
Author Topic: RPG ratings: Breaking it down to eras.  (Read 2834 times)


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RPG ratings: Breaking it down to eras.
« on: February 27, 2010, 07:38:13 PM »
Simple enough. Just me being bored and looking at RPG ratings topic, and wondering how people's lists break down for eras.
Pre PSX (SNES, NES, Genesis, GB, etc)- Combining NES RPGs with this since there aren't enough NES RPGs to really stand on it's own.

PSX (PSX, Saturn, N64...haha N64 had RPGs?)

PS2 (PS2, Dreamcast, GC)

Current gen (PS3, Wii, 360, DS, PSP)

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Re: RPG ratings: Breaking it down to eras.
« Reply #1 on: February 27, 2010, 07:38:51 PM »
RPG ratings: Breaking it down to eras.

Pre PSX (SNES, NES, Genesis, GB, etc)- Combining NES RPGs with this since there aren't enough NES RPGs to really stand on it's own.

1. Final Fantasy 4- 10/10
2. Ogre Battle- 10/10
3. Dragon Warrior 4- Last of the 10/10 games in this section.
4. Final fantasy 6- 9/10
5. Lufia 2- 9/10

All of these games have been ported to other consoles, but I've played them first here.

PSX (PSX, Saturn, N64...haha N64 had RPGs?)

1. Final Fantasy Tactics- Favorite RPG of all time.
2. Brigandine (GE)- Or this. They're close.
3. Star Ocean 2- Favorite ARPG.
4. Saga Frontier- Fun, short, and has an interesting world. Shame it's unfinished. 10/10 for all of the above.
5. Suikoden 2- Edges out FF7 for this. Only game that isn't a 10/10 on this list, also the one I suspect has held up the worst..

PS2 (PS2, Dreamcast, GC)

1. Front Mission 4- Perfect blend of preset  units and flexability; the game has a fantastic combat system that makes you think and use teamwork (Think VP:DS's support  attack). Challenging and requires careful spending, but also rarely frustrating. The plot's more than good enough, since it relies heavily on the setting to get the job done. Music's good too.
2. Soul Nomad- Is ^_^. Last 10/10 game on this list.
3. Persona 4- Like everything about this game. May raise this to 10/10 when I replay it. Shame it doesn't have any extra stuff to do, since I wanted more when I finished the game.
4.  Phantom Brave- Walnut is a dick.
5. Suikoden 3-  Just edges out Tales of the Abyss. A worthy sequal to S2 that takes the series in a new direction. Shame that S4 was so bad. 9/10 for the last three.

Current gen (PS3, Wii, 360, DS, PSP)

1. Valkyria Chronicals- Some basic flaws in the scoring system are all that keep it from a 10/10. Story is simple and rarely lapses into failure, outside of the villians.
2.  WA:XF- Whoof. This is a painful drop (from 9/10 to 7/10.). A near perfect job system ruined by some idiotoic design choices in maps. Sadly those bad choices last for way too long.

Nothing else I've played on the systems qualifies for a spot on this list.

PSX had most of my favorites (Including two of my all time favorite games) but PS2 has the highest rated games on average. The quality of the titles and the sheer volume of good games blows the rest of the eras away. Not really surprising considering how many more RPGs made it to the states during that time compared to earlier eras.
« Last Edit: March 02, 2010, 02:12:17 PM by superaielman »
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
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Bobbin Cranbud

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Re: RPG ratings: Breaking it down to eras.
« Reply #2 on: February 28, 2010, 08:23:27 AM »
Pre PSX (SNES, NES, Genesis, GB, etc)
For me, most of this era was dominated by PC (and Commodore) games.  I only ever rented an original NES and borrowed a Gameboy.  I played more on my PCs than my Genesis, and I didn't get an SNES until a year, two at the most, before the PS1 launched.  A pair of console games highlight my list from this period, but if this were top 10 instead of top 5, I'm not sure three would appear amidst a flood of PC games and maybe even some Commodore stalwarts.

1. Final Fantasy 6
Greatest game of all time, or second to Heroes of Might and Magic 3?  I'm not sure how to fairly compare the two.  All I know is that I can divide my experience of all other media into "pre-FF6" and "post-FF6."  Everything before and since has been found wanting.

2. Shining Force 2
A rather major drop, even though SF2 is a very good game.  When I first played it I would have given it a 10, because I didn't know what that should mean.  At the time it was the best Tactics/RPG in the world.  However, it has aged comparatively poorly (though not as much as older games) and may even be as low as a 7 if I'm trying to clear all nostalgia out.  Nonetheless, I'll say:

3. Might and Magic 4 & 5: World of Xeen
One part best graphics of its era, one part excellent music, one part difficult combats, one part a world that's large compared to almost anything short of an MMORPG, and two parts two games combined.  World of Xeen was an interesting experiment with an impressive villain and a beautiful, colorful world I explored several times in its heyday.  Another game I would have called a 10 in its time, but is now comfortably an: 8/10

4. Ultima Underworld 2
Two years before Doom it had 3D environments.  Five years before Quake it had mouselook and TRUE 3D environments, including a meaningful z-axis and overlapping platforms.  Of course, most of the marks for innovation apply to the original Ultima Underworld, but the sequel was the better game and had plenty of innovation of its own.  Once a 9 that has settled with the years (and its poorly aged graphics) into a:

5. Curse of the Azure Bonds
Much more than the rest of these I fear nostalgia talks here.  SSI's AD&D-branded Gold Box games flared briefly and brightly, dominating a period of about four years with thirteen releases.  Curse was the best when it first came out, and really made the series what it would be for its run.  On the flip side, these are old, old Tactics/RPGs based on the AD&D rulesset and worlds, and it's hardly surprising they should age poorly - even terribly - compared to one of the strongest console genres.  I can't allow a game I loved and respected this much to drop below a:

PSX (PSX, Saturn, N64...haha N64 had RPGs?)
How strong was the PS1 for RPGs?  Strong enough that every game in my top 5 remains a 9/10 to me.  Yep.  Even discounting Symphony of the Night and its "RPG elements," this era blows all the others away even if you combined them.  Honestly, this top 5 shouldn't even be numbered; I could swap them around at a moment's notice and be quite happy with the results.

