Author Topic: Final Fantasy 6 (Full)  (Read 10153 times)


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Final Fantasy 6 (Full)
« on: December 20, 2007, 04:50:56 AM »
I allowed anything that's two of a kind, and enough to go around, with an exception here and there. Also, I don't count Umaro in for those who can equip things, given his nature, hence why I allow snow mufflers.

Damage's are taken at level 40. Characters have just over 2500 HP, and the range is so small its not worth listing them (Strago has game worst, and is only 25 HP behind Umaro, who is game best) Thier base MP is around 410. Note that this stat only matters for Terra, Celes and Strago. Terra and Celes get an extra 25% from thier Minerva (so just over 500), and Strago gets an extra 12.5% from the Bard's Hat (just below 500), so they typically have enough for most fights.

Some equipment junk I'm going to throw out, regarding how to get them and such <_<:

Minerva: Yeah, the famous armor that sparked many debates. Only usable by Terra and Celes, and is one of the reasons they are so good in game (for whatever that's worth) You get one in a chest, and can get another in various ways, ranging from the Coloseum (betting the useless Czarina Gown and winning an easy fight), 1/8 drop from Pugs (NOT Pug, that's a different enemy. Note Pugs always come in groups of 3, and appear on the Veldt), rare steal from Pugs (they don't have a cmmon steal, so this just means your success is effectivly lowered to 1/8th), and a rare steal from Goddess (see note about Pugs)

Red Jacket: Armor usable only by the Figaro brothers. One is gotten in a chest, others can be gotten through various means, such as Coloseum (several routes) or stealing from Poltrgeist.

Behemoth Suit: Armor usable only by Strago and Relm. 100% drop rate from Sr. Behemoth's. There is one that you fight as a boss, and appears on the Veldt. Note that if you meet one Sr. Behemoth on the Veldt, you are insured to fight another in the next fight (if its not the next, its like two or three battles at most) due to how the Veldt works (yes, odd. Fighting Sr. Behemoth on the Veldt triggers ANOTHER Veldt slot, where the only formation possiblity is Sr. Behemoth...), and there will be 100% chance of running into Sr. Behemoth each cycle afterwords, if you are wondering how common Sr. behemoth is. The innitial Sr. Behemoth on the Veldt is not hard to come by, mind (not sure the exact odds per cycle)

Snow Muffler: Armor usable by Mog and Gau, and forced onto Umaro (I personally throw Umaro out of the equation here) Gotten only by betting Behemoth Suit at the coloseum (See above) The fight to get the armor is fairly simple, if that means anything.

Sneak Rings: Storebought Relic usable by only Locke and Gogo. Each add +5 to speed. I personally allow both characters to equip two, but thought I should bring it up

Memento Ring: Innately Equipped on Relm, also usable by Shadow. There are 2 more in the game, one being a steal from Wrexsoul (they...probably meant Safety Bit there, but who knows <_<), the other found in a somewhat obscure location in Strago's House (THAT one makes actual sense, given what it is >.>)

Man Eater: This isn't regard to thier legality, its regard to why I used them. First off, some character like the 10% M. Block, that much goes w/out saying. Next, they have the "2x damage vs. Human targets" Note that Human is more inclusive than it sounds, its more refering to "Humanoid" Also, oddly enough, Man Eaters WORK on EVERY PC in FF6 (yes, even Mog and Umaro who aren't human in the slightest), so its not just a random distinction to say "All PCs are Human" as there is in game proof of this. Granted, Man Eaters won't work on everything in the DL (like Zeon, for example, I would probably see them not work on), but more often than not, its the best weapon choice in the DL.

Assassin: Weapon usable by Shadow and Locke. A few means of getting more (most involve using Metamorph), though are a pain. However, note that Locke has absolutly no use for the Assassin in the DL, since the Wing Edge is Superior in every regard. Also note that Shadow losing the Assassin does little to him in general (wow, so he's forced to use the STRIKER instead, and just misses 3 points of speed, oh well)

ThiefKnife: Shared by Locke and Shadow. Locke has absolutly no use for this (if he needs M. Block, he would much rather use the Man Eater, and keep some of his damage, rather than get +2 to Speed), though, there are multiple of them in the game (one is a chest, another is a rare drop from Dadaluma, and you can steal them from Slam Dancers)

Pearl Lance: Usable by Mog and Edgar. There's one in a chest, and the others you need to get in the Coloseum. Note that Edgar pretty much never has a reason to use the Pearl Lance, as the Enhancer owns it for stat boosts, and on average, he does more with his tools anyway.

That...should cover all the "questionable" equips. Everything else is unique (as in, one person), storebought, or innitially equipped, and stuff. Well, ok, there's the coin Toss, but that typically doesn't matter at all.

I'll list some other random stuff at the end of the topic regarding some equips that are...quite grey, or something...

Some Notes:
Vigor: Used to determine physical damage. Not important, just listing it for calculation and reference purposes. Typically, 1 point of Vigor = 2 Points of Battle Power, more or less
Magic Power: Magic version of Vigor. Unlike Vigor, this is more or less a strict multiplier. Again, listed only for reference purposes
Speed: This + 20 = Linear value for how fast a character is. For example, someone with 60 speed would not double turn someone with 30 Speed, rather, it'd be an 8/5 turn split.
Battle Power: Used with Vigor to determine the "Fight" command damage. Listed only for refenrece purposes. This stat is ignored for just about everything BUT Fight, mind (well, and Gau's Catscratch and Umaro's "Tackle")
Defense: higher this is, less damage you take from physical damage. FF6 uses a division system, for the record
Magic Defense: See Defense, change "physical" to "Magical"
M. Block: Evade rates against Magic AND Physicals. Note that this percentage is out of 128%, NOT 100%, so 33% M. Block is not 1/3 evade rate, but closer to 1/4 evasion

Bolded Attack = Optimal Damage
Italics = Move is either useless in a duel (listed for RPGmon purposes, mainly), or I don't allow it, but listing it for reference purposes

Enhancer (Man Eater)
Crystal Shield
Mystery Veil

Vigor 33
Magic Power 53 (46)
Speed 36
Battle Power 146 (158)
Defense 204
Magic Defense 162
M. Block 47% (37%)

Morph: Gives Terra "Morphed Status" in this status, Terra doubles all physical and Magic damage, excluding ITD, and halves all magic damage done to her. Morphing does NOT use a turn (IOWs, it does not reset the ATB Gauge) All damage's regarding Terra are assuming Morph as she has no reason not to use it on her first turn. For quick reference, only Cure 2 and Ultima ignore Morph's power up.
Fight: 2116 (4504), physical
Ultima: 9999 (9189), Ignroes Defense, ignores reflect, unblockable, Non elemental, magical, 80 MP.
(Note: If you ignore damage Caps, Ultima's true damage is 10496. For purposes of the stat topic, I am taking the damage caps into account.)
Fire 3: 8468 (7414), Fire Elemental, 51 MP, magical, 150% Hit Rate
Pearl: 7560 (6616), Pearl Elemental, 40 MP, magical, 150% hit rate
Drain: 2660, Non Elemental, heals Terra for an amount equal to damage done, damage is restricted to Terra's HP loss, 120% Hit rate, ignores reflect. Since Terra's HP < Drain's Damage, this will never hit its max potential, magical, 20 MP
Cure 2: 1960 (80% healing), magical, 25 MP
Break: Inflicts Petrify status to the enemy, 90% hit rate, magical 25 MP
Quartr: Deals Damage equal to 75% of their Current HP, 75% Hit Rate, magical, ignores reflect 46 MP.
Note: Quartr and Break both miss "Targets immune to instant Death. " Note that instant death immunity does a lot more in FF6 than it would imply (it guards vs. a lot of obscure crap, actually), take this as you will.
Life 2: Revives one ally at full HP, magical, 60 MP
Antdt: Heals Poison status, 3 MP, magical, Ph34r!
Dispel: Removes Positive status effects, 25 MP

Terra is immune to Fire, Ice, Lightning and Wind, and resists the other 4 FF6 elements (Water, Poison, Pearl, and Earth) thanks to her Armor.

Terra can opt for the Oath Veil, and loses 3 Magic Power, 1 Speed, 10% M. Block, and gains 8 Defense and 6 Magic Defense in return.

Comments: Game best damage by far, good defenses, Magic Durability on par with the likes of Mewtwo after Morph, high evade, full parasitic healing, resists every element, and even has Dispel to be used in a pinch. And unlike most mages, she has a decent physical to fall back on in case she runs into an Anti Mage. Clear Godlike

Valiant Knife (Wing Edge)
Mithril Shield
Bard's Hat
Dark Gear
Sneak Ring
Sneak Ring

Vigor 37 (44)
Magic Power 28 (30)
Speed 56 (63)
Battle Power 159 (212)
Defense 160
Magic Defense 108
M. Block: 12%

Fight (w/ Valiant Knife): 2334, adds Locke's MHP - his CHP to his damage, Ignores Defense, physical
Fight (w/ Wing Edge): 1507, 20% chance of Instant Death, physical, Long Range

Locke has the "Steal" command as a special. Due to how in game, it serves no gameplay purpose beyond getting Items, I don't factor it at all. How you take it might differ, so I'm just reminding you it exists.

Locke can opt for the Crystal Mail for +4 Defense, and +3 Magic Defense, but loses 6 speed in the process, compared to the Dark Gear. He can also opt for the Circlet over the Bard's Hat, which is +6 Defense, +2 Vigor, +1 Speed, for a loss of 2 Magic Defense and 10% M. Block (it effects other stats, but they're pointless to bring up)

Comments: Great speed, which is just about all I can say about him. Damage that gets better as his HP gets lower is fairly nifty though, especially backed up by speed, but the defense is just sad. Option for an ID weapon to use on Healers (which just makes him FASTER) doesn't hurt though. Middle

Sky Render
Crystal Shield
Bard's Hat
Crystal Mail

Vigor 40
Magic Power 25
Speed 28
Battle Power 240
Defense 189
Magic Defense 121
M. Block: 11%

Fight: 1615, physical
Dispatch: 1988, Ignores Defense, Unblockable, physical
Retort: 1967, Ignores Defense, Unblockable, triggers only as a counter to physicals, pseudo-magical, 0.4 turn charge
Slash: Damage is equal to 50% of targets Current HP, Adds Seizure Status, physical, unblockable, 0.8 turn charge
Note: See note on Quartr and Break in Terra's section about this
Quadra Slam: 4 hits of 747, totals 2988, unblockable, physical, 1.2 turns to charge
Empowerer: 1726, heals Cyan for amount dealt, is restricted by HP loss, pseudo-magical, unblockable, Ignores Defense, 1.6 turns to Charge.
Note: Yes, this has an MP Draining aspect, however, given how FF6 MP works, it'll always be 0 in the DL, and doesn't matter anyway
Stunner: 1581, pseudo-magical, ignores split damage, 55% chance of adding Stop status, 140% hit rate, 2 turns to charge. Stop Status generally lasts two to three turns of the afflicted, (so higher speed characters break out of the status faster), as a side note.
Quadra Slice: 4 hits of 1470, totals 5880, unblockable, ignores defense, physical, 2.4 turns to charge
Cleave: Instant Death, 125% hit rate, 2.8 turns to charge.

Cyan can opt for the Circlet with the same benefits and losses as Locke over the Bard's Hat.

Comments: What a waste of a fairly nifty skillset. Extremely accurrate instant death, good damage that ignores evade and defense, some minor status, parasitic healing, and gravity...all gone to waste from having such horrid charge times. Even using Quadra Slam, he doesn't break average damage, let alone damage per turn. Scrubby dueler, much akin to his in game self. Clear Light bait.

Thief Knife (Assassin) (Stunner)
Mithril Shield
Bard's Hat
Dark Gear
Memento Ring

Vigor 39
Magic Power 33 (35) (33)
Speed 46
Battle Power 243
Defense 162
Magic Defense 110
M. Block: 29%

Fight (w/ Thief Knife): 938, 50% chance of using "Capture" See notes on Locke's "Steal" for how to take this, physical
Fight (w/ Assassin): 1031, 20% chance of adding Instant Death, physical
Note: Yes, the Striker *IS* stronger than the Assassin and has the same status, but the damage boost is negligible (especially considering he's only using it for the Instant Death), he'd much rather prefer the speed boost
Fight (w/ Stunner): 1621, 25% chance of casting "Stop", physical. Note "Stop" has a 100% hit rate (base hit rate, it CAN miss, mind), and is magical. See notes about Cyan's "Stunner" attack for how FF6 stop works.
Throw Falchion: 5094, physical, ignores defense, unblockable
Throw Tack Star: 5384, physical, ignores defense, unblockable
Note: Some people allow Tack Stars. I personally do not, since getting them in bulk is a major pain in the ass (Coloseum, one at a time? OUCH!) Your mileage might differ though.
Throw Ninja Star: 4184, physical, ignores defense, unblockable
Throw Flame Sabre: 3688, physical, ignores defense, unblockable, Fire elemental
Throw Blizzard: 3688, physical, ignores defense, unblockable, Ice elemental
Throw Thunderblade: 3688, physical, ignores defense, unblockable, Thunder elemental
Throw Blossom: 3770, physical, ignores defense, unblockable, Wind elemental
Throw Poison Rod: 3234, physical, ignores defense, unblockable, Poison elemental
Throw Trident: 3378, physical, ignores defense, unblockable, Water elemental
Throw Gravity Rod: 3936, physical, ignores defense, unblockable, Earth elemental
Throw Pearl Rod: 4020, physical, ignores defense, unblockable, Pearl elemental
Throw Fire Skean: 2255 (2379), pseudo-magical, unblockable, Fire elemental
Throw Water Edge: 2255 (2379), pseudo-magical, unblockable, Water elemental
Throw Bolt Edge: 2255 (2379), pseudo-magical, unblockable, Thunder elemental
Throw Shadow Edge: Adds Image Status. Under Image status, all evadable physicals automatically miss, and each attempt has a 25% chance of breaking the status (note that Shadow does NOT take damage the turn the status is broken)
Throw Invis Edge: Adds Clear status. Under clear status, ALL physicals, evadable or otherwise, miss. All Magical attacks now have perfect hit rate, and once hit with a magic attack, status is then broken. Overrides Instant Death immunity (NOT immunity to other status', however, those still work) Non typed attacks acted normally, and do not break the status.
(As a side note, Clear status will NOT cause physical instant death to hit 100% of the time. Physical instant death is an auto miss due to being physical. Its only Magical Instant death, due to the whole "Magic never misses" aspect of Clear status that causes the infamous "Vanish + Doom" Combo. So yes, Gryz's Crash is suddenly useless if target has "Clear" status, however, his Brose is now godly <_< )
Take Down: 2479 (2616), pseudo-magical, unblockable, ignores defense, misses against flying targets. Used only as a counter (see note about interceptor below)
Wild Fang: 2975 (3139), pseudo-magical, unblockable, ignores defense, misses against flying targets. Used only as a counter (see note about interceptor below)

Shadow is immune to Instant death, Gravity, Zombie, and Petrify status due to the Memento Ring, and possibly Stat downs, depending on how you take Dischord.

Shadow has a 50% chance, accuracy be damned, to block ANY "standard" physical, due to interceptor. What you see as blockable in this manner is up to you. Should be noted that even basic unblockable physicals (Sniper Sight, for example) are blocked in this manner, so being unblockable does NOT mean an auto bypass of this type of evasion. If Interceptor blocks, Shadow has roughly a 17% chance to counter with either Takedown or Wild Fang, equal chance of both appearing.

