
Author Topic: ToR Round 2 - Pool EF  (Read 1321 times)


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ToR Round 2 - Pool EF
« on: March 31, 2011, 03:33:35 AM »

73. Iron Chef Maharu Morimoto v Hrathen - Mythbusting   III/I
74. Calvin, not Hobbes v Shion Uzuki - The Dating Game   IIII/IIIII
75. Dr. McNinja v Maya Schrodinger - Doing SCIENCE!   IIII/IIIII
76. Puniyo v John Connor - Monologing         I/IIIII
77. Minsc v Miles Edgeworth - Painting         II/IIIII II
78. Austin Powers v Heavy - Live Action Minesweeper   III/IIIII
79. Angel Islington v Char Anzabel - Junkyard Wars      I/IIIII
80. Garland v Mat Cauthon - Pokemon Breeding      IIII/IIIII

Pool EF

Match 81

Stalking, the art of following ones prey silently and without detection until the hunt is successfully completed.  With several uses, this can be used to follow an animal in order to get food, or that celebrity you really like without him activating that restraining order, again.

Sun Wukong, the legendary Monkey King and famed trickster would be a laughing stock himself if he wasn't any good at this one.  After all, how can you pull a proper prank if you can't sneak up on them.  His only real issue here is that stalking requires more of a long term approach, and he might not have the patience for that.

Against this is the merely mortal skills of Chris Lightfellow, someone who more typically is of the heavy plate approach.  But, when the need be, she can ditch the armour for something stealthier, and unlike her foe, she's nothing but determination and patience, bringing exactly the toolset needed for the long-term game.

Match 82

Any fool can look for treasure, but the really skilled folks don't go for dusty tombs or ancient wonders in order to find the really nice shinies.  They simply go to war and take what they can.  Here we honour those who are the best at leading armies to kill folks and take their stuff.

Iron Tager is large and in charge, and with his fighting skill he can easily join up with an army and get some quality pillaging in.  However, he's going to have his work cut out for him since he's up against Dycedarg Beoulve who is completely in his element here.

Match 83

Let's be frank, the full set of the Encyclopedia Britannica is a massive, massive thing.  And selling it is no small feat.  So much so that the ability to sell the full set can plausibly count as admittance to a freak show.  Of course, which of our contenders will have the raw charisma to best pull off this amazing feat?

Wile E Coyote may be a super genius, but can even he figure out a way to get people to but the full Encyclopedia Britannica?  Knowing his track record, it's bound to backfire somehow, but who knows, maybe he'll find success in defeat.

Against this is the Dude, whose Zen majesty may well give him the edge he needs.  Of course, he also doesn't quite share the, hunger, of his opponent.

Match 84

I dunno about you, but there's something about the sight of two men dancing around a chair, ready to compete for who will be able to sit in it first when the music stops that amuses me.  Even more amusing might be the people competing for that chair.

If there's one thing Brave, Brave, Sir Robin must be used to, it's facing the absurd.  After all, he lives in a Monty Python universe, where lethal bunnies are a part of life.  Of course, he's up against Yuri Hyuga who lives in a world almost as weird, but who also faces it with more in the way of dignity.  Of course, while Yuri cannot beat Sir Robin up, that knowledge may not be enough to keep the knight around long enough to finish the contest.

Match 85

Alright, it's hard to get a lot of flavour text when the challenge is something as simple as scaling a mountain.  So, let's skip straight to the competitors who are both far less fit for the task then either Cloud or Clive.  Our first contestant is at least a fellow hero, though hell if I know if he has any real climbing sequences in his game (I'm guessing there's the obligatory mountain dungeon, though that may be more convenient paths and caves than actual mountain climbing.  Of course, this may be more than enough against his opponent, the lethal Dahlia Hawthorne, whose usual MO is to get men to do her dirty work for her.  Normally, trying to get men to do something as suicidal as to carry you up a mountain is a good sign you're going to lose, but given how she has in game examples of convincing men to die for her, who knows?  She might just pull this off after all.

Match 86

The heros kick in the door, surprising the goblins inside the 30 Sq ft room as they flood in, trying to gain the initiative.  Their casters cast, their fighters fight, and their cleric heals, and then, when the job is done, they dutifully collect their 10d6 gold pieces.  At which point the pizza has arrived, and they all call a dinner break before busting out the chips and getting those d20s ready to take on the Goblin boss.  That's right, this time we look not at how well these guys are at adventuring, but at simulating adventure.  As per usual, what signals success is up to you, the voter.

First up is Terra Branford, whose main claims is the fact that she's from a series which started off as pretty much a love letter to D&D.  Granted, the Final Fantasy love of switching up mechanics does mean that her game isn't much like it's originator, but it's something.  Aside from that, she also hangs out with a bunch of kids, and if there's anything kids love, it's playing pretend, and this is just make-believe and storytelling with rules.  Heck, given the vague terms of this challenge, she might even just be the game master, letting the kids try and play through her own epic adventure.

Against this is Clive, who might not have the ready made group that just happens to live near him, but is a more bookish sort himself.  Of course, he may not be the type of nerd that likes to role play, but he's at least got the steriotype basics down.

Match 87

The molten core of the Earth is dying, and someone needs to get down there and jump start that sucker before it causes the magnetic poles to flip, and all the penguins on earth to spontaniously combust.  Because a world without penguins is a world that isn't worth living in.  Each contestant will have whatever equipment they can reasonably procure, as well as a small team of those they can hire with slots of plucky comic relief, trusty side kick, quirky love interest, and a small team of disposable extras.

Bob can't really expect to call on the massive resources of the Mainframe, and what Phong can give him from Mainframe's stores tends to be of questionable value.  But for equipment, he'll need little else than his keytool, Glitch, and his own resourcefulness.  And as for a team, Mainframe is swimming in disposable extras along with his core team of Dot and Enzo Matrix, and the annoyance that is Mike the TV, who will somehow survive to the end of the adventure in spite of his negative usefulness.

Gary Coleman...  is going to be relying on being Gary Coleman.  I have no idea of what kind of powers one gets by being Gary Coleman, but I'm sure OK will be well versed in them.  If nothing else, he does have a head start.

Match 88

Artillery Duel

GLaDOS versus Kefka


Quick Vote Form

81. Sun Wukong v Chris Lightfellow - Stalking
82. Dycedarg Beoulve v Iron Tager - Pillaging
83. Wile E Coyote v The Dude - Sell Full Set of the Encyclopedia Britannica
84. Yuri Hyuga v Brave, Brave Sir Robin - Musical Chairs
85. Boy, SoE v Dahlia Hawthorne - Mountain Climbing
86. Terra Branford v Clive Winchester - Dungeons and Dragons
87. Bob, Guardian v Gary Coleman - Journeying to the Centre of the Planet
88. GLaDOS v Kefka Palazzo - Artillery Duel

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Re: ToR Round 2 - Pool EF
« Reply #1 on: March 31, 2011, 03:45:06 AM »
81. Sun Wukong v Chris Lightfellow - Stalking

82. Dycedarg Beoulve v Iron Tager - Pillaging
Sounds right.

83. Wile E Coyote v The Dude - Sell Full Set of the Encyclopedia Britannica

84. Yuri Hyuga v Brave, Brave Sir Robin - Musical Chairs
Does turning into a demon and eating Sir Robin's minstrels count as winning?  Probably doesn't matter, this is Sir Robin, he'd run away and forfiet the match somehow.

85. Boy, SoE v Dahlia Hawthorne - Mountain Climbing
The Boy wouldn't be amazing at this but I highly doubt Dahlia would do better.