1. Xenogears
Out of an incredibly strong field that includes games with almost no missteps, I lead off with... a deeply flawed game with only average gameplay?  Xenogears story and characters are just that good.  There's a reason I could and did write hundreds of thousands of words about these people and their world (or at least what was left of it).  One of the few games that could aspire to being a 10, if only its gameplay weren't average at best.  Graphically, it has probably aged the worst of the games in this Top 5, but it still holds up in the things it was good at to begin with.

2. Final Fantasy Tactics
Still arguably the best Tactics/RPG of all time, despite being relatively easy and sporting a poor translation.  FFT's job system, its story, its level design, its character design, its music - even its graphics have aged well, with clear, attractive sprites and special effects that remain some of my favorites.

3. Wild ARMs 2
Narrowly edges into third place for an excellent story, poorly told.  With a decent translation it could jump up to seriously contend for the top spot of the era.  Always entertaining, with a great cast (heroes and villains alike), interesting gameplay, tons of content, and the soundtrack I've listened to more than any other.

4. Suikoden 2
A great cast - both new and recurring - and a great story to fit them into, combine with the ever-addicting character recruiting side of Suikoden gameplay to make this a masterpiece.  The downside?  The in-battle gameplay is solidly (non-3) Suikoden as well, so as memorable as its best moments are, it is held back from perfection by having to go through dungeons to get to them.

5. Brigandine
Only barely an RPG, I suppose - but what a game!  If it had multiplayer (like the version we didn't get) or better AI (like the version we didn't get) or anime cut scenes by the superb character designer instead of truly awful early-3D battle scenes (like... but I repeat myself), it's another game I could see giving a 10 to.  Even with its many limitations it remains incredibly fun and addicting to this day.

PS2 (PS2, Dreamcast, GC)
From the sublime to the... eh, pretty good.  Not that there weren't standout RPGs in the PS2 era, it just doesn't have the "one masterpiece after another, sometimes two or even three in one year" mindblowing quality of the prior period.  It's not as obvious looking at a Top 5 as it would be at a Top 10, still less a Top 20.  Top 10 PS1 doesn't even get run me out of 8/10 games; Top 10 PS2 and I'd be scraping in a 6/10, barely above average.  6/10 is where my Top 20 PS1 RPGs would bottom out, whereas "Top" 20 PS2 would include a 3/10 game.  Fortunately, unlike in the PS1 era, there WERE other systems, and one of them had one of the greatest RPGs of all.

1. Skies of Arcadia
The Gamecube version is technically better, but it was the original that blew me away when it came out.  I'm willing to admit there may be some nostalgia here, or at least giving credit to the originator.  Much of what Skies did first, particularly with characters' facial expressions, later games would build on.  Nonetheless, no game since has managed to equal the sheer sense of fun and adventure.

2. Wild ARMs 5
And handful of late flaws can't hold back one of the most well-executed RPGs I've ever played.  Spot-on dialogue elevates the cast, excellent pacing cements the gameplay.  One of the most graphically impressive games of the era - or period.  Excellent music completes the package.

3. Dragon Quest 8
For years, this was my top PS2 RPG, and it's still a worthy contender.  Superlative voice acting, beautiful graphics, moving music and pretty much the pinnacle of traditional RPG gameplay.  However, a weak villain cast (with one exception) and the episodic nature of Dragon Quest storytelling hold it just below system-best.

4. Wild ARMs 3
A delightful romp that's heavier than any other Wild ARMs game on the western stylings.  Highly entertaining, with great puzzles, great music and an always fun cast.  Its use of limited resources to reinforce its themes was interesting, if ultimately breakable.  The odd storytelling style (four discrete arcs, like seasons of an anime) ultimately doesn't work as well for me as a more traditional RPG, though.

5. Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance
Another case where the PS2 is glad to have company.  FE9 impressed me a lot with its comparatively challenging gameplay (at least for someone who refuses to lose a named character!) and its excellent cast of characters.  Its story ultimately fails to impress and its gameplay pales in comparison to its sequel, but it's still an excellent game.

Current gen (PS3, Wii, 360, DS, PSP)
Overall, I've been extremely impressed with this console generation.  Not - or not yet - for RPGs, though.  I'm hoping that will trend upwards this year with the release of a number of titles I've been looking forward to.  On the plus side, the PSP is the first handheld that doesn't hurt my hands or eyes too much to be willing to play RPGs on it, and it's had some excellent ones.

1. Final Fantasy 7: Crisis Core
The only game I've ever played that had me grinning like an idiot and weeping like a fool at the same time.  A brilliant, deeply affecting work, somehow made better by knowing how it had to end.  Amazingly enough, it's also a darned fun game, too, with lots of optional content and a very playable ARPG system.

2. Wild ARMs XF
Probably the most flawed game on any of these lists, even stacked up against the two-decades old Curse of the Azure Bonds.  And yet -!  Wild ARMs XF does everything to "X"cess.  It suffers from deep flaws in level design and a terrible PC cast.  Yet it has the most deep and compelling job system of any game, incredible variety in ways to customize characters, some brilliant levels to go with the bad (including one of only a true handful of Tactics/RPG final battles that doesn't fail miserably) and a story that succeeds in spite of most of its protagonists.  Strange, yet weird - and often enough weirdly awesome.

3. Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn
A massive upgrade to the already quite-good gameplay of Path of Radiance - unfortunately coupled with a massive amount of suck in part of the PC cast.  Micaiah approaches Shion levels of fail and nearly drags this game down from its otherwise unassailable heights.  Fortunately, the returning cast remains excellent, the story doesn't go too far off the rails, and the gameplay is spot on from the word go.

