Author Topic: Polling: Late summer 2012  (Read 3279 times)


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Re: Polling: Late summer 2012
« Reply #25 on: August 04, 2012, 04:13:38 PM »
1. When did you join this group? For those that haven't been around forever, the core of the group started assembling on Bobbincranbud's old boards in 2002.
2003? Maan.

2. What is your current job? Is it what you want to be doing long term? If no, what is your ideal career path and are you working towards it?
Sttill a student. Planning to be a country planner, and it's working well for now.  Might end up as a stay at home dad in 10 years. Huh.

3. You can have one brand new game made ,and one sequel/series restarted that stopped (Ala BoF). What would they be?
My dream games have already happened, and they were good. So I don't know. Surprise me, developers.
Mother 4 would be nice.

4. Have you had positive or negative experiences with law enforcement?  If you haven't really dealt with them, put N/A.

5. What is your favorite drink? Doesn't matter if it has Alcohol or not.

+ Dr Pepper.

6. What was the last TV show you watched? Did you watch it and plan to watch more?
The Wire, I saw the first two episodes. I bought the full set, so yes. I can't really comment on it yet since it's slowly building up.
I watched Breaking Bad earlier and it set the bar.

7. What was the last impulse buy you made?
Dragon Age 2 + FF13 + Gothic 4 + El Shaddai + Catherine + The Wire complete series.
I call this the curse of Amazon.

8. Have you ever won any type of contest? If you have, what was it?
I was 5th at a popular national math contest when I was 11. I won a trip to Poland where we sometimes went out to hear someone talk about math (the horror) but mostly stayed at a hotel all day long where we played the president card game. (much better)

9. Do prefer playing video games in a group or alone?
Alone, most of the time. I like Numbers Going Up and a high challenge, which don't work well with multiplayer.

10.  Assuming money wasn't an issue, what would be your ideal living place? Near your family? In a penthouse in NYC?
Right where I am now. Except with one more room just for the cat's litter and nothing else.

11. The US presidental election is coming up. Do you plan on voting ,and know who you're voting for?

12. What was your worst day at work? NOTE: First days do not count for this.
No terrible experiences yet.

13. Name two items you are willing to pay a premium for. (No discounts/off brands)
Food and gifts!

14. Are you a morning person or a night owl?
I woke up at 1PM today.


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Re: Polling: Late summer 2012
« Reply #26 on: August 04, 2012, 11:40:47 PM »
1. When did you join this group? For those that haven't been around forever, the core of the group started assembling on Bobbincranbud's old boards in 2002.

I barely remember. It was...right about the time DLC1 was going on, I think.

2. What is your current job? Is it what you want to be doing long term? If no, what is your ideal career path and are you working towards it?

Homemaker. And...both yes and no. I'd like to be a writer, for books or games, but hahahaha that ever happening.

3. You can have one brand new game made ,and one sequel/series restarted that stopped (Ala BoF). What would they be?

Series: I want a proper suikoden 6, dammit.

New Game: Either D.F.I.(Divine Fragment Inheritance), or Broken Vows, both game ideas of mine that I've been kicking around/writing stuff for for years. They would make awesome RPGs, really!

4. Have you had positive or negative experiences with law enforcement?  If you haven't really dealt with them, put N/A.

Mostly positive.

5. What is your favorite drink? Doesn't matter if it has Alcohol or not.

Iced coffee. If I could get it in decaf, that would be pure bliss. Sadly, it is not a thing that anywhere seems to have.

6. What was the last TV show you watched? Did you watch it and plan to watch more?

I don't have television anymore. The TV is just for games/dvds.

7. What was the last impulse buy you made?

A Watermelon Lemonade from Hot-Dog-On-A-Stick. It was really freaking good.

If you mean "last impulse buy that wasn't food/drink" then I grabbed some stuff off the steam sale. DragonAge:Origins(+Awakening) deluxe edition, Fortune Summoners, Longest Journey and something else I can't remember.

8. Have you ever won any type of contest? If you have, what was it?

Some stupid academic shit in middle/high schools. Nothing since then. I avoid competetive stuff as a rule.

9. Do prefer playing video games in a group or alone?

Depends on the game. RPGs, alone. Musou games, either. Fighting games, group.

10.  Assuming money wasn't an issue, what would be your ideal living place? Near your family? In a penthouse in NYC?

Prolly this general area, but in a much nicer house, with one more bedroom, that we actually OWNED.

11. The US presidental election is coming up. Do you plan on voting ,and know who you're voting for?

Yup. Obama. See Cid, really.

12. What was your worst day at work? NOTE: First days do not count for this.

When I used to work at Fazoli's(a fast food italian place), another jackass who worked there stole $20 out of my drawer that I had cut from my check(since it was my register and all), then he got employee of the month the same day. I quit like a week later.

13. Name two items you are willing to pay a premium for. (No discounts/off brands)

Medicine. I've had generics not work as well often enough that I just don't trust them.

A new bed. We need one. And we will make damn sure it is a good one.

14. Are you a morning person or a night owl?

A morning person who often ends up staying up late becuase his wife is a night owl.


A morning person who often ends up staying up late because of indulging in iced coffees at 8-9PM like a retard.
« Last Edit: August 04, 2012, 11:45:40 PM by Gatewalker »
<%Laggy> we're open minded individuals here
<+RandomKesaranPasaran> are we
<%Laggy> no not really.

<Tide|NukicommentatoroptionforF> Hatbot is a pacifist


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Re: Polling: Late summer 2012
« Reply #27 on: August 05, 2012, 04:00:00 PM »
1. When did you join this group? For those that haven't been around forever, the core of the group started assembling on Bobbincranbud's old boards in 2002.

August 2012. Ah, fuck, I don't remember, like 2009 or something. Tal gave good suggestion, CK was here, it made sense.

2. What is your current job? Is it what you want to be doing long term? If no, what is your ideal career path and are you working towards it?

Student. No. Teaching & Research. Yes.

3. You can have one brand new game made ,and one sequel/series restarted that stopped (Ala BoF). What would they be?

Breath of Fire.

4. Have you had positive or negative experiences with law enforcement?  If you haven't really dealt with them, put N/A.


5. What is your favorite drink? Doesn't matter if it has Alcohol or not.


6. What was the last TV show you watched? Did you watch it and plan to watch more?

Felicity. Absolutely.

7. What was the last impulse buy you made?

H&M skirt.

8. Have you ever won any type of contest? If you have, what was it?

Yes. State DECA Comp. County Volleyball. Regional Spelling B. Random foot races against friends.

9. Do prefer playing video games in a group or alone?

With an onlooker.

10.  Assuming money wasn't an issue, what would be your ideal living place? Near your family? In a penthouse in NYC?

Either a ranch-style house in a city with enough space for a garden and animal roaming or a breezy, grassy area within an hour to an extremely large body of water. In short: Savannah, GA or somewhere in NH, RI.

11. The US presidental election is coming up. Do you plan on voting ,and know who you're voting for?

Yes. Yes. Also successfully registered as independent, stupid high school suggesting I register Democrat. What a gimmick.

12. What was your worst day at work? NOTE: First days do not count for this.

Old white man yelled at me that I would not cash his 10,000 WU check because the sender put it in his middle and last name. Earlier that day, associate was upset at me, rather than the HRD, that paychecks would be ready an hour after he got there, badmouthed and bitched in front of customers, I had an opening shift, Kenneth didn't fucking balance the safe properly that night, safe was off $200 and no one told me, had to put deposits in earlier than necessary and order change, several registers not fucking working, this is after I learned I was going to grad school, I was the only customer service associate there on a friday until 4-effing-PM in which I stayed from 6AM-1030PM exact because i decided to close the back office so shit would balance.  needless to say, w/ the associate problem I simply fucking walked away from the customer service desk while other customers were waiting. petty? yes. store manager couldnt do anything, they called me, I was in the meat freezer screaming. later on that night I requested absolutely nobody fucking talk to me, got into it with associate after I cashed the check, and literally said I REALLY DONT HAVE TO BE HERE, then remembered i was helping my mom out financially, sucked it up because work is work.

13. Name two items you are willing to pay a premium for. (No discounts/off brands)

Pet food, shoes.

14. Are you a morning person or a night owl?

Morning. Early early morning. More chatters need to be like this.


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Re: Polling: Late summer 2012
« Reply #28 on: August 06, 2012, 02:41:51 AM »
1. When did you join this group? For those that haven't been around forever, the core of the group started assembling on Bobbincranbud's old boards in 2002.
2000-2001 or so?  Since the beginning.  Found BCP and people talking about it through GameFAQs, followed it avidly, don't recall much more exactly but already knew most of the people when he put up messageboards.

2. What is your current job? Is it what you want to be doing long term? If no, what is your ideal career path and are you working towards it?
Odd jobs to bring in some money, of course not, working towards some sort of involvement in VN/game writing/editing/scholarship/etc.  Have credits in one commercial game and several fan translation projects, though things have been slow recently.

3. You can have one brand new game made ,and one sequel/series restarted that stopped (Ala BoF). What would they be?
Restart non-failure Silent Hill.  New game... I don't even know.

4. Have you had positive or negative experiences with law enforcement?  If you haven't really dealt with them, put N/A.
Positive.  Cops helped me out when I was lost in the epic journey to DLCon 1, and helped take care of my brother when he was hit by a car.  Every traffic stop I've had has been polite and well-intentioned.

5. What is your favorite drink? Doesn't matter if it has Alcohol or not.

6. What was the last TV show you watched? Did you watch it and plan to watch more?
Watching the Olympics now but I guess that doesn't count.  Survivor, then, and yes I plan to watch more. 

7. What was the last impulse buy you made?
Steeeeeaaaaammmmm Saaaaaaalllllleeeee....  and raspberry lemonade while buying groceries.

8. Have you ever won any type of contest? If you have, what was it?
Nope.  Nothing.  Ever, as far as I can recall.  Me and contests, well... high school senior raffles guaranteed everyone to win something, there was a car and laptops, and I won five plastic clothes hangers.   My brothers have both won significant things though.

9. Do prefer playing video games in a group or alone?
Really depends on the game.  "Alone but watch/discuss with others" is generally fine.

10.  Assuming money wasn't an issue, what would be your ideal living place? Near your family? In a penthouse in NYC?
I don't really care, except that being closer to friends would be nice.  DLcon arcology, mahjong every day!

11. The US presidental election is coming up. Do you plan on voting ,and know who you're voting for?
Yes, for Obama.  See Cid/Gate/etc.

12. What was your worst day at work? NOTE: First days do not count for this.
Mailroom drone, got lectured on how bringing a book in my bag to read during break was "unacceptable."  Did not last long there.

13. Name two items you are willing to pay a premium for. (No discounts/off brands)
Computer hardware, I guess.  Can't think of much else. 

14. Are you a morning person or a night owl?
Night.  So much more comfortable in quiet darkness.  My sleep schedule varies a lot, but being up in the morning hours is generally boring and miserable.