
Author Topic: Dawn of Heroes  (Read 1669 times)

Captain K.

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Dawn of Heroes
« on: November 19, 2010, 12:17:44 AM »
Dawn of Heroes is a turn-based SRPG for the DS.

HP:  You know what this is.
MP:  This too.
Pdef, Mdef, Adef:  Physical defense, Magical defense, Affliction defense.  There are three "elements" in this game, and this number is the percentage reduction you take from them.  So if an attack does 200 physical damage, against an opponent with 50% physical defense, it does 100 damage.  Simple.
Equipment:  I'm using storeboughts from the last town (sixth Barony).  Ingame, your actual equipment will be much better than this.  But since it's a random drops game, this is the only way to get consistent averages.

Note about the Mantle:  It's bugged.  It's supposed to add 5% Adef, but it shifts all defenses to the left one space.  So it adds 5% Mdef instead.  Percentages listed are for actually being in battle, not from the status screen.  And to further confuse things, characters have different defenses in Multiplayer mode, although I'm not listing those here yet.

PCs have a wide variety of abilities.  "Standard" is just a basic attack action that doesn't cost any resources.  "Guard", "Control", "Support", "Damage" all require an action to use.  The actual type doesn't generally matter in a duel, although it matters more ingame.  "Passive" abilities are always on, and will trigger whenever applicable.

"Cooldown" is an amount of time before an ability can be used again.  An ability with a cooldown of 3 can be used every 3 turns.

Some Abilities can prevent movement (think "Don't Move" from FFT), prevent using Abilities ("Don't Act"), or both.  If I use the term "disabled", it's both.  "Disarm" prevents the use of any abilities that deal physical damage, including your standard attack if physical.  "Silence" prevents the use of any ability that costs MP to use.

Daisuke (Kensei)
HP: 804
MP: 0
Pdef: 20%, Mdef: 0, Adef: 0
Equipment: Sword, Sword, Raiment

Swift Strike (standard): Two attacks of 181 physical damage.
Shock Blades (Damage, cooldown 3): 273 AOE magical damage.
Puncture (Control, cooldown 3): 181 physical damage plus debuffs them for 1 turn.  Incoming healing is reduced by 50% to the target.
Blade Focus (Guard): 50% chance to avoid one source of magical damage this turn.  If successful, Daisuke’s damage is doubled for 1 turn.
Sworn Fealty (Guard, cooldown 3): Buffs an ally for 3 turns.  50% of the damage done to that ally is transferred to Daisuke instead.
Snake Fang (Damage, cooldown 3): 181 physical damage to two enemies.  50% chance for each target to take double damage.
Parry (passive): 25% chance to avoid physical damage.
Mastery (passive):  cannot be disarmed.  When receiving physical damage, 25% chance to disarm opponent for 1 turn.
Riposte (passive):  25% chance to attack back when targeted by physical attacks.

Comments:  Outstanding standard attack, and the first of many characters who rapes physical attackers.  Heavy.

Eadgar (Colossus)
HP: 1099
MP: 0
Pdef:50%, Mdef: 0%, Adef: 0
Equipment: Hammer, Shield, Platemail

Crushing Blow (standard):  115 physical damage.
Defying Cry (Guard, cooldown 3):   All enemies in AOE can only target Eadgar with offensive abilities for 1 turn.
Holy Blast (Damage, cooldown 3): 115 AOE magical damage.
Lower Guard (Guard):  Increases Eadgar’s physical damage by 70%.  Reduces pdef by 10%.  This buff lasts until you use this ability again to return to normal.
Come Here (Control, cooldown 3):  All enemies in AOE are moved next to Eadgar and can’t move away for 1 turn.
Astral Shield (Guard, cooldown 3):  All adjacent allies gain 20% Pdef for 2 turns.
Shield Block (passive): 25% chance to avoid physical damage.
Vigor (passive): 50% chance to resist poison damage.
Deflection (passive):  Reduces magical damage taken by 20% and reflects that amount back to the caster.

Comments:  Great durability, but his damage is sad.  No reason not to use Lower Guard, he needs the boost.  Middle.

Elayne (Wizard)
HP: 722
MP: 130
Pdef: 20%, Mdef:25%, Adef: 20%
Equipment: Staff, Orb, Mantle

Holy Light (standard): 123 magical damage.
Arcane Rune (Guard, cooldown 3): Adjacent allies are buffed to have their magical damage increased by 40% for 2 turns.
Holy Bolt (Damage, 78 MP): 99 magical damage to target and a second random enemy.  50% chance to do 200% more damage.
Osmosis (Damage, cooldown 3): Drains 26 MP from target.
Repulsion (Control, MP 26): Does 123 magical damage to target and pushes them and Elayne away from each other by 3 squares each.
Pacify (Control, cooldown 3):  Locks down enemy’s abilities for 1 turn.
Magic Field (passive):  Increases Elayne’s Pdef by 20% (already included).  This pdef can’t be reduced or bypassed by any means.
Arcane Flux (passive): Holy Light has a 50% chance to do double damage.
Resilience (passive):  Increases Elayne’s Mdef by 10% and her Adef by 20% (already included).

