Super Mario Galaxy: Finally finished...well, ok, I mean beat the final boss. Took me long enough and it's entirely my sister's fault. No, I won't get into why!
Well, no, part of it is my brother's fault for hogging the TV but let's not get into that!
Anyway, I can see why the game got such critical reception. It really does elevate the genre to new heights and doesn't skimp on like anything. Ok, some people whine about the LACK OF EXPLORATION but since when has that been a big part of Mario? Mario 64 is like the only game and maybe Sunshine? Either way, I'm not sure what you're suppose to look for in exploring other than Stars so...<_<
Two things that I don't like about this game though are Swimming and Spring Mario. Spring Mario is just an awkward mechanic that feels forced last minute, and honestly is the only power up that didn't really add to the game, but legitimately detracted.
Swimming...oh boy. For as good as the game controls normally in most places, Swimming it seemed to have lost all competence and became legitimately painful. This wouldn't be so bad if the game didn't keep forcing you to do swimming sections once every like 3 Galaxies or so. One of the last stars I got was all "Oh, new one Star Galaxy, lets grab that!" *Swimming* "Fffffffff." Thankfully it was a boss fight so it wasn't as bad as it could have been, but blech.