
Author Topic: StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty  (Read 7049 times)


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StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty
« on: October 11, 2010, 08:31:46 AM »

Two alien races are at war, and humanity is stuck in the middle.  Will your band of giant neck-bulging space marines be wiped out, or merely suffer 80% casualties while taking their objective?  And can Jimmy Raynor ever find love after promising to be the one to kill his former flame?  Tune in to find out on UNN, right after this special report from Kate Lockwell and Donny Vermillion on the new statutes being raised to Emperor Mengsk at the Metalopolis!

StarCraft II is a real-time strategy game, which is not the most amazingly conducive genre to the DL, but there are a number of missions that are done RPG-style a la WarCraft III.  No levelling up, but you do get to control special heroic units and order clicky doom on the enemies, so close enough for Dominion work.

I've prepared just a heroic unit average, under the assumption that everyone else is the equivalent of random monsters in an RPG.  OblivionKnight is writing a full cast write-up below.  If you include normal on-foot units, the heroic units all have godlike stats.  As for that "on foot" part...  I'm honoring the DL precedent that this is about duels when NOT in vehicles, mechs, castles, etc.  Including mechs would make everyone here look considerably punier on the stat front.  (Though all the heroic mechs, with one notable exception, are Protoss units in a mission that technically doesn't happen, so go figure.)  Note also that the scale in StarCraft is wonky anyway, sometimes it's 10 Marine survival horror, other times they want epic space battles, so you end up with things like a squad of 15 Marines on drugs able to take down a freakin' Battlecruiser or mop up the world's most claustrophobic Ghost Academy with room to house 8 students max if you were to take the unit sizes seriously.


HP: Lose these and free up some supply to train more troops.  (Unless you're a Thor in campaign mode.)
Shields: Only Protoss have these.  They're extra HP that regenerates quickly if the unit hasn't been damaged for ~15 seconds or so.  Note that unlike SC1, they don't regenerate at all if the unit has been damaged recently.
EP: Not sure this is an official name, but max Energy supply for caster types.  Most abilities run off a straight cooldown, though, not EP.
Armor: Straight subtraction defense.  If a Marine (damage 6) shoots a Roach (armor 1) he does 5 damage.  Without upgrades, Armor tends to range from 0-2 for units.  Structures have a bit higher armor, usually 1-3.  While armor is pretty irrelevant against one shot of big damage a la Dark Templar warp blades, many big damage dealers later have multiple hits in their attack, and Armor applies against each one, so Armor is not irrelevant.  For example, Colossi do 2 hits of 15 damage, and the Mothership does 6 hits of 6 damage.  Also note that Protoss have a separate stat for Plasma Shield Armor which dictates their damage reduction while they have Shields up, but it's almost always 0 pre-upgrades.
Damage: Damage per hit of a regular attack / delay till the next attack.  6 / .83 means "6 damage, .83 seconds until the next attack" for example.
5-second damage: Optimal damage output over 5 seconds against an Armor 0 opponent.  Assumes opponent is always in range.  I figure this is the equivalent of the "3 round average" in most games.  It's kind of necessary to pick an arbitrary time cutoff, since everyone has different cooldown rates.

In game, range is rather important, but everyone here has "good but not amazing" range, except for Zeratul who has Blink and thus it doesn't matter anyway.  Also note that the times are not necessarily accurate to in-game ones since you can change the speed setting, and in fact usually will (who plays on Normal speed?!).

Initiative: You tell me.  Because everything is off cooldowns, technically everyone can act right away?  Which means either that everyone has initiative, or everyone is average speed.  Alternatively you can force everyone to shoot a wall on turn 0, so that low cooldown = fast initiative and long cooldown = slow initiative.  Longer range might also help the hype here?  Who knows.

Special abilities: The abilities don't really slow down attack rate much at all - as soon as the special animation is done, it's back to shooting, and the animation doesn't take long.  We're talking a delay in the .2 - .5 seconds range I'd guess?  I've charged .4 seconds in the damage calculations to using a special move, but this is not a big deal.

One special ability deserves special mention.  That is cloak.  What does Cloak do?

Short version: You win in the DL.

Long version: It's like the Invisible Stalkers in WA:XF.  Cloaked units can only be targeted if there is a Detector nearby.  Detection is fairly rare in SC2 and you have to actively build a rare unit that detects, with the exception of the Terrans, who get Orbital Scans off upgraded Command Centers.  Using an Orbital Scan means giving up a MULE for fast mineral mining so it's not done lightly but it still helps.  Now, if you're paying attention, you can see the trademark distortion of "there is a cloaked unit in this area," but very few units in SC2 have an "attack this patch of ground" command.  Splash damage still works but only if you have something to target nearby - if Nova stands next to a Marine and a Siege Tank fires, she'll take some Splash.  But once the Marine is dead, the Tank is SOL.  In other words, your average MT magic doesn't work - there are no enemies to cast it on, though it might work in team matches.  So you really need some kind of legal argument for detecting hidden (D&D True Seeing?  Alucard's Holy Glasses?) to take on cloaked units effectively.  That, or large area effect spells from games where this exists (WA:XF Enigmancer, FFT Wizard but not Summoner or Priest!).

To expand on this, I'd suggest that when trying to figure out if an area attack / multitarget spell might hit a cloaked unit, see what the game lets you do if there are no enemies targetable.  Examples would be if all the enemies are currently jumped in the air (a la FF6) or phased out or just not nearby (FF12).  If the game lets the character fire off a (probably useless) attack, that might be able to hit a cloaked unit.  A more liberal approach would be to let any multitarget attacks do the job, which would make cloaked units merely Belial-level unfair rather than totally unfair.

In game, your notable options for spoiling cloaked units without a detector are the Ghost, the Infestor, and the High Templar.  Ghosts can EMP Blast an area which robs Energy, which will decloak rival Ghosts, Banshees, etc. but not units which cloak for free like Dark Templar or any of the heroes below.  The Infestor can Fungal Growth an area, which if it hits a cloaked unit will reveal it and also freeze them in place and do light damage.  This is definitely the best counter.  High Templars can Psionic Storm an area they think cloaked units are hiding in, but if the other player is paying attention they can probably just run away (burrowed Zerg units excepted).  

Types: Every unit has some tags associated with them.  They rarely do anything on their own, but they do interact with a lot of damage and other effects.  Notable ones:

Biological / Mechanical: Most units are one and only one of these.  Biological units can be healed by Medics, Sniped by Ghosts, damaged by Irradiate, etc.  Mechanical units are healed by SCVs and Science Vessels.
Light / Armored: The most important types.  Again, almost every unit is exactly one of these (never both).  Light units tend to be finesse troops while Armored units tend to be heavy brawlers.  For those who care about DL elements, you can argue that Light units are slightly weak to fire and resist explosive damage, as 3/4 of the flame units in the game get a bonus vs. Light (the one exception CLAIMS to do extra damage to light but doesn't, and it's Swann's Flaming Betty below - go figure), while most damage flavored as big boomy stuff that can penetrate armor has a large bonus vs. Armored (Marauder Punisher Grenades, Immortal laser blasts, siege tank explosions).  These damage boosts are incredibly crucial in-game and you definitely should work a +X vs. Light or Armored into the damage average somehow - this will be hit a good half the time.  (There are a few weird units like Archons which are neither, but it's rare.)
Massive: It's Hueg!  They smash through puny Forcefields and can't be picked up by the Phoenix's Graviton Gun.
Psionic: Doesn't really matter yet, except NOVA CAN FIND YOU or something.
Heroic: An often hidden type, I think this might give immuntiy to mind control?  It never comes up in the campaign if it does, but it'd matter for custom campaigns.  If so then all our heroes below block Charm, hurray.

One final note.  All characters below enter the battle with max EP.  This isn't true for freshly trained units, but you can never train a hero, and the only ones who care all start with max EP at the start of the mission anyway (The Odin, Tosh, Nova, Urun, and Artanis).  I'd have let them have max EP even if they didn't, but they do, so there's not really an interpretation question here.

Right.  Anyway.


Jim Raynor

"My father raised me right.  Well.  Tried, anyway."

(Liberation Day, Piercing the Shroud)
Light, Biological
HP: 200 (LD), 500 (PtS Normal), 350 (PtS Hard), 250 (PtS Brutal)
Armor: 2
Damage: 12 (LD), 16 (PtS) / 0.86
5-second Damage (no items): 60 (LD) / 80 (PtS)  [Is .16 seconds away from having another shot, though.]
5-second Damage (items): 330 (toss Plasma Rifle + Grenade damage in there, too.  This is potentially more, the cooldowns on the items are very fast, so he might get two uses in.)

I could list the items here, but I don't think they're legal anyway, so see .  Relevant non-damage ones are the Chrono Rift which is a Slow effect, and Breaching Charge if Raynor ever fights a door.

(Belly of the Beast)
Light, Biological
HP: 200
Armor: 1
APM: 270
Damage: 30 / 1.5
5-second Damage: 390 Penetrator Round -> 3x shot

Special abilities:
Radar: Raynor is a walking Sensor Tower - at about double his sight range, distant enemies show up as red dots.  This doesn't detect cloaked units or show what the units are, just that they're there.  

Penetrator Round (cooldown 20 seconds): Raynor fires his railgun.  All units in a line take 300 damage.

Raynor has 3 forms.  Liberation Day, the first mission, he's a souped-up Marine.  He's basically exactly the same in Piercing the Shroud, the secret mission, except his HP gets a big boost depending on the difficulty, and he can pick up various cool limited-use items.  In Belly of the Beast, he trades his Marine gun for a slower firing but more damaging rifle, and gets a clearly legal unlimited use Railgun.  For the sake of avoiding headaches, I'm going with his Belly of the Beast form.  While the HP boost might make Piercing the Shroud seem tempting, that's a bit of a "which difficulty level is canon" headache, and in the actual game that HP doesn't help as much as you think - that's the survival horror mission with a Hybrid chasing you that's quite capable of one-shotting your average poor Marine, so Raynor's extra HP can go down really fast if he gets caught.

Note that if you allow vehicles / mechs / etc., then Raynor wants his final-mission-of-SC1 form where he's in a battlecruiser.  Flying so cheeses everyone melee instantly and has gross durability.

