
Author Topic: Puny cup round 4: Euram Barows, supertank.  (Read 1211 times)


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Puny cup round 4: Euram Barows, supertank.
« on: November 21, 2013, 01:46:11 AM »
Garland>Big Joe

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Thief (FF5) vs Rody (S3)
Arietta ([Normal mode, final form] (TotA) vs Gobi (BoF1)
Euram Barows (S5) vs Seifer Almasy [Boss 1] (FF8)
Paula (EB) vs Boney (Mother 3)

Healie (DQ4) vs Tony (XF)
Mukumuku (S2) vs Rufus Shinra (FF7)
Mariel (ACF) vs Frederick (FE13)
Caitua Pavel [Dark Priest, boss] (TO) vs Pidgey (RBY)
« Last Edit: November 21, 2013, 03:05:32 AM by superaielman »
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
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Re: Puny cup round 4: Euram Barows, supertank.
« Reply #1 on: November 21, 2013, 01:56:21 AM »
Thief (FF5) vs Rody (S3)- Rody makes Melville look like Luca by comparsion. Thief's faster and more durable, which should be enough.
Arietta ([Normal mode, final form] (TotA) vs Gobi (BoF1)- Go first, do awful damage, then finish with Evil Light. You suck at life, Gobi.
Euram Barows (S5) vs Seifer Almasy [Boss 1] (FF8)- I remember thinking Seifer 1 was glitched. Euram should be able to handle that form.

Healie (DQ4) vs Tony (XF)- Healie's a little better than the stat topic says re damage (I see him doing roughly 3 damage) which is probably enough against Tony.
Mukumuku (S2) vs Rufus Shinra (FF7)- Speed and evasion should deal with Rufus.
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...

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Re: Puny cup round 4: Euram Barows, supertank.
« Reply #2 on: November 21, 2013, 02:20:36 AM »
Thief (FF5) vs Rody (S3) - Rody is so amazing.
Euram Barows (S5) vs Seifer Almasy [Boss 1] (FF8) - ew.
Paula (EB) vs Boney (Mother 3) - Okay, Boney doesn't 3HKO and Paula does, but Boney has a 4-3 here to me.

Mukumuku (S2) vs Rufus Shinra (FF7) - Rufus is so horrid.


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Re: Puny cup round 4: Euram Barows, supertank.
« Reply #3 on: November 21, 2013, 03:14:07 AM »
Thief (FF5) vs Rody (S3): FF5 Thief at least isn't a Suikoden 3 Mage in terms of durability.
Arietta ([Normal mode, final form] (TotA) vs Gobi (BoF1): I have no words/
Euram Barows (S5) vs Seifer Almasy [Boss 1] (FF8): Seifer is bad but not Euram Barows bad.
Paula (EB) vs Boney (Mother 3): Paula should 2HKO, Boney I don't think does, and Paula has Solidify chance if nothing else.

Healie (DQ4) vs Tony (XF): I'm just ging to assume Crappy loses to Crappy but has healnig.
Mukumuku (S2) vs Rufus Shinra (FF7): Rufus Shinra struggles to beat an unscaled Cloud solo WITH Support...yeah, Mukukmuku should take a scaled Rufus <_<
Mariel (ACF) vs Frederick (FE13): Counters, nothing else.
Caitua Pavel [Dark Priest, boss] (TO) vs Pidgey (RBY): Sand-Attack spam, I'm going to go with that.
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

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Re: Puny cup round 4: Euram Barows, supertank.
« Reply #4 on: November 21, 2013, 03:20:06 AM »
Thief (FF5) vs Rody (S3): Thief does 11%, Rody does 14%. Thief is 118% speed, Rody is 104%. Rody is 75% durability (probably lower since Custom Leather will raise the Def average), Thief is 89%. So Rody 7HKOs, while Thief 6-7HKOs. And is faste. Rody does have some evasion though. Thief... actually doesn't double Rody before the latter completes his 7HKO, so Thief either needs to 7HKO and make every hit or 6HKO and only miss once. Actually let's split the difference and say Thief 6.5HKOs, matters because his physical is two hits. He needs to miss at most once in 14 shots. I... think he can manage, and the possibility that he might only need 12 hits puts him over the top for me. Close, close fight.
Arietta ([Normal mode, final form] (TotA) vs Gobi (BoF1): Yeah, she 2HKOs with her limit move coming second. Gobi also 2HKOs but is slower.
Euram Barows (S5) vs Seifer Almasy [Boss 1] (FF8): Euram doesn't break defence, Seifer does even if it's a 20HKO or whatever. Both get curbstomped by anyone else in this section of the draw.

Healie (DQ4) vs Tony (XF): Tony 4HKOs while Healie has a near 3-2 and seven shots of healing. Does have to worry somewhat about counters, though. Healie can get in about three attacks per shot of healing... plus some more at the end, but less some due to counters? So 20ish attacks or so. Does he 20HKO Tony? Well... at listed stats, no. Super claims Healie averages 3 damage, which would do it... but I dunno, both Tal and the boss notes have Healie struggling to break defence. He probably does 3 to below average def enemies but averages below 3 overall, and even 2 isn't good enough. Both could potentially win with lucky criticals but meh.
Mukumuku (S2) vs Rufus Shinra (FF7): Muku is pretty good for this division.
Mariel (ACF) vs Frederick (FE13): So's Fred, while Mariel only has a good fight with Euram.
Caitua Pavel (TO) vs Pidgey (RBY): Catiua 2HKOs, Pidgey 3HKOs. Catiua wins this if you let TO bosses come in with a bunch of MP probably but I don't. The fact that Pidgey 3HKOS with an initiative move makes this even harder for her. HOW IS PIDGEY 3HKOING ANYTHING, it like 10HKOs average.

