Author Topic: Magna Carta 2  (Read 1812 times)


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Magna Carta 2
« on: July 10, 2010, 04:20:15 AM »
- Chars taken at level 68, which is high! But I did all the quests and ended up there so whatever.

- PCs' have two types of attacks. A dedicated combo, which is a series of connected one-hit attacks, and skills that consume Kan to activate.

- Magna Carta 2 is an ARPG with a system that bears mentioning. Basically whenever someone does a basic combo or uses a skill, it expends Stamina. Stamina naturally regenerates at a certain rate when a PC isn't attacking or using a skill. When a PC goes 'negative' on stamina, that PC enters Overheat mode.

- In Overheat mode, damage is multiplied by 1.5x. A PC can complete a basic combo string and execute a skill in Overheat, but when they are finished they are set to -100% stamina and have to regen at least above 0% before taking another action. Normally there is party chain mechanic to get around this negative stamina but the DL is a solo fight so no dice.

- Kan is the game's version of MP, basically. Kan is generated when a character attacks with their basic combo attack, and expended when the character uses skills. Fighters can carry Kan over from fight to fight ala other games' limit bars. Mages, however, can not. If they leave the immediate area where the Kan they generated via combos is, they will lose access to it. To make up for it, mages have 'environment Kan' which is a minimum set on the amount of Kan they can have. This is almost always 1, and is taken as such in the DL. So if a mage started with 1 Kan and generated 1, they could use a skill that costs two and be left with 1 Kan. But if they start with the 1 environment and generate 2 Kan with a combo, and then use a skill that costs 2, they will have only 1 Kan left. For the sake of parity, I am assuming the fighters (Juto and Agro) start each fight with 1 Kan.

- The game's system makes for defining 'turns' to be a bit of a pain in the arse. There is clearly a difference in speeds between characters due to the system (as you will, uh, see). I went with doing this: I took a three turn setup for each PC where they basically did three attack chains (where they don't stop to regen stamina). The total time it takes/3 is the average turn length, while the total damage done/3 is the average damage. Simple.

- The game features two different skill trees for each character, one for each weapon. Upon fully mastering a skill tree, a char gets a special bonus. I picked one skill tree to master for each character, which in order to do by endgame means you have to mostly neglect the other tree. I'll note the skill tree mastery ability.

- Each character has access to a special ability in a weapon type that is triggerable at random after either attacking or being attacked.

- Weapons can be switched in combat, although obviously not in the middle of a combo or anything. Only Zephie might want to swap between healing and a physical immunity skill.

- The game provides status blocking for silence, paralysis, confusion, burn, freeze, and stun.

- The mages in the game have basic attacks that take their own element (Zephie = Wind, Celestine = Ice, Crocell = Fire, Rue = Thunder). Although I don't recall enemies resisting elements, there are clearly places where they were weak to them. Also the mages have a chance of inflicting their elementally-aligned status with their basic combos. Mages are also immune to their own element status.

- Status:
Paralysis: Thunder status. Reduces accuracy to crappy levels.
Frostbite: Ice status. Halves stamina regen.
Dizzy: Wind status. Reduces evade to nothing.
Burn: Fire status. Steadily drain a little bit of HP.
Sleep: Standard sleep. Doesn't last too long.
Silence: Stops skill usage, both magic and physicals.
Poison: Steadily drain a little bit of HP.


HP: Lose these and the people of the world don't have paradise ripped from them.
ATK: Physical attack stat. Higher = more physical damage. Also affects some mages...
Def: Physical defense stat. Higher = less physical damage taken. Didn't seem to be terribly effective, however.
SPI: Magic attack power. Higher = more magic damage. Also used for some mage physicals...
RES: Magic defense stat. Also not very potent near as I can tell.
AGI: Determines evasion and accuracy (most everything hits 100% of the time though). This is NOT speed.
STA: The raw amount of stamina a char has. More of this = more attacks until overheat.
STARCV: Stamina recovery. This determines the speed at which a character regenerates stamina. This, along with attack times, IS INDEED speed.

-Evasion in this game is for both magic and physicals. The high-end skills ignore evade. Kan is still generated even if a target dodges the attack. Evade is really only a big deal for Juto and Rue.

