
Author Topic: Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch (Humans Only)  (Read 2036 times)


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Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch (Humans Only)
« on: March 03, 2013, 04:11:59 AM »
Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch

- Humans only, no assuming that they can use their starting mons or anything. Familiars are a headache for a lot of reasons.

- Level was 60. Tests were on the 2nd to last boss.

- The combat system is Real-Time, but there is no real staggering so a straight time/turn comparison can be made. I've listed time in seconds by the most crucial stuff, along with an 'average turn' time. I've also accounted for a time/damage average because the big huge massive nuke is kind of slow and the damage average should be a tad lower to reflect that. Or you can handwave it all away and call everything average, but I don't think that's quite fair.

- 'Knockdown' attacks are rather important. They do three things: Cancel an enemy's charging special, force a 'glimmer drop' (slight HP or MP restoration), and delay the enemy's next action by forcing them down. Thunderstorm, Pulse, and Sureshot can do this, but nothing else. Thunderstorm is especially nasty, as it's crazy fast and MT.

- Stats are self-explanatory. I will note that Defense means not that much in the tight band that the human PCs have. Swaine may reduce damage by 10% and Oliver may increase it 8% or so. It's tight, regardless. (monsters have more variety in this stat). Ditto Mdef.

- Statuses: Sleep lasts 3-4 turn or until you take damage. Confuse lasts until you take physical damage and lets you only wander around aimlessly or throw a weak physical at a random person. Stone is essentially Instant Death making a different check. Poison is worthless. The PCs can't really block statuses without a more complicated alchemy accessory than I am willing to assume.

- Storebought accessories for the humans. They are basically equips. Oliver wants Light Scales (+20% Light magic damage) and everyone else wants Nix Gnashers (+12 Atk/Matk/Acc). They have 2 slots for accessories, not that it matters.

- Basic physical attacks really suck coming off human stats.

HP: 366
Defense: 153
Magic Defense: 141
Evade: 161
Damage: 222.25
2.5x Kill Point: 555.625
“Average Turn Time”: 7.1 seconds
Time/Damage Average: 210
Time/Damage Kill Point: 525

HP:   438
MP:   297
Attack: 178
Magic Attack: 276
Accuracy: 160
Defense: 132
Magic Defense: 169
Evade: 136
Astra (+54 Atk, +75 Matk)   
Shining Scales (Light damage +20%)   
Nix Gnashers (+12 Atk/MAtk/Acc)   
Attack: 1 damage.   
Astra (54 MP):   622 Light Magic Damage to all enemies [9.4 seconds]
Evenstar (41 MP)   317 Dark Magic Damage to all enemies (380 with Shadowglass Scale) [8.5 seconds]
Mornstar (32 MP):   427 Light Magic damage to one enemy. [13 seconds]
Thunderstorm (18 MP):    139 Storm Magic damage to all enemies, Knockdown effect [5 seconds]
Unleash: [6 seconds]
Unleash: Everblade (19 MP):   204 Physical damage to one [6 seconds]
Unleash: Howling Blizzard (32 MP):   228 Ice/Water Magic Damage to all enemies [6 seconds]
Unleash: Bolt From The Blue (29 MP): 190 Storm Magic Damage to all enemies [6 seconds]
Unleash: Volcanic Roar (23 MP): 173 Fire Magic damage to all enemies [6 seconds]
Pulse (8 MP): 101 Physical damage, Knockdown effect
Healing Hand (16 MP): Full Healing [9 seconds]
Healing Touch (2 MP): 109 healing [4 seconds]
Fortune's Fool (18 MP): 20% chance each of … 1. MT fullheal, 2. MT 110 MP restore, 3: MT 180 Storm damage to enemies, 4: MT 1 damage 20% confuse to enemies, 5 : MT random status effecto on party
Cloudburst (14 MP): 71 magic damage, 20% chance of Nix (silence)
Burden (4 MP): 50% chance of inclicting Heavy and slowing enemy movement speed
Draw Poison (3 MP): Heals Poison
Ward (14 MP): Increases Magic Defense

Comments: A tad bit on the slow side but Astra really hurts. I guess there is the full-healing and lots of HP/MP to help too. Thunderstorm is a)Fast and b) does Knockdown/cancel. It's very hard to fight this in-game because the knockdown is kind of like a delay effect to those vulnerable to it. Quite nasty. Probably a Heavy? No status protection hurts.

HP:   287
MP:   166
Attack   119
Magic Attack   195
Accuracy   206
Defense   168
Magic Defense   143
Evade   211
Herald's Harp: (+12 Atk, +28 Matk)   
Nix Gnashers (+12 Atk/MAtk/Acc)   
Nix Gnashers (+12 Atk/MAtk/Acc)   
Attack: 1 damage.   
Cacophony (11 MP):   85 Physical damage based on Esther's magic stat [6.5 seconds]
Healing Hymn (14 MP):   257 HP Healing [9 seconds]
Chirpy Tune (2 MP):   104 HP healing [5 seconds]
Refrain (16 MP):   MT Defense Up (25% damage drop for 3-4 turns)
Quick March (12 MP):   MT Evade Up (gives Esther maybe 50% evade for 3-4 turns)
Cheer (12 MP):   MT Magic Attack Up (+20% damage for 3-4 turns. Meh)

Comments: Scrub Light, but at least she has healing.

HP:   390
MP:   120
Attack   160
Magic Attack   115
Accuracy   241
Defense   190 Storm Magic Damage to all enemies
Magic Defense   121
Evade   169
Rogue's Revolver (+18 Atk, +5 Matk)   
Nix Gnashers (+12 Atk/MAtk/Acc)   
Nix Gnashers (+12 Atk/MAtk/Acc)   
Attack: 1 damage.   
Mugshot (1 MP):    Chance of stealing an item
Rotshot (4 MP):   50% chance of inflicting poison
Slugshot (6 MP):   40% chance of inflicting curse
Blindshot (5 MP):   40% chance of inflicting blindness
Sureshot (10 MP):   36 damage, knockdown effect.
Napshot (7 MP):   40% chance of Inflicting Sleep [7 seconds]
Scattershot (6 MP):   40% chance of inflicting Confusion
Rockshot (13 MP):   20% chance of inflicting petrification
Trishot (16 MP):   47 damage. [8.5 seconds]
Deadshot (16 MP):   20% chance of inflicting Instant Death

Comments: He can try for Napshot-> Rockshot to win, but Napshot doesn't last the 5 turns one would expect him to need, so honestly he's kind of fubared. Light.

HP:   349
MP:   223
Attack   219
Magic Attack   276
Accuracy   179
Defense   122
Magic Defense   131
Evade   128
Imperial Scepter (+70 Atk, +35 Matk)   
Nix Gnashers (+12 Atk/MAtk/Acc)   
Nix Gnashers (+12 Atk/MAtk/Acc)   
Attack: 18 damage   
Thunderstorm (18 MP):    135 Storm Magic Damage, MT, Knockdown effect [4 seconds]
Arrow of Light (11 MP):   118 Light Magic Damage
Pulse (8 MP):   101 Physical damage, Knockdown effect
CLoudburst (14 MP):   71 magic damage, 20% chance of Nix (silence)
Healing Hand (16 MP):   Full Healing [8 seconds]
Healing Touch (2 MP):   104 HP healing [3.5 seconds]

Comments: Full Healing and *very* fast damage that has a knockdown/cancel effect. Honestly unless one is immune to the knockdown