86. Terra Branford v Clive Winchester - Dungeons and Dragons
I... ah... hm...

87. Bob, Guardian v Gary Coleman - Journeying to the Centre of the Planet
uh yeah

88. GLaDOS v Kefka Palazzo - Artillery Duel
I would hazard to say that he is much more in his element here.


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Re: ToR Round 2 - Pool EF
« Reply #2 on: March 31, 2011, 05:13:54 AM »
81. Sun Wukong v Chris Lightfellow - Stalking - This one isn't one sided at all.
82. Dycedarg Beoulve v Iron Tager - Pillaging - Tager would be surprisingly efficient at this, honestly. Buuuut he's not even in Dyce's league when it comes to waging war like a complete bastard.
83. Wile E Coyote v The Dude - Sell Full Set of the Encyclopedia Britannica - Dunno the Dude.
84. Yuri Hyuga v Brave, Brave Sir Robin - Musical Chairs - Yuri can't kill him, but he can transform at least. Which will either give him a massive speed edge, or just make Brave, Brave Sir Robin bravely get the hell out of dodge.
85. Boy, SoE v Dahlia Hawthorne - Mountain Climbing - Dahlia...the name sounds like I should know it, but I can't place it. May google later.
86. Terra Branford v Clive Winchester - Dungeons and Dragons - Both would be great team players. Both would get a good handle on the mechanics quickly. Clive strikes me as having the chops to GM more easily.
87. Bob, Guardian v Gary Coleman - Journeying to the Centre of the Planet - Somehow more one sided then the first match in the pool. Yeesh.
88. GLaDOS v Kefka Palazzo - Artillery Duel - Light of Judgement counts as artillery, doesn't it? While a conveniently placed portal to make Kefka nuke his own tower would be hilarious, I'm not convinced GLaDOS could pull it off in time.
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Re: ToR Round 2 - Pool EF
« Reply #3 on: March 31, 2011, 05:26:28 AM »
81. Sun Wukong v Chris Lightfellow - Stalking
With Nash to help, Chris would be okay at this, but Sun strikes me as pretty solid here.
82. Dycedarg Beoulve v Iron Tager - Pillaging
83. Wile E Coyote v The Dude - Sell Full Set of the Encyclopedia Britannica
Wile E is more a buyer type, hence his eternal hope
84. Yuri Hyuga v Brave, Brave Sir Robin - Musical Chairs
Even if he doesn't attack, transforming into Czernobog gives Yuri the size and fear advantage.
85. Boy, SoE v Dahlia Hawthorne - Mountain Climbing
Dahlia actually has some experience with mountains and getting rid of people and jumping off bridges.  Possible she just murders Boy then slowly collects a win later.  Awaiting arguments, I want to vote Dahlia but concede that a fair fight favors the Boy here.
86. Terra Branford v Clive Winchester - Dungeons and Dragons
I can see Clive as a 70s wargamer type at least.  Terra gives a befuddled look and hesitantly tries it, but Clive might enjoy it.
88. GLaDOS v Kefka Palazzo - Artillery Duel
GLaDOS is surely better at aiming the artillery pieces and controlling them all simultaneously, being a computer, while Kefka perfers his own personal magical artillery which doesn't help here.  Flip side GLaDOS has a core which can be damaged by a mere furnace, while Kefka requires a lot of artillery to take down.  Good match but leaning Kefka, eventually his manic judgment aims the cannon correctly, plus GLaDOS's logic is a bit twisted for how best to defeat Kefka (destroy his kitchen supplies to force him to concede?!).


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Re: ToR Round 2 - Pool EF
« Reply #4 on: April 01, 2011, 10:35:21 AM »

82. Dycedarg Beoulve v. Iron Tager - Pillaging
84. Yuri Hyuga v Brave, Brave Sir Robin - Musical Chairs
85. Boy, SoE v Dahlia Hawthorne - Mountain Climbing
86. Terra Branford v Clive Winchester - Dungeons and Dragons
87. Bob, Guardian v Gary Coleman - Journeying to the Centre of the Planet
88. GLaDOS v Kefka Palazzo - Artillery Duel


