
Author Topic: Parties & Rivals 2 - Afterparty  (Read 818 times)


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Parties & Rivals 2 - Afterparty
« on: October 19, 2012, 03:57:58 AM »

Chris, Geddoe, Hugo, Sasarai, Luc, Emily (Suikoden 3) vs. Haken Browning, Kaguya Nanbu, KOS-MOS, Xiaomu (SRWOG:Endless Frontier)
Belial (Wild Arms 4) vs. Ameno-sagiri (Persona 4)
Asellus, WhiteRose, Mesarthim, Meilin, Riki (Saga Frontier) vs. Razeluxe Meitzen, Etward Dysler, Lilianne Valendorf, Puniyo, Yun (Mana Khemia 2)

Ghaleon (Lunar:SSSC) vs. Yuri, Karol, Rita, Estelle (Tales of Vesperia) (2-2, NotMiki tiebreak)
Ramza, Agrias, Mustadio, Orlandu, Meliadoul (Final Fantasy Tactics) vs. White Mage, Summoner, Ninja, Samurai (Final Fantasy 5) (3-4)

Dorothy, Strawman, Lion and Tin Man (Wizard of Oz) vs. Cthulhu, Umi, Dacre, October (Cthulhu Saves The World) (4-2)
Exor (Super Mario RPG) vs. Loki (Valkyrie Profile)

Peppita, Albel, Adray (Star Ocean 3) vs. Zalera (Final Fantasy Tactics)
Luca Blight (Suikoden 2) vs. Marcello (Dragon Quest 8)

Bonus match
Clarissa, Felius, Labrynthia, Levin, Ragnar, Alexia (Wild Arms XF) vs. Melc Crystal (Grandia 3)

Anyway.  Winners!  Turns out we don't actually need a final match.  The Suikoden 3 team ruthlessly crushed everything in its path, it turns out that 6 separate broken characters who can resolve match-changing spells quickly with solid physical backup & healing are pretty good in this format.  Ghaleon was Ghaleon.  Dorothy defeated the wizard of Miskatonic, and there was a 3-way tie between teams that've already played each other in Light, tiebroken for emo + old + dancer > crazy.

"Finals" (all of which have already happened in a previous week)
Chris, Geddoe, Hugo, Sasarai, Luc, Emily (Suikoden 3) vs. Asellus, WhiteRose, Mesarthim, Meilin, Riki (Saga Frontier)

Ghaleon (Lunar:SSSC) vs. White Mage, Summoner, Ninja, Samurai (Final Fantasy 5)

Dorothy, Strawman, Lion and Tin Man (Wizard of Oz) vs. Loki (Valkyrie Profile)

Peppita, Albel, Adray (Star Ocean 3) vs. Zalera (Final Fantasy Tactics) (5-0)
Luca Blight (Suikoden 2) vs. Zalera (Final Fantasy Tactics) (7-0)
Luca Blight (Suikoden 2) vs. Peppita, Albel, Adray (Star Ocean 3) (7-1)

Both SO3 & Luca have net voting margins of +1, while Zalera has a net -2.  However, Team SO3 won the match between the two, so handing this one to Team SO3.

Anyway, it would be boring to do nothing, so.  Upgrade pools!  For the S3 folks, they get to fight some returning favorites, while the champs get to fight teams that immediately scrubbed out 0-2 in the higher division.  We'll see if Team Earthbound can redeem itself.

Chris, Geddoe, Hugo, Sasarai, Luc, Emily (Suikoden 3) vs. Vayne, Jessica, Nikki, Flay, Pamela, Anna (Mana Khemia)
Chris, Geddoe, Hugo, Sasarai, Luc, Emily (Suikoden 3) vs. Brahman (Digital Devil Saga)

Ghaleon (Lunar:SSSC) vs. Orphan (Final Fantasy 13)
Ghaleon (Lunar:SSSC) vs. Jenna Angel (Digital Devil Saga)

Dorothy, Strawman, Lion and Tin Man (Wizard of Oz) vs. Kornell 3 + Violetta 1 (Grandia 3)
Dorothy, Strawman, Lion and Tin Man (Wizard of Oz) vs. Yuri, Kurando, Joachim, Anastasia (Shadow Hearts 2)

