Author Topic: Disquiet (Working Title) - Encounter Design Concepting  (Read 1376 times)


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Disquiet (Working Title) - Encounter Design Concepting
« on: July 09, 2012, 05:24:00 AM »


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Re: Disquiet (Working Title) - Encounter Design Concepting
« Reply #1 on: July 13, 2012, 03:52:13 AM »
Welcome to BOSS TIME with Nama!  Here is where I drop all of my boss concepts for future use, so that people will wonder what in the living hell I was on when I came up with the damn things!

[Intro Boss: "Corpulent" ]

A minor Disquieted Abomination, this beast stands in a grotesque distended mockery of the human form...and attacks at a speed and ferocity belying its appearance...

Party/skillset: Noemi(Initial), Kasia(Initial)
Two-phase boss, phase switch as a reaction to hitting 50% HP.  Start of battle gives a focus gain debuff or something.

Phase 1:
High ADEX, low DEF, above-average speed.  Immune to Sleep, highly resistant to Poison.

*Attack: lower-power Impact attack, running off of high DEX.
*Amplification: Increases self ATK for next turn
*Desecration: Deals moderate Disquiet-type magic damage to one target.  Reduces target's TP.
*Recomposition: Switches to second phase.  Used as a reaction to HP dropping below 50%

Phase 2:
Low DEX and ADEX, high DEF, moderate VIT, SPR, and  MDEF, above-average speed.  Immune to Sleep.

*Attack:High-power attack, Impact type
*Putrefaction:Deals Disquiet-type damage to all targets, may inflict Poison
*Desecration:Deals moderate Disquiet-type magic damage to one target.  Reduces target's TP.
*Overhead Smash: Low-accuracy impact attack that has a chance of stunning the target.

Nama's Notes: Intro bosses!  They always need to have some way to show off PC capabilities (or at least make you use them).  The idea for this one is that it changes up its attack pattern halfway through, starting to turtle and getting a good bit harder to kill without burning through Noemi's MP and then some.  ...if you don't try poisoning it at that point, that is.  General idea: try to at least have some usefulness for status.

[Recruit Bartol boss: Pirate Captain[], First Mate[], Pirate Raider x2]

Bartol's conditions for hiring him on the trip were simple; retrieve something that was reportedly stolen from him back from the pirates that did(n't actually do) it.  Unfortunately, you know how pirates can be about their ill-gotten gains...and when the pirates have some dissonance users among themselves, the fight gets that much worse.

Party/skillset: Noemi(Initial+Empower/Energize), Kasia(Initial+Barbed Shot), Erastus(Initial)

High HP, VIT, critical and counter rates, low SPI and ADEX.  Heavily resists Poison and Sleep.

*Attack: Fairly high attack, slashing damage
*Bloodletting: Attack with a chance to inflict Bleeding on a target. (shut up, name ideas are at a minimum)
*Rampage: Moderate slashing damage to three random targets.  Likelihood of using increased with lesser allies.

First Mate:
High SPR and SPD, solid evade.  Heavily resists Poison and Sleep.

*Attack: Low-power slashing attack, used only on counterattacks (or if the party stalls him out of MP?  ...must see if this should be viable, but if so, make it not too insignificant.)
*Spell Barrier: Increases allies' magical resistances.  Used on first turn, and then every third turn thereafter unless alone.
*Spark Cluster: L1 Lightning spell, high accuracy, critical, and variance, single hit
*Shockwave Burst: L1 earth magic, hits VIT instead of SPR, high power, low accuracy, MT, likelihood of using increased with fewer allies.

Pirate Raider: (Note: These are normal enemies that show up in the relevant dungeon)
Solid ADEX/DEX, SPD, accuracy, and evade.  Poor soak stats in particular.

*Attack: Moderate-power slashing attack
*Sand throw: May blind one target.

Nama's Notes: This fight's generally a brutal one, insofar that you're not dealing with one boss, but two minibosses and two enemies, and while the temptation to just Fireball the ever-living crap out of the enemies present is there, it's notable that you'll lock the enemies into their more obnoxious moves.  Erastus probably gives a decent showing over the dungeon, but trying to simply speednuke may not be the optimal route.

[Mirek Assassination boss: Gang Leader, Legbreaker x2]

Rather than get directly involved, one of the Guardian subordinates simply moves to provoke a few of the local undesirables to try and kill Mirek.  Unfortunately for the undesirables, Mirek doesn't suck at combat.  And neither does Eirwen.

Party/skillset: Mirek(Initial), Eirwen(Initial)

Gang leader:
Very High DEF, ACC, ADEX.  No status resistances.

*Attack - Moderate Slashing damage
*Hamstring - Deals slashing damage and reduces target's EVA.
*Bloody Flurry - ITE attack string.

High HP and power, low DEX, ACC, and EVA.

*Attack - Heavy impact damage.
*Armor Crack - Impact damage and lowers target DEF.
*Overhead Blow - Impact damage, chance to stun.