Comments:  She’s a support character, can’t expect much from her on her own.  The resistances look impressive, until you look at her HP.  Strictly a Light.

Elfyra (Infernalis)
HP: 918
MP: 182
Pdef: 0, Mdef:0, Adef:0
Equipment: Staff, Orb, Belt

Scorch (standard):  75 magical damage.
Fireballs (Damage, 52 MP):  223 magical damage.
Fire Shield (Guard, 26 MP):  Places a buff on Elfyra for 3 turns.  Adjacent enemies that attack her take 96 magical damage (i.e. physical attacks).
Burst (Guard, cooldown 3):  Teleportation-style movement.
Ignite (Damage, 78 MP):  Sets enemy on fire for 3 turns.  They take 75 magical damage the first turn, 150 the second, and 225 the third.
Rain of Fire (Damage, 78 MP): 148 magical damage plus 148 physical damage.  AOE.
Combustion (passive):  Scorch debuffs the enemy, causing Elfyra’s next damage to it to be doubled.  This can include Ignite if it is active.
Mystic Aura (passive):  50% of magical damage received is delayed until the end of Elfyra’s next turn.
Detonate (passive):  When Elfyra is KO’d, 50% chance of opponent taking 199 magical damage.

Comments:  Mage who trades damage for HP.  Kind of works because Ignite and Combustion synergize well.  Middle.

Gudleif (Gothi)
HP: 836
MP: 208
Pdef 20%, Mdef 0, Adef 0
Equipment: Knucks, Orb, Belt

Brawl (standard): 172 physical damage.
Recovery (Support, 52 MP):  Buffs self or ally for 2 turns.  If target is missing 230 or more HP, then they heal 230 HP.  Triggers once when cast, once at the end of the turn, plus every time target takes damage or has anything else happen to them.  (Note: this can be a lot of healing when all end of turn effects go off)
Swiftness (Guard, cooldown 3): Removes debuffs that affect movement, and increases movement by 50% for 1 turn.
Intimidate (Control, cooldown 3): Forces an enemy to move away by 12 squares.
Feral Frenzy (Damage, 52 MP): Two attacks of 172 physical damage.  35% chance of a third hit.  Cannot be evaded.
Conversion (Guard, 26 MP): Buffs two allies (1 chosen, 1 random) for two turns.  They absorb all sources of damage.
Punishment (passive): 50% chance to counterattack when targeted by physical attacks.
Vigilant (passive):  Immune to traps.
Stone Skin (passive): Pdef increased by 20% (already included).  Pdef cannot be reduced or bypassed.

Comments:  His super-cheese ability Conversion doesn’t work on himself.  But that’s okay because he has a second super-cheese ability in Recovery.  More than 50% healing just from casting it, and if you attack him he heals more.  Feral Frenzy is also very good damage.  Heavy.

Hasina (Theurgist)
HP: 738
MP: 208
Pdef: 0, MDef: 5%, Adef: 0
Equipment: Knucks, Orb, Mantle

Wind Blast (standard): 148 magical damage.
Heal (Support, 52 MP): 230 HP of healing.
Tornado (Damage, 52 MP): 199 magical damage.
Quicksand (Control, 26 MP): AOE debuff, reduces movement 50%.
Sandstorm (Control, 26 MP): AOE, repositions targets near Hasina.
Regenerate (Support, 52 MP): Buffs self or ally for 3 turns. Heals 115 HP at the end of their turn.
Amplify (passive): Quicksand and healing abilities place a buff on Hasina.  Increases damage by 75%.  Disappears when using an attack, up to two stackable.
Transcend (passive): Sandstorm and damaging abilities place a buff on Hasina.  Increases healing by 100% (includes Regenerate).  Disappears once healed, up to two stackable.
Unyielding (passive): Cannot be disabled.

Comments:  If nothing else, she’s predictable.  The buffing game is amusing, but even her buffed damage isn’t that amazing.  Light.