Shadow can opt for Circlet, like other males, for all the same stat boosts over the Bard's Hat, if he pleases. He can also heal by equipping Gaia Gear, and throwing Gravity Rods at himself, though, he sacrifices 15 Defense, 3 Magic Defense, and 6 speed using this combo (but he absorbs Earth Damage! <_<)

Comments: Great speed, and Good damage...that alone wins him enough fights to get into Heavy. Factor in the whole anti physical thing, and he's now one scary person to face. Worse, he can't be cheesed out with Instant Death either (one of the status' FF6 doesn't cover), and can have a degree of healing if so pleases, not to mention some brutal though unreliable status. A God Like...if he had something to defend against mages, and didn't have such atrocious physical defense. Still a High Heavy.

Crystal Shield
Bard's Hat
Red Jacket

Vigor 44
Magic Power 32
Speed 32
Battle Power 155
Defense 197
Magic Defense 132
M. Block: 31%

Drill: 2795, physical, perfect hit rate, ignores defense
Chain Saw: 3426, physical, perfect hit rate, ignores defense, 25% chance of being Instant Death with perfect hit rate. If enemy is immune to the instant death, no damage is done (so no, its not "25% chance of instant death", its "25% chance of instant death INSTEAD of damage")
Air Anchor: 1073, physical, perfect hit rate, target dies after next action, unless they successfully kill Edgar (and any allies he might have) on their next turn, can be blocked by instant death immunity.
Flash: 1052, pseudo magic, unblockable
Noiseblaster: Adds Confusion, perfect hit rate. FF6 Confusion is permanent and undone only if hit with a physical attack, or healed. Under FF6 confusion, targets always act according to what is beneficial of the source of the status (IE heals Edgar, hits self with an attack, what have you)
Bio Blaster: 502, unblockable, pseudo-magical, adds Poison status, Poison Elemental.

Edgar is immune to Fire thanks to his Armor.

Edgar can opt for the Regal Crown, which raises Vigor, Speed, and magic Power by 1, Defense by 9, and Magic Defense by 2, but lowers M. Block by 10%, compared to the Bard's Hat. Like all other males, he can use Circlet instead of Bard's hat for the same stat boosts mentioned earlier.

Comments: Good defense, and some brutal status. Could use some more speed, though, and damage isn't that good either. Heavy.

Tiger Fangs
Mithril Shield
Bard's Hat
Red Jacket

Vigor 55
Magic Power 32
Speed 41
Battle Power 241
Defense 177
Magic Defense 115
M. Block 14%

Bum Rush: 5611 (6248 w/ Circlet), pseudo-magical, ignores defense, unblockable
Air Blade: 1710, pseudo-magical, MT, ignores split damage, wind elemental, unblockable
Mantra: Heals allies for amount equal to Sabin's Current HP/target's hit, and recovers all allies from status. Does not target Sabin himself.

Sabin is immune to Fire due to his armor.

Sabin can opt for Circlet over Bard's Hat for the usual stat changes . Sabin can also use Tiger Mask for +2 to Defense and Speed, +3 to vigor, and -6 to Magic Defense and -10% M. Block. Sabin can also opt for the Dark Gear, giving him +4 to Speed, but loses 1 Magic Power, 5 Vigor, 10 Defense, and 9 Magic Defense. Sabin can also opt for the opt for the Regal Crown, which raises Vigor, Speed, and magic Power by 1, Defense by 9, and Magic Defense by 2, but lowers M. Block by 10%, compared to the Bard's Hat.

Comments: Much like in game, he's a one trick pony. Granted, this one trick gets him rather far, since backed up by his good speed, he can win many slugfests. Alternativly, he's Shadow trading in Instant Death immunity, a bit of speed, and the anti physical game for Fire Immunity, better defense and magic defense, and a touch more damage...yeah, he's losing on the deal, though, still a respectable Heavy

Enhancer (Man Eater)
Crystal Shield
Mystery Veil (Oath Veil)

Vigor 36
Magic Power 50 (43)
Speed 37
Battle Power 150 (162)
Defense 206
Magic Defense 160
M. Block: 49% (39%)

Fight: 1112 (2348), physical
Ice 3: 4042 (3510), magical, Ice elemental, 150% hit rate, 52 MP
Flare: 3975 (3452), magical, non elemental, ignores defense, 150% hit rate, 45 MP
Pearl: 3578 (3107), magical, Pearl Elemental, 150% Hit rate, 40 MP
Meteor: 2385 (2071), magical, ignores defense, unblockable, ignores reflect, ignores split damage, 62 MP
Bserk: Adds Beserk status, 150% hit rate, 16 MP. Beserk in FF6 forces the enemy to use only basic physicals, at 150% damage, and is permanent.
Cure: 663 (575) healing, 5 MP
Haste: Raises speed by 30%, 10 MP (Celes also has Haste 2, which costs 38 MP, and is MT)
Muddle: Adds Confusion status, 94% hit rate, 8 MP. See Noiseblaster for notes about FF6 confusion.
Antdt: Heals Poison, 3 MP, w007!
Vanish: Adds Clear status, 18 MP, see Invis Edge for notes about Clear status.
Safe: Reduces physical damage by 1/3rd, 12 MP
Imp: Adds Imp status, 100% hit rate (CAN Miss, this is just the base hit rate), 3 MP. If target is already an Imp, then it heals the status. Imp status is effectively the equivalent of FF's traditional "Frog" status (besides one exception that doesn’t apply in the DL), in that lose their entire skillset except the Fight command, Item Command, and the "Imp" spell. As an imp, a target's Weapons and Armor are all reduced to minimal effectiveness for Battle Power and Defense (Magic defense remains untouched) Basically, this status = Death if afflicted. Note that since the status is essentially identical to the Frog status of other FF games, I treat it as the same thing more or less (Frog can be used to heal from it, immunity to Frog = Immunity tot his, etc.)

Celes does have her trademark move, Runic, but its typically worthless in a duel unless she's against a mage with rather large charge times, given its nature.

Celes is immune to Fire, Ice, Lightning and Wind, and resists the other 4 FF6 elements (Water, Poison, Pearl, and Earth) thanks to her Armor.

Celes can opt for the Oath Veil, and loses 3 Magic Power, 1 Speed, 10% M. Block, and gains 8 Defense and 6 Magic Defense in return.

Comments: Celes is like the status whore, support spell version of Terra. Some brutal status in Beserk, Imp and Muddle, and some support in Haste and Safe. Her damage isn't too bad either, though nothing all that special. All this is backed up by good defenses, high M. Block, and loads of elemental resistances. Oh, and lets not forget the evil that is Vanish, ESPECIALLY when on a character with the same skillset that contains Beserk. Heavy/God Like

Man Eater (Mithril Rod)
Mithril Shld
Bard's Hat
Behemoth Suit

Vigor 34
Magic Power 40 (42)
Speed 31
Battle Power 156 (70)
Defense 173
Magic Defense 139
M. Block: 27% (17%)

Fight: 2250 (680), physical
Grand Train: 4519 (4728) (4937 (5146) w/ Circlet) , magical, ignores defense, unblockable, 64 MP
Aero: 3363 (3518) (3674 (3829) w/ Circlet), magical, wind elemental, 140% Hit rate, 41 MP
Big Guard: Lowers Physical and Magic damage by 33%, 80 MP.
Rippler: Swaps status, be it positive, negative, or completely obscure (obscure being something like Interceptor) with his user, 111% hit rate, 66 MP
Sour Mouth: Adds Blind, Poison, Sleep, Imp, Mute, and Muddle status, 100% hit rate (again, base hit rate only. From now on, if you see "100% Hit rate" assume that), 32 MP. Note that this is an All or None Status, in that its one check for the entire attack, and if it hits, the enemy is hit with every status, skipping those that the target is immune too. Note that FF6 Sleep is only woken up after a certain period of time passes (like 4 of the target's turns or something), or being hit physically, the other status has been either explained already, or is self explanatory (except Blind, which is worthless)
Condemned: Adds Countdown status, unblockable nixing Instant Death immunity, 20 MP. Note that it takes about 2 of the TARGET's turns after the casting for the Instant Death to kick in.
Forcefield: Nulls out a random element completely ala a field effect. Any weakness, absorptions and resistances are completely overridden by this. Multi Elemental attacks act as though they lose that element (So a Fire/Wind attack cast after Fire is nulled would act like its Wind Elemental only) Lasts until end of battle, can be stacked, will not repeat any element its already nulled out (so by the 8th casting, every element in FF6 will have been nulled out)
Dischord: Halves enemies level, 100% hit rate, 68 MP. In FF6, level being halved has the same effect as lowering magic damage by 1/2, and lowering physical damage by *3/4s* Take this as you will. Also, see disclaimer on Quartr and Break regarding ID immunity.
Reflect???: Adds Slow, Blind and Silence status to enemy targets with "Reflect" status, perfect hit rate, 0 MP
Pearl Wind: Heals amount equal to Strago's Current HP, 45 MP
Note: All Lores ignore reflect

Strago has a few L# Spells, most notable ones being L3 Muddle and L5 Doom. I personally throw these out of the DL, unless maybe against a cast where the end game level varies (like BoF1 for example). I might consider taking L? Pearl's damage (since it can be tweaked to hit anything in game, especially Kefka's Tower), but should be noted that Aero is pretty much always stronger, similar thing for L4 Flare vs. Grand Train too. Strago also has Step Mine, which is a spell based off current number of steps, with MP cost based off how much time you've played. Typically, this spell does less than Grand Train, and costs more to boot, hence why I throw it out of the DL, though, thought I'd bring it up for people who disagree.

Strago can opt for the Nutkin Suit, should he desperately need speed, and is otherwise worthless. He can opt for Tao Robe and get 10% M. Block, however, loses 26 defense, 23 Magic Defense, 6 speed, and 1 Magic Power, so pretty much not worth it unless he fights some pure status whore. Like all other males, Strago has the option of Circlet available for the same stat boosts listed earlier.

Comments: One of the most varied skillsets in the DL, Strago is a force to be rekoned with. Bad Breath is death to just about anyone who isn't Status immune (especially when Imp is part of the attack), Condemned a nifty option for status immune healers, some limited healing, Big Guard to cover his low defenses, among a few other tricks, Strago is set for most fights...if only he had some decent speed. Middle/Heavy

Man Eater
Mithril Shld
Cat Hood
Behemoth Suit
Memento Ring

Vigor 32
Magic Power 54
Speed 42
Battle Power 157
Defense 189
Magic Defense 155
M. Block: 29%

Fight: 2222, physical
Control: If Relm equips Fake Mustache, she can access this. Relm takes control of the enemy manipulates their actions. It follows all the same rules as confusion, except that Relm forfeits her turn during the enemies, and the actions are now controlled (instead of random) Hit Rate, assuming you take end game enemies for standard, is 72%. With Coronet equipped, this value raises to 100%. Personally, I don't allow this to work in the DL, but for those who do allow it, thought I'd throw it in. Note Control's ONLY save is vs. Level (IOWs, it ignores M. Block)

I completely throw out Sketch, for one principle only: its completely random and has no rhyme or reason for how it works (Control…the enemy uses the same moves they would when confused, so its easy enough to interpret as such, at least) My favorite example is sketching Ice Dragon has a chance of casting FIRE 3.

Relm resists Fire, Ice, Lightning, Pearl, Wind and Earth due to her Helmet.

Relm can opt for the Tao Robe with the same loses as Strago. If you allow Control, she might want the Coronet, which is -10 to Defense and Magic Defense, and -10% to M. Block, but raises Control's hit rate.

Comments: Relm is the opposite of Cyan, in a sense. She has some nice stats, and resists a bunch of elements...but this all goes to waste given her utter lack of a skillset, forcing her to use her low physical damage. Pity too, she's a solid enough character in game, but thems the breaks. She wishes I allowed Control in the DL, as that'd have made her quite brutal. Oh well, Light for her, though, not as bad a one as you might think at first (certainly better than Cyan)

Fixed Dice (Doom Darts)
Crystal Shield
Bard's Hat
Dark Gear (Crystal Mail)

Vigor 36
Magic Power 29
Speed 38
Battle Power 19 (205)
Defense 185 (189)
Magic Defense 127 (130)
M. Block: 11%

Fight (w/ Fixed Dice): Ranges anywhere from 80 damage (3 1s) to 9999 (several possible rolls) Average damage comes out to 2746, ignores defense, unblockable, physical, long range
Fight (w/ Doomed Darts): 1396, physical, 20% Chance of instant death, long range
GP Rain: 2560, ignores defense, unblockable, physical, requires Coin Toss Relic
Slots: Slots aren't totally random. A lot of it is timing, however, some slots are rigged against you. Below is the list of abilities Setzer can pull off with Slots, and the chances of them being pulled off successfully, based on how the game rigs it against you
Lagomorph: Negligible Healing (we're talking not even 10%), does NOT ignore defense, recovers from Blind, Sleep, and Poison status, 100% chance of success, occurs on failures of any other abilities.
7 Flush: 1685, pseudo-magical, unblockable, 100% chance of success
Chocobop: 1444, pseudo-magic, unblockable, ignores split damage, automatically misses flying targets, 100% chance of success
H-bomb: 2607, pseudo magic, unblockable, 75% chance of success
Random Summon: Summons a random esper, 50% chance of success (no, I do not intend on listing every single summon potential)
Sun Flare: 3689, pseudo magic, unblockable, ignores defense, 25% chance of success.
Joker Doom (Good version): Instant Death to all, ignores immunities, 100% hit rate, 3% chance of success (IOWs, this = Auto Win, if it works)
Joker Doom (Bad Version): Instant Death to self and all allies, ignores immunities, 100% hit rate, 3% chance of success (IOWs, this = Auto Loss)

Setzer can opt for Crystal Helm, over Bard's hat, sacrificing 10% M. Block and 2 Magic Defense for +10 Defense.

Comments: Setzer is somewhat a variation of Locke, trading in speed for the ability to actually take a damn hit. His damage being random is both a blessing and a curse, as it means he's inconsistant, though it also helps deal with some annoying healers. An interesting Middle

Pearl Lance
Gold Shld
Snow Muffler

Vigor 31
Magic Power 42
Speed 37
Battle Power 210
Defense 239
Magic Defense 168
M. Block: 22%

Fight: 1376, 25% chance of casting Pearl at 3040 damage, 2136 average damage, pearl elemental, physical (the pearl casting is magical, obviously)
Wind Song: I consider this the home dance, due to how it’s the home dance of the FF6 Coloseum. This means Mog uses this without fail:

Wind Slash: 1352 pseudo magic damage, Wind elemental, ignores split damage, unblockable, 7/16 chance of occurrance
Sunbath: Full Healing, 6/16 chance of occurrence
Plasma: 1971 pseudo magic damage, Lightning Elemental, unblockable, 2/16 chance of occurrence
Cokatrice: inflicts stone status, 70% hit rate. Also does damage, but if enemy is immune to the status, the move misses anyway (odd, yes), so the damage is worthless, 1/16 chance of occurrence.

