In the world of Shin Megami Tensei, transsexuals reign supreme. This should be all too apparent for those who have fallen to Jenna's wrath over the seasons - the hermaphrodite's power has been shown to be fitting for her division, and now, faced with her greatest challenge yet, it's time to prove that the power of Hari-Hara, the fusion of Shiva and Vishnu, is up to the challenge. Champion Summoner Yuna, the bane of Godlike's greatest and brightest, challenges the fusion of deities to battle for this, the final round of the season. How could a mortal possibly make a mistake so foolish as to challenge the full force of two gods at once? Yuna's Aeons, power dragons, elemental beasts and assorted other freakishly powerful dreams of the Fayth, all pale before the form-shifting might of Jenna Angel and the dreaded power of Hari-Hara. As always, even the mightiest of Aeons will fall before Bhairava, the powerful almighty attack piercing their defenses with little difficulty. Swapping off with Debilitate as needed, even the great dragon Bahamut will find itself weakened before the wrath of the fused Hindu gods. And even if she should fall, the god shall rise again - the greatest power of Hari-Hara, that of her defenses against nearly all attributes, will be the bane of Yuna's soon to be futile existence. Victory, the sweet taste craved for by all warriors, shall be within Jenna's grasp soon.