Author Topic: Season 56, Week 6  (Read 1361 times)


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Season 56, Week 6
« on: December 26, 2009, 04:05:03 PM »
Team Fou-Lu vs Team Mewtwo (Fou-Lu, Kanon, Lyon, Thomas) vs (Mewtwo, Billy, Max, Black Wizard)


Ryu2, Millenia, Jecht, Miguel, Kanon, Billy


S5 Lyon, Elly, Mirage, Cloud, FE8 Lyon, Max


Mara/Maya, Vincent Valentine, Opera, Noah, Thomas, Black Wizard
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...


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Re: Season 56, Week 6
« Reply #1 on: December 26, 2009, 04:05:19 PM »
Team Fou-Lu. Dear god, Fou in a team match.


Both heavies get swept. Ryu/Miguel/Millenia/Jecht split a few unimportant losses among themselves.


S5 Lyon>Lyon>>>>Max=Elly>Cloud=Mirage

S5 sweeps (She champed for a reason) Lyon beats everyone else. Max beats Cloud/Mirage and loses to Elly, who beats Max/Mirage but gets walled by Cloud. Mirage spoils Elly, and Cloud is slower than Mirage and gets his status walled.




Mara: 5-0. Roasts the entire field. Opera/Mara is close, but I -think- Mara can smash past Opera's at best halving of fire damage.
Vincent: 3-2- Opera/Thomas eat a limit, Noah sucks.
Black Wizard: 3-2. Kill yourself, Vincent. He loses to BLACK WIZARD ID/SLUGGING YES IN SPITE OF BLOCKING BREAK. Thomas gets statused, Noah sucks.
Opera: 3-2: Blocks BW's stone, has enough healing to handle Thomas, resists wind which fucks Noah.
Noah: 1-4. Loses to everyone but Thomas.
Thomas: 0-5. Noah has magic, Opera has enough healing to smash past his evasion, Vincent has a 255% accuracy weapon and will hit a limit against Thomas. BW statuses, Mara roasts.
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...


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Re: Season 56, Week 6
« Reply #2 on: December 26, 2009, 04:56:40 PM »
Team Fou-Lu vs Team Mewtwo (Fou-Lu, Kanon, Lyon, Thomas) vs (Mewtwo, Billy, Max, Black Wizard): Mewtwo drops Lyon in a doubled hit, Billy hastes him, Kanon and Thomas do something ineffectual (WA2 characters couldn't do anything good on their first turn right?), Fou-Lu does the MT HP ->1 thing. Next turn Mewtwo's 3x average speed. He buffs himself once then starts murdering everyone on the other team on doubleturns and tripleturns while Billy fully heals him. Fou-Lu gets off an MT attack which kills everyone but Mewtwo, who barely feels it and tears Fou-Lu apart. Alternatively Fou could try dispel, but that's just giving Billy a chance to heal himself, which dooms him just as well.

Go broken XG haste, not even Fou-Lu is cut out to deal with that.


Ryu2, Millenia, Jecht, Miguel, Kanon, Billy

Jecht: 3-1. Petrify or delay poundings for all those PCs, but he can't outslug Miguel with his seriously inferior base damage and lack of elemental stuff.
Miguel: 3-1. Outslugs Jecht and Millenia, takes a hit from Ryu and 2HKOs, but he probably can't set up an OHKO vs. Billy who has elemental shielding nonsense to prevent an all-white field, so Billy hastes and grinds him out slowly.
Millenia: 2-2. Kills PCs (who aren't fast enough to shut her down), dies to bosses.
Ryu2: 1-3. Ryu doesn't OHKO either boss (Jecht has an HP buffer to save him even if you see the ITD overkill as good enough otherwise), and Millenia gets her SBE shenanigans going, but he swats billy like a gnat.
Billy: 1-3, this attrition shit only works on Miguel.


S5 Lyon, Elly, Mirage, Cloud, FE8 Lyon, Max

Lyon: 5-0. Outspeeds and 2HKOs everyone but Mirage who is faster but fails to 2HKO, and Lyon has status resistors to handle Elly.
Cloud: 3-2. Blocks sleep, so that takes care of Elly. Lyon and Max both get screwed by a limit because they don't chip. When cloud takes Lyon's counter, that immediately gives him a limit and thus a full ATB bar, so the order there is cloud swing, lyon counter, cloud swing (double), cloud limit, GG. He also gets a limit vs. Mirage but I don't think it's good enough without the status or a speed advantage.
Lyon: 2-3. Max and Other Lyon have the damage to one-round him with that initial double, while Cloud doesn't need it. Elly and Mirage get screwed.
Max: 2-3. Carves up Mirage and Lyon, everyone else has some sort of trickery to deal with him (well Lyon just explodes him.)
Elly: 2-3. Max and Mirage have no defense vs. sleep, everyone else does.
Mirage: 1-4. Messes up Cloud with her statusblockers and superior speed, dies to everyone else (they 2HKO her and aren't 2HKOed back)


Mara/Maya, Vincent Valentine, Opera, Noah, Thomas, Black Wizard



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Re: Season 56, Week 6
« Reply #3 on: December 26, 2009, 05:46:15 PM »
Team Fou-Lu vs Team Mewtwo (Fou-Lu, Kanon, Lyon, Thomas) vs (Mewtwo, Billy, Max, Black Wizard): Mewtwo drops Lyon in a doubled hit, Billy hastes him, Kanon and Thomas do something ineffectual (WA2 characters couldn't do anything good on their first turn right?), Fou-Lu does the MT HP ->1 thing. Next turn Mewtwo's 3x average speed. He buffs himself once then starts murdering everyone on the other team on doubleturns and tripleturns while Billy fully heals him. Fou-Lu gets off an MT attack which kills everyone but Mewtwo, who barely feels it and tears Fou-Lu apart. Alternatively Fou could try dispel, but that's just giving Billy a chance to heal himself, which dooms him just as well.