4. Valkyria Chronicles
One of the most beautiful games ever made, and barring a few weak points one of the best.  The PC cast is played somewhat understated but to excellent effect, and the story is well-told.  The gameplay is loads of fun, with many interesting wrinkles to shake out of the offered combined-arms tactics.  Unfortunately, the game rewards you for ignoring those interesting wrinkles and focusing on scout rushes; that and the villains are the only weaknesses.

Fallout 3
A PC/Western style RPG in my Top 5 for an era?  And that era is after I got disgusted with PC games in general and RPGs in particular?  What's going on here.  Well, four things.  One, Fallout 3 sells its atmosphere extremely well, two, the sidequests were a cut above most of this style of game, three, "sub-par FPS with pause" appeals to me more than "sub-par RTS with pause," and four, there just aren't very many console/JRPG style games out for these systems yet, outside the DS which is basically unplayable for me.
« Last Edit: February 28, 2010, 08:31:29 AM by Bobbin Cranbud »
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Re: RPG ratings: Breaking it down to eras.
« Reply #3 on: February 28, 2010, 08:37:05 AM »
I haven't done RPG ratings in forever so this is from memory.

Pre PSX (SNES, NES, Genesis, GB, etc)- Combining NES RPGs with this since there aren't enough NES RPGs to really stand on it's own.

1. Final Fantasy 4: 10/10, incredible game that redefined what an RPG was for the SNES generation.  A lot of it looks dated, but it was revolutionary at the time and deserves respect.
2. Lufia 2: 10/10. Lufia 2 was an end of system game. It has it's flaws and lack of polish, but it's just so damned fun and has one of the best video game OSTs of all time. This is a study of how to make an awesome game no matter your mistakes.
3. Final Fantasy 6: 9.5/10. The last word on the old style of Final Fantasy games. A coda to them as well as a crowning achievement, laying the groundwork for a new era with FF7 on the PSX.
4. Breath of Fire 2: 9/10: Translation be damned, this game has some awesome music and style.
5. Final Fantasy 1 9/10. Dated, but still awesome and started the Final Fantasy franchise. I think RPGs having good OSTs started with FF1, DQ1's wasn't that good

PSX (PSX, Saturn, N64...haha N64 had RPGs?)

1. Final Fantasy Tactics: 10/10, probably hast the most depth of any RPG ever married to a fun factor out of this world.
2. Star Ocean 2: 10/10. Awesome ARPG that rewards replays and learning the system. Oh, and fighting is a blast. So much to do and so many reasons to replay.
3. Final Fantasy 7: 9/10: FF4 redux, redefining RPGs for the console generation. In some ways it's aged worse than FF4(And needs a remake more, but aside), but it's still an awesome game.
4. Suikoden 2.: 9/10. Between this, SO2, BoF2 and Lufia 2, I have a soft spot for awesome games with polish issues. I don't normally get all that involved with video game characters/plots, but Luca Blight is worth this score alone.
5. Saga Frontier: 8/10. Flawed from here to the end times, but an experimental work that oozed with it's potential. Given another year it could have been a remarkable world and story, but alas, it reached too far.

PS2 (PS2, Dreamcast, GC)

1. Dragon Quest 8: 10/10 Liquid gaming bliss. I'll only ever be able to play it once, but what play through!
2. Skies of Arcadia: 9/10 This is how you do a unique, whimsical setting and make it work.  This game is pure fluffy awesomeness and sells it from day one. Take notes, everyone.
3. Suikoden 3: 9/10 Suikoden 3, even  unfinished, is a superb game.
4. Tales of the Abyss: 9/10. Tales matured in the PS2 generation, TotA is the best one to date(Haven't gotten ToV). The gameplay is good, the characters are incredible and the plot is fun. Wins.
5. Tales of Symphonia: 9/10. TotA-1 and +99 anti-hype or so, but fuck it. This game is awesome.

Nothing for the modern era. For a bunch of reasons I've really fallen out of new games in this era. (New consoles being expensive, DLC, a lack of good games and a few franchises(FF) going to shit, and a bunch of other things.)
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Re: RPG ratings: Breaking it down to eras.
« Reply #4 on: February 28, 2010, 12:06:38 PM »
Pre PSX (SNES, NES, Genesis, GB, etc)
1. FFVI - One of my favourite games ever, so... yeah, no contest here. Amazing characters, good storyline, fun gameplay and a system I love.
2. Chrono Trigger - Yeah, I played the DS version, but the hype comes for the gameplay, which is true to the original. Fun game, some creative bosses without freaking out the difficulty. Shame I didn't care about the characters, or this would probably be top.
3. FFIV - Doesn't have the length or system of FFVI, and is a little stupid at times, but definitely excels in some aspects - I'm a fan of the Four Fiends, so 4 good villains > FFVI's 1 good villain.
4. FFII - Yes, I'm serious. Firstly, I haven't played many retro RPGs, so.. yeah. Secondly, as much as the gameplay is hideously flawed, I love the (developed) characters and the storyline is simple but fun. So yeah, it gets this high a spot.
5. FFI - Yeah, I guess. Can't think of much else to go here, but this could be very easily replaced.

PSX (PSX, Saturn, N64...haha N64 had RPGs?) <-- It did! It had, uhh, Paper Mario. And not much else.
1. FFIX - About on par with FFVI for series-best.
2. Pokemon Gold - SO. SO GLAD. THIS IS GETTING A REMAKE. Seriously, the best Pokemon games ever, and that's saying a lot. This game basically made my entire childhood.
3. Breath of Fire IV - Whee~! Fun game, decent characters and a simple but good storyline. Fun times.
4. FFVII - Despite overhype/antihype elsewhere, this is still an amazing game.
5. FFT - And I've barely even played it. Says a lot for the strength of its gameplay.

