Author Topic: Defense of the Ancients Allstars v6.59 (Dry Run, equipment sets)  (Read 1966 times)


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DotA Allstars v6.59 states (DRY RUN) (Twinked)

This topic is just a random idea I had when Sage was having a discussion about Purim v Worker 8 in the re-rankings. Idly remember Purim had Lucent Beam, then realized Luna Moonfang/Moon Rider had it, too! Then decided what the heck would happen if Purim had something like Luna Moonfang's Eclipse (call several Lucent Beams upon several targets, around 11, max of 5 per target).

So yeah, this is not really to be taken seriously, but pretty damn interesting to see how it would flow in a DL setting.


Power Treads STR (+10 STR, 30% IAS, +65 MSPD)
Sange & Yasha (+16 STR, +16 AGI, +12 damage, 15% for Greater Maim [% slow], 15% IAS, 12% MSPD)
Hood of Defiance (+30% Spell Resistance, +8 HP Regen)
Heart of Tarrasque (+35 STR, 1% HP Regen [This matters a fuckton], +300 HP)
1) Buriza-do-Kyanon (+75 damage, 20% chance to crit for 2.2x damage)
2) Monkey King Bar (+80 damage, 15% IAS, 30% chance to minibash with 100 bonus damage [to stop channeling])
3) Guinsoo's Scythe of Vyse (+35 INT, +10 AGI, +10 STR, +200% Mana Regen, Grants "Hex" ability, turning enemy into sheep for 3.5 seconds)
The Butterfly (+30 AGI, +30 Damage, +30% IAS, 30% Evasion)

Final Stats:
HP: (1: 3110) (2:3110) (3: 3300)
Mana: (1: 1001) (2: 1001) (2: 1456)
STR: (1: 140) (2: 140) (3: 150)
AGI: (1: 144) (2: 144) (4: 154)
INT: (1: 77) (2: 77) (3: 112)
Damage: (1: 273 ~ 287) (2: 278 ~ 292) (3: 208 ~ 222)
Armor: (1: 20.5 [55% reduction]) (2: 20.5 [55% reduction]) (3: 21.9 [56% reduction)
Move Speed: 403.2
AS: 0.54 sec cooldown + 219% IAS [229% IAS with Guinsoo's, 234% IAS with MKB]

1. Magic Missile - Deals 325 damage, 1.75 sec stun, 140 mana, 10 sec cd
2. Wave of Terror - AoE, reduce target's armor by 5 and their damage by 20%, 40 mana, 15 sec cd
3. Command Aura - Increase nearby unit damage by 36%
4. Nether Swap - Useless

Uhh, pretty one-track mind I suppose. Shendelninny uses Wave of Terror to lower armor, stuns with Magic Missile, the spams attack hoping her damage is enough to kill enemy. Well, she wants Guinsoo's Scythe of Vyse 95% of the time due to the Hex, which she really needs to up her chances of killing, it also increases durability. Only time she wants MKB is against those with charge times, to fuck them over. Buriza-do-Kyanon is for crithax but that's about it, if she really needs damage. Overall kinda boring.



Power Treads STR (+10 STR, 30% IAS, +65 MSPD)
Eye of Skadi Ranged (25+ STR, 25+ AGI, 25+ INT, +200 HP, +150 Mana, adds Frost [slow] to attack)
Aghanim's Sceptre (+30 INT, +500 HP, +500 Mana, improves Zeus' ultimate to do 575~ damage)
Shiva's Guard (+15 Armor, +30 INT, -25% AS aura, can itemcast to deal 200 AoE damage and 40% slow for 4 seconds)
Heart of Tarrasque (+35 STR, 1% HP Regen, +300 HP)
Guinsoo's Scythe of Vyse (+35 INT, +10 AGI, +10 STR, +200% Mana Regen, Grants "Hex" ability, turning enemy into sheep for 3.5 seconds)

Final Stats:
HP: 3728
Mana: 2672
STR: 162
AGI: 110
INT: 194
Damage: 215 ~ 223
Armor: 30.6 (64% reduction)
Move Speed: 360
AS: 0.79 sec cooldown + 115% IAS

1. Arc Lightning - 130 damage, arcs 15 times. 86 mana, 2 sec cd
2. Lightning Bolt - 350 damage, 135 mana, 7 sec cd
3. Static Field - Targets in an AoE around the enemy hit by Zeus' spell get shocked for 11% cHP damage. Includes the target hit by spell. Passive.
4. THUNDERGOD'S WRATH - Hits every single enemy for 460 575~ damage. Pure MT. 450 ~600 mana, 120 sec cd

Tankzeus is the only Zeus that matters in the DL, since his only hope is that he can spam his spells enough for the Static Field to bring his enemies to close to red, then finish them off with Lightning Bolt->Arc->Lightning Bolt->Thundergod's Wrath combo. He has Guinsoo's to ensure that happens, his HoT gives him enough HP regen and durability, plus Aghanim's increases the power of his ultimate. He can also slow using Shiva's Guard!! Well his normal attack slows too but that's besides the point. Tankzeus Lite here, because Bloodstone is pretty much useless in a DL setting and Refresher Orb just isn't worth it.



