Author Topic: Polling the group! Winter 2011  (Read 2261 times)


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Polling the group! Winter 2011
« on: January 08, 2011, 03:39:15 AM »
1. Best movie you saw last year?

2. Best game you played last year?

3. Best book you read last year?

4. Best TV show you followed this year?

5. The holidays are over and everyone's back to work. Do you do anything special this time of year, or is it just back to the grind?

6. Have you gotten snow yet this winter? Do you want more(any)?

7. You get offered an interesting, well paying job at the opposite end of the country you live in, with no family or friends nearby. Would you take it?

8. What's your favorite outfit?

9. Are you going gray/bald yet? If you are, do you care much about it one way or the other?

10. Do you know any languages besides english? How fluent are you?

11. What is your current vice/guilty pleasure?

12. What's the last wedding you've attended? The last funeral?

13. Are you interested in attending high school/college reunions?

14. Going to watch the super bowl? If you're a football fan, does your team have a chance at making the SB?

15. Do you listen to the radio much? What type of stations do you listen to if you do?
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
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Re: Polling the group! Winter 2011
« Reply #1 on: January 08, 2011, 03:47:03 AM »
1. LA Confidential by a mile. Dogma was fantastic, but can't compete.

2. For the first time? Gosh. PQ was an amazing amount of fun that plays into my game biases, so it may well be that. ToV and FE10 were damn solid as well. I am going to have go with an honorabl emention for Defense Grid. I haven't played a Tower Defense game before, and it just absolutely captured my attention. It's pretty, has really cool gameplay, and generally has more than one way to win maps.

3. Tower of Midnight. Way of Kings is pretty cool, but... Tower of Midnight. I'm a WoT fan.

4. Burn Notice. Good acting, sexy setting, lots of entertaining dialog.

5. Nah, I don't usually do much until spring starts.

6. Yep, we got a real blizzard here for the first time in 30 years. Foot of snow, driving wind etc. It was fun, but I'm glad it got warm and melted the snow on the roads. This city shuts down when snow starts falling, and I hate missing work/class.

7.  In a heartbeat. That sounds like fun to me.

8. White shirt, jeans, leather jacket.

9.  Nope. Dad just started going grey and granddad still has his hair, so I've lucked out on that front.

10. No, though I can sort of follow written Latin if I concentrate.

11.  Steam games. I bought like 10 during the steam sale, and they've been quality for the most part. Also bought the calvin and hobbes collection for 75 dollars.

12. Last wedding was a friend from work twoish years ago. Last funeral was my aunt's father a few months back.

13.  Sorta, but not enough to go out of my way.

14. Hell yes, and possible. God damn it, I think the Packers are the 2 or 1 seed if Ryan Grant doesn't break his leg/ankle in week 1*grumble

15. Yep, in the car. Usually listen to rock stations.
« Last Edit: January 08, 2011, 04:04:16 AM by superaielman »
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
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Re: Polling the group! Winter 2011
« Reply #2 on: January 08, 2011, 04:02:35 AM »
1. Kiss Kiss Bang Bang. Toy Story 2 and 3 are close.

2. Borderlands. FFTA2 is second.

3. Elantris. This Sanderson guy's pretty good! You heard it here first.

4. Terriers. It's like The Big Lebowski with competent heroes, and while that does mean it's not as good as The Big Lebowski, it's still awesome. And cancelled, because the world is a cruel and unfeeling place.

5. Back to the grind.

6. Mutter mutter snow mutter mutter.

7. Thanks to my widespread family and the DL, I don't think there is a corner of the country where I don't have friends or family anymore. That's pretty neat.
Anyway, in theory, yes. As long as I can get my girlfriend to agree to come with.

8. Jeans, T-shirt, coat.

9. I'm trying to enjoy what little hair I have left before it's gone, but it's not such a big deal that I'll use Rogaine or anything.

10. My Latin and Spanish are rusty as all hell, and I only know enough Japanese to vaguely recognize what other people are saying, not to speak it myself. I suck.

11. I buy way more movies than I need.

12. Wedding: My old college roommate's, last August. Funeral: A family friend who had a sudden stroke last spring.

13. Yes to high school (there should be one coming up this year), no to college. All my friends in college were either a year ahead of me or a year behind, so I'd have nobody to actually reconnect with at a class reunion.

14. Yes and......I guess. NFC's pretty wide open, although the chance for the Eagles to put together three consecutive nonfail games is slim.

15. Nope. That's why I have an MP3 player.
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Re: Polling the group! Winter 2011
« Reply #3 on: January 08, 2011, 04:32:12 AM »
1. Best movie you saw last year?

Scott Pilgrim vs the World

2. Best game you played last year?

Considering the amount of hours I put into it, it would be silly to say anything but Dragon Quest 9

3. Best book you read last year?


4. Best TV show you followed this year?

Big Bang Theory

5. The holidays are over and everyone's back to work. Do you do anything special this time of year, or is it just back to the grind?

Back to the grind

6. Have you gotten snow yet this winter? Do you want more(any)?

Snow is quite literally a once-in-a-hundred-years event where I live.  It was amusing when it happened in 2004, but getting it more often than that would take the magic out of it.

7. You get offered an interesting, well paying job at the opposite end of the country you live in, with no family or friends nearby. Would you take it?

Not if it's away from immediate family (wife).  Did that once and it was the biggest mistake of my life.  Away from parents/friends would be fine.

