
Author Topic: Xenosaga 3 Abridged - Where Trolling Tropes Go To Die.  (Read 2622 times)

Jo'ou Ranbu

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Xenosaga 3 Abridged - Where Trolling Tropes Go To Die.
« on: June 01, 2010, 01:46:03 AM »
Alright, this is what you guys think it is. I'm going to do a separate XS3 abridged series along with my in-topic comments. This one will hopefully be far more complete than the comments in WGAYP, since WGAYP are the immediate spur of the moment trolls, but there will be some overlap, of course, because I'm lazy and why not. This may take a while, sadly, and it'll definitely mean I'll play through XS3 slower (OHNOES), but I hope it'll be memorable. I have a lot of fun snarking on it so far, so may as well pick up the logical extension. This starting post will cover my first post, which covers the prologue. C1 will come later, probably tomorrow.

So, without much ado... I present you...

XENOSAGA 3 ABRIDGED - Where Trolling Tropes Go To Die.

<Narration> I'd like to rip off Star Wars here, but even the new trilogy is a bit too dignified for this. So just enjoy a bunch of cutscenes that make no sense and three Power Rangers joining the Wicca.

*Cue in to a really nonsensical place where a bunch of explosions are happening.*

<Shion> THIS. IS. THE INTERNETS! We're gonna save them intartubes just like in Mega Man Battle Network!
<Miyuki> Woohoo! I suck so hard I have like half of Shion's stats! Ooooh, this jumpsuit makes me look all curvy!
<Shion> Yeah you keep on dreaming.
<Miyuki> :(
<Canaan> God, I aged like seven-hundred years and a half in twelve months. I really should stop with the crack.
<Doctus> Yeah tell me how long would you last in this without something to strip you of your dignity.
<Canaan> You have a point.
<Doctus> Of course I do. Now hurry up and enter the Intarwebs, MOMO Virgil food hookerbot Realian... no. HookerbotMOMOfood Tin Man.
<Canaan> You're a bitch. :(
<Miyuki> Shion, why is this part so short?
<Shion> Snow's a really lazy bastard and skipped this first dungeon plot because he watched it like a year ago.
* Miyuki NODS.


<Miyuki> Ooooh, this is really pretty! The gameplay sucks, though.
<Shion> Just the gameplay? Man, those randoms get wedgies from Shadow Hearts 2 randoms on recess.
<Miyuki> Why are they so bad?
<Shion> You see, they needed to realocate resources to spend more money on KOS-MOS cleavage shots in cutscenes, so we took a bunch of Grandia 1 difficulty designers who were scampering around the trash bin in Monolith Studios...
<Miyuki> That's so smart! I bet KOS-MOS's chestnuts look really good!
<Shion> ... jesus you creep me out.

*Inside the deep internets...*

<Miyuki> The internet is made of cats, the internet is made of cats~
<Shion> God kills a kitten every time you masturbate, you know.


<Miyuki> ;__________________;
<Miyuki> Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah I don't want to kill seven kittens a daaaaaaaaaaaaay ;_;


<Hello-DojimathedralWaddleDee> lol. *Smash.*

<Shion> That was sad. Now let's scram.
<Doctus> ... you seriously had to deal with those broads since the last game, lolibot Tin Man?
<Canaan> I -swear- they weren't this bad then. Also, my name is not Tin Man!
<Doctus> I know. I just think your name sucks.
<Canaan> :(:(:(




<Narration> And now, for something completely different!

<Shion> Ahhhhhhhhh, the beach, the sun, the spiderwoman bikini crawling up my ass. This is so perfect and well-placed and completely not creepy fanservice at all!
* Japan faps over Shion in a spiderwoman bikini.

<Shion> I hate you.
<Miyuki> Hey Shion, everything went all right!
<Shion> Kinda, yeah.
<Miyuki> Sooooooooooooooooooo...
<Shion> Sooooooooooooooooooo?
<Miyuki> Do I still suck?
<Shion> You still suck. Now go do my math homework while I blow up coconuts for cheap drugs.
<Miyuki> ;_;


<Allen> Hi, I'm emailing you to tell that the military took KOS-MOS to open a new niche stripclub and they're putting a strap-on dildo on her forehead. Also I miss you and I want to see you naked and OHGOD WHY AM I FORCED TO BE IN LOVE WITH THE WORST JERKASS SUE EVER JUST LET ME SEE YOUR BARE TITS
* Shion glares. If you really want to lose your job this badly, I know some quality directors who are looking for a romantic interest for Chu-Chu in her new softcore porn direct-for-DVD movie, you know. I'm pretty sure you'd look great in a pink furry suit and ice skates.
<Allen> Y-y-y-you are... the... greatestest person *Twitch.* e-e-ever, Chi-chief! You a-a-a-a-re tota-ta-tally our Fl... *Twitch.* our f... *BURNING TWITCH.* ...Flower of... of... the First Division!
<Shion> B+ for effort. You may live.
<Allen> So, do I get to see some jiggle?
<Shion> Fuck no.
<Allen> Dammit! *Turns off.*
<Shion> Welp, time for a conspicuously placed flashback where I get one-upped by someone more irritatingly beloved than I am for no discernible reason other than the script saying so!

<Game> *LET'S DO THE TIME WARP AGA-* Wait a minute, that would be awesome. Nonono we just get a dry cut to the scene without any mention of it being a flashback! Hooray, saved pennies for longer discretion pantyshots on hookerbot!

<Shion> oooooh it's so hard to be a jerk sue
<Shion> On the other hand, he probably does the jerk sue schtick better than I do.
<Kevin> Wait did I say that out loud? I-I mean... KOS-MOS must have a female shape because only female healers make it to Heavy in the DL!
<Shion> You know, Artea is one of Heavy's best healers and he's a guy...
<Shion> ... I have no words. Let's just start over and pretend this never happened, okay?
<Kevin> Sure! Let's talk about how I'm so great for making KOS-MOS!
<Shion> Works. Anyhow, Kevin, are you trying to be like Jesus and save everyone with KOS-MOS?
<Kevin> No, not just that. I mean, I -want- to be Jesus too, but I actually just wanted to know how sleazy sex with a biblical prostitute was like at first. Honestly, I still do.
* Kevin licks lips.
<Shion> ... god now I know how Allen feels.


<RedTestament> This scene is supposed to be totally cryptic and enigmatic, but it's actually just a very extended your mom joke. It's fun and easy, just like your mom!
<Wilhelm> You were right, your mom emits good wavelength. Twice. From behind.
<RedTestament> We're so awesome, aren't we?
<Wilhelm> Just like your mom in a nightgown.
<RedTestament> Hell yeah!
<NotMiki> You guys totally suck.