Comments: Owowow Penetrator Round is a brutal overkill OHKO.  Kind of trashy backup damage but whatever.  He doesn't shine on durability either, so unfortunately your ideas about Raynor's initiative are very relevant.  The Rail Gun has good range, FWIW.  Even an average speed OHKO is fine though, so Heavy if you force the Rail Gun to fire at average init, and Godlike if Raynor has speedy OHKOs.

Tychus Findlay

"I'm a bad man."

Light, Biological
HP: 200
Armor: 1
Damage: 5 / 0.2 (w/ splash damage)
5-second damage: 315 Shredder Grenade + 23 shots

Special abilities:
Hail of lead: Tychus's chain gun deals splash damage to nearby units.  Matters when fighting a multipart boss, I guess.

Shredder Grenade (cooldown 20 seconds): 200 damage.  Decent radius of effect, too (also nails multipart bosses well).

Tychus has an NPC on-foot form for about 60 seconds at the beginning of "Engine of Destruction" but screw that.

Comments: Tychus is Raynor-lite, since his shot of big damage does less (for all that this rarely matters in "Belly of the Beast," where most non-Abberation / non-Boss critters die horribly to the Shredder Grenades anyway).  The fact that Tychus is "many hits of small damage" also means that he's rather sensitive to Armor - Fire Emblem tanks will probably laugh off his normal attack as a tink.  Still, depending on the damage average you pick, the Shredder Grenade might be a OHKO, and his regular damage is fine for terrifying healers who can barely survive a Grenade.  Heavy.

Tychus Findlay (in the Odin)

"It followed me home.  Can I keep it?"

Armored, Mechanical, Massive
HP: 2500  (!!!)
EP: 250
Armor: 3
Damage: vs. Ground: 40 (+60 vs. Structure) x2 / 1.23
vs. Air: 15 x4 / 2.5
5-second damage vs. opponents who can't move quickly: Barrage, win
5-second damage vs. mobile opponents: 320 Cannon x4
5-second damage vs. aerial opponents: 120 Missiles x2

Special abilities:
Barrage (75 EP): ~1.5 second charge time.  A rain of destruction falls down on the targeted area for about 5 seconds.  This will blow up basically any units in the game and will take down full-HP structures.  I think it hits 10 times, and just 1 hit will kill 100 HP good armor Firebats, so um yeah.  It's at least 1,000 damage.

For all you people who do allow mechs, though you should also average in the Protoss heroes too.  The "x2" means two shots.

Comments: AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.  One of the rare duelers who beats Valkyria Chronicles Welkin in a slugfest?  Guess there's still status at least.

Egon Stetmann

"Back off, man.  I'm a scientist."

Light, Biological
HP: 150
EP: 250
Armor: 1
Damage: Nope.

Heal (3 energy): Stetmann heals 25 HP/sec, which is a way better rate than your average medic....  though he only heals somebody else.
Selfix Armor: If Stetmann hasn't taken damage or healed recently, he goes back to max HP / EP, so no waiting around for energy to recharge during lulls in the mission.

Don't you hate how useful healers who can't heal themselves get screwed in the DL?  Stetmann has that problem.  The whole "can't do damage" thing is also a mite of an issue.  He can't even outlast for a draw with Selfix Armor, unless he's fighting Phantom Brave healers or the like.  Puny.

Rory Swann

"No sooner said then done, cowboy."

Armored, Biological
HP: 200
Armor: 1
Damage: 25 / 1.2
5-second damage (w/ Flaming Betty): 103 FB + 2 Flame Shots + 3 Grenades
5-second damage (no FB): 100 4 Grenades

Special abilities
Flaming Betty (cooldown 44 seconds): Swann drops his own custom Perdition Turret on the battlefield, shooting flames at anything nearby.  It's range actually isn't as short as you'd think, so as long as Swann stands next to it, it should definitely be able to hit even ranged opponents in a slugfest.  It is however stationary (until the cooldown expires and Swann can replace it, natch), so if you assume a spacious dueling arena, it is reasonable to let a healer run away, turtle, and buff, perhaps, while avoiding its damage.

Flaming Betty:
Armored, Mechanical
HP: 750
Armor: 1
Damage: 14 / 2
Duration: 45 seconds, then disintegrates (though Swann can just place a new one)

Comments: Bad damage in the DL, alas.  Low Light.  In game, you're supposed to distract the Zerg AI with the turret, but most in the DL will be smart enough to gun for Swann instead.


"The scales will be balanced."

Light, Biological, Psionic
HP: 300
Shields: 100
Armor: 2
Damage: 85 [+25 vs. Armored] / 1.69
5-second damage vs. Armored: 330 3x Master Psi Blade (fudging slightly, Zeratul baaarely goes over the 5 second mark with 3 hits, so whatever)
5-second damage vs. non Armored: 255 3x Master Psi Blade

Special abilities:
Zeratul, like all Dark Templars, is permanently cloaked.

Blink (cooldown 10 secs): Like Stalkers, Zeratul can teleport short distances.  It doesn't really slow down his attack rate much to use it assuming he's still in range of something at his destination.  You can use Blink to get out of Psionic Storm really fast (not that Zeratul ever faces that) and dodge certain other rare attacks which travel on the screen (Raven's Seeker Missile?).  You can also use it to close really fast against a ranged enemy, of course.

Void Prison (cooldown 22 secs): Badass Stop / Paralysis type effect.  Enemy unit is helpless, can't attack, and can't detect for 12 seconds, more than enough time for Zeratul to shred them.  Works on everything.  (Though as a side note...  Despite the fact that Void Prison works fine on Hybrids in In Utter Darkness (which has not happened yet?), Zeratul cowers in his weird little Dark Templar ship for the "A Sinister Turn" mission.  Of course this makes the hybrid Maar a scary badass who shreds your army rather than laughable imprisoned target practice, so perhaps Zeratul merely has a sense of what'd make for a dramatic mission.)

Zeratul and Raynor are the only characters that get 3 missions, and amusingly enough it's easy to just play one mission with Raynor ( miss the secret mission, and Belly of the Beast is splitpath).  Though I guess technically all of Zeratul's missions are optional, though it is NOT optional to unlock them.

While Zeratul is by far the tankiest of the uniques, he also gets to play on maps vs. full enemy armies rather than RPG-style maps, so he's potentially up against a lot of firepower.

Comments: Cloak cheeeeeeeeeeese and also Void Prison means Zeratul wins a lot anyway.  Immune Prison somehow + detect + tank Zeratul who hits like a truck or lose.  Unrankable Ubergodlike.

Gabriel Tosh

"Gonna do it real quiet."

Biological, Psionic
HP: 300
EP: 250
Armor: 2
Damage: 35 / 1
5-second damage: 280 5x Mindblast -> 3x shot
~6-7 second damage vs. stunnable: 735 Mindblast -> Nuke

Special abilities:
Tosh is permanently cloaked.

Mindblast (50 EP): 35 damage + short duration stun (~4 seconds?).  It's long enough for a duel, though.  Works on mechanical enemies, too.  Note that there is no cooldown; Tosh can spam this almost as fast as you can hit "B," and re-stun enemies about to recover.

Psionic Shield (30 EP, cooldown 20 seconds): Tosh gets 300 points of Shields, a la the Protoss, for 10 seconds.  The shields take hits before HP, of course.

Consumption (10 EP, cooldown ? seconds): Drains half the life of an allied unit; Tosh gets 2 EP back per HP drained.  Not real useful in the DL.

Nuke (costs 1x Nuclear Missile): Tosh's nukes drop fairly fast - 5 second charge time perhaps?  They're also apparently extra-powerful, not that it really matters.  Epicenter takes 700 damage, +500 vs. Structures.  If you're far enough away you take less damage.  Tosh gets 5 nukes on normal, 4 nukes on hard, and 3 nukes on Brutal.  

Comments: Hey look it's more cloak cheese.  And stun (which nobody really immunes in game) -> shot cheese.  And probably stun-> nuke cheese too, though this is chancier since Tosh can't reapply Mindblast while sighting the Nuke (but he can about 2 seconds before the Nuke lands, though).  And crazy good tanking with Psionic Shield while we're at it.  The nukes for Tosh might actually be legal, too, as you can't avoid getting them.  Unrankable Ubergodlike.


"They won't see me coming."

Biological, Psionic
HP: 300
EP: 250
Armor: 2
Damage: 30 / 1.5
5-second damage: 215 Snipe -> 3x shot
5-second damage to Mechanical enemies: 90 3x shot

Nova is permanently cloaked.

Snipe (10 second cooldown): 125 damage to an enemy non-mechanical unit.  (So it doesn't have to be marked "Biological", just not "Mechanical.")

Dominate (75 energy): Take control of target unit.  Lasts as long as Nova's alive.  Unit won't even complain if Nova or her allies shoot it up.  Nova can only control one unit at once, but can voluntarily relinquish control of a dominated unit if she'd like.  (It's generally better just to shoot it.)

Psionic Radar: Nova is currently the only unit in the game that cares about the Psionic type - she makes every psionic unit light up on the minimap.

Nuke: See Tosh, but without mindblast, it's harder to hype Nova's nuke.  If the arena is very close quarters, then Nova will nuke herself; if it's not, then the opponent can just go stand next to Nova.  Matters vs. immobile FE bosses, I guess.

If you only know Nova as "the main from that canceled stealth game," you should go read her profile on the StarCraft wiki ( ).  It's positively something out of a JRPG, or a teen fantasy novel.  She was born practically a Confederate princess into the aristocracy!  But assassins murdered her family!  Which caused her vast psychic energy to erupt and she killed all the assassins and blew up a skyscraper!  Then she fled into the slums!  But the Confederates wiped her memory and made her a secret agent!  But will she find out the truth about old General Warfield and his plans?!  And can you tell the following two portraits apart?!  (Separated  at birth?)

Anyway.  Cloak cheese AND 100% charm cheese.  Damage is not great for a hero but still decent enough to beat up, uh, the BG2 mages that could potentially spoil both the charm and the cloak.  Unrankable UberGodlike.  