8. What's your favorite outfit?

Blue Jeans + T-shirt

9. Are you going gray/bald yet? If you are, do you care much about it one way or the other?

Gray yes, bald no.  Doesn't bother me, because Ugly Old Men are sexy.

10. Do you know any languages besides english? How fluent are you?

I semi-speak/comprehend Tex-Mex, which is slang Spanish

11. What is your current vice/guilty pleasure?

Video games are my vice

12. What's the last wedding you've attended? The last funeral?

My nephew's wedding/my co-worker's funeral(heart attack)

13. Are you interested in attending high school/college reunions?

Not really.  I wouldn't have anything to talk about with those people.

14. Going to watch the super bowl? If you're a football fan, does your team have a chance at making the SB?

Will probably watch.  I'm a Redskins fan, so you can count us out of the Super Bowl this year and in any future polls for eternity.

15. Do you listen to the radio much? What type of stations do you listen to if you do?
Just in the car on the way to work.  I primarily listen to Rock, but will listen to anything except Country.
My CD collection is a bit baffling.  I have everything from Rob Zombie to Simon and Garfunkel to Britney Spears in my car.


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Re: Polling the group! Winter 2011
« Reply #4 on: January 08, 2011, 04:56:26 AM »
1. Best movie you saw last year?

Tossup between Inception and Toy Story 3. Nothing else I saw last year can really compete with either.

2. Best game you played last year?

Tossup between Knights of the Old Republic 2 and Fallout: New Vegas. Nothing else I played last year can really compare with either.

3. Best book you read last year?

Uh, I think all I read last year were Malazan books. And it's too late at night for me to properly distinguish between those.

4. Best TV show you followed this year?

The Cid does not watch TV. The Cid doesn't even get TV.

5. The holidays are over and everyone's back to work. Do you do anything special this time of year, or is it just back to the grind?

Grind. Usually I'd take the week between Christmas and New Year's off and lounge around for a while, but I don't really have the leave to spare in my current job, sooo.

6. Have you gotten snow yet this winter? Do you want more(any)?

Couple minor snowfalls. Hopefully that's all it'll be this year. After the multiple blizzards we got last year, I never want to see snow again.

7. You get offered an interesting, well paying job at the opposite end of the country you live in, with no family or friends nearby. Would you take it?

Fuck yes.

8. What's your favorite outfit?

Man, most days I don't even look at what I'm pulling out of the drawer.

9. Are you going gray/bald yet? If you are, do you care much about it one way or the other?

I've had some gray hair for a year or two now. I don't really care what color it is as long as it doesn't start falling out. Once that starts happening, it's all getting cut off. Nothing more pathetic than a man trying to pretend he's not going bald. Fortunately, that doesn't seem to be happening any time soon.

10. Do you know any languages besides english? How fluent are you?

No. I took Spanish for years in high school, but don't remember enough to use it for anything.

11. What is your current vice/guilty pleasure?

IRC gaming (RP), if that counts, has absorbed a significant chunk of free my time the past year or so. Enough that I'd guess "vice" is an acceptable label.

12. What's the last wedding you've attended? The last funeral?

Wedding? Uh, when my cousin got married like five years ago, I think. It was a rural wedding. The bride and groom rode to the reception on a fire truck. Yeah. I hate formality and ceremony, so I try to steer clear of weddings. Funeral? Great-grandfather's in 2009. Old navy man, so he was buried in Arlington.

13. Are you interested in attending high school/college reunions?

No point.

14. Going to watch the super bowl? If you're a football fan, does your team have a chance at making the SB?

Ew, sports.

15. Do you listen to the radio much? What type of stations do you listen to if you do?

No. Stopped paying attention to the radio around college. The classic rock station I used to listen to increasingly narrowed its playlist to a small selection of highly-recognizable songs before completely turning into something else, and modern rock radio just sucks ass. So if I want music now, I put on a CD.


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Re: Polling the group! Winter 2011
« Reply #5 on: January 08, 2011, 07:01:56 AM »
1. Best movie you saw last year?

Mo...vies? What are these things? I, uh, think I watched the new Sherlock Holmes earlyish last year? That was good.

Oh, wait, Scott Pilgrim! I saw that, and it was awesome. Toss up between those two then.

2. Best game you played last year?

Hmm. Dragon Quest 9, Etrian Odyssey 3 and Rune Factory 3 all have arguments here. Proooobably EO3 is my favorite of those? I might be forgetting something from earlier in the year, though.

3. Best book you read last year?

Well, I finally read Mistborn...that takes it if Foundation doesn't count. Which it might not, since I can't remember if I read that in Dec of 2009 or Jan of 2010. I'll go ahead and say Foundation counts, so that wins. Mistborn takes second though.

4. Best TV show you followed this year?

Iron Chef America! It's also the only TV show I follow. <_<;

5. The holidays are over and everyone's back to work. Do you do anything special this time of year, or is it just back to the grind?

I get ready to deal with the usual onslaught of emo that the child radiates after the holidays. For some reason this is always when his school behavior goes to complete hell, every year.

6. Have you gotten snow yet this winter? Do you want more(any)?

It does not snow in Pacifica. It would be cool though, I like snow~

7. You get offered an interesting, well paying job at the opposite end of the country you live in, with no family or friends nearby. Would you take it?

My family IS on the exact opposite side of the country. That's half of why I'm out here. That said, it all depends on whether or not Jenna could get work in her feild out there as well. If not, prolly not since her family is here and we like that for Kier's sake if nothing else. If we could both get work that paid well and we liked, probably.