All other dances have a 50% chance of failure on the initial attempt. After the first successful dance, Mog will never stumble afterwords.
Some other useful dances include:

Dusk Requim:
Cave In: 75% Gravity, adds Seizure, unblockable, see note about Quartr and Break regarding ID immunity, 7/16.
Snare: Instant Death, 75% hit rate, 6/16
Elf Fire: 2022 pseudo magic damage, Fire Elemental, unblockable, 2/16
Pois. Frog: 1566 pseudo magic damage, Poison Elemental, unblockable, 1/16

Earth Blues:
Land Slide: 3650 pseudo magic damage, ignores defense, unblockable, 7/16
Sonic Boom: 62.5% Gravity, adds seizure, unblockable, see note about Quatr and Break regarding ID immunity, 6/16
Sun Bath: Full healing, 2/16
Whump: 2983 pseudo magic damage, ignores defense, unblockable, automatically misses if target is aireborne, 1/16

Love Sonata:
Elf Fire: 2022 pseudo magic damage, Fire Elemental, unblockable, 7/16
Specter: Adds Confusion status, 120% hit rate, 6/16
Snare: Instant Death, 75% hit rate, 2/16
Tapir: Full status healing, 1/16

Mog absorbs Ice and resists Fire due to the Snow muffler.

Comments: Mog takes the term "Tank" to a new level, as far as PC's are concerned. We're talking someone who can not only can live through Lenneth's physical, but he can do it AGAIN, and still have a fair chunk of his HP left (in fact, he can almost take a 3rd...but he doesn't <_<). His magic defense, while not as obscene, is still game best, and he has some elemental resists to boot, not to mention decent enough speed. Problems? He has no damage of which to speak of. Dances help with variety, giving him some random healing, instant death, what have you, which make up for some of the damage woes, though not enough to get him out of Middle

Mithril Shld
Bard's Hat
Snow Muffler

Vigor 44
Magic Power 34
Speed 38
Battle Power 109
Defense 218
Magic Defense 163
M. Block: 38%

All of Gau's rages consist of two moves. One is a physical, that's always the same, the other is the Rage's special. There's an equal chance of Gau using a move while he's raged.

Note that Gau absorbs Ice and resists Fire due to his armor. This overrides any weakness given to those elements via a Rage. The Fire resistance can be overridden by an immunity or absorption via Rage, however (basically, the rule is Absorption > Nulling > Resisting > Weakness, for elemental resistances) I'm going to skip weaknesses if they are to Fire and/or Ice for that reason.

Physical: 975

Stray Cat:
Catscratch: 3900, physical
Average Damage: 2437

Immune to Poison, Wind, and Earth, weak to Lightning, Pearl, and Water
Immune Blind, Zombie, Poison, Clear, Imp, Image, Mute, Berserk, Confuse, Seizure, Sleep, and Stop status
Flare Star: Does damage = Level * 80 Fire elemental magic damage, Ignores defense. Against an average end game enemy (level 55), this is 4400 damage.
Average Damage: 2687

Absorbs Water
Immune to all negative status effects, including Instant Death
Charm: Adds "Charm" Status, 80% hit rate. Should be noted that Charm ignores ALL immunities, and has in game proof that it DOES hit bosses, and other status immune enemies (like Magic Urns) Charm status is effectively the same confusion status, except its not undone by being hit physically. IOWs, if hit by Charm, YOU LOSE.

Weak vs. Poison
Immune to Blind, Zombie, Poison, Magitek, Clear, Imp, Petrify, Death Condemned, Near Fatal, Image, Mute, Berserk, Confuse, Seizure, Sleep
Love Token: Adds Love Token status to someone, unblockable. Under this status, they are forced to cover Gau from all coverable physicals. Like Charm, this ignores all immunities, and has proof that it works on bosses in game, without hacking.

Absorbs Bolt, Poison, Wind, Earth, and Water
Immune to Blind, Poison, Imp, Petrify, Near Fatal, Berserk, Confuse, Slow, and Stop
Ice 3: 2826 magic damage, Ice elemental, 150% hit rate
Average Damage: 1900

Immune to Imp, Petrify, and Death
Roulette: Instant Death, unblockable nixing Instant Death immunity. Note this is NOT like Strago's version of Roulette, which is random Target 100% ID (its technically the same move, but when used in a rage, it skips the targeting sequence, and ONLY targets the enemy)

Magic Urn:
Absorbs all elements
Immune to all negative status including instant death
Cure 3: Full Healing
Miscellaneous: Dies when MP = 0. Note this ONLY applies if hit with an MP lowering attack (Say FFT Dark Sword) Since FF6 characters w/out a Magic Skillset are considered to have 0 MP, he gets OHKOed by ANY MP damage (yes, even FF4 Psych -_-; )

Gau can opt for Dark Gear, for +6 to Speed, but gets a HUGE decrease in Defense, Magic Defense, and a minor loss in M. Block, so its an incredibly situational armor. Like others, he has option of the Circlet with usual stat boosts over Bard's Hat.

Comments: Gau is a tank, albeit, not the extreme's Mog is. Magic Urn is a nightmare to kill if you lack Non Elemental Magic, ITD, or MP Busting, and Nightshade produces quite possibly the most evil status to ever grace the DL in FF6 Charm, and Veteran is pretty much insured victory on his 2nd turn if the enemy isn't Immune to Instant Death. Having some of the most variety in the DL, Gau is God Like Bound...or would be, if it wasn't for his randomness, which condemns him to just being a nasty Heavy

Man Eater
Mithril Shld
Bard's Hat
Tao Robe
Sneak Ring
Sneak Ring

Vigor 25
Magic Power 31
Speed 40
Battle Power 159
Defense 153
Magic Defense 114
M. Block 36%

Fight: 2112, physical

Gogo can opt for Circlet, like all other males, with usual stat boosts. Can also use Dark Gear with a minor loss to magic defense, and 10% M. Block, for +6 to speed.

Gogo can use any skillset of any FF6 PC in game. Should be noted that Gogo can't use the skillsets of Shadow if you ditched him on the FC, and can't use Dance until Mog joins in the WoR if you missed Mog in the WoB. For those reasons, I personally don't allow it in the DL. If you do, however, Gogo will likly want Throw (Damage + Anti Physical), Lores (bunch of nice tricks), and either Tools or Blitz depending on the fight (Tools for 100% Status, Blitz for damage) Note that if you DO allow Gogo's abilities, he can't use Magic Regardless, since Gogo's Magic = Sum total Magic of ALL allies in his current team, which if Gogo is fighting alone, is zilch.

Comments: Uhh...he's got good speed! ...and that's all I can say about this trash. No defense, bad damage, absolutly no tricks to speak of...really hard to back Gogo up here. The guy freaking sucks in a duel setting. Pity, he's a decent enough character in game due to his quirk which just doesn't carry over here. Obviously, a Light, and not a good one at that.

Snow Muffler
Rage Ring
Blizzard Orb

Vigor 62
Magic Power 42
Speed 33
Battle Power 198
Defense 217
Magic Defense 158
M. Block 15%

Umaro's attacks are all random. His chance of using each are being listd next to the actual attack. Note that he uses these moves EVEN WHEN Imped, since the game treats it more like an added effect of a weapon, perse, rather than an actual skill. Take this as you will.
Fight: 1603, physical, 24.7% chance
Tackle: 3204, physical, ignores defense, unblockable, 50.2% chance (25.1% chance if in a team)
Storm: 2815, pseudo magical, ice elemental, unblockable, requires
Blizzard Orb, 25.1% chance
Character Throw: Damage varies based on the attack stat of who he throws. Throwing someone like Dekar would hurt like hell, while throwing Renault would be laughable, requires Rage Ring to use. Unusable alone, and is replaced by Tackle when fighting solo, 25.1% chance to kick in if eligible
Average Damage: 2710

Umaro absorbs Ice due to his armor, as well as Absorbing Fire and Nulling Thunder due to the Rage Ring. Should be noted that if Umaro needs to sacrifice a Relic (for, say, Status Immunity), he clearly wants to get rid of the Blizzard Orb; due to the new rate of Tackle and Physical, his average damage drops about 100 points.

Comments: After just ranting about how badly Gogo got shafted in the DL, it annoys me that Umaro doesn't end up sucking ass. Damage isn't much, though, he's still a tank, with decent magic defense, and is immune to the big three elements. Bah, and he's such a worthless character in game, yet in the DL, SOMEHOW, he makes Middle easily enough, the freak.

Below are Leo and Banon's stats. I don't factor them into the averages, though I do scale them up to end game. Basically, I treat Leo's equips as anything Terra, Celes and Edgar can share (only those 3 can match his exact equipment set up in game), and Banon I treat as using anything shared by Gogo, Strago, and Relm (same reason)

Man Eater
Mithril Shld
Bard's Hat (Circlet)
Tao Robe

Vigor 10 (12)
Magic Power 37 (41)
Speed 24 (25)
Battle Power 152
Defense 170
Magic Defense 140
M. Block 62% (52%)

Fight: 1760 (1796), physical
Health: 1402 (1541) Healing. Note that besides costing 0 MP, this is identical to Cure 2 in EVERY regard

Comments: He's got some nice Evade, and unlimited healing...but look at his speed! And Damage! Totally owned by Cyan in BOTH regards. That's not a pretty thing at all. Light

Man Eater (Enhancer)
Aegis Shld
Bard's Hat
Crystal Mail
Atlas Armlet

Vigor 52
Magic Power 43 (36)
Speed 38
Battle Power 206
Defense 200
Magic Defense 163
M. Block 81% (91%)

Fight (w/ Man Eater): 4 hits of 1938, 7752 total, unblockable, physical
Fight (w/ Enhancer): 4 hits of 933, 3732 total, unblockable, physical
Shock: 3204 (3762) (3523 (4081) w/ Circlet), pseudo magic, Non elemental, unblockable

Quick Note: Offering makes Leo's fight command hit 4x in a row, at 50% damage each, and his attacks are now unblockable. Note that any Add On Effect (like Flame Sabre's Random "Fire" castings) is impossible. Atlas Armlet raises his physical damage by 25%, and should be the obvious item to take off should he want a status blocker. Damage's with "Fight" are already assuming both Relics are in place.

Leo can opt for the Circlet, for the same stat changes as everyone else. Should he really need physical defense, he can use the Crystal Helm, which is -2 magic defense, +10 Defense, and -10% M. Block compared to the Bard's Hat, and if he REALLY needs physical defense, he can also use the Crystal Shld for +4 defense compared to the Aegis Shld, sacrificing 16 Magic Defense and 40% M. Block.

Comments: While his fellow temp character sucks complete and utter ass, Leo is quite brutal. Leo's damage is 2nd only to Terra's, while sporting similar defensive stats as her, and absolutly SICKENING Evade, both physical and magical. Nice back up damage on Megahit (aka Shock) if enemy is immune to physicals somehow or something at that, and solid speed too. He's pretty much an improved Sabin in all regards, nixing the slightly less speed and lack of Fire immunity...and Sabin was already solidly off himself. One scary Heavy, only really lacking some sort of healing to consider him in Godlike.

And now time for STAT COMPARISONS!
Anything in Parantheses is NOT taken into the average, and just listed as a quick reference. These are with Default Set ups only too. So yeah, average only consists of items with numbers next to them

Optimal Damage:
1. Terra's Ultima 9999
(Terra's Morphed Fire 3 8468)
(Leo's Physical 7752)
(Cyan's Quadra Slice 5880)
2. Sabin's Bum Rush 5611
(Shadow's Throw Tack Star 5384)
3. Shadow's Throw Falchion 5094
(Locke's Physical at 1 HP 4885)
4. Strago's Grand Train 4519
(Gau's Flare Star 4400)
(Shadow's Throw Ninja Star 4184)
5. Celes's Ice 3 4042
(Mog's Landsldie 3650)
(Locke's Physical at 50% HP 3615)
(Edgar's Chain Saw 3426)
(Umaro's Tackle 3204)
(Cyan's Quadra Slam 2988)
(Umaro's Storm 2815)
6. Edgar's Drill 2795
7. Setzer's Fixed Dice Physical Average 2740
8. Umaro's average damage 2710
9. Gau's Average w/ Io Rage 2687
10. Locke's Physical command at max HP 2334
11. Relm's Physical 2222
12. Mog's physical 2136
13. Gogo's physical 2112
14. Cyan's Dispatch 1988
(Banon's Physical 1760)
(Umaro's Physical 1603)
(Gau's Physical 975)

1. Mog 239
2. Gau 218
3. Umaro 217
4. Celes 206
5. Terra 204
(Leo 200)
6. Edgar 197
7t. Relm 189
7t. Cyan 189
9. Setzer 185
10. Sabin 177
11. Strago 173
(Banon 170)
12. Shadow 162
13. Locke 160
14. Gogo 153

Magic Defense:
1. Mog 168
2. Gau 163
(Leo 163)
3. Terra 162
4. Celes 160
5. Umaro 158
6. Relm 155
(Banon 140)
7. Strago 139
8. Edgar 132
9. Setzer 127
10. Cyan 121
11. Sabin 115
12. Gogo 114
13. Shadow 110
14. Locke 108

1. Locke 56
2. Shadow 46
3. Relm 42
4. Sabin 41
5. Gogo 40
6t. Setzer 38
6t. Gau 38
(Leo 38)
8t. Celes 37
8t. Mog 37
10. Terra 36
11. Umaro 33
12. Edgar 32
13. Strago 31
14. Cyan 28
(Banon 24)
AVERAGE (w/ Equips): 38
AVERAGE (w/out Equips): 33

M. Block:
(Leo 81%)
(Banon 62%)
1. Celes 49%
2. Terra 47%
3. Gau 38%
4. Gogo 36%
5. Mog 32%
6. Edgar 31%
7t. Shadow 29%
7t. Relm 29%
9. Strago 27%
10. Umaro 15%
11. Sabin 14%
12. Locke 12%
13t. Cyan 11%
13t. Setzer 11%

Effective durability ratings to come soon! As well as some "Iffy" equips that some people might consider that should be brought to atteniton or something...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: Final Fantasy 6 (Full)
« Reply #1 on: December 20, 2007, 04:58:21 AM »

In recent discovery of how bad ass this form is, I've decided to post the stats of Ultros in a different form, that being his Lete River form, so...behold the awesome of...

Ultros (Lete River Form):
Assuming level 10 here, which is about where you should end up if you don't go out of your way to powerlevel (aka Lete River trick.) ALso, yes, I'm assuming you did take Mog's equips (matters for the Mithril Shield on Sabin, mainly), we go!

HP: 3000
MP: 640 (completely pointless)
Defense: 40 (170% vs. Average)
Magic Defense: 140 (90% vs. Average)
Speed: 35 (108% average)
Status Vulnerabilities: Stop, Slow and Dark
Weak to Fire and Lightning, Absorbs Water
NOTE: If this should matter to anyone, it is impossible to get any Water or Lightning damage at this moment, so whether you take these Weaknesses/Resistances seriously is up to you (Fire can be applied via Terra's magic, and if you level high enough, Sabin's Fire Dance)

Relevant PC Stats for Reference: 227 HP, 115 Defense, 31 Speed
Note: If the levels seem low, average HP at level 11 is 250~, and level 12 (which is when Terra learns Drain which, outside of Power leveling, she never does in my case) is 288~. Damages also go up a bit, but not by all that noticiable an amount.

Physical: 40 damage
Ink: 40 damage, physical, inflicts Dark Status (Cause FF6 Dark is so scary), cannot be used twice in a row
Tentacle: 218 damage, physical, Ignores Evade, can be used MT at half damage

Ultros counters all Fire damage with Ink (and a quote to go with it!)

