
Author Topic: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Turtles in Time  (Read 4912 times)


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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Turtles in Time
« on: October 12, 2010, 11:26:30 PM »
I only stat topic the bestest games. Once again, I found this while surfing around my old haunts. All credit goes to Nitsuja who was the original person who found all the information.

For those of you that have never played Turtles in Time, it's a standard beat 'em up back in the days when beat 'em ups were more mainstream. The SNES version of Turtles in Time was remarkably different than the Arcade version. It has more stages and more importantly, there are enough differences between the turtles to merit using one over another depending on your playstyle. For this topic, all you really need to know is that all the PCs have the same moves, but their animations are different, and the damages dealt vary in certain circumstances. This of course, gives us the differentiations.

A full health bar has 16 pixels in total. Like most fighting games, the health metre for each character is the same, but the amount of damage one can take varies. As a result, each pixel on a PC's health metre represents a different amount of health from another PC's pixels.

Standard Attacks
These are all performed on the ground. All turtles have a basic combo which can be performed by repeatedly attacking, up to a total of 4 times. Each attack that hits will "store" the hit counter so that the next attack in the chain will be used. The counter slowly decreases if you're not attacking and resets back to 1 if you miss an attack completely. Upon the hit counter reaching 4, the turtle will perform a stronger attacker which will also knock down enemies that are struck (if they can be knocked down). Enemies that carry armguards (which blocks basic attacks) can also be struck by this attack

Jump Attacks
These are all performed while airborne. All turtles have the same jump attacks. The biggest differentiation is that jump attacks do not progress into different variations. You must land to perform a different jump attack. There are 4 jump attacks in total and which one is performed depends on the altitude and falling speed of where the turtle is at:
  • Rising Kick - Performed at the start of a jump. The turtle kicks upwards while ascending slowly. Can hit more than once
  • Slow weapon attack - Performed at the peak of the jump, slows your decent. Can hit more than once
  • Spread Eagle - Performed at the end of a jump. Causes you to quickly hover over to another location.
  • Dive Kick - Performed at all other points during a jump. Diagonally strikes downward quickly.

Rush Attacks
These are all performed by running. A run can be performed by double tapping in one direction. Rush attacks can be quickly chained together as long as one hits. Rush attacks cannot be blocked by armguards.  There are 5 rush attacks in total.
  • Bulldozer - Forward shoulder ram
  • High Kick - Performed immediately after a Bulldozer by hitting attack. The dash is still "stored"
  • Snake Killer - A low attack that also knocks down enemies
  • Foot Flinger - A rushing kick that knocks down enemies
  • Cannonball (Super Bulldozer) - Same as the bulldozer, but has a significant start up as a cartwheel must be performed before its execution

Special Attacks
Each PC also has a special attack which they can use. It consumes 3 pixels of health upon hitting anything, and the PC is invulnerable during the entire animation.

Each turtle can perform throws against most enemies if they are in their flinch state. There are 3 variations of a throw:
  • Floor slam - Repeatedly smashes an enemy into the floor until they die (either by running out of health or are ID'd). Enemies that are in the vicinity take splash damage of 30. Applies to all Foot Soldiers
  • Catapult - Launches the enemy off screen. They are instantly defeated. Applies to all Foot Soldiers.
  • Shoulder Toss - Throws the enemy directly to the other side of the screen. Applies only to Rock Warriors. Deals 12 damage. If the thrown enemy hits another enemy, 24 damage is dealt. This is also the same throw Turtles can use on other Turtles in versus mode, and it always deals 3 pixels of health (so each turtle takes a different amount of damage as a result)
Bosses are an exception to this rule and cannot be grabbed.

The Turtles:

HP: 80. Each pixel of health represents 5 HP.
Range: Good
Speed: Above average

Attack 1(down slash): 4
Attack 2(wide slash): 5
Attack 3(stab): 6
Attack 4(downthrust): 8. This attack can hit more than once and has noticable recovery lag
Base combo damage: 23 (assumes one hit on the Attack 4)
Rising Kick: 3
Dive Kick: 4
Spread Eagle: 6
Slow weapon attack: 8
Special (Spin attack): 8. Consumes 15 HP when performed.
Bulldozer: 8
High Kick: 9
Snake Killer: 10
Foot Flinger: 12  
Cannonball: 16

More or less what you expect. Leonardo's balanced all around. He has decent range, good enough foot speed, and hits decently. He's rather above average in most areas, although as a trade off, he doesn't shine in any particular area. The most notable factor about Leonardo is how terrible his special's cost-to-damage ratio is. 8 damage for 15 health is terrible in most regards. A solid choice in-game for beginners, but since he doesn't specialize, my opinion is that he's eventually the worst to play as he's just too average.