Unless by opposite side of the country you mean Florida. In which case, that salary would need to be 6 figures minimumn for me to even consider it. Heat is bad. Humid heat is worse. And the part of my family I hate the most lives there, along with Kier's creepy, clingy grandmother. So yeah, Florida would take a *lot* of money to convince me to move to.

8. What's your favorite outfit?

Polo shirt + sweatpants. Prefer muted colors, blue-greys/olive greens/browns.

9. Are you going gray/bald yet? If you are, do you care much about it one way or the other?

Nope. Doubt I will for a long time, the men on both sides of my family tend not to go grey until like thier 60s.

10. Do you know any languages besides english? How fluent are you?

I can usually decode lolspeak but not well enough to talk in it myself~

11. What is your current vice/guilty pleasure?

Fast food, Starbucks. The usual. There is a reason I weigh 300lbs.

12. What's the last wedding you've attended? The last funeral?

I think my uncle Victor's wedding, which was years before I met Jenna even. And last funeral, I don't remember.

13. Are you interested in attending high school/college reunions?

Nope. The less of that period of my life that comes up, the better.

14. Going to watch the super bowl? If you're a football fan, does your team have a chance at making the SB?

I usually try and play DnD while the superbowl is going on.

15. Do you listen to the radio much? What type of stations do you listen to if you do?

Does Pandora count? If so, then all the time. I have a station seeded off of the combination of Flogging Molly, Loreena McKennitt and Great Big Sea that gets the most of my time. Then another seeded from the odd combo of Rush and Metric. And a third just seeded off of Natalie Imbruglia. I've got a couple others, but they get less play time.
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Re: Polling the group! Winter 2011
« Reply #6 on: January 08, 2011, 07:21:18 AM »
1. Best movie you saw last year?

Dodgeball. Hilarious.

2. Best game you played last year?

Surely MM9, it is the stuff.

3. Best book you read last year?

First Mistborn book. Silly Super.

4. Best TV show you followed this year?

funny joke

5. The holidays are over and everyone's back to work. Do you do anything special this time of year, or is it just back to the grind?

Grind! I'm back to TAing and doing boring-ass research.

6. Have you gotten snow yet this winter? Do you want more(any)?

get it out get it out I don't want anymore. :(

7. You get offered an interesting, well paying job at the opposite end of the country you live in, with no family or friends nearby. Would you take it?

Depends on who I could drag with me!

8. What's your favorite outfit?

I have some jeans and uh a dark peach shirt.

9. Are you going gray/bald yet? If you are, do you care much about it one way or the other?

Not yet. I can’t imagine myself plucking grey hairs out of my head like my mom though.

10. Do you know any languages besides english? How fluent are you?

No :(

11. What is your current vice/guilty pleasure?

Ice cream is my perma-guilty-pleasure, but Starbucks White Chocolate Mocha is up there.

12. What's the last wedding you've attended? The last funeral?

Wedding: Best friend, about a week ago?
Funeral: Best friend’s grandma, about four months ago.

13. Are you interested in attending high school/college reunions?

lolno. I’ll keep in contact with people I find worthy.

14. Going to watch the super bowl? If you're a football fan, does your team have a chance at making the SB?

I follow four teams primarily and three are wild cards in the playoffs. I think all three have a decent shot. I think the Packers have the best shot?

15. Do you listen to the radio much? What type of stations do you listen to if you do?

I mostly listen to my iPod. Lots of metal.
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Re: Polling the group! Winter 2011
« Reply #7 on: January 08, 2011, 07:32:12 AM »
1. Best movie you saw last year?

Dogma edges Scott Pilgrim here in a decent fight but ultimately easy enough decision.

2. Best game you played last year?

I'll hold off on this until I finish my game retrospectives, but I've made it obvious enough if you've been reading my WGAYP posts.

3. Best book you read last year?

Towers of Midnight.

4. Best TV show you followed this year?

Do "Hockey Night in Canada" and "Canucks Hockey" count?

5. The holidays are over and everyone's back to work. Do you do anything special this time of year, or is it just back to the grind?

People do anything special in January?

6. Have you gotten snow yet this winter? Do you want more(any)?

Very little. No.

7. You get offered an interesting, well paying job at the opposite end of the country you live in, with no family or friends nearby. Would you take it?

Unless my girlfriend could move with me within a year, fuck no.

8. What's your favorite outfit?

Jeans + polo shirt.

9. Are you going gray/bald yet? If you are, do you care much about it one way or the other?

I've been slowly going bald for the last 5 years, kinda inevitable in my family. It doesn't bother me too much.

10. Do you know any languages besides english? How fluent are you?

French, fluent enough that I'd probably pick it up well if I ever actually had to use it again, but I'm badly out of practice. I also know some Latin and Japanese and even less Spanish.

11. What is your current vice/guilty pleasure?

Just the usual array of nerd activities like video games, talking with all you guys about video games, D&D, etc.

12. What's the last wedding you've attended? The last funeral?

A) See Ciato
B) My grandmother's, in 2003

13. Are you interested in attending high school/college reunions?

In theory, for high school, but I haven't sought them out. My 10th anniversary of college graduation just passed but I certainly never heard of any reunion if one occurred.

14. Going to watch the super bowl? If you're a football fan, does your team have a chance at making the SB?

Yes, though I may or may not get frustrated by all the ads and quit in the middle. I haven't yet really developped a strong taste in football teams so I dunno, to the latter.