PS2 (PS2, Dreamcast, GC)
1. Persona 4 - Probably my favourite game ever? Amazing gameplay, brilliant storyline and characters, only one flaw I can actually think of in the whole game. Yeah, definitely top here.
2. Shin Megami Tensei: Lucifer's Call (SMT:N) - And a close second. If only this game had Persona's characters, it'd easily be the best game I've ever played.
3. Shadow Hearts: Covenant - Characters, storyline and the script, in particular, are amazing. Gameplay lets it down slightly, but this game is still amazing.
4. Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean - Holy shit, how did I forget this game? Namco make an amazing plot with a (mostly) lovable cast and an innovative battle system - can see how some might not like it, but I love it. <3
5. Persona 3 - Think Persona 4, take away a bit from storyline, add it to characters and make the gameplay a little less involved. That's a pretty high compliment, coming from me.

Current gen (PS3, Wii, 360, DS, PSP)
1. Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn - It says a lot about the current-gen RPGs that this is top, when I prefer PoR to RD. Still, good game, doesn't change a winning formula from the previous games, and has the same solid cast. The new characters kinda suck, though.
2. Pokemon Diamond - Yeah, it's a Pokemon game. That's enough for it to be a good RPG, and Sinnoh is pretty fun. Suffers majorly from a lack of caring about the world, though.
3. Etrian Odyssey - I need to finish this game. Pure dungeon crawler without any innovation is </3, but the gameplay is decent enough. Also a decently challenging game!
4. FF3DS - Yep, counting this as DS, since it's different enough to the original. It's also pretty terrible, but I can't think of any other games that go into this section that I've played a decent amount of.
« Last Edit: February 28, 2010, 07:29:05 PM by Yoshiken »


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Re: RPG ratings: Breaking it down to eras.
« Reply #5 on: February 28, 2010, 12:58:52 PM »
Pre PSX (SNES, NES, Genesis, GB, etc)- Combining NES RPGs with this since there aren't enough NES RPGs to really stand on it's own.
1: Final Fantasy V - Fanboy.
2: Dragon Warrior Monsters 2  -  Easily the best pokemon-style game out there. *armscross*
3: Dragon Warrior 3 (-GBC-) - Classical style game, cool skillsets, flows pretty okay, fun boss fights strategically.
4: Ogre Battle - Yep.
5: Phantasy Star IV - Okay.
Runner-up: Secret of Evermore. Yeaaah, guilty pleasure game.

PSX (PSX, Saturn, N64...haha N64 had RPGs?)
1: Persona 2: Eternal Punishment -  ...what?
2: Final Fantasy Tactics -  Also a pretty big gimme.
3: Legend of Mana - Mmmhm. Adore the game. Even though gameplay is pretty sad. >_>
4: SRT: Original Generation 2 - I'm guessing GBA goes here? Anyway, pretty cool little game.
5: Front Mission 3 -  Mmmmyep.
Runner-up: Breath of Fire IV - It's probably lower in my RPG list, but I've actually been replaying it a bit, and wow, yeah, it is fun.

PS2 (PS2, Dreamcast, GC)
1: Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter - Fanboy massive. Adore the game. ....really should sit down and replay it, buuuut
2: Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne - Tai likes Atlus games. Act shocked, people.
3: Phantom Brave - Oh god, a NISA over9000 twinking system I actually -like-, this is not good
4t: Persona 4 - Mmmhmm. Fun enough.
4t: Wild Arms 4 - Good gameplay, like the grid system, well written... yeah.
5: Shadow Hearts: Covenant - Yeah. Cool, cool game.
Runner-Up: Suikoden III - Very stylish.

Current gen (PS3, Wii, 360, DS, PSP) - THIS ENTIRE LIST IS DS GAMES FOR ME. Sadly I still might manage five. >_> o wate SO2PSP.
1: The World Ends With You - It's one of my top five RPGs. That's about all I need to say.
2: Etrian Odyssey 2 - As is this!
3: Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor - Yep. Tai Hearts Atlus Games (THAG).
4: Final Fantasy Tactics A2 - This is just a really enjoyable, if somewhat generic, strategy game.
5: Star Ocean 2 PSP - They made the art worse. Otherwise, a generally decently polished game.
Runner-up: Pokemon Platinum - And this is probably right on average for me. :/
Runner-up v2 because it'd probably get a spot here when I beat it: Dragon Age: Origins - Really like what I've played and seen! But haven't played enough yet.

Looking at these lists... wow, there's absolutely no rhyme or reason aside from my personal preferences, except for maybe "innovative gameplay" being a theme for the top ranks.

DS and PSX era hold two of my favorite games each, PS2 holds two but has a lot more solid contributions while DS era especially descends quickly due to lack of systems/games. SNES, yeah, not really much there for me.
« Last Edit: February 28, 2010, 01:00:59 PM by Taitoro »


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Re: RPG ratings: Breaking it down to eras.
« Reply #6 on: February 28, 2010, 03:11:26 PM »
Interesting. Copying my list straight over from RPG Ratings...

Pre PSX (SNES, NES, Genesis, GB, etc)- Combining NES RPGs with this since there aren't enough NES RPGs to really stand on it's own.

1. Live A Live - Yeah. Still manages to be an unique experience and a whole lot of fun.
2. Final Fantasy V - Job system supremacy.
3. Rudra no Hihou - I like the offbeat style and gameplay the game has. Also does three intertwining routes in a great fashion.
4. Chrono Trigger - And now we're into solid fluff game territory.
5. Great Greed - Hell yes. Comedy option, maybe, but anything below this line I don't really like at all.

PSX (PSX, Saturn, N64...haha N64 had RPGs?)

1. Vagrant Story - Once again, a perfect storm of unique choices. Also the most atmospheric RPG out there.
2. Final Fantasy VII - I did run a LLSCC as well as No Exp/No Excapes/No Items playthrough of this game. So, yep.
3. Star Ocean: The Second Story - Shows its age, but still has a fun ARPG system as well as a fascinating world to interact with.
4. Breath of Fire 4 - Ultimate fluff game, just straight up fun 99% of the time, start to finish. Fou-Lu plot needs to be mentioned as a special highlight.
5. Final Fantasy VIII - Really? Well, uh, I guess. I do like the game quite a bit despite it being a comedy of errors in quite a few ways. LFT would be high up on this list instead if mods were allowed, FFT doesn't cut it.