-Averages up top!
HP: 6247
DEF: 152
RES: 144.5
AGI: 83

Damage: 12931 (2.5x kill point of 32328)
Average 'turn' length: 20.92 seconds

Well let's get this started already and introduce our generic team.

Juto: "I am a lame amnesiac main a reformed manmade assasin"

HP: 7854
ATK: 328
DEF: 226
SPI: 17
RES: 116
AGI: 84
STA: 54

Effective evasion: 31% (50% under Steel Stance)

Fate (1-H Sword)  [Skill mastery is 2x Kan generation(!!!). 2-H mastery is +30 Sta Recovery]
Pauldron of Eternity

All of Juto's damage is physical.

Combo (7-hit): 3070 damage, 2.8 Kan generated. 6.6 seconds, 8.2s to recovery stamina.
Kan Build (5-hit, 5-hit): 5100 damage, 4 Kan generated, 7.5s to execute, 12s to recvoer stamina.

Skyward Hammer (1): 855.6 damage
Vorpal Slash (4): 3468 damage
Steel Stance (1):  Increase Def/Res by 20%, and Agi by 10% for 30 seconds.
Iron Shadow (3): Take a defensive stance and counter physical attacks with 2500 damage once.
Phantom Charge (3): 2415.6 damage
Fatal Rush (6): 11800 damage.
Desperate March (6): 12000 damage. (already factored in Overheat)
Celestial Crusher (8): 22000 damage. (already factored in Overheat)

Special: Weapon Break: triggerable at a % chance upon being attacked by a weapon user. Breaks the foes' weapon.

'Three turn"
Kan Builder (5100 dmg, 7.5s)
Recharge (12s)
Kan Build -> Overheat Combo -> Celestial Crusher (31705 dmg, 14.1s)
Recharge (12s)
Overheat Combo -> Desperate March (6.6s)
Full recharge (24s)

Total: 53410 damage, 76.2 seconds.

Other options:
Kan Build -> Combo -> Desperate March: 21705 damage, 14.1s
Full recharge: 24s
Total: 21705 damage, 38.1 seconds.

Comments: Juto has good damage but it is kind of slow to put it out. Good HP. A decent Middle? Sure. Kinda boring.

Zephie: "There is no way I am a rip-off of Yuna! Impossible! Blashphemy!"

HP: 4815
ATK: 19
DEF: 110
SPI: 358 (318 with rod)
RES: 204
AGI: 74
STA: 65
STARCV: 63 (108 with rod)

Effective evade: ~7%

Full Blossom (fan) [Fan mastery: Wind damage taken ->1]
(alternate: Rod of Polar Wind [Mastery bonus Exp+30%])
Aurora Bracelet

All of Zephie's damage is wind magic.

Combo (5-hit): 2650 damage, 5.8s execution, 6.5s recovery
Kan Build (5-hit, 3-hit): 4108 damage, 10.5s execution, 10.6s execution

Wind Cutter (2): 1128 wind damage.
Air Wave (3): 2046 wind damage.
Wind Edge (4): 4224 wind damage.
Mighty Storm (6): 3360 wind damage to an area.
Aero Veil (2): Grants physical reflection for 30 seconds. Reflection uses Zephie's attack stat and fails for damage. But this is still refreshable physical immunity!
Wind Blade (7): 18500 wind damage.

(Rod Skills)
Healing Wind (2): 3264 healing.
(Status healing spells for paralysis, confusion, vertigo, silence, poison, sleep, stun, fever, burn, frostbite)

"Three turn"
Kan Build: (4108 dmg, 10.5s)
Recharge: (10.6s)
Kan Build -> Overheat Combo -> Wind Blade: (26583 dmg, 16.3s)
Recharge: (10.6s)
Combo -> Wind Cutter: (5667 dmg, 9.2s)
Full Recharge:  (21.2s)

Total: 36348 dmg, 78.4 seconds.

Alternate options:
Fan combo (4 hit) -> Aero Veil: 2054 dmg, 9.5 seconds, 9.3 seconds recovery.
Rod Combo (5 hit) -> Healing Wind: 1390 damage, 3264 healing. 13 seconds, 4.5s recovery (6.3s for recovery if Overheating)

Comments: Damage and the time it takes her to output it could stand to be better, but physical immunity or full healing while doing damage if she wants it. Middle/Heavy due to those two rather nasty tricks. Being all Wind kinda sucks, though.