HP: 96. Each pixel represents 6 HP.
Range: Short on the first swing. Second swing has good horizontal tolerance. Third and fourth swings are average
Speed: Below average

Attack 1(down swing): 5
Attack 2(wide swing): 8
Attack 3(upward swing): 8
Attack 4(forward smash): 10
Base combo damage: 31
Rising Kick: 3
Dive Kick: 3
Spread Eagle: 6
Slow weapon attack: 10
Special (Flying Dragon): 12. Sends Mikey flying towards one side of the screen. Consumes 18 HP on use.
Bulldozer: 8
High Kick: 8
Snake Killer: 10
Foot Flinger: 10  
Cannonball: 16

Mikey's the game's tank. He deals plenty of damage with his regular damage and he has lots of health, although he's not terribly fast in terms of attack speed or movement. Very easy to play as otherwise since he can take plenty of punishment before losing a stock. Mikey's strengths gradually diminish if you don't use normal attacks often though. Like Leo, his special also has bad cost-to-damage, although his is better and he moves while using it.

HP: 64. Each pixel represents 4 HP
Range: Long on all swings except second, which is average
Speed: Slow

Attack 1(down swing): 3
Attack 2(wide swing): 4
Attack 3(forward bo stab): 6
Attack 4(spinning bo): 8
Base combo damage: 21
Rising Kick: 3
Dive Kick: 4
Spread Eagle: 4
Slow weapon attack: 14
Special (Pole Vault): 14. This attack tends to hit more than once if it doesn't knock down. Propels Don towards one direction. Consumes 12 HP to use.
Bulldozer: 7
High Kick: 9
Snake Killer: 10
Foot Flinger: 12  
Cannonball: 16

Stat-wise, Donny isn't particular impressive. He's most well known for his range though, which is easily game best and can hit around 2.5 characters away (ie: he has GREAT crowd control). Also, his special attack is incredibly powerful as it can easily hit more than once, dealing plenty of damage in just one use. Speed's kinda weak, but dashing tends to curb this problem.

HP: 48. Each pixel represents 3 HP.
Range: Below average
Speed: Fast

Attack 1(down swing): 5
Attack 2(wide swing): 4
Attack 3(stab OR pull slash): 5 or 3, attack is randomly chosen, average of 4
Attack 4(whirling sai stab): 8
Base combo damage: 21
Rising Kick: 4
Dive Kick: 4
Spread Eagle: 6
Slow weapon attack: 8
Special (Jawbreaker): 16. Consumes 9 health to use.
Bulldozer: 10
High Kick: 12
Snake Killer: 14
Foot Flinger: 16  
Cannonball: 20

Deceptively powerful. Raph basically trades in any semblance of durability for lots of speed. Somewhat of a losing trade off hand as dashes do exist. On the flip side, Raph isn't made to attack on the ground - he's meant to be a pure grappler and a dash attacker. This combination is powerful enough (grapples to take care of randoms, dash attacks to kill bosses), although it requires greater degree of skill to use, then say, Mikey. Raph also has a great cost-to-damage ratio for his special. Somewhat of an expert character to use, since getting his more than once will have you reeling.

1. Mikey: 96 (1.33x)
2. Leo: 80 (1.11x)
3. Don: 64 (0.88x)
4. Raph: 48 (0.66x)
Average: 72

Damage (by Base combos)
1. Mikey: 31
2. Leo: 23 or 31, depending on number of hits (average 27)
3. Don: 21
4. Raph: 22 or 20, depending on which Attack 3 was used (average 21)
Average: 25

Damage (by preferred attack chain)
1. Raphael (Cannonball, High kick, Bulldozer, High Kick, Foot Flinger): 20+12+10+12+16 = 70
2. Donatello (Cannonball, High kick, Bulldozer, Pole Vault): 16+9+7+14+14 = 60  
3. Leonardo (Cannonball, High Kick, Bulldozer, Highkick, Foot Flinger): 16+9+8+9+12 = 54
4. Michelangelo (Cannonball, high kick, Attack 2, 3, 4): 16+8+8+8+10 = 50
Average: 58.5

Mikey can increase his damage total to 52 if his Special is used at the end (but costs 18 health). He generally doesn't want to do this due to a bad cost-to-damage ratio. Don can afford not to use his special to save health, but it drops his damage down by 7 (High Kick --> Foot Flinger replaces the two Pole Vault hits)

This was a little tricky to calculate. I base most of this on how each turtle would want to attack a boss assuming enough space and all that. One thing to note about bosses is that they can be struck several times in a row before they automatically escape. So this damage average is basically saying if given a choice, how each PC would want to maximize their damage. Average number of hits before a boss typically escapes is around 4-5
« Last Edit: November 13, 2010, 12:57:58 AM by Tide »
<napalmman> In Suikoden I, In Chinchirorin, what is it called when you roll three of the same number?
<@Claude> yahtzee

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<Dreamboum> go fuck yourself


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Re: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Turtles in Time
« Reply #1 on: October 13, 2010, 02:31:26 AM »
Damage tests all done on Raph since each of his pixels are worth less, meaning it should be easier to estimate precisely how much each attack does.

Baxter Stockman: "Terminate the Turtles!"
HP: 96
Threshold: 4

Baxter spends a good portion of the battle in the air. As such, he can't be struck by melee attacks. He will eventually land after flying around 4-5 times

Attacks -
Machine gun : 6 damage.
Flyswatter: 12 damage. Once Baxter loses around half his health, he drops the Machine gun in favour for his Flyswatter cannon
Fly: Automatically used after taking 4 hits. Escapes back into the air and becomes unhittable by ground attacks

Its the first boss of the game. And he's pretty terrible. There is in fact, a corner where you can stand and Baxter can't even hit you with any of his weapons. At which point you wail on his ass with a big combo. 96 HP falls pretty quickly. Plus he's still vulnerable to other attacks while airborne and has to pause everytime he wants to shoot his gun. BUT OMG DOUBLE DAMAGE LIMIT. Puny.

Metalhead: "I'll mangle you green slimeballs!"
HP: 128
Threshold: 5

Attacks -
Punch: 6 damage
Anti-air punch: 6 damage
Double Punch: 9 damage. Can only be used after Punch/Anti-Air punch are both used.
Leaping kick: 6 damage. Automatically used after taking 5 hits as an escape.
Energy Gun: 12 damage. Can only be used after Leaping kick.

HP's improved a bit...sorta. In exchange for melee immunity. Which isn't a good trade since everyone's damage goes up if they can use Rush attacks. Probably a losing trade. Anyway, his attacks. Decent enough range to poke out Raph if he's smart, which he means he can also get some damage against Mikey if you aren't careful. Don just laughs at him forever. Other than his punch combos, he's pretty much a non threat. The leaping kicks in particular are somewhat annoying if you're using Raph or Mikey, but Don and Leo don't care ever. Light

Rat king: "First the sewers...then, the world!"
HP: 96
Threshold: 5

This battle takes place over a surfboard, as such, rushing attacks cannot be used.

Attacks -
Energy gun: 9 damage. Fire a small blaster at the centre of his ship. Slow start up. Can knock target down on hit.
Missile: 12 damage. Fires missiles on the side of his craft that have infinite horizontal tolerance
Mines: 6 damage. Spews multiple mines that can hit the player. Can only be used if Backaway was used before.
Backaway: Retreats back "off screen". In practice this tends to get him killed. Read on...

Rat King would enjoy his durability of not worrying about dashes more if it wasn't for one little thing. His threshold escape move is basically garbage. Theoretically, he moves off screen and can't be hit while spewing out mines. In practice, if you get into the bottom left corner of his craft and spam attacks, he'll still be struck by all four characters and basically all he will do is keep backing away as you keep triggering his escape counter. And since those mines don't spawn on the corners and he can't use his missiles while in this mode, his realistic durability is 5 hits from anything before blowing up. Puny.