PS2 (PS2, Dreamcast, GC)

1. Soul Nomad & the World Eaters - Yeah, my #1 RPG.
2. Phantom Brave - And my #2.
3. Star Ocean: Till the End of Time - Strange case. The gameplay completely carries everything else about the game.
4. Final Fantasy X-2 - Lack of difficulty is the only issue here, it might get the top spot with a good hard mode. I need to play the International version someday.
5. Atelier Iris 3: Grand Phantasm - This game too would be fantastic if only it had any kind of difficulty. I need to try and come up with a good challenge run for this.

Current gen (PS3, Wii, 360, DS, PSP)

1. The World Ends With You - with all the top spots, the game is a perfect blend of unique concepts, excellent style, and fun gameplay.
2. Ys Origin - Leaning current gen for this, it's arguable. Anyway, essentially perfect hack'n'slash ARPG.
3. The Last Remnant - Has its flaws, but (once again) unique strengths put it high on the list. There quite isn't another RPG that does the clashing of armies in combat so convincingly.
4. Final Fantasy Tactics Advance 2: Grimoire of the Rift - Big drop. A decent/good SRPG.
5. Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII - Pretty much all the points are for style and storytelling.

Three themes stand out: Innovation, well polished gameplay, and immersive worlds. The last three eras are fairly similar near the top, with the newest one descending faster than others due to lack of material. SNES era has a few good titles and that's it.
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Re: RPG ratings: Breaking it down to eras.
« Reply #7 on: February 28, 2010, 04:25:01 PM »
Pre PSX (SNES, NES, Genesis, GB, etc)- Combining NES RPGs with this since there aren't enough NES RPGs to really stand on it's own.

1.   Tactics Ogre : Let Us Cling Together- 9/10
2.   Ogre Battle: The March of the Black Queen- 9/10
3.   Phantasy Star IV- 8/10
4.   Chrono Trigger – 8/10
5.   Live a Live- 8/10

PSX (PSX, Saturn, N64...haha N64 had RPGs?)

1.   Final Fantasy Tactics- 10/10
2.   Brigandine – Legend of Forsena – 10/10
3.   SaGa Frontier – 10/10
4.   Suikoden II- 9/10
5.   Breath of Fire III – 9/10

PS2 (PS2, Dreamcast, GC)

1.   Wild Arms 4 – 9/10
2.   Shadow Hearts Covenant – 9/10
3.   Dragon Quest 8 – 9/10
4.   Suikoden III- 9/10
5.   Final Fantasy X- 8/10

Current gen (PS3, Wii, 360, DS, PSP)

1.   Fire Emblem – Radiant Dawn (FE10) – 10/10
2.   Wild Arms XF (PSP) – 8/10
3.   Final Fantasy III DS – 7/10
4.   Pokemon Diamond – 6/10
5.   lol new gen

Gen 2 > Gen 3 > Gen 1 > Gen 4 very obviously~
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Re: RPG ratings: Breaking it down to eras.
« Reply #8 on: February 28, 2010, 05:21:23 PM »

1. Final Fantasy 6
2. Chrono Trigger
3. Phantasy Star 4
4. Final Fantasy 3
5. Final Fantasy 5

Not much to say here. First three are the gems of the era. Last two have fun job systems, I think I liked FF3's dungeon emphasis more than FF5's too-easy-but-hey-the-twinking! approach but could flip.


1. Final Fantasy Tactics: 10/10 awesomeness.
2. Valkyrie Profile: Creative game in both plot and gameplay.
3. Breath of Fire 4: Too easy and a weak PC cast but otherwise some very neat ideas and execution across the board, a good experience.
3. Xenogears: I guess. Plot is cool.
4. Final Fantasy 7: I guess. Plot is cool.

For some reason I was thinking BoF4 was PS2 and was despairing this era as mediocre due to having to put a 7/10 onto the list. Fortunately I was wrong, so yeah, they're all 8/10's or better. Second best RPG era as such.


1. Final Fantasy X
2. Wild Arms 4
3. Suikoden 3
4. Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance
5. Fire Emblem: Blazing Sword

This gen is beyond hax. WA3/XS2/G3/MMXCM/S5 just miss the cut here, everything is easily at least a 9/10 and all I have either had or seriously considered for 10/10.

Current gen

1. Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn
2. Wild Arms XF

Both of these rule. Otherwise we have FESD and Pokemon Diamond, neither of which are -bad- but I don't feel like putting either on this list.

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Re: RPG ratings: Breaking it down to eras.
« Reply #9 on: February 28, 2010, 06:51:32 PM »

1. Final Fantasy 6: Doesn't really need an explanation. Best in the main series by a good margin. Took everything that 4 did to the genre and took it even further. Outstanding in almost all aspects. 10/10
2. Chrono Trigger: Pretty close to FF6, Also good at everything with better gameplay and graphics, but worse story and music. 10/10
3. Breath of Fire: This is a personal favorite. Sure the translation was bad and there wasn't much to the plot, but back then that was the norm so that's forgivable. However, what it does have are nice graphics and music and some of the best pacing in an rpg to date. 10/10
4. Earthbound: Just a fun game. If it was able to keep up what it did from Threed-Scarabia for the whole game it would beat out Breath of Fire, but unfortunately it just gets less interesting afterwards. Still very good. 9/10
5. Super Mario RPG: Like Earthbound it's very fun and lighthearted. Unfortunately its also very short. If it were longer it could probably beat out Earthbound and BoF. 9/10

Runner(s) Up
Final Fantasy 5

1. Final Fantasy Tactics: Obvious, everyone's already said everything that needs to be said about this game 10/10
2. Saga Frontier: Fun game. The quests are short, but interesting and all together they make for a decently long game. It takes up a lot of memory card space though. 9/10
3. Paper Mario: It's a fluff game, but a good one. Not as good as SMRPG but all the Mario RPG titles are pretty close in quality. 9/10
4. Legend of Mana: This is all for graphics and music. I recently started a playthrough and the graphical style has held up wonderfully. 9/10
5.Wild Arms: Better music and gameplay, but worse graphics than Legend of Mana. These two are pretty close. 9/10