TODO: Add the other Protoss heroes who technically don't appear in the missions that actually happened and are in mechs anyway.

For way of comparison to the heroes, here are 3 sample mooks for comparison.  (Unlike the SC1 topic, no, I don't intend to stat-up the many many units of SC2.  Be my guest if you want to go for it yourself.)


"Who wants some?"

Light, Biological
HP: 55 (45+10)
Armor: 0
Damage: 6 / 0.86
5-second damage: 48 8x shot, 10 HP self-damage
5-second damage (no Stimpack): 30 5x Shot (but very close to a 6th shot)

Special abilities:
Combat Shield: +10 HP (already factored in).

Stimpack: -10 HP.  The Marine gains 150% walking speed and fires 150% as fast for 12 seconds.  Can be used again as soon as it wears off, HP permitting.

Comments: Hey, Stimpack gives surpirisingly okay damage, and might live to unleash it with range hype vs. melee characters!  Just please don't have armor.  Or Guardian Shield.  Or ranged damage yourself.  Marines still go splat in SC2 real fast.


"My life for Aiur!"

Light, Biological
HP: 100
Shields: 50
Armor: 1
Damage: 8 x2 / 1.2
5-second damage: 64 Double Slice x4

Special abilities:
Charge (cooldown 10 seconds): The Zealot, once in sufficient range of an opponent (about equivalent to the usual ranged damage range), will charge in at super-speed to close and attack.  This can include charging through the one tiny hole in a Terran wall, say.  Basically once Zealots have charge you can't just kite them to death with ranged units - while you can run away again after the first charge, you can't really stop and fire much before Charge warms up again and you get hit.

Comments: Tanks, hits hard and quickly, doesn't have range headache issues.  Loses horribly to heroes still, of course, but hey.


omg zerg rush

Light, Biological
HP: 35
Armor: 0
Damage: 5 / .59
5-second damage: 40 8x Claw swipe

Special abilities:
Metabolic Boost: Increases Zerg speed by a great deal.  Helps 'em close the gap to ranged units faster, which is something.

Adrenal Glands: Changes the Zergling into deep-fried pork.  Nope, never made any sense to me either.  Oh that and 20% faster attacks (already factored in).

Comments: Takes hits worse than Pikachu, but gets attacks off rapidly at least!  Of course there's never just one Zergling...  vs. the horde, have group / area damage or you may be in trouble.  Though if you can back up against a wall, that'd help, reduce the number of Zerglings that can surround you.


And oh yes...  bossess...  there's at least one people might care about...


"Do you think death is the worst thing that can happen to you here?  Infestation is what awaits you."

Biological, Psionic
HP: 1000 (Normal), 1250 (Hard), 1500 (Brutal).  Doesn't die upon reaching HP 0, but "Burrows" and comes back for more later with full HP.  Will probably attack you three times over the course of the mission.
EP: 250 (Normal), 375 (Hard), 500 (Brutal)
Armor: 1-4 (but she's got weird extra damage-reduction on top of this)
Damage (w/ 3 upgrades): 90, 165 vs. Structures / 1.5 (Psi Blast, ranged and Razor Talons, melee, both do the same damage)
5-Second Damage: 245-400?? Razor Storm -> 3x Psi Blast

Special abilities:
Kerrigan detects cloaked units and has vision as if she was flying.

Razor Storm (75 energy): Kerrigan's custom Psionic Storm.  Damned if I know the mechanics but hang around in it and die - this will wipe out immobile 160 HP Siege Tanks pretty reliably.

Implosion (75 energy): Instant death to Mechanical units.  Don't go mass Battlecruiser vs. Kerrigan, kids.

Comments: More AHAHAHAHA and also an interp nightmare.  For those who didn't play "All In," the final mission, you're under constant siege from a stream of Zerg units, but also have a Xel'Naga artifact that can blow up all Zerg in the vicinity.  PROTIP: When Kerrigan attacks, use the Artifact's Energy Nova!  Get rid of her support and all.  This means that Kerrigan should probably be scaled against half an army, as there are two chokepoints you have to defend, and she'll pick one to hit.  You can also move your more mobile troops like Banshees over to help out.  So around 70-100 supply of units, considering you need to have SCVs too?  Kerrigan also benefits from Zerg upgrades and will tend to have at least +2 Weapon upgrades which help a good deal, certainly more than the wussy Armor upgrades for your troops will help against her shots of doom.  By her final appearance she'll have lvl. 3 of everything for 4 Armor and +15 damage.

Kerrigan has weird damage resistance - I think a FAQ somewhere claimed that sieged tanks were doing far less damage than printed on the tin.  However you can throw a hell of a lot at her.  If all you cared about was killing Kerrigan, you could have a force of Spectres / Ghosts spamming Psionic Lash and Snipe.  Theoretically these ignore defenses, but Kerrigan reduces the damage a bunch anyway, but it's still better than your other options ( claims that the normally 200 damage Psionic Lash does 75 damage on Normal, and 50 damage on Hard.).  Of course that means they were just storing energy earlier rather than using that on the troops during the rest of the stage.  But even given that and a good defense, she tends to take ~10-15 seconds to take down with an average force?  Maybe a little less if you distracted her well with Perdition Turrets.  That's still a lot of RPG turns.  Even if you can't hype her HP much, there's still the form chain which means she ruins non-healers that let her get turns.  Of course the ID, Razor Storm, and terrifying damage means that she wins a lot even when her HP is irrelevant.  Total headache in the DL, but at least doesn't have Cloak like her SC1 form.  Probably Low Godlike with no form chain and low HP respect, and High Godlike with the form chain and decent HP respect.  

Her SC1 form is probably better anyway, as her HP is more plainly good and she gets to Cloak Cheese out people.  Odd that Kerrigan took the direct route in the last mission rather than infiltrating from behind...

Averages!  Well.  The heroic infantry average, to be precise.

Durability (HP + Shields)
Tychus w/ Odin   2500
1. Zeratul    400 (300+100)
2. Tosh   300
2. Nova   300
3. Raynor   200
3. Tychus   200
3. Swann   200
4. Stetmann   150
Zealot   150 (100+50)
 Marine    55
 Zergling    35

Average: 250
Average (HP only, no Shields): 236

Tychus w/ Odin   3
1. Zeratul, Tosh, Nova  2
2. Raynor, Tychus, Stetmann, Swann, Zealot 1
Marine, Zergling  0

Average: 1.43

5-second damage
Tychus w/Odin vs. slow or immobile opponents, Tosh w/ Mindblast -> Nuke seen as legal      Sufficient
1. Raynor     390
Zeratul     330 (vs. Armored)
Tychus w/Odin     320 (vs. ground opponents)
2. Tychus     315
3. Zeratul     292.5 (average vs. Armored & non-Armored opponents)
4. Tosh     280
Average no Stetmann
Zeratul     255 (vs. non-Armored)
5. Nova     215
Tychus w/Odin     120 (vs. ground opponents)
6. Swann     103
Zealot     64
Stimpacked Marine     48
Zergling     40
Marine     30

7? Stetmann     0

Average (no Stetmann): 266
Average (w/ Stetmann): 228

If we assume that 5 seconds is three rounds, then the 2.5 round killpoint would be 223 without Stetmann, and 190 with Stetmann.  No idea if he should be included; I know FE Bards generally aren't included in averages, but then they directly help you get more killing turns in game and nobody complains about really bad damage healers who never attack being in the averages, so who knows.
« Last Edit: October 12, 2010, 03:20:49 AM by SnowFire »


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Re: StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty (heroes)
« Reply #1 on: October 11, 2010, 12:47:21 PM »
Man, beat me to it ;_;

Guess I can still post all the extra stuff (i.e., campaign/regular units), especially the LEVIATHAN and other stuff >_>  At least, as of patch 1.1 >_>

Or just post the Diablo 2 stuff first >_>

I'd definitely assume items for Raynor's PtS form - they're unique to him >_>  The Plasma Rifle fires exceptionally fast, so he can surely get 3 of them off (1.2 seconds each?  I don't know the exact timing, nor have I looked it up in the Star Editor).  Still probably prefers the BotB form, as 300 damage is pretty insane.

Also, would you be able to post the actual speed (movement)?  Granted, most are pretty close, but...

« Last Edit: October 11, 2010, 12:53:40 PM by OblivionKnight »
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

[19:26] * +Terra_Condor looks up. Star Wars Football, what?
[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory


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Re: StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty
« Reply #2 on: October 11, 2010, 02:43:09 PM »
I'd factor in all the generic units for sure if using an SC2 average, since, well, they're all playable.

In other words, your average MT magic doesn't work - there are no enemies to cast it on, though it might work in team matches.  So you really need some kind of legal argument for detecting hidden (D&D True Seeing?  Alucard's Holy Glasses?) to take on cloaked units effectively.

Calling BS on this. Your average MT attack blankets the entire battlefield. It doesn't need a visible target. In RPGs that have them you always have such a target available, but there's no evidence to support an argument that you need to see a target in order to cast a spell like that.

I agree that a partial AoE attack won't work vs cloak if it has to be aimed at something, but true, full MT? That should work just fine.
« Last Edit: October 11, 2010, 04:47:19 PM by OblivionKnight »


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Re: StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty
« Reply #3 on: October 11, 2010, 04:03:54 PM »
Basically, I think the way Laggy put it in SC1 is the best.  Basically, if it's a targeted, centred attack, it can't work.  But general AoE works fine
« Last Edit: October 11, 2010, 04:47:30 PM by OblivionKnight »
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

[19:26] * +Terra_Condor looks up. Star Wars Football, what?
[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory


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Re: StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty
« Reply #4 on: October 11, 2010, 04:47:01 PM »
- Campaign-only units are included here in a separate section
- Campaign-specific upgrades are not taken into account for the Multi-Player units (or campaign-only units, for that matter)...however, they are listed, so feel free to add them in if you desire
- Campaign-specific units are not taken with their campaign-specific upgrades assumed; again, refer to their individual sections for listings of what they do
- Units are taken with unit-specific upgrades in play, as well as all the generic armour and attack upgrades.  For those not familiar with them, there are 3 levels of attack and armour upgrades.  Each armour upgrade adds one armour, while the attack bonus is variable (+1 for Marines, while Seige Tanks get +5 per level in seige mode)
- All units that require energy start with 50 base energy (75 with the corresponding reactor upgrade), with a maximum of 200.  The following units use energy: Ghost, Medivac, Banshee, Raven, Battlecruiser, Medic, Wraith, Science Vessel, and Spectre.  Energy regenerates at 0.5625 per second.