<Miyuki> Prologue is over! Do you want to save your game?
« Last Edit: June 01, 2010, 02:29:51 AM by Jo'ou Ranbu »
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: Xenosaga 3 Abridged - Where Trolling Tropes Go To Die.
« Reply #1 on: June 01, 2010, 06:32:54 AM »
<spur of the moment troll> I like the spur of the moment trolls better.  </spur of the moment troll>


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Re: Xenosaga 3 Abridged - Where Trolling Tropes Go To Die.
« Reply #2 on: June 01, 2010, 10:10:01 PM »
Leave Notmiki out of this shitfest.
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...

Jo'ou Ranbu

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Re: Xenosaga 3 Abridged - Where Trolling Tropes Go To Die.
« Reply #3 on: June 02, 2010, 12:08:23 AM »
His sacrifice shall not be in vain.
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....

Jo'ou Ranbu

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Re: Xenosaga 3 Abridged - Where Trolling Tropes Go To Die.
« Reply #4 on: June 02, 2010, 01:05:02 AM »
Speaking of sacrifices! Funny part is I'm reading the XS3 script from parts I've already went through so I can remember what the heck was happening. Beats rewatching the scenes, though.

CHAPTER 1, PART 1 - Samuel L. Jackson and philosophy? How did they fuck that up? (Don't answer)

<Juli> This is awful.
<TotallyNotMaceWindu> Yeah, the battle took out a whole fleet.
<Juli> No, I mean I just had this awful dream. It had Shion prancing around in a really tight bikini and she looked like a daughter of anorexia and suddenly she started talking to Kevin. But enough about me. How's it going with you?
<Juli> Oh, cut the crap already.
<TotallyNotMaceWindu> :( Can I at least talk about the Merkabah and fill you in on a lot of really useless stuff that mostly means there'll be explosions?
<Juli> I'll pass.
<TotallyNotMaceWindu> Don't you love me anymore?
<Juli> Helmer, ever since you started blurting out cheap whiskey philosophy without really knowing any shit of what Nietzsche's really about, the only thing I can think of is how good it would be if a giant steamroller fell on your head mid-conversation.
<TotallyNotMaceWindu> You're really mean.
<Juli> Whatever it takes to retain a shred of self-worth here.
<TotallyNotMaceWindu> Sheesh, what creature crawled up your ass? Okay, I'm out.
* Juli sighs. At least, he didn't seem to notice when I mentioned -that- dream. Maybe Helmer's gone senile.

<Juli> Oh, Tin Man Canaan, you're here. How's the crack habit going?
<Canaan> Could've been going better. And if you're going to do the same thing that dorky wench did back in the internet invasion, I'm burning your face with a crackpipe - wait a minute, do you even -know- the dorky broad?
<Juli> Let's pretend that I do. Anyhow, how was Shion doing?
<Canaan> She was a bitch completely awesome and fine.
<Juli> ... was that on purpose?
<Canaan> ... huh. Not really. That was weird.
<Juli> I see. Was she wearing a bikini?
<Canaan> ... why are you asking that?
<Juli> Nevermind, you don't want to know. Move on.
<Canaan> Oooooooookay. By the way, those people she met were also not exactly great - like that dork.
<Juli> Canaan and Doctus, sitting in a tree...
<Canaan> Oh come on, don't start!
<Juli> K-I-S-S-I-N-G...
<Canaan> I hate you.
* Juli smiles. Glad to be of service.
<Canaan> Sigh. Are you done?
<Juli> Being a sass is good and all, but what about business? Did you bring the Y-Data?
<Canaan> Yeah. Take a look at this.
<Juli> Sweet mother of baby Jesus, what is this giant meatball torn in half?
<Canaan> You can see food in -that- thing? The only stuff this resembles to me is a split brain.
<Juli> I'd rather not make a gratuitous cannibalism joke today, thank you very much.
<Canaan> Whatever. Anyhow, this is like part of Ormus's holy land or something? It's Rennes-Le-Chateau, or so they say?
<Juli> Wait a minute. This is a landmass that belonged to Lost Jerusalem.
<Canaan> Correct.
<Juli> And it's a holy land to those nutbars from Ormus, who have a few jewish/palestinian overtones.
<Canaan> Riiiiiiiiighto.
<Juli> Okay, so why the hell does this goddamn landmass have a french name that could very well belong to a cafeteria or a clothing store?
<Canaan> Beats me. Maybe Margulis belongs to a fashionista religion or something.
<Juli> And that explains the giant sword hanging down his crotch how?
<Canaan> Look, I never said they were smart fashionistas.
<Juli> Sigh, whatever. I'll just sic Jr.'s entourage on that thing, it'll keep MOMO distracted if nothing else.
<Canaan> Always the thoughtful mother, I see.
<Juli> You would be surprised.

<Gaignun> Do I look fabulous or do I look FABULOUS~?
<MaryandShelley> You look FABULOUS~!
<Gaignun> Excellent. So, Juli wanted us to babysit MOMO again, so she wanted us to see a giant split meatball in space (sic). Seeing how I need to toss Jr. out there with a leash right about -now-, this couldn't be any more convenient!
<Jr.> That's cold.
<Gaignun> Sheesh, relax. There are some Ormus guys heading there as well, so you'll get to shoot some dudes.
<Jr.> What do you think I am, twelve?
<MaryandShelley> ...
<Gaignun> ...
<Jr.> You guys are the worst. Fine, I'll go, but when I return, you'll give me that Darkwing Duck DVD set with the cape or I'm dumping the reports on you.
<Gaignun> Why would that bother me?
* Jr. grins. I'll just say the odds of Jin and Margulis meeting are going to be pretty high and leave it at that.
<Gaignun> ... you wouldn't.
<Jr.> You try me. =D
* Gaignun gulps.
<MaryandShelley> Oh, by the way, there are a bunch of Gnosis there too! Don't get killed now!
* Jr. grimaces and eyes Gaignun menacingly.
<Jr.> ...
<Jr.> ... the Darkwing Duck DVD set -and- the Duck Tales NES vintage collection or I'm dropping suspicious Margulis profile pictures into the reports.
<Gaignun> ... deal. Now just have sex go already.

<MOMO> Part 1 of Chapter 1 is over! Do you want to save the game?
« Last Edit: June 02, 2010, 01:08:17 AM by Jo'ou Ranbu »
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: Xenosaga 3 Abridged - Where Trolling Tropes Go To Die.
« Reply #5 on: June 02, 2010, 05:12:34 AM »
<Juli> Okay, so why the hell does this goddamn landmass have a french name that could very well belong to a cafeteria or a clothing store?

It's a town in France that's the focus of idiot conspiracy theories about Mary Magdalene going there and having Jesus's baby. This only makes it another flavor of stupid, I know.

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Re: Xenosaga 3 Abridged - Where Trolling Tropes Go To Die.
« Reply #6 on: June 02, 2010, 06:59:03 PM »
<Juli> Okay, so why the hell does this goddamn landmass have a french name that could very well belong to a cafeteria or a clothing store?

