Kanon laughed.
Her opponent was such a fool.
As she calmly scaled the massive, several thousand foot rock facing, smoothly shooting past treacherously angled, paper smooth and ice-covered sections of cliff on her wire hook, she couldn't help but chuckle slightly.
Challenging her to a rock climbing contest? For a finals? What kind of an idiot would risk such a thi...
No one would.
As Kanon stopped in thought, she noticed, for the first time, a massive roaring sound.
"Couldn't do better than that with a head start?" Billy called out from his cockpit, as El Renmazuo rocketed past, punching holes into the cliff as though it were paper.
"Right. Damn it all. I know better than to not question clauses like 'Any equipment allowed.'." Kanon sighed, as she calmly glided up the cliff. "Oh well. Nice view."
You know, I could say that good has triumphed over evil on this day.
I could say that an incredible battle had taken place here, and that the darkness had lost to light.
I could tell you that the destined hero always wins.
These things could have been true.
They were, mostly, even...
"Well then...?"
"Huh, I can't hear him, but I think he's trying to taunt Lyon." Tao noted sadly.
"Too bad Lyon doesn't seem to speak silent main." Mae noted, as Lyon, puzzled at the silent cries, sat at his normal distance.
It was a good plan. Not heroic, but good. Anger your opponent, make him miss his dangerous counterstrike, and bring him down.
It's just too bad it didn't work. A few hours later, Max took the risk anyways, and won.
On the upside, it inadvertently bolstered his good, heroic reputation, I suppose.
I guess the old song's right.
A silent knight is a holy knight.