Nama's Notes: Intro Boss Mk.II!  The Legbreakers aren't a major threat on their own, but the Gang Leader can make them into one pretty damn fast if he gets an EVA Down on someone.  Other than that, this generally shows off their respective abilities a bit.  Can't do too much with this because it's trying to show off character abilities, but what can you do?

[Plantation Boss: Legion]

Think somewhat a smaller version of CV Legion for appearances.  Andy conceptualized the boss here as something along the lines of the worst of the amalgamation of the varied souls that were killed on the Sebrle plantation, so I tried to roll with this.

Party: Noemi(Initial+Energize), Kasia(Initial+Barbed Shot), Erastus(Initial+Searing), Mirek(Initial), Eirwen(Initial)

Low STR, high DEX.  Resists Piercing and Impact.  Weak to Anti-Disquiet.

*Attack: high-ADEX low-power Piercing attack.
*Desecration: Deals moderate Disquiet-type magic damage to one target.  Reduces target's TP.
*Putrefaction:Deals Disquiet-type damage to all targets, may inflict Poison
*Absorption: Disquiet-type magic damage to one target.  Parasitic healing.
*Focus Power: Increases MAG for the next attack.
*Discordance: Deals heavy Disquiet-type magic damage to one target.  Reduces target's TP.  Used at low health or when power is focused.

Nama's Notes: Mirek should feel honored.  He gets two whole bosses to show off what he can do, and in this case he gets to show off how magically tanky he is in particular.  Also, say hello to the only caster boss of the game.  It's Disquieted.  It will do horrible Disquiet-type damage to you.  Was thinking of making it weak to Fire, but I admit I tend to be more stingy with weaknesses than resists unless they're logical (the Anti-Disquiet weakness, for example).

[Boat Dungeon boss: GIANT ENEMY CRAB]

It's a giant enemy crab!  Unfortunately for our heroes, this is not historic Japan so we do not have any way to flip it over and hit its weak spot for massive damage.  Therefore, there will be extra ways of dealing with its crabby shell needed.

Party: Noemi (all C1 skills), Kasia (all C1 skills), Erastus (all C1 skills), Mirek (all C1 skills), Eirwen (all C1 skills), Bartol (Initial)

Giant Enemy Crab:
High HP, DEF, VIT, physical power.  Low DEX, SPD.  Weak to Lightning and Anti-Disquiet.  Immunes poison, sleep.

*Attack: CRAB SMASH.  Heavy impact damage.
*Blasting Blow: Heavy impact damage to one target, followed by light MT impact damage.  Low initial usage, used more often at low health
*Desecration: Deals moderate Disquiet-type magic damage to one target.  Reduces target's TP.
*Killing Scissor: ITD physical attack with a high STR factor.
*Negation: Deals moderate Disquiet-type magic damage to all targets.  Reduces targets' TP.  Used at low health.
*Sweeping Blow: Deals impact damage to all targets.  Inaccurate.  Used at low health.

Nama's Notes: GIANT ENEMY CRAB is probably going to be the first "real" boss of sorts I get to throw at people.  Arguably there's the plantation boss, but I'll have to ask Andy for help on that conceptually because undead type stuff?  But back to the point: Giant Enemy Crab is somewhat a way to show off Bartol/Jernej early, and more importantly, why he's so important at times.  GEC is...a major step up in some ways; tanky as all get out, hits hard as all hell, and its only real glaring weaknesses are its elemental weaknesses--and Anti-Disquiet may be a bit of a trap anyway given the defense.  However, most of its initial damage is ST and physical--and is to a degree, somewhat controllable.  This controllability wears off later in the fight as it starts using more attacks that will do MT damage.  Furthermore, its defenses necessitate some heavy offense or magic to break it's not exactly what one'd call an easy fight.

[Throne of the First, fight 1: Black Noise (shut up I can recycle the concept)]

The guardian of the Throne, a Disquieted Abomination only spoken of in legends as the "Black Noise", is a predator whose size belies its stealth and speed.  Feasting on just about anything it can catch and kill, the Black Noise is tenacious and surprisingly intelligent; rather than exhaust itself in one fight, it will ambush a target with a probing assault, then back off if its prey isn't dead soon enough.  Needless to say, its ability to attract other Disquieted beasts only adds to the threat...

Party: Noemi (all C1 skills), Kasia (all C1 skills), Erastus (all C1 skills), Mirek (all C1 skills), Eirwen (all C1 skills)

High Accuracy, Speed.  Weak to Anti-Disquiet.  Immune to Sleep and Poison.
Note: Black Noise is fought in three fights, and while its statistical tendencies remain the same throughout all three, its tactics and chosen skills are switched up each fight.