Multi-Player Units

"My cow died last night, so I don't need your bull."
Light, Biological, Mechanical, Ground
HP: 45
Speed: 2.8125
Armour: 3
Sight: 8

Fusion Cutter (Ground only): 5 damage
Cooldown: 1.5
Range: 0

Innate Abilities
Repair: Restores a mechanical unit's HP; the speed at which it is repaired is equal to its build time (so 60 seconds to build = 60 seconds to repair from 1 HP), at a cost equal to 25% of its building costs

Campaign Only
Advanced Construction: Multiple SCVs can build a building
Dual Fusion Welders: Doubles repair rate

Light, Mechanical, Ground
HP: 60
Speed: 2.8125
Armour: 3
Sight: 8

Innate Abilities
Repair: Restores a mechanical unit's HP; the speed at which it is repaired is equal to its build time (so 60 seconds to build = 60 seconds to repair from 1 HP), at a cost equal to 25% of its building costs
Short Life: MULEs die after 90 seconds

"You ever notice that nobody ever comes back to the barracks?"
Light, Biological, Ground
HP: 55
Speed: 2.25
Armour: 3
Sight: 9

C-14 Rifle (Air and Ground): 9 damage
Cooldown: 0.8608
Range: 5

Attack Upgrade: +1 per level
Combat Shield: +10 HP
Stimpack: Enables the stimpack ability; stimpack deals 10 damage to Marine, but increases their move and attack rate by 50% and 33% (to 3.375 and 0.568128, respectively); cannot be used at 10 health or below; lasts for 15 seconds

" really light my fuse (weapon fires) Whoops! (distant explosion heard) DAMN! Premature Detonation!"
Armoured, Biological, Ground
HP: 125
Speed: 2.25
Armour: 4
Sight: 10

Punisher Grenades (Ground only): 13 damage (26 vs. armoured units)
Cooldown: 1.5
Range: 6

Attack Upgrade: +1 per level (+2 vs. armoured)
Concussive Shells: Attack slows target movement speed by 50% for 1.5 seconds; massive units are immune
Stimpack: Enables the stimpack ability; stimpack deals 20 damage to Marauder, but increases their move and attack rate by 50% and 33% (to 3.375 and 1, respectively); cannot be used at 20 health or below; lasts for 15 seconds

Campaign Only
Jackhammer Concussive Shells: Attack slows target movement speed by 50% for 1.5 seconds over an area; massive units are immune

"I'm bringing the pain, and the pizza in 30 minutes or it's free."
Light, Biological, Ground
HP: 50
Speed: 3.8398
Armour: 3
Sight: 9

P-38 Reaper Pistol (Ground only): 7x2 damage (12x2 vs. light units)
Cooldown: 1.1
Range: 4.5

D-8 Charges (Building only): 39 damage
Cooldown: 1.8
Range: 5

Innate Abilities
Jet Packs: Allows the Reaper to leap up and down cliffs 1 elevation height difference at a time

Attack Upgrade: +1 per level
Nitro Packs: Raises movement speed by 30%

Campaign Only
U-238 Rounds: +1 P-38 Range and +3 damage vs. light units
G-4 Cluster Bomb: 155 damage over an area; 60 second cooldown

"I think the female ghosts have nicer equipment."
Psionic, Biological, Ground
HP: 100
Speed: 2.25
Armour: 3
Sight: 11

C-10 Canister Rifle (Air and Ground): 13 damage (26 vs. light units)
Cooldown: 1.5
Range: 6

Innate Abilities
Sniper Round (25 energy): 45 damage to a biological ground or air unit
Emp Round (75 energy): Reveals cloaked units, drains 100 shield points, and drains all energy of all units (allied or not) in a target area
Tac Nuke Strike: The Ghost channels a red dot to a target area; after 20 seconds, a nuclear missile falls, dealing 300 damage (500 to buildings) in the area; requires 1 nuke to be built first, which takes 60 seconds

Attack Upgrade: +1 per level
Cloak (25 energy, drains 0.9 energy per second): Turns the Ghost invisible and untargetable; detector units can see the cloaked unit
Moebius Reactor: +25 starting energy when trained

Campaign Only
Ocular Implants: +3 sight and +2 attack range
Crius Suit: Cloak requires no energy

"Wooh boy! I'm hotter than a June bug riding bareback on the hind leg of a jack rabbit with his tail on fire!"
Light, Mechanical, Ground
HP: 90
Speed: 4.25
Armour: 3
Sight: 10

Infernal Flamethrower (Ground only): 11 damage (27 vs. light units) in a line 0.15 range wide perpendicular to the Hellion
Cooldown: 2.5
Range: 5 (the range of the flame jet is 6)

Attack Upgrade: +1 per level
Infernal Pre-lighter: +10 damage vs. light units

Campaign Only
Thermite Filaments: +10 damage vs. light units
Twin-linked Flamthrower: Doubles the width of the flame attack to 0.3 range wide

Crucio Siege Tank
"If the guns are churnin', your ass is burnin'! If the guns are blazin', your ass is... (gears grind) ...a raisin. I don't know, what do you want from me?"
Armoured, Mechanical, Ground
HP: 160
Speed: 2.25
Armour: 4
Sight: 11

90mm Twin Cannons (Ground only): 21 damage (34 vs. armoured units)
Cooldown: 1.04
Range: 7

Attack Upgrade (Tank Mode): +2 per level (+3 vs. armoured units)
Attack Upgrade (Siege Mode): +3 per level (+5 vs. armoured units)
Siege Mode: Enables the Siege Tank to switch from the mobile tank mode listed above to the immobile siege mode and back again; the attack (120mm Shock Cannon) deals 44 damage (65 vs. armoured units) at 13 range with a cooldown of 3; the tank now has a minimum range of 2; the transformation to either mode takes 4 seconds

Campaign Only
Maelstrom Rounds: +40 damage to the primary target
Shaped Blast: Reduces friendly splash damage by 75%

"What is best: to crush the zerg, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentations of the protoss."
Armoured, Massive, Mechanical, Ground
HP: 400
Speed: 1.875
Armour: 4
Sight: 11

Thor's Hammer (Ground only): 39x2 damage
Cooldown: 1.28
Range: 7

Javelin Missiles (Air Only): 9x4 damage (18x4 vs. light units)
Cooldown: 3
Range: 10

Attack Upgrade (Thor's Hammer): +3 per level
Attack Upgrade (Javelin Missiles): +1 per level (+2 vs. light units)
250mm Strike Cannons: Deals 500 damage to a single target and stuns it for 6 seconds; requires 2 seconds of start-up and cool-down time before executing; 50 second cooldown between uses

Campaign Only
330mm Cannon: Thor's Hammer attacks now deal area damage and stun targets
Immortality Protocol: When destroyed, the Thor can be rebuilt on the spot with a 12 second build time and 200 gas cost, as long as the destroyed husk (400 HP, 1 armour) is not destroyed before it rebuilds

"Erik! Baleog! Olaf! Come in! (pause) Must've gotten lost again..."
Armoured, Mechanical, Air
HP: 125
Speed: 2.75
Armour: 3
Sight: 10

Lanzer Torpedos (Air Only): 13x2 damage (20x2 vs. armoured units)
Cooldown: 2
Range: 9

Innate Abilities
Assault Mode: Enables the Viking to switch from the aerial Fighter Mode listed above to grounded Assault Mode and back again; in Assault Mode, the Viking attack (Twin Gatling Cannon) deals 15 damage at 6 range with 1 cooldown to ground targets only, with a reduced speed of 2.25; it takes 3 seconds to switch between modes

Attack Upgrade (Lanzer Torpedos): +1 per level (+2 vs. armoured units)
Attack Upgrade (Twin Gatling Cannon): +1 per level

Campaign Only
Ripwave Missiles: Viking Fighter Mode attacks deal splash damage
Phobos-Class Weapons System: +2 Torpedo and +1 Cannon range

"Uh, why you boys all wearing redshirts anyway?"
Armoured, Mechanical, Air
HP: 150
Speed: 2.5
Armour: 4
Sight: 11

Innate Abilities
Heal (1 energy): Heals a biological unit at range 5 for 3 HP per 1 energy at a rate of 13.5 HP/second
Load: Places ground units into the Medivac which can then be unloaded later

Caduceus Reactor: +25 starting energy when trained

Campaign Only
Rapid Deployment Tubes: Unloads troops almost instantly
Advanced Healing AI: Allows the Medivac to heal 2 targets at once

"Who said anything about cake?"
Light, Mechanical, Air
HP: 140
Speed: 2.25
Armour: 4
Sight: 11

Innate Abilities
Detector: The Raven can see burrowed, cloaked, and hallucinated units
Build Auto-Turret (50 energy): The Raven places an automated turret to attack targets; the turret deals 8 damage to ground or air targets with a cooldown of 0.8 at range 7; it has 150 HP and 3 armour, and is classified as a structure; the unit will time out and die after 240 seconds
Build Point Defense Drone (100 energy): Places a Point Defense Drone in a target area; the Point Defense Drone has 50 HP and 2 armour; it shoots down projectiles of most units at range 9 (except for Sentries, Archons, Void Rays, Carriers, Motherships, Marines, Ghosts, Auto-Turrets, and Infested Terrans); it costs 10 energy to shoot down a projectile per each projectile fired; Point Defense Drones start with 200 energy and regenerate 1 energy/second

Corvid Reactor: +25 starting energy when trained
Seeker Missile (125 energy): Deals 100 area of effect damage; the missile travels at a speed of 2.25 and lasts for 20 seconds; this is evadable if the target of the missile avoids it for long enough

"Today's in-flight movie will be Ghost Academy: The Musical, starring Zac Efron and Corbin Green."
Light, Mechanical, Air
HP: 140
Speed: 2.75
Armour: 3
Sight: 10

