
Author Topic: Your First RPGs  (Read 3919 times)


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Re: Your First RPGs
« Reply #25 on: September 25, 2012, 07:53:37 PM »
First RPG played: FF1, but I hated it, sold it and bought TMNT instead. Oh youth naivety.
First RPG completed: FF4
First SRPG played: Shining Force
First SRPG completed: Shining Force 2
First ARPG played/completed: Secret of Mana
First handheld RPG played/completed: Final Fantasy Legends
First console owned: NES
First video game played: Bonkers Revenge
First RPG replayed: Prolly FF4...don't exactly remember.
How well do they hold up now (scale of 1-10):

FF1: 5/10
FF4: 10/10, Nostalgia goes a long way for me.
SF1: 5/10
SoM: 9/10, first multiplayer RPG...WHAT!!!!
FFL: 0/10, haven't touched it in ages. Don't want to.

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Re: Your First RPGs
« Reply #26 on: September 27, 2012, 12:53:34 PM »
First RPG played: Quest 64. One of the best RPGs on the console. 2/10
First RPG completed: Quest 64. I hated it but back then, I beat all the few games I had. At one point I thought "You know, it's not that bad" but I went back to "No, it's terrible" later. It's very shallow and bland. And N64 games age about as well as milk.
First SRPG played: Shining Force.  Not really a great start. It also made me OCD about RPGs for a while; with all the crazy important missable stuff. (Yogurt) 4/10.
First SRPG completed: Shining Force.
First ARPG played/completed: Final Fantasy Adventure. Still a nice standard ARPG. Weapon switching is annoying, but otherwise you don't really get much better on the gameboy. 7/10. The remake is terrible.
First handheld RPG played/completed: Final Fantasy Adventure.
First console owned: Gameboy. With an awesome 52 in 1 games cart. Unfortunately it had a ton of terrible game like Mahjong and Klax (color based game on the gameboy) and DRAGON SLAYER
First video game played: Probably Super Mario Brothers. I beat it at like 5. M4d skillz
First RPG replayed: Final Fantasy Adventure. I remember choosing the exact same build for my character because I needed to always have equal stats. Jesus, kids are weird.


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Re: Your First RPGs
« Reply #27 on: September 28, 2012, 12:42:55 AM »
First RPG played: FF1. Watched my cousins play it a bit one summer, was mystified at this strange new type of game. *Begged* for it for my birthday.
First RPG completed: FF1. I did not stop playing that thing until I beat it.
First SRPG played: Crystal Warriors. For the fucking GAME GEAR.
First SRPG completed: I think this was FFT. I was only borrowing Crystal Warriors, sadly.
First ARPG played/completed: Crystalis for both. Magic of Scheherazade(sp?) was half ARPG, and I played that before Crystalis, but never beat it.
First handheld RPG played/completed: Final Fantasy Legend 2 was first one played. Think Pokemon Blue was the first one beaten.
First console owned: NES.
First video game played: Pac-Man, at the bar my mom worked at when I was very tiny.
First RPG replayed: Final Fantasy. I restarted damn near immediately.
How well do they hold up now (scale of 1-10):

FF1: Uh...4/10. Bizarrely fun, even as bad as it it.
Crystal Warriors: No idea.
FFT: 7/10, I think. LFT would get 10/10, it has exposed so many flaws of the original to the point where it's hard to play the original now. Still giving it credit for how much I loved it before Laggy went and upgraded the crap out of it, though.
Crystalis: 5/10. Breezy, fun game. Nothing special. Average works.
FFL2: 3/10. Good ideas, horrible execution. Want to play the DS remake, though.
Pokemon Blue: 6/10. Gen 1 is hard to play now, but breezy and fun.
Pac-Man: Pac-Man/10.
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Re: Your First RPGs
« Reply #28 on: January 09, 2013, 06:01:26 AM »
Might as well join in somewhere!

First RPG played: I'm pretty sure the first RPG I ever played was Phantasy Star II. When I was quite young, my parents got a disc with a collection of Genesis games on it as well as a Sonic the Hedgehog one, and Phantasy Star II was one of them.
First RPG completed: Pokemon Yellow, if it counts. Otherwise, either FF1 DoS or Paper Mario 2.
First SRPG played: I wanted to say FFTA because that's the first one I owned, but then I remembered Shining Force was one of the games on that disc with PSII.
First SRPG completed: ...I'm thinking FFTA? I remember the final boss fight of TA, but I may not have gotten there legitimately because my copy was used... I do know I've beaten FFTA2 on my own skill a while back, so I'll go with that.
First ARPG played/completed: Played was Secret of Mana, but I only completed SD3(my second memorable ARPG) very recently.
First handheld RPG played/completed: Definitely Pokemon Yellow. If that doesn't count, Mega Man Battle Network 3?
First console owned: Game Boy Advance.
First video game played: Super Mario Land 2.
First RPG replayed: Ooh... Pokemon Sapphire. Traditional-RPG wise, I'd have to say Paper Mario 2.
How well do they hold up now (scale of 1-10):

PSII - 5/10. Honestly, it's a neat game and all, but rather simplistic and kind of obnoxious even for the time. The amount of depressing events is kinda over the top, and the plot is rather predictable. Music's kinda irritating as well. Didn't age that well, so yeah.
Pkmn Y - 7/10? It's a fun game and the music and world holds up even now, but the game suffers from a lot of bugs and questionable design choices. The engine was much improved come Gen II, but I still love the game so I can't condemn it lower.
FF 1 DoS - 7/10. A good remake of a mediocre game with balance issues. It's alright, it was fun for a while.
Paper Mario 2 - 9/10. I actually love this game. Might not be the hardest thing ever, but it's very well designed and looks nice. Characters are stellar as usual, and the game is much more fun than the other two of the series for me(I don't count Sticker Star).
Shining Force - Abstaining from voting here because I don't remember much of it.
FFTA - 5/10...? Game felt very unpolished for me, although it was fun at first. Graphics are a little weird and the plot is really bleh. Game's also easy as hell to break open, so I don't really see any reason to care for it. Still, it's a neat predecessor to one of my more enjoyed games.
FFTA2 - 8/10! I like this game a lot, especially since it looks nice and the characters are about 50x as interesting for me as opposed to the first one. A lot of things were fixed, but the game is still really damn easy if you know what to do. Lacks balance like the first, but hides it better and manages to be fun despite. Good.
Secret of Mana - 6-7/10? It's alright, but a little bad design wise and didn't draw my attention too much. Bad translation didn't quite help matters.
SD3 - 8/10! It's an awesome game that I've heard about for years but only really tried recently. It's one of the best looking games I can think of for its time, and I like the music. Unfortunately, I can't help but get a little irritated at yet another balancing failure combined with the large numbers of bugs (Agility not affecting evade rates, critical hits essentially not existing, et cetera) so I can't give it a 9/10.
MMBN3 - 7/10 It's a nice game with a lot of replay value. I've not really got much else to say on it.
Pokemon Sapphire - 8/10. I remember when I first played it in a store and was surprised by how well it presented itself. The large number of Pokes available(although they kinda lacked due to the whole hoenn dex thing) helped with strategies, and it sure was fun fighting actually vaguely dangerous Gyms for once. Great music.
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Re: Your First RPGs
« Reply #29 on: January 09, 2013, 12:59:04 PM »
Yes! More FFTA2 fans!

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Re: Your First RPGs
« Reply #30 on: January 09, 2013, 06:00:48 PM »
Yuck, more FFTA2 fans. *gets out the bazooka*
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Re: Your First RPGs
« Reply #31 on: January 09, 2013, 08:15:07 PM »
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....