Author Topic: Puny cup winners, round 3: A not so mighty battle between Lufia cast members.  (Read 1118 times)


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In the winners bracket, standard DL voting applies.



Red Turnip (Saga) vs Renault (FE7)
Chu-Chu (XG) vs Shiho (VP1)
Garland (FF1) vs Sancho (FM4)
Randolph (Lufia 3) v Gades [Final form] (Lufia 2)

Amalthea 1 (Trails) vs Chidori Yoshino (Pers3)
Mullen (G1) vs Whelk (FF6)
Arietta ([Normal mode, final form] (TotA) vs Paula (EB)
Tony (XF) vs Frederick (FE13)
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...


  • "Mordero daghain pas duente cuebiyar/The fear of death holds not my heart!"
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Red Turnip (Saga) vs Renault (FE7)- Doubles overwhelm draining offhand? Will listen to arguments in the other direction
Chu-Chu (XG) vs Shiho (VP1)- Can't deal with the healing. Chu-Chu offense is utterly pathetic.
Garland (FF1) vs Sancho (FM4)-Think so? Sancho's ten shots of healing should buy him enough time.
Randolph (Lufia 3) v Gades [Final form] (Lufia 2)- I *think?* Randolph has no IPs below 75 and Gades is so much faster that it's not funny. If Gades doesn't 3HKO here he is utterly fucked, and he is *beyond* fucked if Randolph sees any relevant IP.

Mullen (G1) vs Whelk (FF6)- Kneejerk Whelk having better stats, which says plenty about my Mullen respect.
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...

Random Consonant

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Red Turnip (Saga) vs Renault (FE7) - God Renault probably doubles with Divine and definitely 3HKOs with it.
Chu-Chu (XG) vs Shiho (VP1) - Chu-Chu doesn't really keep pace with Shiho healing regardless of your stance on Yamikei in the averages.
Garland (FF1) vs Sancho (FM4) - Backpack healing keeps up with Garland 3HKOing him and leads me to believe that Sancho gets his shots in.
Randolph (Lufia 3) v Gades [Final form] (Lufia 2) - Lordy.  The speed split is fierce but I kneejerk Gades letting Randolph get enough IP to turn him into paste, though I can certainly see arguments in the other direction.

Mullen (G1) vs Whelk (FF6)
Tony (XF) vs Frederick (FE13) - Seen enough of Tony to be confident enough in this, anyways.
« Last Edit: December 19, 2013, 12:27:24 AM by Random Consonant »


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Chu-Chu (XG) vs Shiho (VP1)
How much damage can Chu-Chu get off with a max AP combo string?  Because she sure has time to build it.  (She CAN do that without Deathblows, right?  I've forgotten.)  How about if she waits until 20% Health?

Mullen (G1) vs Whelk (FF6) - There's an argument that Mullen attacks into shell-Whelk like a moron, which I'm normally willing to hype, but eh, he's got healing he can spam instead.  Also from Tonfa rants it's possible Mullen has Vanish or whatever the debuff-dispel move was that most G1 bosses sport, so a Slow war may not get very far.  (Then again Mullen himself is kinda slow if held against Justin, so if Whelk ends up faster, he's in trouble anyway off that..)
Tony (XF) vs Frederick (FE13) so brav wow such lance much luna wow

Dark Holy Elf

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Red Turnip (Saga) vs Renault (FE7): Doubles with Divine, and counters the draining.
Chu-Chu (XG) vs Shiho (VP1): I'm pretty certain stored energy could only be used to chain deathblows, not any other sorts of attacks... i.e. Maria and Chu-Chu couldn't do it.

Mullen (G1) vs Whelk (FF6): Um. Whelk is 120% speed, Mullen is 80% when scaled only against Justin (who is himself below average). Whelk has at least a 3-2 and that's becoming a 3-1 after applying slow (which Mullen can't remove because the speed difference is too ridiculous for it to be worth the turn trying). Anyway Mullen's more damaging but Whelk is more durable; there's no recourse for the speed gap though.
Tony (XF) vs Frederick (FE13): Tony doubles but is countered, so that offsets. He 5HKOs, while Frederick 4HKOs, and Fred goes first to boot. Advantage Fred, he can even afford to trigger one Tony counter (which statistically he probably won't).

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Red Turnip (Saga) vs Renault (FE7)
Chu-Chu (XG) vs Shiho (VP1)
Garland (FF1) vs Sancho (FM4)

Amalthea 1 (Trails) vs Chidori Yoshino (Pers3)
Mullen (G1) vs Whelk (FF6)
Arietta ([Normal mode, final form] (TotA) vs Paula (EB)