Author Topic: Super Robot Wars Original Generation (by SageAcrin)  (Read 5703 times)

Jo'ou Ranbu

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Super Robot Wars Original Generation (by SageAcrin)
« on: August 27, 2008, 06:41:31 PM »
Okay, so no one else will likely do this, and I happen to have (more or less) all of the pertinent mechanics info, so I've decided to try this out.

I'm insane. Never mind that, though. Worse, this is going to end up a basic battle mechanics guide, since that's the simplest way to stat topic this game. ;_;

OKAY. Onward!


Mech stats:

HP: Running out of these causes a buffer overflow that turns your GBA into a cabbage. Needless to say, no one wants to do that in a duel. Embarrassing.
EN: A form of MP, basically. Used for some weaponry.
Mobility: Evasion, when used in conjunction with the pilot Evd stat and some other, lesser factors.
Armor: Defense. SRT has no seperate defenses or ITD attacks, per se, so this applies to all forms of offense.
Size: Effects evasion(Negatively if you're big. Positively if you're little.).
Terrain Rankings: How good a mech is on a given terrain. Effects accuracy, evasion and armor.
Dmg(Damage): Weapon power, used in conjunction with the Melee or Shooting stat to produce final damage. Not to be confused with actual raw damage.
Rng: Range. Simple enough.
Hit: Adds this value to the pilot's Hit stat to determine accuracy. More or less pitted directly against the enemy evade stat directly, but there are some added factors.
Critical: Used in conjunction with the pilot Man stat to determine critical hit rate. Criticals are 1.25x damage.
Ammo: One use of the weapon=one ammo, if a weapon has an ammo quantity. Basically the second form of MP.
Weapon Terrain Rankings: How good a weapon is on that terrain. D is the worst, S is the best. Scroll down to the calculations if you want exact effects.
Spirit Commands: A form of spell, basically. Can be used any time the character is under your control(When it's their turn, that is.) but does not use up a turn. Spirit Commands, unless otherwise mentioned, *never* stack with themselves. They stack up with each other just fine in general, though. Spirit Commands have costs that vary from character to character.
(P): Post movement attack.
MAP: AoE attack.

Mech skills:

DoubleImage: Once the pilot has reached 130 Will, all attacks have a fixed 50% chance, above and beyond evasion, to miss. Strike ignores this skill, so presumably any ITE skill would as well.

Break Block: Blocks all "Break" type status attacks. The only one of these that exists to my knowledge is Armor Breaker. I suppose you could view this as just pure defense-down blocking? <_<

TK Field: If an attack would deal less than 1200 damage to the target, it is nullified. Requires the Telekinesis skill. Consumes 5 EN each time the target is hit, regardless of the barrier does anything or not. Requires 110 Will.

Beam Coat: Reduces damage from beam-class weapons by 900. Consumes 5 EN every time the character is hit with a beam. KOS-MOS slayer.

AB Field: Reduces damage from beam-class weapons by 1200. Consumes 10 EN every time the character is hit with a beam. Destroyer of (Xenosaga) worlds.

G Wall: Reduces all incoming damage by 800. Consumes 5 EN each time the target is hit. Requires 120 Will.

G Territory: Reduces all incoming damage by 1800. Would be exceedingly awesome, except the person with it rarely lives to see it cut on. Consumes 15 EN every time the character is hit. Requires 120 Will.

E Field: Reduces all incoming damage by 1500. Consumes 15 EN every time the character is hit. Requires 120 Will.

Pilot stats:

Mel(Melee): Used in conjunction with current Will as a multiplier to the base mech DMG stat, along with some other factors, only applies to weapons marked Melee.
Rng(Range): Same as Melee, just works with ranged weapons.
Man(Maneuverability): Affects critical hit rates, also *may* effect the rate that some skills kick in at, but I'm not really sure in OG1's case. The critical odds is the simplest calculation in the game, it's simply (Pilot Maneuverability+Weapon Critical-Enemy Pilot Maneuverability) for rate.
Defense: Used as a multiplier, in conjunction with current Wil and some other factors, for Armor.
Hit: Raw hit rate. Used in conjunction with the weapon hit rate and some other factors to determine odds to hit.
Evd: Raw evade rate, bla bla, I've said this before really.
Terrain Rankings: Like the mech ones, but with a pilot. They stack up.
Will: Unlocks some attacks, as well as the Double-Image skill, at the right amount. In addition, each point effectively acts as one point of Melee, Range and Defense. All pilots start with 100, however, a pilot with 50 kills starts at 105. Since most endgame pilots will have 50 kills, I'm assuming 105 Will for this topic. Will is gained at varying rates determined by the pilot; the only exception is that everyone always gains 1 Will if an enemy is killed *by someone else*, which doesn't matter at all for this topic. Nor do the "ally dies" or "kills enemy" type Will gains, so they won't be listed either.
SP: Spirit Points. The third form of MP. Used for Spirit commands.

Pilot skills:

Telekinesis: Adds 4% Hit Rate and Accuracy(After terrain modifiers, but before Size.) per level after Level 1, applied before Size but after terrain modifiers. (So, a character with L6 would get 20% boosts to hit and accuracy) In addition, it's used to unlock certain attacks.

Command: Boosts the hit/evade of other people. Not the character. I'll eventually test this. <_<

Hit&Away: Allows the character to move after attacking. Mostly useful for a handful of sniper weapons, which arguably can't hit from melee range-this more or less avoids that argument.

Genius: Boosts Evasion, Hit Rate, and Critical, according to the description. I didn't actually expect much of this skill when I looked at it in passing, but it's actually quite ridiculous, since it boosts Evasion and Hit Rate by 20 before Size is calculated. I'd assume the Critical bonus is similar, but there's no way to test easily but tweaking Skill stats, and I don't really feel like it.

SP Regeneration: Regenerates 10 Spirit Points per turn.

Support: Allows the character to use a support attack or defend per level per turn. (I forget if Attacks and Defense share the same pool, or if you get 2 attacks and 2 defends, but I believe it's the former.) Support attacks follow various rules, but fundamentally, it works by placing someone next to someone with support, and attacking-if the Support character has a attack, they attack after the enemy's counter. This doesn't matter in a duel at all.

Mental: Reduces SP costs by 20%, to 80%. Pretty much everyone that comes with this gets somewhat raped on base SP costs, so it's not quite as good as it sounds.

Counter: Allows the character to counterattack before the enemy's attack. (FE4/9 players should recognize this skill.) Higher levels boost the chances of kicking in, as, I *think*, does the Maneuverability stat. The thing is, it's a nightmare to test this. ;_; Also, it doesn't matter a ton-the odds at L9 certainly aren't reliable enough to happen every turn.

Fortune: Cash from kills is multiplied by 1.2x. Taloon slayer.

Lucky: Randomly allows the character to dodge an incoming attack/counter attack 100% and counter with a critical strike. This can even critical under Valor. The rate of kick-in is *very* low, however; I'd estimate 10% at endgame levels of the skill, and it seems to run off Maneuverability. Not 100% certain on it, it's a really, really hard thing to test.

SP Up: Boosts SP by 4 per level. It's already factored into SP totals when innate.

Prevail: Boosts raw armor and final evade stats at benchmarks equal to 1/(Prevail Level+1). So, Prevail L5 would give you a boost every 1/6th HP lost. I haven't tested how much. Actually, I haven't tested *this*, it's just casual observation. Prevail's a pain to test, I'll get around to it later.

Prophesy: Boosts...evasion to counter attacks at over 130 Will, it sounds like. Haven't tested this; Very, very few people get it and only one can take advantage of it(Gilliam), so I'm holding off on bothering for right now.

In-Fight: Boosts damage of Melee-classed weaponry by 50 per level, except at levels 4 and 7. Boosts Movement by 1 once it reaches L4, boosts Movement by 2 once it reaches L7. All boosts are already factored in to the topic.

Gunfight: Like In-Fight, but with Ranged weapons, and Ranged weapon Range boosts at L4 and 7.

Attacker: Boosts final damage by 1.2x when over 130 Will. Oddly enough, this actually sees more use than you'd figure...

Revenge: Boosts counterattack damage by 1.2x. Stacks with Attacker, for 1.4x(I think.).

Expert: Reduces EN costs to 70% of normal.

Spirit Commands:

Focus: Raises final evasion and hit rate after all other factors are calculated by 30%. Lasts one turn.
Guard: Quarters all incoming damage. Lasts one turn.
Alert: Evades the next attack(Reduces the shown rate to 0%.). Lasts one enemy attack; If the character is not attacked, the Spirit stays up forever. Overrides the Strike command(Which makes the next attack always hit, even bypassing evasion skills.). As such, this is arguably immunity to the next attack, regardless of if it is ITE or not. However, the next blow will go through it, even if the blow is a support attack(A second attack in the same sequence, basically.), so arguably this is overcome by multiple hit attacks, and certainly is overcome by a doubleturn.
Strike: All attacks on this turn used by this character will always hit. Overrides DoubleImage's 50% evade, so this arguably overrides evasion-like skills as well, your results may very. Lasts one turn.
Attune: Strike, but can target others as well as self.
Luck: Doubles the cash gained from killing an opponent. Ramus slayer. Lasts one attack-if the character is targetted, regardless of if they do anything, Luck wears off afterwards. Same goes for if they attack.
Bless: Luck, but can target others as well as self.
Gain: Like Luck, but it doubles the EXP you get for the next attack. Since SRT characters get tons of EXP for attacking/killing high level enemies, Rika slayer.
Cheer: Gain, but can target others as well as self.
Valor: Doubles the final calculated damage of the next PC attack. Lasts one attack or one counter. Disables criticals.
Vigor: Heals the character 30% MHP. Cannot target others.
Guts: Fully heals the character, cannot target others.
Faith: Fully heals a character, can target self or others.
Hope: Heals self or another person 50 SP. Note that no one gets this for less than 50 SP. Otherwise it would be *wrong*.
Zeal: Allows the character to go again. Can be stacked by casting it, attacking, casting it again, and so forth. Lasts until the character does something or the turn ends(I think.).
Enable: Allows another person to move again. Unfortunately, this can only target people that have gone already that turn(That are greyed out.), making it impossible to self-target.
Accel: Boosts Movement by 3. Lasts until the character moves. Best used to mock Zeon with your mad trucking skillz.
Sense: Has the effects of Alert and Strike. Doesn't stack with them, though.
Snipe: Boosts the range of all attacks that are over 1 range, and that are not MAP weapons, by 2. Has uses for avoiding counters, but let's face it, it's best used to mock Zeon too.
Trust: Heals 2000 HP. Can target other characters or self.
Attune: Like Strike, but it can target other people. Still can target self.
Renew: Heals 100% of lost EN and refills all bullets. Can target self or others.
Spirit: Boosts Will by 10.
Drive: Boosts Will by 30.
Rouse: Boosts Will of all people 1 range from the caster by 10. Does not hit self.
Assail: Makes all non-MAP weapons (P). Of dubious use in in a duel, in general, but for one person, it's pretty much required for a couple of attacks. And he gets it. <_<
Fury: Bypasses all barriers and innate mech skills, also bypasses stuff like Support Defend. The simplest thing to call this would be a defensive skill bypasser, though it doesn't get around raw evade(Does get around Double-Image, though...). So, Thomas slayer.
Daunt: Drops a given target enemy's Will by 10. DL-wise, this has one obvious impact and one dubious one: The former is that the enemy's overall offense and defense stats are reduced by approximately 1/25th before defense(Subtraction defense system. Practical impact should be around...uh, 1/10th damage drop/boost?). The dubious one is that, since Will unlocks attacks in a limit-like way, this could concievably be seen as lowering limit bars and the like. Not sure I buy this, but hey, maybe. <_<
Mercy: If the enemy would be killed by an attack, if the caster's Maneuverability is higher than the target's, the enemy is instead left with 10 HP. ...No, this isn't very useful.
Scan: Allows you to see the enemy's stats. Only works on enemies you can't already see the stats of(That is, enemies you haven't scaned yet or attacked.). I'd hype this as a slayer, but what of? The cast doesn't have elemental attacks or anything...
Love: Casts, in rapid succession: Spirit, Valor, Strike, Alert, Accel, Gain, Luck.



Okay, the simple thing to say is that damage is (((Will+the appropriate Melee or Range stat)/100)*Dmg-((Will+Defense)/100)*Armor)))/2. This is, basically, correct, however, there are more than a few other factors...

Weaponry rankings:

(Note: These additional damage alteration figures, from here on out, have had some very slight discrepencies on me which I'm not entirely sure of. It's in the single/double digit range at most. I dunno why, presumably it's doing something very slightly different than what I'm doing for the multiplication.