Backlash Rockets (Ground Only): 15x2 damage
Cooldown: 1.25
Range: 6

Attack Upgrade: +1 per level
Cloak (25 energy, drains 0.9 energy per second): Turns the Banshee invisible and untargetable; detector units can see the cloaked unit

Campaign Only
Shockwave Missile Battery: Banshee attacks deal damage in a line
Cross-Spectrum Dampeners: Reduces cloak costs by 50% to 0.45 energy per second)

"What do you mean we're out of olives?!"  
Armoured, Massive, Mechanical, Air
HP: 550
Speed: 1.4062
Armour: 6
Sight: 12

ATS Laser Batteries (Ground Only): 11 damage
Cooldown: 0.225
Range: 6

ATA Laser Batteries (Air Only): 9 damage
Cooldown: 0.225
Range: 6

Attack Upgrade: +1 per level
Yamato Cannon (125 energy): 300 damage at range 10; requires 3 seconds of charge-up before firing
Behemoth Reactor: +25 starting energy when trained

Campaign Only
Missile Pods (125 energy): Deals 40 damage (50 vs. light units) to air units in a target area
Defensive Matrix (100 energy): Creates a shield that absorbs 200 damage for 20 seconds; 20 cooldown

Campaign-Only Units

"If I do it wrong, it'll hurt a little. If I do it right, it'll hurt a lot."
Light, Biological, Ground
HP: 60
Speed: 2.25
Armour: 4
Sight: 9

Innate Abilities
Heal (1 energy): Heals a biological unit at range 5 for 3 HP per 1 energy at a rate of 13.5 HP/second

Advanced Medic Facilities: Medics no longer require a tech lab for construction
Stabilizer Med-packs: Medics heal 25% faster and use 33% less energy per heal (they now heal 5 HP per 1 energy)

"How'd you want your Zerg, original, or extra crispy?"
Armoured, Biological, Ground
HP: 100
Speed: 2.25
Armour: 6
Sight: 10

Perdition Flamethrower (Ground only): 14 damage (21 vs. light units) to an area around the flame attack
Cooldown: 1.4
Range: 2

Attack Upgrade: +2 per level (+3 vs. light units)
Incinerator Gauntlets: Increase the area effect width by 40%
Juggernaut Plating: +2 armour

"Checklist completed... S.O.B."
Armoured, Mechanical, Ground
HP: 125
Speed: 2.65
Armour: 4
Sight: 11

Autocannon (Ground only): 21 damage
Cooldown: 1.5
Range: 7

Hellfire Missiles (Air Only): 11x2 damage (14x2 vs. armoured units)
Cooldown: 1.5
Range: 9

Attack Upgrade (Autocannon): +1 per level
Attack Upgrade (Hellfire Missiles): +1 per level (+2 vs. armoured units)
Multi-Lock Weapons System: Goliaths can use both their air and ground attacks at the same time
Phobos-Class Weapons System: +3 Missile and +1 Cannon range

"Not all who wander are lost... some of us are drunk."
Armoured, Mechanical, Ground
HP: 250
Speed: 2.95
Armour: 4
Sight: 11

Eviscerator Rail Gun (Ground only): 26 damage (52 vs. armoured units)
Cooldown: 2
Range: 7

Innate Abilities
Fire on the Move: The Diamonback can fire and move at the same time

Attack Upgrade: +2 per level (+4 vs. armoured units)
Tri-Lithium Power Cell: +1 range
Shaped Hull: +50 HP

"I ever tell you about my carpet? Really tied the room together."
Light, Mechanical, Ground
HP: 75
Speed: 4.25
Armour: 4
Sight: 11

Fragmentation Grenade Launcher (Ground only): 13 damage (31 vs. light units)
Cooldown: 1.69
Range: 6

Innate Abilities
Spider Mine: Lays a spider mine in a selected ground location; it takes 1 second for the mine to burrow; when a ground unit comes within range, the mine unburrows (0.83 seconds) and rushes towards the target to explode for 70 area damage; Spider Mines have 25 HP and are considered light structures; Vultures start with 3 Spider Mines

Attack Upgrade: +1 per level (+2 vs. light units)
Cerberus Mines: Increases Spider Mine blast radius and trigger zone by 33%
Replenishable Magazine: Allows the vulture to replenish Spider Mine quantities at 15 minerals each with a 12 second build time

"Gravity. It's not just a good idea, it's the law."
Armoured, Mechanical, Air
HP: 125
Speed: 3.75
Armour: 3
Sight: 11

Burst Lasers (Ground Only): 11 damage
Cooldown: 1.69
Range: 5

Gemini Missiles (Air Only): 8x2 damage (16x2 vs. armoured units)
Cooldown: 1.25
Range: 5

Innate Abilities
Cloak (25 energy, drains 0.9 energy per second): Turns the Wraith invisible and untargetable; detector units can see the cloaked unit

Attack Upgrade (Burst Lasers): +1 per level
Attack Upgrade (Gemini MIssiles): +1 per level (+2 vs. armoured units)
Tomahawk Power Cells: +100 starting energy when trained
Displacement Field: Evade 20% of attacks targeted at unit while it is cloaked

Armoured, Massive, Mechanical, Air
HP: 500
Speed: 2.75
Armour: 6
Sight: 12

Innate Abilities
Rapid Deployment Tubes: Unloads troops almost instantly
Load: Places ground units into the Medivac which can then be unloaded later

Science Vessel
"E equals MC...d'oh, let me get my notepad."
Armoured, Mechanical, Air
HP: 200
Speed: 2
Armour: 3
Sight: 12

Innate Abilities
Detector: The Science Vessel can see burrowed, cloaked, and hallucinated units
Nano-Repair (1 energy): Heals a mechanical unit at range 5 for 3 HP per 1 energy at a rate of 13.5 HP/second
Irradiate (25 energy): Irradiates a target and deals 250 damage over 30 seconds to biological units; this may be targeted on a mechanical unit; deals damage to all within range of the irradiated unit

"This one's got your name on it...(gunshot) Damn, missed. Good thing this one has your name on it...(gunshot) Okay I'm pretty sure this one has your...(pause) what the hell IS your name anyway!?"
Psionic, Biological, Ground
HP: 80
Speed: 2.75
Armour: 3
Sight: 11

AGR-14 Rifle (Air and Ground): 18 damage (23 vs. armoured units)
Cooldown: 2
Range: 6

Innate Abilities
Cloak (25 energy, drains 0.9 energy per second): Turns the Spectre invisible and untargetable; detector units can see the cloaked unit
Ultrasonic Pulse (50 energy): Stuns units within an area for 1.5 seconds; 3 second cooldown
Tac Nuke Strike: The Ghost channels a red dot to a target area; after 20 seconds, a nuclear missile falls, dealing 300 damage (500 to buildings) in the area; requires 1 nuke to be built first, which takes 60 seconds

Attack Upgrade: +1 per level
Nyx-Class Cloaking Module: Cloak requires no energy
Psionic Lash (150 energy): Deals 200 damage over 3 seconds to a single target, during which time the Spectre cannot act

Light, Mechanical, Ground
HP: 140
Speed: 4
Armour: 4
Sight: 11

Titanium Claws (Ground only): 18 damage (+20 from Lightning Field)
Cooldown: 1
Range: 0

Innate Abilities
Lightning Field: Every time the Predator attacks, it releases a 20 damage area effect radiating out from its centre

Attack Upgrade: +1 per level
« Last Edit: October 29, 2010, 04:24:38 PM by OblivionKnight »
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

[19:26] * +Terra_Condor looks up. Star Wars Football, what?
[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory


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Re: StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty
« Reply #5 on: October 11, 2010, 04:47:49 PM »
- Zerg have no playable campaign units, with the only units not included here being the Brutalisk (upgraded Ultralisk with an air attack) and the Leviathan (massive air unit that spawns other air units), Scourge (suicide unit that never fights any air units to suicide into...) and the Omegalisk (...which is another name for a Brutalisk, with a different look, effectively).  These campaign units are not included here
- Units are taken with unit-specific upgrades in play, as well as all the generic armour and attack upgrades.  For those not familiar with them, there are 3 levels of attack and armour upgrades.  Each armour upgrade adds one armour, while the attack bonus is variable (+1 for Zerglings, while Brood Lords get +2 per level)
- All units that require energy start with 50 base energy (75 for Infestors with the appropriate upgrade), with a maximum of 200.  The following units use energy: Queen, Infestor.  Energy regenerates at 0.5625 per second.
- All Zerg units regenerate 0.2734 HP/second unless otherwise noted
- Most Zerg units move faster on creep - it varies, again, and will be listed in each individual unit section
- All Zerg ground units can also burrow - burrowing takes about 1 second, after which the unit is effectively cloaked, but cannot move or attack (with exceptions)

Multi-Player Units

Light, Biological, Ground
HP: 40
Speed: 2.8125
Armour: 3
Sight: 8

Claws (Ground only): 5 damage
Cooldown: 1.5
Range: 0

Armoured, Biological, Air
HP: 200
Speed: 1.88
Armour: 3
Sight: 11

Innate Abilities
Excrete Creep: Creates an area of creep beneathe the Overlord

Morph to Overseer: Morphs the Overlord into an Overseer after 20 seconds, during which time the Overlord cannot act
Pneumatized Carapace: Increases movement speed of Overlords by 300%
Ventral Sacs: Enables the Overlord to use the Load ability and transport units
Load: Places ground units into the Medivac which can then be unloaded later

Light, Biological, Ground
HP: 35
Speed: 4.6991
Armour: 3
Sight: 8

Claws (Ground only): 8 damage
Cooldown: 0.587
Range: 0

Innate Abilities
Creep Speed Increase: 30%

Attack Upgrade: +1 per level
Metabolic Boost: Increases movement speed by 60%
Adrenal Glands: Increases attack rate 16%
Morph to Baneling: Morphs a Zergling into a Baneling after 20 seconds, during which time the Zergling cannot act

"Do I really look like a man to you?"
Psionic, Armoured, Biological, Ground
HP: 175
Speed: 0.938
Armour: 4
Sight: 9

