
Author Topic: Bonus matches.  (Read 15016 times)

Sir Donald 3.2

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Puny Cup Week 2
« Reply #50 on: June 10, 2010, 11:45:03 AM »
This post is embargoed until Week 2.  This is merely a "just in case", as I'm going on a trip today.  I should be back in contact by Sunday, but just in case...

Quote from: Week 2
We actually have a Shaking Rematch slated!

Yumei and Peppor met back in Season 27.  And the mermaid shook her way to victory.  By six shaking votes out of eighty-six.

Have the seasons changed the seasonings?  Will Peppor get his shaking revenge?

By the way, I prefer Swiss Cake Rolls.

Here we have a tale of two carrers.

On the one side, you have Alanis.  Who was featured in only one season.  She lost to Chisato Madison... and won against Cinna.  Basically both sides of the Light scale... except that Chisato's now a Middle.  Talk about not getting a proper shot.

On the other, we have Kongol, who also had one win... back in the first week of the DL.  Out of his four losses, one has been against an eventual Middle... and two have been against the same eventual Heavy!  Again, talk about not getting a proper shot.

So now they both get to fight against someone their own size.  And that's what the Puny Cup is all about!

Twelve Punies!  One League Watching!  (And jeering.)

The 2010 Puny Cup.

Yumei vs Peppor
Alanis vs Kongol

The rest of the schedule:

Week 3:  First Round Part 2:
AvC Winner vs Zahhak
SvL Winner vs Raja

Week 4:  The match you've all been waiting for!
The match you've all been waiting for!  (Just guess who goes up against each other here...)
Losers Week 1

Week 5:  The Semis
Week 2 Top vs Week 3 Top
Week 2 Bottom vs Week 3 Bottom

Week 6:  Can _____ win against... another lamer?
Winner 4a vs Loser 4b

Week 7:  The Finals
Week 5 Winners

Sir Donald 3.2

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Re: Bonus matches.
« Reply #51 on: June 22, 2010, 03:00:04 PM »
Puny Cup Week 3:  The end of the Preliminaries

Match #5
After taming a tactical mastermind without fighting prowess, Connie faces... a tactical buffon with little fighting prowess.

On the other hand, Zahhak has no qualms burning down residences, warehouses, farmhouses, henhouses, outhouses... and doghouses if they get in his way.

This should be interesting.

Match #6
Two weeks ago, we learned that smell beat song, but barely.  Also, back in Season 43, we learned that Jokes trumped the harp, so it's a good thing that Shiho was edged out.  Can the Gypsy of Florence divine her way past the High Priest of the Church of Bad Jokes?

Twelve Punies!  One League Jeering!  The 2010 Puny Cup!

Connie vs Zahhak
Lucia vs Raja

Sir Donald 3.2

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Re: Puny Cup, Loser's Set
« Reply #52 on: July 01, 2010, 02:45:57 AM »
Puny Cup, Week 4

Losers' Match
And now, the two that lost in Week 1 meet.  One a tactical genius who can't fight, the other a songstress who got lucky against a tub of lard.

Interesting how opinions dip after a loss in the Puny Cup.

Yeah, I've got nothing else.  Let's move on.

The Match of the Decade! (minus two years)
For ages on end, the Duelling League has marveled at these two.

One, a nice comedic actor.

The other, a warrior with the perfect unity of stats.

Oh sure, Sephiroth, Fou-Lu, Magical Emperor Ghaleon, they all have their fans.  But when either of these two take the stage, everyone cheers!

And now, for the first, and likely only, time, they are here together, for your viewing pleasure.

The Fool and the Hamster.  Who will win this clash of the... er... amoebae?

Augst vs Shiho
Cinna vs Jogurt

Sir Donald 3.2

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Re: Bonus matches.
« Reply #53 on: July 08, 2010, 03:11:22 AM »
Puny Cup:  The Semis

And now we come into the semifinals of the Puny Cup.  The truely weak have been culled, leaving us with... the somewhat weak.

On the bright side, it's an all girls semi.

Semifinal 1
In our first match, Connie the wonder dog goes up against a freezing tuna.

Apparently, the writing staff (of one) can't decide on whether Yumei is a mermaid or a chicken.  So they settled on calling her a "Chicken of the Sea".

I had better move on before my Soul is purified.  Yes, it is weird.

Semifinal 2
And in the other match, A young wielder of a Fire Rune comes up against a Gypsy that also uses scented attacks.  Too bad they scents the latter emits are not the type that fire is usually useful against.

But hey, at least smoke can mask pleasent smells too.  Too bad the gypsy has a fan.  (Only one?)

Elements or Flavors?  Who will win the day?

Yumei vs Connie
Alanis vs Lucia

The Puny Cup.  One match changes... not much really.

Sir Donald 3.2

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Re: Bonus matches.
« Reply #54 on: July 14, 2010, 01:47:15 AM »
Puny Cup:  The Off Week

So the Songstress soared and the hamster got hammered.

What does that mean for us?

Well, the directors got the idea that a stage show is good... and setting the guy who apparently cannot fight against the guy with 1 Hit Point would be hilarious!

So it's curtain call for the Jesters of the Puny Cup!  And Shiho and Cinna get to perform for us again as well.

Shiho vs Cinna
Augst vs Jogurt

Sir Donald 3.2

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Re: Bonus matches.
« Reply #55 on: July 21, 2010, 02:14:08 AM »
I guess I should've looked over the response lists for these matches.  Which likely meant that I would've had to create one myself.  Meh...

Quote from: Puny Cup Week 7:  The Finals
Programming Note:  I refer to the combined scores per contestant in determining who advances.

So Browbeat's writeup... can be treated as more like an Advert.

Week 5 Winners
Yumei: 22 (8+14)
Connie:  10 (4+6)

Alanis: 12 (8+4)
Lucia: 20 (14+6)

So here we come to the finals.

On one side, a Gypsy of Florence, who came in all the way from the Play-Ins.

On the other side, a mermaid of Midgar, who was one of the standard seeds.

The one uses a fan with scents and a Rage spell.

The other purifies Weird Souls.

And this time, I'll have to make sure the ending works.  Maybe Ultros can help me.  After all, an Octopus did call the World Cup this year.

The Puny Cup.  One match changes... Nothing!

And the reason why we don't have a 3rd Place Match is that the single drop list would be too confusing.

Yumei vs Lucia

Voting ends Thursday Night!  (Sorry.  Carry-over from Forum Tournies.)