Or maybe I just consistantly typo my math in some cases. Regardless, it's negligable.)

A is considered the "normal" terrain ranking, the one that works by the aforementioned equation above.

S rankings multiply the final offense value, *before defense*, by 1.1. Or possibly just the weapon's attack. It's impossible to tell, as near as I can tell.
B rankings are 90% of the normal offense value before defense. C are 80%.
D rankings are the only exception to this. A D ranking is disabled when used in that terrain(So, say, a D in Water weapon can't fire at all if the unit is in water.) and a D attack attacking into that terrain will, as far as I know, *always* deal 10 damage(The minimum) if the target terrain is water, or be unable to target the enemy if it's in the air(Can't recall offhand any other Ds besides air and water.). Regardless, Ds fail.


Unlike some other SRT games... Size doesn't do a damned thing to damage. 99% certain on this.


Terrain rankings for the purposes of defense more or less function like them for the purposes of offense, except that the Pilot and Mech stats are rounded to a same letter value via some weird form of value averaging. The thing is, I have absolutely no idea how it figures this rounding. None. But, I do know that a double S is 110%, a double A is 100%, a double B is 90%, etc. The other thing I know is that, while a A/B evidently counts as a B for defensive purposes(I haven't bothered getting ahold of a C to test. It won't matter for this anyways.), a S/A counts as an S.

No, this makes no god damned sense. It rounds up some of the time and down some of the time. What the hell. It makes sense from a gameplay perspective, though, I suppose, just flies in the face of logic.

So, basically, S/S=S/A=A/S=110% defense, A/A=100%, and A/B and B/A and B/B=90%. I think. There are no actually DL-applicable B/Cs in existance(Precious few even exist.), so I'll save myself the trouble of trying to dig one of those up.
Presumably, B/C, C/B and C/C would be 80%, the non-existant-outside-of-support-pilots-whose-stats-don't-matter Pilot D/Mech C would either be 70% or glitch to hell, and theoretically mecha Ds cannot enter that terrain, but in actual fact, that's determined seperately, so mecha Ds are entirely cosmetic.

Hit Rate:

The basic mechanics here is actually more complicated than I thought, in general. (...It doesn't come up in game. Sue me.)

((130+Pilot Hit)+Weapon Hit)-(Mobility+Pilot Evd).

Of course, it's more complicated than that(As usual.).

First off, this is hit rate at range 5. Why the game in general assumes this for calculation purposes, I do not know, but it does seem to. It's +3 for each range closer than 5, -3 for each farther, and is calculated after *everything else*.

A character's Size multiplies the final enemy hit rate value, before range. The exact amount seems to be 1x for a Moderate size(M) unit, 1.2x for a Large unit, 1.4x for a LL, and 0.8x for a S size unit. Note that this doesn't seem to cut both ways; A LL unit, outside of the fact that the only ones you get are horrible for accuracy(*Coughs.*) will have no more trouble hitting a S unit than anyone else would.

The rankings seem to work in the exact same way as before mentioned with armor, but now they cut both ways. Both evade can be boosted/reduced this way *and* hit rate. However, in addition, terrain rankings seem to *only* impact the raw Hit stat, not the 130 baseline or weapon hit. (I'm not entirely sure on this, having not tested every permutation; Mostly just S and A, in fact. But eh. I'm tired of testing. Figuring out that baseline was a pain in the ass. <_<)


Chaff Grenades (Hit Down) halve final hit rate. I *think* this comes after range, even, but I haven't really hashed it out.
Armor Breakers (roughly) halve Armor.

Beyond that, I haven't really tested. *Coughs.* All statuses last only one turn, to my knowledge; Unless you allow the cast to counter with them, they are totally useless.


Average armor and accuracy on both ends(Using the weapon I consider overall best, for enemies.), and enemy armor(At 100 Will) for all attacks are taken against an average of the final two stages grunts and bosses(One of each grunt for average purposes.).

(For average purposes, since it's nigh-unto impossible to actually figure a Size modifier into an average without a full PC average, I'll just go by base stats.)

These are final hit/evade figures after terrain modifiers of the terrain the units are currently on(But not any defensive boosts from said terrain.). Effective armor is the armor stat used after multiplying it by (100 Will+Defense stat)/100 and terrain modifiers.

Vayyikra Ben: 486.4 Hit(Kanaf Slave), 337.7 Evade(L Size), 2120.8 effective armor.
Judecca(Full Mastery version): 552.6 Hit(Antenora), 375.2 Evade(LL Size), 3234 effective armor.
Type 71 Waldung: 449.6 Hit(Main Gun), 352 Evade(S Size), 2029.5 effective armor.
F-28 Messer: 479.6 Hit(Homing Missile), 413.6 Evade(S Size), 1183.875 effective armor.
F-32 Schwert X: 484.6 Hit(Homing Missile), 392.7 Evade(S Size), 1014.74 effective armor.
Rhinoceras: 474.6 Hit(Main Gun), 334.4 Evade(LL Size), 2570.7 effective armor.
Habakkuk: 461 Hit(Metarium Cannon), 323 Evade(M Size.), 2804.4 effective armor.
Ezekiel: 461 Hit(Oruga Cannon), 359 Evade(M Size.), 2509.2 effective armor.
Huleh: 466 Hit(Legion Eraser), 319 Evade(LL Size), 2460 effective armor.
Septuagint(Full Mastery version): 602.1 Hit(Omega Wave), 359.7 Evade(LL Size), 3466.1 effective armor.

Average: 492(.92) Hit, 356(.63) Evade, 2339(.3315) effective armor.

Personally, I'd take the Hit average with a grain of salt. As you can see, the final couple of bosses overtop it by about 80% or so on average, and the grunts are definately flooding the average. Still, your results may vary. Personally, I choose to average in Judeccas(Septuagint is an outlier no matter what.) until I get an even amount of bosses/grunts(I like going 50-50, Boss and Grunt, for accuracy.), which gives me personally 515(.3)%, which I'll use as the main hit rate stat for evasion purposes from here on out. I'll list the evasion against raw average for people that still want that, too, though.

All damage is taken against ground for enemies(Too few flying duellers to matter.), while PCs are taken on either Air or Ground, whichever they're better at. (Assuming they can, in fact, fly.)


All characters are taken at L45.

This is because I'm really lazy and GFAQs has a nice FAQ that lists all L45 stats.

^_^; I did use my own stats whenever convenient and for skill levels, though.

Pilot stats aren't 100% guaranteed; There's some randomization involved of some flavor or another, but it's not signifigant, really.

Mech stats are taken at mecha stat caps, with all weapons upgraded five levels. Why not upgrade weapons fully? Well, it takes about four or five times as much to cap all weapons as it does all stats, and this already strikes me as borderline for too much cash anyways, as it is. Your results may vary; With the forumlas, it's really not that hard to figure out a higher damage weapon's overall power if you want.

Weapons in italics cannot be used off the bat for one reason or another, even with 105 Will.

Will is assumed to be 105 for *all* weapons, even those it's not physically possible for it to be at, because in general by the time you get enough Will to unlock said weapons, the enemy has gained Will and hence defense and hence the damage is close enough anyways. <_< The only exception will be made for characters with Will boosting skills.

Skills are already figured in for hit/evasion. Though it wouldn't surprise me too much if I end up forgetting and screwing up at points! <_<;

Also, all hit rates are for the aforementioned Range 5 that the game calculates by. This is pure laziness, I probably should add +12 Hit to all 1 range weapons, but I don't feel like it. <_<

Oh, and by "average damage", I mean the actual stuff that comes out, before hit rate and critical rate. It wasn't really clear, and by the time I realized it wasn't, I didn't feel like going back over eighty-odd weapons to fix it. <_<;
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....

Jo'ou Ranbu

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Re: Super Robot Wars Original Generation (by SageAcrin)
« Reply #1 on: August 27, 2008, 06:43:02 PM »

Ryusei Date:

180 Melee
157 Range
171 Maneuverability
146 Defense
263 Hit
251 Evade
121 Spirit Points.
A on Air/A on Ground/B on Water/A in Space terrain ratings. (From here on out, I'll use shorthand for this, such as A/A/B/A.)
Dodge Success(Character successfully dodges): 0 Will
Attack Success(Attack hits) +2 Will
Dodge Failure(Character is hit with an attack) +2 Will
Attack Failure(Attack misses) -1 Will


Level 8 Telekinesis.
Level 4 Prevail.

Spirit Commands:

Focus: 15 SP.
Alert: 10 SP.
Strike: 15 SP.
Luck: 25 SP.
Valor: 35 SP.
Zeal: 70 SP.


Claim: Plot, Ryusei is forced into the unit at various points, Ryusei is the only character that can pilot this unit.

5400 HP
221 EN
1740 Armor
143 Mobility
6 Move
A/S/B/A Terrain.
Size M.
TK Field

Effective Armor: 2402(.07.)
Effective Mobility: 461(.4.)
Effective Evasion: 47%(70%)


Gatling Gun: 1800 Damage, Ranged, 1 (P) Range, +40 Hit, 20 Ammo, +20% Critical, AAAA. 487 effective Hit(131% hit to average), 19(!!!) average damage.
Metal Knife: 2800 Damage, Melee, 1 (P) Range, +60 Hit, +65% Critical, AAAA. 507 effective Hit(151% hit to average), 1651 average damage.
G-Revolver: 3100 Damage, Ranged, 1-3 (P) Range, +50 Hit, 6 Ammo, +40% Critical, AAAA. 497 effective Hit(141% hit to average), 1722 average damage.
Boosted Rifle: 3800 Damage, Ranged, 3-7 Range, +15 Hit, 7 Ammo, +35% Critical, SAAA. 462 effective Hit(106% hit to average), 2639 average damage.
T-Link Knuckle: 4200 Damage, Melee, 1 (P) Range, +35 Hit, 10 EN, 110 Will required, +40% Critical, AAAA. Requires Level 3 Telekinesis. 482 effective hit(126% hit to average), 3646 average damage.
T-Link Sword: 4700 Damage, Melee, 2-4 (P) Range, +20 Hit, 30 EN, 120 Will required, +10% Critical, AAAA. Requires Level 4 Telekinesis. 467 effective hit(111% hit to average), 4358 average damage.


Claim: R-1 transforms into it. <_< Doesn't take a turn or anything, can be used mid-battle, basically perfectly legal. HP and EN are shared between forms.

5400 HP.
221 EN.
1595 Armor
156 Mobility
8 Move
SBBA Terrain
Size M
TK Field

Effective Armor: 2201(.8975)
Effective Mobility: 475(.7)
Effective Evasion: 60% (83%)


AG Missile: 2900 Damage, Ranged, 1-6 Range, +50 Hit, 6 Ammo, CSBA. 497 effective Hit(141% hit to average), 1839(.9) average damage.
AA Missile: Functionally the same as AG Missile, except that it is 2-7 Range and SBCS. 1081(.1) average damage against ground. PETER SLAYER-wait, he's a up-close fighter...
Aerial Bomb: 3400 Damage, Ranged, 1 (P), +35 Hit, 5 Ammo, +25% Critical, CSAC. 482 effective hit(126% hit to average), 2560(.4) average damage.
Twin G-Cannon: 3600 Damage, Ranged, 1-3 (P), +30 Hit, 12 Ammo, +10% Critical, SAAA. 477 effective hit(121% hit to average), 2377 average damage.

Best three-turn average damage: 5120(Valor Aerial Bomb X 3). Nearly runs Ryusei out of SP, but it does ignore the fact that a faster enemy will hit him once and give him T-Link Knuckle for turn 3, so it seems fair enough. Boosted Rifle is better on raw damage, but range issues(3-7 Range probably doesn't hit a melee fighter, really.) make me leery to use it.

Raidiese "Rai" F. Branstien:

162 Melee
177 Range
177 Maneuverability
140 Defense
265 Hit
274 Evasion
118 Spirit Points
Dodge Success: +2
Attack Success: +2
Dodge Failure: +1
Attack Failure: 0

Natural Skills:


Spirit Commands:

Focus: 10 SP.
Accel: 5 SP.
Sense: 20 SP.
Snipe: 20 SP.
Valor: 40 SP.
Fury: 20 SP.

R-2 Powered:

Claim: Plot, Rai is forced into the unit at various points, Rai is the only character that can pilot this unit.

6110 HP.
300 EN.
2160 Armor.
133 Mobility.
6 Move.
AABA Terrain.
Size M.
AB Field

Effective Armor: 2646
Effective Mobility: 427.
Effective Evasion: 12%(35%).


