothing that could be done. It would happen, or it wouldn't.

Or was there?


"..." Anri, beet red, attempted to cast Freeze 4 again.

Successfully hitting four squares away from Tia.

" least...cover yourself with your hands or something!" Anri sputtered, and got a face-full of whip for her pains.

"...sigh. The things a girl will do to not get mocked." Tia noted, as she looked down at her not-concealing-enough Seethru Cape.

Certainly, it was an effective strategy. A prude like Anri couldn't possibly concentrate like that.

But at what cost?

Like Sten groping you?

Well, just because they haven't been as active lately doesn't mean perverts don't still exist in the league, after all.

By the time Tia realized that it was, in fact, not worth it, it was far too late. But hey, a win is a win.
« Last Edit: May 08, 2009, 11:39:22 PM by SageAcrin »
<RichardHawk> Waddle Dee looks broken.
<TranceHime> Waddle Dee does seem broken.

"Forget other people's feelings, this is fun and life is but a game and we nought but players in it.  CHECKMATE!  King me and that is Uno." - Grefter


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Re: Season 51-3 Missing Comments
« Reply #4 on: May 09, 2009, 12:51:58 AM »
Porom > Roger.

As enlightened travelers of the universe are no doubt aware, Menodix feel the need to prove themselves in tremendously unwise "Real Man" competitions that generally end with mangled bodies spread all across the Duggus Forest (unless helpful aliens intervene to save them).  This, however, does not daunt their spirit.  Take this one Roger S. Huxley, for example.  Emulating a famous holy hero, he decided to go steal a crystal from Mysidia to truly prove his great manliness.

There was just one thing standing in our pint-sized protagonist's way.  Well.  There should have been two somethings, but the other was busy shirking his duties, in Middle, taunting his far superior and more polite sister.

"Go harrass my foul-mouthed brother!  Ugh!  Wouldn't he be a better opponent if you want to prove you're a real man anyway?!"

Our intrepid Roger was puzzled at first.  Here, an opponent to prove his strength against where he didn't have to crane his neck upward!  This would be good.  And crystals always look like an impressive trophy, right? He lowered his head to charge with the pointy helmet of his his...

"Oh I give up!  Fine!  Mini!"

On second thought, Roger would have to crane his neck upward after all this fight.  And now that Porom put a jar over his head and punched some airholes in the lid, she has the perfect tool to get revenge on Palom's latest trick when he snuck that frog into her desk...  nothing like doubling her loser brother's shame.
« Last Edit: May 09, 2009, 01:44:10 AM by SnowFire »


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Re: Season 51-3 Missing Comments
« Reply #5 on: May 09, 2009, 01:01:38 AM »

"One, two, three, and you're mine!"

"The things that my sword cannot cut are next to none!"

Anastasia stared at the fight before her in confusion. Citan, next to her, chuckled. "Cute match, isn't it?"

"...hearing Fogel mimic Nikki's voice so well is creepy." Anastasia commented, watching Fogel swing Nikki's hammer wildly around, barely missing Nikki each time. "...and watching Nikki cosplay her favorite swordfighters all at once is weir-ooh, that's gonna hurt in the morning."

As Nikki slumped to the ground and Fogel retrieved his sword, Citan chuckled. "Hey, they had fun. That's what counts!"


"Alright. Look, Arnaud. I respect you as a duelist, but let me put it this way." Geddoe said, facing Arnaud down outside the arena. "Do you know how the brain works?"

"Yeah. Neurons firing." Arnaud nodded.

"Right. And you've seen those computers around? You've heard the term "electric brain" for them, no? It's the same basic principle - just instead of neurons you've got transistors firing."


"And those things fry masterfully with an application of electricty. Well, most - can't say Worker 8 will be easy, but them's the breaks for me. Still. If I can turn a computer into molten slag..."


"Still confident in everything from the neck up?"


Arnaud threw the match.
« Last Edit: May 09, 2009, 01:10:19 AM by Taitoro »


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Re: Season 51-3 Missing Comments
« Reply #6 on: May 09, 2009, 01:30:10 AM »

One reading of FF4's script and Palom's legendary but never quite sourced fire rod comment gives Odessa an excellent frame of reference for this fight. She could fight and try to outlast Palom (Bad idea), or try to kill him with a single spell or physical(Better idea).

No, what Odessa will do is put the little tyke to sleep and administer something well past due. "You're deserve a spanking!" is Mystere's line, but it'll be borrowed and put to good use here as Odessa jumps Palom, smacks the perverted out of him, and washes his mouth out for good measure.


Physicals? Easy. Massive magical damage? Managable. Fire and holy damage? Well.... that's a little more problomatic. Myria isn't a Belmont or an elemental field, but Siricco burns more than hot enough to singe Brahms as the fight opens up.

If the Lord of the Undead is stupid enough to keep pushing Myria, he'll be burned to ash in no time, his remains floating on the breezes that are left over from Myria pumping out wave after wave of wind/fire combo spells.


Middle fights with lower interest fighters have long had trouble attracting fan interest. In an attempt to buck this, the Kresnik vs Cagnazzo fight was changed from a brutal brawl to the death to an emo contest, with the winner being decided based on the crowd reaction.

Caganazzo is no lightweight in the field. The usually forgotten and always mocked member of the four fiends, he has rotted away in middle for an Age while even the likes of Milon have gotten a ton of positive attention.  He competes by quoting something from a song that appeals to his deep inner trauma.

<i>Well as for now I'm gonna hear the saddest songs,
And sit alone and wonder...
How you're making out.
And as for me I wish that I was anywhere, with anyone...
Making out

Your hair it's everywhere.</i>

Cagnazzo was roundly booed and had fruit and various other objects thrown at him, including several high grade Lightning spells. He was quickly burned to ash.

An incredible effort at emo. Kresnik was suitably impressed. Instead of quoting a lyric, he chose to pen something from the HEART.

I killed myself
Because I was such a loser so my sister wouldn't mourn
And well, Seifer's been my leader
But even he was cooler than me
and dumped me into the garbage
No one likes a whiny prettyboy
I get less love than everyone
Wooooooooooooooooooooe is meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!</i>

Kresnik's attempt at 'poetry' had neither met a metronome, rhythm, or anything of value ever. What sealed the deal was Kevin Winnicot coming out of the crowd, giving Kresnik a big hug and telling him how brilliant his plan to let himself die was.
The judges quickly ruled in favor of Kresnik's staggering self loathing and called in Indaldecio sans limiter to give him a proper reward for such failure.

It took one Earthquake for the crowd to break into cheers.


Isolde's quickly repeating attacks is just the way to beat Indalecio straight up. She may not be as tough and nothing she has matches the horror of Earthquake- but it doesn't matter, not when you can blitz and fire off card attacks and move faster and faster as the fight goes on.
« Last Edit: May 09, 2009, 02:00:06 AM by superaielman »
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...