Ryu (Breath of Fire III) vs Profound Darkness (Phantasy Star IV): Warrior Form. Aura is already disgusting damage, Aura HITTING WEAKNESS just makes things worse. He can make himself less frail by later going Reverse+Force+Shadow, which would give a more durable (though slower) Warrior, and give him immunity to Megid.
Dr. Psyche (Mega Man X: Command Mission) vs Giratina (Pokémon): Kneejerk.
Angeal Hewley (Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII) vs Shaymin (Pokémon): Ok,actually bothered to refresh myself on Angeal and realized a few things I had forgotten:
A. Thunder of Envy is a low OHKO, not a 2HKO. Skymin just sort of dies as a result (HP and Special Defense sort of offset each other, and ToE is 2600 to 2400~ HP). Shaymin would live, mind, due to better durability and grass typing. Bare in mind that Thunder of Envy = Back Side exposed = Auto Crit. Shaymin has no physicals, but Crisis Core magic can't Crit (barring DMWs, which never target back side anyway, so you can't test), while Pokemon Specials can, so its debatable if Shaymin can make use of this.
B. If you don't like Thunder of Envy, he has Unleashed Wrath, which is a solid 2HKO. This should heal lock both forms easily enough. He has Synthesis, but its limited in healing and ultimately falls behind. Skymin can bank on his good speed, of course, but the lack of PP hurts hard here. Shaymin's sort of screwed though.
C. Angeal's Magic Defense is ABSURD. 70% Reduction absurd. Shaymin has no physicals, so uh, yeah, he's not hurting Angeal much.
So yeah, Angeal wins this pretty easily.
Queen Zeal (Chrono Trigger) vs Ultros (Final Fantasy VI): Ultros has damage, Zeal does not. I'd almost think Zeal has a chance if Skygate didn't suck.
Teddie (Persona 4) vs Viola (Eternal Sonata): Can't vote.
Chie Satonaka (Persona 4) vs Slime (Dragon Quest V): Can't vote.
Healie (Dragon Quest IV) vs Malak Galthana (Final Fantasy Tactics): I think law of averages will eventually favor Malak. That or Healie runs out of MP long before killing Malak.
Sanaki (Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn) vs Luceid (Wild ARMs Series): I'm not sure which Lucied I vote on these days! Anyway, WA1 Lucied just OHKOs without breaking a sweat, which Sanaki fails to do in return, and WA3 Lucied has such an obscene durability advantage Sanaki can't realistically do much. No clue about WA2 Lucied <_<