Gatling Gun: 1800 Damage, Ranged, 1 (P) Range, +40 Hit, 20 Ammo, +20% Critical, AAAA. 455 effective Hit(99% hit to average), 199 average damage.
Beam Sword: 3200 Damge, Melee, 1 (P) Range, +45 Hit, 5 EN, +5% Critical, AABA. 460 effective Hit(104% hit to average), 1933 average damage.
Magna Beam Rifle: 3600 Damage, Ranged, 2-7 Range, +30 Hit, 8 Ammo, +45% Critical, AADA. 445 effective Hit(89% hit to average), 2737 average damage.
Beam Chakram: 4100 Damage, Melee, 2-4 (P) Range, +35 Hit, 10 EN, +40% Critical, AACA. 450 effective Hit(94% hit to average), 3134.5 average damage.
Hi-Zol Launcher: 4800 Damage, Ranged, 2-8 Range, +30 Hit, 110 Will, 40 EN, +15% Critical, AACA. 445 effective Hit(89% hit to average), 4429 average damage.

Best three-turn average damage: Sense->Beam Chakram, Sense->Beam Chakram, Valor Hi-Zol Launcher. Since the enemy misses the first two times(+4 Will) or just gets chipped with more Beam Chakrams near-indefinately(Which eventually unlocks Hi-Zol anyways.), this seems a reasonable strategy enough of the time so that making it the average seems to work(Never mind that just using Beam Chakrams over and over would get him enough Will for Turn 3 Hi-Zol anyways if the enemy hits Rai at all...). 3134.5x2+8858, average damage of 5042.

Aya Kobayashi:

157 Melee
166 Range
141 Maneuverability
153 Defense
252 Hit
263 Evade
138 Spirit Points
Dodge Success: +1
Attack Success: 0
Dodge Failure: +1
Attack Failure: 0

Natural Skills:

Telekinesis L7
Support L2

Spirit Commands:

Gain: 16 SP. (Note, figures are taken after Mental.)
Trust: 24 SP.
Focus: 12 SP.
Attune: 24 SP.
Valor: 32 SP.
Renew: 48 SP.

R-3 Powered:

Claim: Blablabla, what I said about the other two R-Series. These, Alt and Weiss have the strongest claims in the game, I'm fairly sure, barring battleships and other mechs people are stuck in.

6075 HP.
238 EN.
1885 Armor.
150 Mobility.
7 Move.
Size M.
TK Field.

Effective Armor: 2674(.815)
Effective Mobility: 478(.3)
Effective Evasion: 63% (86%)


Gatling Gun: 1800 Damage, Ranged, 1 (P) Range, +30 Hit, 20 Ammo, +20% Critical, SAAA. 461 effective hit(105% hit to average), 100 average damage.
TK Missile: 2300 damage, Ranged, 1-4 (P) Range MAP(Strikes all enemies, and only enemies, within four squares.), +30 Hit, 110 Will, 2 Ammo, SSSS. 461 effective hit(105% to average), 1089(.15) average damage.
Beam Sword: 3200 damage, Melee, 1 (P) Range, +45 Hit, 5 EN, +5% Critical, AABA. 476 effective hit(120% hit to average), 1853 average damage.
TK Laser Cannon: 3700 damage, Ranged, 1-6 Range, +40 Hit, 10 EN, +5% Critical, SACA. Requires Telekinesis Level 1. 471 effective hit(115% hit to average), 2674.5 average damage.
Strike Shield: 4200 damage, Ranged, 2-7 Range, +35 Hit, 6 Ammo, 105 Will, SAAS. Requires Telekinesis Level 2. 466 effective hit(110% hit to average), 3352 average damage.

Best three-turn damage average: Short of disallowing Strike Shield against melee fighters(Don't really buy it, there's a decent chunk of melee weapons that can reach Range 1, but there's plenty that fight at higher ranges than that too...), the best is Valor Strike Shield x3. 6704 average damage.

Sanger Zonvolt:

183 Melee
156 Range
183 Maneuverability
176 Defense
265 Hit
238 Evade
127 Spirit Points
Dodge Success: 0
Attack Success: +2
Dodge Failure: +2
Attack Failure: -1

Natural skills:

Command L3
Counter L6
In-Fight L5
Prevail L4

Spirit Commands:

Sense: 20 SP.
Spirit: 35 SP.
Guard: 25 SP.
Accel: 10 SP.
Valor: 35 SP.
Drive: 50 SP.

Grungust Type 0:

Claim: He's stuck in it. That should be enough, thanks. Also, plot, initial, etc.

9375 HP.
352 EN.
2375 Armor.
112 Mobility.
6(7) Move.
Size L
Break Block

Effective Armor: 3670(.5625)
Effective Mobility: 385
Effective Evasion: -30% (-7%) (After size, -56%/-28%)


Armor Breaker: 0 Damage, Special, 1-6 Range, +70 Hit, 2 Ammo, AAAA. 491 effective hit(135% hit to average), always inflicts 0 damage, inflicts Armor Break status(Halves enemy armor until next turn.).
Boost Knuckle: 3800 Damage, Melee, 2-4 (P) Range, +35 Hit, +45% Critical, AABA. 456 effective hit(100% hit to average), 3133 average damage, 3703 damage after one Drive.
Hyper Blaster: 4600 Damage, Melee, 1 (P) Range, +30 Hit, 30 EN, +10% Critical, AACA. 451 effective hit(95% hit to average), 4285 average damage, 4975 damage after one Drive.
Collosal Blade: 6100 Damage, Melee, 1-3 (P) Range, +25 Hit, 140 Will, 80 EN, +55% Critical, SSAS. 446 effective hit(90% hit to average), 7323(.4) average damage, 8329(.9) after one Drive, 8665(.4) after one Drive and one Spirit.

Best three-turn damage average: First off, on a humorous note, Drive, Spirit and Valor combine to make a 17330 turn 1 strike(Assuming the enemy isn't really evasive, anyways; He doesn't have the SP for *anything* else.). This averages, *alone*, 5776 average damage over three turns.

Anyways, average here is simple: Drive/Spirit, Collosal Blade over and over again. Cheap, effective, doesn't entirely rape his EN or Spirit. Since the damage boost from them will technically run into a wall(150 Will cap), it's theoretically slightly under 8665 damage, but it's not enough for me to care.

Kyosuke Nanbu:

181 Melee
151 Range
177 Maneuverability
161 Defense
264 Hit
239 Evade
120 Spirit Points
Dodge Success: 0
Attack Success: +2
Dodge Failure: +2
Attack Failure: -1

Natural Skills:

Counter L7
Command L3

Spirit Commands:

Accel: 5 SP.
Focus: 15 SP.
Assail: 15 SP.
Sense: 25 SP.
Valor: 35 SP.
Fury: 25 SP.

Alt Eisen:

Claim: Plot, initial, forced into at various points, a specific combo attack is inaccessable unless Kyosuke is in the mech and Excellen is in the Weiss Ritter.

5460 HP
216 EN
2025 Armor
126 Mobility
8 Move
Size M
AB Field

Effective Armor: 2962(.575).
Effective Mobility: 401(.5)
Effective Evasion: -14% (9%)


Split Missile: 2700 Damage, Ranged, 1-5 Range, +45 Hit, 12 Ammo, +30% Critical, BAAA. 465 effective hit(109% hit to average), 1117 average damage. Special note: This weapon is only an initial equip on Kyosuke's route; It does not appear on Ryusei's. Take this as you will.
Heat Horn: 2900 Damage, Melee, 1 (P) Range, +40 Hit, +40% Critical, DABA. 460 effective hit(104% hit to average), 1808 average damage.
Autocannon: 3100 Damage, Ranged, 1-4 (P) Range, +30 Hit, 10 Ammo, +10% Critical, AAAA. 450 effective hit(94% hit to average), 1629 average damage.
Revolver Stake: 3900 Damage, Melee, 1-3 (P) Range, +10 Hit, 6 Ammo, +35% Critical, AAAA. 430 effective hit(74% hit to average), 3238 average damage.
Heavy Claymore: 4600 Damage, Melee, 1-2 Range, +50 Hit, 110 Will, 4 Ammo, +50% Critical, AABA. 470 effective hit(114% hit to average), 4239 average damage. The lack of {P} is not a typo.
"Trump Card": 6000 Damage, Melee, 1 Range, +40 Hit, 130 Will, 1 Ammo, +45% Critical, DSSS. 460 effective hit(104% hit to average), 7099 average damage.

Best three-turn damage average: Probably triple Valored Revolver Stake, at 6476 average damage. This does run Kyosuke a bit dry, like Ryusei's setup, but on the other hand, it ignores the 8500~ damage Heavy Claymore he has a high chance of having on turn 3, and a chance of having on turn 2, so eh.

Excellen Browning:

154 Melee
177 Range
173 Maneuverability
127 Defense
268 Hit
273 Evade
118 Spirit Points
Dodge Success - +1
Attack Success - +0
Dodge Failure - +2
Attack Failure - +3

Natural Skills:

Support L3

Spirit Commands:

Daunt: 40 SP.
Focus: 10 SP.
Snipe: 10 SP.
Valor: 40 SP.
Assail: 30 SP.
Love: 65 SP.

Weiss Ritter:

Claim: See Alt Eisen. If anything, the plot claim might be stronger.

5600 HP
200 EN
1350 Armor
143 Mobility
7 Move
Size M
AB Field

Effective Armor: 1566
Effective Mobility: 416
Effective Evasion: 1%(24%)


Split Missile: 2700 Damage, Ranged, 1-5 Range, +45 Hit, 12 Ammo, +30% Critical, BAAA. 443 effective hit(87% hit to average), 1468 average damage. Special note: This weapon is only an initial equip on Kyosuke's route; It does not appear on Ryusei's. Take this as you will.
Plasma Cutter: 3000 Damage, Melee, 1 (P) Range, +50 Hit, 5 EN, +30% Critical, AABA. 448 effective hit(92% hit to average), 1546 average damage. Special note: This weapon is only an initial equip on Kyosuke's route; It does not appear on Ryusei's. Take this as you will.
Beam Cannon: 3100 Damage, Ranged, 1-4 (P) Range, +40 Hit, 10 Ammo, +20% Critical, ABDS. 438 effective hit(82% hit to average), 1594(.9) average damage. (B against Ground, remember.)
Oxtongue Rifle E: 3800 Damage, Ranged, 4-7 Range, +35 Hit, 15 EN, ABDS. 433 effective hit(77% hit to average), 2483(.2) average damage.
Oxtongue Rifle B: 4200 Damage, Ranged, 2-5 Range, +30 Hit, 7 Ammo, +20% Critical, AAAS. 428 effective hit(72% hit to average), 3583 average damage.
Oxtongue Rifle D: 4800 Damage, Ranged, 3-6 Range, +40 Hit, 3 Ammo, 110 Will, +30% Critical, SBBS. 438 effective hit(82% hit to average), 3752(.2) average damage.

Best three-turn damage average: Love->Oxtongue Rifle, Oxtongue Riflex2. Ignoring the Will damage boost from Love(Which, for these purposes, is fairly negligable.), this comes out to 5002 average damage. Strictly speaking, Excellen can manage more, but it drains her SP to 13 by the end of Turn 2-too suicidal for my tastes.

Kusuha Mizuha:

174 Melee
148 Ranged
147 Maneuverability
167 Defense
257 Hit
241 Evade
144 Spirit Points
Dodge Success - +1
Attack Success - +1
Dodge Failure - +1
Attack Failure - -2

Natural Skills:

Telekinesis L9
Support L2

Spirit Commands:

Strike: 12 SP.
Guard: 12 SP.
Focus: 8 SP.
Valor: 40 SP.
Zeal: 48 SP.
Love: 52 SP.

Grungust Type 2:

Claim: Forced into it, initial, plot.

8450 HP
352 EN
2210 Armor
127 Mobility
6 Move
Size L
TK Field

Effective Armor: 3005(.6)
Effective Mobility: 400
Effective Evade: -15% (8%) (-38%/-10% after size)


Eye Laser: 3000 Damage, Ranged, 1-3 (P) Range, +40 Hit, 5 EN, AACA. 459 effective hit(103% hit to average), 1456 average damage.
Boost Knuckle: 3600 Damage, Melee, 2-4 (P) Range, +45 Hit, +15% Critical, AABA. 464 effective hit(108% hit to average), 2683 average damage.
Maxiblaster: 4200 Damage, Melee, 1-6 Range, +40 Hit, 25 EN, +5% Critical, AACA. 459 effective hit(103% hit to average), 3520 average damage.
Doomblade: 5500 Damage, Melee, 1-3 (P) Range, +30 Hit, 120 Will, 50 EN, +50% Critical, AABA. 449 effective hit(93% hit to average), 5333(.5) average damage.


Claim: Mid-battle transfomation. HP and EN are shared between forms.