Damage's done to him (these are after factoring in defenses, so physical damage is a inflated against him compared to average, while Magic is a lower than average):
Terra's Fire: 142 damage
Terra's Physical: 116
Edgar's AutoCrossBow: 227
Sabin's Aurabolt: 366
Banon's Physical: 154

Note: There is a Genji Glove available, as well as an Atlas Armlet and Hyper Wrist. The Genji Glove should probably go to Terra if you allow that (though, it lowers the average defense by 4 or so) Also note I didn't factor in the White Cape's stat boosts though, that raises average defense by such a small amount its not worth noting.

Ultros' battle is set up in an odd fashion. He has innitiative (and its an actual innitiative too; you can't act until he stops speaking and does his first move, so arguements about ATB fail don't apply) but is forced to use a Physical on that turn. After that, if Terra is alive, he'll hit her with Tentacle, then Sabin if he's alive, THEN he starts acting normally. He will then double act twice, then force an ST Tentacle on Banon.

I personally throw out the Scripted Tentacles completely; you can technically avoid them by starting the fight with Terra and Sabin dead (Why you would, I dunno, but it can be done.) but your milleage can vary.

As far what's allowed in double acting...well, his script looks like this:

Set target: All characters
Set target: Random character
Random: Battle or Ink (special) or Tentacle
Random: Battle or Ink (special) or Tentacle

For those who don't know, Wait simply indicates "Turn over" as.

Basically, this means that the first attack must always be either Tentacle or Battle (whether you force an order is up to you), the 2nd action can be whatever move he chooses. Basically, he can't double use Ink if he wants too (Oh noes, whatever will he do?)

Comments: Tentacle's damage by itself is pretty darn brutal. Its almost a OHKO to an average PC, even if you take levels a bit higher, its still a high 2HKO. It doesn't stop there, though; he can double act too, meaning he can use Tentacle TWICE in a row, for completely insane damage. HP is actually not that bad; the highest of any boss until Narshe Kefka in fact, and this is before you get a lot of damage boosts too (such as Earrings and Gau) Granted, the physical defense offsets this some on that side, but he still takes Magic pretty well.

Overall if you allow this form and scale it up, its probably better than his Opera House Form. Loses Imp song, but damage is improved, but more important he can take a damned hit (hell, he has 500 more HP UNSCALED) in this form. Has reasonable Godlike hype potential in this form <_<

Narshe Kefka

Anyway, took the standard 7 PCs you have when you fight Narshe kefka, and calculated average stats. Took it at level 13, which is 313 HP, and factored in 2 Green Berets, which means 324 HP on average. If you take it at level 14, note HP increases by like 40 or so, so it does matter here.
For equips? Looked at the characters and figured they should look something like this:

Terra/Celes: Heavy Shield/Magus Hat/Silk Robe
Locke/Edgar/Cyan: Heavy Shield/Iron Helmet/Iron Armor
Sabin: Mithril Shield/Green Beret/Ninja Gear
Gau: Buckler/Green Beret/Kung Fu Suit

Why this way? Well, Heavy Shields are the best storeboughts for 5 of the 7 characters, there's one Mithril Shield you can pilfer from Mog, which should go to one of the Buckler users, so that's obvious. Armors, there's one Ninja Gear, which goes to one of the Kung Fu Suit users, Silk Robe was chosen for the Girls since its overall better (no Speed loss, more magic defense for 1 point less defense, +1 to Magic Power), Iron Armor is just otherwise best armor at the moment. Helmets...there are 2 RELIABLE Green Berets at this point w/out hunting for them, so I factored those in (one from the Telstar in the base, the other in the Serpant Trench), Magus Hat for similar reasons to the Silk Robe (+5 Magic Power makes it even more one sided though), Iron Helmet is otherwise best.

Should be noted there's one Mithril Glove, One Genji Glove/Gauntlet, and one White Cape around by now. If you factor those in (though, in the case of the Genji Glove/Gauntlet, you should subtract a shield), the MIthril Glove is +6 Defense, the White Cape is +5 Defense and Magic Defense, and Genji Glove/Gauntlet is +5 Defense. Make of this as you will.

Average defenses come out to be 127 for Defense (129 if you factor in relics), and 81 for Magic Defense (82 if you factor in White Cape)

Average speed of the cast at the moment is 34. If you factor in equips...changes nothing (Iron Armors are -2 each, Ninja Gear is +2 each, only weapon that boosts speed is Locke's Guardian which is +5)

ANYWAY, here are the actual stats!

HP: 3000 (equal to Lete River Ultros, for comparison)
Defense: 55 (translates to 155% damage from physicals)
Magic Defense: 160 (translates to 74% damage from Magic)
Speed: 45 (120% average)

Physical: 100
Ice: 160 Ice elemental magic
Bolt: 150 Lightning elemental magic
Drain: 270, heals Kefka for equal this amount, non elemental magic
Muddle: Adds Confusion status, 94% hit rate
Ice 2: 445 Ice Elemental magic damage
Poison: 180 Poison Elemental magic damage, adds Poison status.

Comments: Ice 2 is BRUTAL. Overkills any PC at that point of the game, besides maybe someone with that lone Barrier Ring's effect kicking in. Drain is a solid 2HKO, at least if he's taken damage, if the enemy is Ice resistance. Has usual kefka failings of durability, of course. He's decently fast too.

Final Kefka:

AI note: Kefka starts EVERY fight with his quotes, and then opens with Fallen One. Take this as you will, but I personally don't hold him to use Fallen One beginning every fight (Thanks to his shear offense, its pretty much worthless)

Kefka's Abilities:
Battle (aka Basic Attack): 1825, Physical, 190% Hit rate
Havok Wing: 7300 (O_O), physical, 190% Hit Rate
Train: inflicts Mute Status, Unblockable (well, it inflicts Blind too, but FF6 Blind doesn't do anything)
Revenger: Takes away positive status effects, Unblockable
Fallen One: Sets Target's CHP = 1, Unblockable, Unresistable (Generally accepted only to work on PCs)
Meteor: 1050, Non Elemental magic, Unblockable, Ignores Defense
Fire3: 1600, Fire Magic, 150% Hit Rate
Bolt3: 1600, Thunder Magic, 150% Hit Rate
Ice3: 1600, Ice Magic, 150% Hit Rate
Goner: 2850 Non Elemental Magic , unblockable, has 1 turn Charge time (Some "Ultimate" Spell dry.gif )
Hyper Drive: 3700, Non Elemental Pseudo Magic damage, Ignores Defense, Unblockable, Add: Siezure
Ultima: 4350, Non Elemental Magic, Unblockable, Ignores Defense

NOTE: Ultima and Hyper Drive apparently are Counter Attacks only. Hyper Drive is used when his HP reaches about 50%, and is Replaced by Ultima when his HP reaches 17%~ Kefka's counters any attack used on him, and can't counter if he's charging Goner (like he'll ever do that sleep.gif)
Kefka's has 100% chance of using either Nothing, Battle, or Hyperdrive/Ultima (equal chance of using any 3, basically, in RPGmon, it'd be a 1d3, 1 = Nothing, 2 = Battle, 3 = Hyperdrive/Ultima), which spell he casts in the 3rd slot depends on his HP.
After his HP drops to about the 55% mark, Kefka gets 2 turns per every 1 turn. However, his 2nd turn MUST be used as Havok Wing, since the game doesn't let him use anything else. AI? Rules? Up to you, also note that he always uses Train, Revenger or another Havok Wing before hand, so how you interpret his Double Attack is up to you.

Overview of Kefka: Kefka has one flaw and one Flaw only: his durability. 62,000 HP might be 1000 behind game Best (Doom), but given its FF6, it falls fast. However, this isn't much of a problem, since he has obnoxious speed and loads of Offense through Havok Wing. He's got some good Magic and Counter Attacks as supplement too, though, shame Goner has a Charge time (It'd kick ass otherwise) In fact, his offenses are so high, many God Like Bosses facing Kefka would seem like they are actually just as frail as he is. ihs Damage is nearly 3x Average PC HP, which, by some people's methods of Scaling, OHKOs Bosses. To put it simply, Kefka is God Like's Ball of Lightning, and I pity anybody stupiud enough to get his HP lower than 55%, as he's now capable of throwing *2* Havok Wings at the person. Simply put, he's a strong God Like, if he had Durability, he'd be REALLY scary to face, but thankfully, he doesn't.

Now for the Goddesses...

HP: 58,000 (only Kefka, Doom, and the Guardian have more)
MP: 18,900 (Meaning its finite, but still VERY VERY hard to run her out)
Speed: 53
Defense: 180
Magic Defense: 145
Status Immunities: Zombie, Poison, Clear, Imp, Petrify, Death, Condemned, Near Fatal, Image, Mute, Berserk, Confuse, Seizure, Sleep.
NOTE: To make things easier on you, that leaves out Blind (for a Mage Boss...yeah...), and Stop (ouch!)
Starts with Float, Haste, Safe, and Image
NOTE: Image is cancelled out by her immunity to that status, shame too, she'd like to be opening with physical immunity...Also, thanks to Auto Haste, she's immune to Slow
Absorbs Fire and Wind, weak to Poison

Battle: 520, Physical, 100% hit rate
Psychtrip: 1040, Physical, 100% hit rate
Flare Star: 3200 damage, Ignores Defense, Unblockable, FIre Elemental
NOTE: Flare Star is affected by the Target's level. So someone high leveled (like Nina1, for example) gets hurt a lot more, meanwhile, a lower leveled character (like Rune) take less. Mind, when I say lower or higher leveled, I mean compared to THIER cast, as far as I'm concerned, an Average PC acts as though they are Level 40 by FF6 terms (so, no, just cause Xenogears have levels in the 60/70s doesn't mean they take more from Flare Star, for example)
Stop: Freezes actions of user, 100% hit Rate, lasts about 2 turns
Blaster: Instant Death, given she can only use this if the target is inflicted with Stop Status, its 100% hit rate, barring Immunity (Note that its used INSTANTLY after Stop if Stop is successful)
Aero: 2300 Wind elemental damage, 150% Hit Rate, Ignores Reflect
Fire3: 2200 Fire elemental Damage, 150% Hit Rate
S. Cross: 2200 Fire Elemental Damage, 120% Hit Rate, Ignores Reflect, Ignores Split Damage (just about the only reason to use it over Fire3...)
Meteo: 2450 non elemental damage, Ignores Defense, Ignores Reflect, 80% hit rate (*Sigh* were it not for its hit Rate, this attack would kick ass)
Shrapnel: 2200 Non elemental Magic damage, 150% Hit Rate, Ignores Reflect

NOTE: If you let bosses cast spells on themselves, she can Heal by casting Fire3 or Aero on herself. The amount she'd heal would be, done with DIRECT casting on herself, a bit lower than her damage to an average PC is (say about 2000 from Aero instead of 2300). but you don't have to take this value literally, so Scale this as you will.

Overview: Poltrgeist has some nice variation in damage, all of which are close to OHKO, at least her Magical Attacks, and Flare Star is death to most PCs unless they have High HP, Low Levels (w/ high HP FOR that level...), or some sort of Fire Resistance. Her Base speed is pretty good, and consider she has Haste on innitially, she's effectivly 70 Speed (almost as good as Kefka) With HP just 4000 shy of Kefka, and 5000 shy of Doom, her above Average Magic Defense, and her Amazing Physical Defense backed up by Safe makes her probably into one of the most Tankish FF6 bosses around, especially since she could have, from certain point of views, Healing. And that Stop + Blaster Combo is pretty nasty for any PC who lacks resistance to Stop AND Instant death. While definatly More Durable than Kefka, she's generally inferior in most other regards, though

HP: 63,000 (Game best)
MP: 4800
Speed: 61
Defense: 110
Magic Defense: 160
Status Immunities: Zombie, Poison, Magitek, Imp, Petrify, Death, Condemned, Near Fatal Mute, Berserk, Confuse, Seizure, Sleep, Stop
NOTE: To make things easier, what she's NOT immune to is Slow and Blind
Absorbs Ice and Poison, Weak to Pearl/Holy

Battle: 1400, Physical, 100% Hit rate
Ice3: 1700, Ice elemental, 150% Hit Rate
N. Cross: Causes "Freeze" status, works on Bosses, 45% Hit Rate
NOTE: Unlike Fallen One, there IS in game proof that N. Cross works on Bosses. Gau's Doom Drgn Rage proves this well. Also, it goes through PC Full Status immunity, as shown how it goes through the FF6 Ribbon, or Gau's Magic Urn Rage
Absolute 0: 1500 Ice Elemental Damage, 140% Hit Rate, Ignores Reflect
Aura Shaking: Used as soon as HP is reduced to 50%, adds Image, Haste, and Reflect, usable only once
NOTE: After Aura Shaking (in game, it actually says "Doom's Aura is Shaking" but its easier to call it Aura Shaking), her AI changes DRASTICALLY, so the attacks listed below are the only things she uses IN GAME after Aura Shaking, meanwhile, all attacks sans Battle she stops using after Aura Shaking. AI? Rules? Interpret this as you will.
Force Field: Causes all damage from a random FF6 Element to be 0 (Fire, Ice, Thunder, Pearl/Holy, Earth, Wind, Water, or Poison) Can't null the same element more than once. Affect is permanant.
NOTE: For Multi Elemental attacks (like BoF3 Sirrocco), you have to seal off BOTH elements for effects to take place, otherwise, the spell is not affected in anyway (so sirrocco can still do Fire damage after Fire is nulled out, unless Wind was already Nulled out before hand)
Targetting: Makes next physical Attack have Perfect Accurracy, always followed up by Demon's Rage
Demon's Rage: 5200 physical damage, since its always used right after Targetting, it effectivly has Perfect Accurracy

NOTE: Similar to Poltrgeist, Doom can heal by casting Ice3 on herself, though, it'd be considerably less (about 1300~ is my guess), but still note that its available.

Overview: Doom is pretty solid. Her first half isn't much, but does sport N. Cross, which is a pretty evil status by its own right, especially since it works on bosses, which can give her the time she needs to heal her HP back to full, get some key damage in, etc, since FF6 Freeze Status lasts a LONG time (about 4 turns, Ick!) Her speed is pretty good too, and she has very nice magic Defense, as well as Game Best HP. After Aura Shaking, she's now quite the defensive Power House, and that raises her speed to nearly 80, which is good, since she needs 2 turns to use Demon's Rage, which is kills an average PC 2x over. Pretty respectable dueler, even if the scrubbiest of the 3 Goddesses in game, and the ability to potentially screw over pure elemental fighters doesn't hurt either, even if Unreliable.