Claws (Ground only): 7x2 damage
Cooldown: 1
Range: 3

Acid Spines (Air only): 12 damage
Cooldown: 1
Range: 7

Innate Abilities
Creep Speed Increase: 170%
Spawn Larva (25 energy): Causes a Hatchery or equivalent to spawn 4 additional larva after 40 seconds
Spawn Creep Tumour (25 energy): Shits out a building that, after 15 seconds, will cloak and begin spreading creep
Transfusion (50 energy): Heals a target at range 7 for 125 HP  

Attack Upgrade: +1 per level

"Hava Nagila!"
Biological, Ground
HP: 30
Speed: 2.9531
Armour: 3
Sight: 8

Volatile Burst (Ground only): 26 damage (47 vs. light units) to an area; kills user
Cooldown: 0.833
Range: 0

Volatile Burst (Building only): 95 damage to an area; kills user
Cooldown: 0.833
Range: 0

Innate Abilities
Creep Speed Increase: 30%

Attack Upgrade (Unit attack): +2 per level (+4 vs. light units)
Attack Upgrade (Building attack): +5 per level
Centrifugal Hooks: Increases Baneling speed by 18%; allows Banelings to roll adorably towards targets

"Pitter Patter!"
Armoured, Biological, Ground
HP: 145
Speed: 3
Armour: 4
Sight: 9

Acid Saliva (Ground only): 22 damage
Cooldown: 2
Range: 4

Innate Abilities
Rapid Regeneration: Roaches regenerate 10 HP/second when burrowed
Creep Speed Increase: 30%

Attack Upgrade: +2 per level
Glial Reconstitution: Increases Roach movement speed by 33% above ground and by 54% below ground
Tunneling Claws: Allows the Roach to move while burrowed at a speed of 2.1562; increases Roach regeneration while burrowed by 5 HP/second

"I see you when you're sleeping!  I know when you're awake!  I know when you've been bad or good so be good or I WILL EAT YOU!"
Armoured, Biological, Air
HP: 200
Speed: 2.75
Armour: 4
Sight: 11

Innate Abilities
Detector: The Overseer can see burrowed, cloaked, and hallucinated units
Spawn Changeling (50 energy): Creates a Changeling, a unit with 5 HP, 2.25 speed, and 8 sight that disguises itself as an enemy unit; lasts 150 seconds
Contaminate (75 energy): Disables a building for 30 seconds

Pneumatized Carapace: Increases movement speed of Overseers by 47%

"Why no pro gamer use me?"
Light, Biological, Ground
HP: 80
Speed: 2.25
Armour: 3
Sight: 9

Needle Spines (Air and Ground): 15 damage
Cooldown: 0.83
Range: 6

Innate Abilities
Creep Speed Increase: 50%

Attack Upgrade: +1 per level
Grooved Spines: +1 range

"Artosis is my friend!"
Light, Biological, Air
HP: 120
Speed: 3.75
Armour: 3
Sight: 11

Glaive Wurm (Air and Ground): 12 damage; this attack bounces to 2 more targets in order, dealing 4 and 1 damage, respectively
Cooldown: 1.5246
Range: 3

Attack Upgrade: +1 per level

"Why I never built?"
Armoured, Biological, Air
HP: 200
Speed: 2.9531
Armour: 5
Sight: 10

Parasite Spores (Air only): 17 damage (26 vs. massive units)
Cooldown: 1.9
Range: 6

Innate Abilities
Corruption: Causes target unit to take 20% more damage for 30 seconds; 45 second cooldown between uses

Attack Upgrade: +1 per level (+2 vs. massive units)
Morph to Brood Lord: Morphs a Corruptor into a Brood Lord after 34 seconds, during which time the Corruptor cannot act

"I deal the best fruit!"
Armoured, Psionic, Biological, Ground
HP: 90
Speed: 2.5
Armour: 3
Sight: 10

Innate Abilities
Creep Speed Increase: 30%
Burrow Movement: Infestors move at speed 2 while burrowed
Infested Terran (25 energy): Spawns an egg that, after 5 seconds, spawns and Infested Terran; Infested Terrans have 50 HP, deal 11 damage to air and ground targets, and die after 30 seconds have passed; this skill can be used while burrowed
Fungal Growth (75 energy): Deals 36 damage over 8 seconds to all units caught in a target area and immobilizes them, preventing them from moving but not attacking

Neural Parasite (100 energy): Takes control of a target unit for 15 seconds, the Infestor is killed, or until the unit moves out of range 14
Pathogen Glands: +25 starting energy when trained

Armoured, Massive, Biological, Ground
HP: 500
Speed: 2.9531
Armour: 6
Sight: 9

Kaiser Blades (Ground only): 21 damage (47 vs. armoured units); 33% of this damage is dealt as splash damage in an arc in front of the Ultralisk
Cooldown: 0.861
Range: 0

Innate Abilities
Creep Speed Increase: 30%
Frenzied: The Ultralisk is immune to snare, stun, and mind control effects

Attack Upgrade: +2 per level (+4 vs. armoured units)
Chitinous Plating: +2 armour

Brood Lord
Armoured, Massive, Biological, Air
HP: 225
Speed: 1.4062
Armour: 4
Sight: 12

Broodling Strike (Ground only): 26 damage per Broodling spawned; spawns 2 Broodlings next to the target of the attack; Broodlings have 30 HP, 3.8360 speed, and deal 7 damage at range 1 with a cooldown of 0.6455; they will automatically die after 8 seconds; Broodlings respawn every 2.5 seconds, so a continuously attacking Brood Lord will fire 1 Broodling at a time; Broodlords start with 2 Broodlings
Cooldown: 2.5
Range: 9.5

Attack Upgrade: +2 per level
« Last Edit: May 23, 2011, 09:11:15 PM by OblivionKnight »
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

[19:26] * +Terra_Condor looks up. Star Wars Football, what?
[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory


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Re: StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty
« Reply #6 on: October 11, 2010, 04:47:57 PM »
- Campaign-only units are included here in a separate section...all 1 of them >_>
- Units are taken with unit-specific upgrades in play, as well as all the generic armour and attack upgrades.  For those not familiar with them, there are 3 levels of attack and armour upgrades.  Each armour upgrade adds one armour, while the attack bonus is variable (+1 for Zerglings, while Brood Lords get +2 per level)
- All units that require energy start with 50 base energy (75 with the appropriate upgrade), with a maximum of 200.  The following units use energy: Sentry, High Templar, Phoenix, and Mothership.  Energy regenerates at 0.5625 per second.
- All Protoss units have shields (SP listed below) that regenerate 2 SP/second unless otherwise noted
- All shields also have armour as well; this is 0 at base for all units, and 3 when upgraded; it works in the same way as the normal armour listed below, except that it only reduces damage when shields are up (and the armour reduces damage when shields are down)

Multi-Player Units

Light, Mechanical, Ground
HP: 20
SP: 20
Speed: 2.8125
Armour: 3
Sight: 8

Particle Beam (Ground only): 5 damage
Cooldown: 1.5
Range: 0

"Do NOT make me count to Zmer'Glars!"
Light, Biological, Ground
HP: 100
SP: 50
Speed: 2.75
Armour: 4
Sight: 9

Psi Blades (Ground only): 11x2 damage
Cooldown: 1.2
Range: 0

Attack Upgrade: +1 per level
Charge: Increases speed by 22%, and gives the Zealot the ability to charge into melee range when within range 4 of a target; this charge increases the Zealot speed by 218% for 3.5 seconds; cooldown of 10 seconds between uses

"Restraining order... what about our love?!"
Armoured, Mechanical, Ground
HP: 80
SP: 80
Speed: 2.9531
Armour: 4
Sight: 10

Particle Disruptors (Air and Ground): 13 damage (17 vs armoured units)
Cooldown: 1.44
Range: 6

Attack Upgrade: +1 per level
Blink: Teleports the Stalker to a nearby location within 8 range; 10 second cooldown

Light, Mechanical, Psionic, Ground
HP: 40
SP: 40
Speed: 2.25
Armour: 4
Sight: 10

Disruption Beam (Air and Ground): 9 damage
Cooldown: 1
Range: 5

Innate Abilities
Guardian Shield (75 energy): Creates a range 4 aura that reduces all incoming ranged damage by 2; lasts 15 seconds
Force Field (50 energy): Creates a barrier 1.7 range wide the blocks ground units from moving through it; lasts for 15 seconds; massive units will shatter the force field

Attack Upgrade: +1 per level
Hallucination (100 energy): Creates a copy of a target unit that receives double damage from attacks, deals no damage with its own attack, and lasts for 60 seconds before disappearing

High Templar
"Do you know what happens to a frog when it gets hit by lightning?!"
Light, Biological, Psionic, Ground
HP: 40
SP: 40
Speed: 1.875
Armour: 3
Sight: 10

Innate Abilities
Feedback (50 energy): Destroys all of a target's energy and converts that energy damage into HP damage at range 9
Archon Warp: Merges a combination of 2 High or Dark Templar into an Archon after 12 seconds, during which time neither Templar may act

Psionic Storm (75 energy): Deals 80 damage over 4 seconds at range 9 to a 1.5 width area; 3 second cooldown
Khaydarin Amulet: +25 starting energy when trained

Dark Templar
"I stalk the night."
Light, Biological, Psionic, Ground
HP: 40
SP: 80
Speed: 2.8125
Armour: 4
Sight: 8

Warp Blade (Ground only): 60 damage
Cooldown: 1.694
Range: 0

Innate Abilities
Permanent Cloak: Dark Templar are permanently cloaked at no cost
Archon Warp: Merges a combination of 2 High or Dark Templar into an Archon after 12 seconds, during which time neither Templar may act

Attack Upgrade: +5 per level

"Burning... doing.... the neutron... DANCE..."
Psionic, Ground
HP: 10
SP: 350
Speed: 2.8125
Armour: 3
Sight: 9

Psionic Shockwave (Air and Ground): 34 damage (47 vs. biological) to all targets at a 1 range radius around the primary target
Cooldown: 1.754
Range: 2

Attack Upgrade: +3 per level (+4 vs. biological units)