8450 HP
352 EN
2080 Armor
142 Mobility
8 Move
Size L
TK Field

Effective Armor: 3111(.68). (Yes, the armor goes up despite going down. Silly S rankings.)
Effective Mobility: 453(.3)
Effective Evade: 38%(61%) (26%/53% after size)


Eye Laser: 3000 Damage, Ranged, 1-3 (P) Range, +40 Hit, 5 EN, SBCS. 484 effective hit(138% hit to average), 1076(.5) average damage.
Split Missile: 3100 Damage, Ranged, 1-7 Range, +35 Hit, 10 Ammo, +20% Critical, SBCS. 479 effective hit(133% hit to average), 1190(.35) average damage.
Aerial Bomb: 3600 Damage, Ranged, 1 (P) Range, +55 Hit, 4 Ammo, +45% Critical, CSSC. 499 effective hit(153% hit to average), 2670(.4) average damage.
Spiral Attack: 4000 Damage, Melee, 1-3 (P) Range, +30 Hit, 10 EN, 105 Will, +30% Critical, SBCS. 474 effective hit(128% hit to average), 2683 average damage.

Best three-turn damage average: Love->Maxiblaster, Love->Doomblade, Doomblade, 7679 average damage. Strictly speaking, she has another Valor in her, but it takes *exactly* her remaining SP; Between random variance in stats(Including SP) and that totally running Kusuha Also, as a note, her highest turn 1 damage is Valor->Zeal->Maxiblaster->Valor->Maxiblaster, which deals a nice, shiny 14080 damage.

Brooklyn "Bullet" Luckfield:

172 Melee
170 Ranged
164 Maneuverability
158 Defense
263 Hit
249 Evade
138 Spirit Points
Dodge Success: 0
Attack Success: +2
Dodge Failure: +2
Attack Failure: -1

Natural Skills:

Telekinesis L8
In-Fight L5

Spirit Commands:

Alert: 10 SP.
Strike: 15 SP.
Gain: 10 SP.
Focus: 15 SP.
Valor: 35 SP.
Spirit: 30 SP.

Huckebein Mk. II:

Claim: Plot, forced into it at various points.

5265 HP
272 EN
1885 Armor
143 Mobility
6(7) Move
Size M

Effective Armor: 2478(.775)
Effective Mobility: 420
Effective Evasion: 5%(28%).


Gatling Gun: 1800 Damage, Ranged, 1 (P) Range, +30 Hit, 20 Ammo, +20% Critical, AAAA. 451 effective hit(95% hit to average), 136 average damage.
Beam Sword: 3400 Damage, Melee, 1 (P) Range, +45 Hit, 5 EN, +5% Critical, AABA. 466 effective hit(110% hit to average), 2370 average damage.
Photon Rifle: 3500 Damage, Ranged, 1-6 Range, +35 Hit, 8 Ammo, +20% Critical, AABA. 456 effective hit(100% hit to average), 2437(.5) average damage.
Chakram Caster: 3600 Damage, Melee, 2-4 (P) Range, +35 Hit, 15 EN, +20% Critical, AAAA. 456 effective hit(100% hit to average), 2647 average damage.
G-Impact Cannon: 5100 Damage, Ranged, 2-8 Range, +25 Hit, 40 EN, 120 Will, +10% Critical, AAAA. 446 effective hit(90% hit to average), 4673(.5) average damage, 5183(.5) damage after two Spirits.

Best three-turn damage average: Spirit x 2->G-Impact Cannon, G-Impact Cannon, Valor->G-Impact Cannon. Strictly speaking, he has enough for two Valors, but it runs him dry. Average damage, 6910.

Masaki Andoh:

175 Melee
174 Ranged
175 Maneuverability
135 Defense
266 Hit
267 Evasion
116 Spirit Points
Dodge Success: 0
Attack Success: +2
Dodge Failure: +2
Attack Failure: -1

Natural Skills:

In-fight L5
Counter L6

Spirit Commands:

Focus: 10 SP.
Alert: 10 SP.
Luck: 40 SP.
Valor: 35 SP.
Spirit: 40 SP.
Strike: 30 SP.


Claim: Forced, plot, initial, can't be removed from it or put anyone else into it.

6875 HP
195 EN
2030 Armor
150 Mobility
7(8) Move
Size M

Effective Armor: 2436
Effective Mobility: 417
Effective Evasion: 2%(25%)


Caloric Missile: 2700 Damage, Ranged, 1-5 Range, +45 Hit, 12 Ammo, +30% Critical, SAAA. 441 effective hit(85% to hit average), 1427(.5) average damage.
Cy-Flash: 2800 Damage, Ranged, 1-4 (P) MAP weapon(Hits all enemies within four squares of Cybuster, does not hit allies.), 0 Hit, 120 Will, 80 EN, -5% Critical, AABA. 396 effective hit(40% to hit average), 1567 average damage.
High Familiar: 3500 Damage, Ranged, 1-7 Range(Note; In game, it is listed as (P). This is a typo, presumably caused by Cybird's version being (P).), +35% Hit, 8 Ammo, +20% Critical, AABA. 431 effective hit(75% to hit average), 2543(.5) average damage.
Zephyr Sword: 3600 Damage, Melee, 1 (P) Range, +45% Hit, +35% Critical, AAAA. 441 effective hit(85% to hit average), 2701 average damage.
Akashic Buster: 4600 Damage, Melee, 1-3 (P) Range, +30% Hit, 120 Will, 30 EN, +15% Critical, SABS. 426 effective hit(70% to hit average), 4104 average damage, 4561 average damage after two Spirits.
Cosmo Nova: 6100 Damage, Ranged, 1-6 Range, +35% Hit, 140 Will, 1 Ammo, +10% Critical, SSAS. 431 effective hit(75% to hit average), 7021(.45) average damage, 7692(.45) average damage after two Spirits.


Claim: In-battle transformation. HP and EN are linked between forms.

6875 HP
195 EN
1885 Armor
162 Mobility
9(10) Move
Size M

Effective Armor: 2488(.2)
Effective Mobility: 471(.9)
Effective Evasion: 56%(79%)


Note: All weaponry systems are linked with the appropriate versions on Cybuster, for ammo purposes.

Caloric Missile: 2700 Damage, Ranged, 1-5 Range, +45 Hit, 12 Ammo, +30% Critical, SAAA. 467 effective hit(111% to hit average), 1427(.5) average damage.
Cy-Flash: 2800 Damage, Ranged, 1-4 (P) MAP weapon, 0 Hit, 120 Will, 80 EN, -5% Critical, AABA. 422 effective hit(66% to hit average), 1567 average damage.
High Familiar: 3500 Damage, Ranged, 1-3 (P) Range(Actually P this time.), +35% Hit, 8 Ammo, +20% Critical, AABA. 457 effective hit(101% to hit average), 2543(.5) average damage.

Best three-turn damage average: Strictly speaking, it's Spiritx2->Valor->Akashic Buster over and over, 6081 average damage. However...this does horrible, horrible things to Masaki's survivability(1 SP left! Means he has to stay in the horridly less durable Cybuster as opposed to the Cybird!), *and* Cybuster's actually notably inaccurate that way... so instead I'll go with triple Valor High Familiar, which at least leaves a *tiny* amount of SP left and lets him stay in Cybird. 5086 average damage over three turns.

Lune Zoldark:

166 Melee
176 Ranged
177 Maneuverability
137 Defense
264 Hit
282 Evasion
120 Spirit Points
Dodge Success: 0
Attack Success: +2
Dodge Failure: +2
Attack Failure: -1

Natural Skills:

Gunfight L4
Support L2

Spirit Commands:

Guts: 40 SP.
Alert: 10 SP.
Gain: 20 SP.
Focus: 10 SP.
Valor: 35 SP.
Spirit: 40 SP.


Claim: Forced, plot, initial, can't be removed from it or put anyone else into it.

6250 HP
210 EN
1885 Armor
143 Mobility
7 Move
Size M

Effective Armor: 2280(.85)
Effective Mobility: 425
Effective Evasion: 10%(33%)


Psy-Blaster: 2850 Damage, Ranged, 1-4 (P) MAP Range(See Cy-Flash), +0 Hit, 120 Will, 80 EN, -5% Critical, AABA. 394 effective hit(38% hit to average), 1665(.25) average damage.
Divine Blade: 3600 Damage, Melee, 1 (P) Range, +40 Hit, +45% Critical, AAAA. 434 effective hit(78% hit to average), 2539 average damage.
Megabeam Cannon: 3950 Damage, Ranged, 1-6(1-7) Range, +20 Hit, 10 EN, +40% Critical, SADS. 414 effective hit(58% hit to average), 3210(.75) average damage.
Cross Smasher: 4650 Damage, Ranged, 1-7(1-8) Range, +40 Hit, 8 Ammo, +20% Critical, SABS. 434 effective hit(78% hit to average), 4194(.25) average damage, 5870(.1) average damage after three Spirits and Attacker kicking in.

Best three-turn damage average: Strictly speaking, triple Valor Cross Smasher for 8388 damage is the best. However...triple Spirit Cross Smasher for 5870 allows her to kick on Double-Image, which evades all incoming damage 50% of the time, short of it being ITE. Strictly speaking, this is a far better strategy, but it's a lot less damage. So I'll cheat and average the two for 7129 average damage. ^_^;

Irmgult "Irm" Kazahara:

178 Melee
161 Ranged
180 Maneuverability
164 Defense
267 Hit
246 Evade
124 Spirit Points
Dodge Success: +1
Attack Success: 0
Dodge Failure: +2
Attack Failure: +3

Natural Skills:

Prevail L6
In-Fight L5

Spirit Commands:

Focus: 10 SP.
Sense: 20 SP.
Spirit: 35 SP.
Valor: 40 SP.
Accel: 5 SP.
Love: 60 SP.


Claim: Plot(It's his birthday present, for crying out loud...), and he's forced into it.

8750 HP
345 EN
2250 Armor
112 Mobility
5(6) Move
Size L

Effective Armor: 3026(.25)
Effective Mobility: 358
Effective Evasion: -57%(-34%) (After size, -88%/-60%.)


Boost Knuckle: 3900 Damage, Melee, 1-3 (P) Range, +40 Hit, +20% Critical, AABA. 437 effective hit(81% hit to average), 3179(.5) average damage.
Calamity Sword: 4400 Damage, Melee, 1 (P) Range, +45 Hit, 110 Will, 10 EN, +30% Critical, AABA. 442 effective hit(86% hit to average), 3887 average damage.
Final Beam: 4800 Damage, Melee, 1 (P) Range, +5 Hit, 35 EN, +10% Critical, AADA. 402 effective hit(46% hit to average), 4453 average damage.
Darkness Slash: 6100 Damage, Melee, 1 (P) Range, +15 Hit, 130 Will, 70 EN, +35% Critical, AAAA. 412 effective hit(56% hit to average), 6269(.5) average damage, 7207(.5) average damage after three Spirits.

Wing Gust:

Claim: In-battle transformation. Bla bla bla linked HP/EN etc.

8750 HP
345 EN
2125 Armor
127 Mobility
7(8) Move
Size L

Effective Armor: 3143(.9375)
Effective Mobility: 397(.6)
Effective Evasion: -18%(5%) (After size: -41%/-14%)


Double Omega Laser: 3000 Damage, Ranged, 1-4 (P) Range, +45 Hit, 5 EN, SBCS. 468 effective hit(112% hit to average), 1252 average damage.
Missile: 3100 Damage, Ranged, 1-6 Range, +30 Hit, 10 Ammo, +10% Critical, SBCS. 453 effective hit(97% hit to average), 1371(.7) average damage.
Spiral Attack: 4300 Damage, Melee, 1 (P) Range, +40 Hit, 105 Will, 10 EN, +35% Critical, SBBS. 463 effective hit(107% hit to average), 3137(.05) average damage.

Gust Lander:

Claim: Yep, Grungust gets two alternate forms. It's just that cool.

8750 HP
345 EN
2375 Armor
105 Mobility
6(7) Move
Size L

Effective Armor: 3515(.8125)
Effective Mobility: 386(.1)
Effective Evasion: -29%(-6%) (After size: -41%/-27%)

Missile: 3100 Damage, Ranged, 1-6 Range, +30 Hit, 10 Ammo, +10% Critical, BSAC. 453 effective hit(97% hit to average), 2196(.3) average damage.
Omega Cannon: 3500 Damage, Ranged, 3-8 Range, +25 Hit, 6 Ammo, BSAC. 448 effective hit(92% hit to average), 2781(.5) average damage.
Drill Attack: 4100 Damage, Melee, 1-4 (P) Range, +45 Hit, 10 EN, +45% Critical, DSSC. 468 effective hit(112% hit to average), 4042(.65) average damage.

