
Author Topic: Zophar (vs. Deamoned)  (Read 514 times)


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Zophar (vs. Deamoned)
« on: June 13, 2009, 02:43:53 AM »
The Destroyer is hard to argue with. When you can blow up a planet, disagreements tend to go your way. Disagreements like "How entitled are you to your spleen" (not at all) and "Do I have the right to turn you into a fine powder on a complete whim?" (hell yes). The Regent Deamoned is a pretty hard guy to argue with too, with his Absolute Defense reducing damage. Unfortunately for him, it doesn't reduce it by enough to survive Zophar's dreaded Fate Storm. Deamoned should be familiar with being horrendously overkilled, but even Wyrm has nothing on Zophar. Maybe if Deamoned's defense was a few dozen times more powerful he might have a chance. Maybe. As is the Destroyer is looking to crush this newly upgraded Heavy and give him a belated Traditional Godlike Welcome. Another championship is in reach for the villain with Godlike's sexiest voice, and one little former Heavy is about as much of an obstacle as a hamster to Zophar.


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Re: Zophar (vs. Deamoned)
« Reply #1 on: June 13, 2009, 02:52:48 AM »
The Destroyer is hard to argue with. When you can blow up a planet, disagreements tend to go your way. The Regent Deamoned is a pretty hard guy to argue with too, with his Absolute Defense reducing damage. Unfortunately for him, it doesn't reduce it by enough to survive Zophar's dreaded Fate Storm. Deamoned should be familiar with horrendous overkill, but even Wyrm has nothing on Zophar. Maybe if Deamoned's defense was a few dozen times more powerful, he might have a chance. Maybe. Another championship is in reach for the villain with Godlike's sexiest voice, and one little former Heavy is about as much of an obstacle as a hamster to Zophar.