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« on: April 08, 2011, 10:41:27 PM »
Since I need to post on this, preferably a week ago or something.  Anyway, this would be the character thread, used to take suggestions for PCs and NPCs alike, and possibly in turn getting possible plot ideas through them.  What this thread is not for is trying to calculate exact stats, skillset effects, and whatnot.  That will be saved for later.  Generalizations on abilities are fine, just don't try to create stats for them yet.

Saiph - Domain of Space.  Has an ability that can be compared to clairvoyance, on top of teleportation and the standard extensions of spatial manipulation one would consider.  Is practically a blank slate when she manifests, first found by the main, but would develop her personality over time.  The last of the goddesses to have manifested this time, she intends to gather the other five to deal with a perceived threat--one that doesn't have to do with Lesath's evolutionary bullshit.

Rana - Domain of Time.  Is perhaps the only one to have more of an idea of what's going on than the other gods due to the ability to look forward and back in time...but this may lead to some changes in outlook and goals in the process.  She was the first of the goddesses to manifest, intending to try and head off a foreseen apocalypse--is currently fixated on this event that she can perceive with her foresight that she so attempts to prevent, unaware that her actions in response are in fact leading to this outcome, and is thus massively frustrated in turn.  Outside of that, also has the abilities to manipulate time on varied scales; speeding up, slowing down, stopping, et cetera--and may induce VERY localized temporal reversal, but cannot travel back in time.    Another intended potential antagonist, later in the game, may be working with a major antagonist in turn.  Akin to Lesath, she is recruitable under the right conditions.  

Lesath - Has the domain of life--control over life and evolution in particular.  Sounds like a nice deity...until you consider that Lesath happens to have a Nightmare Fetishist streak a mile wide and uses their powers over evolution and life manipulation as a form of lovecraftian superpower--as well as the ability to will a target to death if so desiring.  Intended as an earlygame antagonist--albeit one who is recruitable under the right conditions.  The second of the goddesses to manifest, she wasn't aware of the same things that Rana was, and originally manifested out of curiosity for why Rana did--before she learned that it was fun to mutate things using her powers--and decided to start evolving life on a larger, slower, but less direct scale...

Tyl - Domain of Matter, possessing the abilities to manipulate and transmute matter to a subatomic level.    The third to manifest, originally manifested to try and stop Lesath from screwing everything up--by killing her incarnation if necessary--but ultimately lost in that fight and was nearly killed herself, utterly humiliated and embittered in the process.  To that extent, power is now the only thing she aspires to, and she's taken a 'lone wolf' stance on matters--if she's doing something, she does it herself.  Currently is a high-ranking mercenary (callsign TBD), successfully taking on jobs solo that would normally require groups.

Meissa - Domain of Waves, and in turn, has control over varied waveforms--from sound to the entire spectrum of EM radiation.  Currently works a job as an idol singer, putting her wave-control powers to use as a literal one-goddess show.  The fourth to manifest, she intended to try to deal with the issue of Lesath's mutation funtimes, but then through a series of events, ended up getting sidetracked with the fame and amusement about how people treat her in her current social position.  For the most part, however, Meissa is rather lazy and can be easily distracted--even using a light-projected image of herself at the times she doesn't feel like doing her work...

[Name TBD] - The main character.  Formerly a soldier in [insert country name here]'s military, the end of his career there was less than pleasant--first the death of his best friend in R&D under mysterious circumstances, and then a few months later being discharged on trumped-up charges by his captain who was more interested in saving his own ass and covering up his own fuck-up.  Left with literally no other option to survive, he turns to mercenary work, putting his military training to use in what is clearly a dead-end route; full-time mercenary work (read: anything beyond the standard bounties for criminals and the more recent mutations running around) is pretty much a dead-end field of work that typically only the desperate or crazy enter, and [NamePending] knows that full well--the only ways out are either to get enough money to live the rest of one's life off of, or in a bodybag--if there's enough left of you to put in one...

Sorry, Djinn, not interested in Jerkass Scientist Main.

Jih is currently under consideration for being culled.  This means 4 open PC slots as of current.

Again, I am willing to let people suggest characters thus far.  That aside, there is another, more pressing issue to me for the sake of gameplay that I -would- want to address now: How to work special abilities for human characters.  It's been a sticking point for me, since my previous idea (hybrid weapon/manalogical device) is admittedly somewhat derivative in retrospect.  The other options I have thus far:

*Use the nanomachine excuse.  Nanomachines are the new lightning; they can do anything, given enough technobabble!
*Subweapons: Have subweapons acquirable for human characters.  This may or may not lead to powered armor or powered-armor-derived-tech or advanced combi-weapons being a major factor in things.
*Let them fight like goddamned 3.5e D&D Fighters.  Ergo: make them boring as shit and have nobody really want to play as them.  If anyone actually supports this option I'm smacking the shit out of them.

Anyway, I figure that's probably the -first- few orders of affairs.  More characters, more human PCs, possibly a rewrite for Jih, and how to handle human characters' skillsets.
« Last Edit: April 10, 2011, 09:02:49 AM by Namagomi »
<+Nama-EmblemOfFire> ...Have the GhebFE guy and the ostian princess guy collaborate.
 <@Elecman> Seems reasonable.