Helga (Valkyrie)
HP: 820
MP: 0
Pdef: 30%, Mdef 0, Adef 0
Equipment:  Hammer, Hammer, Platemail

Swift Strike (standard):  Two attacks of 121 physical damage.
Venom (Damage, cooldown 3):  Places a Curse debuff on enemy for 3 turns.   Deals 181 Affliction damage at the end of the enemy’s turn.
Courage (Guard, cooldown 3):  Adjacent allies have their physical damage increased by 40% for 2 turns.
Ice Fury (Damage, cooldown 3):  210 Magical damage to enemies.  Cone-shaped AOE.
Knockback (Control, cooldown 3):  Forces an enemy to move away from Helga 10 spaces.
Brutal Smash (Damage, cooldown 3): 302 physical damage to all adjacent enemies.
Retaliate (passive):   When taking physical damage, Helga has a 45% chance to counterattack.
Runes (passive):  25% chance to avoid Magical or Affliction damage.
Achilles’ Heel (passive):  Helga’s attacks dealing physical damage ignore 20% of opponent’s pdef and can’t be evaded.

Comments:  Solid all-around offense.  Can hit all three elements, and has decent durability.  Can probably make it in Heavy.

Jiro (Khan)
HP: 1148
MP:  0
Pdef: 40%, Mdef: 0,  Adef: 0
Equipment: Sword, Shield, Platemail

Cross Slash (standard):  173 physical damage
Duel (Guard, cooldown 3):  target enemy must use offensive abilities against only Jiro for 2 turns.
Temerity (Guard):  Increases Jiro’s physical damage by 50%.  Reduces pdef by 25%.  This buff lasts until you use this ability again to return to normal.
Disarm (Control, cooldown 3):  Opponent can’t use physical attacks for 1 turn.
Armor Bash (Control, cooldown 3): 173 physical damage and reduces their pdef by 30% for 1 turn.
Typhoon (Control, cooldown 3):  AOE, moves  enemies adjacent to Jiro.
Sidestep (passive):  20% chance to avoid physical damage.
Endurance (passive): 50% chance to resist Poison damage.
Anticipation (passive):  35% chance to avoid the extra damage of a physical critical strike.

Comments:  Massive HP.  Beats physical attackers, can probably survive magical ones long enough to win.  Middle.

Kaliska (Sabertooth)

HP: 967
MP: 0
Pdef:  0, Mdef: 0, Adef: 0

Equipment:  Axe, Axe, Belt

Swift Strike (standard):  Two attacks of 181 physical damage.
Furious Roar (Guard, cooldown 3):  Debuffs up to two enemies in AOE.  They can only use offensive abilities against Kaliska.
Battle Rage (Guard):    Increases Kaliska’s physical damage by 50%.  Increases Magical and Affliction damage done to her by 50%.  This buff lasts until you use this ability again to return to normal.
Twin Strike (Damage, cooldown 3):  Deals 362 physical damage to an enemy, ignoring 10% of their Pdef.  Cannot be evaded.
Jaw Breaker (Control, cooldown 3):  Inflicts Silence on an enemy for 1 turn (can’t use abilities that use MP).
Whirlwind (Damage, cooldown 3):  Deals 181 physical damage twice to all adjacent enemies.  They are pushed back 6 spaces.
Repel (passive):  30% to evade physical damage
Furor (passive):  When Kaliska KO’s someone, 50% chance to act again.
Defiance (passive):  When about to be KO’d, 50% chance for Kaliska to recover 25% HP.  Only works once per battle.

Comments:  Tied with Daisuke for best standard attack in the game.  If facing a physical attacker, can afford to buff herself to do obscene damage.  And yeah, Defiance sure doesn’t hurt when it goes off.  Heavy.

Lash (Demonicus)
HP: 886
MP: 104
Pdef: 25%, Mdef 0, Adef 0
Equipment: Axe, Orb, Raiment

Cross Slash (standard): 247 physical damage.
Darkness (Control, 26 MP): AOE debuff for 1 turn. Reduces range of attacks by 50% and gives abilities dealing physical damage a 25% chance to fail.
Burden (Control, cooldown 3): AOE debuff for 1 turn.  MP costs are increased by 50%.
Evocation (Guard, cooldown 3): All adjacent allies have their affliction damage buffed by 40% for 2 turns.
Vicious Swipe (Damage, cooldown 3): 347 physical damage to adjacent enemies and sends them flying 3 squares away.
Pestilence (Damage, 26 MP): Debuffs enemy for 2 turns.  They take 148 affliction damage at the end of their turn.  Also spreads to target’s allies if they are too close.
Vengeance (passive): When Lash is KO’d, 50% chance for enemies to take 99 affliction damage.
Iron Will (passive):  Immune to Control abilities that disable.
Thorgul Gift (passive): When Lash is about to be KO’d, 50% chance to recover 25% of his HP and MP.  Only works once per battle.

Comments:  Respectable damage and durability.  Middle.

