
Author Topic: Tales of Destiny  (Read 2196 times)


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Tales of Destiny
« on: August 27, 2008, 11:58:05 PM »
Compiled by Gourry.

Here's everyone's favorite non-Lenneth (or 8-bit Fighter) Sword Whores, with a few non sword whores thrown into the mix. Yeah, I told super that I wouldn't do a stat topic, but I guess I lied.

I tested on Ogres, since they tend to have enough HP to take most of the damage that the party can dish out. Ogres tended to block a few times (halving physical damage), but I didn't put these into the averages. Ogres are also rather large. Because of the nature of the game, a larger enemy will receive full damage from most techs, while a smaller enemy wouldn't get hit by all of the hits, necessarily. I tested all of the techs, but I only listed the ones that they'd use in a duel.

Techs have differing speeds, but I haven't determined how I interpret speed in this game. I suppose you could apply a little kickback to longer techs, maybe. I dunno.

As Meep sometimes does, I feel the need to justify some equips. You may or may not disagree, so I'll probably post other setups later.

Blue Shield: You get this at the Tower of Druaga, but it unique to Stahn.
Hyper Gauntlet: Same as Blue Shield.
Wind Power Disc: This is for Swordian owners only. There are spells on this, but I disallow those. It's balanced attack-wise, and it is possible to make a lot of them. It just takes some patience. You get this from a mini-game, so some may disallow this. Discless Swordian users really do not reflect in game performance. That's my biggest beef.
Star Shield: There's one in Dycroft. Leon isn't around to equip it, and Stahn already has a better and unique shield. This goes to Mary, IMO.
Bahamut's Tear: Hmm... this one is a bit iffy. There's only one, and only Stahn and Mary can equip it. Stahn has a better and unique weapon in Dymlos. The Golden Frypan works for Mary, but it makes her attack suck (Mary having a lower attack than Karyl seems wrong to me), and this does not reflect her performance in game, where she's an excellent attacker. I'll post the Frypan damage later.

Lv55 Stahn
HP: 5223
TP: 631
STR: 226
CON: 77
AGL: 118
INT: 199

Dymlos- +321/321. Fire Element
Rare Plate- +200 DEF
Blue Shield- +25 DEF, +30 Evade
Rare Helm- +36 DEF
Hyper Gauntlet- +26 DEF
Wind Power: +380/+380

There are some plot accessories you could argue for him, such as the Talisman (+5% DEF), which is given to you by a priest in the Straylize Temple, and a Black Onyx (+25% HP. Gives Stahn 6790 HP), which the Mayor's daughter gives him if you answer her question correctly. Of course, I'm rather lenient on this kind of stuff, so OKnight and I may be the only ones to agree on those.

Slash: 923
Thrust: 923

Defense: 364
Hit: 133
Evade: 80

Physical: 854.

1. Missile Sword: 607. Ranged
2 TP

2. Kick Attack: 1171.
The first two hits are non-elemental. They do around 300 damage together
4 TP

3. Force: 280
3 hits at err... something. The main utility of this game in game was that the Dragon in the move would push the enemy back. Take this how you will.
16 TP

4. Dragon Blade: 2567
This is a lot cheaper than Assassin, and it does similar damage.
10 TP

Sacred Skills (these are basically combinations of a tech and a spell)
1. Assassin: 2902
45 TP

2. Phoenix: 2560.
60 TP

1. Flare Tornado: 1100 fire damage
50 TP

2. Explode: 1618 fire damage
This is Stahn's best means of magical offense.
60 TP

Evaluation: Middle. If you allow his plot accessories, he's a true tank. If not, he's just a decent tank. He has fairly standard damage, and he's of an element that's defended pretty commonly. A bit overrated, from what I've seen.

Lv55 Garr
HP: 5295
TP: 825
STR: 224
CON: 75
AGL: 119
INT: 238

Igtenos (Lv51)- +202/+332. Wind Element. Igtenos is at a slightly lower level, since he joins you later. The only reason my Igtenos is so high is because I have Garr an experience boosting accessory.
Rare Plate- +140 DEF
Rare Helm- +36 DEF
M. Glove- +16 DEF
Acc1: Fur Cape- +4 DEF
Wind Power Disc: +380/+380

Slash: 806
Thrust: 936

Defense: 271
Hit: 145
Evade: 50

Physical: 855

Void Sword: 3551
34 TP

Divine Wind: 2094 wind damage
76 TP

Evaluation: Middle. He has decent damage, but little else.

Lv55 Bruiser Khang
HP: 6041
TP: 645
STR: 284
CON: 92
AGL: 117
INT: 198

Battle Knuckle: +800 ATK, +20 DEF. Lightning
Rare Plate- +140 DEF
Rare Helm- +36 DEF
M. Glove- +16 DEF

Attack: 1084

Defense: 304
Hit: 120
Evade: 120

Physical: 1010

1. Volt Thrust: 1350
3 TP

2. 1-2 Combo: 2100
5 TP

3. Uppercut: 2584
7 TP

4. Hurricane: 3930
10 TP

5. Hip Attack: 1236
12 TP

6. Ballistic: 8192
42 TP

Evaluation: Heavy. Ballistic. Ouch.

HP: 5202
TP: 746
STR: 168
CON: 48
AGL: 145
INT: 226

Atwight: +211/+268. Water.
Holy Cloak: +124 DEF
Fine Hat: +25 DEF
Bracelet: +12 DEF
Wind Power Disc: +380/+380

Slash: 759
Thrust: 816

Physical: 740 (stabbity)

Search Gald, Thievery, and Escape are all useless. OMGOMGOMG!

1. Snipe Air: 1540 (1969 after Sharpness)
3 TP

2. Snipe Roar: 780 (1016)
12 TP

3. Bloody Rose: 3751 (~4900 after Sharpness)
32 TP

1. First Aid: Heals ~1600
5 TP

2. Deep Mist: Lowers an enemy's hit rate
3 TP

3. Acid Rain: Lowers an enemy's defense.
7 TP

4. Antidote: Neutralizes poison.
8 TP

5. Barrier: Raises an ally's defense. This added roughly 50 points of defense to STahn.
8 TP

6. Recover: Removes status efects from an ally.
18 TP

7. Heal: Heals ~3500
10 TP

8. Sharpness: Increases ATK
12 TP

10 TP

10. Nurse: Heals 2450 to the party.
20 TP

11. Dispel: Neutralizes enemy spell effects.
14 TP

12. Cure: Full healing
22 TP

13. Raise Dead: Nah.
26 TP

14. Maelstrom: 1750 water damage
70 TP

15. Revive: ~4000 healing to party
32 TP

16. Tidal Wave: 2750 water damage
94 TP

Evaluation: Middle. She can shut down mages, and she's a good healer. Sharpness + Bloody Rose = hurt.

Lv55 Karyl
HP: 5135
TP: 731
STR: 221
CON: 64
AGL: 118
INT: 235

Shamisen: +470 ATK
Holy Cloak: +124 DEF
Fine Hat: +25 DEF
Bracelet: +12 DEF

Karyl has a better weapon, the Electric Guitar, but I couldn't find it.

Attack: 691

Defense: 240
Hit: 120
Evade: 50

Physical: 620

1. Symphony: Raises hit rate of allies
5 HP

2. Samba: 1330
7 TP

3. March: Song that improves ally evasion
6 TP

4. Rumba: 829. Can cause paralysis. If the paralysis hits, Karyl basically wins, since it never wears off to my knowledge. The hit rate is a bit low, though. I've seen it come out twice in fourteen or so tests. I'll test it more extensively later.
9 TP

5. Lullabye: Sleep. Several notes come out. Lullabye's hit rate seems pretty poor, and the notes can also awaken a sleeping enemy, so I don't think it's very useful.
12 TP

6. Waltz: Heals ~3000
18 TP

7. Golden Voice: 2946.
38 TP

Evaluation: Light/Middle. He's actually OK. Golden Voice is decently good damage, and he has healing to back himself up.

