I felt like trying a little something different, so with a little help from Andy, I'm going to be running a game of Arkham using some fanmade Touhou investigators and a GOO. We'll be running with no more than six people, and the game will start shortly after the current game ends, as they're using some of the stuff we'll need.
I'll be using the same structure for turns that Andy has been. Turns will be broken up into Upkeep/Movement and Encounters phases, with a time limit of 48 hours each. I'm also going to give each player a choice of two Hatbot-selected investigators. The GOO will not be revealed until the game starts. The game will be using just the base game and the Dunwich expansion, none of the card expansions or other boards.
Priority will be given to players that are new and who didn't get into the most recent game. If you don't get into this one, don't worry too much, as Andy's planning to start up a third game pretty soon as well. Please don't sign up unless you're sure you'll be able to communicate with your partners and get a move in for every turn.
If you want to check out the possible investigators/GOOs for this game, you can find them in the Mediafire link at the bottom of the page. Be warned, though, that Hal and Alex have been working on these as well so there may be additions or changes before the game actually starts.