Layla (Reaver)
HP: 820
MP: 0
Pdef: 25%, Mdef: 0, Adef: 0
Equipment:  Sword, Sword, Raiment

Swift Strike (standard):  Two attacks of 121 physical damage.
Assassination (Damage):  59 physical damage, but 25% chance to do 472 damage instead.  Cannot be evaded.
Neuro Toxin (Control, cooldown 3):  Debuffs enemy for 3 turns, reducing their physical damage dealt by 20%.
Leg Strike (Control, cooldown 3):  Increases Layla’s move by 2.  Deals 121 physical damage to target and prevents them from moving for 1 turn.
Mind Poison (Control, cooldown 3):  Debuffs enemy for 2 turns.  Their MP costs are doubled.
Carnage (Damage, cooldown 3):   121 physical damage.  65% chance of making an additional attack.  Keeps attacking until she misses.
Anatomy (passive):  Swift Strike has a 50% chance of dealing double damage (each hit checked independently).
Momentum (passive):  35% chance to increase Layla’s move by 50% for 1 turn.
Death Mark (passive):  Layla’s abilities inflict a debuff on the opponent for 2 turns.  This increases the chance of Assassination getting the extra damage by 50%.  Debuff disappears when Assassination hits.

Comments:   Great damage assuming Hatbot doesn’t hate you.  Don’t use Carnage.  If you math it out, it isn’t worth it.  Heavy.

Merikh (Necroxis)
HP: 901
MP: 208
Pdef: 0, Mdef:0, Adef:0
Equipment: Staff, Orb, Belt

Spectral Touch (standard): 99 magical damage.
Dark Ritual (Support, 78 MP): 247 magical damage.  Heals a random ally 139 HP.  50% chance to heal two additional allies.
Malediction (Control, cooldown 3): AOE debuff, increases MP costs by 100%.
Spirit Link (Guard, cooldown 3): Debuffs enemy for 1 turn.  If Merikh receives damage, so does the enemy.
Drain Life (Support, 78 MP): 172 magical damage.  Heals Merikh 197 HP.  50% chance to inflict double damage. (think it doubles healing too, need to verify)
Raise Dead (Support, 78 MP): Revives a fallen ally with 50% of their HP and MP.  They may immediately act.
Life Pact (passive): Spectral Touch heals Merikh 40 HP.
Empower (passive): Spectral Touch has a 50% chance to do double damage.
Void (passive): When Merikh is KO'd, 50% chance for enemies to be sucked close to his body.

Comments:  MP issues kill him. Not enough damage/healing to get him out of Light.

Monifa (Lurker)

HP: 771
MP: 0
Pdef: 15%, Mdef: 0, Adef: 0
Equipment: Crescent, Crescent, Raiment

Sure Shot (standard):  Two attacks of 151 physical damage.
Leg Shot (Control, cooldown 3): 151 physical damage to enemy, who can’t move or evade for 1 turn.
Boom Trap (Control, cooldown 3):  Puts a Cursed trap on an enemy for 2 turns.  Does 362 magical damage to allies of that enemy that are adjacent.
Stealth (Guard, cooldown 3): Turns invisible for up to 2 turns.  Can’t be targeted, but reappears if she uses any abilities.
Split Shots (Damage, cooldown 3):  151 physical damage to two different enemies.  50% chance to do double damage.
Flash Trap (Control, cooldown 3):  Puts a Cursed trap on an enemy for 2 turns.  Disables any adjacent allies.
Rapid Fire (passive):  Sure Shot has a 35% chance to do an extra hit.
Accuracy (passive):  Monifa’s physical damage ignores 20% of opponent’s pdef and lowers chance of evading (how much?)
Desert Wind (passive):  25% chance for attackers to get pushed back 4 spaces when Monifa takes physical damage.

Comments:  Great on offense, but too frail to get out of Middle.

Nadie (Razorclaw)
HP: 950
MP: 0
Pdef: 0, Mdef:0, Adef:0
Equipment: Crescent, Orb, Belt

Sure Shot (standard):  Two hits of 123 physical damage.
Cheap Shot (Damage, cooldown 3):  148 physical damage to an enemy, then 148 more physical damage at the end of the enemy’s turn.
Neutralize (Control, cooldown 3):  Disarms opponent for 1 turn (can’t use physical damage abilities).
Camouflage (Guard, cooldown 3):  Becomes invisible for 2 turns.  Using any ability dispels the buff.
Bolas (Control, cooldown 3): Moves target enemy next to the skill user and locks down their movement for 1 turn.
Lacerate (Damage, cooldown 3): 100 physical damage and places a Curse debuff on them for 2 turns. The debuff causes 99 affliction damage per turn.
Evade (passive):  35% chance to avoid physical damage.
Light Footed (passive): immune to “traps”.
Swift Shot (passive): Sure Shot has a 35% chance to do an extra hit.