Runner Up(s)
Dragon Quest 7
Castlevania Symphony of the Night

1. Shadow Hearts Covenant: Probably my favorite game. It does everything really well and then just adds little things that give the game chracter and put it over the top. SH1 had story and characters, SH3 had graphics and gameplay, SH2 took all of the good aspects of the other two and put them into one amazing game. 10/10
2. Persona 4: Best character interaction and voice acting of any game I've played. Combat is fast and extremely fun as well. 10/10
3. Mother 3: Has the most powerful and emotional story of any video game. The graphics and music are solid too and contrast in an interesting way with the overall dark tone of the story. The gameplay isn't all that exciting, but it doesn't let the game down. 10/10
4. Breath of Fire 5: I really need to  replay this. I started this pretty soon after it came out, but got frustrated when I ran out of healing items early on. This year I tried it again and was shocked with what I was missing. The gameplay is wonderful and the music is outstanding. It also has fantastic pacing. 10/10
5. Persona 3: The story is more interesting than Persona 4's, but the characters and gameplay are worse. It's still really good. 10/10

Runner(s) Up:
Dragon Quest 8
Mario and Luigi SSS
Fire Emblem 7
Paper Mario 2
Wild Arms 3
Castlevania Aria of Sorrow

Current Gen:
1. Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn: It has FE gameplay which is good. It also has the best story of the modern FEs and some of the most interesting maps. 9/10
2. The World Ends with You: Just really fun and unique overall. SE took a risk and it payed off wonderfully. I hope to see more games like this in the future. 9/10
3. Dragon Quest 5: I'm a big fan of DQ games and I'm really glad that they decided to remake it so that I could play it. The game looks nice and has all of the usual DQ charm. The battle music is also catchey as hell. 9/10
4. Castlevania Dawn of Sorrow: Worse than AoS because the areas are worse overall. Garden of Madness and Demon Guest House were neat, but the rest of the castle couldn't compete with AoS's. 9/10
5. WA XF: Every body else has said what needs to be said already. Just really good gameplay and music that is hurt by a few awful maps. 8/10
Runner(s) up:
SMT Devil Survivor.
Castlevania Portrait of Ruin

Observations: Order goes 3>1>2>4. Thinking on it, this makes sense. I think 3 was the longest and PS2 and GBA were both really good systems for rpgs. GC and XBOX only had a few, but the ones they had were good. 1 is saved by Square's rpg explosion in the middle of the SNES era. 2 is the disappointment of the bunch. I honestly thought there were more good games, but the N64 was practically a non-factor when it comes to rpgs and I think the PS2 had a longer period where games were made for it. 4 didn't do too well, but that's not a suprise seeing as it's currently going on. There are a lot of big name games that are coming out this year for that system so hopefully it will have done better by this time next year.     


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Re: RPG ratings: Breaking it down to eras.
« Reply #10 on: February 28, 2010, 07:21:59 PM »
Just doing what comes to mind since I can't find my old RPG ratings list to make this easy.

Pre PSX (SNES, NES, Genesis, GB, etc)

1. Earthbound
2. Final Fantasy 6
3. Dragon Warrior 4
4. Eh... Chrono Trigger?  No, there must be something better that isn't coming to mind.  Finish later or more likely not.

PSX (PSX, Saturn, N64...haha N64 had RPGs?)

1. Final Fantasy Tactics
2. Planescape Torment (same era)
3. Suikoden 2
4. Tales of Eternia

PS2 (PS2, Dreamcast, GC)
1. Knights of the Old Republic Series- 1 has all the polish and a strong ending, 2 has better writing until entire scenes go missing.  Neither are strong enough to take number one, but together I like the series enough to slap it up here.
2. Shadow Hearts: Covenant - I'd say this is the only JRPG that competes for number 1.
3. Tales of the Abyss - Not that 3's that big of a drop.
4. Wild ARMs 3
5. Suikoden 3

Only era where I feel like I could go on to make a top ten list all out of very good games.

Current gen (PS3, Wii, 360, DS, PSP)

1. Laggy Fantasy Tactics (Why do you people ignore PC games so)
... Eh... yeah I'll just start listing shit then
Final Fantasy 3 DS
Final Fantasy 4 DS
Dragon Quest 4 DS
Mario and Luigi Partners in Time.

....Maybe once I play Mass Effect I'll have something to actually put on this list.
« Last Edit: February 28, 2010, 07:23:51 PM by Makkotah »


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Re: RPG ratings: Breaking it down to eras.
« Reply #11 on: February 28, 2010, 07:29:34 PM »
Edited my list to switch FE:PoR for Baten Kaitos. Can't believe I forgot it.


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Re: RPG ratings: Breaking it down to eras.
« Reply #12 on: February 28, 2010, 08:08:40 PM »
Using my RPG Ratings as my base here.  Since my distinctions within a given rating aren't terribly meaningful, I'll be listing out any games in whatever lowest score the last game to make the cut had below to 'Top 5'.

Pre-PS1 Era (SNES, Gens, NES)

1. Chrono Trigger (PS1 Port, 9/10)
2. Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars (SNES, 8/10)
3. Breath of Fire (GBA Port, 7/10)
4. Phantasy Star IV (Gens, 6/10)
5. Dragon Warrior IV (NES, 6/10)

Additional 6/10's: Lufia II: Rise of the Sinstrals (SNES, 6/10)

I'm not sure how much the GBA port changed on BoF1, but I gather it's just increased exp/zenny, which isn't terribly significant.  I considered putting the GBA version of Tales of Phantasia here, but decided against.  Anyway uh yeah.  I got down to the 6s here.

PS1 Era (PS1, N64, GBC)

1. Xenogears (PS1, 10/10)
2. Final Fantasy VII (PS1, 10/10)
3. Chrono Cross (PS1, 9/10)
4. Final Fantasy Tactics (PS1, 9/10)
5. Suikoden II (PS1, 9/10)

Additional 9/10s bumped off the list: Vagrant Story, Valkyrie Profile,

Good solid list.  I think that, had the PS1 had the same longevity as the PS2, it might've accumulated a similar pile.  Maybe.

