"Let us begin again. I see some old faces... I wonder what you can do this time around."Team Andy and Djinn vs.
Dungeon Floor 4Team Super vs. Dungeon Floor 2
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Team Super | Edgar(Speed?), Maxim, Zemeckis and Hydra, Hawk, Kyra
[Floor 2a: Crumbling Ruin (Earlygame)]
Team vs. Flay and Nikki
Team vs. Jack and Rudy
Team vs. Opera and Ernest
Team vs. Cliff and Mirage
Team vs. Vyse and Aika
Team MOUSTACHE | Athos, Adray, Moulder, Bartz with a Moustache, Alakazam (MOUSTACHE Sealstone)
[Floor 1: Starting off Again (Beginning)]
[Bartz: Monk]
Team Moustache vs. Hrist (VP1), Evil Gaia, Big Joe and Gorudo
Team Moustache vs. Rand, Cecil and Duran
Team Moustache vs. Blissey, Axem Green, Sharanda (LoD) and Lucius
Team Moustache vs. Milon Z, Kainazzo and Garland (FF1)
*Full Heal
Team Moustache vs.
Laggy Fantasy Tactics QueklainLaggy Fantasy Tactics Queklain
Team Dude | Deis2, Emily, Jerin, Bowswer (Speed?), FFT Priest
[Floor 1: Starting off Again (Beginning)]
Team dude vs. Hrist (VP1), Evil Gaia, Big Joe and Gorudo
Team dude vs. Rand, Cecil and Duran
Team dude vs. Blissey, Axem Green, Sharanda (LoD) and Lucius
Team dude vs. Milon Z, Kainazzo and Garland (FF1)
*Full Heal
Team dude vs.
Laggy Fantasy Tactics QueklainLaggy Fantasy Tactics Queklain
Speed? - The speed of the bearer is set to 120% average speed and may not be increased. The rest of the team is set to 95% of their normal speed (not set to 95% period) and may have their speed increased.
MOUSTACHE - Allows the team to have 12 points because of the power of 'stache.