15. Do you listen to the radio much? What type of stations do you listen to if you do?

I listen to a fair bit of sports radio when I drive alone. I basically don't get bored of it, and the local stations have pretty much a perfect distribution of time alloted to each sport for me (80% hockey, 18% basketball, 2% everything else~). That said I rarely seek it out otherwise.

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Re: Polling the group! Winter 2011
« Reply #8 on: January 08, 2011, 10:12:04 AM »
1. Best movie you saw last year?
Last year had a few really strong movies.  Inception wins though.  Big call out to Daybreakers which I don't think anyone else watched.

2. Best game you played last year?
Mass Effect 2, hands down best game of the year.

3. Best book you read last year?
Not counting Vonnegut stuff, The Maltese Falcon.

4. Best TV show you followed this year?
A Little Bit of Fry and Laurie, yes it is 15 years old, no I don't care.

5. The holidays are over and everyone's back to work. Do you do anything special this time of year, or is it just back to the grind?

6. Have you gotten snow yet this winter? Do you want more(any)?

7. You get offered an interesting, well paying job at the opposite end of the country you live in, with no family or friends nearby. Would you take it?

8. What's your favorite outfit?
Shirt and trousers.

9. Are you going gray/bald yet? If you are, do you care much about it one way or the other?
No and no.

10. Do you know any languages besides english? How fluent are you?
I can brute force some basics in German.

11. What is your current vice/guilty pleasure?
Noting that I put no real negative connotation on it like considering it a vice or something to be guilty over.  Ice Cream.

12. What's the last wedding you've attended? The last funeral?
Friend's wedding.  Someone that died for the funeral.

13. Are you interested in attending high school/college reunions?
Not really.  Is my tenth high school one this year.  Not sure if anyone other than my friends knows I am not dead.

14. Going to watch the super bowl? If you're a football fan, does your team have a chance at making the SB?

15. Do you listen to the radio much? What type of stations do you listen to if you do?
Don't listen to much radio, when I do I listen to Triple J which is a government run station that tends to play lots of new stuff.  Suppose it is technically a youth station or something, but it is mostly just the place you can catch alternative and new stuff.
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Re: Polling the group! Winter 2011
« Reply #9 on: January 08, 2011, 12:26:41 PM »
6. Have you gotten snow yet this winter? Do you want more(any)?

Couple minor snowfalls. Hopefully that's all it'll be this year. After the multiple blizzards we got last year, I never want to see snow again.

ffffff why did I say this


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Re: Polling the group! Winter 2011
« Reply #10 on: January 08, 2011, 03:29:58 PM »
1. Hm...lots of good movies I saw last year. Came out last year, probably Inception. Saw last year? Airplane. Honorable mentions to Scott Pilgrim, Let Me In and Dogma

2. Sin and Punishment 2/DKCR. Tie between the two

3. Uh...all I read was textbooks.

4. I dont tend to follow TV shows. I saw Undergrads again, which is win. But its not new by any means.

5. I have a yearly tradition where I spend one day walking out in the freezing cold to get coffee. I already did it this year, so its back to the grind.

6. I'm in Ontario. So uh...YES. and lots of it. Blizzarding like every other day. No I don't want more snow, thank you.

7. Well considering that I'm in this near situation, Yes. Yes, I would.

8. Jeans + Sweater. I also love my winter jacket. I've had it for at least 6 years.

9. Not yet. I wouldn't like being bald, but I wouldn't know what to do about it either >_>

10. I know Cantonese and Mandarin. I'm fluent in Canton and I can carry my own in a conversation in Mandarin. Neither are as good as my English though. I also know a very very small amount of Spanish and working knowledge of French. I would not rely on me for these.

11. Bejeweled. This is also partially Snow's fault, who goes out of the way to hit me in chat with it. Otherwise...
<Meeple> Tide, stop watching Batman and Robin.

12. Last Wedding was of a good friend of mine. Last Funeral was for my grandfather from my mom's side back in 1997

13. I would yes. Most of my friends are from high school, so if they're going, I probably will. Plus there's some teachers and other students who I was on pretty good terms with before graduation. College...not so much. I don't have much attachment to it, only one or two professors and I don't need a reunion necessary just for that.

14. I don't tend to follow sports at all. The only one that I do is Soccer, and uh...yeah

15. Don't listen to the radio ever. I just usually plug in my phone (which also serves as a MP3 player), or the CDs in the car.
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Re: Polling the group! Winter 2011
« Reply #11 on: January 08, 2011, 04:26:45 PM »
6. Have you gotten snow yet this winter? Do you want more(any)?

Couple minor snowfalls. Hopefully that's all it'll be this year. After the multiple blizzards we got last year, I never want to see snow again.

ffffff why did I say this

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"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...

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Re: Polling the group! Winter 2011
« Reply #12 on: January 08, 2011, 04:51:35 PM »
Yay polls!

1. Best movie you saw last year?

Toy Story 3, by default. Doesn't hurt that it's a wonderful movie.

2. Best game you played last year?

Wild ARMs XF. Not a hard decision either, 10/10 game against not-10/10 games (doesn't hurt that I played a fair deal of suck. VPDS? -Seriously-?)

3. Best book you read last year?

Unfinished, but "The Order of Things", by Michel Foucault.

4. Best TV show you followed this year?

I haven't watched TV in a good four years.

5. The holidays are over and everyone's back to work. Do you do anything special this time of year, or is it just back to the grind?

Iunno, there's my birthday. But we don't do anything special over here until after Carnival.

6. Have you gotten snow yet this winter? Do you want more(any)?

We don't get snow period in the center of Brazil. I want to see some snow, if nothing else.

7. You get offered an interesting, well paying job at the opposite end of the country you live in, with no family or friends nearby. Would you take it?

Without a blink. The way my company rolls, this is something that may happen to me anyway.

8. What's your favorite outfit?

I've fallen in love with my first suit, which is really really sweet. I like using the pink long-sleeved shirt I got this year, which is also a bit of a baby of mine, along with it too.

9. Are you going gray/bald yet? If you are, do you care much about it one way or the other?

Bald, yes. Gray, no. I've never cared much about going bald, though.

10. Do you know any languages besides english? How fluent are you?

Spanish and Portuguese, mainly. I'm a fluent Spanish reader, but a hopeless speaker. Portuguese is my mother Language. I have a very, -very- primitive grasp of Japanese alphabets, but nothing besides that.

11. What is your current vice/guilty pleasure?

Facebook and Bejeweled. Hanging around with you guys isn't a new guilty pleasure, but it's also there.

EDIT: Also, Tide, breaking that 802k score I got last week is waiting for you. Chop-chop.

12. What's the last wedding you've attended? The last funeral?

Wedding - November this year, one of my workmates getting married. Tons of fun, although I'm not sure I should mix up dry whiskey and amarula ever again.

Funeral - I was 10 years old when I last attended a funeral. I don't even remember who was the person anymore.

13. Are you interested in attending high school/college reunions?

Not really, although I'm making plans to meet some of my college friends again in the near future.

14. Going to watch the super bowl? If you're a football fan, does your team have a chance at making the SB?


15. Do you listen to the radio much? What type of stations do you listen to if you do?

I only listen to the radio for news and that's because of my job. For music, I just carry my MP3 player everywhere.
« Last Edit: January 08, 2011, 04:58:17 PM by Jo'ou Ranbu »
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: Polling the group! Winter 2011
« Reply #13 on: January 08, 2011, 05:37:31 PM »
1. Best movie you saw last year?
- Man, that's hard. I'll break it into animated and non-animated. Non-animated, I'd have to say . . .  fuuuuck, I don't know. This is an unfair question. I've seen too many movies.

2. Best game you played last year?
- I give up.

3. Best book you read last year?
-  Women, Art and Society by Whitney Chadwick

4. Best TV show you followed this year?
- Mmm. Dexter when it was on instant stream.

5. The holidays are over and everyone's back to work. Do you do anything special this time of year, or is it just back to the grind?
- We "normally" do the heavy gift giving in this month due to better sales. Back.. to the grind though(ah, haha super is silly)

6. Have you gotten snow yet this winter? Do you want more(any)?
- Yes. No.

7. You get offered an interesting, well paying job at the opposite end of the country you live in, with no family or friends nearby. Would you take it?
- Do I get conjugal visits by my boyfriend? Yes I would. It would be silly for me to pass something up like that at my age. I'd figure out a way to keep the important folks close.

8. What's your favorite outfit?
- This t-shirt dress I bought from Kohl's for four dollars. It's light - barely feels like I'm wearing anything; with some wrap around silver flippy floppies.

9. Are you going gray/bald yet? If you are, do you care much about it one way or the other?
- I have one non-discreet gray hair. I love it. I loooove gray hair.

10. Do you know any languages besides english? How fluent are you?
- Egyptian Arabic. I want to learn MSA. Enough apparently to get by shopping/taxi catching in Egypt.
- French. Not as much as I would like. Thems some uninviting pompous "just speak English" people.

11. What is your current vice/guilty pleasure?
- I don't have one.

12. What's the last wedding you've attended? The last funeral?
- I've only ever been to one wedding. I know shit about them. This will probably prolong my future engaged status. Last funeral I've been to was my uncle's. People have died around me like flies to the point where I'm not phased until the mourning I've tucked into a corner of my brain decides to pop out every now and then. I hate how funerals start off about the person, and then becomes a huge, selfish ass support event for everyone else. I also hate how funerals seem to be the only time what family I have, gets together.

13. Are you interested in attending high school/college reunions?
- No. I'm not interesting in comparing who fucked up, got pregnant, died, divorced, went to jail, expatriated, became president of some company, etc. No.

14. Going to watch the super bowl? If you're a football fan, does your team have a chance at making the SB?
- I believe that's a prerequisite for having a boyfriend. I recently had a horror dream that my brother spit on my greenbay hat. . .

15. Do you listen to the radio much? What type of stations do you listen to if you do?
- Radio? No. If I do, it's my college's radio station. They play music for about 20 minutes straight (different themes, different days), and talk for perhaps 8-10 about what tracks they were.


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Re: Polling the group! Winter 2011
« Reply #14 on: January 08, 2011, 06:17:38 PM »
1. Machete

2. Call of Duty: Black Ops - Really? Yeah, its fucking fun! Besides, this was my first CoD experience, so I wasn't tired of it right from the start.

3. The Art of War

4. The League - Murder boner for the win.

5. I try and lose all the weight I have accumulated over the past two months.

6. Snow.. lol

7. Yes. A millions times yes. My gf would coem with me and that's all I need.

8. I've been rocking these new sweet two lace black and white sneakers since christmas. To go with those I have a nice pair of torn or shredded jeans and a black and blue flannel long sleeve shirt. On my head I wear a grey, blue and green hoodie that matches the rest of the outfit perfectly.

