82)Chima~Lockheed(Adorable animal mascot)
83)Chiyou~Trish Tilby(Castle Reporter)
84)Chiyu~Multiple Man (Castle Detective)
85)Chifuku~(This is Apple and the other apprentice strategist star. So by earlier logic should be a telepathic student.)
86)Chihi~(Martial arts trainers, a hypochondriac, and a turtle.)
87)Chiku~Shadowcat (A young girl with a prominent pet. Ergo, Kitty)
88)Chiko~(Castle Blacksmith.)
89)Chizen~(Castle Gossip. Usually an old bat.)
90)Chitan~Cloak (Usually part of a nonhuman duo, although there've been human duos too. Cloak and Dagger are not mutants.)
91)Chikaku~Dagger (See above)
92)Chisyu~(Kids. Usually cook kids.)
94)Chihei~(The fuck? No pattern here, friends.)
95)Chison~Danger(Castle Storage keeper. Prison is like storage, right?)
96)Chido~Glob Herman(Listed as Creepy/ugly. Once again, I'm tempted to use Toad--wait, no, Glob Herman.)
97)Chisatsu~(No real pattern. Tempted to make it Outlaw, just because she looks like Kathy)
98)Chiaku~Frenzy (Woman that beats the fuck out of things with her hands)
99)Chisyu~Domino (Gambler)
100)Chisu~(No real pattern)
101)Chiin~Rogue(Tends to be a maternal inkeeper type. Rogue is very, very good with the younger students. In fact, this side of her is the most interesting she's been in her entire creative existence.)
102)Chikei~(Don't ask me about a pattern here)
103)Chisou~(Always female. Has several domestic types)
104)Chiretsu~(Bathmaker. I think every non-storm water mutant got depowered on M-Day. Lame as HELL, yo.)
105)Chiken~(Nooooo pattern.)
106)Chimou~(Usually a mapmaker)
107)Chizoku~Gambit (A thief)
108)Chikou~(Runs a shop)
Where do I go from here? Well, for starters, most of it is going to be filling in the blanks. Things where I said I was leaning one way, I'll almost certainly go in the direction I was leaning. After that, I'll look at things like star names, and so forth, trying to whittle down what there is.
Scar and I had the same idea about Colossus, and after failing to put Colossus anywhere else in 108 stars, I'm pretty sure we're not going to find a better place, so that may as well be locked in. Uh.... Toad is going to be tricky, because, somehow, I have three good spots for Toad that are less good spots for other characters. What the christ?
Although, I just remembered Glob Herman, who clearly has to be the creepy/ugly guy. So I'll change that right now on this post, but when I originally posted it, that was a "Maybe Toad?" post, the third or fourth of its kind.