Best three-turn damage average: Talk about Mr. Options. Anyways, strictly speaking, Triple Valor Final Beam is his best, at 8906...but no matter how you slice it, that thing has issues hitting, and this strategy doesn't allow him to do anything about that. Triple Valor Drill Attack is his next-best, at 8084 average damage... but I prefer going for the more long term triple Spirit->Darkness Slash over and over, which, while still hell on his SP(No way around that, that I can see...), is at least a better long-term option. It averages 7207.5.
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....

Jo'ou Ranbu

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Re: Super Robot Wars Original Generation (by SageAcrin)
« Reply #2 on: August 27, 2008, 06:43:55 PM »
Tasuku Shinguji:

172 Melee
152 Ranged
158 Maneuverability
183 Defense
264 Hit
232 Evade
135 Spirit Points
Dodge Success: +1
Attack Success: 0
Dodge Failure: +2
Attack Failure: +3

Natural Skills:

Telekinesis L8
Lucky L6

Spirit Commands:

Strike: 15 SP.
Luck: 25 SP.
Accel: 5 SP.
Guard: 25 SP.
Valor: 35 SP.
Love: 70 SP.


Claim: Plot, initial, forced into at points. (Maybe it was just one point. I forget.)

9600 HP
330 EN
2375 Armor
105 Mobility
5 Move
Size L
AB Field

Effective Armor: 3420 (o_O Without a S rank? With, he'd be game-best armor, I think.)
Effective Mobility: 365
Effective Evade: -50%(-27%) (After size: -80%/-52%)

Giga Burst: 2600 Damage, Ranged, 1-4 (P) MAP(Can hit both allies and enemies), -10 Hit, 130 Will, 1 Ammo, -5% Critical, AACA. 412 effective hit(56% hit to average), 1002 average damage.
Giga Knuckle: 3400 Damage, Melee, 1 (P) Range, +30 Hit, AAAS. 452 effective hit(96% hit to average), 2370 average damage.
Sheath Thunder: 3800 Damage, Melee, 1-3 (P) Range, +10 Hit, 110 Will, 30 EN, +15% Critical, AASS. 432 effective hit(76% hit to average), 2924 average damage, 3114(x2) damage after Love.
Giga Blaster: 4300 Damage, Ranged, 4-9 Range, +20 Hit, 120 Will, 40 EN, +5% Critical, AACS. 442 effective hit(86% hit to average), 3186(.5) average damage, 3401(.5)(x2) damage after Love.
Giga Uragano: 5100 Damage, Melee, 1 (P) Range, +15 Hit, 130 Will, 70 EN, AAAS. 437 effective hit(81% hit to average), 4724(.5) average damage, 4979(.5)(x2) damage after Love.

Best three-turn damage average: Strictly speaking, Love->Sheath Thunder->Valor Sheath Thunder x2 for 6228 damage. That drains him dry. The other option is Triple Valor Giga Knuckle, which is more accurate and doesn't drain him totally dry(Though, he still is a few SP short of being able to use a fourth Valor...), but is only 4740. As per usual, when this happens, I average the two, due to being lazy. So, 5484 average damage.

Elzam V. Branstein:

169 Melee
175 Range
179 Maneuverability
170 Defense
275 Hit
262 Evade
139 Spirit Points
Dodge Success: +1
Attack Success: +1
Dodge Failure: +1
Attack Failure: +1

Natural Skills:
Command L3
SP Up L5
Support L2

Spirit Commands:

Focus: 8 SP.
Accel: 4 SP.
Sense: 16 SP.
Faith: 32 SP.
Valor: 32 SP.
Fury: 16 SP.

Huckebein Trombe:

Claim: Initial, forced, plot, it's named after Elzam's dead horse and painted Elzam's signature colors.

5265 HP
272 EN
2030 Armor
150 Mobility
6 Move
Size M
G Territory

Effective Armor: 3070(.375)
Effective Mobility: 473(.2)
Effective Evasion: 58%(81%)


Gatling Gun: 1900 Damage, Ranged, 1 (P) Range, +40 Hit, 20 Ammo, +20% Critical, AAAA. 492 effective hit(136% hit to average), 321 average damage(! IT BREAKS 200!).
Beam Sword: 3200 Damage, Melee, 1 (P) Range, +45 Hit, 5 EN, +5% Critical, AABA. 497 effective hit(141% hit to average), 2045 average damage.
Chakram Caster: 3400 Damage, Melee, 2-4 (P) Range, +35 Hit, 15 EN, +20% Critical, AAAA. 487 effective hit(131% hit to average), 2319 average damage.
Photon Rifle: 3500 Damage, Ranged, 1-6 Range, +35 Hit, 8 Ammo, +20% Critical, AABA. 487 effective hit(131% hit to average), 2561 average damage.
G-Impact Cannon: 5200 Damage, Ranged, 2-8 Range, +35 Hit, 120 Will, 35 EN, +10% Critical, AAAA. 487 effective hit(131% hit to average), 4941 average damage.

Best three-turn damage average: Triple Valor Photon Rifle, 5122. Don't see anything else *remotely* viable. Cool, something simple!

Lefina Enfield:

132 Melee
166 Ranged
150 Maneuverability
136 Defense
248 Hit
199 Evade
142 Spirit Points
Dodge Success: +1
Attack Success: +1
Dodge Failure: +1
Attack Failure: -2

Natural Skills:

Command L4
Support L3
SP Up L4

Spirit Commands:

Vigor: 15 SP.
Gain: 10 SP.
Trust: 20 SP.
Bless: 45 SP.
Rouse: 70 SP.
Hope: 70 SP.

Sean Webley:

Note: Sean is forced into the same mech as Lefina. The *only* stats of his that apply to *anything* she does are his Spirit Points and his Spirit Commands-as such, I'll just ignore the rest. He cannot pilot any mech on his own, nor can he be removed from Lefina's default mech. (Nor can Lefina.)

Spirit Points: 124.

Spirit Commands:

Mercy: 10 SP.
Strike: 25 SP.
Luck: 40 SP.
Guard: 30 SP.
Snipe: 35 SP.
Alert: 20 SP.

Hiryu Custom:

Claim: Neither Lefina or Sean can be removed from this, no one else can pilot it, plot claim, initial, forced (a *lot*. >_>).

13800 HP
315 EN
1625 Armor
97 Mobility
6 Move
Size LL

Effective Armor: 1958(.125)
Effective Mobility(Hey, it's good for a laugh): 296
Effective Evasion: -119(-96) (After size: -206%/-174%)


Chaff Grenade: 0 Damage, Special, 1-6 Range, +70 Hit, 2 Ammo, AAAA. 448 effective hit(92% hit to average), 0 damage, inflicts Chaff status.
AA Autocannon: 2700 Damage, Ranged, 1-2 (P) Range, +30 Hit, 40 Ammo, +20% Critical, SBCS. 408 effective hit(52% hit to average), 953(.65) average damage.
Homing Missile: 3300 Damage, Ranged, 1-5 Range, +45 Hit, 20 Ammo, SABS. 423 effective hit(67% hit to average), 2132(.5) average damage.
Long Range Missile: 3500 Damage, Ranged, 2-7 Range, +20 Hit, 12 Ammo, +45% Critical, SAAS. 398 effective hit(42% hit to average), 2403(.5) average damage.
Dual Beam Cannon: 4000 Damage, Ranged, 3-8 Range, +15 Hit, 25 EN, AACS. 393 effective hit(37% hit to average), 3081 average damage.
Gravity Cannon: 5000 Damage, Ranged, 4-9 Range, +15 Hit, 130 Will, 80 EN, +5% Critical, SSSS. 393 effective hit(37% hit to average), 5113(.5) average damage.

Best three-turn damage average: Two pilots, no Valor or Spirit! Awesome, ain't it? As an added bonus, it strictly speaking cannot hit the broadside of a barn without Strike...but I'll ignore that for this, since it does, in fact, have Strike(Albiet a lousy four shots, but it'd have that problem anyhow...none of the attacks are really accurate.), so 3081 average damage.

Daitetsu Minase:

157 Melee
164 Range
165 Maneuverability
126 Defense
231 Hit
187 Evade
121 Spirit Points
Dodge Success: 0
Attack Success: +2
Dodge Failure: +2
Attack Failure: -1

Natural Skills:

Command L4
Support L3

Spirit Commands:

Strike: 30 SP.
Guard: 30 SP.
Guts: 40 SP.
Mercy: 10 SP.
Fury: 30 SP.
Valor: 45 SP.

Tetsuya Ondera: See Hiryu Custom. Exact same thing as with Sean, for Tetsuya.

Spirit Points: 111

Spirit Commands:

Trust: 20 SP.
Focus: 20 SP.
Cheer: 25 SP.
Faith: 40 SP.
Assail: 40 SP.
Spirit: 30 SP.


Claim: Forced, plot, cannot remove the pilots from it...on Ryusei's route. On Kyosuke's, they're stuck with the inferior Hagane. I'll get around to posting it's stats if people care, but it is really worse, since it's ultimate requires enough less Will to actually allow for a specific strategy, and runs off 1 Ammo instead of EN, and neither ship is really cut out for long slugfests, for reasons you'll see.

13800 HP
330 EN
1875 Armor
97 Mobility
8 Move
Size LL

Effective Armor: 2165(.265)
Effective Mobility: 284(IT IS THE EVASION OF THE GODS.)
Effective Evade: -131%(-108%) (After size: -223%/-191%) (OF THE GODS I SAY.)


Chaff Grenade: 0 Damage, Special, 1-6 Range, +70 Hit, 2 Ammo, AAAA. 431 effective hit(75% hit to average), 0 damage, inflicts Chaff status.
AA Autocannon: 2700 Damage, Ranged, 1-2 (P) Range, +20 Hit, 40 Ammo, +20% Critical, SBCS. 381 effective hit(25% hit to average), 929(.35) average damage.
Homing Missile: 3100 Damage, Ranged, 1-5 Range, +40 Hit, 20 Ammo, SABS. 401 effective hit(45% hit to average), 1830(.5) average damage.
Torpedo: 3500 Damage, Ranged, 2-8 (P) Range(Yes, seriously.), +35 Hit, 20 Ammo, +50% Critical, CCSC. 396 effective hit(40% hit to average), 1427 average damage, clear Gobi slayer.
Sub Gun: 3700 Damage, Ranged, 2-7 Range, +5 Hit, 10 Ammo, AAAA. 366 effective hit(10% hit to average), 2637(.5) average damage.
Impact Cannon: 4400 Damage, Ranged, 3-8 Range, +0 Hit, 30(21) EN, AAAA. 361 effective hit(5% hit to average), 3579 average damage. If I do say so myself, the hit rate is truly epic.
Titanic Drill: 6000 Damage, Melee, 1-4 (P) Range, +40 Hit, 130 Will, 80(56) EN, +10% Critical, SSSS. 401 effective hit(45% hit to average), 6307 average damage.

Best three-turn damage average: Spiritx3, Strike+Titanic Drillx3.

Theoretically, that's not the best damage, naturally, but considering the alternative of spamming Valors *will definately miss* at least once with Hit that bad...yeah, no. 6307 average damage.

Radha Byraban

139 Melee
159 Ranged
154 Maneuverability
155 Defense
248 Hit
251 Evade
154 Spirit Points
Dodge Success: +1
Attack Success: 0
Dodge Failure: +1
Attack Failure: 0

Natural Skills:

SP Regenerate
Support L3

Spirit Commands:

Focus: 10 SP.
Alert: 10 SP.
Bless: 30 SP.
Attune: 35 SP.
Hope: 70 SP.
Enable: 80 SP.


Claim: Initial. There might be some forceds in there besides the stage she shows up on-I honestly can't remember. May also be some plot, but if so, it was fairly minor.

6020 HP
300 EN
2100 Armor
120 Mobility
5 Move
Size M

Effective Armor: 2730
Effective Mobility: 371
Effective Evasion: -44%(-21%)


Gatling Gun: 1800 Damage, Ranged, 1 (P) Range, +40 Hit, 20 Ammo, +20% Critical, AAAA. 418 effective hit(62% hit to average), 37 average damage.
Autocannon: 3200 Damage, Ranged, 1-4 (P) Range, +30 Hit, 12 Ammo, +10% Critical, AAAA. 408 effective hit(52% hit to average), 1885 average damage.
Twin Beam Cannon: 3800 Damage, Ranged, 2-7 Range, +25 Hit, 15 EN, +10% Critical, AADA. 403 effective hit(47% hit to average), 2667 average damage.

