Author Topic: Fei Fong Wong (XG) (General)  (Read 1056 times)

Hunter Sopko

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Fei Fong Wong (XG) (General)
« on: January 02, 2011, 04:08:11 AM »
Fei is the Contact, which puts him in the running as the most powerful being in the Duelling League, possessing nearly infinite power due to his association with the Zohar. Of course, with all the Gods and Fei’s own reservations about fighting, he nevertheless manages to have a record decidedly in the red. Still, his uniquely potent Deathblows pack immense physical punch, allowing him to dispatch frailer foes in a single blow, and many others with continued punishing strikes. It's no Xenogears, but when the power of the universe is at your fists, who needs a towering giant robot?
« Last Edit: January 08, 2011, 05:32:58 PM by Dark Holy Elf »