Light, Mechanical, Air
HP: 40
SP: 20
Speed: 2.8125
Armour: 3
Sight: 11

Innate Abilities
Detector: The Observer can see burrowed, cloaked, and hallucinated units
Permanent Cloak: Observers are permanently cloaked at no cost

Gravitic Boosters: Increases Observer speed by 50%

Warp Prism
Armoured, Mechanical, Psionic, Air
HP: 100
SP: 40
Speed: 3.375
Armour: 3
Sight: 10

Innate Abilities
Load: Places ground units into the Medivac which can then be unloaded later
Phasing Mode: Transforms the Warp Prism to and from a stationary Pylon after 2 seconds

Gravitic Drive: Increases Warp Prism speed by 35%

"Back in my day, I had to teleport to and from school in the snow, uphill, both dimensions!"
Armoured, Mechanical, Ground
HP: 200
SP: 100
Speed: 2.25
Armour: 4
Sight: 9

Phase Disruptors (Ground only): 26 damage (65 vs. armoured units)
Cooldown: 1.45
Range: 5

Innate Abilities
Hardened Shield: As long as the Immortal's shields are up, damage taken by its shields is reduced to a maximum of 10

Attack Upgrade: +2 per level (+5 vs. armoured units)

Armoured, Mechanical, Massive, Ground
HP: 200
SP: 150
Speed: 2.25
Armour: 4
Sight: 10

Thermal Lances (Ground only): 21x2 damage in a parallel line to the Colossus
Cooldown: 1.65
Range: 9

Innate Abilities
Cliff Walk: The Colossus can move up and down cliffs 1 elevation height difference at a time
Really Fucking Big Unit: The Colossus can be targeted by air-air only weapons as well as any attack that targets ground units

Attack Upgrade: +2 per level
Extended Thermal Lances: +3 range

"We push ourselves to the end, and when we reach it, we push farther! So I guess that's not really the it?"
Light, Mechanical, Air
HP: 120
SP: 60
Speed: 4.25
Armour: 3
Sight: 10

Ion Cannons (Air only): 8x2 damage (13x2 vs. light units)
Cooldown: 1.11
Range: 4

Innate Abilities
Fire on the Move: The Phoenix can fire and move at the same time
Graviton Beam (50 energy): Elevates a unit into the air at range 4 for 10 seconds; the unit lifted is now considered an air unit, and cannot act during this time; the Phoenix must channel this skill and is unable to act during this time; massive units are immune

Attack Upgrade: +1 per level

Void Ray
"There is no greater void than the one between your ears..."
Armoured, Mechanical, Air
HP: 150
SP: 100
Speed: 2.25
Armour: 3
Sight: 10

Prismatic Beam (Air and Ground): 9 damage (13 vs. armoured units) [15 vs. massive units] at level 1; 9 damage (13 vs. armoured units) [15 vs. massive units] at level 2; 11 damage (22 vs. armoured units) [25 vs. massive units] at level 3
Cooldown: 0.6
Range: 6

Innate Abilities
Prismatic Beams: Increases the damage of the Void Ray the longer it remains firing at any target; every 6 consecutive attacks after the first will charge the Void Ray 1 level (so 7 attacks to hit level 2, 13 to hit level 3, approximately 7.2 seconds total to hit level 3 from level 1); if the Void Ray does not attack anything for 5 seconds, its charge level will return to baseline

Attack Upgrade: +1 per level at level 1; +1 per level at level 2; +1 per level (+2 vs. armoured and massive) at level 3

"My patience is limitless...release the interceptors!"
Armoured, Mechanical, Massive, Air
HP: 300
SP: 150
Speed: 1.875
Armour: 5
Sight: 12

Interceptors (Air and Ground): 8x2 damage (per individual interceptor, up to 8 max)
Cooldown: 0.125 (First 4 Interceptor Launch) - 0.25 (Last 4 Interceptor Launch); Interceptor attack cooldown of 3
Range: 8 (Launching) - 14 (Before Interceptors return to the Carrier)

Innate Abilities
Build Interceptor: Builds 1 Interceptor for 25 minerals and 8 seconds of build time; Carriers spawn with 4 Interceptors when built; Interceptors can be targeted when launched, and have 40 HP, 40 SP, 3 armour, 7 sight, 7.5 speed, are Light and Mechanical class, and have 2 range

Attack Upgrade: +1 per level
Graviton Catapult: Reduces the cooldown of Interceptor launching; the first 4 Interceptors are released 200% faster, while the last 4 are released 100% faster

"Don't MAKE me turn this ship around!"
Armoured, Mechanical, Massive, Psionic, Air
HP: 350
SP: 350
Speed: 1.4062
Armour: 5
Sight: 14

Purifier Beams (Air and Ground): 9x6 damage
Cooldown: 2.21
Range: 7

Innate Abilities
Cloaking Field: Cloaks all nearby units and buildings within a 5 range radius of the Mothership
Vortex (100 energy): Creates a 2.5 range wide area that sucks in any unit that comes near it for 20 seconds; these units will reappear after the time has passed; units sucked in may not be damaged or utilized in any way
Mass Recall (100 energy): Teleports all units in a 6.5 radius to the Mothership's location after 2 seconds of charge-up

Attack Upgrade: +1 per level

Campaign-Only Units

"What is a 'merit badge'?"
Armoured, Mechanical, Air
HP: 150
SP: 100
Speed: 2.81
Armour: 3
Sight: 10

Anti-Matter Missiles (Air only): 10x2 damage (17x2 vs. armoured units)
Cooldown: 1.25
Range: 4

Photon Blasters (Ground only): 8 damage
Cooldown: 1.69
Range: 4

Attack Upgrade: +1 per level
« Last Edit: May 23, 2011, 09:19:54 PM by OblivionKnight »
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

[19:26] * +Terra_Condor looks up. Star Wars Football, what?
[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory


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Re: StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty
« Reply #7 on: October 11, 2010, 04:48:05 PM »
- All 53 units (42 non-campaign-unique) are listed here in the averages
- Where units would not be appropriate to use in the averages (i.e., Observers in the damage average), they are excluded
- Protoss HP are listed as Shield+Normal HP
- I am including the MULE in these but not Broodlings or Infested Terrans
- The Viking is not included in the ground damage averages due to it being an air unit upon creation, as well as taking time to transform
- Average Damage averages are taken over 3 seconds (as per ye olde Laggy's Starcraft 1 notes); note that it is the average damage, not actual damage - what I mean is that, if a unit has a cooldown of 1.7, they are assumed to make 3/1.7 attacks in that time period, not 2 (as they would in-game).  This is really just for averaging purposes because of the arbitrary time period chosen - if you feel like it should be taken as actual attacks, let me know, and I can calculate it.  Also, damages are assumed vs. normal targets, i.e., no massive damage bonus for Corruptors
- Due to energy restrictiveness, damages for caster units are not included here (High Templar, Raven, etc.)

HP: 179 (182 with only Multi-Player units)
Mothership: 700
Battlecruiser: 550
Ultralisk: 500
Hercules: 500
Carrier: 450
Thor: 400
Archon: 360
Colossus: 350
Immortal: 300
Void Ray: 250
Scout: 250
Diamondback: 250
Brood Lord: 225
Science Vessel: 200
Overlord: 200
Overseer: 200
Corruptor: 200
Phoenix: 180
Queen: 175
Siege Tank: 160
Stalker: 160
Medivac: 150
Zealot: 150
Roach: 145
Raven: 140
Banshee: 140
Predator: 140
Warp Prism: 140
Viking: 125
Marauder: 125
Goliath: 125
Wraith: 125
Mutalisk: 120
Dark Templar: 120
Ghost: 100
Firebat: 100
Hellion: 90
Infestor: 90
Hydralisk: 80
Spectre: 80
Sentry: 80
High Templar: 80
Vulture: 75
MULE: 60
Medic: 60
Observer: 60
Marine: 55
Reaper: 50
SCV: 45
Drone: 40
Probe: 40
Zergling: 35
Baneling: 30

Armour: 4 (4 with only Multi-Player units)
Battlecruiser: 6
Ultralisk: 6
Hercules: 6
Firebat: 6
Mothership: 5
Carrier: 5
Corruptor: 5
Thor: 4
Colossus: 4
Immortal: 4
Brood Lord: 4
Diamondback: 4
Overseer: 4
Queen: 4
Siege Tank: 4
Stalker: 4
Medivac: 4
Zealot: 4
Roach: 4
Raven: 4
Predator: 4
Marauder: 4
Dark Templar: 4
Vulture: 4
Sentry: 4
Goliath: 4
Medic: 4
Archon: 3
Void Ray: 3
Scout: 3
Science Vessel: 3
Overlord: 3
Phoenix: 3
Banshee: 3
Warp Prism: 3
Viking: 3
Wraith: 3
Mutalisk: 3
Ghost: 3
Hellion: 3
Infestor: 3
Hydralisk: 3
Spectre: 3
High Templar: 3
Observer: 3
Marine: 3
Reaper: 3
SCV: 3
Drone: 3
Probe: 3
Zergling: 3
Baneling: 3

Speed: 2.696953 (2.631631 with only Multi-Player units)
Zergling: 4.6991
Hellion: 4.25
Phoenix: 4.25
Vulture: 4.25
Predator: 4
Reaper: 3.8398
Wraith: 3.75
Mutalisk: 3.75
Warp Prism: 3.375
Roach: 3
Void Ray: 2.9531
Ultralisk: 2.9531
Corruptor: 2.9531
Stalker: 2.9531
Baneling: 2.9531
Diamondback: 2.95
SCV: 2.8125
Drone: 2.8125
Probe: 2.8125
Archon: 2.8125
Dark Templar: 2.8125
MULE: 2.8125
Observer: 2.8125
Scout: 2.81
Hercules: 2.75
Overseer: 2.75
Zealot: 2.75
Banshee: 2.75
Viking: 2.75
Spectre: 2.75
Goliath: 2.65
Medivac: 2.5
Siege Tank: 2.25
Colossus: 2.25
Immortal: 2.25
Raven: 2.25
Marauder: 2.25
Ghost: 2.25
Firebat: 2.25
Infestor: 2.5
Hydralisk: 2.25
Sentry: 2.25
Marine: 2.25
Medic: 2.25
Science Vessel: 2
Overlord: 1.88
Carrier: 1.875
Thor: 1.875
High Templar: 1.875
Mothership: 1.4062
Battlecruiser: 1.4062
Brood Lord: 1.4062
Queen: 0.938