Best three-turn damage average: Probably getting out and making the enemy do some Yoga exercises. Beyond that, 2667 average damage, triple Twin Beam Cannon. What's disconcerting is the fact that, with what has to be below half average damage, along with no healing and no negative status... she still makes Heavy. Possibly even higher, she's remarkably hard to OHKO, meaning you really need to disable/ID her-at least those work well. Go figure.

Leona Garstein:

160 Melee
176 Ranged
175 Maneuverability
152 Defense
265 Hit
272 Evade
137 Spirit Points
Dodge Success: +2
Attack Success: +2
Dodge Failure: +1
Attack Failure: 0

Natural Skills:

Telekinesis L8
Support L2

Spirit Commands:

Accel: 5 SP.
Fury: 30 SP.
Focus: 10 SP.
Valor: 40 SP.
Guard: 20 SP.
Sense: 25 SP.


Claim: I *think* it's her initial...if you get it; It's a hidden unit. However, to get it, you have to kill her *while she is in it as a boss* with a specific unit(Specifically, one of two people who have relationships of some form or another with Leona.)., I'm inclined to allow it to her regardless, seeing as how she's in it for a decent chunk of the game, as an enemy. It's certainly her's, plotwise.

6300 HP
306 EN
1740 Armor
143 Mobility
7 Move
Size M

Effective Armor: 2235(.9)
Effective Mobility: 443
Effective Evade: 28%(51%)


Autocannon: 2600 Damage, Ranged, 1-3 (P) Range, +40 Hit, 20 Ammo, +40% Critical, SABS. 463 effective hit(107% hit to average), 1314 average damage.
Assault Blade: 3000 Damage, Melee, 1 (P) Range, +45 Hit, +30% Critical, ABAA. 468 effective hit(112% hit to average), 1238(.5) average damage.
Burst Railgun: 3500 Damage, Ranged, 2-6 Range, +35 Hit, 10 Ammo, +20% Critical, SBAA. 458 effective hit(102% hit to average), 2086(.75) average damage.
Sonic Breaker: 4200 Damage, Melee, 1-3 (P) Range, +35 Hit, 110 Will, 20 EN, SABS. 458 effective hit(102% hit to average), 3226 average damage.

Best three-turn damage average: Triple Valor Burst Railgun. As in other cases, this drains her pretty dry, but ignores the fact that her getting attacked at all gives her Sonic Breaker, so it seems fair enough. 4172 average damage.

Viletta Vadim:

163 Melee
174 Ranged
171 Maneuverability
127 Defense
261 Hit
269 Evade
145 Spirit Points
Dodge Success: +2
Attack Success: +2
Dodge Failure: +1
Attack Failure: 0

Natural Skills:

Support L3
Gunfight L4
In-fight L4

Spirit Commands:

Scan: 1 SP.
Focus: 8 SP.
Accel: 4 SP.
Snipe: 20 SP.
Valor: 32 SP.
Sense: 16 SP.


Viletta has legal claim to the R-Gun(Initial, plot. She later splits-plotwise, it's supposed to go to Katina, so this is iffy. Then again, so is Katina's claim.), Grungust(Forced, she shows up later in this if you don't get a secret mech.), the Huckebein 008L(Kyosuke's path secret mech, she shows up in it instead of the Grungust) AND the Gespenst Mk. II S(Ryusei's path secret mech, shows up in it instead of the Grungust. I gather, anyways.).

I plan on getting some of these later, for now I'm just going with the one that seems overall-best.

Gespenst Mk. II S

7500 HP.
320 EN
2430 Armor
137 Mobility
7(8) Move
Size M
Beam Coat

Effective Armor: 3100(.68)
Effective Mobility: 446(.6)
Effective Evade: 31%(54%)


Split Missile: 2850 Damage, Ranged, 1-5(1-6) Range, +45 Hit, 12 Ammo, +30% Critical, BAAA. 462 effective hit(106% hit to average), 1636(.75) average damage.
Attack: 3250 Damage, Melee, 1 (P) Range, +55 Hit, +30% Critical, DSAS. 472 effective hit(116% hit to average), 2451(.5) average damage.
Plasma Slicer: 3450 Damage, Melee, 1-2 (P) Range, +45 Hit, 10 EN, +10% Critical, AABA. 462 effective hit(106% hit to average), 2284 average damage.
Mega Blaster: 4750 Damage, Melee, 1-3 (P) Range, +45 Hit, 40 EN, +20% Critical, SSAS. 462 effective hit(106% hit to average), 4662(.5) average damage.

Best three-turn damage average: Triple Valor Mega Blaster, 9324 average damage. Ow.

Ryoto Hikawa

165 Melee
171 Ranged
169 Maneuverability
143 Defense
263 Hit
267 Evade
149 Spirit Points
Dodge Success: +1
Attack Success: +0
Dodge Failure: +1
Attack Failure: 0

Natural Skills:

Telekinesis L9
Support L3
Gunfight L6

Spirit Commands:

Focus: 10 SP.
Gain: 10 SP.
Mercy: 5 SP.
Strike: 15 SP.
Valor: 45 SP.
Zeal: 40 SP.

Lion F:

Claim: Initial/forced on Ryusei's path(And a little plot.). On Kyosuke's route, this unit doesn't exist; His initial is the Huckebein 009. The Lion's the better of the two, but if there's actual objections to me using it, I'll bother putting up 009 stats.

6750 HP
280 EN
1650 Armor
136 Mobility
6 Move
Size M

Effective Armor: 2250(.6)
Effective Mobility: 475(.3)
Effective Evade: 60%(83%)


Gatling Gun: 2050 Damage, Ranged, 1-2(1-3) (P) Range, +40 Hit, 20 Ammo, +40% Critical, SABS. 491 effective hit(135% hit to average), 490 average damage.
Homing Missile: 2850 Damage, Ranged, 2-6(2-7) Range, +60 Hit, 15 Ammo, ABBA. 511 effective hit(155% hit to average), 1200(.7) average damage.
Railgun: 3650 Damage, Ranged, 2-6(2-7) Range, +35 Hit, 15 Ammo, +10% Critical, SABS. 486 effective hit(130% hit to average), 2698 average damage.

Best three-turn damage average: Railgun over and over until the enemy is near death, then Zeal->Railgun->Zeal->Railgun->Zeal->Railgun->Railgun. Assuming this is on turn 3, this is basically the same thing as Triple Valor Railgun for cheaper(Eats more ammo, but eh, 15 ammo.). 5396 average damage. The killing turn deals 10792, which is pretty good for a Real.

Gilliam Yager

170 Melee
175 Ranged
177 Maneuverability
133 Defense
266 Hit
268 Evade
117 Spirit Points
Dodge Success: +1
Attack Success: +1
Dodge Failure: +1
Attack Failure: +1

Natural Skills:

SP Regenerate
Counter L4

Spirit Commands:

Scan: 1 SP.
Sense: 20 SP.
Accel: 5 SP.
Valor: 40 SP.
Spirit: 30 SP.
Zeal: 55 SP.

Gespenst R:

Claim: Well, it's splitpath and optional, but it's so far above his other option that it's not even funny. (Actually, it's basically his other option with an actual ultimate weapon, really.) It's initial/forced/plot(Everyone even makes a weirdly large deal about him showing up in the original Gespenst PTX-001. >_>).

6300 HP
288 EN
2100 Armor
138 Mobility
7 Move
Size M
Beam Coat

Effective Armor: 2748(.9)
Effective Mobility: 446(.6)
Effective Evade: 31%(54%)


Split Missile: 2700 Damage, Ranged, 1-5 Range, +45 Hit, 12 Ammo +30% Critical, BAAA. 472 effective hit(106% hit to average), 1441 average damage.
Attack: 2900 Damage, Melee, 1 (P) Range, +50 Hit, +30% Critical, DSAS. 472 effective hit(111% hit to average), 2047(.25) average damage.
Plasma Cutter: 3000 Damage, Melee, 1 (P) Range, +50 Hit, 5 EN, +30% Critical, AABA. 472 effective hit(111% hit to average), 1786 average damage.
Neutron Beam: 4300 Damage, Ranged, 1-5 (P) Range, +45 Hit, 10 Ammo, +40% Critical, SSAS. 472 effective hit(106% hit to average), 4283 average damage.

Best three-turn damage average: Strictly speaking, he has enough for Triple Valor Neutron Beam, due to SP Regeneration effectively cutting the costs, but I don't really like cutting it that close. Also, there's almost no chance he's going to bother doing that as a strategy anyways. >_> Anyways, with double Valor Neutron Beam->Neutron Beam, it's 7138(.3~). He can pull out a Turn of Doom with Zeal+Valor, for 12849 damage, but that averages the same as double Valor and costs more.

Rio Meilong

164 Melee
170 Ranged
147 Maneuverability
160 Defense
261 Hit
247 Evade
135 Spirit Points
Dodge Success: 0
Attack Success: +2
Dodge Failure: +2
Attack Failure: -1

Natural Skills:

Telekinesis L8
Support L2
Prevail L3

Spirit Commands:

Alert: 10 SP.
Gain: 15 SP.
Valor: 30 SP.
Strike: 15 SP.
Focus: 15 SP.
Drive: 50 SP.

Gespenst Mk. II TT(Telekinesis Type):

Claim: She ends up forced into this on Ryusei's route. (It's Aya's old one, but eh.) On Kyosuke's, she gets...a Gespenst Mk. II-M. The net effect is pretty similar, and the TT at least is different...>_>

5700 HP
200 EN
1500 Armor
127 Mobility
5 Move
Size M

Effective Armor: 1987(.5)
Effective Mobility: 402
Effective Evade: -13%(10%)


Attack: 2300 Damage, Melee, 1 (P) Range, +20 Hit, +30% Critical, DABA. 439 effective hit(83% hit to average), 754(.5) average damage.
Split Missile: 2700 Damage, Ranged, 1-5 Range, +45 Hit, 12 Ammo +30% Critical, BAAA. 464 effective hit(108% hit to average), 1373(.5) average damage.
Plasma Cutter: 3000 Damage, Melee, 1 (P) Range, +50 Hit, 5 EN, +30% Critical, AABA. 469 effective hit(113% hit to average), 1696 average damage.
Mega Beam Rifle: 3200 Damage, Ranged, 2-4 (P) Range, +25 Hit, 10 Ammo, AADA. 444 effective hit(88% hit to average), 2061 average damage.
T-Link Ripper: 3600 Damage, Ranged, 3-5 (P) Range, +45 Hit, 105 Will, 6 Ammo, +10% Critical, AAAA. 464 effective hit(108% hit to average), 2611 average damage, 3151 average damage after Drive. Requires Telekinesis L1.

Best three-turn damage average: Drive->T-Link Ripper, Valored T-Link Ripperx2. Triple Valor's more, but doesn't deal as much damage over a more long term period. 5151(.6~) average damage.

Latooni Suvota:

171 Melee
169 Ranged
172 Maneuverability
130 Defense
267 Hit
267 Evade
118 Spirit Points
Dodge Success: +2
Attack Success: +2
Dodge Failure: +1
Attack Failure: 0

Natural Skills:

Gunfight L6
Support L3

Spirit Commands:

Scan: 1 SP.
Focus: 10 SP.
Sense: 20 SP.
Assail: 20 SP.
Valor: 50 SP.
Enable: 70 SP.


Claim: Initial on Kyosuke's path. That's the only claim she has that I know of. On the flipside, the other two units she has claim to are the worst in the game(A Messer and a standard Gespenst Mk. II.), so bleh.

5550 HP
228 EN
1500 Armor
143 Mobility
6 Move
SAAA(Note: The Wildraubiter cannot fly. ...<_< Well, not without transforming.)
Size M

Effective Armor: 1762(.5)
Effective Mobility: 400
Effective Evade: -15%(8%)


Attack: 2100 Damage, Melee, 1 (P) Range, +20 Hit, +30% Critical, DACA. 437 effective hit(81% hit to average), 559 average damage.
Steel Knife: 2800 Damage, Melee, 1 (P) Range, +60 Hit, +65% Critical, AAAA. 477 effective hit(121% hit to average), 1525 average damage.
Hyper Beam Rifle: 3950 Damage, Ranged, 2-7(2-8) Range, +25 Hit, 7 Ammo, +20% Critical, SADS. 442 effective hit(86% hit to average), 3072(.5) average damage.

Wildraubiter FM:

Claim: Monkies. Also, transformation. Presumably *from* a monkey. ( that I think on it, the Wildraubiter *could* pass for a mechanical orangutan. I must be stat topicing too much.)