Not sure I agree on that second turn?  Billy's Haste is ST IIRC, but his healing is MT.  So if Billy gets a turn the entire team is healed and mocking Fou-Lu.  But Kanon is fast in both forms so she should just ice the 1-HP Billy, right?  For that matter so should Thomas.  I guess if Mew wipes Kanon *and* Thomas before they move on turn 2 this works but with both of them being above-average speed, and I for one not overly respecting turn-based Mewtwo's base speed, that means Mewtwo is only 2.4:1 or so average speed (a 120% avg. doubled by Haste, with 120% my cap on TB-speed for doubles), which isn't enough.

Anyway.  If Fou-Lu uses Astral: Mewtwo beats on Kanon, Max hits Lyon, BW uses some MT spell, Billy Hastes himself.  I think a Max double + BW damage should kill Lyon before he goes and Kanon dies as well, maybe?  Or at least is in dire peril.  Thomas + Kanon together shouldn't be enough to kill Billy.  So, up against a Hasted Billy, if Fou-Lu HP-1s this obviously gets nowhere.  So he kills Billy with damage instead.  Problem is, he'll now be on the receiving end of two turns of attacks from the rest of the team - if Kanon is still alive she gets killed by one more shot of BW MT (while Fou does HP-1 -> Kill).  Not sure if Fou survives that.   (Then again Thomas is still alive and might off HP-1 Max before his second turn?  Hmmm.)

If Fou uses Tyrant: Possibly a better option?  Forces Team Mewtwo to ignore Lyon and beat on Fou at least.  But even a gimped Dark Wave is pretty painful, and Lyon is going to serve up some of his damage to complement it.  Will have to think on that one.


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Re: Season 56, Week 6
« Reply #4 on: December 26, 2009, 06:35:19 PM »
Dawk wave unfocuses. It''s crap against a team of 4 people when your teammates can't to good MT damage on their own.


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Re: Season 56, Week 6
« Reply #5 on: December 26, 2009, 08:52:18 PM »

Ryu2, Millenia, Jecht, Miguel, Kanon, Billy

Ryu 2 beats Millenia, loses to Jecht, loses to Miguel, beats Kanon and Billy
Millenia loses to Jecht, loses to Miguel, beats Kanon and Billy
Jecht...loses to Miguel, beats Kanon (but not boss Kanon!). Unsure about versus Billy

Miguel 4-0
Jecht 4-1
Ryu 3-2
Millenia 2-3
Billy  1-4
Kanon 0-5


S5 Lyon, Elly, Mirage, Cloud, FE8 Lyon, Max

S5 Lyon loses to Elly, beats Mirage, beats Cloud (don't think she avoids a limit, but he's slower and 2HKOs anyways, and she can halve the Paralysis), loses to FE 8 Lyon, beats Ma
Elly beats Mirage, loses to Cloud...unsure on FE 8 Lyon, beats Max
Mirage loses to probably everyone
Cloud loses to Lyon, beats Max

Lyon 4-0
Elly 3-1
Lyon 3-2
Cloud 3-2
Max 1-4
Mirage 0-5


Mara/Maya, Vincent Valentine, Opera, Noah, Thomas, Black Wizard

Mara beats Vincent, loses to Opera (since Mara takes 33 turns to double her, and Opera apparentally has a weapon that halves elements and shit on her damage. BUT IT'S MARA defense. Opera hasa better MP reserve), beats Noah, loses to Thomas (He's 0.33 SD above average, she's 0.2 SD above average, Both 2HKO), beats BW
Vincent...ugh, headache versus Opera. Think he needs an L3 or L4, which I don't want to math out much. Loses to Noah, who has 2HKO damage, and therefore avoids dangerous limits, beats Thomas...hell no on him vs BW. Not thinking
Opera beats Noah thanks to element halving, loses to Thomas, beats BW
Noah beats Thomas and BW

Opera 3-1
Thomas 3-2
Mara 3-2
Vincent 1-2
BW 1-3
...into the nightfall.

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Re: Season 56, Week 6
« Reply #6 on: December 30, 2009, 10:10:36 PM »
Team Mewtwo.

Ryu > stuff > Kanon

Among the stuff:

Jecht beats only Millenia.
Millenia beats only Billy.
Billy beats Jecht and Miguel.
Miguel beats Millenia and Jecht.


Elly beats everyone who doesn't immune Sleep, 3-2
S5 Lyon beats everyone else, 4-1
Cloud beats everyone else, including Elly. Helps that FE Lyon hits him into a freaking Omnislash and there's nothing he can do about it! 4-1
Lyon beats Mirage and Elly, 2-3.
Max beats Mirage, 2-3.
Mirage goes to her correct division, 0-5.


Opera beats all but Thomas, 3-1
Mara beats all but Opera, 3-1
Black Wizard beats people below him. 2-2
Thomas beats only Opera, 1-3
Vincent beats only Thomas, 1-3

Erwin Schrödinger will kill you like a cat in a box.