It's a town in France that's the focus of idiot conspiracy theories about Mary Magdalene going there and having Jesus's baby. This only makes it another flavor of stupid, I know.

Good grief, this game just keeps on giving, doesn't it.

Jo'ou Ranbu

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Re: Xenosaga 3 Abridged - Where Trolling Tropes Go To Die.
« Reply #7 on: June 02, 2010, 11:37:13 PM »
<Juli> Okay, so why the hell does this goddamn landmass have a french name that could very well belong to a cafeteria or a clothing store?

It's a town in France that's the focus of idiot conspiracy theories about Mary Magdalene going there and having Jesus's baby. This only makes it another flavor of stupid, I know.

I researched about that shortly after coming up with the joke, and the layered retardation hit me like a brick. I'm definitely exploiting -that- angle later on.
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....

Jo'ou Ranbu

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Re: Xenosaga 3 Abridged - Where Trolling Tropes Go To Die.
« Reply #8 on: June 03, 2010, 03:31:35 AM »
CHAPTER 1, PART 2 - Margulis needs sexual healing

*Scene splits to the ruins of Michtam. No time warp for you either.*
<Pellegri> Margulis, I already sent our Red Shirt Army to get blown up. Are you sticking here much longer?
<Margulis> Pellegri, do you see this holy land of ours?
<Pellegri> You mean, this little piece of blown-up Hicksville? You'd think this was some main character's doomed hometown. C'mon, we've got a sleazily named holy land to protect.
<Pellegri> Sheesh, don't start -that- again. Listen, just because you need to append a sword half your size to your crotch it doesn't mean you get main character rights, okay?
<Margulis> ... you couldn't begin to understand my pain.
<Pellegri> Yeah, I certainly couldn't bring myself to bend over and take it up the butt.
* Margulis scowls. WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?
<Pellegri> Up. The. Butt~
<Margulis> YOU INSOLENT -
* Margulis stops mid-motion and grins, coyly licking his lips. So, this means -he- is coming, eh. All right. Pellegri! To Rennes-le-Chateau!
<OrmusBait> *bzzzt.* Before I die, Pellegri, sir, may I ask you one question?
<Pellegri> What?
<OrmusBait> Why is Margulis doing that creepy twirling thing with his eyes again?
<Pellegri> Let's just say the denial is strong in this one, young Padawan. You should know this already.

*Cut to the main party... IN SPACE.*

<Jr.> Humdedum, I am the terror that flaps in the night~
<chaos> You're awful cheerful for someone who just got shooed from the Foundation, Jr. What's going on?
<Jr.> Oh, nothing, just awesome caped mallard adventures waiting for me~
<chaos> ... did you blackmail Gaignun with Margulis profiling again?
<Jr.> Maybe~
<chaos> You never change. Hey, look, it's the giant meatball Juli talked about!
<Hammer> Are you sure? It kinda looks like a meatloaf with cabbage to me...
<Matthews> Sweet fuckin' Keerist, that crap could feed like half a solar system for years! What do you say we grab a bite, guys?
<Jr.> It just -looks- like a meatball, Matthews. Don't get excited.
<Matthews> Aw dammit.
<Tony> I wouldn't get very excited if it was edible anyway, this thing is emitting some really weird stuff. And I don't think it's the smell of fresh lunch either.
<Jr.> ...
<chaos> ...
<Matthews> ...
<Hammer> ... that was -horrible-.
<Tony> What?
<Jr.> Egh nevermind, just cut to MOMO already. It's bound to be less of a waste of screening than this.

*Cut to MOMO and Ziggy.*

<Game> Would you like a gratuitous MOMO pantyshot to start the scene? y/y
* MOMO's blood-red eyes shine through the screen, a vile roar beginning to rumble the speakers.

*Anyhow, actual cut to MOMO and Ziggy! No pantyshots involved.*

<Ziggy> MOMO, could you please turn off your internal web browser? Your /b/-tard flaming is distracting enough when you're not piloting an E.S. That and you start cussing like a drunken sailor.
<MOMO> Look
<MOMO> I know you're still sore over mom not being able to implant an internet connection into your hard drive, but couldn't you let it go already? It's been almost a year!
<Ziggy> grumble mumble centuries-old technology is too cumbersome to work with she said mumble grumble.
<MOMO> Plus, I need -something- to keep me entertained here. The outside's pretty boring.
<Ziggy> She just wanted you to go out more. You've been spending all your time at home since you got that internet connection wired.
<MOMO> Doesn't it kinda defeat the point when I can access 4chan from anywhere in the universe, though?
<Ziggy> ... you have a point.
<MOMO> Anyhow, lemme take a good picture of that meatball. I could troll some losers in the hentai board with that.
<Ziggy> Just rub salt in the wound, will ya?
<Jin> Are you done sassing each other? We have to advance the plot.
<MOMO> Fine, fine. Anyhow, what is that thing named, Jr.?
<Jr.> The meatball? They call it Rennes-le-Chateau. It's supposed to be a holy land for those nutjobs at Ormus.
<MOMO> ... wait a minute. Aren't they jewish-palestinian-themed religious nutjobs? Why is their holy land in French?
<Jr.> Rennes-le-Chateau is the name of a city where some apocryphal writings assure Mary Magdalene had a child from Jesus, if I recall correctly.
<MOMO> ... wait a minute. They are palestinian-jewish.
<Jr.> Yup.
<MOMO> Their land has a frenchish city's name.
<Jr.> Riiiiiight.
<MOMO> And the city that names their holy land is home to a retarded conspiracy theory that pertains primarily to the apocryphal Christian lore.
<Jr.> Exactly.
<MOMO> This is so incredibly stupid it should be used in Game Writing 101 as the biggest example of why you shouldn't let videogame writers have access to Google. Also, how did you know -that- piece of trivia? You don't use Google!
<Jr.> Well, I read a lot, okay? In my libraries, I was bound to find something about the name!
<Jr.> ... well, and Rennes-le-Chateau is also the name of a great little whorehouse in the outskirts of the Foundation. But if Gaignun asks, you didn't hear it from me.
<MOMO> ... I could have gone to bed without that one.


*Acrobatics, explosions and lights that manage to be utterly boring ensue.*

<Jr.> You know, this is really boring. Couldn't they have just turned all these fireworks into a gameplay fight?
<MOMO> And that would be -less- boring how? Have you seen the gear battle system?
<Jr.> Point. Still, wouldn't that be a lot cheaper than these cinematics?
<Jin> He's got a point, you know. Actually, I'm a bit shocked they -did-, the money saved on skipping these effects probably would've let them run like twenty minutes of dangerously in-your-face MOMO pantyshot footage. You have to wonder why they didn't do it.
* MOMO glares at Jin menacingly.
* XS3Writers cower in fear and hail. ALL HAIL MOMO-SAMA!
<chaos> ... MOMO-sama? MOMO, what have you done to them?
* MOMO grins. I have my means, that's all.
<Jin> When did she get that scary?
<Jr.> I don't ask questions, I just roll with it.

