Cindy (FF4) vs Amalthea 1 (Trails): I have more respect for Cindy's damage than Snowfire. This doesn't matter.
Guido (G1) vs Edward (FF4o): Edward is faster, but Guido can block both Edward's status at a 13% speed hit. So... Guido is 82% speed, 82% HP, does 24% to average. Edward is 100% speed, 59% (really 44%) HP, does 16% to average. Guido's sadly pretty good for Puny, though does meet my threshold for it (loses to someone with average stats and half average damage), Edward is just kinda terrible when status isn't involved (and still bad when it is).
Mullen (G1) vs Jogurt (SF1): Overlord, overlord, overlord!
Torneko Taloon (DQ4) vs Nicolas (SO2): Hum. Taloon does 14% to average with the Sword of Malice. Nicolas has... not sure what I make of that HP... a bit under 2/3 average sounds right, but apparently he cuts physicals a lot so he's about 1.5 pdur! Awesome! But... Dhyer also calls him 30% speed, which given that I don't really remember him doing ANYTHING sounds possible. (I think I saw Noah once.) So Taloon 11HKOs. He's 87% speed to Nicolas' 30%, so he gets in 11 attacks before Nic gets 4. Does Nicolas win in 3 turns? No.
Alenia (S5) vs Whelk (FF6): Technically Alenia's probably magically tanky enough to survive a Mega Volt, but probably not a Mega Volt + two Whelk physicals (since he's faster). And yeah her physical doesn't really break defence appreciably.