Just looked over my CC/FE/S2 votes and ended up being more decisive. Basically reworked. Noted changes.
Chrono Cross - The very definition of overranked in my opinion.
Doc - Boot. Boring, forgetable, plotless.
Draggy - Keep. Memorable, Non-human.
Funguy - Abstain. Memorable, Non-human, but too obscure.
Irenes - Keep. Memorable, Non-human, has plot, fairly interesting duelist for CC.
Janice - Boot. Non-human, but plotless and forgetable. Only notable dueling worth is the unique weapon, I think?
Korcha - Keep. As much as I hate him, Plot.
Leah - Boot.
Luccia - Boot.
Macha - Boot.
Mel - Boot.
Miki - Keep. Memorable, has fans, some plot, decent duelist.
Mojo - Boot. Memorable, Non-human, early-game. EDIT: But really easy to miss, actually, and no duelling worth.
Nio-Fio - Boot. Non-human... uhh... that's it. Kinda obscure and meh duelist. EDIT: Was an abstain, but just being a plant isn't enough for her.
Orcha - Boot. Boss form is stupid, plotless otherwise.
Orlha - Keep. Guess she has fans, but I don't think she's worth keeping. EDIT: She has more support than I suspected
Pip - Boot. Memorable (infamous at least), Non-human, variable typing makes him kinda interesting. EDIT: Already noted.
Poshul - Keep. Earlygame, Memorable!, Non-human.
Razzly - Keep. Same as above + Lots of plot.
Skelly - Keep. Undeads are so rare in the DL, the white mages need more punching bags.
Sneff - Boot. Go away forever, you worthless, plotless, infuriating, ugly, ....
Sprigg - Boot. Some plot, transforming could be interesting. EDIT: If we had any stats for it after 63 seasons...
Starky - Boot. I just hate him. EDIT: Was an Abstain.
Steena - Boot. Plot, I guess. EDIT: But forgettable and redundant!
Turnip - Boot. Obscure, lategame, useless, but non-human EDIT: Being a plant isn't enough.
Van - Boot.
Zappa - Boot.
Pierre - Keep.
Guile - Keep.
Nikki - Keep.
Glenn - Keep. These four are all splitpath, but far more interesting/memorable than most of the cast of CC.
Fire Emblem: The Blazing Sword - Finally! I <3 FE7, but damn it was overranked with identical duelists. NO CHANGES
Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones - FE8 wasn't nearly as bad, but I don't mind getting rid of a few of these guys.
Artur - Boot. Don't need another Lucius
Colm - Keep. Of course.
Cormag - Keep. We don't have that many Dragon Riders if we boot Vaida and Heath.
Duessel - Keep.
Forde - Boot.
Franz - Boot.
Garcia - Boot. We have FE9 Axe-users now.
Gerik - Keep. Memorable enough.
Innes - Keep. Plot.
L'Arachel - Keep!!!!!!!!!!!
Marisa - Boot. Fan-favorite. EDIT: But no plot and redundant with Joshua.
Neimi - Keep. Of course.
Rennac - Boot.
Saleh - Boot.
Suikoden II - Not sure why this is on the chopping block but VP1 is ignored, but I'd be happy to trim both. Seriously though, this game is just as well-loved and popular, and equally overranked.
Amada - Boot
Anita - Boot
Chaco - Keep. Plot, non-human
Freed Yamamoto - Keep.
Gabocha - Boot. EDIT: Don't need them both.
Gengen - Keep. Forced, and I like dogs. EDIT: Even though Gabocha's cuter.
Gijimu - Keep
Karen - Boot
Kinnison - Boot
Koyu - Boot
Long Chan Chan - Boot
Lo Wen - Boot
Millie - Keep, Earlygame and memorable.
Mukumuku - Keep
Rikimaru - Boot
Shin - Boot
Shirou - Keep
Sid - Keep
Simone Verdricci - Boot EDIT: Being decisive!
Tsai - Boot
Wakaba - Boot