Average Ground Damage Over 3 Seconds (38/30 units): 51 (54 with only Multi-Player units)
Thor: 182
Battlecruiser: 146
Carrier: 128
Predator: 114
Dark Templar: 106
Colossus: 76
Mothership: 73
Ultralisk: 73
Banshee: 72
Brood Lord: 62
Siege Tank: 60
Archon: 58
Zealot: 55
Hydralisk: 54
Immortal: 53
Void Ray: 45
Queen: 42
Goliath: 42
Zergling: 40
Diamondback: 39
Reaper: 38
Roach: 33
Marine: 31
Firebat: 30
Spectre: 27
Sentry: 27
Stalker: 27
Marauder: 26
Baneling: 26
Ghost: 26
Mutalisk: 23
Vulture: 23
Wraith: 19
Scout: 14
Hellion: 13
SCV: 10
Drone: 10
Probe: 10

Average Ground Damage Over 3 Seconds vs. Average Armour of 4 (38/30 units): 36 (38 with only Multi-Player units)
Thor: 168
Predator: 102
Dark Templar: 99
Battlecruiser: 93
Carrier: 64
Colossus: 62
Ultralisk: 59
Brood Lord: 55
Banshee: 52
Archon: 51
Siege Tank: 49
Immortal: 45
Mothership: 40
Hydralisk: 39
Zealot: 35
Goliath: 34
Diamondback: 33
Roach: 27
Void Ray: 25
Baneling: 22
Firebat: 21
Spectre: 21
Zergling: 20
Queen: 18
Stalker: 18
Marauder: 18
Ghost: 18
Marine: 17
Reaper: 16
Sentry: 15
Mutalisk: 15
Vulture: 15
Wraith: 12
Hellion: 8
Scout: 7
SCV: 2
Drone: 2
Probe: 2

Average Air Damage (20/16 units): 47 (50 with only Multi-Player units)
Carrier: 128
Battlecruiser: 120
Mothership: 73
Archon: 58
Hydralisk: 54
Scout: 48
Void Ray: 45
Goliath: 44
Phoenix: 43
Viking: 39
Wraith: 38
Queen: 36
Thor: 36
Marine: 31
Spectre: 27
Sentry: 27
Stalker: 27
Ghost: 26
Corruptor: 26
Mutalisk: 23

Average Air Damage vs. Average Amour of 4 (20/16 units): 28 (30 with only Multi-Player units)
Battlecruiser: 66
Carrier: 64
Archon: 51
Mothership: 40
Hydralisk: 39
Scout: 28
Goliath: 28
Viking: 27
Void Ray: 25
Queen: 24
Spectre: 21
Phoenix: 21
Thor: 20
Corruptor: 20
Wraith: 19
Stalker: 18
Ghost: 18
Marine: 17
Sentry: 15
Mutalisk: 15
« Last Edit: December 14, 2010, 02:58:40 PM by OblivionKnight »
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

[19:26] * +Terra_Condor looks up. Star Wars Football, what?
[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory


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Re: StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty
« Reply #8 on: October 11, 2010, 07:07:12 PM »
If you're down for doing the generics OK, then great.  I would say that for those who do care about the distinction, could there be an average of just "DL-legal" units?  i.e. stuff trained out of a Barracks, not SCVs or Thors or Banshees.  Some units are borderline - Immortals "feel" like they should be normal infantry ground units but come from a Robotics Bay - but should give a more RPG-friendly average.

Monkeyfinger, re generics, most of the missions centering around heroes don't have base-building, so the heroes actually don't have to compete with swarms of Battlecruisers.  Belly of the Beast, the most RPG-like of the missions, has some recruitable mooks tossed in, but they're largely a distraction while the heroes do the real damage.  I guess you could make mission-specific averages, which will all make the heroes look insanely awesome, though this doesn't feel right either (would the cast of FF4 all be godlike if there were lvl. 10 peasants who you could swap in to support you occasionally and tank hits?).  I personally feel that averaging heroes against heroes works the best in this case, and it's what gets done with FFT, Disgaea, etc.

Also, OK, you left out some of the Banshees' skillset.  They've got Curse, Anti-Magic Aura, and Possession as well.  The deals that the Terrans must make...

Calling BS on this. Your average MT attack blankets the entire battlefield. It doesn't need a visible target. In RPGs that have them you always have such a target available, but there's no evidence to support an argument that you need to see a target in order to cast a spell like that.

I agree that a partial AoE attack won't work vs cloak if it has to be aimed at something, but true, full MT? That should work just fine.

Actually partial AoE that is area-targeted can work fine - hence why I mentioned FFT Wizard being able to do hit cloaked "aim at this panel here" but not FFT Summoner or Priest ("hit all enemies in this swath of territory - whoops there aren't any," and Holy is obviously targeted).

As for MT, eh, judgment call.  The closest you can get is when all enemies are unavailable to be targeted, which does happen in some games.  For instance, in FF6 if the sole remaining enemy "Jumps" (a la Dadeluma?).  You *can't* use something like MT Ice2, unless you aim it at your own party, because there are no legal targets to aim at.  On the other hand the system will let you use something like Bio Blaster, though in the jumped-unit case it'll just miss (but might hit a cloaked unit).  There are other games that just bzzt at you if you try and make any offensive action with no legal targets around, which is what happens with cloaked units.  Still, I see the argument, and there are some games where it blatantly is legal and provable that you can toss MT spells around with no legal targets.

If you let MT hit cloaked units, then all the cloaked units become Belial variants, except they have to worry about MT status effects.  Zeratul is still Godlike as he will still win slugfests and Stop isn't commonly immuned, but he loses to Godlike bosses with powerful MT like Ghaleon or PCs with good MT status.  Same with Tosh except replace "Stop" with "Stun-lock."  Both Tosh and Zeratul are still quite tanky (including the Psi-Shield for Tosh, naturally) and many character's MT is notably weaker than their ST attacks (Melfice might only 3HKO them?).  Nova loses out, as despite her moderate tankiness her slugging skills are weaker, so she'll lose to Heavy bosses with good MT, and charm is immuned fairly often.  She's still clearly a Godlike though, and Tosh & Zeratul are now merely High Godlikes rather than unrankable.  Note that since Dominate / Mind Blast can be spammed quickly energy permitting, merely resisting charm or stun doesn't help much - Nova will probably get 3 shots at applying Dominate by the end of Round 1, for example.  At least Zeratul only gets one shot of Void Prison, so resisting Stop/imprison might help there.


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Re: StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty
« Reply #9 on: October 11, 2010, 07:33:25 PM »
and it's what gets done with FFT, Disgaea, etc.

Not in my case. Well, I have to do it with Disgaea because we only have unique characters in the stat topic, but FFT, OB, SN all have averages that include generics and I vote based on those.

Actually partial AoE that is area-targeted can work fine - hence why I mentioned FFT Wizard being able to do hit cloaked "aim at this panel here" but not FFT Summoner or Priest ("hit all enemies in this swath of territory - whoops there aren't any," and Holy is obviously targeted).

Yeah I meant "has to be aimed at an enemy." AoE works if it can target the ground, or if it just extends out from the caster (like Brig spells)

Random Consonant

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Re: StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty
« Reply #10 on: October 11, 2010, 07:48:15 PM »
Actually partial AoE that is area-targeted can work fine - hence why I mentioned FFT Wizard being able to do hit cloaked "aim at this panel here" but not FFT Summoner or Priest ("hit all enemies in this swath of territory - whoops there aren't any," and Holy is obviously targeted).

I don't see how being cloaked would get you a free pass against FFT Summon Magic.  Those can be targetted at a panel just fine, and having IFF shouldn't matter against enemies that are flat out invisible.  Holy as well IIRC but Holy is ST only so no dice there.


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Re: StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty
« Reply #11 on: October 12, 2010, 03:27:45 AM »
Monkeyfinger: Fair enough.

Random: Hair-splitting, but I see FFT Summon Magic as "hit every enemy in the following squares" not "hit everything, but ignore friendly units."  Not that there's really a way to test this as "neutral" units don't exist in FFT, and that's the only way a difference between the two would be shown.

Oblivion Knight: Infestors have the Pathogen Glands upgrade that let them arrive with +25 energy, if you're assuming freshly trained units.  Not that it will help much as an energy-limited Infestor is pretty screwed in the DL.  (FWIW, I personally would assume max EP in a dueling setting - it takes time to get from the Barracks to the front and all - but can see that not everyone might agree.  Luckily it's irrelevant for heroes as they all start with max EP anyway.)


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Re: StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty
« Reply #12 on: October 12, 2010, 06:52:03 AM »
The broodlord's attack only spawns 1 broodling, but he gets to use 2 of them at once at the start of an engagement (so 52 damage.)


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Re: StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty
« Reply #13 on: October 12, 2010, 01:18:28 PM »
The Infestor can simply Burrow and spawn Infested Terrans  FTW...regenerating energy and HP!  Yay burrow!  Pathogen is assumed in their stats section.

As for Brood Lords...I thought the damage was the same no matter how many Broodlings were there, but the number spawned varied.  Brood Lords attack at a rate that they should, after the first attack, continuously spawn 1 Broodling on attack.
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

[19:26] * +Terra_Condor looks up. Star Wars Football, what?
[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory


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Re: StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty
« Reply #14 on: October 15, 2010, 03:12:54 PM »
Stupid bloody patch >_>

All updated as of v1.1.2
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

[19:26] * +Terra_Condor looks up. Star Wars Football, what?
[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory


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Re: StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty
« Reply #15 on: March 01, 2011, 01:05:54 PM »
Updated as of patch 1.2

Which means the Void Ray changed, and that's about it. 

[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

[19:26] * +Terra_Condor looks up. Star Wars Football, what?
[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory