Baal, leader of the Garlyle Forces...and soon, ruler of the world! Or, at least, divisional champion of the RPGDL Middle! The greatest dragoon, Kain, has fallen to his wrath, so how is the pitiful knight Vormav to defeat him? With the power of Gaia flowing through his veins, there is nothing that can be done to stop him! Wielding powerful magics, including Zap and Burnflame, are more than enough to crush the "faithful" knight. And hey, Baal fights NEKKID - Vormav's one redeeming feature, his armour and weapon breaking, will be completely useless against the birthday suit Baal dons. And that puny runeblade Vormav wields? Not enough to trounce the might of Alhealer, and even without that, in a straight-up battle, Baal's magic and superior resilience will win the day. The puny knight is out of his league here - don't bring a sword to a magic battle, fool. The Lord of Destruction shall reign triumphant!...or wait, is that a different Baal?