HP: 5218
TP: 817
STR: 194
CON: 46
AGL: 91
INT: 239

Clemente: +250/212. +13 DEF. Lightning Element.
Holy Robe: +124 DEF
Fine Hat: +25 DEF
Bracelet: +12 DEF
Wind Power Disc: +380/+380

Slash: 824
Thrust: 786

Defense: 220
Hit: 133
Evade: 50

Physical: 750

1. Philia Bomb: 620
3 TP

2. Force Field: I'm not sure if I'd give this any RPGDL value. It basically blocks off the enemy from approaching for a little while.
12 TP

3. Twin Bomb: 1496
6 TP

4. Bomb Rain: Philia throws 8 bombs, 4 to the left and 4 to the right. It'd probably do around 2400 provided that all 4 bombs hit.
12 TP

5. Stasis: Works like an hourglass. It stops time for the enemy, and it still allows your party free movement and action. RPGmon freaks, use this. Philia can't do anything while she's doing this, though.

1. Holy Lance: 1620 holy damage
57 TP

2. Holy Wrath: 1882 lightning damage
70 TP

3. Cyclone: 1220 wind damage
54 TP

4. Explode: 1662 fire damage
60 TP

5. Black Hole: 2217. Dunno what kind of damage this is.
88 TP

6. Divine Power: ~3800. Philia casts Storm, Blizzard, Cyclone, and Stone Press. Each does 950.
120 TP

Evaluation: Light/Middle. Sadly, all of her use is found in team settings. Other than OK damage, she's not much.

Lv55 Mary
HP: 5241
TP: 662
STR: 252
CON: 76
AGL: 119
INT: 212

Bahamut's Tear- +570/+500
Rare Plate- +140 DEF
Star Shield- +20 DEF, +30 Evade
Rare Helm- +36 DEF
M. Glove- +16 DEF

Slash: 822
Thrust: 752

Defense: 280
Hit: 130
Evade: 80

Physical: 740

1. Double Blade: 1727
5 TP

2. Fierce Missile: 686. Causes Stun. Once stunned, Mary can continue to stun opponents with this after the first stunning (it keeps kicking in, from what I've seen)
10 TP

3. Force: 301.
See Stahn
16 TP

4. Ultima Missile: 955. Can cause Paralysis. Just as with Karyl's Rumba, it can paralyze, which basically gives her the win. I'll test the status rate later, unless Niu knows the exact %.
16 TP

4. ZAN!: 2806
36 TP

Evaluation: Middle. Her ranking changes depending on whether you allow Ultima Missile to stunlock or not. If not, Zan! is just OK.

Lv55 Chelsea
HP: 5173
TP: 749
STR: 153
CON: 47
AGL: 174
INT: 226

Berserker Bow: +450 ATK. Fire
Holy Cloak: +124 DEF
Fine Hat: +25 DEF
Bracelet: +12 DEF

Attack: 603

Defense: 208
Hit: 215
Evade: 50

Physical: 533

1. Power: 1273.
4 TP

2. Shock Arrow: 862. Can cause Stun. Just like Mary's Fierce Missile, he can keep stunning, so Chelsea can keep Shock-Arrowing.
8 TP.

3. Speed Arrow: 1405
14 TP.

4. Force Arrow: 1614
40 TP

Evaluation: Light. Sucky damage. No real redeeming features, except for a potential stun-lock in Shock Arrow.

HP: Bruiser (6042) > Stahn (5523) > Garr (5295) > Mary (5241) > Philia (5218) > Rutee (5202) > Chelsea (5173) > Karyl (5135)
Average: 5354

ATK: Bruiser (1084) > Garr (936) > Stahn (923) > Philia (824) > Mary (822) > Rutee (816) > Karyl (691) > Chelsea (603)
Average: 838

Defense: Stahn (364) > Bruiser (304) > Mary (280) > Garr (271) > Karyl (240) > Philia (220) > Rutee (209) > Chelsea (208)
Average: 253

INT: Philia (239) > Garr (238) > Karyl (235) > Rutee = Chelsea (226) > Mary (212) > Stahn (199) > Bruiser (198)
Average: 221.6

Damage: Bruiser (8192) > Philia (3800) > Rutee (3751) > Garr (3551) > Karyl (2946) > Stahn (2902) > Mary (2806) > Chelsea (1614)
Average: 3695 (3053 without Bruiser)
Average with Bruiser using Hurricane: 3163
"Sufficiently advanced magic is indistinguishable from technology."
-Ponder Stibbons

[23:02] <Veryslightlymad> CK dreams about me starring in porno?
[23:02] <CmdrKing> Pretty sure.