9. I've got grey hairs everywhere, but I'm never goign to go bald.

10. Spanish. I can understand it better then I can speak it.

11. Wow

12. Last wedding was almost two years ago? The last funeral I went to was that of my late grandfather.

13. Not really.

14. Hell yeah. My teams are not in the playoffs. =(

15. Only when I wake up to hear the talk shows with Bubba the Love Sponge.
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Re: Polling the group! Winter 2011
« Reply #15 on: January 08, 2011, 10:23:16 PM »
3. Best book you read last year?
Tad Williams' Shadowline Quartet.

4. Best TV show you followed this year?
LEGEND OF THE SEEKER. There are no other questions.
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Re: Polling the group! Winter 2011
« Reply #16 on: January 13, 2011, 06:25:58 PM »
1. Best movie you saw last year?
Hmm...Trotskey, probably.  That or The King's Speech.

2. Best game you played last year?
For the first time?  Hmm...Plants vs Zombies.  That or Starcraft 2.

3. Best book you read last year?
Mercy Thompson series.  If I had to name one book, I guess Blood Bound.

4. Best TV show you followed this year?

5. The holidays are over and everyone's back to work. Do you do anything special this time of year, or is it just back to the grind?

6. Have you gotten snow yet this winter? Do you want more(any)?
Yes, Atlanta's under a snowstorm.  No, I don't want more, this city isn't equipped to handle it.

7. You get offered an interesting, well paying job at the opposite end of the country you live in, with no family or friends nearby. Would you take it?
Been there, done that.  Twice.

8. What's your favorite outfit?
Good question.  My previous favourite I've been told looks like it came out of the 1920s.  So...I'm not sure right now.  I rather like a lot of the things I've gotten for christmas; sort of feeling those out right now I guess.

9. Are you going gray/bald yet? If you are, do you care much about it one way or the other?
I'm not.  Grayness wouldn't bother me I suspect.  The idea of baldness horrifies me, but fortunately that shouldn't be a problem for me :)

10. Do you know any languages besides english? How fluent are you?
French.  Took primarily French classes for the first 8 years of my education.  Haven't spoken it in approximately 14 years.

11. What is your current vice/guilty pleasure?

12. What's the last wedding you've attended? The last funeral?
My cousin's wedding in Manitoba.  I'm honestly not sure I've been to a human funeral, or not one I was old enough to remember.  I'll just say my dog's funeral :(.

13. Are you interested in attending high school/college reunions?
Yes.  I think that could be quite fun.

14. Going to watch the super bowl? If you're a football fan, does your team have a chance at making the SB?
Probably not, unless I'm dragged into it by friends.

15. Do you listen to the radio much? What type of stations do you listen to if you do?
In the car, yes.  NPR has been kicking ass and taking names recently, taking over the investigative reporting ball that large newspapers have dropped.  Honestly probably the best news in the country, and it shocks me that I'm about to say this of an American news station, but based on what I saw of the CBC over break, I think NPR is better than the CBC right now.

Past that, when listening to music I play this game where I'll keep skipping stations until I hear a female artist or female radio host, and then stick with that station for a while.  It's kinda depressing how I'll sometimes have to seek through 14 radio stations.  The two Pop stations pull through reasonably often, as do the two Country stations.  There's a soft-rock station that delivers but only on certain schedules (notably, the soft rock station has 80s weekends.  And late night the soft rock station has "Delilah", who is essentially a psychologist that everyone asks to pick a song for their personal situation in life).  There's an African American station that sometimes pulls through, but usually only when they take a brief break from hip-hop (which makes me sad; I tend to like female rapping--they should play more of it).  And then there's another six or so stations that tend to fail, damn near 100% of the time.
« Last Edit: January 13, 2011, 06:28:44 PM by metroid composite »


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Re: Polling the group! Winter 2011
« Reply #17 on: January 13, 2011, 07:06:39 PM »
1. Best movie you saw last year?

Scott Pilgrim is the only movie I'm absolutely sure I saw last year, so I'm going to go out on a limb and say that.

2. Best game you played last year?

Birth by Sleep

3. Best book you read last year?

Mistborn.  Nation was pretty good, the Tiffany Aching rush was pretty good, but Mistborn does edge them out.

4. Best TV show you followed this year?

Assuming you mean something actually coming out this year, Venture Bros.  I think they beat out my various season dvds anyway, but I'd have to think about it vs Buffy season 3

5. The holidays are over and everyone's back to work. Do you do anything special this time of year, or is it just back to the grind?

Business dies so the grind is even more boring and silly, does that count as special?

6. Have you gotten snow yet this winter? Do you want more(any)?

A couple good hits.  It's snowing right now actually.  It can stop any time, although at least we never got any hardcore ice.

7. You get offered an interesting, well paying job at the opposite end of the country you live in, with no family or friends nearby. Would you take it?

GOsh, I wonder.

8. What's your favorite outfit?

9. Are you going gray/bald yet? If you are, do you care much about it one way or the other?

Nope.  Gray is a thing that happens, although probably not for some time to me.  Balding would be annoying but seems... unlikely.

10. Do you know any languages besides english? How fluent are you?

Not in a meaningful way.

11. What is your current vice/guilty pleasure?


12. What's the last wedding you've attended? The last funeral?

Sister got married in... July?  Something like that.  Little courthouse thing.  Great Grandma died in October, about a year longer than I expected her to live after my other surviving great grandparents died within a month of each other in 2008 and her having parkinson's related dementia setting in at the time.

13. Are you interested in attending high school/college reunions?

10 year high school is this year.  Even if such friends as I had planned to show up, I'd try to hang out with them independently of the reunion, seeing as I actually do follow their facebook and all.