Peppita, Albel, Adray (Star Ocean 3) vs. Ness, Paula, Jeff, Poo (Earthbound)
Peppita, Albel, Adray (Star Ocean 3) vs. Stocke, Aht, Eruca (Radiant Historia)

Bonus match
TimeLord, Roufas, Dr. Nusakan, Emelia, T260G (Saga Frontier) vs. Yu Narukami + 3 allies of his choice (Persona 4)
Jude, Arnaud, Yulie, Raquel (Wild Arms 4) vs. Ryu, Nina, Ox, Deis (Breath of Fire)
« Last Edit: October 19, 2012, 04:01:06 AM by SnowFire »


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Re: Parties & Rivals 2 - Afterparty
« Reply #1 on: October 19, 2012, 05:21:50 AM »
Ghaleon (Lunar:SSSC) vs. Orphan (Final Fantasy 13)
Uhh comes down entirely to if I see Ghaleon as status-able by Deprotect / Deshell.  Debuffs that aren't status don't really exist in Lunar1 so it's impossible to say. Flip side, Orphan's damage pre-Dies Irae is quite bad and has problems getting anywhere vs. the occasional Chaos Shield, so even if Ghaleon is statusable, Dies Irae may not save the day fast enough.  Leaning Ghaleon.

FWIW, I'd be shocked if Team Oz can handle Kornell & Violetta.  That's a lot of pain coming toward whoever pokes their head out, and they're not exactly rushing them down particularly fast...

Peppita, Albel, Adray (Star Ocean 3) vs. Stocke, Aht, Eruca (Radiant Historia)
Eruca equips for speed.  Volt Star Trap, 2x push Assault, 2x dead SO3ers, clean up from there in a 3 on 1.  (Well.  Albel MIGHT survive a trap depending on your RH damage average, but Elemental Leather doesn't appear to save him since it doesn't get Lightning.)

Bonus match
Jude, Arnaud, Yulie, Raquel (Wild Arms 4) vs. Ryu, Nina, Ox, Deis (Breath of Fire)
Turn order is something like Jude > Nina  > Deis > Arnaud > Ryu > Yulie >> Raquel > Ox.  But WA4 can't stop paralysis, right?  Jude ABs Ox for the lulz and nearly kills him.  Nina Holds Arnaud then (and hopes Magic Blocker doesn't kick in), Deis smashes with MT Comet (if that would active Red Zone, then a weaker MT spell?).  Ryu could throw a boomerang but the damage hit is bad, probably better to have transformed at the start of the turn.  Yulie is actually still alive, but what can she do?  Turn Shift to Raquel I guess, Raquel goes and kills Deis with Intrude...  but hmm, Yulie still probably beats out Ox and can heal herself before she'd die?  Might not matter though, Ox threatens her with more beatdown, Nina will be casting Hold again, and then Ryu will finish the MT KO on everyone except Jude or something.  Jude can finish off Ox but whatever, it's too late, Nina + Ryu finish the fight.


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Re: Parties & Rivals 2 - Afterparty
« Reply #2 on: October 19, 2012, 08:24:09 AM »

Chris, Geddoe, Hugo, Sasarai, Luc, Emily (Suikoden 3) vs. Vayne, Jessica, Nikki, Flay, Pamela, Anna (Mana Khemia)- I don't think they can kill Sas and Luc both, which has to be done or else the MT beats of doom come out.
Ghaleon (Lunar:SSSC) vs. Orphan (Final Fantasy 13)- Chaos Shield should do the trick here.
Ghaleon (Lunar:SSSC) vs. Jenna Angel (Digital Devil Saga)- And here.

Bonus match
TimeLord, Roufas, Dr. Nusakan, Emelia, T260G (Saga Frontier) vs. Yu Narukami + 3 allies of his choice (Persona 4)- Overdrive+Time Eclipse. Goodbye Yu's team.
Jude, Arnaud, Yulie, Raquel (Wild Arms 4) vs. Ryu, Nina, Ox, Deis (Breath of Fire)- Strong kneejerk.
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Re: Parties & Rivals 2 - Afterparty
« Reply #3 on: October 19, 2012, 03:55:34 PM »
Lightning-Thunder/Wind are all one and the same in SO3 Snowfire, Elven Cloaks and Elemental Leather says no  ;-) Aht can just use a different element though!~
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Re: Parties & Rivals 2 - Afterparty
« Reply #4 on: October 19, 2012, 03:57:56 PM »

Chris, Geddoe, Hugo, Sasarai, Luc, Emily (Suikoden 3) vs. Vayne, Jessica, Nikki, Flay, Pamela, Anna (Mana Khemia) - Way too much doom MT.
Chris, Geddoe, Hugo, Sasarai, Luc, Emily (Suikoden 3) vs. Brahman (Digital Devil Saga) - Not really enough revival, honestly.


Ghaleon (Lunar:SSSC) vs. Jenna Angel (Digital Devil Saga) - Mockable.


Dorothy, Strawman, Lion and Tin Man (Wizard of Oz) vs. Kornell 3 + Violetta 1 (Grandia 3) - Yup. That's -way- too much offense and Violetta spoils Tin Man's offense with a vengeance.
Dorothy, Strawman, Lion and Tin Man (Wizard of Oz) vs. Yuri, Kurando, Joachim, Anastasia (Shadow Hearts 2) - MT confuse -and- sleep. The SH party is fucked beyond all reason. The only person who outspeeds even -Dorothy- can't even OHKO her, so the whole thing is trivial.


Peppita, Albel, Adray (Star Ocean 3) vs. Ness, Paula, Jeff, Poo (Earthbound) - Earthbound party still sucks. Panic Dance does horrible things to the party and only Poo even outspeeds that for starters. Even with the low blitzing power, they still have easy 2HKOs on half the party to boot.
Peppita, Albel, Adray (Star Ocean 3) vs. Stocke, Aht, Eruca (Radiant Historia) - Oooooooow the RH people all outspeed the SO3ers besides Albel, who can do jack and shit. Trap setups are killing Peppita and Adray deader than disco and Albel has negative chances of soloing that party. Star Ice trap fweeming go.

Bonus match
TimeLord, Roufas, Dr. Nusakan, Emelia, T260G (Saga Frontier) vs. Yu Narukami + 3 allies of his choice (Persona 4) - I probably should've mentioned TL has OverDrive to SnowFire. <_< He solos this team pretty hard.
Jude, Arnaud, Yulie, Raquel (Wild Arms 4) vs. Ryu, Nina, Ox, Deis (Breath of Fire) - OKAY. Deis OHKOs zero people here, but I don't think Jude+Arnaud can stop Nina from getting a turn, which means Raquel gets Hold'd (Comet etches Raquel into Red Zone range, so Deis just BoltXs Yulie here). HOWEVER, Ryu probably doesn't want to go dragon either (the party wants to kill Yulie, since she can MT status heal/revive people if they're willing to sacrifice FP or just cheese if she stays around at all)... and, wow, on average he manages it with a little push from Deis. The fight just sorta trainwrecks from there for the WA4ers.
« Last Edit: October 19, 2012, 05:30:26 PM by Jo'ou Ranbu »
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: Parties & Rivals 2 - Afterparty
« Reply #5 on: October 19, 2012, 05:46:14 PM »
Chris, Geddoe, Hugo, Sasarai, Luc, Emily (Suikoden 3) vs. Vayne, Jessica, Nikki, Flay, Pamela, Anna (Mana Khemia)
Chris, Geddoe, Hugo, Sasarai, Luc, Emily (Suikoden 3) vs. Brahman (Digital Devil Saga)

Ghaleon (Lunar:SSSC) vs. Orphan (Final Fantasy 13)
Ghaleon (Lunar:SSSC) vs. Jenna Angel (Digital Devil Saga)

Dorothy, Strawman, Lion and Tin Man (Wizard of Oz) vs. Kornell 3 + Violetta 1 (Grandia 3)
Dorothy, Strawman, Lion and Tin Man (Wizard of Oz) vs. Yuri, Kurando, Joachim, Anastasia (Shadow Hearts 2)