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Re: Tales of Destiny
« Reply #1 on: August 27, 2008, 11:58:16 PM »
Leon and Lilith. Yay!

Lv55 Leon
HP: 5206
TP: 822
STR: 224
CON: 62
AGL: 133
INT: 239

Chaltier: +194/+194. Earth Element. Chaltier does not receive the Swordian upgrade,. IF he did, his attack would be 100 more on each account.
Rare Plate- +140 DEF
Star Shield- +20 DEF, +30 Evade
Rare Helm- +36 DEF
M. Glove- +16 DEF
Wind Power: +380/+380

Defense: 274
Hit: 147
Evade: 80

Slash: 798
Thrust: 798

Physical: 730

1. Dragon Blade: 2154
10 TP

2. Demon Attack: 2789. Causes stun. Can use Demon Attack again to restun.
44 TP

1. Hammer Blow: "Causes the enemy to lose consciousness."
9 TP

2. Strong Hammer: Causes Stun.
40 TP

3. Demon's Lance: 1490
57 TP

Lv55 Lilith
HP: 5206
TP: 740
STR: 196
CON: 62
AGL: 146
INT: 226

Flare Rod: +500 ATK. Fire. Hey, she's not in the DL, so it doesn't matter.
Holy Cloak: +124 DEF
Fine Hat: +25 DEF
Bracelet: +12 DEF

Attack: 696

Defense: 223
Hit: 130
Evade: 50

Physical: 624

1. Lilith Slash: 2330
8 TP

2. Force: 249
16 TP

3. 10-Hit Attack: 476
18 TP

4. Thunder Sword: 1562
44 TP

Wasn't she supposed to be some sort of uber-character? Her damage is poor, and her stats aren't that great. Am I missing something?
"Sufficiently advanced magic is indistinguishable from technology."
-Ponder Stibbons

[23:02] <Veryslightlymad> CK dreams about me starring in porno?
[23:02] <CmdrKing> Pretty sure.


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Re: Tales of Destiny
« Reply #2 on: August 27, 2008, 11:58:39 PM »

Weird, Lilith's Lilith's Slash should be doing about 700+ per hit, and there is 4 hits...

Are you sure you aren't fighting someone with fire or thunder immunity?

Also you missed Mary's ultimate missile, which can paralyze enemy.

Johnny's best Guitar is in the two od Druga. So don't waste tiem fidning it. I tadds about 200-350 damage to his out put.

As force, it is actually cause a status called blow away. Basically forcefully extending the distance between enemies. It is like the dizzy status it always hit. Only heavy enemy is immune to it. Among the enmies there si a weight state. Only enemy with weight over 5 are unaffected.

And if you are interetsed, Lilith's Boss state from ToP. I don't have the one for ND-1 Sadly

hp: 40000
Tp: 1000
Atk: 400
Def: 700 (!!)
Evade: 130(!)
Reistence: 30% of chance ignoring every possibel attack in the book besides lightning and fire elemntal attacks
90% of the chance of ignoring fire elemntal attacks
90% resistence oif fire element
Completly absorbs lightning damage
Ignore elemental resistence

Physical: 200X4
Thunder Fist: 500
Reijinjurengik: 200X9+400X2-3
Reiah: 4500~
Thunder Sword: 200x5-7 + 250-400x4-5
"Sufficiently advanced magic is indistinguishable from technology."
-Ponder Stibbons

[23:02] <Veryslightlymad> CK dreams about me starring in porno?
[23:02] <CmdrKing> Pretty sure.

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Re: Tales of Destiny
« Reply #3 on: July 10, 2010, 08:13:54 PM »
Friendly note, brought by aiel naggery: Bruiser's Ballistic is inherently Thunder-elemental regardless of the weapon Bruiser wields. It's also full-screen and essentially ITE.
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....