Crocell "I'm a fire mage. I have a fiery personality but also a warm side!"

HP: 5319
ATK: 304
DEF: 138
SPI: 166
RES: 121
AGI: 79
STA: 70

Effective evade: 21%

Fist of Fantasy [Fist weapon has a low chance of stunning enemy in addition to burning. Stun is 10s of no movement/action]
Solar Crystal

All of Crocell's damage is fire physical (he has a weapon that is fire magic, but does less and is slower)

Combo: 3767 damage, 1.8 Kan generation. 5.6s execution, 8.9s recovery
Kan Build: 6006 damage, 3.6 Kan generation, 9.5s execution, 14.5s recovery

Special: Burning body. Triggerable on damage at a low% chance. Sacrifice ~1500 HP (nonfatal) to increase damage output by ~50%.

Hurricane Blow (1): 1450 fire damage
Fire Strike (2): 3420 fire damage
Explosive Chain (3): 2940 fire damage to an area.
Flaming Kick (4): 4920 fire damage.
Flaming Spiral (6): 11520 fire damage
Ignition Wing (7): 20500 fire damage.
Infernal Strike (9): 21000 fire damage.

"Three Turn"
Kan Build (6006 dmg, 9.5s)
Recharge (1.8s)
2-Hit Build -> Combo -> Ignition Wing (27320 dmg, 7.3s)
Recharge (14.5s)
Combo -> Fire Strike (10781 dmg, 7.2s)
Full Recharge: (29s)

Total: 44107 damage, 69.3 seconds.

Comments: If your're wondering why the mage who is punching things hurts so much, he combines his ATK and SPI ratings for damage. Well, all fire and bad durability combined with being a little slow prevent him from rising from low Middle? On a side note, his fireball weapon provides Fire/Wind immunity as it's mastery even though it is much weaker on damage output.

Argo: "I am the token cool-headed big guy/dragon-hawk... thing"

HP: 8807
ATK: 352
DEF: 190
SPI: 13
RES: 129
AGI: 69
STA: 67
STARCV: 48 (78 via Hammer mastery bonus)

Effective Evade: 0%

Supernova [Hammer Mastery: +30 Stamina Recovery]

All of Argo's damage is physical.

Combo (6-hit): 3175 damage, 1.2 Kan generated. 7.3s execution time, 5.4s recharge time.
Kan Build (5-hit/4-Hit): 4575 damage, 1.8 Kan generated, 10.1s execution time, 8.6s recharge.

Special: Loud Roar. Low % chance of triggering on damage taken. Does ~1500 damage and stuns nearby enemies.

Burst Knuckle (1): 1010 damage
Hammer Break (2): 2064 damage
Spiral Hammer (4): 3147 damage
Heaven's Hammer (5): 5374 damage.
Colossal Hammer (6): 14957 damage.
Huge Quake (8): 21050 damage.

"Three turn"
Kan Build (4575 dmg, 10.1s)
Recharge (8.6s)
Kan Build (10.1s)
Recharge (1s)
1-Hit -> Combo -> Colossal Hammer (20229 dmg, 8.6s)
Full Recharge (18s)

Total: 29379 damage, 56.4 seconds.

Comments: Well, Argo lacks damage due to not combining two stats for damage and not having good kan generation power. He DOES have HP, though. Lots and lots of HP. And his speed is decent thanks to the Hammer mastery bonus (without which he would be absolutely terrible)

Celestine: "Tee-hee! Can you guess my role!? Tee-hee! Tee-hee! Tee-hee! TEE-HEE"

HP: 5179
ATK: 52
DEF: 123
SPI: 351
RES: 135
AGI: 74
STA: 52

Effective evade: ~7%

Eucalyptus [Aroma Spray... +50% money bonus.]

All of Celestine's damage is ice physical.

Combo (5-hit): 1950 damage, 1.5 Kan generation, 4.4s execution, 3.4s recovery
Kan Build (5-hit/2-hit): 2634, 2.1 Kan generation, 6.6s execution, 5s recovery

Special: Absorbing Shield. Low % chance upon taking damage of putting up a shield that negates all damage for 10 seconds (making attacks restore ~160 HP).