Peppita, Albel, Adray (Star Ocean 3) vs. Ness, Paula, Jeff, Poo (Earthbound)
Peppita, Albel, Adray (Star Ocean 3) vs. Stocke, Aht, Eruca (Radiant Historia)

Bonus match
TimeLord, Roufas, Dr. Nusakan, Emelia, T260G (Saga Frontier) vs. Yu Narukami + 3 allies of his choice (Persona 4) -- I am going to ban Overdrive from Timelord here because I feel like that goes against the spirit of this fight. Assuming that's done... hmm... It may not even change anything. Let's pretend Yu gets Yosuke, Chie and... I dunno, Naoto. I don't think the P4 team is winning this on healing, so I don't see Yukiko or Teddie mattering too much here. T260G probably just goes first and uses Magnify on Yu which... probably kills him? I'm not sure.
Jude, Arnaud, Yulie, Raquel (Wild Arms 4) vs. Ryu, Nina, Ox, Deis (Breath of Fire)


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Re: Parties & Rivals 2 - Afterparty
« Reply #6 on: October 19, 2012, 06:27:37 PM »
Ghaleon (Lunar:SSSC)
vs. Orphan (Final Fantasy 13) Chaos Shield is really good in this format.

Dorothy, Strawman, Lion and Tin Man (Wizard of Oz) vs. Kornell 3 + Violetta 1 (Grandia 3)
Dorothy, Strawman, Lion and Tin Man (Wizard of Oz) vs. Yuri, Kurando, Joachim, Anastasia (Shadow Hearts 2) Wizard of Oz team got really lucky with status vulnerable opponents.

Peppita, Albel, Adray (Star Ocean 3)
vs. Ness, Paula, Jeff, Poo (Earthbound)

Bonus match
TimeLord, Roufas, Dr. Nusakan, Emelia, T260G (Saga Frontier)
vs. Yu Narukami + 3 allies of his choice (Persona 4) Overdrive and petrify make this simple. Although if you ban OD like Neph, Magnify doesn't kill Yu because one of his allies will take the hit for him.
Jude, Arnaud, Yulie, Raquel (Wild Arms 4) vs. Ryu, Nina, Ox, Deis (Breath of Fire)


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Re: Parties & Rivals 2 - Afterparty
« Reply #7 on: October 19, 2012, 06:53:58 PM »
Chris, Geddoe, Hugo, Sasarai, Luc, Emily (Suikoden 3) vs. Vayne, Jessica, Nikki, Flay, Pamela, Anna (Mana Khemia)
Chris, Geddoe, Hugo, Sasarai, Luc, Emily (Suikoden 3) vs. Brahman (Digital Devil Saga)

Ghaleon (Lunar:SSSC) vs. Orphan (Final Fantasy 13)
Ghaleon (Lunar:SSSC) vs. Jenna Angel (Digital Devil Saga)

Dorothy, Strawman, Lion and Tin Man (Wizard of Oz) vs. Kornell 3 + Violetta 1 (Grandia 3)
Dorothy, Strawman, Lion and Tin Man (Wizard of Oz) vs. Yuri, Kurando, Joachim, Anastasia (Shadow Hearts 2)

Peppita, Albel, Adray (Star Ocean 3) vs. Ness, Paula, Jeff, Poo (Earthbound)
Peppita, Albel, Adray (Star Ocean 3) vs. Stocke, Aht, Eruca (Radiant Historia)

Bonus match
TimeLord, Roufas, Dr. Nusakan, Emelia, T260G (Saga Frontier) vs. Yu Narukami + 3 allies of his choice (Persona 4) - Notably, Naoto is a terrible choice against SaGaF PCs that all block ID anyway.
Jude, Arnaud, Yulie, Raquel (Wild Arms 4) vs. Ryu, Nina, Ox, Deis (Breath of Fire)


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Re: Parties & Rivals 2 - Afterparty
« Reply #8 on: October 19, 2012, 07:02:06 PM »
Jo'ou, I knew about Overdrive, but I trusted that Persona4 immunity hax + auto-revival + free status healing at the end of every round would cover for it.  And kind of assumed that if TL went Overdrive he just got the damage and not the status/slow but that's apparently totally false so hey.  P4 got a too-easy win last time, they get the other side of the coin this time it seems.