Author Topic: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 98  (Read 2912 times)


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 98
« Reply #25 on: December 11, 2012, 04:11:27 AM »
Yeah Djinn is looking in good shape. I think he has a Pass.

How does it go without Reset... I'm assuming F4 encompasses the Forest town in World 2, which leaves the forest, polishing off world 2, X-death's castle, and all of world 3/final dungeon for Fs 5-7. This allows for Haste2. Haste2 is crazy stupid awesome this floor.

*On this floor, all buffs & debuffs have their effects increased by 50%. Status is not included.
Team Pyro vs. Alakazam, Mr. Mime and Charizard- Alakazam goes and whacks on Eiko, say. Jean goes and tries for status on em. Marco goes and gives a turn to Hilda, who whacks Charizard. Mime does Light Screen. Eiko heals up, Bartz Hastes the team, and then everything dies of either status or some other option.
Team Pyro vs. Demi, Angelo and Raja- Jean tries for status. Marco gives a turn to Hilda who whacks off Angelo (haha). Demi can do something but Bartz gets off Haste2. Status or damage handles the rest. Angelo or Raja don't get turns to boost Demi Def.
Team Pyro vs. Yuna, Auron and FFT Priest- Auron Zombie Strikes Marco. Jean tries for status and Marco can give a turn to Hilda to KO Yuna. At that point Eiko/Hilda damage and Haste/Slow handles Auron and the Priest before Marco can be offed with Healing/revival.
Team Pyro vs. Arnaud, Yulie, Lilka and Emma (AC:F)- Jean tries for status, Marco passes to Bartz to get MT Haste off so the team can get the jump on them. Hilda entrances Eiko into a murderous MT summon.
Team Pyro vs. Adachi, Alexia (XF) and Alma: Marco feeds Bartz a turn to Haste2, and then an Entranced Summon handles most of this before the other team can get anything nasty off. Mbarrier takes too long to charge to come off in time to prevent death. Adachi may buff himself with either Heat Riser or Power Charge but he isn't getting a chance to use it.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 98
« Reply #26 on: December 11, 2012, 04:36:23 AM »
Notably, I also loaded down Ivan with PsyDrain so he can spam MP-draining on any slow bosses too to regenerate his own PP. I also gave him Flash again, which is an initiative-turn Djinni release that cuts all damage to the whole party by a flat 90%. This could be incredibly useful for keeping my weaker teammates alive before knocking say... Orphan or PD or Xorn into their limit ranges. It also costs no PP, but can only be spammed every other turn due to being a Djinni Release.

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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 98
« Reply #27 on: December 11, 2012, 09:20:23 AM »
Doesn't Orphan have ID or something? Can't remember if it's limit based or not though, just that people usually complain about it a lot at the FFXIII boards >_> I've never really had a problem with it but then I usually like to mock him completely by getting Poison on ASAP with Vanille then sitting back in impunity with her Poison/Gestalt Chain Cannon trick <_< Rinse and repeat~
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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 98
« Reply #28 on: December 11, 2012, 03:44:37 PM »
Orphan does indeed have ID, but it's only a 50% chance and can only be used after hitting 80% health.  (Dark Holy Elf also claimed that there's a time limit on using it as well although I would not hold it against Orphan.)  Moreover, a single death isn't that bad - even if Orphan resists a Sucker (they have 30% provoke resistance) and kills Lenneth rather than Jane, Sacred Slayer Turn Shifts Marco, Marco Revives Lenneth, Sacred Slayer goes back to Turn Shifting Lenneth.

The way Orphan threatens Djinn is if Consummate Darkness lands some choice non-ID statuses Djinn can't dispel, or if Opposite Extremes (unlocked at 40% HP) lands Dies Irae twice.  Dies Irae is an MT 2HKO that becomes an MT OHKO if Deshell / Deprotect stick around, so the difference between limit Orphan getting 0, 1, and 2 turns is quite notable.  However, see argument above - Lenneth w/ Sacred Slayer support is cranking out 4 PCHP+ damage per turn herself.  If Marco grinds up a Turn Break while Sacred Slayer is regenerating MP against Profound Darkness 1, this can help deny Orphan from every actually doing much, or at best landing just 1 Dies Irae depending on HP respect.  (Let's say you see Orphan as 15 PCHP....  that's 6 PCHP to grind through on the limit, or one & a half turns.)
« Last Edit: December 11, 2012, 03:46:44 PM by SnowFire »


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 98
« Reply #29 on: December 11, 2012, 09:46:58 PM »
Team Neph vs Dungeon: The Alls are actually pretty tame for the most part, and T260G is pumping out ridiculous damage with Magnify.

Team Pyro vs Dungeon: Reset hype is fine, though I'm only really feeling it because he's mostly using it for ensuring a good turn 1, sort of how someone would actually use it in-game. Most people aren't going to bother with Reset late into a battle. You've still essentially 'lost' your boss fight and you didn't want to get off your couch to press the Power button. However, using it for a quick reset on turn 1 status odds? That's pretty much what Reset was made for. I can get behind that. It basically turns a quick status-whore into a Tir-level status whore. Probably won't be as useful on later floors when everything's status-immune, but might still come in handy for -surviving- quick status?

Team BoF4 vs Dungeon: It's floor 1, and also Ursula/Scias on Floor 1 seems pretty broken.

And of course, I'm voting Pass on my own team. Everyone else got to analyse it before -I- could... >.>;;


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 98
« Reply #30 on: December 12, 2012, 09:43:29 PM »
Well if losing the fight meant losing hours of time, then I definitely would use Reset late in the battle.  And that's basically what's going on here.