Tokka: "Master said have fun...Fun..."
HP: 96
Threshold: 4

Fights together with Rahzar

Attacks -
Freezer Breath: 3 damage. Decent range (around half screen horizontal tolerance)
Crush Jump: 12 damage. Jumps and lands, hopefully on top of you. Invincible during the jump. Significant start up.
Dash Ram: 12 damage. This tends not to hit you normally. Can also hit Rahzar for roughly the same damage I would believe.

HP: 96
Theshold: 4

Fights together with Tokka

Attacks -
Quick Claw: 12 damage. Used as an escape every fourth hit he's struck.
Firebreath: 9 damage. Decent range (around half screen horizontal tolerance)

* Shell Surf: 24 damage. Requires both Tokka and Rahzar to be alive. Rahzar gets on top of Tokka and rides him around the boss arena for 8 seconds or so, during which time they are both invincible. Significant start up time.

Not terribly durable individually, and they tend to hit each other a few times due to Tokka's escape maneuver. Shell Surf is basically useless since its sooooooo Slow. Rahzar is the deadlier of the pair since his Quick Claw has good range and good damage, and its far more annoying as a counter. Neither of their breath attacks are terribly strong it seems (at least at full health), but since it has good coverage, one can always hit you with it while you wail on the other. Most of Tokka's attacks are a lot worse if he's by himself since their terribly slow. Middle if a team, Light if individually fought

Shredder: "Tonight, I dine on turtle soup"
HP: 90
Threshold: N/A

Attacks -
Main cannon - 9 damage. Attacks in the targetted spot. Telegraphed attack as the cursor will lock and turn to red when Shredder is about to fire. Takes around 4 seconds before the cursor changes colour. Once locked, cursor will not move and Shredder must fire before utilizing the cannon again
Vicegrip - 15 damage. Uses the claws on the side of machine to grab you. Cannot reach if a turtle if they are standing at the very back of the arena
Summon Foot Soldiers - Creates more foot soliders to enter the battle. Always active. Maximum of 3 Foot Soldiers may be on screen any time. The type of Foot Soldier summoned is dependent on the difficulty level. On Easy, only normal foot soldiers appear. On Normal, Orange Foot soldiers appear and can use Ninja Stars. On Hard, only Armguard Foot soldiers appear (which require you to dash attack before a grab). These are the foot soldiers I have assumed Shredder is summoning

Armguard Foot Soldiers:
HP: 12-16
Threshold: None

Attacks -
Punch - 6 damage. A close range punching attack
Guard - Always active. Blocks most attacks used against them except for Bulldozer/Snake Killer/Cannon Ball/Special Attacks/Attack#4

The first somewhat competent boss that may cause you to lose a stock. Anybody who has played the game knows the gimmick in this battle. The only way to damage Shredder is by using the Catapult maneuver and throwing enemy Foot Soldiers into Shredder. Each Foot Soldier thrown this way does 10 damage. Since no Turtle deals more than any other, Shredder always dies in 9 hits. The question is just how long it takes.

The real problem is Shredder's main cannon and the floods and floods of foot soldiers, especially on Hard. On easy and Normal, throwing 9 of them into Shredder isn't a problem, and the only concern ends up being the gun, making it very easy to avoid damage. On Hard, since you have to utilize a Bulldozer (any other attack either knocks down or kills the Foot Soldier), you'll always need to be dashing, and its easy for the enemies to surround you in a bad position, or force you to actually move into his arm grabbing range. Still, that durability means he can only survive for so long, so despite how easy for him it is to pile on damage, he doesn't tend to live long enough for it to cause you concern. Middle.

Slash: "You're history slimeballs!"
HP: 160
Threshold: *Varies

Attacks -
Slash - 6 damage. Attacks forward with a sword. Decent reach.
Claw - 6 damage. Attacks by swiping his claw. Very Quick
Blanka ball - 15 damage. Rolls into a spiked ball and hits anyone in the same horizontal plane. Used as an escape after 3 hits*. After using it, has a period of cool down where he can be struck.
Guard -  Blocks all enemy attacks. Used on frontal attacks. If an attack is blocked, Slash retains Guard stance (simply put, you can't get a second player to move behind him and strike him since he'll block that too).