HP: 44000 (Pretty low for an end game boss, ESPECIALLY bad since its an FF6 boss)
MP: 19000 (See Poltrgeist)
Speed: 50
Defense: 85 (...eeewww..)
Magic Defense: 150
Status Immunities: See Kefka, only take away the Positive immunities
Starts with Haste and Shell
Absorbs Lightning and Pearl/Holy

Battle: 500
Bolt3: 2450, Lightning elemental Damage, 150% HIt Rate
Bolt2: 1250 Lightning Elemental Damage, 150% Hit Rate, used to counter ANY attack 33% of the time (that's the only reason I'm bringing it up)
Flash Rain: 1250 Ice/Water Elemental Magic Damage, 140% Hit rate
Quasar: 2600 Non Elemental Magic Damage, Ignores Evade, Ignores Defense
Lullaby: Adds Sleep Status, Magical, 90% hit rate
NOTE: FF6 Sleep status lasts a few turns, or can be offset through a PHYSICAL attack
Love Token: Forces the target to "Cover" her (ala Cecil, IOWs), taking all physical attacks. Used only as a Counter when hit with the equivalent of the "Fight" or "Battle" Command, with 33% chance, works on any target, regardless of status resistance/immunities, Unblockable, lasts until User is dead.
Charm: Gives Charm status to enemy, 80% hit rate, works on all targets
NOTE: Charm and Love Token are status' that work on Bosses in game, and unlike Fallen ONe, but not unlike N. Cross, there is IN GAME proof of this. Gau's Barb-e Rage (Love Token), and Nightshade Rage (Charm) both work on any enemy in the game, as well as they work even with a character who has a Ribbon on, or Gau/Gogo using Magic Urn Rage. Interesting Fact is both will lead Kefka to potentially hit himself with his own Havok Wing ^^
NOTE2: Charm status is identical to Muddle, with one "minor" exception: Its Permanant. It lasts the ENTIRE battle, and you Can NOT undo it no matter how hard you try, unless the person who cast Charm dies, and POSSIBLY, Rippler, which is a messed up spell by itself. Basically, in a duel, if your hit with Charm, you've already lost. Love Token works the same way, for the record, as far as Recovering from the status goes.

Note: Goddess can heal herself like her counterparts Poltrgeist and Doom, BUT, due to her magic Defense, casting Bolt3 on herself probably will do such pitiful healing its not worth it.

Overview: Alright, first off, lets see what Goddess DOESN'T have. Well, she lacks HP, and in FF6, a game notorious for bosses dying fast, that's especially bad. Her Physical defense is not good no matter how you look at it. Basically, she fears physical attacks, though, the Counter attack of Love Token possibility helps remedy this a bit. Now, that's it for the bad, what GOOD things does she have? Well, first off, Quasar, and to lesser extent, Bolt3 are strong Magic attacks that could OHKO a standard PC. Lullaby is nice considering she's a Mage boss, meaning if person is put to sleep, they probably die by the time the status wears off, given FF6 Sleep doesn't wear off from magic attacks. And her Magic Defense is pretty damn scary, considering its already got a nice base stat as is, BUT, she also has innate Shell status, making her a magical tank. Her speed is already faster than any PC sans Locke, and throw in Auto Haste, she's just a bit below 70 FF6 speed, which is pretty nice. But all those advantages (besides the Speed, which complements what's coming up) Pale in comparison to her REAL evil. Charm more or less decides Fights against bosses she's up against Right there and then. If she gets this spell to work, she has already won the fight. That spell alone is evil, especially considering (unlike Gau, the other Charm user) she can use it AT WILL. I don't know about you, but I smell another Anti Zophar on our hands (Think he'd like to eat his own Fate Storm?)

Due to being a WoB boss, one right at the end, he's being compared to average defenses then. Defense is 149, Magic Defense is 112, and HP for a PC is just above 1000. So if something is doing 4 digit damage, its nearing OHKO terroritory. Also, remember that game best Damage is just over 2000 (Morphed Terra Fire2), and Average Damage is only about 1000 as well from a PC, hence, scale his durability likewise.
NOTE: Defense, Magic Defense, and Speed for earlier game bosses need no scaling. FF6 enemies do NOT improve in these areas throughout the agme, since FF6 uses a Division System, and since PCs don't gain speed naturally, there really isn't much of a need to speed up bosses to make the game harder. IOW, 33 is still average speed, and 127 is still average Magic Defense and Defense for a monster

HP: 24,000 (best at the time, probably game best once scaled too)
MP: 5000 (scaled, this is probably on par with Kefka)
Speed: 67
Defense: 142
Magic Defense: 92
M. Block: 10% (out of 128%, like PCs)
Status Immunites: Zombie, Poison, Imp, Petrify, Death, Condemned, Near Fatal, Mute Berserk, Confuse, Sleep, Stop
NOTE: That leaves out Blind, Siezure, and Slow
Starts with Float status
Special aspects: Atma Weapon dies when his MP reaches 0. However, note that this only occurrs if his MP was drained, so if he loses all MP naturally (casting spells), he still lives, but once he's hit with something like Orlandu's Dark Sword, or Cecilia's MP Drain, he'll die.

Battle: 500, 100% Hit Rate
Full Power: 1000, 100% hit rate, Physical
Flare: 700 Non Elemenatl damage, 150% Hit Rate, Ignores Defense
Blaze: 450 Fire elemental damage, 120% Hit Rate, Ignores Reflect
Quatr: Deals damage = 3/4's of enemies CHP, Stopped by Instant Death immunity, 75% hit rate
W Wind: Lowers all targets on screen (allies and foes alike) to 1/16th of thier current HP, Stopped by Instant Death Immunity, 75% hit rate
Quake: 640 Earth elemental damage, Unblockable, Ignores Defense, hits all targets on screen, Ally or enemy, misses any airborne target (IE "Float" status)
Mind Blast: Randomly causes any of the following status: Dark, Zombie, Poison, Imp, Petrify, Condemned, Mute, Berserk, Muddled, Seizure, Sleep, Slow, Stop, 110% Hit Rate, can only be used when HP is =< 50%.
Bio: 325 Poison elemental damage, Add: Poison Status, 120% hit rate
Rasp: Deals 65 MP Damage (PCs have about 240 MP in FF6 at this point)
Meteo: 700 Non elemental damage, 80% hit rate, Ignores Defense, Ignore Reflect (only advantage it has over Flare sleep.gif)
Vast Energy Stored: Gives Safe, Shell, and Haste Status. Can only be used when HP =< 50%
Flare Star: 2000 Fire elemental damage, ignores Defense, Unblockable (See Poltrgeist for Details about Flare Star. Only reason it does less is cause its against Lower level PCs, in fact), has 3 turn charge time (Shame too, this would be a kick butt move otherwise), usable only when HP is below 50%.
NOTE: In game, he ONLY uses Flare Star after "Vast Energy Stored" However, looking at the attack Script, it seems more just an AI thing, and that the Glowing isn't directly related to Vast Energy Stored, sans the order its always used in. Personally, I let him use Vast Energy Stored anytime after his HP drops to that point, and I do NOT force him to use Flare Star right after (well, 3 turns after anyway), On the flipside, I'll let Atmaweapon use Flare Star whenever he pleases after his HP drops to 50%, of course, he still has to deal with those Charge times. Others can interpret this as they please.

Overview: Atmaweapon, plain and simple, is a nasty PC dueler, if only cause of Mind Blast. For Bosses, his damage is pretty respectable too. His Magic defense is a bit shakey, though once he can use Vast Energy Stored, its somewhat made up for. Having 24,000 HP and above average defense which gets boosted further with Vast Energy Stored, he's probably the most tankish FF6 boss there is, and he's actually got pretty decent durability, scaled anyway, unlike most FF6 bosses. His speed is also really good, and after Haste, its just sickeningly high, being more than 2x the Average Speed, linearlly. Full Power sports some good offense too, though, its a shame about Flare Star's charge times, but I guess his obnoxious speed after Haste helps make up for the Charge times. All in all, a really solid dueler in general.

Storm Drgn
Sometimes refered to as: Stormy >_>

Stormy isn't an end game boss, but you can easily fight him with End Game equips, due to the nature of the WoR, I consider him fighting End Game PCs (epsecially since you go to the town wtih the best storebought stuff BY DEFINITION before fighting him) Though, to me, I consider him fightning lower leveled PCs, so I'd say OHKO damage is closer to 2000 than 2500 and damage dealt to him being a bit lower too *Shrugs* Take this as you will, though

HP: 42000 (best of the 8 Dragons...)
MP: 1250 (awww, poor Guy, only 4 digit MP...)
Speed: 65
Defense: 110
Magic Defense: 150
Status Immunities: See Atma Weapon, add Slow to that list
Starts with "Float" status (come on, he's teh Dragon of Wind, you expect him not to be flying?)
Weak to Thunder, Absorbs Wind

Battle: 600, 100% Hit Rate, can be used as a counter attack (to all attacks) with 33% chance of kicking in
Wing Saber: 1800, Physical, 100% hit Rate
Aero: 1800 Wind Elemental Damage, 140% hit rate, Ignores Reflect
Wind Slash: 675 Wind elemental Damage, Unblockable
Rage: 700 Non Elemental magic damage, Unblockable
Cyclonic: Reduces targets HP to 1/16 of thier current value, 56% hit rate, can be blocked by Instant Death immunity

Overview: Stormy is, all things considered, Kefka-lite. Cyclonic is like Fallen One only worse in every way, he's reasonably fast, got good damage, and Decent HP (at least, the way I scale him *Shrugs*) his Counters make him a bit annoying to fight as well. His damage is both good Magically and physically. Mind, the only reason I actually bothered to put him up there is cause he was used in RPGmon a few times (admittedly, by myself), so I felt that at least, for future reference, to list his stats at least. Anyway, he's solid, but not "dominating" by any means, probably the best of the 8 Dragons.


Opera House form:
NOTE: Defensive Stats here were taken for the average at this time. Values are 137 for Defense, and 84 for Magic defense, kudos to Sage for giving me these stats. Characters I assume are level 15, which means thier HP is hovering around the 400 area, so something that does 400 damage is roughly OHKO level damage, probably. Anyway, here are the stats.

HP: 2550 (To be blunt, BAD! This is worse than his Lete River form, UNSCALED, by 450 points sleep.gif)
MP: 500
Speed: 40
Defense: 105
Magic Defense: 150
Status Immunities: Immune to everything but Blind, Slow, Stop and Vanish (arguably, a negative status)
Weak to Fire and Thunder, Absorbs Water

Battle: 70 damage, 100% hit Rate
Tentacle: 400 damage, Unblockable, physical
Ink: 70 damage, 100% hit rate, physical, Causes Blind (Remember, FF6 Blind does jack ****, so this move is basically just his physical with another animation)
Fire: 95 damage, Fire Elemental (Duh?), 150% Hit Rate
Megavolt: 90 Damage, Thunder Elemental, 150% Hit Rate
"Dive": Fully Heals Ultros
NOTE: Yes, when Ultros dives and reappears at random in this fight, his Hp DOES refill. Whether you allow this or not is up to you, personally, I do, given how it works in game, and his HP is so low anyway that its probably not a factor.
Imp Song: Causes Imp Status, 100% hit rate
Drain: 180 damage + Healing to Ultros, restricted by Ultros' Max HP, 120% Hit Rate
Acid Rain: 120 Water/Poison Damage, 100% hit rate, Adds Siezure status. Used only as a counter to "Swordtech" and "Blitz"
NOTE: Personally, I wouldn't take the exact counters Literally. I interpret it as he counter attacks moves that use the person's weapon beyond a standard attack (Like Steiner's Sword Arts, for example), or Martial Arts moves to be countered. Take this as you will though, but that's just my interpretation *Shrugs*
L3 Muddle: Causes Muddle to anybody whose level is multiple of 3, Unblockable, ignores reflect, etc.
NOTE: Interpret this as you will, personally, I only see it working on characters from other games where level differences are apparenty (Phantasy Star games, BoF games, etc.) and those characters have levels of Multiples of 3. Otherwise, I wouldn't let it work on a cast just cause, say, the whole PS1 cast is level 30 end game, and that just HAPPENS to be a multiple of 3 (this means some casts get a free pass, while others are utterly raped) So...yeah, I'd just take this with a grain of salt, if you wish to allow it at all.

Evaluation: Ultros is a pretty solid dueler, having a brutal status (Imp Song), a painful physical, and can even heal himself both full and parasitically (though, not all at once) He does have a few obvious flaws that hold him back a bit. His durability, for starters, is HORRID. His Magic defense is decent, but his craptastic HP and subpar Defense, along with that glaring Fire and Lighting weakness, make him quite a frail character. He's happy he has other forms with better durability, though, this form is just best for quick wins, since he clearly cna't use it to beat those with decent Offense (on the flip side, people who win based on Healing, and poking people to death over time *waves hi to Nina1* would be beaten by this form, since htey can't do enough damage to offset his healing, and he's just run them out of MP)

Well, the End game bosses and the AtmaWeapon are done. I'll get Ultros 3 (Ugh, that's gonna be a pain *kicks his Battle Script*), and cause NEB requested it, the Brachosaur as well listed later in this post.

Doom Gaze
Level 68
HP: 55555
MP: 30000 (given his most expensive spell, Ice 3, costs 51 MP, its safe to say he has enough for a duel)
Battle Power: 35
Magic Power: 8 (12 effectively, as Monsters have a hidden Magic Power * 1.5 in their algorithms)
150% Hit Rate ( of the few FF6 enemies with a hit rate that differs from 100%, heh)
Defense: 150 (82% damage reduction compared to average)
Magic Defense: 170 (66% damage reduction compared to average)
Evade: 30% (23% effectivly, in FF6a at least. 0% in any other version <_< >_>)
M. Block: 30% (23% effectivly)
Speed: 95 (216% against nonequipped average, 198% vs. equipped average. If this value isn't game best, nixing Colloseum Chupon, its damn close)

Weak to Fire and Pearl, Immunes Ice and Poison. Also immunes Suplex, so...umm...ANTI LIZA!!! or something <_<?
Immune to all negative status effects that can be immuned in FF6
Automatically starts with Float, Safe and Shell. Safe and Shell in FF6 are 33% damage reduction to the respective attack, and act like defense normally (as in, ITD > them)
If his MP is reduced to 0, he automatically dies. Note that he MUST be hit by an MP Busting attack for this to work (as in, casting spells to reach 0 MP won't work. Do note that yes, hitting him while he's at 0 MP will kill him)

Battle: 766 physical damage
L5 Doom: Instant Death to anyone who has a level factor of 5, cannot fail outside of Immunity, usable OPB
Doom: Instant Death, 71% effective hit rate to 0% M. Block
Ice 3: 1317 Ice elemental Magic damage, 150% hit rate to 0% M. Block, can be used ST at full or MT at half damage
Aero: 1350 Wind elemental Magic damage, 150% hit rate to 0% M. Block, forced MT at half damage if more than one target remains (as in, same as Ultima), ignores Reflect
Escape: Allows Doom Gaze to run from battle! Note that no, he isn't forced to do this; it happens 67% of the time once every 3 turns, starting on the 4th turn initially (due to the opening Level 5 Doom)

« Last Edit: December 20, 2007, 05:02:27 AM by Meeplelard »
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: Final Fantasy 6 (Full)
« Reply #2 on: December 20, 2007, 05:00:16 AM »
Ok, since I know some people were curious like 6 months ago when the game was still kind of new and something, I bring you a rather late post regarding Final Fantasy 6 Advanced!

Unlike FF4a, FF6a wasn't really a total overhaul on some characters. Do note that there are some changes, mind.

First off, Bug Fixes...the only one that matters here is Evasion. Evasion works, and M. Block now only covers Magical Attacks like its name implies. So...first off, base evade stats of the characters!

Evasion Nonsense

Terra 5%
Locke 15%
Cyan 6%
Shadow 28%
Edgar 4%
Sabin 12%
Celes 7%
Relm 13%
Strago 6%
Gau 21%
Setzer 9%
Mog 10%
Gogo 10%
*Umaro 8%

*Umaro's Snow Muffler (or Snow Scarf in the FF6a translation) grants +10% Evasion, so effectively, this is 18%.