5550 HP
228 EN
1350 Armor
156 Mobility
7 Move
Size M

Effective Armor: 1744(.876)
Effective Mobility: 485(.3)
Effective Evade: 70%(93%)


AG Missile: 2950 Damage, Ranged, 1-6(1-7) Range, +50 Hit, 6 Ammo, CSAA. 493 effective hit(137% hit to average), 2106(.65) average damage.
AA Missile: Same thing as the AG, except 2-7(2-8) and SACA. 493 effective hit(137% hit to average), 1702(.5) average damage.
Aerial Bomb: 3650 Damage, Ranged, 1 (P) Range, +35 Hit, 4 Ammo, +25% Critical, CSAC. 478 effective hit(122% hit to average), 3161(.55) average damage.
Beam Cannon: 3950 Damage, Ranged, 2-4(2-5) (P) Range, +30 Hit, 30 EN, +10% Critical, SADS. 473 effective hit(117% hit to average), 3072(.5) average damage.

Best three-turn damage average: Valor Aerial Bomb->2x Aerial Bomb. Strictly speaking, she has another Valor, but it's badly, badly cost ineffective and leaves her one Spirit Command or so from empty. For 3000 more damage? Nah, not worth it. 4214(.6~) average damage.

Russel Bergman:

167 Melee
155 Ranged
153 Maneuverability
181 Defense
255 Hit
245 Evade
167 Spirit Points
Dodge Success: +1
Attack Success: 0
Dodge Failure: +1
Attack Failure: 0

Natural Skills:

Prevail L5
Support L3
SP Up L5

Spirit Commands:

Strike: 20 SP.
Guard: 15 SP.
Trust: 25 SP.
Cheer: 15 SP.
Faith: 40 SP.
Rouse: 65 SP.

Gespenst Mk. II-M (Green):

Claim: He's forced into it, and there's some plot behind it I believe. While he also has claim to a Messer(Initial), he tends to be OHKO bait and get hit on turn 3 or so, and the damage potential of Messers is *awful*, particularly without Valor to blitz with.

5700 HP
200 EN
1500 Armor
127 Mobility
5 Move
Size M

Effective Armor: 2145(This is what's known as pilot salvaging mech. <_<)
Effective Mobility: 372(Now, if only he could evade...)
Effective Evade: -43%(-20%)


Attack: 2300 Damage, Melee, 1 (P) Range, +30 Hit, +30% Critical, DABA. 415 effective hit(59% hit to average), 789 average damage.
Split Missile: 2700 Damage, Ranged, 1-5 Range, +45 Hit, 12 Ammo, +30% Critical, BAAA. 430 effective hit(74% hit to average), 1171 average damage.
M95 Machine Gun: 2900 Damage, Ranged, 1-3 (P) Range, +40 Hit, 15 Ammo, +45% Critical, AAAA. 425 effective hit(69% hit to average), 1431 average damage.
Jet Magnum: 3700 Damage, Melee, 1 (P) Range, +25 Hit, 110 Will, 10 EN, +15% Critical, BAAA. 410 effective hit(54% hit to average), 2693 average damage.

Best three-turn damage average: Really, really pathetically awesome, no matter how you slice it. Seriously. 1431 average damage off M95 Machine Gun rounds over and over=win; He doesn't even get the Will to get up Jet Magnum until hit *five* times, if at all. (Probably at all; He does tend to at least live *that* long...albiet not much longer...)

Kai Kitamura:

171 Melee
158 Ranged
176 Maneuverability
161 Defense
258 Hit
241 Evade
138 Spirit Points
Dodge Success: +1
Attack Success: +1
Dodge Failure: +1
Attack Failure: +1

Natural Skills:

Command L3
Support L1

Spirit Commands:

Spirit: 30 SP.
Valor: 30 SP.
Guts: 30 SP.
Sense: 20 SP.
Focus: 10 SP.
Drive: 60 SP.

Gespenst Mk. II-M (Green, Kai's special version)

Claim: Kai comes with it and is forced into it at various points(Granted, all are before he permanently joins, but eh.). It's only a temp on Ryusei's route...but so is Kai, so...

5700 HP
200 EN
1500 Armor
127 Mobility
7 Move
Size M

Effective Armor: 2194(.5) (Another dragging up, I see.)
Effective Mobility: 404(.8)
Effective Evade: -10%(13%)


Note: Striiiictly speaking, Kai should get the five weapon upgrades everyone else does.

But he *starts* with five, even on all his initial equips in addition to his internal weapons; That would mean, in effect, he's getting no cash for weapons. While some other units(Lion F, off the top of my head) do come with upgrades, none that I know of come with any anywhere *near* five, and upgrades get more expensive as cash goes up. (To be exact, it goes 1x cost for first upgrade, 2x, 3x, 4x, etc.)

So, I'm considering him with seven weapon upgrades. If someone objects, feel free to say so; It just seems fair, to me.

Attack: 3100 Damage, Melee, 1 (P) Range, +30 Hit, +30% Critical, DABA. 443 effective hit(87% hit to average), 1939 average damage.
Split Missile: 3300 Damage, Ranged, 1-5 Range, +45 Hit, 12 Ammo, +30% Critical, BAAA. 458 effective hit(102% hit to average), 2000(.5) average damage.
M95 Machine Gun: 3500 Damage, Ranged, 1-3 (P) Range, +40 Hit, 15 Ammo, +45% Critical, AAAA. 453 effective hit(97% hit to average), 2263(.5) average damage.
Jet Magnum: 4700 Damage, Melee, 1-2 (P) Range, +35 Hit, 110 Will, 10 EN, +30% Critical, BAAA. 448 effective hit(92% hit to average), 4147 average damage, 4382 after one Spirit, 5822(.4) after Drive and Attacker.

Best three-turn damage average: Drive->Jet Magnum, Jet Magnum, Valor Jet Magnum: 7762(.6~) average damage. Kai can opt for another Valor for even more damage, but his durability is so awful that it strikes me as a terrible idea. Your results may vary.

Katina Tarask:

165 Melee
172 Range
175 Maneuverability
145 Defense
296 Hit
270 Evade
132 Spirit Points
Dodge Success: 0
Attack Success: 0
Dodge Failure: +2
Attack Failure: +2

Natural Skills:

Prevail L5

Spirit Commands:

Strike: 20 SP.
Valor: 30 SP.
Assail: 20 SP.
Accel: 5 SP.
Alert: 15 SP.
Drive: 60 SP.

F-28 Messer:

Claim: Initial. She also has a Gespenst Mk. II-M she can claim, whose stats I'll be listing too, since the damned Messer turned out worse than I expected. <_<

3000 HP
180 EN
1050 Armor
180 Mobility
7 Move
Size S

Effective Armor: 1443(.75)
Effective Mobility: 495
Effective Evade: 80%(103%) (After size, 84%/...well, still 103%, since Size strictly speaking is a multiplier-or, in this case, a divisor-of final-stage hit. Final hit's 0% there. <_<)


Gatling Gun: 1600 Damage, Ranged, 1 (P) Range, +10 Hit, 20 Ammo, +20% Critical, SABB. 465 effective hit(109% hit to average), -123(10) average damage.
Homing Missile: 2600 Damage, Ranged, 1-5 (P) Range, +35 Hit, 15 Ammo, +30% Critical, SABB. 490 effective hit(134% hit to average), 1262 average damage, 1982(.4) damage after Drive and Attacker.

Best three-turn damage average: Drive->Valor->Missile, Missile x2. 2642(.6~) average damage.

Gespenst Mk. II-M(Red):

Claim: Forced into it at various points, plot(She paints it her color, among things. >_>).

5700 HP
200 EN
1500 Armor
127 Mobility
5 Move
Size M

Effective Armor: 1875
Effective Mobility: 397
Effective Evade: -18%(5%)

Attack: 2300 Damage, Melee, 1 (P) Range, +30 Hit, +30% Critical, DABA. 456 effective hit(100% hit to average), 766 average damage.
Split Missile: 2700 Damage, Ranged, 1-5 Range, +45 Hit, 12 Ammo, +30% Critical, BAAA. 471 effective hit(115% hit to average), 1400(.5) average damage.
M95 Machine Gun: 2900 Damage, Ranged, 1-3 (P) Range, +40 Hit, 15 Ammo, +45% Critical, AAAA. 461 effective hit(110% hit to average), 1677(.5) average damage.
Jet Magnum: 3700 Damage, Melee, 1 (P) Range, +25 Hit, 110 Will, 10 EN, +15% Critical, BAAA. 451 effective hit(95% hit to average), 2656 average damage, 3853(.2) damage after one Drive.

Best three-turn damage average: Drive->Jet Magnum, Jet Magnum, Valor Jet Magnum. Say, this strategy sounds familiar. 5137(.3~) average damage.

Overall, I think I'll just average both in. Both options have distinct uses for Katina.

Giado Beneldi

171 Melee
146 Ranged
166 Maneuverability
170 Defense
255 Hit
234 Evade
141 Spirit Points
Dodge Success: 0
Attack Success: 0
Dodge Failure: +2
Attack Failure: +2

Natural Skills:

Counter L6
Support L2

Spirit Commands:

Spirit: 40 SP.
Accel: 5 SP.
Strike: 20 SP.
Valor: 35 SP.
Faith: 40 SP.
Renew: 50 SP.


Claim: Initial on Kyosuke's route. (It's Rai's old one.) On Ryusei's route, he's got a jet and a Gespenst, like Katina. Both are notably worse than a Schutzwald, despite the Schutzwald being entirely ranged and running off Giado's worse stat... so yeah. <_<

6020 HP
300 EN
2100 Armor
120 Mobility
5 Move
Size M

Effective Armor: 2887(.5)
Effective Mobility: 354
Effective Evade: -61%(-38%)


Gatling Gun: 1800 Damage, Ranged, 1 (P) Range, +40 Hit, 20 Ammo, +20% Critical, AAAA. 425 effective hit(69% hit to average), -80(10) average damage.
Autocannon: 3200 Damage, Ranged, 1-4 (P) Range, +30 Hit, 12 Ammo, +10% Critical, AAAA. 415 effective hit(59% hit to average), 1667 average damage.
Twin Beam Cannon: 3800 Damage, Ranged, 2-7 Range, +25 Hit, 15 EN, +10% Critical, AADA. 410 effective hit(54% hit to average), 2430 average damage.

Best three-turn damage average: Triple Valor Twin Beam Ultra Mega Lemon Doom Cannons. 4860 average damage.

Garnet Sunday:

134 Melee
155 Ranged
142 Maneuverability
144 Defense
238 Hit
247 Evade
186 Spirit Points
Dodge Success: +1
Attack Success: 0
Dodge Failure: +2
Attack Failure: +3

Natural Skills:

Support L3
Lucky L5
SP Up L5

Spirit Commands:

Bless: 30 SP.
Cheer: 25 SP.
Focus: 15 SP.
Trust: 20 SP.
Rouse: 65 SP.
Love: 75 SP.

Gespenst Mk. II-M(Blue):

Claim: Initial on Kyosuke's route. On Ryusei's, she's stuck in a jet; While she can somewhat float a jet, her damage is something around a sixth average in it. To be honest, Garnet's going to suck no matter what, but at least in the Gespenst she doesn't get OHKOed at about Turn 2/3 without Spirit abuse...still probably dies by then anyways, but she does damage doing it! Kinda. *Coughs.*

5700 HP
200 EN
1500 Armor
127 Mobility
5 Move
Size M

Effective Armor: 1867(.5)
Effective Mobility: 374
Effective Evade: -41%(-18%)

Attack: 2300 Damage, Melee, 1 (P) Range, +30 Hit, +30% Critical, DABA. 398 effective hit(42% hit to average), 409(.5) average damage.
Split Missile: 2700 Damage, Ranged, 1-5 Range, +45 Hit, 12 Ammo, +30% Critical, BAAA. 413 effective hit(57% hit to average), 1171 average damage.
M95 Machine Gun: 2900 Damage, Ranged, 1-3 (P) Range, +40 Hit, 15 Ammo, +45% Critical, AAAA. 408 effective hit(52% hit to average), 1431 average damage.
Jet Magnum: 3700 Damage, Melee, 1 (P) Range, +25 Hit, 110 Will, 10 EN, +15% Critical, BAAA. 393 effective hit(37% hit to average), 2082(.5) average damage, 2267(.5)(x2) average after one Love.

Best three-turn damage average: RUNNING. Uhm, besides that, Love->Jet Magnum, Jet Magnum x 2. She can't take hits, she can't really use defensive Spirits, and her healing is lousy...but it's all she has, so I feel reluctant to make her use a second Love for such a low damage boost. 3022(.6~) average damage.
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....