<Matthews> Guys, stop that and keep fighting those goddamn mooks! We don't get hazard pay here!
<Jr.> Sheesh whatever, cue into gameplay fight already.


<Jr.> Wow, this is even duller than I thought.
<MOMO> I told you.

*Randoms explode.*

<Jr.> Okay, Matthews, now can we just go down to the giant meatball? This is a waste of time.
<Matthews> Sure. Took you long enough to finish that, though, we all fell asleep midway through the fight.
<Jr.> You have -no- idea how much I envy you.

*Jin, MOMO and the Elsa drop closer to the giant mysterious meatball...*

<Jin> Fucking jesus christ, not again.
* Margulis swipes madly at Jr, then rushing against MOMO. YOUR INEXPERIENCE IS BEGINNING TO SHOW!
<Jr.> ... what? Jin, am I supposed to know what the heck is he talking about?
<Jin> ... well... *Jin whispers something to Jr.'s ears.*
* Jr. nods, nods again, raises his eyebrows. Then he pauses for a moment. Then, he winces.
<Jr.> Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeew!
* Jin shakes his head sadly.
<Jr.> MOMO, get away from Margulis! His sexual frustration levels are through the roof!
<Jin> There can't be any sort of element on something that -doesn't exist-.
<chaos> ... Jin, could you not feed the troll at least once in your life?


<Jr.> Are you -sure- this was a good idea? This is going to make this whole thing soooooooooo long!
<Margulis> How DARE you mock my mighty 10HKO to MOMO and limit double-acting!?
<MOMO> It'd be less pathetic if you stopped trying to hump Jin's E.S. instead, you know.
<Jin> I'd also - *DEFLECT.* appreciate that, thank you!
<Jr.> Hum-de-dum, random attack -
* MOMO randomly sneaks in another attack!
<Jr.> Hey, how did you do that? That'd speed up the fight a goddamn lot if you could do it all the time, y'know.
<MOMO> I -have no idea-! Even though the game has a huge tutorial for just about everything, it tells you absolutely nothing about this feature!
<Jr.> Are you fucking kidding me.
<MOMO> Nnnnnnnope.
<Jr.> Okay, seriously. Who the heck was the internal designer for this piece of trash?
<Jin> I hate to interrupt the gratuitous ragging on the game, but could you do -something- to speed this fight up? chaos already fell asleep on the cockpit.
<MOMO> Fine, fine. *ANIMA SPECIAL.*
<Margulis> blargh ded *EXPERIENCE BONUS~*

*Cut back to cutscene mode!*

<Jin> Okay, Margulis, now -can we enter the freaking meatball already-? I already told you, I'm just not into b-
* Margulis forcefully grabs Jin from behind.
<Jin> What the hell are you trying to do? Giant robots can't even have sex, dammit!
<Margulis> That cannot BE! I welded a fully functional piston in my E.S. exclusively for that function!
<Jin, MOMO, chaos, Ziggy and Jr.> Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh brain bleach

*SUDDENLY! The giant meatball starts flashing lights!*

<chaos> Wait a minute, is the meatball opening a distortion hyperspace?
<MOMO> I don't know, it looks like they're opening Disneyland there...
<Jin> I'm... not sure, don't you think it looks suspiciously like a gay club?
<MOMO> Disneyland at night, gay club, same difference.

*The meatball begins pulling the Elsa inside it.*

<Matthews> Wait a minute, you mean we're getting a free bail card out of this trainwreck? GUYS, SHOOT THE ROCKETS, WE'RE FREEEEEEEEE~
<Tony> YAY!
<Hammer> I... I'm... so... so happy... ;_;
<Professor> Guys, I think I'm hearing Britney Spears from here... are you sure you want to be trapped in a gay club with bad music?
<Matthews> Small price to pay for freedom, old man! ALL ENGINES GO!

<Meatball> I'm a - slaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaave 4 uuuuuuuuuu~


<Jin> Welp, this ended badly.
<Jr.> You tell me about it. Now, what we do?
<MOMO> Oh, I know!

<MOMO> Chapter 1 has ended! Would you like to save the game?
« Last Edit: June 03, 2010, 07:05:49 PM by Jo'ou Ranbu »
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....

Jo'ou Ranbu

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Re: Xenosaga 3 Abridged - Where Trolling Tropes Go To Die.
« Reply #9 on: June 05, 2010, 02:37:43 AM »
Chapter 2, Part 1 - Shion's wardrobe "level-up" and the Curry Incident

<Game> Would you like to see Shion in clothing that's more embarrassing than that spiderwoman bikini? y/n
<Hello-DojimathedralWaddleDee> nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
<Game> You chose Yes! Here have a close-in of her non-existent bosom while we're at it!
<Shion> God -damn- wearing authentic fur sweaters feels good. Now, for a pointlessly long-winded internal monologue inside my mech while wearing nothing resembling a proper craft-piloting outfit, because cheap hookers can drive an E.S. too!
<Shion> Blah blah blah Gnosis yadda yadda yadda humanity fails oh woe is me blah blah Space Pope waitaminute he had -lines- in XS2 what is this madness grumble grumble grumble Zohar mumble mumble Doctus and Canaan WAFF fanfic roflcopter Grimoire and U-TIC robble wobble DADDY ISSUES I AM UBERWOMENSCH BECAUSE I FELT NOTHING reckle speckle good thing the game pretends I'm not a fickle bitch for quitting Vector and giving a wedgie to all the employees after they denied me dental health benefits...
<Game> Here have this title screen to note it took us three freaking hours of cutscenes to get the game to start proper!
<Shion> Pacing will forever be a skill hopelessly beyond your grasp, won't it.
<Game> Three games and it just keeps getting worse! =D

*E.S. Dinah lands in Lost Jerusalem.*

<Shion> Lost Jerusalem? Sheesh, at least Rennes-le-Chateau asked for a quick Google search before the stupid reference sank in. Okay, to the hotel, I have an Allen to strip dry of money.


<Gaignun> Oooow... had one too many margueritas... hope I don't wake up in Barcelona between two tranvestites again...
<U-DO> Thou art I... I art thou... waitaminute wrong game *Screech.*
<Gaignun> ... on second thought, waking up between the trannies looks pretty good now.
<U-DO> AyaGaignun... *Screech.*
<Gaignun> Stop it! I refuse to acknowledge you!
* U-DO screeches, the cells on the wallpaper start moving.
<Gaignun> Stop it! I will not admit it is true!
<Gaignun> U-DO... can't be Parasite Eve plot recycled... *single tear.*
* ParasiteU-DO screeches happily. Yay, liberate your mitochondria~!
<Gaignun> Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!

