Haha wow, this was a pretty amazing setup, I have to say. I mean, I've wondered to myself "how would I do a setup for theme X?" (like, say, Harry Potter) and I've come up with some wacky stuff, but I think this setup manages to be more creative than the weird setups I had in mind (while also apparently being close to balanced; cool). I'm definitely impressed.
Cult Leader, while flavorful, just... doesn't work as a balanced Mafia idea in general.
Only Cult Leader setup I've seen that I've liked is basically a Serial Killer...except if they fail to kill their target then the target gets recruited. In other words, basically a Serial Killer that can on rare occasions gain an ally or two.
Of course, said Cult Leader variant would not work at all in this setup, what with the ridiculous number of doctors and bulletproof people.