14. Going to watch the super bowl? If you're a football fan, does your team have a chance at making the SB?

I agreed to work that day... meaning yeah, definitely watching it (unless it's waaaaaay busier than I expect.)  I actually do follow the Lions, soooo yeah.

15. Do you listen to the radio much? What type of stations do you listen to if you do?

Nope.  I learned to drive sans radio, and my last car didn't have one, so I'm deeply in the habit of not using the thing.
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Re: Polling the group! Winter 2011
« Reply #18 on: January 14, 2011, 12:39:40 AM »
1. Best movie you saw last year?

Hmm...either Toy Story 3 or Scott Pilgrim.  Can't pick since I like both for very different reasons.

2. Best game you played last year?

Bayonetta or Okami; can't decide.

3. Best book you read last year?

Me? read? AHAHAHAHA!

4. Best TV show you followed this year?

Didn't really watch anything new...I guess I sort of started following Avatar...sort of...mostly cause it was on TV all the time and Mandy watched like every episode...and I started watching that new Avengers show.

5. The holidays are over and everyone's back to work. Do you do anything special this time of year, or is it just back to the grind?

Don't do anything special, but being jewish, the "Holidays" don't really apply to me the way they do everyone else.

6. Have you gotten snow yet this winter? Do you want more(any)?

A Blizzard, followed by 2 reasonable snowstorms!

7. You get offered an interesting, well paying job at the opposite end of the country you live in, with no family or friends nearby. Would you take it?

I...would have to think about it.

8. What's your favorite outfit?

Nothing in particular.  Basically anything that isn't flamboyant or stands out.

9. Are you going gray/bald yet? If you are, do you care much about it one way or the other?


10. Do you know any languages besides english? How fluent are you?

I know some Hebrew, and I should know more since I was learning it since I was in like 1st grade, but lack of actual application of the language outside of school...yeah.
I also know some Spanish, but even less fluent in that.

11. What is your current vice/guilty pleasure?

Reading GFAQs message boards for games not yet out that are cesspools of idiot fans.

12. What's the last wedding you've attended? The last funeral?

Last Funeral was my Grandmother's back in '98.  I made a shiva-call, as its called in Hebrew, to an elementary school friend's house as his mother just died (this is basically visiting the house for the week following the funeral to offer condolences; dunno how its done in other religions.)

Wedding?  My sister's back in November.

13. Are you interested in attending high school/college reunions?


14. Going to watch the super bowl? If you're a football fan, does your team have a chance at making the SB?

Even though I'm not a football fan, I generally do watch the Super Bowl, or at least part of it, cause its a big national event I feel is worth being part of.

15. Do you listen to the radio much? What type of stations do you listen to if you do?

I do not.  If I do listen to the Radio, its really only the news-type stations for the sake of Traffic and/or Weather.
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

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Re: Polling the group! Winter 2011
« Reply #19 on: January 19, 2011, 08:51:54 PM »
1. I didn't see any movie for the first time in 2010.

2. Team Fortress 2 PC.

3. Hmm... probably Night of the Necromancer by Jonathan Green. Not a big sample size for this one.

4. Pardon the Interruption.

5. God I need a job.

6. A fair bit, but nothing too severe yet. It doesn't matter if I want more or not, it'll come anyway.

7. Without hesitation. The only thing that might dissuade me is that Vancouver is (as we all know) full of creepy scary people, but that's a small price to pay to get away from the creepy scary people here.

8. Nowadays, it's a good day when I'm wearing pants. I have this old black housecoat I wear all the time because it's another layer, so I'll go with that.

9. Definitely not going gray. As far as bald... well, I "shed" a lot, but I don't think I'm anywhere near balding yet.

10. I'm legally bilingual, but in practice I'm rusty with my French. I know a smattering of Spanish.

11. 2L bottles of pop.

12. Last wedding was my sister's last October. Never been to a funeral.

13. Yes.

14. No, and my favourite football team isn't in the same league.

15. Mostly classic rock stations on the actual radio. My PSP is permadialed on some game music online station.


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Re: Polling the group! Winter 2011
« Reply #20 on: January 20, 2011, 01:00:20 AM »
1. Best movie you saw last year?

Don't recall what movies I saw.

2. Best game you played last year?

Tie between Starcraft 2 and Minecraft.  I didn't start ME2 until this year. >_>
3. Best book you read last year?

Kafka on the Shore.

4. Best TV show you followed this year?

What's a TV can you eat it.

5. The holidays are over and everyone's back to work. Do you do anything special this time of year, or is it just back to the grind?

Back to the Grind-drink-grind routine.  I need to get back into a classroom.

6. Have you gotten snow yet this winter? Do you want more(any)?

A little.  It all melted.  We could use the moisture but I'd prefer if it only snowed when I don't have to drive, because nobody here can drive in weather.
7. You get offered an interesting, well paying job at the opposite end of the country you live in, with no family or friends nearby. Would you take it?

Preferably it would be out of the country.

8. What's your favorite outfit?
T-shirt, jeans, green unbuttoned dress shirt, and a D-bag fedora

9. Are you going gray/bald yet? If you are, do you care much about it one way or the other?
I was going bald, then I stopped using shampoo, and my hair stopped falling out.  And it actually feels less brittle than when I used shampoo. 

10. Do you know any languages besides english? How fluent are you?
Japanese, low proficiency.  ASL, low proficiency, mostly fingerspelling, which is enough to communicate but not actually knowing the language.