*Cut back to Citrine and Dmitri.*

<Citrine> That made absolutely no sense.
<Yuriev> Whenever I try to call Gaignun about the location of that secret whorehouse in the Foundation, this happens.
<Citrine> Wait that was you?
<Yuriev> Maaaaaaaaybe? I'm not sure either! Anyhow, go on. Not like anyone made sense of the last five minutes.
<Citrine> Eh, I'm done. Wanna go to Sellers' room and make fun of him for being a cripple?
<Yuriev> Absolutely.

*Yuriev and Citrine go to Sellers.*

<Sellers> So you finally came to see my report? It's been ready for half a year already!
<Yuriev> You didn't seem to get any friendlier in those past six months. Just give me the news, I have to catch the Blossom reruns in half an hour.
<Sellers> You're a worse party-pooper than Margulis, you know that? Give me at least some gloating rights.
<Yuriev> Excuse me, I don't have the slightest intention of sitting on Jin's lap and moaning all night. Also, what kind of gloating rights should a cripple like you get anyway?
<Sellers> My condition's only funny to you because you fucking shot me in the kneecaps.
<Yuriev> I fail to see the contradiction. Anyhow, report?
<Sellers> Blah blah blah Omega blah blah blah Lemegeton blah blah blah I have a random british accent that only kicks in 1/3 of the time blah blah blah Omega should own KOS-MOS blah blah blah it'll result in explosions and spending budget money that could be used for gratuitous fanservice instead.
<Yuriev> At least that money won't be used for gratuitous Sellers fanservice.
<Sellers> You know damn well I could pull off a spiderwoman bikini.
<Yuriev> And now I'm regretting only shooting you in the kneecaps.
<Citrine> Why do we let you -live-.

<Shion> Humdedum, trolling around the city and spending like an hour in-game while Allen sits up waiting there...
<Shion> You know, blowing up furniture is pretty therapeutic, isn't it - whoa, I unlocked Segment Files! Yay for wanton scenery destruction!

* Allen dusts cobwebs from his arms and nips roots from his legs while he waits. Yup, she should be here any minute now. :)

*Ten years later...*

<Allen> Wait did we skip a First Division scene?
<Shion> What, you wanted us to acknowledge -Togashi-?
<Allen> Well, we have to admit Miyuki exists...
<Shion> And that helps his case how again? We already have two Vector losers hanging around, we don't need a third.
<Allen> HEY!
<Shion> Anyway, hi Allen. Did I take a long time?
<Allen> Not at all, Chief! I mean, the counter attendant had two children and married while I was waiting, but that's nothing! Whoa, what's with the outfit?
<Shion> I'm not your Chief. And this is my work outfit for my new job.
<Allen> ... ooooooooooh. Don't worry, I love you even if you're a whore minimum wage worker - wait a minute what was that?
<Shion> I am -not- a whore union laborer! Anyhow, how's it going?
<Allen> Ever since you left, we've all been drawing penises on KOS-MOS crotch while setting pictures of you on fire pretty down.
* Shion raises an eyebrow. Ooooooookaaaaay...
<Shion> Jesus christ Miyuki why do you have to hog my screentime.
<Miyuki> I'm not -hogging- screentime! Hey Allen, you have to get back to work! The military wants KOS-MOS to get her ass kicked! By the way, have you proposed to Shion yet?
<Shion> Wait, they want KOS-MOS to get beaten up? What's the -point-?
<Allen> Sh-sh-shut up! I'm not that kind of guy!
<Shion> Yet you scream at me you want to see my bare tits.
<Allen> It-it-it's not like that okay! I-I-I was desperate!
<Miyuki> The joke's so easy you'd think it was your mom.
* XS3Writers badumpissssssssssh.
<Miyuki> Ahahahahahaha that was great, wasn't it guys?
<Shion> ...
<Allen> ...
<ShionandAllen> Check please. *They both leave.*
<Miyuki> Ahahahahahaahaha... haha... ha... guys? Guys? Guuuuuuuuys...

<Shion> So, sounds like seeing KOS-MOS in a hopeless fight could be fun! Can I go?
<Allen> Sure! You were in good terms with Vector when you left!
<Allen> ... somehow.
<Shion> What do you mean? I was a perfect employee!
* Miyuki RARR RANDOM MIYUKIS OUT OF NOWHERE. I dunno, Chief. I mean, in the first game, you swiped KOS-MOS away and spent most of the game frolicking around instead of going to work...
<Allen> And then, on the second game, you broke into Vector and stole a craft...
<Miyuki> Not to mention the time you snuck into Wilhelm's room and wrote a bunch of fart jokes with red crayon on his desk...
<Allen> Oh, and what about the time when she got punch-drunk mid-day, brought a bunch of curry into KOS-MOS's room and -
<Shion> AHEM. I see both of you want to co-star in Weltall 2's newest Eva crossover dating sim from what you're telling me.
<Shion> Better. Now excuse me while I go to bed and sleep like an idiot hero for my beauty renewall.

<Sellers> Part 1 of Chapter 2 is over! Would you like to shoot my kneecaps save the game?
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....

Jo'ou Ranbu

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Re: Xenosaga 3 Abridged - Where Trolling Tropes Go To Die.
« Reply #10 on: June 07, 2010, 01:05:11 AM »
CHAPTER 2, PART 2 - Don't bore us, get to the pantyshot footage!

<Shion> Blahblahblah oversleeping blahblahblah fainting because chaos is boring as fuck blahblahblah fainting because Allen wants dinner blahblahblah eating McDonald's with Allen blahblahblah

* Shion faints for like the billionth time in one hour of gametime.

<U-DO> Shion...
<Shion> what
<U-DO> Shion is a name that belongs to a person! Are you a person?
<Shion> ... is being stupid a characteristic typical to mitochondria?
<U-DO> Maybe! So, are you a person?
<Shion> ...
<U-DO> I hope you're a person! Gaignun didn't seem to be one, so we had to liberate his mitochondrias he went crazy!
<Shion> I never thought you'd make me long for Kevin flashbacks, but you've done it. Goddammit, mitochondria U-DO.  
<U-DO> You long for things! This means you're a person, Shion! Yay~!
<Shion> ... sigh.


<Shion> Wanton violence, popcorn and KOS-MOS pantyshots in one day. This is like the perfect day!
<Allen> Yeah, but we shouldn't get too excited. I heard they have Gnosis to use for this mock battle.
<Shion> And why would we care? The last time Gnosis were even -relevant- was two games ago, and they went down to the level of random kobolds by the second dungeon.
<Allen> You're cold. Anyhow, here comes the fighting!

*A fistful of Gnosis is released onto the battlefield and then...*

* Game dun nun nun dun nun nun dun nun nun OOOOOOOOH BABY *badumpt.*
* T-elos grins and spends half a minute killing things with pantyshots.