Like M. Block, all evasion intervals from equips are in 10%, so yeah <_<.

Basically, the noteworthy one is Shadow and his silly 28% Base, when his M. Block was 9%. The others...don't really change much at a base.

As for evasion related equips?

For stuff already equipped, the Thief Knife that Shadow has, and Locke's Valiant Knife grant 10%, Cyan's Sky Render (called Mitsukonami) grants 20%. Note that the Thief Knife already had 10% M. Block, so its no change to Shadow in this regard.
Relm's Cat Hood (renamed Cat-Ear Hood for those who care) also grants 10% Evade, though it already had 10% M. Block, so again, no actual change from the equips effective boost.
Snow Muffler's as I hinted before with Umaro give 10% Evade, and as a fun note, only armor in the game WITH an evasion boost! Note they gave 10% M. Block anyway, so again, no boosts.
All Shields give 10% Evade, at least, the DL Legal ones anyway, so easy enough to deal with!

Now, for equipment options?
First off, everyone but Umaro has the Green Beret, which is 10% Evasion. Compared to the Bard's Hat (now Priest's Miter), its +12.5% HP, -10% M. Block, and -6 Magic Defense. Make of these as you will.
Well, Terra, Celes, and Edgar can all use the Falchion which has 10%.
Locke, Shadow, Relm Strago and Gogo all have the Swordbreaker, which is 30%. Please remember that for Relm, Gogo and Locke, "Fight" is their only source of offense, so they do lose something compared to their default weapons (this may or may not apply if you allow Gogo skills or Relm the ability to use Control, mind.)

I think that covers old equips offhand.

Now, for something that's probably more interesting...

New FF6 Equips

Ok, so how legal are these things?
Well, to get them, you have to go to Dragon's Den. Dragon's Den is unlocked when you beat all 8 Dragons (and get the Crusader Esper as a result.) As a reminder, this REQUIRES that you enter the dungeon, and defeat, at very least, Inferno (Atma/Ultima Buster is on the way to one of them, but he's optional.) The dungeon itself has most of the same enemies as Kefka's Tower, and a few new ones, the bosses are generally a step up from most things not the Goddesses, and the Final Boss of that area, Kaiser Dragon, is clearly stronger than Kefka. Do note that there is no requirement for beating the game, unlike FF4a's Lunar Ruins or FF5a's...whatever that dungeon was called.

Basically...gray area for Legality; its not strictly after game, but feels like it was intended too. Its pretty much the same situation as Morlia Gallery of ToP, for what its worth, for an easy comparison.

That aside, pretending they ARE undeniably legal for a second, well, here's what they are! Each character gets exactly one new equip, and they're all completely unique, so no uniqueness arguments kick in here, etc.

Anyway, here are the equips, and how they effect the characters or something! Also note I'm using the FF6o terms for stats and such, cause frankly, I'm sure more people are familiar with them!

Terra: Apocalypse.
Stats: 250 Battle Power (her attack hits the cap at 255 as a result, hence, not quite as high as it seems at first glance), +7 Vigor, +7 Magic Power, +20% Evade, +20% M. Block, Auto Crits at the expense of some MP; the MP lost from each hit, mind, is pretty negligible end game.

Effects it has: Terra's physical now does 5152 damage (assumed Morph), changes are otherwise minimal. Note that this would be her default weapon, naturally, since it grants all the benefits her current default (the Enhancer) has, *AND* it adds in a much stronger physical. As a side note, it also renders the Man Eater practically useless unless she faces a Human Critical hit Immune, Magic Immune enemy or something <_<

NOTE: If you allow Terra's Genji Glove, it *IS* possible to get 2 of these in game, by betting Save the Queen in the coliseum. Note that you can get another by pretty much fighting out the entirety of the Soul Shrine (enemy that drops it, Red Dragon redux, is the 2nd to last fight, the second Save the Queen is gotten only a little earlier too, for that matter), which can TECHNICALLY be fought before you finish the game (though, its silly; not *ONLY* does it have all 8 Dragon Redux Fights there, AND Kaiser Dragon refight, but also, the 3 Goddesses can be fought there as well anyway.)
Should you allow a Genji Glove and a second Apocalypse...well, should be obvious what that means, but if you can't figure it out, Terra's damage goes to a bit more than double what I listed (That Vigor Boost gets factored in twice remember! Minor as it is), and she gets the Evasion and M. Block boosts of +40% Effectively.
If you allow the Gauntlet, the physical damage becomes 7160.

That last note involved a bunch of big "ifs" in, even I, with my Terra fandom and what not, don't really allow them either, just listing it for people who are lenient on this stuff and plot equips, etc.

Locke: Zwill Crossblade
Stats: 220 Battle Power, +3 Vigor, +3 Stamina, +7 Speed, +30% Evade, +20% Magic Block, Wind Elemental, Randomly casts "Sleep"

Effects it has: Raises Evasion and Mag.c Block significantly over Valiant Knife, as well as his speed. Problem? Its damage is only 1607, compared to Valiant Knife's 2300~ and the Sleep factor kicks in too rare to matter, and only translates to "One free hit" in practice. Furthermore, he has a +7 Speed Weapon in Wing Edge anyway, which also has a better status attached (Instant Death.) being Wind Elemental makes it his Venusaur slaying weapon, I guess?
Oh, as a further downside? Loses Valiant Knife's "damage increase as HP loss" aspect COMBINED with damage not being ITD.
Needless to say, this weapon is situational at best.

Cyan: Zanmato.
Stats: 245 Battle Power (hits the attack Cap, like Terra, so it'll only be raised to 255), +7 Vigor, +7 Stamina, +30% Evade, Holy Elemental.

Effects it has: Cyan's Sword Tech damage will be upped slightly, though not by a rather significant amount, due to the +7 Vigor. Physical is now more or less even to Dispatch, just doesn't ignore defense or Evade and is Holy Elemental (hey! Now it has situational use at least!) Evasion is increased dramatically over his original form, and slightly over his FF6a form without this weapon allowed (again, Sky Render, his next best, has 20% Evasion.)
Naturally, this should be his default weapon if you allow it, since it kicks the crap out of his other weapons so badly its not even funny, combined with how always having Dispatch (or Sword Techs in general) means his damage has a cap for how bad it can get.

Shadow: Oborozuki:
Stats: 225 Battle Power, +7 Vigor, +7 Speed, +50% Evasion, +10% Magic Block.

Effects it has: Should be obvious overall, though the damage boost isn't as big as you'd expect with the +7 Vigor. Regardless, makes him faster, more evasive, and slightly more damaging...and he loses nothing in return.
Naturally, also his best weapon, as it is flat out better than the Thief Knife, Sword Breaker, etc. in every way. Only weapons that MIGHT have a use over it is the Assassin or Striker due to their random instant death, should Shadow be fighting some tanky as hell healer like Ness or something.

Edgar: Longinus.
Stats: 235 Battle Power, +7 Vigor, +3 Speed, +3 Stamina, and despite its animation and weapon class, it is *NOT* Treated as a Spear in regards to Jump (make of this as you will for FE WTA or something?)

Effects: Raises optimal damage of Drill and Chain Saw by a small amount, boosts his physical damage significantly (though they're still well behind Drill, hence, they'd need to be really bad on defense for this to matter.) Also gives a minor speed boost.
This equip is rather meaningless if you allow the Aura Lance, which grants the same speed boost, and the physical damage drop is negligible. Beyond that, its only purpose is to help Edgar win those status wars where he needs first strike ASAP, as he loses evasion from the Enhancer (or Falchion, version pending.)

(Also, personally, think this weapon is too well represented in the DL, given its completely useless in game, so it having ANY use here is just wrong!)

Sabin: Godhand.
Stats: 220 Battle Power, +7 Vigor, +7 Stamina, +3 Speed, Holy Elemental

Effects: Raises his physical damage and lets him hurt...ok, no, not really, BUm Rush is pretty much *ALWAYS* better than his physical, unless he finds an enemy with a W4 to Holy. Basically, its 1 point of speed over the Tiger Fangs, and less damage as a result due to no magic power.
All in all...kind of meaningless, in the grand scheme of things; its 1 speed or slightly more damage...frankly, neither is going to matter much, so yeah, vaguely pointless weapon one way or another.

Celes: Save the Queen.
Stats: 240 Battle Power, +7 Magic Power, +3 Speed, +4 Stamina, +40% Evasion, +40% M. Block

Effects: A bit more speed compared to her current default weapon, physical damage raises by about 50% or something compared to Enhancer, and most importantly, +20% to both evasions.
I...don't need to explain *WHY* this weapon is her default. Only case she wouldn't use this is if she requires physical damage above all else, in which case, Man Eater would win. Otherwise? Yeah, kicks the crap out of her other weapons rather soundly...and Celes already had good weapons too, go figure.

Relm: Angel Brush.
Stats: 170 Battle Power, +7 Speed, +7 Magic Power, 25% chance of casting Muddle

Effects: Dramatic Speed boost over her other weapons (her best speed boosting weapon was Rainbow Brush at +2), and random chance of a status that might come in handy should you allow her to skip/delay turns.
Excellent weapon if you allow Control, since the speed boost is what's most important in those fights. If you don't? Worse than the Man Eater and Pearl Rod on damage by a fairly noticeable amount, and the status isn't very helpful for someone with nothing but physicals (also, Gravity Rod is probably a better random effect anyway with random Quartr, and even that's too situational.), plus she loses M. Block vs. the Man Eater.

Strago: Stardust Rod.
Stats: 180 Battle Power, +7 Magic Power, +4 Stamina, randomly casts Meteor 25% of the time with his physical.

Effects: Makes Grand Train do 5376 damage (compared to its 4500~), assuming Bard's Hat equipped. Loss of evasion potentials for the damage boost. Random Meteor on the physical does 2304, should anyone care.
Decent option, given the damage boost is significant unlike, say, Sabin. Its basically a choice between this, or defensive options of the Man Eater/Swordbreaker, which obviously depends on who he's fighting. Worth noting he's solidly in the 2HKO range now, instead of just shy of the border.

Gau: Dueling Mask
Stats: 40 Defense, 40 Magic Defense, 10% Evade, 10% M. Block, +6 Vigor, +6 Magic Power, +6 Stamina, +6 Speed, Halves all FF6 Elements*, raises MHP by 25%

Effects: To give you an idea, Bard's Hat is 19 Defense, 21 Magic Defense, and 10% M. Block, and that was his default helm in this topic. I...don't think I need to explain just what this does to Gau. Also makes him tankier against ITD attacks to boot due to the HP boost.
Needless to say, this is his default helmet. It is the BEST HELMET IN THE GAME BY FAR, no questions asked, and it should be easy to see why.

*So Fire, Ice, Lightning, Wind, Water, Poison, Earth and Holy, if you want them spelt out

Setzer: Final Trump.
Stats: 215 Battle Power, +3 Vigor, +4 Stamina, +4 Speed, Ignores Row, Auto Crits at the expense of some MP; as a reminder, Setzer has no use for MP in the DL, and the amount it drains is minor.*

Effects: Speed Boost, and its his best consistent damage. Damage comes out to be 3172 (assuming you allow the Auto Crits, see the Asterisk, half it otherwise), should you care.
Naturally, its an alternative to the Fixed Dice, should he need an insured killed in x amount of turns or something.

*Due to a quirk of how FF6's MP is treated, Setzer technically is seen as having 0 MP due to lack of spells (for a similar reason, Magic Urn Rage gets OHKOed by any MP damage, no matter how scrubby), so technically, the Auto Crit aspect wouldn't work. Make of this as you will.

Mog: Gungnir.
Stats: 240 Battle Power, +7 Magic Power, +7 Stamina, does not count as a spear the same way Longinus doesn't.

Effects: Boosts the damage of his dances by a slight amount (say about 10% damage or so?) Otherwise not much.
Weapon is pretty much just an alternative to the Pearl Lance, as the overall physical damage is similar, but Dance damage is better. if you allow Aura Lance, its not really worth much since Aura Lance's speed boost matters more, probably (Mog usually uses Dances for Tanking or Status.)

Gogo: Scorpion Tail.
Stats: 225 Battle Power, +4 Vigor, +4 Magic Power, +4 Stamina, +4 Speed, Ignores Row, Poison Elemental, randomly casts Bio on each hit 25% of the time.

Effects: Basically, boosts speed and elementalizes his physical for the loss of M. Block. Also noteworthy that his damage is EVEN WORSE with this weapon than with Man Eater (averages 1884 instead of 2100~)
Mostly just an alternative to Man Eater, but really not worth much. Mind, if you allow skills, this is probably his best weapon suddenly since it boosts stuff like Bum Rush in addition to his speed.

Umaro: Bone Wrist
Effects: 10 Defense, 10 Magic Defense, 10% Evade, 10% M. Block, +5 Vigor, +5 Speed, +5 Stamina, +5 Magic Power, +50% MHP, Basic Physical ignores evade now (Note that Tackle always did), +25% Physical damage boost, +25% Magic Damage boost, +50% Vigor.

Effects: Ok, things get messy, but basically, his damage spikes quite a bit, though do note he has to drop either Rage Ring or Blizzard Orb for this equip (possibly both if he wants a status immunity option.) In general, Blizzard Orb would be ideal cause it yields less damage boost than Rage Ring, and doesn't offer Fire and Lightning Immunity.
Needless to say, massive boost to defenses and offenses make this one equip he's probably going to want to keep on at all times.

And since Umaro's got a really big change, his new average damage with this thing is 4014...which is to say, a pretty significant improvement. Note that this was assuming Rage Ring + Bone Wrist, since that's his overall best set up; it'd be lower without Rage Ring since it means less Vigor and less chances to use Tackle. Similarly, damage would alter with Blizzard Orb since a bunch of Tackles/Fights would be replaced with Storm, which is somewhere in between.

As ONE LAST THING FF6a changed from the original...

The game uses the Japanese Style of MP Growths. Which is to say, MP is a bit higher. Offhand, don't know how much more each PC has, but I'd wager its about 50 more MP or something before their equips? Not a big deal overall, mainly means they have one more shot of their big damage, or a few more shots of healing, etc.
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
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Re: Final Fantasy 6 (Full)
« Reply #3 on: December 22, 2007, 04:37:56 AM »
Wedge and Vicks stats. Along with some mysterious witch or something, but who cares about her? Anyway, Lvl 4 for everyone. ????? has a level advantage initially but it doesn't last unless you fight nothing but whats absolutely required (unlikely, I think), or unless you try to level up a specific amount.

HP: 77
MP: 29
Def: 97
Mdef: 69
Speed: 33
Mblock: 7
Stamina: 28

Fire Beam: 224 fire magic damage, Ignores target evade.
Bolt Beam: 231 thunder magic damage, ignores target evade.
Ice Beam: 228 ice magic damage, ignores target evade.
Bio Blast: 224 poison magic damage, MT. Ignores evade.
Heal Force: Heals one ally for 416.
Confuser: Inflicts confusion, 100%, MT.
X-fer: 90% instant death.
Tekmissile: 482 damage, ignores target defense and evade.

Fire (4MP): 83 fire magic damage.
Cure (5MP): 83 healing (usable on enemies)

Comments: Lots of damage, infinite full healing, 2 accurate and devastating statuses. What a total pity about the shoddy durability. High Middle/Low Heavy? The versatility/damage is great, even if the stats are poor. I'm told she has a better form but what do I know?