Jo'ou Ranbu

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Re: Super Robot Wars Original Generation (by SageAcrin)
« Reply #3 on: August 27, 2008, 06:44:29 PM »

HP: 13800(Kurogane)=13800(Hiryu Custom)>9600(Giganscudo)>9375(Grungust Type 0)>8750(Grungust)>8650(Grungust Type 2)>7500(Gespenst Mk. II S)>6875(Cybuster)>6750(Lion F)>6300(Guarlion)=6300(Gespenst R)>6250(Valsione)>6110(R-2 Powered)>6075(R-3 Powered)>6020(Schutzwald)=6020(Schutzwald. Again!)>5700(Gespenst Mk. II TT)=5700(Gespenst Mk. II-M)>5700(Gespenst Mk. II-M)>5700(Gespenst Mk. II-M)>5700(Gespenst Mk. II-M. Too many of these.)>5600(Weiss Ritter)>5550(Wildraubiter)>5460(Alt Eisen)>5400(R-1)>5265(Huckebein Mk. II)=5265(Huckebein Trombe)>3000(F-28 Messer)

Average HP: 6864(.821~)

Effective Armor: For this, I'll take into account the form that is used the most in damage averages. Same with Mobility. Makes sense, doesn't it?

3670(Grungust Type 0)>3420(Giganscudo)>3100(Gespenst Mk. II-S)>3070(Huckebein Trombe)>3026(Grungust)>3005(Grungust Type 2)>2962(Alt Eisen)>2887(Schutzwald-Giado)>2748(Gespenst R)>2730(Schutzwald-Radha)>2674(R-3 Powered)>2646(R-2 Powered)>2488(Cybird)>2478(Huckebein Mk. II)>2280(Valsione)>2250(Lion F)>2235(Guarlion)>2201(R-Wing)>2194(Gespenst Mk. II-M-Kai)>2165(Kurogane)>2145(Gespenst Mk. II-M-Russel)>1987(Gespenst Mk. II TT-Rio)>1958(Hiryu Custom)>1875(Gespenst Mk. II-M-Katina)>1867(Gespenst Mk. II-M-Garnet)1744(Wildraubiter FM)>1566(Weiss Ritter)>1443(F-28 Messer-Katina)

Average Effective Armor: 2457(.964~)

Effective Mobility:

Just using the 515 Hit average for this. You can basically add 23% to this average and get something...well, close enough to the 492 average, it'll be a bit low, due to larger sizes, though.

84%(F-28 Messer-Katina)>70%(Wildraubiter FM)>63%(R-3 Powered)>60%(R-Wing)=60%(Lion F)>58%(Huckebein Trombe)>56%(Cybird)>31%(Gespenst Mk. II S)=31%(Gespenst R)>28%(Guarlion)>12%(R-2 Powered)>10%(Valsione)>5%(Huckebein Mk. II)>1%(Weiss Ritter)>-10%(Gespenst Mk. II-M-Kai)>-13%(Gespenst Mk. II TT-Rio)>-14%(Alt Eisen)>-15%(Grungust Type 2)>-18%(Gespenst Mk. II-M-Katina)>-41%(Gespenst Mk. II-M-Garnet)>-43%(Gespenst Mk. II-M-Russel)>-44%(Schutzwald-Radha)>-56%(Grungust Type 0)>-61%(Schutzwald-Giado)>-80%(Giganscudo)>-88%(Grungust)>>>-206%(Hiryu Custom)>-223%(Kurogane)

Average Evade: -12.25%.

Average Evade *without* the never-ever-dodge Battleship outliers: 3.3%. (Now *that's* average dragging.)

Three turn damage average:

9324(Gespenst Mk. II S)>8665(Grungust Type 0)>7762(Gespenst Mk. II-M-Kai)>7679(Grungust Type 2)>7207(Grungust)>7138(Gespenst R)>7129(Valsione)>6910(Huckebein Mk. II)>6704(R-3 Powered)>6476(Alt Eisen)>6307(Kurogane)>5484(Giganscudo)>5396(Lion F)>5151(Gespenst Mk. II TT-Rio)>5137(Gespenst Mk. II-M-Katina)>5122(Huckebein Trombe)>5120(R-1/R-Wing)>5086(Cybird)>5042(R-2 Powered)>5002(Weiss Ritter)>4860(Schutzwald-Giado)>4214(Wildraubiter FM)>4172(Guarlion)>3081(Hiryu Custom)>3022(Gespenst Mk. II-M-Garnet)>2667(Schutzwald-Radha)>2643(F-28 Messer-Katina)>1431(Gespenst Mk. II-M-Russel)

Average damage: 5497(.214~).

And that should be it, for now.

Things to do:

Figure out exactly how Prevail and Prophesy work.

Things I won't do unless asked nicely(<_<):

Bother to add in pathsplit mechs. This takes about fifteen minutes per mecha to math out. ;_;

Boss stats. I do have them(...Well, more or less. I'd need to do some savestate reloading and hacking for pilot stats.), but I'm not sure anyone cares enough for me to math them out against PC averages.

Averaging stats I don't see mattering. Maneuverability(Despite determining critical rate) counts as this to me, because criticals kinda suck in this game, being 1.25x.

Adding in stuff like SRX. Already been asked on SRX's case, so I'll probably get that eventually. <_< Anything else like that, yeah, someone needs to care. >_>

Check this thing for typoes, both text and math. I would, but you know, I DID IT SEVERAL HUNDRED TIMES. <_<

Special thanks to Deranged's Pilot FAQ(Which let me happily ignore the Will gains and just rip them out of his FAQ, along with one or two sets of stats....most of this was tested, since he doesn't list stat levels at L45, but eh.) and AlasterB's Weapon/Stats guide, which allowed me to be eminately lazy and not spend a minute or two booting up a unit's stat screen to copy down stats. ^_^

Ranking pilot stats here, mainly for ingame reference. (by hinode)

Evade (factoring in Genius and TK skills)
1. Leona (300)
2. Ryoto (299)
3. Rai (294)
4t. Aya (287)
4t. Latooni (287)
6. Lune (283)
7. Elzam (282)
8. Ryusei (279)
9. Bullet (277)
10. Rio (275)
11t. Excellen (273)
11t. Kusuha (273)
12. Katina (270)
13. Viletta (269)
14. Gilliam (268)
15. Masaki (267)
16. Tasuku (260)
17. Radha (251)
18. Garnet (247)
19. Irm (246)
20. Russel (245)
21. Kai (241)
22. Kyosuke (239)
23. Sanger (238)
24. Giado (234)
25. Lefina (199)
26. Daitetsu (187)

Average: 261.85


1. Sanger (183)
2. Kyosuke (181)
3. Ryusei (180)
4. Irm (178)
5. Masaki (175)
6. Kusuha (174)
7t. Bullet (172)
7t. Tasuku (172)
9t. Latooni (171)
9t. Kai (171)
9t. Giado (171)
12. Gilliam (170)
13. Elzam (169)
14. Russel (167)
15. Lune (166)
16t. Ryoto (165)
16t. Katina (165)
17. Rio (164)
18. Viletta (163)
19. Rai (162)
20. Leona (160)
21t. Aya (157)
21t. Daitetsu (157)
23. Excellen (152)
24. Radha (139)
25t. Lefina (132)
25t. Garnet (132)

Average: 164.74


1. Tasuku (183)
2. Russel (181)
3. Sanger (176)
4t. Elzam (170)
4t. Giado (170)
6. Kusuha (167)
7. Irm (164)
8t. Kyosuke (161)
8t. Kai (161)
10. Rio (160)
11. Bullet (158)
12. Radha (155)
13. Aya (153)
14. Leona (152)
15. Ryusei (146)
16. Katina (145)
17. Garnet (144)
18. Ryoto (143)
19. Rai (140)
20. Lune (137)
21. Lefina (136)
22. Masaki (135)
23. Gilliam (133)
24. Latooni (130)
25t. Excellen (127)
25t. Viletta (127)
27. Daitetsu (126)

Average: 151.11


1t. Rai (177)
1t. Excellen (177)
3t. Leona (176)
3t. Lune (176)
5t. Elzam (175)
5t. Gilliam (175)
7t. Masaki (174)
7t. Viletta (174)
9. Katina (172)
10. Ryoto (171)
11t. Bullet (170)
11t. Rio (170)
13. Latooni (169)
14t. Aya (166)
14t. Lefina (166)
14t. Daitetsu (166)
17. Irm (161)
18. Radha (159)
19. Kai (158)
20. Ryusei (157)
21. Sanger (156)
22t. Russel (155)
22t. Garnet (155)
24. Tasuku (152)
25. Kyosuke (151)
26. Kusuha (148)
27. Giado (146)

Average: 164.89
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: Super Robot Wars Original Generation (by SageAcrin)
« Reply #4 on: June 06, 2010, 01:08:35 AM »
You mentioned in the last post that you could get SRX; if that's still on the table, I'd be curious to see how it'd fit into the averages, especially with all three pilots allowed. Part of this is just curiosity; the other is seeing if anyone would allow it in a board tournament >_>

If I'm asking way too late ignore this, it's not pressing at all.
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Re: Super Robot Wars Original Generation (by SageAcrin)
« Reply #5 on: June 06, 2010, 04:04:46 PM »
I'm lacking all my old saves for the GBA games, they went with the old computer.

Having said that...might be possible, I think there's an FAQ on GFAQs that had enough stuff so I could math it out and the topic still has Ryusei stats handily.
<RichardHawk> Waddle Dee looks broken.
<TranceHime> Waddle Dee does seem broken.

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Re: Super Robot Wars Original Generation (by SageAcrin)
« Reply #6 on: June 06, 2010, 04:57:48 PM »

9775 HP
312 EN
108 Mobilty
1875 Armor
5 Move
Size L
TK Field

Effective Armor: 2,353(.125) (Less...than R-1. It took me ages to puzzle out why-no S rank. God damnit SRX.)
Effective Mobility: 387
Effective Evasion: -28%(-5%) (After Size: -53(.6)/-26%)

Finger Launcher: 4100 Damage, Ranged, 2-8 Range, +35 Hit, 10 Ammo, +0% Critical, AADA. 456 effective hit(less than T-Link Knuckle because no mech S, if you're wondering.)(115% hit to averege, though, still accurate enough.), 3032 average damage.
Blade Kick: 4500 Damage, Melee, 1-3 (P) Range, +40 Hit, 15 EN, +20% Critical, AAAA. 461 effective hit(120% hit to average), 4073(.5) average damage.
Dominion Ball: 5100 Damage, Ranged, 4-7 Range, +30 Hit, 120 Will, 3 Ammo, +15% Critical, AABA. Requires Telekinesis Level 4. 451 effective hit(110% hit to average), 4342 average damage.
Supreme Sword: 6100 Damage, Melee, 1 (P) range, +25 Hit, 130 Will, 80 EN, +30% Critical, AABA. Requires Telekinesis Level 5. 446 effective hit(105% hit to average), 6353(.5) average damage.
TK Burst Slash: 7100 Damage(!), Melee, 1 (P) range, +10 Hit, 140 Will, 110 EN(!!), +35% Critical, AABA. Requires Telekinesis Level 8(!). 431 effective hit(90% hit to average), 7778(.5) average damage(!!!).

Pilot statistics(for ease of my calculations in the same post and for anyone looking this up):

Ryusei Date:

180 Melee
157 Range
171 Maneuverability
146 Defense
263 Hit
251 Evade
121 Spirit Points.
A on Air/A on Ground/B on Water/A in Space terrain ratings. (From here on out, I'll use shorthand for this, such as A/A/B/A.)
Dodge Success(Character successfully dodges): 0 Will
Attack Success(Attack hits) +2 Will
Dodge Failure(Character is hit with an attack) +2 Will
Attack Failure(Attack misses) -1 Will


Level 8 Telekinesis.
Level 4 Prevail.

Spirit Commands:


Focus: 15 SP.
Alert: 10 SP.
Strike: 15 SP.
Luck: 25 SP.
Valor: 35 SP.
Zeal: 70 SP.


Spirit Commands:

Focus: 10 SP.
Accel: 5 SP.
Sense: 20 SP.
Snipe: 20 SP.
Valor: 40 SP.
Fury: 20 SP.


Spirit Commands:

Gain: 16 SP. (Note, figures are taken after Mental.)
Trust: 24 SP.
Focus: 12 SP.
Attune: 24 SP.
Valor: 32 SP.
Renew: 48 SP.

As a general observation: SRX is...arguably not better than R-1 in a duel if you don't allow the secondary two spirit pools. It's kinda sad. I'd say it's probably still better-Valor Blade Kick is 8k which is pretty damn solid. But all it's shiny stuff requires Will that it never gets in a duel...even with the added two pools. ._.
<RichardHawk> Waddle Dee looks broken.
<TranceHime> Waddle Dee does seem broken.

"Forget other people's feelings, this is fun and life is but a game and we nought but players in it.  CHECKMATE!  King me and that is Uno." - Grefter