<Shion> I liked it better when KOS-MOS did it.
<Allen> oooooooooooooooh baaaaaaaaby
* Shion kicks Allen in the shins. Goddammit, Allen.
<Allen> You never let me have fun. :(

*After T-elos's mock battle, the lights fade... and A WILD ROTH MANTEL APPEARS with... Allen.*

<Shion> ... Aaaaaaaaaaaaaalleeeeeeeeeeeeeen...
<Allen> ... what? Roth said he couldn't do the routine all alone and he said he'd pay me three dollars if I played James!
<Shion> ... nevermind. Let's just go to KOS-MOS and leave this desecrator of your Holiness Team Rocket to rot alone.
<Allen> Hey wait! I haven't gotten the three bucks yet!
* Shion pulls Allen away by the collar.
* Roth holds a rose in his mouth and blinks.

<Roth> ... hello~?

*Cut to KOS-MOS scene.*

<Omega> rarr i'm the last game's final boss gimmick.
<KOS-MOS> pew pew pew
<Omega> rarr it tickles.
<Omega> aaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh noooooooooooo not pantyshots my one weakness *TALK TO THE HAND BITCH.*
<KOS-MOS> ow.
* KOS-MOS gets back up and delivers a FALCON KIIIIIIIIIIIIICKU.*
<Tide> Show me your moves!
<Omega> puny brawl memes have no effect on me lol
* Omega has used METRONOME! The battlefield catches on fire! It's super-effective!
* KOS-MOS has fainted...
* Omega has gone nuts! The experiment has failed! Game over...

<Shion> KOS-MOS! No!
<Allen> Relax, it's not like she can die anyway. Plot armor is pretty invincible.
<Shion> Eh, you're right. Let's just go to Juli, I think Roth's still stalking us.
<Allen> sure.
<Roth> Why does no one want to talk to the lovable Igniz Roth Mantel? :(

<Shion> Hey Juli, how's it going?
<Juli> Still trying to give this sad show some shred of dignity. What about you?
<Shion> Pffft, good luck with that. I gave up on that the minute KOS-MOS appeared in the first game.
<Juli> It's not like we didn't know.
<Shion> Yeah, whatever. So, how's it been? Still having to pretend you like MOMO so you keep your job?
<Juli> I make more money babysitting MOMO than you do by turning tricks at that 7-11 at Ursa Minor, you know.
<Shion> You hush your mouth.
<Juli> Hey, taking care of a cosmic horror has its advantages. They sometimes don't show when said cosmic horror discovers the magic of flaming youtube comments, sadly.

* LoligothAutisticFei wanders into the room and gets a pen.

<Shion> Wait a minute wasn't that kid Fei, the main in Xenogears?
<Juli> Nope! We're not committing copyright infringement, not at all!
<Shion> Are you kidding? For starters, have you -seen- how Jin's dressing for this game?
<Shion> sheesh whatever.

* LoligothAutisticFei draws a fucking butt-ugly drawing of Elly.

<Shion> Holy shit that's the ugliest drawing of Elly Nephilim I've ever seen.
<Juli> I wish I could disagree there. Maybe Android-18 went to the Toriyama school of drawing females.  
<Shion> Who the heck is Android-18?
<Juli> I have no idea, I just call the kid that way to avoid a lawsuit. His in-game name still references Xenogears so directly Squaresoft could sit on us with a lawsuit forever.
<Shion> Man, you're not even trying right now, are you.
<Juli> You're saying that -now-? Just you wait 'til disc 2.
<Shion> Is this where I faint?
<Juli> Sure, if you want. We could skip all the way to the next plot dungeon, since no one cares about Doctus and Canaan slashfic nor about KOS-MOS getting shut down drama.
<Shion> Okay! *Faints.*
<Juli> That's a horrible plot device.

<U-DO> Part 2 of Chapter 2 is over! Would you like to liberate your mitochondrias save your game? Are you a person, game?
« Last Edit: June 07, 2010, 01:07:14 AM by Jo'ou Ranbu »
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....

Jo'ou Ranbu

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Re: Xenosaga 3 Abridged - Where Trolling Tropes Go To Die.
« Reply #11 on: June 10, 2010, 12:36:17 AM »
CHAPTER 2, PART 3 - Dear god this chapter drags out like a Dragon Quest 

<Togashi> Wait a minute, I'm getting screentime? Woohoo!
<Roth> Not so fast, children! I have a ~message~ for you~~
<Togashi> Allen, is he supposed to be completely flaming?
<Allen> Sadly, yes.
<Roth> I came here to GLOAT. And to tell you KOS-MOS is going to the scrap heap~!
<Togashi> *Gasp.*
<Allen> But that can't be! Who will cover us whenever we need a convenient Deus Ex Machina? You can't do that to us!
<Roth> Oh, but I did! Your dear KOS-MOS will make a fine addition to the garbage bin! Now scusi, mon amis, I have to refurbish T-elos's accessories for ultimate FABULOUS~
<Allen> Man, Shion's going to enter a berserker rage when she finds out. I'm in so much trouble... ;_;
<Togashi> Goddammit, that flamer made -gasping- my only line in this?

*Cue to Shion and Doctus.*

<Shion> Here's the T-elos mock battle footage. I have no idea why you wanted this, though.
<Doctus> Be assured that I'll make very good use of it. *Grins.*
* Shion raises an eyebrow. Wait a minute. You're... not going to... are you?
<Doctus> I reserve myself the right to remain silent.
<Shion> Eeeeeew! Why? I thought you had the hots for Canaan!
<Doctus> Oh please, I'm a lesbian. And if I wanted a Realian, I'd just have gone for Febronia instead. Well, if she wasn't dead...
<Shion> Urgh, spare me the sordid details.
<Doctus> Oh pfft, you have KOS-MOS and we all know the subtext there.
<Shion> Don't you -dare- to speak like that about my KOS-MOS! There's nothing wrong with the way we stay together!
<Doctus> Yeah, whatever. Speaking of whatever, there's something else I need to tell you.
<Shion> Is it stuff about my father?
<Doctus> Info about your father wouldn't even have the dignity to be labelled in "whatever". No, this is about Canaan. He has a shady secret that-
<Shion> Yeah yeah Doctus and Canaan sitting with a baby carriage in a tree whatever it's not about me or things related to me so I don't care.
<Doctus> I TOLD you I'm a LESBIAN. And this is -important-, you should listen.
<Shion> K-I-S-S-I-N-G then comes marriage yeah yeah I'm not listening to unimportant things.
<Doctus> ... I'm outta here.