11. What is your current vice/guilty pleasure?
Oh, the usual.

12. What's the last wedding you've attended? The last funeral?
Wedding, my cousin's 2 years ago.  Funeral... can't say I've been to a funeral, actually.

13. Are you interested in attending high school/college reunions?
Highschool, hahaha no way.  College, maybe.

14. Going to watch the super bowl? If you're a football fan, does your team have a chance at making the SB?
I'm sure I'll be exposed to it somehow.

15. Do you listen to the radio much? What type of stations do you listen to if you do?
UNM's radio station is the best.  NPR during the day, random music in the evening, absolute nonsense at 3AM.  Once, they had wind chimes playing for several hours because why not.  
« Last Edit: January 20, 2011, 01:03:02 AM by Makkotah »


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Re: Polling the group! Winter 2011
« Reply #21 on: January 20, 2011, 03:53:01 AM »
1. ...I don't remember what movies I saw.

2. I'd like to say Agarest Senki, though that's more of 'favorite'.

3. Slow year for books.  Haven't really gotten any more.

4. TV's just something I watch when I don't feel like doing something else, honestly.

5. Same old same old.

6. Yes.  And only if my nephew ISN'T over here for snowdays.

7. ask this as if my family doesn't tick me off 60% of the time and as if I have friends near my home.

8. I prefer my heavy coat.  Don't care what else.

9. Actually already have a few gray hairs. 23.  What the shit.

10. Barely remember my french and spanish.  Know a bit more Japanese, though I'm nowhere near fluent.

11. Agarest Senki and alcohol.  Oh god alcohol.  Love the stuff.

12. None and none.  I'd get drunk at both, likely.

13. Eh, ambivalent.  Depends on how much money it'd cost, really.  And who's there.

14. Not really.

15. Mainly just when I work out.  I listen to WEBN mainly then.
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Re: Polling the group! Winter 2011
« Reply #22 on: January 20, 2011, 04:30:47 AM »
1. Best movie you saw last year?

Glorious Toy Story 3

2. Best game you played last year?

Glorious Psychonauts

3. Best book you read last year?

Glorious Quantum textbook

4. Best TV show you followed this year?

Glorious Community

5. The holidays are over and everyone's back to work. Do you do anything special this time of year, or is it just back to the grind?

Everything's special about physics man

6. Have you gotten snow yet this winter? Do you want more(any)?

Literally no snow, literally not massively lying

7. You get offered an interesting, well paying job at the opposite end of the country you live in, with no family or friends nearby. Would you take it?

My family likes me but I could finally kill El- I mean it would be a difficult choice bro

8. What's your favorite outfit?

Glorious generic shirt
Glorious generic pants

9. Are you going gray/bald yet? If you are, do you care much about it one way or the other?

Shaved self bald right after DLC5 to AVOID this

10. Do you know any languages besides english? How fluent are you?

I literally don't even know glorious English supremacy bro, I speak pro Kappabonics yo

11. What is your current vice/guilty pleasure?

Must order more cheap Chinese takeout

12. What's the last wedding you've attended? The last funeral?

What's a wedding
The funerals I attend need more disco

13. Are you interested in attending high school/college reunions?

I think my HS people would kill me, uni's full of literal pro bros though

14. Going to watch the super bowl? If you're a football fan, does your team have a chance at making the SB?

Man I feel like eating a football

15. Do you listen to the radio much? What type of stations do you listen to if you do?

radio is what they use to brainwash you
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Re: Polling the group! Winter 2011
« Reply #23 on: January 21, 2011, 05:27:14 AM »
1. Best movie you saw last year?
"La ley del deseo" (The Law of Desire)

2. Best game you played last year?
Mass Effect

3. Best book you read last year?
Ah, whatever the latest paperback Taltos novel is. I haven't read much that year.

4. Best TV show you followed this year?

5. The holidays are over and everyone's back to work. Do you do anything special this time of year, or is it just back to the grind?
I fall into a deep depression, personally. It's another year to "look forward to"

6. Have you gotten snow yet this winter? Do you want more(any)?

7. You get offered an interesting, well paying job at the opposite end of the country you live in, with no family or friends nearby. Would you take it?
>_> <(I'm considering moving away anyhow, but to avoid the job thing.)

8. What's your favorite outfit?
Beaten up jeans, tight black CK undershirt. I'm a vain piece of shit.

9. Are you going gray/bald yet? If you are, do you care much about it one way or the other?
NOPE! And it'd probably make me sad if it happened soon. If it happens later, maybe not so much.

10. Do you know any languages besides english? How fluent are you?

11. What is your current vice/guilty pleasure?
Star Driver

12. What's the last wedding you've attended? The last funeral?
A couple of friends from Lansing. The funeral was.... well, I guess my Grandpa. He got a 21 gun salute.

13. Are you interested in attending high school/college reunions?
Yes, although I don't know why.

14. Going to watch the super bowl? If you're a football fan, does your team have a chance at making the SB?
I might watch it. And.... I guess my "team" is the Lions? So.... no. Not for a while.

15. Do you listen to the radio much? What type of stations do you listen to if you do?
I listen to Pandora all the time when I'm on my PC, and I listen to Sirius when I'm out with my dad.

My Pandora stations are basically all Trip Hop or Smooth piano music (Fiona Apple, Regina Spektor, et cetera)
On sirius I listen to stations in about this order:
The Boneyard (Rock)
Classic Vinyl (Rock)
Lithium (Alternative)