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Re: ToR Round 2 - Pool EF
« Reply #5 on: April 03, 2011, 08:11:39 PM »
81. Sun Wukong v Chris Lightfellow - Kind of absurd at everything needed here. Only real problem might be overcompetence.
82. Dycedarg Beoulve v Iron Tager - Is Dycedarg. This is, like, all he does in its various incarnations.
83. Wile E Coyote v The Dude - If there is one thing Wile E Coyote simply can not do, it is succeed. He will always get close! But after selling 99% of it, he has some comedic mishap and winds up being unable to complete it before The Dude clinches it.
84. Yuri Hyuga v Brave, Brave Sir Robin - Uhmyeah.
85. Boy, SoE v Dahlia Hawthorne - If there is one thing the Phoenix Wright men tend to be, it is large, and crazy enough to be convinced to die for this gal.
86. Terra Branford v Clive Winchester - Bland is better than shy when it comes to something like this. Shy and hesitant, from what I've seen.
87. Bob, Guardian v Gary Coleman - Bob, the guy who is literally competent at every single event you can throw at him. I just can't wait until he runs up against an opponent actually semi-competent at what the competition is.
88. GLaDOS v Kefka Palazzo - GLaDOS requires time to manipulate each individual person into performing the artillery barrages for her. In that time, Kefka and his magic/military bombard the crap out of the facility. And then he does a little dance on top of it. In mid-air. Because he can. And he's crazy.
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* +Hatbot --> "King_Meepdorah rolls 1d999 for "It was beauty...that killed the mage"? and gets 999."12 [1d999=999]
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<+RandomConsonant> ...
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Re: ToR Round 2 - Pool EF
« Reply #6 on: April 04, 2011, 08:15:11 PM »
81. Sun Wukong v Chris Lightfellow - Stalking - Chris is totally out of her element here.

82. Dycedarg Beoulve v Iron Tager - Pillaging

83. Wile E Coyote v The Dude - Sell Full Set of the Encyclopedia Britannica - The Dude is just too laid back to put in the kind of effort this requires.  On the other hand, Wile E. is tireless, and he tends to lose through faulty equipment or the Road Runner just plain cheating rather than his own incompetence.

84. Yuri Hyuga v Brave, Brave Sir Robin - Musical Chairs - More practice at running.  Sure, he's usually running away instead of running to, but as long as he doesn't think he's in danger he should be fine.

85. Boy, SoE v Dahlia Hawthorne - Mountain Climbing - He didn't have to do much climbing on that mountain, but man did he ever have to climb a lot of stairs in his game.  That's more experience than Dahlia's got.

86. Terra Branford v Clive Winchester - Dungeons and Dragons - I dunno, just strikes me as the type to enjoy it more.  Also brainy enough to get enjoyment out of gaming the system.

87. Bob, Guardian v Gary Coleman - Journeying to the Centre of the Planet

88. GLaDOS v Kefka Palazzo - Artillery Duel - I guess?

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Re: ToR Round 2 - Pool EF
« Reply #7 on: April 05, 2011, 10:12:20 PM »
81. Sun Wukong v Chris Lightfellow - Stalking

Well, Nash is a master stalker, so I'd normally give Chris the nod since she could pick up some pointers from him (plus, military training). But it sounds like her opponent is a tier above.

82. Dycedarg Beoulve v Iron Tager - Pillaging

... yeah.

83. Wile E Coyote v The Dude - Sell Full Set of the Encyclopedia Britannica:

Wile is pretty successful at things that -aren't- catching Roadrunner. I think his greater energy will tilt this.

84. Yuri Hyuga v Brave, Brave Sir Robin - Musical Chairs:

Pretty much think Gate has this.

85. Boy, SoE v Dahlia Hawthorne - Mountain Climbing:

This sounds close enough to require SoE specifics.

86. Terra Branford v Clive Winchester - Dungeons and Dragons

I could see both getting into the RP side nicely, but Clive's mind seems to lend itself well to the more analytical side of the game, so the whole activity feels up his alley.

Also, Clive's last name is Winslet. (Or is it two t's? Whatever.)

87. Bob, Guardian v Gary Coleman - Journeying to the Centre of the Planet

Figuring out how to accomplish crazy sci-fi-ish objectives on the fly is where Bob is a viking.

88. GLaDOS v Kefka Palazzo - Artillery Duel:


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Re: ToR Round 2 - Pool EF
« Reply #8 on: April 06, 2011, 11:59:50 PM »
Update is Thursday, sometime.  Get your vote on.


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Re: ToR Round 2 - Pool EF
« Reply #9 on: April 08, 2011, 06:55:35 AM »

82. Dycedarg Beoulve v. Iron Tager - Pillaging
84. Yuri Hyuga v Brave, Brave Sir Robin - Musical Chairs
85. Boy, SoE v Dahlia Hawthorne - Mountain Climbing
86. Terra Branford v Clive Winchester - Dungeons and Dragons
87. Bob, Guardian v Gary Coleman - Journeying to the Centre of the Planet
88. GLaDOS v Kefka Palazzo - Artillery Duel