*A wild CHILD ELHAYM NEPHILIM appeared!*

<Nephilim> Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiooooooooooooooooooooooon...
<Shion> What? Nephilim!
<Nephilim> I'm here to spoil a fundamental plot secret to yoooooooooooooooou...
<Shion> Really?
<Nephilim> A person who fails so hard, but so hard that he'd destroy everything in the universe for the person it loves is on the prooooooooooooooooooowl...
<Shion> Wait a minute. Who is this?
<Nephilim> Unlock KOS-MOS's heeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaart, Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiioooooooooooooooooon...
<Shion> Wait a minute, unlock KOS-MOS's heart? What do I look like, a Kingdom Hearts main character? How do I do that if I don't even have a Keyblade!?
* Nephilim disappears.
<Shion> Wait, Nephilim! How do I unlock a robot's heart? How do I get a Keyblade? Does this mean we're being written by Tetsuya Nomura? Nephilim! STAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!

*Scene switch to Nephilim and chaos.*

<Nephilim> I knew I couldn't do it. I couldn't spoil it straight to her. It'd be too hard for her to know.
<chaos> Maybe it -is- for the best. It's not a plot point to be proud of, after all.
<Nephilim> I thought you'd be a lot less kind to those things, with everybody being such a snark and all.
<chaos> Aw, I can't do that. I have to have some hope in mankind, even though I'm still not sure what to do... I mean, why do I even exist?
<Nephilim> Other than being mysterious?
<chaos> Other than being mysterious. I hardly even have a personality! It's all cryptic, cryptic, cryptic. I want to be -memorable-!
<Nephilim> At least you have your secret, you know. I had to start pretending I'm a ghost to Shion because otherwise, what am I even doing here?
<chaos> You poor thing. So that's why you kept howling your last words in phrases with her.
<Nephilim> It's hard. It's just hard.
<chaos> Nephilim...

*Cue back to Canaan and Doctus.*

<Canaan> I know you're stalking me, you creep. Could you drop the invisible act?
<Doctus> Gladly. I was getting a cramp from standing up.
<Canaan> Do you do that to stalk every guy you see? Hell, did you have to stalk me when I was smoking crack?
<Doctus> Only a few select ladies. I'd stalk Shion, but she dresses up in that hideous bikini in the shower. And no, I didn't need to, but I like seeing sad wastes of space corroborate to the fact.
<Canaan> Oh good lord, too much information. What do you want, woman?
<Doctus> Shion was being mean when I tried to tell her info about Canaan, so I figured you'd listen, at least.
<Canaan> When did you become an attention whore?
<Doctus> It's not being an attention whore. It's delivering a plot point. Anyhow, you have some weird program in your head and that's going to cause us problems. Drop the act.
<Canaan> Wait a minute, you're serious?
<Doctus> Yes.
<Canaan> How can I have a program that I don't -even know about-?
<Doctus> ... crafty Vector people, eh.
<Canaan> ... really.
<Doctus> Anyhow, keep in mind that we'll keep an eye on you due to that. And if you go crazy, we're killing you no strings attached.
<Canaan> Sheesh, comforting. Now can I go back to crack? The shame of being in here is beginning to sink in again.
<Doctus> Sure. It's not like we'll ever even -appear- again for at least 20 hours of game time.
* Canaan lights up crackpipe. -Goddamn- this makes the shame go away. It doesn't make this chapter drag any less, though.

<Doctus> Part 3 of Chapter 2 has ended! Would you like me to stalk you in the shower save your game?


No, seriously, Chapter 2 drags out worse than any of the others I've seen so far. It's like it compresses all the worst parts about XS pacing altogether in a four-hour droll. Thankfully, the next part should be the last of it.
« Last Edit: June 10, 2010, 12:41:12 AM by Jo'ou Ranbu »
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....

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Re: Xenosaga 3 Abridged - Where Trolling Tropes Go To Die.
« Reply #12 on: June 10, 2010, 01:47:35 AM »
Will there be more mitochondria liberation at least.

Jo'ou Ranbu

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Re: Xenosaga 3 Abridged - Where Trolling Tropes Go To Die.
« Reply #13 on: June 10, 2010, 01:59:50 AM »
C2 is also the chapter where Shion faints a lot. So yes, there will.
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....

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Re: Xenosaga 3 Abridged - Where Trolling Tropes Go To Die.
« Reply #14 on: June 10, 2010, 02:07:40 AM »
Too bad she couldn't turn into tang.

Jo'ou Ranbu

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Re: Xenosaga 3 Abridged - Where Trolling Tropes Go To Die.
« Reply #15 on: June 10, 2010, 02:12:11 AM »
You could argue her brain is already made of tang. Too bad about it not affecting her organic functions.
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: Xenosaga 3 Abridged - Where Trolling Tropes Go To Die.
« Reply #16 on: June 10, 2010, 11:52:49 PM »
PE plot is completely awesome cheese. I refuse to see it compared to XS3's filth.
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...

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Re: Xenosaga 3 Abridged - Where Trolling Tropes Go To Die.
« Reply #17 on: June 10, 2010, 11:56:30 PM »
PE plot achieves magnitudes of tolerability that XS3 would need to spend five and a half eternities in hell before even dreaming of obtaining. It doesn't mean that they didn't practically rip the U-DO wallpaper straight out of a PE CGI. This speaks volumes about XS3's laziness, of course.
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....

Jo'ou Ranbu

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Re: Xenosaga 3 Abridged - Where Trolling Tropes Go To Die.
« Reply #18 on: June 13, 2010, 01:58:43 AM »
CHAPTER 2, PART 4 - A repressed inquisitor, a flaming Testament and a shotacon CEO walk into a bar...

*Cue to Greyskull Castle Ormus Stronghold.*

<Heinlein> My voice is so damn smug I make you want to punch my face in the dick even though I don't have one.
<Margulis> I... must... resist... the urge... to punch... your face... in the dick Why did we retreat? I was almost finished with Jin UZUKIIIIIIIIIIII!!!1111, ma'am!
<Heinlein> "Retreat" is how people call getting your behind owned by a 12-year-old and a little girl while trying to get a quack doctor to hump you these days? I see. And you shall address me as Sir, Margulis.
<Heinlein> So loud, so stupid. It's not like we were -supposed- to do anything there! Omega went back to its rightful owner!
<Margulis> What? But I thought it was our toy, ma'am!
<Heinlein> You shall call me SIR. Know your place, Margulis. Do you want to end up like Sergius and getting reamed over and over by KOS-MOS for money farming in the aftergame?
<Margulis> N-no, of course not, ma'am.
<Heinlein> You will call me Sir, understand, Margulis? Keep up your insolence and we'll make sure to sheathe that ridiculously overcompensating sword of yours up your behind rather than your front. And you know what that means to Ormus.
* Margulis gulps. U-understood, ma'am.
<Heinlein> For such a dim individual, you ask too many inconvenient questions. Margulis. And YOU WILL CALL ME SIR!