Comments:  A little weaker than Monifa, with better HP.  Still a Middle.

Nayeli (Soul Caller)
HP: 722
MP: 0
Pdef: 0, Mdef: 5%, Adef: 0%
Equipment: Staff, Orb, Mantle

Agony (standard): 148 Affliction damage.
Soul Turmoil (Control, cooldown  4):  disables enemy for 1 turn.
Cure Ritual (Support, cooldown 2): heals 82 HP to self and all allies.
Transfer (Control, cooldown 4): Trades places with an ally.
Voodoo Doll (Damage, cooldown 4): 395 Affliction damage.
Mind Control (Control, cooldown 3): Takes control of an enemy.  They immediately gain an action and are considered friendly to Nayeli (can heal Nayeli, but not target her for damage, etc.).  Cooldown is activated on this move at the beginning of combat.
Omniscient (passive):  Nayeli has unlimited range with her abilities, but using any one of them locks down her movement for 2 turns.
Wild Gift (passive):  When Nayeli is KOd, nearby allies are healed by 230 HP.
Spirit Aegis (passive): 25% chance that physical attackers are pushed away from Nayeli 6 squares.

Comments:  Fantastic ingame, not so much here.  Just a Light.  Although Mind Control can be fun depending on your opponent (and if you live long enough to use it).

Nazar (Penumbros)
HP: 624
MP: 208
Pdef: 0, Mdef: 15%, Adef: 0
Equipment: Knucks, Knucks, Mantle

Dark Touch (standard): 210 Affliction damage.
Dark Globe (Damage,  26 MP): 243 AOE Affliction damage.
Umbra Twin (Guard, 52 MP): Gives an ally an additional action.
Shadow Walk (Guard, cooldown 2): Buffs an ally to increase their movement for this turn.
Defile (Damage,  78 MP): 483 Affliction damage.
Sacrifice (Damage, 82 HP): 302 Affliction damage.  Can’t be used unless Nazar has enough HP.
Dark Aura (passive):  Enemies damaged by Nazar are debuffed.  Healing received by them is decreased 35%.
Penumbra (passive): 25% chance to avoid physical damage.
Shadow Veil (passive): When Nazar is KOd, nearby enemies have a 50% chance to take 243 Affliction damage.

Comments:  Go go glass cannon.  Massive massive damage and no HP.  But Penumbra is very nice on this type of character.  Heavy.

Njall (Thane)
HP: 1066
MP: 0
Pdef: 45%, Mdef 0, Adef 0
Equipment: Sword, Shield, Platemail

Cross Slash (standard): 58 physical damage.
Intervention (Control, cooldown 3): Forces an ally to move away from the skill user by 12 squares.
Deep Wound (Control, cooldown 3):  Debuffs an enemy for 2 turns.  Reduces healing by 50%.
Mind Slap (Control, cooldown 3): Triggers cooldown of two random abilities of target.
Jump (Damage, cooldown 3):  Njall strikes a target up to 4 spaces away for 230 physical damage.
Ice Curse (Guard, cooldown 3):  Debuffs enemy for 1 turn.  If they attack anyone other than Njall, they are disabled for 1 turn.
Taunt (passive): All adjacent enemies are debuffed every turn.  They cannot attack anyone but Njall.
Combat Lust (passive):  When Njall takes physical damage, the damage of Cross Slash increases by 100%.  This can be stacked up to 5 times.  It wears off in 3 turns if he doesn’t take additional physical damage.
Rock Stand (passive):  Cannot be forced to move.

Comments:   Absolutely pathetic damage.  Has his uses ingame, but certainly not going to get out of Light here.

Nobuo (Kamui)
HP: 836
MP: 104
Pdef: 0, Mdef: 0, Adef: 0
Equipment: Knucks, Orb, Belt

Agony (standard): 123 Affliction damage.
Transfusion (Support, 287 HP): Heals an ally 287 HP.
Redemption (Control, 26 MP): Debuffs an enemy for 3 turns.  Target suffers 40% of the damage they deal.
Healing Globe (Support, 26 MP): 287 AOE healing.
Enlightenment (Guard, 26 MP): Gives an ally an immediate action.
Life Breath (Support, 164 HP): Revives an ally with 50% HP and MP.  They can immediately act.
Blessed One (passive): Regens 82 HP per turn.
Divine Wrath (passive): When Nobuo takes more than 66 damage in a single attack, gains a buff which increases his damage 100%.
Immortality (passive): When about to be KO’d, 25% chance to recover 50% HP and MP.  Only works once per battle.

Comments:  Support character, but Redemption is pretty nasty in a duel.  Unfortunately he can’t keep it up forever.  Light.