Frost Wave (2): 1685 ice damage.
Mild Restore (2): 3264 healing. In addition, target recieves 310 regen every 2s for 10s.
Aroma Fresh (2): Increase Def/Res by 20% for 30s.
Aroma Struggle (2): Increase Atk/SPI by 20% for 30s
Silence Wave (4): 1955 damage. ~50% chance of inflicting Silence for ~30s
Poison Wave (4): 1955 damage. ~50% chance of inflicting Poison for ~30s
Sleep Wave (4): 1955 damage. ~50% chance of inflicting Sleep for ~30s
Death Waltz (6): 10500 damage. Inflicts Poison for ~30s)
Eternal Rest (8): 19000 damage.

"Three turn"
Kan Build (2634 dmg, 6.6s)
Recharge (5s)
Kan Build (2634 dmg, 6.6s)
Recharge (5s)
Kan Build -> Overheat Combo -> Eternal Rest (24559 dmg, 11s)
Full Recharge: 10s

Total: 29827 damage, 44.2 seconds.

4-Hit combo string -> Mild Restore: 1420 damage, 3264 healing, regen effect. 9.5s for execution+recharge
(Overheat): 4-Hit combo string -> Mild Restore: 2130 damage, full healing, 11s for execution+recharge.

Comments: Celestine is annoying. I mean that in the sense that she is constantly shouting things in a whiny voice in combat. She also happens to be annoying in a duel too, bringing to bear blistering speed with damage+full healing. There are enough FE'rs/Limit users around to keep her pretty tame in Middle/Heavy border. Worth mentioning that her other weapon (which recduces her speed considerably and has no healing) has ice/water immunity as the weapon mastery.

Rue: "Yes. I am a cold-hearted bitch. Is there a problem with this?"

HP: 5509
ATK: 314
DEF: 125
SPI: 141
RES: 162
AGI: 119 (see how she crushes everyone in this stat? Rue is very evasive)
STA: 52

Effective evasion: 75% (>100% under Ciel Focus. If she weapon-swaps and combines it with Terra Focus... Yeah... Just yeah.)

Demonic God of All [Katana mastery: Double Kan generation... lucky]
Variety Backpack

All of Rue's damage is lightning physical.

Combo (7-hit): 3715 damage, 2.8 Kan generation, 6.9s execution, 5.3s recharge
Kan Build (3-hit/3-hit/3-hit): 5192 damage, 3.6 Kan generation, 8.1s execution, 7s recharge

Special: Instant Death. Low% chance on her combo attacks to instantly kill the target.

Slash Spin (2): 1248 damage
Ciel Focus (1): Raises Def and Res by 20%, AGI by 10% for 30 seconds.
Ninpo: Stealth (3): * Puts Rue under Stealth status, rendering her undetectable (even to the final boss). Rue only has access to her Katana “Ninpo” techs until she takes an action. Since enemies can't see her she can attack from behind and score crits
Ninpo: Venom Stab (*): 4140 damage. Inflicts poison
Ninpo: Shadow Stance (*): Grants a status that increases Instant Death odds. Still not very good.
Ninpo: Mystic Assault (*): 5280 damage.
Omni Slice (7): 10500 damage.
Immovable Position (9): 20000 damage.

*Shuriken tech
*Terra Focus: Raises ATK and SPI by 20%, raises AGI by 10%

"Three turn"
Kan Build (5192 dmg, 8.1s)
Recharge (2s)
3-Hit->Overheat combo->Immovable position: 27049 damage, 9.4s)
Recharge (7s)
Overheat Combo -> Slash Spin (11.5s)
Full Recharge (14s)

Total: 39686 damage, 52 seconds.

Notable 1-turn repeatable:
Kan Build -> Overheat Combo -> Omni-Slice: 21264 damage, 15 seconds.
Full Recharge: 14s
Total: 21264 damage, 29 seconds

Comments: Rue brings several things to the table: Speed, damage, batshit insane evade that works on both magic and physicals, Instant Death in long matches, and Stealth for peculiuar situations. Note that her moves that buff AGI stack to get her up to 142 agility, which... is very very VERY hard to hit. And the paralysis that she can inflict with every attack also nerfs accuracy... Despite the horrors of being thunder-oriented in the DL, Rue makes one terrifyingly good Heavy.
« Last Edit: July 11, 2010, 03:47:13 PM by Pyro »