Author Topic: Fact Center 7  (Read 1124 times)

The Man

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Fact Center 7
« on: June 03, 2009, 10:28:18 AM »
Nice to meet you all, ladies and gentlemen. For today, I'll be conducting the fact center processes in the place of the Minstrel. To the poet's supporters and believers, rest assured that this does not meant that he has been removed from his post by any means. It is just that I am better suited to discussion on the topic that I am about to elaborate upon, for there is not yet anyone who can match my understanding over the mechanism of the Backyard. Hm? How did Guilty Gear get into this topic despite being a fighting game? Don't worry, Guilty Gear 2 is at least 1/3 of a real time SRPG; there is, therefore, no discrepancy present.

And before I start, I must apologize most profusely to you all, as most of you must be anticipating the revelation of my most hidden identity, which I must still keep a tightly locked secret. Instead, for your pleasure, I shall share a few clues on my motives by explaining the function of the Backyard as well as the existence of the "Merciless Enlightenment"....

Allow me begin with the basics - how the world of Guilty Gear came to be in existence.
In truth, the physical world we inhabit is nothing more than the merest of illusions, a hologram constructed from the massive piles of codes from a domain known as the Backyard. The Backyard is a higher dimension with all data, information, formulas, definitions, rules, logic, laws, and whatever other factors that compose a world have, all compressed within. In other words, the computation of the Backyard dictates how a world functions. This also means, if one can manipulate the coding of the Backyard, they can freely manipulate all the phenomenon in the world. This is one of the most important and fundamental concept behind the creation of Gears. The genetic structures of the Gears are designed with the formula that allows observation or access to the Backyard, and by influencing the procedure and formulas of the Backyard, they obtain the power that makes them a weapon.

So.. how does this relate to my purposes? Well, allow me to elaborate what can be considered an unknown, and split them into two categories. One category would be things unknown to us only because we lack the comprehension or the necessary skill or tools to understand it. The other category would be things that exist beyond the capability or capacity of our senses to perceive it, and thus it is impossible for us to comprehend. For example, we have discovered that the average human body is composed of a total of roughly sixty billion cells - a discovery made because of the technology that was invented in the late 20th century. But can humanity discover who, or what, created such mechanisms such as the human body, that functions with sixty billion different cells working together? Where does the boundary of what can and can't be discovered lie? Do we lack the technology and the comprehension, so the question remains unanswered? Or is it that the something that created this mechanism is innately beyond our senses and thus permanently unknown to us? Another example, say... the existence of the, or even a, God. We can comprehend and understand the concept of a God, but can we scientifically prove and discover its existence? What if....

Um, my apology, it seems I got carried away; my companions Frederich and Aria are glaring at me quite severely. Let me move on by proposing a theory; assume there is an "unknown" beyond our sense with the power to move all beings in this world toward a specific direction, regulating every detail of the progress with incredible rigor. And let us assume that "unknown" is God, and everything happened according to his proper, orderly schedule.... thusly, the danger within the system is revealed.

Have you heard of the missing link? The discontinuity of an event that supposedly occurred in a continuous fashion? In an analogy to evolution, it would be like species A has evolved to species C without passing through the stage of species B. I believe such is the case here - that God has malfunctioned. But why would a malfunction occur? Is it because the system that we call God is internally flawed? Or is there a third party force intervening and disrupting God's control? I believe it is the latter. When A supposedly should be evolving into B, the outsider force interfered, misleading A into becoming C, or simply erasing the existence of B all together. Whichever the case, there is something that is rewriting the program of our existence to create the impossible. I have chosen to name that third party force the "Merciless Enlightenment".
What problem does it pose for us, you ask? According to my observation, all species that had a missing link in their evolutionary pattern have gone extinct. If the purpose of the evolution is for the species to prosper, then the extinction of such a species would only prove that a species had not evolved successfully. Imagine what would happen to humanity if the 'Merciless Enlightenment' interferes with us?

Isn't such a concept appalling? A being unknown to us has arranged what will happen to us, and yet another being unknown to us purposely creates system errors? I cannot tolerate such beings to exist, nor I will allow them to prey on our world any further. Thus, I created the Cube, and Justice as the key to serve as the last defense. But this hardly guarantees my safety. The Valentines are after the Cube; one has fallen, but many more shall soon awaken. Frederich, you who shares the same principle with me... the curtain cannot be lowered upon this grand stage until you finally realize the purpose of the sign engraved upon your forehead... so our sins may be atoned.