Power Treads INT (+10 INT, 30% IAS, +65 MSPD)
Guinsoo's Scythe of Vyse (+35 INT, +10 AGI, +10 STR, +200% Mana Regen, Grants "Hex" ability, turning enemy into sheep for 3.5 seconds)
Orchid Malevolence (+20 INT, +40 Damage, 30% IAS, +225% Mana regen, Soul Burns an enemy (Silences them for 5 seconds and amplifies damage))
Shiva's Guard (+15 Armor, +30 INT, -25% AS aura, can itemcast to deal 200 AoE damage and 40% slow for 4 seconds)
Aghanim's Sceptre (+30 INT, +500 HP, +500 Mana)
Dagon Lv5 (+33 INT, +9 damage, +3 STR, +3 AGI, can itemcast to deal 800 damage Energy Burst to target)

Final Stats:
HP: 1974
Mana: 2873 (3173)
STR: 96
AGI: 91
INT: 221
Damage: 253 ~ 268
Armor: 29.9 (64% reduction)
Move Speed: 365
AS: 0.87 sec cooldown + 96% IAS

1. Arcane Orb - Deals additional 9% of cMana as extra damage, this damage CANNOT be mitigated. Deals 400 bonus damage to Summoned Units/Illusions. 100 mana, 0 sec cd
2. Astral Imprisonment - Banishes a target for 4 seconds, stealing 8 of their Int to give to Harbinger. Int steal last 60 secs. 180 mana, 20 sec cd
3. Essence Aura - 40% chance to heal 25% mMana after every casting of magic, INCLUDES Arcane Orb. If Arcane Orb is put on auto-cast (which you should), 20% chance instead. Increases Destroyer's Base Mana by 300.
4. SANITY'S ECLIPSE - Damage = (Harbinger's Int - Target's Int)*10, if the difference is less than 30, then that damage is dealt to the target's Mana/MP pool instead

Interesting little fucker we have here. He's a perfect glass cannon. His Sanity's Eclipse is pretty much death to anyone with low Int, due to the way it works. And if he is against mages, he will just make their mana explode. Or at least it isn't totally wasted. Anyway, Arcane Orb and Essence Aura are perfect together. Leaving Arcane Orb on auto-cast ensures that Harbinger is doing totally batshit damage of 500+ per hit, and makes Essence Aura proc very often, giving Harbinger a nearly infinite mana pool. Only way to beat him is to Silence him, unless he silences YOU first with Orchid Malevolence or Hexes you with Guinsoo's or just doesn't Dagon your face to death. Yeah, he's a beastly fucker twinked. So strange to see his weakness without any gear. If he had more durability, he could definitely do well in Godlike.



Power Treads STR (+10 STR, 30% IAS, +65 MSPD)
Satanic (+25 STR, +5 Armor, added 25% damage parasitic healing, can be item cast to grant additional 15% damage parasitic healing, +30 damage, lasting for 30 secs)
Heart of Tarrasque (+35 STR, 1% HP Regen, +300 HP)
Vladimir's Offering (+16% damage parasitic healing aura for melee guys, +0.80 mana regen aura, +15% damage aura, +5 armor aura)
The Butterfly (+30 AGI, +30 Damage, +30% IAS, 30% Evasion)
Armlet of Mordiggian (+9 Damage, +15% IAS, +5 armor, +3 hp regen, can be toggled ON for Unholy Strength. Unholy Strength gives +475 HP, +40 damage, +25% IAS, +5 armor, +25 STR, but causes you to lose 35 hp/sec. Issue is that Heart of Tarrasque's HP regen offsets the 35 HP/sec loss, allowing Armlet to be on forever)

Final Stats, assume Armlet is on:
HP: 4668
Mana: 1001
STR: 197
AGI: 113
INT: 77
Damage: 278 ~ 288 (308 ~ 318 with Satanic itemcast)
Armor: 25.1 (60% reduction)
Move Speed: 365
AS: 0.59 sec cooldown + 188% IAS
Parasitic Healing Damage% per hit (without Feast/Open Wounds): 41%, 56% with Satanic Item cast
Parasitic Healing Damage% per hit with Open Wounds: 66%, 71% with Satanic Item cast

1. RAGE - 80% IAS with Magic Immunity. Lasts 4.75 secs. 75 mana, 15 sec cooldown
2. Feast - Drains 7% of the enemy's cHP and deals that amount as BONUS damage
3. Open Wounds - Slows an enemy to the slowest possible, and anyone attacking the enemy gets 25% of the damage they deal as life. Includes N'aix. 110 mana, 35 sec cd
4. Infest - Useless.