Osmund (Crusader)
HP: 1050
MP: 104
Pdef: 40%, Mdef 0, Adef 0
Equipment: Sword, Shield, Platemail

Cross Slash (standard): 173 physical damage.
Backfire (Guard, 26 MP):  2 allies (1 chosen, 1 random) receive a buff for 2 turns.  Targeted damage done to them is also taken by the attacker.
Assault (Damage, cooldown 3): Osmund’s movement is increased by 2 and he does 115 physical damage.  25% chance for double damage.
Shelter (Guard, 26 MP):  2 allies (1 chosen, 1 random) receive a buff for 2 turns.  They are immune to Control Abilities.
Devotion (Support, 26 MP, 230 HP):  Heals 459 HP to an ally.
Onslaught (Damage, cooldown 3): 307 physical damage.
Stubborn (passive):  can’t be forced to move by Control Abilities.
Healing Aura (passive): Cross Slash has a 25% chance to heal Osmund and the nearest ally by 172 HP.
Atonement (passive):  Heals the nearest ally by 172 HP when Osmund KO’s an enemy.

Comments:  I think he wins the prize for most abilities that are useless without allies.  Having said that, he’s still very durable, especially with the potential for free healing from his standard attack.  Middle.

Reynald (Templar)
HP: 1017
MP: 130
Pdef: 20%, Mdef 0, Adef 0
Equipment: Hammer, Shield, Raiment

Crushing Blow (standard): 77 physical damage.
Cure (Support, 52 MP): 230 HP of healing.
Amnesia (Control, cooldown 3): Silences enemy for 1 turn.
Smite (Damage, 26 MP): 192 magical damage.
Horror (Control, 26 MP): Forces nearby enemies to run away by 5 squares.
Soul Chains (Guard, 26 MP): Debuffs enemy for 1 turn.  If they receive healing, Reynald receives it also.
Divine Touch (passive): Crushing Blow buffs Reynald.  Increases his next healing by 100%.  Can stack twice.
Toughness (passive): 25% chance to avoid the extra damage of a physical critical strike.
Holy Word (passive): Crushing Blow also deals 77 magical damage.

Comments:  A double Divine Touch Cure is massive healing, but he can only do it twice.  His damage is so bad that it doesn’t matter how long he lives.  Light.

Sethos (Metamorphus)

HP: 885
MP: 0
Pdef: 25%, Mdef:0, Adef: 0
Equipment:  Knucks, Knucks, Belt

Brawl (standard): 302 physical damage.
Confusion (Control, cooldown 3):  Triggers the cooldown of two random abilities of the target.
Execution (Damage):  20% chance of 605 physical damage.  No damage if it fails.
Diversion (Damage, cooldown 3):  151 physical damage and places a Curse debuff on the enemy.  Debuff increases the chance of Execution to hit by 80%.
Smashing Fists (Damage, cooldown 3):  210 AOE physical damage.
Intercept (Guard, cooldown 3):  Places a Curse debuff on an enemy for 3 turns.  All damage dealt by that enemy to any target is redirected to Sethos.
Tough Hide (passive):  Enhances his physical defense by 25% (already included).  This can’t be reduced or bypassed by any ability.
Dark Toxin (passive):  When Sethos is dealt physical damage, all adjacent enemies take 59 Affliction damage.
Adrenaline (passive):  50% of the physical damage Sethos takes is delayed until the end of his next turn.

Comments:  A brawler who trades his HP for better damage.  I think it works for him.  Middle.

Sora (Majin)
HP: 624
MP: 208
Pdef: 10%, Mdef: 5%, Adef: 0
Equipment: Knucks, Knucks, Mantle

Shock (standard): 121 magical damage.
Lightning (Damage, 26 MP): 362 magical damage.
Teleportation (Guard, 26 MP):  Teleportation-style movement.
Tesla Field (Control, 26 MP): AOE disarm for 1 turn.
Overload (Damage, 78 MP): 483 magical damage.  50% chance to hit two extra targets for half damage.
Tempest (Damage, 78 MP): 424 AOE magical damage.
Spark (passive):  When Sora takes physical damage, the attacker takes 59 magical damage.
Counterspell (passive):  When Sora takes magical or affliction damage, the attacker takes 25% of that damage as well.
Focus (passive):  Any of Sora’s damaging abilities place a buff on her for 2 turns.  Shock’s damage is increased 50% by this buff.

Comments:  The magical version of Nazar.  And since anything you hit her with also hurts you, she can pile on damage ridiculously fast.  Heavy.