HP: 105
Def: 132
Mdef: 86
Speed: 35
Mblock: 0
Stamina: 46

Fire Beam: 192 fire magic damage, ignores target evade.
Bolt Beam: 199 thunder magic damage, ignores target evade.
Ice Beam: 195 ice magic damage, ignores target evade.
Heal Force: Heals one ally for 357.

Comments: Good durability and infinite full healing. Pity about the lack of damage, but High Middle works?

HP: 107
Def: 134
Mdef: 86
Speed: 36
Mblock: 0
Stamina: 45

Fire Beam: 189 fire magic damage, ignores target evade.
Bolt Beam: 195 thunder magic damage, ignores target evade.
Ice Beam: 192 ice magic damage, ignores target evade.
Heal Force: Heals one ally for 351.

Comments: See Wedge, add a hair of durability. High Middle.


Damage: 292
?????: 482 Tekmissile
Wedge: 199 Boltbeam
Vicks: 195 Boltbeam

HP: 96
Vicks: 107
Wedge: 105
?????: 77

Defense: 121
Vicks: 134
Wedge: 132
?????: 97

Mdef: 80
Vicks: 86
Wedge: 86
?????: 69

Speed: 34.67 (effective speed)
Vicks: 36 (102.5%)
Wedge: 35 (100.6%)
?????: 33 (97%)

Stamina: 39.7 (hit rate modifier for stamina checking attacks)
Wedge: 46 (0.93)
Vicks: 45 (0.94)
?????: 28 (1.13)

Total Physical durability (higher is better)
Vicks: 123%
Wedge: 119%
?????: 68%

Total Magic durability (higher is better)
Vicks: 114%
Wedge: 113%
?????: 75%
« Last Edit: August 02, 2008, 06:17:25 AM by Cryo »


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Re: Final Fantasy 6 (Full)
« Reply #4 on: March 22, 2008, 07:32:09 AM »
Ok, it was requested I add a few new average figures so...yeah, here's stuff compiling the stuff I added above!

I was doing this quickly, so I assumed things like Stardust Rod on Strago, Godhand on Sabin (which LOWERS damage), etc, so...yeah.  Anyway...

New Damage Average: 3921.

With the 2.5x damage convention, that's 9551 kill point.

This doesn't really change a whole lot; Strago would have lost his 2HKO, except he got one of the more dramatic damage boosts.  Terra still OHKOs, Sabin and Strago still 2HKO, Celes has a firm 3HKO, etc.  Well, Umaro's damage changes relatively...

In that he 3HKOs average instead of 4HKOs, since his damage boost was by far the most dramatic.

As a fun side note, with Dueler's Mask, Gau gained a total of *6* damage using his ideal damage Rage in Io.

For other stats...well, both Magic Defense and Defense go up roughly 2 points.  Average HP is now 2687 due to Gau and Umaro getting HP boosts of 125% and 150% respectively...
Which is to say, everyone is now below average but those two who are significantly above, Umaro's HP being pretty psychotic at that.
(this is not assuming Green Beret's; with Green Beret's, HP average goes up a bit further, and anyone but Umaro can use them...make of this as you will; characters like Relm I can't see defaulting to it though, while someone like Shadow who wants to twink for Evade to cover his awful defense might...)

Speed...depends on equips.  Celes and Shadow definitely want their DD weapon, so that's +4 to both respectively compared to whatever they want.  Sabin arguably does, so godly +1 there.  Umaro and Gau are no brainers, so +5 and +6 respectively.  Locke...largely doesn't (and its no more of a boost to speed than Wing Edge if he was assuming that.)   Relm only cares about the speed boost if you allow control, since the damage is just god awful to the point where she definitely wants Man Eater (we're talking nearly half), Edgar...debatably wants his Longinus for +3 speed...
If you allow all that stuff, that's a bit less than +2 to Speed average.

And this is why doing an entire stat thread for FF6a is not a good idea; as you can see, the boosts aren't exactly dramatic barring a few exceptions, which can be applied quickly.  Maybe I'll pencil them into the main post at some point.
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
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Re: Final Fantasy 6 (Full)
« Reply #5 on: March 22, 2008, 02:32:26 PM »
As a minor note, this stat topic undersells Setzer's Fixed Dice damage very slightly; all damage numbers are taken at the highest end of the small range, but Fixed Dice doesn't experience randomness due to being fixed damage.  Average value of the range should be 94% of the values listed in this topic.


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Re: Final Fantasy 6 (Full)
« Reply #6 on: March 14, 2009, 08:02:54 PM »
For some reason, I can't seem to put it in the main post, so I figure I'd just put it here instead.


Basically, FF6 characters can manipulate their defenses a bit with equipment, so if they were going STRICTLY FOR DEFENSE, the averages would change a little.  This is just for reference and what not.  IT comes up randomly, so yeah.

Equipment changes are as follows; if not listed, then no changes:
Mog: Circlet -> Dark Hood
Terra/Celes: Mystery Veil -> Oath Veil
Edgar: Bards' Hat -> Crystal Helm
Setzer: Dark Gear -> Crystal Mail, Bard's Hat -> Crystal Helm
Sabin: Bard's Hat -> Regal Crown
Cyan: Bard's hat -> Diamond Helm
Strago: Bard's Hat -> Circlet
Locke: Bard's Hat -> Dark Hood, Dark Gear -> Crystal Mail
Gogo/Shadow/Gau: Bard's Hat -> Dark Hood

1. Mog 240
2. Gau 224
3. Umaro 217
4. Celes 216
5. Terra 214
6. Edgar 207
7. Setzer 199
8. Cyan 196
9. Relm 189
10. Sabin 185
11. Strago 178
12. Locke 170
13. Shadow 168
14. Gogo 159

A few things to note:
Dark Hoods are literally 1 more defense than Circlet, which everyone can use.  Circlet also grants +2 Magic Defense, +2 Vigor, +4 Magic Power and +1 Speed (also a minor stamina boost OMG!?), so you might want to consider that as default.
Cyan's Diamond helm is basically Dark Hood +1 in defensive stats, so yeah <_<
Edgar can use Regal Crown like Sabin, which is -1 Defense, +6 Magic Defense, and +1 to the 4 main stats compared to Crystal Helm, so likewise, you might want to consider that instead.

For Magic Defense, most characters are already equipped with their best stuff.  The exceptions are Terra/Celes, who can get +6 from Oath Veil over Mystery Veil, Mog who can gain +2 from Bard's Hat over Circlet, and Edgar/Sabin who can gain +2 from Regal Crown over Bard's Hat, and Locke/Setzer can gain +2 from Crystal Mail over Dark Gear compared to their defaults listed in the main post.  This translates into overall averaging raising by all of 1-2 points, which is not enough to care about unless something is absolutely borderline.

[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

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Re: Final Fantasy 6 (Full)
« Reply #7 on: May 07, 2009, 06:25:49 AM »
This was requested a while back, and I never got around to doing it so...

This matters for stuff like equipment breaking and what not.  I'd have listed it in the main post, but it seems to screw up each time I do that.  So without further delay!  Also listing those who can use said equips just so you don't have to keep cross referencing or something.  Bolded Character = used in their default set up.  Dragon's Den stuff is listed in its own post for people who allow FF6a stuff.  Listing evade mostly just for completion purposes.  Naturally, these are stats of the equip themselves, so Battle Powers might seem a little low since it doesn't factor in their base quite yet.

This isn't ALL potentially useful equips in FF6, mind, just the ones listed in the topic.

Enhancer: 135 Battle Power, +7 Magic Power, 20% M. Block (Terra, Edgar, Celes)
Man Eater: 146 Battle Power, 10% M. Block, doubles damage vs. Human targets, which includes PCs (Terra, Locke, Shadow, Edgar, Celes, Strago, Relm, Setzer, Gogo)
Valiant Knife: 145 Battle Power, 10% Evade, Ignores Defense, adds (MHP - CHP) to damage (Locke)
Wing Edge: 199 Battle Power, +7 Vigor, +7 Speed, +2 Magic Power, +1 Stamina, Long Range, 20% chance (in practice) of Instant Death (Locke)
Sky Render: 215 Battle Power, 20% Evade (Cyan)
Thief's Knife: 88 Battle Power, 10% Evade, +10% M. Block, +3 Speed, 50% chance of using CAPTURE!!! (Locke, Shadow)
Assassin: 106 Battle Power, 10% Evade, +3 Speed, +2 Magic Power, 20% chance of Instant Death (Locke, Shadow)
Tiger Fangs: 215 Battle Power, +3 Vigor, +2 Speed, +2 Stamina, +3 Magic Power (Sabin)
Mithril Rod: 60 Battle Power, +2 Magic Power (Strago, Relm, Gogo)
Fixed Dice: 1 Battle Power, does damage based on die rolls, Ignores Defense, Ignores Evade, Long Range  (Setzer)
Doom Darts: 186 Battle Power, 25% chance of casting Doom on the target, Long Range (Setzer)
Pearl Lance: 194 Battle Power, +3 Magic Power, 25% chance of casting Pearl (Edgar, Mog)
Bone Club: 155 Battle Power (Umaro)

Crystal Shield: 50 Defense, 34 Magic Defense, 10% Evade (Terra, Cyan, Edgar, Celes, Setzer)
Gold Shield: 34 Defense, 23 Magic Defense, 10% Evade (Terra, Cyan, Edgar, Celes, Setzer, Mog)
Mithril Shield: 27 Defense, 18 Magic Defense, 10% Evade (Everyone but Umaro (Locke, Shadow, Sabin, Strago, Relm, Gau, Gogo))

Mystery Veil: 24 Defense, 25 Magic Defense, 10% M. Block, +3 Magic Power, +1 Speed (Terra, Celes, Relm)
Oath Veil: 32 Defense, 31 Magic Defense (Terra, Celes, Relm)
Circlet: 25 Defense, 19 Magic Defense, +2 Vigor, +3 Stamina, +1 Speed, +4 Magic Power (Everyone but Umaro (Mog))
Bard's Hat: 19 Defense, 21 Magic Defense, 10% M. Block, +12.5% MP (Everyone but Umaro (All Males barring Mog))
Crystal Helm: 29 Defense, 19 Magic Defense (Terra, Edgar, Celes, Setzer)
Cat Hood: 33 Defense, 33 Magic Defense, 10% Evade, 10% M. Block, +2 Speed, +4 Magic Power, Halves Fire, Ice, Lightning, Pearl, Wind and Earth, DOUBLES MONETARY GAINS FROM RANDOMS!!! (Relm)
Regal Crown: 28 Defense, 23 Magic Defense, +1 Vigor, +1 Speed, +1 Stamina, +1 Magic Power (Edgar, Sabin)
Tiger Mask: 21 Defense, 13 Magic Defense, +3 Vigor, +2 Speed, +1 Stamina (Sabin, Gau)

Minerva: 88 Defense, 70 Magic Defense, 10% M. Block, +1 Vigor, +2 Speed, +1 Stamina, +4 Magic Power, +25% MP, immunes Fire, Ice, Lightning and Wind, Halves Pearl, Poison, Earth and Water (Terra, Celes)
Dark Gear: 68 Defense, 46 Magic Defense, +6 Speed (Locke, Shadow, Sabin, Setzer, Gau, Gogo)
Crystal Mail: 72 Defense, 49 Magic Defense (Terra, Locke, Cyan, Edgar, Celes, Setzer)
Red Jacket: 78 Defense, 55 Magic Defense, +5 Vigor, +2 Speed, +4 Stamina, +1 Magic Power, Immunes Fire (Edgar, Sabin)
Snow Muffler: 128 Defense, 90 Magic Defense, 10% Evade, 10% M. Block, Absorbs Ice, Halves Fire (Gau, Mog, Umaro)
Behemoth Suit: 94 Defense, 73 Magic Defense, +6 Vigor, +6 Speed, +6 Stamina, +6 Magic Power (Strago, Relm)
Nutkin Suit: 86 Defense, 67 Magic Defense, +7 Speed, +3 Magic Power (Strago, Relm)
Tao Robe: 68 Defense, 50 Magic Defense, 10% M. block, +5 Magic Power (Strago, Relm, Gogo)
Gaia Gear: 53 Defense, 43 Magic Defense, Absorbs Earth (Terra, Locke, Shadow, Sabin, Celes, Strago, Relm, Setzer, Gau, Mog, Gogo)

Relics (only listing (semi) unique ones that serve a purpose in the DL):
Rage Ring: +5 Vigor, Absorbs Fire, Nulls Lightning, allows "Character Toss" to be used; if no character is around to be tossed, these instances are replaced with "Tackle" instead (Umaro)
Blizzard Orb: +5 Magic Power, Absorbs Ice (-_-), Nulls Fire, allows "Storm" to be used (Umaro)
Sneak Ring: Doubles Steal Success Rate, +5 Speed (Locke, Gogo)
Memento Ring: Grants Immunity to Instant Death, Petrify and Zombie; note that due to how FF6 works, this also nails all Gravity attacks in the game, make of this as you will (Shadow, Relm)
« Last Edit: May 07, 2009, 01:58:03 PM by Meeplelard »
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: Final Fantasy 6 (Full)
« Reply #8 on: May 13, 2009, 08:46:38 PM »
Not bad, aside from a few discrepancies (Cyan, Gogo)

FF6 team is pretty balance. Is there even a team DL?


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Re: Final Fantasy 6 (Full)
« Reply #9 on: July 05, 2009, 05:16:27 AM »
Multipliers for defense and magic defense, since those are what actually matter (FF6 doesn't use a divison-based system). Need to remember to get more defense-oriented setups later.

1. Mog (4.06x)
Gau with Circlet instead of Bard Hat (2.10x) (This should be his default, IMO)
2. Gau (1.78x)
3. Umaro (1.71x)
Celes with Oath Veil instead of Mystery Veil (1.59x)
Terra with Oath Veil instead of Mystery Veil (1.51x)
4. Celes (1.32x)
5. Terra (1.27x)
6. Edgar (1.12x)
7t. Cyan/Relm (0.98x)
9. Setzer (0.93x)
10. Sabin (0.83x)
11. Strago (0.79x)
12. Shadow (0.70x)
13. Locke (0.68x)
14. Gogo (0.64x)

Magic Defense
1. Mog (1.34x)
Terra with Oath Veil instead of Mystery Veil (1.34x)
Celes with Oath Veil instead of Myster Veil (1.31x)
2. Gau (1.27x)
Gau with Circlet instead of Bard's Hat (1.24x)
3. Terra (1.26x)
4. Celes (1.23x)
5. Umaro (1.21x)
6. Relm (1.17x)
7. Strago (1.01x)
8. Edgar (0.95x)
9. Setzer (0.91x)
10. Cyan (0.87x)
11. Sabin (0.84x)
12. Gogo (0.83x)
13. Shadow (0.81x)
14. Locke (0.80x)


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Re: Final Fantasy 6 (Full)
« Reply #10 on: August 18, 2009, 05:34:16 PM »
Comments: Game best damage by far, good defenses, Magic Durability on par with the likes of Mewtwo after Morph, high evade, full parasitic healing, resists every element, and even has Dispel to be used in a pinch. And unlike most mages, she has a decent physical to fall back on in case she runs into an Anti Mage. Clear Godlike

Woah Woah Woah. Mewtwo's defense's are far from great.
He has 106/90/90

When compared to other Uber's, he is a tad frailer.