[Fight 1: Black Noise 1, Tormented x4]

*Attack: High-DEX attack, slashing damage.
*Savage Fang: High-power physical attack, piercing damage, may inflict Bleed.
*Putrefaction:Deals Disquiet-type damage to all targets, may inflict Poison
*Fade to Black: Enters a "hiding" phase, where its Evasion and Counter rates are vastly increased.  During this phase, it only has a finite set of actions as seen below.  Chance to use this is inversely proportional to how many Tormented are remaining.
*Piercing Gaze: Chance of lowering target's Evasion.  ITE.  Only used when hidden.
*Terrifying Gaze: Chance of lowering target's STR and MAG.  ITE.  Only used when hidden.
*Fade to White: Exits hiding state, and summons more Tormented.
*Escape: Automatically performed once HP is low enough.

(will fill details in on Tormented later.  They are a dungeon-encountered enemy, though)

[Fight 2: Black Noise]
HP has changed, stats are otherwise the same.
*Attack: Only used for counters now.
*Savage Fang: High-power physical attack, piercing damage, may inflict Bleed.
*Rampage: Moderate slashing damage to three random targets.
*Bloodthirsty Rending: Slashing damage to one target, may lower target's DEF and VIT.
*Fade to Black: Engages hidden state and summons two Despised.  Hidden state wears off after two turns, but is otherwise the same as before.  Used on the second turn, and every five thereafter.
*Frightful Howl: Lowers all targets' TP.  ITE.  Only used when hidden.
*Imposing Howl: Chances of reducing all targets' DEX.  ITE.  Only used when hidden.
*Predator's Howl: Chance of reducing all targets' SPD.  ITE.  Only used when hidden.
*Escape: Automatically performed once HP is low enough.

(Despised are another enemy type normally on the island.  Tend to be a good bit hardier and heavier than Tormented.)

[Fight 3: Black Noise]

HP changed once again.  DEF and EVA lowered.

*Attack: Still only used for counters
*Rampage: Moderate slashing damage to three random targets.  Not directly used after hidden.
*Bloodthirsty Rending: Slashing damage to one target, may lower target's DEF and VIT.  Not directly used after hidden.
*Putrefaction:Deals Disquiet-type damage to all targets, may inflict Poison.  Not directly used after hidden.
*Stunning Blow: Attack that has a chance to stun the target.  Not directly used after hidden.
*Call to Black: Used on turn 4: Engages a special "hidden" state that increases its EVA, but not as much as previous ones.  In essence, it's a modeshift for the rest of the battle.  Instant-cast.
*Negation: Deals moderate Disquiet-type magic damage to all targets.  Reduces targets' TP.  Used after hidden.
*Discordance: Deals heavy Disquiet-type magic damage to one target.  Reduces target's TP.  Used after hidden.
*Piercing Gaze: Chance of lowering target's Evasion.  ITE.  Only used when hidden.  Followed by Stunning Blow
*Terrifying Gaze: Chance of lowering target's STR and MAG.  ITE.  Only used when hidden.  Followed by Bloodthirsty Rending
*Imposing Howl: Chance of reducing all targets' DEX.  ITE.  Only used when hidden.  Followed by Rampage
*Predator's Howl: Chance of reducing all targets' SPD.  ITE.  Only used when hidden.  Followed by Rampage

Nama's Notes: WHEW.  Between interruptions and the fact that he has no fewer than three skillsets, I wasn't sure how I was going to go about this.  Anyway, Black Noise is a BASTARD to fight, and rightfully so; he's the Episode 1 endboss.  His stats don't change much, but the way he fights does each and every time.  Not sure I want to give a full analysis about this, but I'm going to be posting now to save it.

[Desert of Red Glass Optional Boss: Malevolent]

--yeah, this one's largely just so I can piss people off and break one or more restrictions normally placed on boss design.

Party: Noemi(Initial+Energize), Kasia(Initial+Barbed Shot), Erastus(Initial+Searing), Mirek(Initial), Eirwen(Initial)

Malevolent: Low STR and MAG, high HP, VIT, SPR.  Above-average SPD.  Weak to Anti-Disquiet.

*Attack: Only used as a counter.  Impact damage.
*Necrolysis: MT Poison+Healblock at perfect hitrate; both last for the entire battle.  Used on Turn 1 and repeated every four turns thereafter.
*Negation: Deals moderate Disquiet-type magic damage to all targets.  Reduces targets' TP.
*Wide Sweep: Deals impact damage to all targets.

Nama's Notes:  Malevolent is deceptively nasty.  Poison+Healblock does terrible things to you, and puts you on a countdown.  On top of that, it's durable as all hell, you're going to have trouble building up TP, and one would be hard-pressed to beat it within the general time limit that your party's given.  Needless to say, you're going to have to bend the rules a bit in order to beat it...
« Last Edit: July 14, 2012, 02:02:21 AM by Namagomi »
<+Nama-EmblemOfFire> ...Have the GhebFE guy and the ostian princess guy collaborate.
 <@Elecman> Seems reasonable.