1: Lezard Valeth v Welch Vineyard - The Dating Game - She succeeds in making other SO females angry at their boyfriends through flirting. I suppose she can always get them to break up (SO lead females are so high-maintainence anyway) and then pick up the lonely bachelors. Even with a plan this complicated, she still finishes before Lezard's Valkyrie clones have reached legal dating age.
2: Yuna (BoF4) v King Trode - Complete a Pokemon Journey - I think I once saw one of Yuna's 'Pokemon' in a nightmare.
3: Richard Hawk v Ranulf - Applied Technobabble/Deus Ex Machinaing - Ranulf can't even break his own game's rules.
4: Millenia v Ramus (Lunar) - Debate - Close match, depends on the topic they have to debate, really. Probably about equal just in terms of skill.
5: Major Armstrong v Crono's Cat - Monologuing - No Contest.
6: Queen Brahne v Cecilia Lynn Adelhyde - Gladiatorial Deathmatch - Eventually they release the Lions and Cecilia is far more appetizing.
7: Captain Matthews v Mystina - Nonsense Contest - Better teacher.
8: Ark v Yang's Wife - WWF Wrestling - Godlike Frying Pan powers.