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Re: Final Fantasy 6 (Full)
« Reply #11 on: March 12, 2010, 08:47:30 AM »
Banon stats!  He's fighting this week, and all.  I'm not really a fan of the "figure out how Banon would work at endgame if he didn't have fixed equipment" interpretation that gives him a Man Eater and other World of Ruin equipment, so here's a writeup on Banon at the times you can use him.  Now, there are two ways to do an average.  One is to take him against just Edgar, Sabin, and Terra on the theory that the Lete River is the part of the game where his combat skill is actually relevant.  Another is to take him against Locke, Celes, Cyan, Shadow, and Gau as well on the theory that he is part of the Terra/Edgar/Banon "chapter," equivalent to the other chapters.  Against this interpretation is the fact that the T/E/B chapter is really really easy and doesn't include any boss fights.  Personally...  I'd be inclined to scale Banon against the larger cast to better reflect his worth in a larger context, but there's wonkiness in level then because the T/E/B chapter has so little fighting compared to the other two.  Banon is already behind on level and scaling him against lvl. 14 Sabin, Cyan, etc. is going to make him look even worse.  I suppose you could artificially adjust the level spread, but obviously some subjectivity issues there.

Banon's level is a bit of an unclear issue.  He joins at -3 to whatever your average party's level is (and Edgar and Sabin, your most recent recruits, joined with a +2 avg. level bonus).  Therefore, it doesn't seem fair to me to take Banon at equal levels with the rest of the party; if you go in circles on the river long enough to equalize everyone's levels then you're crazy overlevelling.  I'm not sure he deserves THAT much of a level penalty, since he's likely to close the gap to only ~2 levels behind thanks to faster advancement, but basically Banon breaks the normal FF6 kneejerk about having average HP.  The difference between lvl. 10 and lvl. 12 is actually noticeable.  Basically, for an average playthrough, Banon will probably join at lvl. 8 or lvl. 9, and be lvl. 9 or lvl. 10 by the time of the Ultros fight thanks to Lete River fights.
One other sticking point.  I assume back row for everyone.  The only people who even vaguely consider front row: Locke, with the Guardian; Celes and Terra, against magic / elemental tanks; and Gau, if he wants more consistent damage.  So, basically, just Locke.  If Banon wants to go front row (suicidal in-game vs. Ultros!), he gets double damage but also *takes* double damage from physicals.  Not generally a good trade for a dueler who wants to sit back and tank with infinite healing.  Still, your call, I've included averages in both ways.

As for damage...  monsters on the Lete River are Nautiloid, Exocite, Pterodon, and Ultros.  Their Physical Defense is, respectively, 100/100/65/40; averaging them all together gives 76 Def average, which is what I've used for the damage figures.  (Their MDef, irrelevant for Banon, is 150/150/180/140 for an average of 155.)  Also, as fair warning, I'm going off algorithms a lot here, couldn't find an appropriate save due to bad luck despite looking everywhere.  Oh, well.


Punisher (no MP, so no constant critical hits!)
Magus Hat
Silk Robe

Status / Elemental Protection: None, his equipment is locked.  (If you were to let him equip relics from South Figaro then he can block useless FF6 Blind with Goggles, Poison with Star Pendant, and Petrify with Jewel Ring I believe?  At least those relics are universally equipable for other characters.)

Lvl. 9
HP: 192 (= 81% average)
Damage: 139 (front row)
Damage: 70 (back row)
Health: ~195 healing, MT (read: fullhealing for Banon himself, infinite resources)
24 Speed (vs. 31 Speed average = 77 86% avg. spd, stealing from Meeple)

Banon's damage is .15 PCHP from the back and .30 PCHP from the front.  If you assume front row is default then his damage is .27 PCHP.  (This is all assuming average is .40 PCHP.)  He's still a Light, fails at blitzing completely which leaves him with a glaring weakness against Light's various "I have a 20% chance of landing some nasty status" types.  He also fails it up vs. people who can store up one big turn a la SoM Randi or XS2 Jin.  On the bright side he's excellent at outlasting people with below average damage.  81% average HP and ever-so-slightly below average defense means that average damage does 2HKO him, but if he's faster than his opponent it doesn't matter anyway.  Your FF6 speed respect may vary but I personally view all FF6 characters as average speed after turn 1, so this can happen.  Obviously characters who miss the 2HKO and don't have any of the above tricks are in deep vs. Banon, though critical hits / moves with super-high variance might still save them.

(If you care, his lvl. 10 stats, another entirely reasonable level to take him at, are HP: 219 / Front Row Damage: 153.  Others levels might go up then, too, but it's probably still a favorable trade to Banon.)

Everyone else: I'm just going to run with Terra lvl. 10 / Edgar lvl. 11 / Sabin lvl. 12 for now.  Think this is nice to Banon if anything, if we assume a lvl. 11 Locke, then Banon would have joined at lvl. 8, and we've assumed we chose enough wrong routes on the river to give Banon a level-up to 9 and nobody else got one.

HP average:
Sabin: 289
Edgar: 250
Terra: 213
Banon: 192
Average: 236

Damage average:
362 (Sabin's Aurabolt)
179 (Edgar's Autocrossbow)
142 (Terra's Fire)
Damage: 139 (Banon's Fight, front row)
Damage: 70 (Banon's Fight, back row)
Average: 188
Average w/ Front Row assumed: 205.5

TODO: I'll try and grab a Defense / Mblock average later, but this early in the game I doubt it matters much.  The difference between 40 Defense and 60 Defense with FF6's system is very minor (That's about an 8% reduction in damage, I believe) while the difference between 220 Defense and 240 Defense is huge; basically Banon has below average defense but not by much.  I'd also like to somehow do the average including Locke / Celes / Shadow / Cyan / Gau, but I suspect it wouldn't change much - Locke would be failing up the damage with Banon, Celes would be around Terra level (as would Gau, pro-rated with tossing his physical attacks in), and Cyan / Shadow would have Edgar - Sabinish damage.  The HP average would be a whole new mess of how to guess appropriate levels for the others.  So.  Maybe someday, but again, suspect it wouldn't change much.
« Last Edit: March 12, 2010, 07:22:09 PM by SnowFire »

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Re: Final Fantasy 6 (Full)
« Reply #12 on: May 23, 2010, 10:06:57 PM »
Comments: Game best damage by far, good defenses, Magic Durability on par with the likes of Mewtwo after Morph, high evade, full parasitic healing, resists every element, and even has Dispel to be used in a pinch. And unlike most mages, she has a decent physical to fall back on in case she runs into an Anti Mage. Clear Godlike

Woah Woah Woah. Mewtwo's defense's are far from great.
He has 106/90/90

When compared to other Uber's, he is a tad frailer.

At least at the time this was written, most people would take Mewtwo relative to his "home game" of Red/Blue/Yellow (the same way most people take Cloud relative to his "home game" of FF7).  This gives Metwo a base Special Defence stat of 154.


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Re: Final Fantasy 6 (Full)
« Reply #13 on: May 24, 2010, 06:05:58 PM »
Why is the minerva bustier controversial?

Aside from giving the (blergh) Celes godlike status, it's not broken is it?

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Re: Final Fantasy 6 (Full)
« Reply #14 on: May 24, 2010, 06:44:53 PM »
Back in the early days of the DL it was common to only allow equipment that was storebought, initially equipped, or could only be equipped by one person. Over time this last expanded to "could only be equipped by a small portion of the cast, and there's enough for everyone" to avoid penalising uniqueness in situations like FF6 where all the unique armours can be equipped by two people (except some of Relm's), or situations like Kain having shit equipment because all his best armours could also be equipped by Cecil even though Cecil had something even better. As this shift occured there was a fair bit of controversy on the FF6 armours, and Minerva as one of the most important ones, and the one on the game's most prominent PC dueller (later two most as Celes upgraded), attracted the most attention.

These days almost everyone allows it though I believe one or two holdouts remain.

I think most Mewtwo voters still use RBY, though certainly less than the commanding majority it was once.

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Re: Final Fantasy 6 (Full)
« Reply #15 on: May 24, 2010, 09:28:13 PM »
Thank you for your quick and enlightening response.

PS: This website has really great users.

Dark Holy Elf

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Re: Final Fantasy 6 (Full)
« Reply #16 on: February 17, 2012, 12:56:45 AM »
Since I don't see Sneak Rings as legal (or at least, a useful option), average speed without them but with other speed-boosting gear is 36.8.

EDIT: Kill point without Ultima: 8829
« Last Edit: November 05, 2014, 04:05:08 AM by Dark Holy Elf »

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Re: Final Fantasy 6 (Full)
« Reply #17 on: April 18, 2016, 02:13:40 AM »
Some notes mostly for my own benefit but others might find them enlightening:

- I consider Mblock+ gear to be non default if it doesn't favor other stats (Bards Hats). In this manner, trying to boost Mblock would require sacrificing other stats.

- I wanted to factor in Row into pdur. Basically I created a defense average with those I'd say would want front row having their defense adjusted to be equivalent to taking 2x damage. Obviously this is nice for those in the back row, which is everyone except Mog/Relm/Locke/Umaro)

- I'd allow Gogo his skills (except magic of course) so I constructed a damage average with him using Bum Rush, along with Shadow throwing Ninja Stars instead of Falchions (Falchions are 15K a pop which is quite pricy. Anyone can turn that much money into one-time damage by breaking a Pearl Rod for example). I adjusted Setzer's Fixed Dice damage up a bit to account for it not having the downward random variance everything else does. Another point: I didn't include Umaro's relics in his damage since if we're talking relics he'd rather grab +25% damage or Running Shoes or Auto-Protect, just like the rest of the cast (although sacrificing something for Thunder immunity is a nice option)

- I included a speed average with the Circlets. Dark gear on Gogo (not much penalty) and Setzer ( Wants to break average). Locke too since Crystal Mail doesn't actually help him all that much and he might as well focus on what he's good at...

(I'll include optional twinking here, with the twink held against a def-optimized average that still includes row)

Physical Defense: 194.5 [179.6 factoring in row]
Terra: 204 (1.48 modifier)
[Terra W/ Oath Veil: 212 (1.70 modifier) ]
Locke: 166 [77 factoring in row] (0.42 modifier) X_X
Cyan: 195 (1.26 modifier)
Shadow: 168 (0.87 modifier)
Edgar: 203 (1.45 modifier)
Sabin: 183 (1.05 modifier)
Celes: 106 (1.54 modifier)
[Celes with Oath Veil: 214 (1.78 modifier)]
Strago: 179 (0.99 modifier)
Relm: 189 [123 factoring in row] (0.57 modifier)
Setzer: 191 (1.18 modifier)
[Setzer with Crystal Helm/Mail: 199 (1.30 modifier)
Mog: 239 [223 factoring in row] (2.36 modifier)
Gau: 224 (2.433 modifier)
Gogo: 159 (0.79 modifier)
Umaro: 217 [179 factoring in row] (0.99 modifier)

Magic Defense: 136.6
Terra: 162 (1.27 modifier)
[Terra with Oath Veil: 166 (1.35 modifier) ]
Locke: 106 (0.80 modifier)
Cyan: 119 (0.87 modifier)
Shadow: 108 (0.81 modifier)
Edgar: 130 (0.95 modifier)
Sabin: 113 (0.83 modifier)
Celes: 160 (1.25 modifier)
[Celes with Oath Veil: 166 (1.32 modifier)]
Strago: 137 (1.00 Modifier)
Relm: 155 (1.18 modifier)
Setzer: 125 (0.91 modifier)
Mog: 168 (1.36 modifier)
Gau: 161 (1.26 modifier)
Gogo: 110 (0.82 modifier)
Umaro: 158 (1.22 modifier)

Speed average (With Circlets, no Sneak Rings): 37.9
Terra: 36
Locke: 47
Cyan: 29
Shadow: 47
Edgar: 33
Sabin: 42
Celes: 37
Strago: 32
Relm: 42
Setzer: 39
Mog: 37
Gau: 39
Gogo: 37
Umaro: 33

Damage: 3755 (9387 kill point)
Terra: 8468 (Morph Fire3)
Locke: 2371 (Valiant Knife Physical)
Cyan: 2007 (Dispatch)
Shadow: 4222 (Thrown Ninja Star)
Sabin: 6248 (Bum Rush)
Celes: 4042 (Ice 3)
Strago: 5146 (Grand Train)
Relm: 2222 (man eater phys)
Setzer: 2865 (Fixed Dice, prorated 'up' to look like the others because it always hits maximum instead of ~93.55%)
Mog: 2136 (Pearl Lance physicals)
Gau: 2199.5 (Back row Io rage)
Gogo: 5611 (Bum Rush)
Umaro: 2206 (No relics, assuming Guard Ring/Running Shoes like the rest).

I should list what levels the girls learn their natural spells:
Lv 1: Cure
Lv 3: Fire
Lv 6: Antdot
Lv 12: Drain
Lv 18: Life
Lv 22: Fire 2
Lv 26: Warp
Lv 33: Cure 2
Lv 37: Dispel
Lv 43: Fire 3
Lv 49: Life 2
Lv 57: Pearl
Lv 68: Break
Lv 75: Quartr
Lv 86: Merton
Lv 99: Ultima

I think the stuff above Fire 3 is outside of what one would consider reasonable for overlevelled skills. Of course she would love Break and Ultima.

Lv 1: Ice
Lv 4: Cure
Lv 8: Antdot
Lv 13: Imp
Lv 18: Scan
Lv 22: Safe
Lv 26: Ice 2
Lv 32: Haste
Lv 32: Muddle
Lv 40: Bserk
Lv 42: Ice 3
Lv 48: Vanish
Lv 52: Haste
Lv 72: Pearl
Lv 81: Flare
Lv 98: Meteor

It is still within the realm of reason for Celes to learn Vanish if you are a grindy type or use the Exp eggs. And she probably deserves the bone since she is deprived of her significant esper time being forced for so very long.

Some numbers for Relm with the Coronet to get 100% Control in the back row:
Pdef: 179 (0.94 modifier)
Mdef: 145 (1.08 modifier)
In addition I'd make her sacrifice something (probably an assumed Guard Ring or Running Shoes) to use the Fake Mustache for Control, so that'd change either her durability to 65% or her speed. Ouch.

And finally Setzer's damage chart with the Fixed Dice!
Damage:   % Chance   % Chance of this or lower
80   0.66%   0.66%
160   1.98%   2.64%
240   1.98%   4.61%
320   3.96%   8.57%
400   1.32%   9.89%
480   5.27%   15.16%
640   4.61%   19.78%
720   1.98%   21.75%
800   2.64%   24.39%
960   8.57%   32.96%
1200   2.64%   35.60%
1280   3.96%   39.55%
1440   4.61%   44.17%
1600   3.96%   48.12%
1920   7.91%   56.03%
2000   0.88%   56.91%
2160   0.66%   57.57%
2400   4.39%   61.96%
2560   1.98%   63.94%
2880   5.49%   69.43%
3200   2.64%   72.07%
3600   1.32%   73.39%
3840   4.61%   78.00%
4000   0.88%   78.88%
4320   1.32%   80.20%
4800   4.39%   84.59%
5120   0.66%   85.25%
5760   3.52%   88.77%
6000   0.88%   89.65%
6400   1.32%   90.97%
7200   1.76%   92.72%
7680   1.32%   94.04%
8000   0.88%   94.92%
8640   0.88%   95.80%
9600   1.76%   97.56%
9999   2.44%   100.00%

Average: 2681
« Last Edit: November 28, 2017, 03:56:26 AM by Pyro »