*Cue to Wilhelm's office. Apparently, the dick doodles on his desk are -still there-.*

<Wilhelm> Please refrain from pointlessly revealing your identity from the start, Testament.
* RocketTestamentRothMantel is now known as RedTestamentRanger
<Wilhelm> ... *cough.*
<RedTestamentRanger> ... you're no fun. ;_;
* RedTestamentRanger is now known as RedTestament
<RedTestament> Fine. All preparations are complete.
<Wilhelm> Good. The cryptic mystery we prepared will capture her in a convoluted scheme bound to end insatisfactorily for all the involved.
<RedTestament> And when it does, she will willingly wrap herself into the endless drivel in order to drive this universe insane. Or find the truth. I'm not sure anyone cares~
<Wilhelm> Why must you hold that rose in your mouth even under your hood?
<RedTestament> You can see it~?
<Wilhelm> It's best you don't question the extent of my vaguely defined yet nigh-limitless powers, Testament.
<RedTestament> Oh. Now I'm sad. :( Is this where I use psychobabble to end in a your mom joke?
<Wilhelm> Twice. From behind.
<RedTestament> Oh, Wilhelm, I knew I could count on you! Everything, especially your mom, follows the destined flow!
* NotMiki throws hands up in the air in disbelief.

*Cut scene to Allen and Juli bumping into each other.*

<Allen> ohgodohgodshion'srippingmylimbskos-moscan'tgodownthegarbagebinohgodohgod
<Juli> It's dangerous to talk to yourself while walking, Allen. Regardless, your timing is good.I have a plan to rescue KOS-MOS.
<Allen> Yay! Shion won't eat my face off! :)
<Juli> Speaking of which, call her so we can discuss the details of KOS-MOS's rescue. And do -not- let her use that bikini again.

*Cue scene to Doctus and Shion.*

<Doctus> Wait a minute, I'm still getting screentime?
<Shion> Not if I have anything to say about -that-. *Delete screen.*
<Shion> Goddammit Miyuki why do you keep jumping out like that?
<Doctus> Oh good I can get good material from you two together.
<Shion> I thought I had cut your screentime.
<Doctus> Not so easily, chum. Especially not when I have two girls together.
<Miyuki> Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeew...
<Shion> Whatever. Do you have info that I care about?
<Doctus> Yes, but you probably won't like it. It's about your father.
<Shion> Hit me anyway.
<Doctus> Okay. Your father was in U-TIC.
<Shion> Are you serious?
<Doctus> Actually, no. The truth is your father was a crossdresser in Lost Jerusalem who went by the name of Sweet Mary Magdalene.
<Shion> ... you have got to be fucking kidding me.
<Miyuki> Shion, it's okay! Many people had crossdresser daddies and turned out fine! I mean, look at me!
<Shion> ...
<Doctus> ...
<Miyuki> What?
<Doctus> Sometimes, you really are as retarded as the writers want you to be seen as.
<Shion> Maybe that explains why Jin didn't want me getting involved. But it's alright, I suspected all along.
<Allen> Hey Shion!
<Shion> Whoops, it's Allen. Goodbye, Doctus.
<Doctus> Wait, I haven't finished doctoring a video of you and Miyuki making oooooooooooooooooooooooooout *bzzzzzzt.*
<Shion> Good riddance, I say. Mmmmmm, I feel like hogging even more screentime... soooooo dozy... gonna faint, brb *FAINT.*
<Miyuki> Shion!
<Allen> Chief! What happened?


<Shion> I'm awake? No U-DO? No stupid?
<Allen> I'm pretty sure you can't have no stupid, but I'm glad you're fine, Chief. :)
<Shion> Don't you go :) on me.
<Allen> :(?
<Shion> So, what was the deal?
<Allen> Juli wants to talk to you.
<Shion> Okay. Timeskip?
<Allen> But we were going to have dinner! :(
* Allen sighs. Okay, okay, timeskip.
<Shion> Awesome!


<Juli> Okay, kids, here's the deal. We need to save the Elsa, but we don't have the weapons we need to enter the giant meatball.
<Jr.> Wait a minute, we were -supposed to save the Elsa-? I thought the plot diverted all the way to bend to Shion's whims they couldn't be - ... what the fuck is this?
<Juli> Please stay quiet, Jr., you're forcing me to extend my screentime. Anyhow, we don't. But KOS-MOS does.
<Allen> But KOS-MOS is going to the scrap heap... :(
<Shion> KOS-MOS is -what-!?
<Allen> Oh dear. :(
* Shion chokes Allen, foam dripping from her mouth. WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO LET KOS-MOS HEAD DOWN THE GARBAGE BIN, YOU WORTHLESS SCUM?
* Allen whimpers.

<Juli> Calm down, Shion. We won't let it happen. I have a plan so you can rescue KOS-MOS... then, rescue the Elsa.
<Juli> ... did you hear something?
<Jr.> I'm sorry, I couldn't hear you over the sound of me getting cockblocked on Shion insults - ... what.
<chaos> Please, pay more attention to Juli, Jr.
<Juli> Anyhow. Shion, if you please, could you unhand Allen? He's turning burgundy by now. Don't worry, KOS-MOS is going to be all right.
* Shion slowly loosens her grip on Allen.
<Allen> *Gasp.* Thank you.
<Shion> So, how do we go about this?
<Juli> We just raid Vector and steal KOS-MOS. She's already in the dump, so we have to do some walkin'.
* Jr. eyes Ziggy suspiciously, humming and thinking.
* MOMO eyes Jr. What are you planning there?

<Jr.> I dunno, Ziggy seems to be just standing there, occupying space. You think we could do something about him?
<MOMO> If he can't have internet, he may as well be a reading lamp for all I care. If you want some ideas about that, I can help, but I need to commit Facebook suicide first.
<Jr.> ... you have a Facebook account.
<MOMO> Look
<MOMO> I just wanted to make friends okay. But all I managed to get is like a hundred thousand creeps who keep asking me for pantyshot albums. So, I have no choice but to delete my account.
<Jr.> ... oooooooooookaaaaaaaaaaaay...
* MOMO humdedums. Now, what could be the most fan-disservicetastic picture I can use here. Unholy Trinity is kinda weak...
<Jr.> Nevermind, I'm just grabbing a couple lamps and see if I can get Ziggy to light them.
<Ziggy> I feel slightly unloved.
<Juli> ... are you people going to -pay attention to this-?
<MOMO> Hmmm, this CWC art looks pretty solid...
* Jr. hums as he pops a lightbulb into Ziggy's mouth.
* Ziggy twitches.
* Juli sighs. Okay, enough of this stupid, we're just dropping you inside Vector with Miyuki.

<Everybody> Aw dammit!
<Shion> I think I'm going to faint.
* Shion faints...
* Juli facepalms. This is -such- a horrible plot device.

<RocketTestamentRothMantel> Part 4 of Chapter 2 is over! Would you like to blast off at the speed of a saved game?
« Last Edit: June 13, 2010, 02:03:53 AM by Jo'ou Ranbu »
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....