Tabia (Zealot)
HP: 1050
MP: 0
Pdef: 30%, Mdef: 0%, Adef: 0%

Equipment:  Sword, Shield, Platemail

Cross Slash (standard):  154 physical damage
Focus Fire (Guard, cooldown 3):  Select self or ally as target.  Nearby enemies can only use offensive abilities against that target for 1 turn
Dirty Trick  (Control, cooldown 3): Places a Weakness debuff on an enemy for 2 turns.  Reduces vision by 50% and abilities dealing physical damage a 50% chance to fail.
Mirage (Control, cooldown 3):  Places a Curse debuff on an enemy for 1 turn.  That enemy is invisible to his allies (i.e., can't be healed)
Shield Throw  (Control, cooldown 3): 154 physical damage, 25% chance to to disable the target for 1 turn.
Dust Devil (Control, cooldown 3):  AOE around self, forces all enemies inside to move 5 spaces away from Tabia.
Push Aside (Passive):  Cross Slash has a 50% chance to push the target back by 4 squares
Critical Hit (Passive):  Cross Slash has a 50% chance to do double damage.
Shield Bash (Passive):  When targeted by abilites dealing physical damage, there is a 25% chance for the attacker to be disabled for 2 turns.

Comments:  Yet another character that rapes physical attackers.  Shield Bash is nasty when it happens.  Middle.

Valberg (Warlock)
HP: 886
MP: 208
Pdef: 25%, Mdef: 20%, Adef: 10%
Equipment: Crescent, Orb, Raiment

Icerang (standard): 75 physical and 24 magical damage.
Ice Shackles (Control, 26 MP):  AOE debuff, disables movement.
Ice Bolt (Damage, 78 MP): 75 magical damage.
Invisibility (Guard, 26 MP):  Turns invisible for 2 turns.  Using any ability causes Valberg to reappear.
Ice Storm (Damage, 52 MP): 48 AOE magical damage.
Frostbite (Control, cooldown 3): AOE silence.
Catalyzer (passive): At the end of every turn, gains a damage buff.  Increases Valberg’s magical damage by 100%.  This is permanent and up to 4 can stack.
Fortitude (passive): Enhances Valberg’s Affliction defense by 10% and Magical defense by 20% (already included).
Chill Touch (passive): When Valberg is KO’d, enemies have a 50% chance for their Control, Guardian, and Support abilities to be locked for a turn.

Comments:  Catalyzer sounds good on paper, but his base damage is so low it ends up not mattering much.  He can hide for 4 turns, then jump out and do… less damage than other characters can do on turn 1.  Impressive defenses, but still a Light.

Wahkan (Feral Warden)
HP: 885
MP: 208
Pdef: 0, Mdef: 0, Adef: 0
Equipment: Staff, Orb, Belt

Stone Rain (standard): 223 magical damage.
Restoration (Support, 78 MP):  574 points of healing.
Slow (Control, cooldown 3): AOE debuff, reduces target’s movement by 50% and adds 1 turn of cooldown on all abilities.
Force Trap (Control, 26 MP): Traps enemy for 2 turns – if they are standing too close to their allies at the end of their turn, those allies must move 8 squares.
Earth Claws (Damage, 52 MP): 223 AOE magical damage.
Mana Gift (Support, cooldown 1): Transfers 33 MP to an ally.
Wild Guard (passive): 25% chance to avoid physical damage.
Immovable (passive): immune to Control Abilities that force movement.
Mana Bloom (passive): When Wahkan is KO’d, 50% chance that nearby allies will recover 33 MP.

Comments:  Nice healing, but he can only do it twice.  Eh, I’m feeling generous.  Middle.

Yuji (Doshu)
HP: 852
MP: 0
Pdef: 0, Mdef 0, Adef 0
Equipment: Knucks, Knucks, Belt

Brawl (standard): 243 physical damage.
Sweep Kick (Control, cooldown 3): locks down enemy’s move for 1 turn.
Cobra Clutch (Control, cooldown 3): disables enemy for 1 turn.
Enemy Throw (Control, cooldown 3): throws an enemy 10 spaces away.
Fist of Fury (Damage, cooldown 3): 210 AOE magical damage.
Head Butt (Control): 362 physical damage.  50% chance of disabling target.  Otherwise, Yuji is disabled.
Dodge (passive): 35% chance to avoid physical damage.
Bone Cracker (passive): Brawl has a 50% chance to do double damage.
Precision (passive): Yuji ignores 15% of opponent’s pdef.

Comments:  Good standard damage.  Head Butt can be used to lock down an opponent permanently – or screw yourself.  Heavy.
« Last Edit: November 20, 2010, 12:57:23 AM by Captain K. »

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Re: Dawn of Heroes
« Reply #1 on: November 19, 2010, 12:31:09 AM »
Maximum damage per action (357.8 average).  These are the biggest "single hits" per character, assuming optimal circumstances.  Well, except for Njall, because his optimal circumstances are really easy to avoid.