N'aix, the Lifestealer. He steals your HPs. First, he Open Wounds your face, activates Satanic Itemcast, then Rages while killing you very, VERY fast. He's almost guaranteed to win in a slugfest, because of his Feast, he can definitely take down tanks and other high HP characters. Even against nukers and mages, he has Rage to make sure he's immune to their faces and just breaks them with his normal attack. Because of the Armlet + HoT combo, his durability absolutely skyrockets and he just runs around laughing and Open Wounds+Rage killing people. His AS without Rage isn't really bad either, ALMOST as fast as the likes of Shendelzare and Magina, for a STR hero, he is extremely powerful. If orb effects didn't stack, he'd get Desolator too just to make his damage even higher. Except parasitic healing here is great, given he's the Lifestealer. Seriously. Heavy champ gogogogo
19:35:58 (trancehime) there's a specific spot in the game that's for item duping
19:36:14 (Sanae) o.o
19:39:11 (Sanae) I'd love to dupe a second trancehime.


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Re: Defense of the Ancients Allstars v6.59 (Dry Run, equipment sets)
« Reply #1 on: March 15, 2010, 09:24:47 AM »

In terms of Shendelzare Silkwood's Nether Swap:
It isn't useless at all. Its main purpose is for setting the enemy ranks in your field of advantage, though dangerous at some times. It can be also used to save yourself or your team in danger...

In terms of Lifestealer's Infest:
Same as of Nether swap, it is not completely useless. The only thing is... Infest don't fit his skill set. Nevertheless, Infest is still useful at strategical times, such as ambushes and runabouts, though not as useful compared to Nether swap in terms of team plays.

That's all  :)


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Re: Defense of the Ancients Allstars v6.59 (Dry Run, equipment sets)
« Reply #2 on: March 17, 2010, 06:46:57 PM »
I think Trance was talking about duels.  In a duel that only thing that make Netherswap good it to fuck your opponent clicking up, making them take a bit more time to get to you.  In the DL, this becomes moot.

Same with Naix ult in the DL.  Creep hiding is actually awesome in Dota, but in the DL... you don't get a random creep to jump in that hides/heals you.

A while ago (maybe even on old forums) some of us looked at WC3 heroes in the DL.  Pandaren Brewmaster was the cream of the crop because of his broken ultimate in 1v1 duels.  Crypt Lord was number 2 thanks to Para healing that is going constantly, good armor, and stuns.  Mountain King came in at third via Stun/More Stun/Slow and Magic Immunity.  Demon Hunter is also solid in DL since he can mana drain in 2 turns and is pretty fast... but that'd probably only get him into heavy.


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Re: Defense of the Ancients Allstars v6.59 (Dry Run, equipment sets)
« Reply #3 on: March 20, 2010, 04:43:27 AM »

I agree in terms of Lifstealer's Infest as useless in the DL, but in case of enemies with summons weak enough to be eaten, it will go the other way around.

Also, Shendelzare's Nether Swap ain't that useless in the DL.

In fact, it will help her for a favorable position. Consider the following cases of Nether Swap 1v1 uses:

1. It can be used to dodge a heavy attack or spell or whatsoever.

2. It can be used to prevent enemies with terribly high regeneration rate to get far and have a twist of fate. (Much more effective with Magic

3. It can also be used to let her have an escape route by a sudden exchange of position and direction. (Also much more effective with Magic Missile

    and some slow reacting enemies.)

Note: Since Nether Swap is a support ability, most of its one on one uses also depends in combination with her other skills.



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Re: Defense of the Ancients Allstars v6.59 (Dry Run, equipment sets)
« Reply #4 on: May 03, 2010, 01:02:48 PM »

I agree in terms of Lifstealer's Infest as useless in the DL, but in case of enemies with summons weak enough to be eaten, it will go the other way around.

Also, Shendelzare's Nether Swap ain't that useless in the DL.

In fact, it will help her for a favorable position. Consider the following cases of Nether Swap 1v1 uses:

1. It can be used to dodge a heavy attack or spell or whatsoever.

Most battles in the DL setting are turn-based (sometimes CBT, sometimes not) and therefore Nether Swap wouldn't apply due to its mechanics. Yes, I realize how fucking awesome it is, but its mechanics do not mesh with how the DL works, because the WC3 engine is RealTime and most games in the DL don't use this style.

2. It can be used to prevent enemies with terribly high regeneration rate to get far and have a twist of fate. (Much more effective with Magic Missile.)

3. It can also be used to let her have an escape route by a sudden exchange of position and direction. (Also much more effective with Magic Missile and some slow reacting enemies.)

Again, real time mechanics and the DL don't mix. At all.

Note: Since Nether Swap is a support ability, most of its one on one uses also depends in combination with her other skills.

Argh DL runs on turn-based not real-time. That's why Nether Swap is useless in a duel. Assuming you DO use Nether Swap, that's Shendelzare's turn already used and it doesn't do jack-shit except perhaps interrupt spells with cast-time - it DOES interrupt channelling spells including Scroll of Town Portal usage =w=;; So I suppose its only use is to screw up CHARGE TIME ?!?!

Re: Infest

Summoned units can't be infested... Only Enchanted and Dominated Creeps can be...

...Also this topic is like several months outdated.

« Last Edit: May 03, 2010, 01:07:20 PM by TranceHime »
19:35:58 (trancehime) there's a specific spot in the game that's for item duping
19:36:14 (Sanae) o.o
19:39:11 (Sanae) I'd love to dupe a second trancehime.