* Not guaranteed. His threshold seems to be 3 if you're striking him in a corner. In fact, if he's in a corner, he can use the Blanka Ball seemingly at anytime although the general rule is 3 hits before escaping. He can even do this when blocking. On the other hand, if you're not in the corner, he doesn't seem to have a threshold, meaning you can clobber him until you reach one end of the screen.

Often considered the hardest boss in the game for a few reasons. One would be that varying threshold. This makes it difficult to predict exactly when he's going to use the Blanka ball to escape. And you want to predict it since that means you can smack him around after he uses it during cool down. Second, is that he's one of the very few enemies that guard consistently. On the other hand, if you know how to use Dash attacks, its possible to take off almost 3 life bars (99 HP or so) in one large chain. Yet on a third hand, if you lose momentum because he escapes, it can be difficult to hit him again since he's fairly quick and can get close to you upfront which means you'll keep running into his Guard. High Middle/Heavyish.

Rocksteady: "You're walking the plank, Shell brains!"
HP: 128*
Threshold: 4

Fights with Bepop

Attacks -
Pierce - 12 damage. Steps forward and stabs with the rapier. Very good range and is difficult to approach unless you're Don. Knocks down on hit.
Ram - 24 damage. Charges quickly towards the location of the player. Only usable after Bebop swaps out. Noticable cool down after use, where the player can walk up to him as he is bouncing back from hitting the wall. Some start up is also noticable. Knocks down on hit.
Swap - Forces Bebop to take on point

HP: 128*
Threshold: 4

Fights with Rocksteady

Attacks -
Whip - 12 damage. Runs forward and whips his rope. Medium range.
Kick to the shins - 6 damage. Kicks quickly. Used only at short range. Quick, and can be chained together twice for 12 damage total.
Swap - Forces Rocksteady to take on point

IT'S BEPOP AND ROCKSTEADY. How competent do you think they are? As you probably guessed, not very. This fight would be a lot scarier if it wasn't for the way its conducted. Neither Bebop or Rocksteady will gang up on you until one of them is down to one life bar (~33 health). In other words, you can take them on one at a time as they decide to swap positions with each other, making this easier than it should be otherwise. At which point when they do try to gang up on you, it's too late for it to make too much of a difference.

An important note about this battle in game. If either Bebop or Rocksteady go to 0 HP, they will automatically destroy each other. So although they have 128 HP each, their current HP is only as high as the weaker member. Further note, if you attack Bebop or Rockstead when they are not on point, they will have a threshold of 1 and automatically counter after 1 hit with Pierce/Whip. Play by the rules kiddies! Light.

Leatherhead: "Oh goodie, fresh turtles for lunch!"
HP: 172
Threshold: 3

Attacks -
Punch - 15 damage. Poor range. Uses this as his primary attack after Knife throw or Lobster throw. Knocks down on hit.
Knife throw - 3 damage per knife. Leatherhead moves up or down and continues to throw them until he reaches the end of the field. The knives have infinite horizontal tolerance. Used after Mad Dashing to one side.
Lobster throw - 2 damage. Throws 3 lobsters at you, one at a time. The lobster can be hit back to Leatherhead, which if it hits him, will immobolize him for around 5 seconds. This means you can basically set up a huge attack combo on him, although for only 3 hits. If it his you, you'll be immobolized for 3 seconds or so. Used after Mad Dashing to one side.
Tail Swing - 15 damage. Used as an Anti-air if you attempt to jump attack him while he's using either Knife Throw or Lobster Throw.
Mad dash - 15 damage. Gets onto the ground and rushes quickly to the other side of the field from where he was at. Invincible until end of the move. Noticable start up. Used as an Escape only. Knocks down on hit.
Barrel Drop - 30 damage. Appears once Leatherhead loses half his health. Leatherhead cannot actually summon barrels at will - they'll only drop during a Mad Dash. Knocks down on hit.

Way too many damn attacks. Hilariously? In game, he suffers from the fact that he's completely patternized, making it easy to predict what he's going to do and strike him. His punch has too little range (it gets outranged by Raph's Attack#1) so it's typically waiting for him to use one his throw attacks, then strike him with superior range, dodge his Mad Dash and repeat. The barrels don't tend to help him since they are positioned to drop in randomized places that 99% of the time is not within your path (good thing that). Also, he loves to suicide in game with Lobsters. Light/Middle.