Sethos 605 (Execution)
Kaliska 543 (buffed Twin Strike)
Gudleif 516 (critical Feral Frenzy)
Hasina 497 (double-buffed Tornado)
Yuji 486 (critical Brawl)
Layla 484 (double-critical Swift Strike)
Nazar 483 (Defile)
Sora 483 (Overload)
Monifa 453 (critical Sure Shot)
Elfyra 450 (third turn Ignite + Combustion)
Nayeli 395 (Voodoo Doll)
Valberg 375 (max buff Ice Bolt)
Nadie 369 (critical Sure Shot)
Daisuke  362 (Swift Strike)
Lash 347 (Vicious Swipe)
Merikh 344 (critical Drain Life)
Tabia 308 (critical Cross Slash)
Osmund 307 (Onslaught)
Helga 302 (Brutal Smash)
Elayne 297 (critical Holy Bolt)
Jiro 259 (buffed Cross Slash)
Nobuo 246 (buffed Agony)
Njall 230 (Jump)
Wahkan 223 (Stone Rain)
Eadgar 195 (buffed Crushing Blow)
Reynald 192 (Smite)

3-turn damage (average 782.7).  For these, I averaged damage.  So an attack that gets an extra hit 35% of the time would be x1.35

Sora 1328 (Overload, Overload, Lightning)
Nazar 1268 (Defile, Defile, Sacrifice)
Gudleif 1212 (Feral Frenzy x3)
Layla 1198 (Swift Strike, Assassination, Swift Strike)
Yuji 1093 (Brawl x3)
Helga 1087 (Venom, Brutal Smash, Swift Strike)
Daisuke 1086 (Swift Strike x3)
Kaliska 1086 (Swift Strike x3)
Monifa 1064 (Sure Shot x3)
Sethos 1058 (Diversion, Execution, Brawl)
Elfyra 975 (Ignite, Scorch, Scorch)
Lash 890 (Pestilence, Vicious Swipe, Cross Slash)
Nadie 883 (Lacerate, Cheap Shot, Sure Shot)
Tabia 693 (Cross Slash x3)
Nayeli 691 (Voodoo Doll, Agony x2)
Wahkan 669 (Stone Rain x3)
Merikh 664 (Drain Life, Drain Life, Spectral Touch)
Osmund 653 (Onslaught, Cross Slash x2)
Hasina 597 (Tornado x3)
Reynald 576 (Smite x3)
Elayne 566 (Holy Bolt, Holy Light, Holy Light)
Jiro 519 (Cross Slash x3)
Valberg 474 (Ice Rang, Ice Bolt, Ice Bolt)
Eadgar 390 (Lower Guard, Crushing Blow, Crushing Blow)
Nobuo 369 (Agony x3)
Njall 346 (Jump, Cross Slash, Cross Slash)

Durability, including HP, damage reduction and evasion.
Listed as physical durability (average 1118.19), magical durability (average 917.59), affliction durability (average 896.73), overall average (average 977.5).

Eadgar 1923.25, 1318.8, 1099, 1447.0
Jiro 1836.8, 1148, 1148, 1377.6
Njall 1545.7, 1066, 1066, 1225.9
Osmund 1470, 1050, 1050, 1190
Tabia 1365, 1050, 1050, 1155
Reynald 1220.4, 1017, 1017, 1084.8
Kaliska 1257.1, 967, 967, 1063.7
Nadie 1282.5, 950, 950, 1060.8
Valberg 1107.5, 1063.2, 974.6, 1048.4
Helga 1066, 1025, 1025, 1038.7
Lash 1107.5, 886, 886, 959.8
Sethos 1106.25, 885, 885, 958.8
Wahkan 1106.25, 885, 885, 958.8
Yuji 1150.2, 852, 852, 951.4
Daisuke 1165.8, 804, 804, 924.6
Elfyra 918, 918, 918, 918
Merikh 901, 901, 901, 901
Gudleif 1003.2, 836, 836, 891.7
Layla 1025, 820, 820, 888.3
Elayne 866.4, 902.5, 866.4, 878.4
Nobuo, 836, 836, 836, 836
Monifa 886.65, 771, 771, 809.6
Hasina 738, 774.9, 738, 750.3
Nayeli 722, 758.1, 722, 734.0
Nazar 780, 717.6, 624, 707.2
Sora 686.4, 655.2, 624, 655.2

« Last Edit: November 20, 2010, 01:04:39 AM by Captain K. »

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Re: Dawn of Heroes
« Reply #2 on: November 20, 2010, 01:06:42 AM »
Whoops, forgot a whole character.  Added Merikh now.  Didn't change the averages significantly.