PS2 Era (PS2, Dreamcast, GBA, NGC)

1. Kingdom Hearts (PS2, 10/10)
2. Shadow Hearts: Covenant (PS2, 10/10)
3. Suikoden III (PS2, 10/10)
4. Final Fantasy X (PS2, 9/10)
5. Kingdom Hearts II (PS2, 9/10)

Additional 9/10's bumped off the list: Grandia II, Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door, Tales of the Abyss, Suikoden V, Mana Khemia: Alchemists of Al Revis, Soul Nomad & The World Eaters, Valkyrie Profile 2: Silmeria, Breath of Fire Dragon Quarter

The utter dominance is self-evident.

Current Era (DS, PSP, PS3, 360, Wii)

1. Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days (DS, 9/10)
2. Tales of Vesperia (360, 9/10)
3. Valkyrie Profile: Covenant of the Plume (DS, 9/10)
4. Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII (PSP, 8/10)
5. Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn (Wii, 8/10)

Additional 8/10's bumped from the list: Wild ARMs XF, Pokémon Platinum, Star Ocean: First Departure

It really could be worse, but the system scatter (and by extension what I had to pay to play these games) isn't much fun.
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Re: RPG ratings: Breaking it down to eras.
« Reply #13 on: February 28, 2010, 08:26:37 PM »
Pre-PSX era:

1. FF6, for it really got me to appreciate RPGs, and I can still enjoy playing it because it doesn't use most of the mechanics I despise.
2. Fallout, for all that it is better than FF6, I wouldn't have played it had I not played FF6 first and decided I really liked RPGs.
3. Fallout 2, a mechanically better game than the first but inferior in ways I care about more, like ambiance.
4. EarthBound, one of the few games I've enjoyed MORE when I came back to it years and years later.
5. Front Mission. Fuck I love Front Mission.


1. FFT, because it's fun to grow characters over the course of a game. And then at the end you get broken characters and don't have to try anymore.
2. Planescape: Torment. This would be at the top but I want to be in combat even less than Fallout, but there's just as much of it.
3. Star Ocean 2, for making random battles fun.
4. SotN. I am big on exploration. Really, really big on it.
5. Wild Arms 1. My second-favorite of the series, even with translation issues, because it has some measure of balance almost all the way to the end.


1. Shadow Hearts: Covenant. No question here, SH:C is a goddamn masterpiece.
2. KotOR 2 + restored content patch. Is it cheating? Sure. Do I factor in moddability in to games? Yes, so I'm going to count it.
3. Arcanum. I'm still angry this didn't sell well enough to net us the planned sequel, "Journey to the Center of Arcanum."
4. Suikoden III. Finally, a Suikoden game where you don't recruit a strategist and they immediately jam their hand up your ass and use you as a sock puppet for the rest of the game.
5. VtM: Bloodlines. Is it buggy and unfinished, with the end of the game's confrontations being a pretty big mess? Sure, but it's still got some of the most masterful settings and combat that is fun. It also requires you to actually build a character, instead of grinding until you fill all your boxes.

The "Good thing we have WRPGs or I'd have one thing to put here" era:

1. Fallout 3. No doubt about it. The base is actually pretty well-made, which is shocking for a Bethesda product, but the world-building is quite amazing, and of course the GECK is simple enough to use you can even tweak the game's operations to your own liking if you want.
2. Mass Effect 2. Fixes all the things about Mass Effect 1 that I didn't realize didn't make sense until it was pointed out. Also it has Mordin, character of the year shoe-in.
3. Barkley: Shut up and Jam: Gaiden. Pretty much encapsulates my entire feeling about jRPGs and their downhill slide, yeah. Also, B-BALLLSSSSS!
4. Mass Effect 1. A damn fine game, but ME2 ruined it for me, I think?
5. Tales of Vesperia. The third act is a goddamn mess, but there's a lot of solid game before that.

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Re: RPG ratings: Breaking it down to eras.
« Reply #14 on: February 28, 2010, 10:01:34 PM »
Pre-PSX era
1. Phantasy Star IV 9/10
2. Final Fantasy VI 8/10
3. Chrono Trigger 6/10
4. Pokemon Blue 6/10
5. Phantasy Star II 5/10

1. Wild Arms 10/10
2. Xenogears 10/10
3. Suikoden II 9/10
4. Lunar 2: Eternal Blue Complete 9/10
5. Wild Arms 2 9/10

1. Shadow Hearts: Covenant 10/10
2. Persona 4 10/10
3. Wild Arms: Alter Code F 9/10
4. Kingdom Hearts 9/10
5. Suikoden III 9/10

Current Gen
1. Generation of Chaos IV (PSP) 9/10
2. Wild Arms XF (PSP) 8/10
3. Valkyria Chronicles (PS3) 7/10
4. Generation of Chaos: Aedis Eclipse (PSP) 6/10
5. Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology (PSP) 6/10


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Re: RPG ratings: Breaking it down to eras.
« Reply #15 on: March 01, 2010, 01:55:26 AM »

1. FF4
2. Chrono Trigger
3. FF6
4. 7th Saga
5. Breath of Fire


1. S2
2. SotN
3. FFT
4. BoF3
5. WA2


1. S5
2. Morrowind
3. Persona 4
4. Tales of the Abyss
5. Soul Nomad

Current gen

1. Tales of Vesperia
2. Mass Effect
Below blows.
3. Tales of Symphonia: Knight
4. Oblivion
5. Suikoden Tier


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Re: RPG ratings: Breaking it down to eras.
« Reply #16 on: March 01, 2010, 02:37:07 AM »
8- and 16-Bit:

1. Final Fantasy VI
2. Phantasy Star IV
3. Shining Force II
4. Final Fantasy V
5. Chrono Trigger


1. Panzer Dragoon Saga. My favorite RPG, ever.
2. Final Fantasy Tactics. My favorite SRPG, ever.
3. Xenogears
4. Shining Force III (complete)
5. Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete
Honorable mention: Planescape: Torment, Vagrant Story, Dragon Force.


1. Final Fantasy X
2. Shadow Hearts: Covenant
3. Tales of the Abyss
4. Dragon Quest VIII
5. Wild ARMs 4

Current Gen:
1. Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII
2. Dragon Quest IV: Chapters of the Chosen
3. Super Robot Wars OG Saga: Endless Frontier
------Suckage line-----
4. Final Fantasy III
5. Wild ARMs XF
Luckily I've played just enough current-gen RPGs to make a five-game list.
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Re: RPG ratings: Breaking it down to eras.
« Reply #17 on: March 01, 2010, 03:01:39 AM »
Pre PSX (SNES, NES, Genesis, GB, etc)- Combining NES RPGs with this since there aren't enough NES RPGs to really stand on it's own.

1. Earthbound
2. FF6
4. Live a Live
5. Pokemon

PSX (PSX, Saturn, N64...haha N64 had RPGs?)

1. FFT
2. Paper Mario - Man you like forced me to put down Paper Mario when you typed that
3. VP
4. FF8
5. S2

Man I should play PST since PSX era sounds terrible as combo package

PS2 (PS2, Dreamcast, GC)

1. Mother 3
2. Pers4
3. MK2
4. FFX
5. SHC

Current gen (PS3, Wii, 360, DS, PSP)

1. Devil Survivor
3. XF
4. FE10
5. PokePlat

PS2 > Current Gen > Pre-PSX > PSX
« Last Edit: March 01, 2010, 03:06:03 AM by Nitori »
<Ko-NitoriisSulpher> roll 1d100 to grade Nitori?
<Hatbot> ACTION --> "Ko-NitoriisSulpher rolls 1d100 to grade Nitori? and gets 100." [1d100=100]

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Re: RPG ratings: Breaking it down to eras.
« Reply #18 on: March 01, 2010, 06:40:03 AM »
Man I should play PST

Why did you need a qualifying statement after this?


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Re: RPG ratings: Breaking it down to eras.
« Reply #19 on: March 01, 2010, 07:58:19 AM »
Pre PSX (SNES, NES, Genesis, GB)
1. 8/10 Super Robot Wars Gaiden
2. 8/10 Fire Emblem: Thracia 776
3. 8/10 Phantasy Star 4
4. 7/10 Final Fantasy Mystic Quest
5. 7/10 Terranigma

PSX (PSX, Saturn, N64, GBC)
1. 9/10 Planescape: Torment
2. 9/10 Breath Of Fire 4
3. 9/10 Valkyrie Profile
4. 8/10 Star Ocean 2: The Second Story
5. 8/10 Final Fantasy 7

PS2 (PS2, Dreamcast, GC, GBA)
1. 9/10 Skies Of Arcadia: Legends
2. 9/10 Tales Of Symphonia
3. 9/10 Paper Mario 2: The Thousand Year Door
4. 8/10 Fire Emblem: The Blazing Sword
5. 8/10 Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings And The Lost Ocean

Current gen (PS3, Wii, 360, DS, PSP)
1. 9/10 The World Ends With You
2. 8/10 Super Robot Wars W
3. 8/10 Super Robot Wars OG Saga: Endless Frontier
4. 8/10 Etrian Odyssey
5. 7/10 Mega Man Star Force


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Re: RPG ratings: Breaking it down to eras.
« Reply #20 on: March 01, 2010, 10:34:44 PM »
Pre PSX (SNES, NES, Genesis, GB, etc)- removing stupid disclaimer
1) Final Fantasy VI (9/10)
2) Super Mario RPG (9/10)
3) Final Fantasy Legend III (8/10)
4) Lufia II: Rise of the Sinistrals (8/10)
5) Pokemon Blue/Red (8/10)

6) Final Fantasy Adventure (8/10)
7) Chrono Trigger (8/10)

PSX (PSX, Saturn, N64...haha N64 had RPGs?)
1) Rhapsody: A Musical Adventure (10/10)
2) Final Fantasy Tactics (9/10)
3) Breath of Fire IV (9/10)
4) Star Ocean: The Second Story (9/10)
5) Vagrant Story (9/10)

6) Valkyrie Profile (9/10)
7) Xenogears (9/10)

PS2 (PS2, Dreamcast, GC)
1) Final Fantasy X (10/10)
2) Mana Khemia: Alchemists of Al-Revis (10/10)
3) Super Robot Taisen Original Generations (10/10)
4) Wild ARMs 4 (10/10)
5) Phantom Brave (9/10)

6) Persona 4 (9/10)
7) Super Robot Taisen: Original Generation 2 (9/10)
8) Mana Khemia 2: Fall of Alchemy (9/10)
9) Atelier Iris 2: The Azoth of Destiny (9/10)
10) Growlanser: Heritage of War (9/10)

11) Wild ARMs 3 (9/10)
12) Mega Man X: Command Mission (9/10)
13) Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne (9/10)
14) Breath of Fire V: Dragon Quarter (9/10)
15) Xenosaga Episode I: Der Wille zur Macht (9/10)

16) Legaia 2: Duel Saga (9/10)
17) Ar tonelico: Melody of Elemia (9/10)
18) Ar tonelico II: Melody of Metafalica (9/10)
19) Super Robot Taisen: Original Generation (9/10)
20) Shadow Hearts Covenant (9/10)

21) .hack//G.U. (9/10)
22) Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga (9/10)
23) Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga (9/10)
24) Wild ARMs 5 (9/10)

lol dominance

Current gen (PS3, Wii, 360, DS, PSP)
1) Cross Edge (10/10)
2) Rhapsody: A Musical Adventure DS (10/10)
3) Etrian Odyssey II: Heroes of Lagaard (9/10)
4) Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn (9/10)
5) Disgaea 3: Absense of Justice (9/10)

6) Wild ARMs XF (9/10)
7) Tales of Vesperia (9/10)

Current gen antihype is overrated.