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Re: Puny cup round 4: Euram Barows, supertank.
« Reply #5 on: November 21, 2013, 03:33:51 AM »
Paula (EB) vs Boney (Mother 3) - based doge kills first

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Re: Puny cup round 4: Euram Barows, supertank.
« Reply #6 on: November 21, 2013, 03:34:24 AM »
Thief (FF5) vs Rody (S3) - Was going to kneejerk for Thief, but elfmath makes it a sure thing. Also hilarious that it's this close.
Arietta ([Normal mode, final form] (TotA) vs Gobi (BoF1) - ...sure.
Euram Barows (S5) vs Seifer Almasy [Boss 1] (FF8) - I'll tiebreak for that. Support credit. Yeah.
Paula (EB) vs Boney (Mother 3) - ...honestly tiebreaking on general usefulness here. Does boney 4-3? Does rolling HP turn things one way or the other? No idea. Kneejerk for paula.

Healie (DQ4) vs Tony (XF)
Mukumuku (S2) vs Rufus Shinra (FF7) - Speed? Speed.
Mariel (ACF) vs Frederick (FE13) - Counters? Counters.
Caitua Pavel [Dark Priest, boss] (TO) vs Pidgey (RBY) - I have no bloody idea what dark priest caitua could do, too lazy to look it up atm
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<+RandomKesaranPasaran> are we
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Re: Puny cup round 4: Euram Barows, supertank.
« Reply #7 on: November 21, 2013, 04:05:36 AM »
Thief (FF5) vs Rody (S3)
Arietta ([Normal mode, final form] (TotA) vs Gobi (BoF1)- sure
Euram Barows (S5) vs Seifer Almasy [Boss 1] (FF8) - whaaaaaaaaat

Healie (DQ4) vs Tony (XF) - I'm inclined to be harsher on Healie damage.
Mukumuku (S2) vs Rufus Shinra (FF7) - I'm also inclined to give Rufus support credit.
Caitua Pavel [Dark Priest, boss] (TO) vs Pidgey (RBY)
I give TO bosses a turn of TP/MP, and I'm not sure it matters?  From the Elf notes, that means Catiua might be at 20 MP on turn 1, but still needs 22 MP to cast her damage, so turn 1 is waste-a-turn.  I have no idea what Pidgey stats are, but sure, Elf's numbers sound plausible, Quick Attack Hype assuming Meteor Strike doesn't just OHKO.  (side note: in-game, the Lans / Catiua battle is one of the longest hikes before actually fighting.  It's seriously like 4 turns of just marching over to the staircase and up it some before the killing starts.  Thrilling.

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Re: Puny cup round 4: Euram Barows, supertank.
« Reply #8 on: November 21, 2013, 04:26:55 AM »
RBY Pidgey: same as Pidgeot, only replace this stat line

HP 158, Atk 100, Def 95, Spd 111, Spc 90
Critical rate: 18%
Durability: 0.97 physical, 0.92 magical


HP 115, Atk 65, Def 60, Spd 76, Spc 55
Critical rate: 11%
Durability: 0.45 physical, 0.41 magical

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Re: Puny cup round 4: Euram Barows, supertank.
« Reply #9 on: November 21, 2013, 02:27:44 PM »
Thief (FF5) vs Rody (S3) - Rune, death.  Don't think Thief can do anything to stop that.
Arietta ([Normal mode, final form] (TotA) vs Gobi (BoF1) - Boss wins.
Euram Barows (S5) vs Seifer Almasy [Boss 1] (FF8)
Paula (EB) vs Boney (Mother 3)

Healie (DQ4) vs Tony (XF) - Healie's damage I think is too weak for this.  Very close.
Mukumuku (S2) vs Rufus Shinra (FF7)
Mariel (ACF) vs Frederick (FE13)
Caitua Pavel [Dark Priest, boss] (TO) vs Pidgey (RBY)
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

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[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory


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Re: Puny cup round 4: Euram Barows, supertank.
« Reply #10 on: November 22, 2013, 07:52:51 PM »
Thief (FF5) vs Rody (S3)- So tempted to allow SoM and create Rody, Terror of Puny *nodnod*
Arietta ([Normal mode, final form] (TotA) vs Gobi (BoF1)
Euram Barows (S5) vs Seifer Almasy [Boss 1] (FF8)
Paula (EB) vs Boney (Mother 3)- No vote.

Healie (DQ4) vs Tony (XF)
Mukumuku (S2) vs Rufus Shinra (FF7)
Mariel (ACF) vs Frederick (FE13)
Caitua Pavel [Dark Priest, boss] (TO) vs Pidgey (RBY)- No vote.
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