Super krang: "Face the wrath of Super Krang!"
HP: 192
Threshold: 4

Attacks -
KRANG SMASH - 6 damage. A double overhead hammer smash.
Android KYICK - 24 damage. Winds up a forward kick that propels him forward greatly. Knocks down on hit.
Missiles - 15 damage. Launches 5 missiles from the Android's chest. Has infinite horizontal tolerance. Knocks down on hit.
Explosives - 6 damage per explosive. 2PBO. Used once when he's down to ~66 HP, used again when he's down to ~15. Launches multiple explosives from his mouth. Invincible on use.
Retreat - Dash over to one side quickly. Used as an Escape.

Has a messed up hit box. If you hover above him, you can actually strike him despite the fact you're not actually hitting him. Most of his attacks aside from SMASH are highly telegraphed due to their start up. In fact, his SMASH is really how he gets a large portion of his damage done against everyone...except Don. There's actually a spot you can stand with Don and just keep hitting attack and he'll never be able to hit you with the Smash attack. In addition, he'll never Retreat since he's constantly countering. Everyone else just uses the hover trick, so yeah, he sorta fails in game. Light/Middle of some sort I assume.

Krang "You shell heads are dead!"
HP: 128
Threshold: 3

Note: Krang's attacks have his craft at different heights, which makes it such that it is difficult to drop a combo on him.

Attacks -
Bubble blast - 18 damage. Some start up time, fires a stream of bubbles that traps a turtle.
KRANG SMASH - 24 damage. Krang drops his craft from high up multiple times to crush puny turtles. Noticable recovery after each smash
Vanish - Used as an Escape after a series of attacks or as a threshold.
Summon Robot Walker - Drops 4 Robot Walkers to attack. Krang disappears as long as more than 1 Robot Walker is on the field. He can use this in combination with another attack after losing half his health.

Robot Walker
HP: 3
Threshold: N/A

Attacks -
Electic trap - 6 damage. Has infinite horizontal tolerance. Some start up time.

Krang moves around a lot, and pretty quick, so its difficult to unload a large combo on him. How you want to hold him to this is up to you. In addition, Krang can fly his craft at a height (permanently!) where he can't be struck by melee or rush attacks after losing around half his HP. Pretty decent. Along with decent damage. Holy crap, someone decent? Blasphemy. Some form of Heavy.

Super Shredder "Turtle soup! My favourite!"
HP: 248
Threshold: 5

Attacks -
Invoke - 6 damage. Conjures up a flame around him, making him invincible temporary. Only damages if you are around him when the flames appear. Needs to be used in order to use the following three attacks.
Flame trail - 12 damage. Creates a trail of fire directly in front of him.
Anti-air Ice beam - 15 damage. Fires a stream of ice energy into the air. Stops jumps attacks.
Anti-Mutagen - Fires a green fireball that instant kills the player if it hits. Infinite horizontal tolerance.
Teleport - Moves to another spot, usually within the vicinity of the player. Used as an Escape and after every Invoked attack.

Well the final boss of the game and certainly the most threatening. Anti-Mutagen, if nothing else, means you always have to be on your toes, even though it only flies in a straight line. On Hard, the need to use Invoke before attacking doesn't matter as much because he attacks sooooooooo fast. You literally can't run up to him. Since he'll easily have moved to another spot with Teleport. In fact, he can only be struck during an attack and this window is very small on Hard. In game, you get around this either by using an attack that has invicibility frames during Invoke so you can strike him right as the flames drop OR, you dive kick at him (66% chance each time) to catch him off guard during the period between his attack and Invoke. Damage wise, he's not that special but the speed is just nuts. Heavy.
« Last Edit: October 14, 2010, 10:08:07 PM by OblivionKnight »
<napalmman> In Suikoden I, In Chinchirorin, what is it called when you roll three of the same number?
<@Claude> yahtzee

<Dreamboum> Everyone is learning new speedgames!
<Dreamboum> A bright future awaits us gentlemens
<Pitted> I'm learning league of legends
<Dreamboum> go fuck yourself


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Re: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Turtles in Time
« Reply #2 on: October 14, 2010, 04:47:22 PM »
Yo dawg, I added pics to your post, so now you can pick your post while posting your pics!!!!
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

[19:26] * +Terra_Condor looks up. Star Wars Football, what?
[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory