Author Topic: JAFFT: an FFT pseudo thought experiment  (Read 2041 times)

Just Another Day

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JAFFT: an FFT pseudo thought experiment
« on: July 03, 2009, 11:01:21 PM »
Alright kids, here's the deal. Playing around with and discussing LFT has made me re-realize two things I already knew, namely that a) FFT's core engine is really, really solid, and b) there is a lot that could be done with the engine that the game doesn't do itself. Which is to say, there are totally tons of different potential strategy RPGs that could exist within FFT engine. So I decided to try designing one.

I dunno if I'll ever put in the time to actually code it. I hope so. But it's been kicking around in my head for a few weeks now, and I thought I'd splat what I've got down here to get feedback. I'm putting it all here rather than on FFHacktics or anywhere mostly because I've got friends here, but also because I'm really more interested in the design process than the gritty mechanics of coding (though I'm not terribly interested in designing something that cannot be coded; research is ongoing as to what is and is not possible). Also because I've been babbling incoherently about it all in real life to at least one or two of you, and actually writing it down somewhere you can read it will aid that process too.

The story so far:

The place to start, to me, seemed the job tree and classes. Totally different job tree, with totally different classes = totally different game. Not being entirely sure how easy it is to plunk classes beyond the basics into the mix, and not wanting this to explode immediately out of control, I decided to limit myself to reimagining the 17-odd classes in the game as is. Most of them I'm leaving thematically similar, some I hope to change rather more dramatically.

Broadly speaking, I want to do a few  things; first, increase charge time's prominence by decreasing it's prevalence (it's kind of a universal in standard FFT); balance charge time consciously against other types of cost (e.g. MP). Reduce rationing generally, particularly of core functions like healing. Reduce offense generally, making defensive classes more plausible/usable. Make broader use of the blue magic function, and look into how doubling up abilities works (i.e. if two jobs share an ability, does buying it in one give you access to it in the other? If so, exploit this). Do things I think are cool that FFT does not.

I'd also like to put together a more elegant job tree, where class pre-reqs at least tend to indicate both gameplay and flavour trends a bit more clearly. Flavour-wise, it'll obviously still be a final fantasy, but I plan to drop some intractable and uniquely FFT mechanisms, namely Elemental and Math Skill, if not others.

Basic tenets:

1) Abilities that have CT or MP costs (or HP, if I can figure out how to code it) are either notably more powerful, have more range, or inflict significant status effects or similiar. Abilities that have both are at least three of powerful, status-inflicting, multitarget and ranged.

2) Damage abilities do not discern enemies from allies.

3) Physical class weapons have equip skills, magic class weapons do not; physical weapons do not usually increase statistics, whereas magical weapons often do; this lets us manage magic class power more effectivel. There are no Equip skills for body or head equipment, and probably not for accessories.

3) Weapon Guard is universal. If possible, some classes get innate class magic evade.

4) Status effects can be divided onto a grid, mundane v. arcane and physical v. mental (e.g. Poison is mundane and physical, frog is magical and physical, berserk is magical and mental, confuse is mundane and mental). No comprehensive status healing, but little or no effect-specific healing either (abilities might heal mundane/physical, or all magical, or what have you, but not just, say, Stop). Physical mundane: Don't Move, Don't Act, Poison, Blind, Silence. Mental mundane: Confusion, Sleep. Physical magical: Frog, Petrify, Stop, Slow, Undead, Blood Suck. Mental magical: Berserk, Charm.

5) Monsters are immune to any ability that requires communication (not just Talk Skill, which doesn't exist anyhow); Monster Talk overcomes this, Finger Guard protects against these abilities.

6) No gender specific equipment (girl Time Mages do not get bags). Accessories are specific to branches of the job tree. Re-use the stupid handbag slots for real equipment. Ribbons are universal, if they exist. Perfumes are mime-only, if possible.

7) Copying LFT generally re: monsters seems like a good idea; across the board stat increase, unique reactions, generally improved abilities.

8) All jobs will have equal or near-equal growth rates, no more than is necessary to create a small amount of noise in HP and MP (which might happen anyhow, I'm not sure).

So yeah, there's a lot to read, but maybe some of you tactics geeks will be interested. If not, well, at least I've gotten it all down somewhere.

I've attached an ugly sketch of the job tree.


Basic class concepts! Start!

No prereqs
Basic Skill

Brief: The sole basic class in JAFFT, prerequisite to the four "level one" jobs. More analogous to FF5 Travelers than FFT Squires. Basic skill contains no unique abilities, but does have for purchase the 4 basic abilities from the Lv. 1 classes, plus has blue magic access to powerful abilities from more advanced classes.

Equip: Books, Sticks, Swords, Great Swords, Light Swords, Knives, Shields, Hats, Helms, Clothes, Robes, Armour, and all 4 accessory types.

index: 4A
HP 120 MP 120 PA 96 MA 96 SP 110 Move 4 Jump 3 Cevade 25

Basic Skill:
001 Cure / 100 JP; CT: 2, range: self, effect: 2; magic/refl; mod5; MA*14*Fa HP healing
092 Guard / 100 JP; range: self; add protect/Br +4/Fa +4
0D5 Hamstring / 100 JP; range: weapon; Phys/evade; mod3; [(1/Br)*PA*WP], add: don't move, SP+90%
018 Bolt / 100 JP; MP: 3, range: 2, effect: 1; magic/mevade/refl; mod5; MA*14*Fa Lightning damage
(has access to certain key abilities from upper tier jobs, blue magic'ed)
Reaction: Distribute (100JP), Brave-Up (100JP), Faith-Up (100JP)
Support: Gained-EXP-UP (250 JP)
Movement: Move-Gain-EXP (100 JP), Move-Gain-JP (300JP)

Squire 2
Black Magic

Brief: Pure offense magic, short-medium range, no charge time. Possibility of other spells?

Equips: Books, Hats, Robes, Rings

index: 50
HP 70 MP 110 PA 50 MA 110 SP 90 Move 3 Jump 3 Cevade 10

Black Magic:
0CA Shock / 10 JP; range: 1v3 effect: 1; magic/mevade/refl; mod5;  MA*11*Fa Dark damage
018 Bolt / 100 JP; MP: 3, range: 2, effect: 1; magic/mevade/refl; mod5; MA*14*Fa Lightning damage
019 Bolt 2/ 250 JP; MP: 9, range: 3, effect: 1; magic/mevade/refl; mod5; MA*18*Fa Lightning damage
01A Bolt 3/ 500 JP; MP: 18, range: 4, effect: 1; magic/mevade/refl; mod5; MA*24*Fa Lightning damage
014 Ice / 100 JP; MP: 5, range: self (CI) effect: 2v1; magic/mevade/refl; mod5; MA*14*Fa Ice damage
015 Ice 2/ 250 JP; MP: 15, range: self (CI) effect: 3v2; magic/mevade/refl; mod5; MA*18*Fa Icedamage
016 Ice 3/ 500 JP; MP: 30, range: self (CI) effect: 4v3; magic/mevade/refl; mod5; MA*24*Fa Ice damage
010 Fire / 100 JP; MP 4, range: 4 directions (CI), effect: 3v0; magic/mevade/refl; mod5;  MA*14*Fa Fire damage
011 Fire 2 / 250 JP; MP 12, range: 4 directions (CI), effect: 4v0; magic/mevade/refl; mod5; MA*18*Fa Fire damage
012 Fire 3 / 500 JP; MP 24, range: 4 directions (CI), effect: 6v0; magic/mevade/refl; mod5; MA*24*Fa Fire damage
01F Flare / 600 JP; MP 45, range: 4, effect: 1; magic/refl; mod5; MA*36*FA damage
Reaction: MA Save (300JP); Counter Magic (400JP)
Support: None
Movement: None

(Books are the basic mage weapon, one-handed range 1 MA based but with negligible weapon power. They raise stats, mostly MA and MP (if possible), though later books may do other things)

Squire 2
White Magic

Brief: Defense and support magic, their abilities have charge time but do not require MP.

Equips: Sticks, Hats, Robes, Mantles.

index: 4F
HP 120 MP 110 PA 80 MA 90 SP 100 Move 4 Jump 3 Cevade 10

White Magic:
(all reversed on Undead targets)
001 Cure / 100 JP; CT: 2, range: self, effect: 2; magic/refl; mod5; MA*14*Fa HP healing
002 Cure 2 / 250 JP; CT: 4, range: self, effect: 3; magic/refl; mod5; MA*18*Fa HP healing
003 Cure 3 / 500 JP; CT: 8, range: self, effect: 4; magic/refl; mod5; MA*24*Fa HP healing
005 Raise / 100 JP; CT: 4, range: 2, effect: 1; magic/refl;mod6; remove dead, restore MA*14*Fa HP, Fa*(MA+180)%
006 Raise 2 / 600 JP; CT: 8, range 4, effect: 1; magic/refl; mod6; remove dead, restore all HP, Fa*(MA+255)%
00E Esuna / 200 JP; CT: 2, range: self, effect 2; magic/refl; mod6; remove magical status effects, Fa*(MA+255)%
095 Heal / 200 JP; CT: 2, range: 4, effect: 1; magic/refl; mod6; remove physical status effects, Fa*(MA+255)%
008 Regen / 100 JP; CT: 4, range: self, effect: 2; magic/refl; mod6; add Regen, Fa*(MA+180)%
009 Protect / 200 JP; CT: 5, range 1, effect 1; magic/refl; mod6; add Protect, Fa*(MA+160)%
00B Shell / 200 JP; CT: 5, range 1, effect 1; magic/refl; mod6; add Shell, Fa*(MA+160)%
020 Haste / 500 JP; CT 8, range 1, effect 1; magic/refl; mod6; add Haste, Fa*(MA+150)%
027 Reflect / 350 JP; CT: 2, range: self, effect 4; magic/refl; mod6; add Reflect, Fa*(MA+180)%
Reaction: Regenerator (200JP) Damage Split (900JP)
Support: Magic Defense Up (400JP)
Movement: Move-HP-UP (250 JP)

(Sticks are a 2-handed range 2 PA/MA weapon with high weapon evade. They have an Equip skill.)

Squire 2
Battle Skill

Brief: Offense and durability. Self-buffs, brave and faith improvement.

index 4C
HP 125 MP 80 PA 105 MA 80 SP 90 Move 4 Jump 3 Cevade 15
Equips: Swords, greatswords, shields, armour, helms, gloves

Battle Skill:
092 Guard / 100 JP; range: self; add protect/Br+4/Fa+4
093 Dash / 100 JP; range: 1v2; physical/martial arts; mod2; PA*4 damage, knockback
076 Praise / 250 JP; range: self (CI), effect 4v3 Ally; Talk; Br+4
078 Preach / 200 JP; range: self (CI), effect 4v3 Ally; Talk; Fa+4
08A Equalize / 250 JP; range: weapon, effect: 1; physical/evade; mod3; dispel positive status effects, Fa+4, MA+150%
00D Shield of Faith / 550 JP; range: self, effect 1; add: Wall, Faith, Fa+4
0D7 Seal Evil / 300 JP; range: self, effect 3v3; magical/reflect; mod6; add Stone vs. Undead, Fa*(MA+160)%
09D Crusade / 600 JP; range: 3v2 (4 Directions, CI), effect 1 (LOS); physical/evade; mod2; PA*(WP+2) Holy damage, Fa+4, add: Faith (25%)
09F Anathema / 900 JP; range: 3v2 (4 Directions, CI), effect 1 (LOS); magical; mod5; Fa*MA*32 Holy damage, Fa-20, add: Innocent, Fa*(MA+100)%
Reaction: PA Save (300JP) Caution (100JP)
Support: Defense Up (500JP), Equip Sword, Equip Greatsword, Equip Shield
Movement: None

(Swords are one-handed PA weapons, relatively low power but have high weapon evade. Greatswords are high-powered, 2-handed and PA based, with medium weapon evade.)

Squire 2

Brief: Offense and speed, range 1 mundane status physicals.

index 53
HP 90 MP 80 PA 96 MA 64 SP 115 Move 4 Jump 4 Cevade 25
Equips: Knives, light blades, hats, clothes, boots

094 Throw Stone / 100 JP; range 4 (LOS, CI) effect 1; phys/evade; mod2; SP*2, knockback, 100%
17F [Throw] Knife / 200 JP
0D5 Hamstring / 100 JP; range: weapon; Phys/evade; mod3; [(1/Br)*PA*WP], add: don't move, SP+90%
111 Eye Gouge / 100 JP; range: 1v2 (CI); phys/evade/martial; mod4; PA*(PA+2/2), add: blind, SP+95%
08B Poison Blade / 150 JP; range: weapon; phys/evade; mod3; [(1/Br)*PA*WP], add: poison, SP+90%
11B Throat Jab / 250 JP; range: 1v2 (CI); phys/evade/martial; mod4; PA*(PA+1/2), add: silence, SP+85%
07C Insult / 250 JP; range: 3v3 (CI), effect 1; talk; mod1; add: Berserk MA+80%
0D6 Tendon Slash / 200 JP; range: weapon; phys/evade; mod3;[(1/Br)*PA*WP] , add: don't act, SP+80%
065 Concuss / 350 JP; range: 1v2 (CI); phys/evade/martial; mod4; (1...9)*PA*(PA/2), add: confusion, SP+80%
0E1 Sap / 450 JP; range: weapon; phys/evade; mod3; [(1/Br)*PA*WP], add: sleep, SP+70%
0E2 Neck Snap / 600 JP; range: 1v1 (CI); phys/evade/martial; mod4; PA*(PA/2), add: death, SP+70%
Reaction: Speed Save (400JP)
Support: Equip Knife, Equip Blade
Movement: Move+1 (200JP)

(Knives are one-handed, low powered Spd-based weapons with some weapon evade; later ones will carry status effects. Light blades [ninja swords] are one-handed Spd/PA weapons with good weapon evade; later ones will carry elements and random spells.)

Wizard 4

Brief: Largescale offense. Uses MP. Spells are mostly or all in radius around self, and do not discern allies and enemies, hit physical evade.

HP 85 MP 140 PA 65 MA 100 SP 85 Move 3 Jump 3 Cevade 10
Equips: Rods, Hats, Robes, Rings

03D Shiva / 150 JP; MP 24; range: self, effect 4v0 (CI); magic/pevade; mod5; MA*18*Fa Ice damage
03E Ramuh / 150 JP; MP 24; range: self, effect 3v4 (CI); magic/pevade; mod5; MA*18*Fa Lightning damage
03F Ifrit / 150 JP; MP 24; range: 4v1(CI, 4 directions), effect 4 (x3 directions) v1; magic/pevade; mod5; MA*18*Fa Fire damage
040 Titan / 250 JP; MP 36; range: self, effect 5v2 (CI); magic/pevade; mod5; MA*18*Fa Earth damage
045 Leviathan / 600 JP; MP 48; range: self, effect 6v2 (CI); magic/pevade; mod5; MA*24*Fa Water damage
046 Salamander / 600 JP; MP 48; range: 6v2 (CI), effect 6 (x3 directions) v2; magic/pevade; mod5; MA*27*Fa Fire damage
044 Odin / 600 JP; MP 48; range: self, effect 5v2 (CI); magic/pevade; mod5; MA*30*Fa Holy damage, add: Death (25%)
049 Lich / 800 JP; MP 60; range: self, effect 6v0 (CI); magic/pevade; mod5; MA*36*Fa Dark damage, add: Bloodsuck (25%)
04A Cyclops / 800 JP; MP 60; range: self, effect 4v4 (CI); magic/pevade; mod5; MA*44*Fa Wind damage
043 Bahamut / 1200 JP; MP 84; range: self, effect 7 (CI); magic/pevade; mod5; MA*52*Fa damage
Reaction: MP Restore (200 JP)
Support: Magic Attack Up (600 JP)
Movement: Move-MP-Up (200 JP)

(Rods are one-handed, strengthen elements and "shoot" spells, range 1. They may or may not have an Equip skill. Rod = Strengthens Fire/Ice/Lightning, shoots Shock/Demi/Flare. Flame Rod strengthens Fire/Earth, Ice Rod Ice/Water, Lightning Rod Bolt/Wind. Poison Rod strengthens Earth/Wind/Water, shoots Poison/Sleep/Death. etc.)

Wizard 2 Priest 2
Dao Magic

Brief: Abilities tend to be powerful but carry significant tradeoffs. Some use MP, some CT, some are faith-based, some reverse faith-based; elements are mostly Earth, Wind and Water. Abilities will tend to have 2 conflicting or somewhat incompatible effects.

HP 80 MP 100 PA 70 MA 100 SP 100 Move 3 Jump 3 Cevade 20 (Magic 35, if possible)
Equips: Books, Sticks, Hats, Robes, Mantles, Rings

Dao Magic:
143 Balance / 100 JP; range: self, effect: 1; add: Faith
032 Profane Spirit / 200 JP; range: self, effect: 1; add: Undead, Float
031 Profound Insight / 200 JP; range: self, effect: 1; add: Reflect, Innocent
02F Breath of Soul / 200 JP; CT: 4; range: 3 (CI), effect: 1; magic; mod6; Drain (C_MaxMP/2) MP, reversed if caster is Undead Fa*(MA+160)%
030 Breath of Life / 200 JP; MP: 16; range: 3 (CI), effect: 1; magic; mod6; Drain (C_MaxHP/2) HP, reversed if caster is NOT Undead (1/Fa)*(MA+160)%
033 Hungry Ghosts / 400 JP; CT: 8; range: self, effect: 5v2; magic; mod0; Cancel: Dead, restore (T_MaxHP) HP (reversed on Undead targets), add: Bloodsuck
038 Useless / 400 JP; CT: 5, range: 4, effect: 2v2; magic/reflect; mod5; Heal Ma*48 HP, add: Wall, CT0,  Stop, Don't Move, Don't Act, (1/Fa)*(Ma+140)%
037 Storm / 400 JP; MP: 24, range: self, effect: 3v2; magic/reflect/mevade; mod5; MA*28*(Fa) Wind damage, SP+1
03A Wind Whisper / 400 JP; MP: 24, range: 5, effect: 1; magic/mevade/reflect; mod5; MA*32*(1/Fa) Wind damage, add: Haste
033 Hungry Earth / 400 JP; CT: 5, range: self, effect: 4v3; magic/mevade; mod5; MA*26*Fa Earth damage
03B Catacomb / 400 JP; CT: 8, range: self, effect: 3v3; magic/mevade; mod5; MA*30*(1/Fa) Earth damage, add: Protect, Shell
02E Reflecting Pool / 400 JP; CT: 2, range: self, effect: 3v2; magic/mevade/reflect; mod5; MA*18*(1/Fa) Water damage, add: Reflect
03A Tidal Surge / 400 JP; MP: 36, range: 4v3 (4 directions, CI), effect: 1 (LOS); magic/mevade/reflect; mod5; MA*33*Fa Water damage, add: CT100
Reaction: Counter Flood (_if_ Geomancy abilities aren't repurposed), Absorb Used MP (300JP)
Support: None
Movement: Float (adds Move+1; 600 JP)

Priest 4

Brief: Flexible magic-focused class, abilities are either book-based (as in FFT Draw Out) support (e.g. Necronomicon = self effect 4 Scream + Undead + chance of Blood Suck), or advanced magic (Holy, Toad, Reraise).

HP 75 MP 100 PA 75 MA 75 SP 90 Move 3 Jump 3 Cevade 10
Equips: Staves, Books, Hats, Robes, Mantles
Innate: Monster Talk

188 [Throw] Book / 10JP
Art of War
079 Solution / 350JP
07D Lecture / 200JP
Reaction: Finger Guard (300 JP)
Support: Monster Talk
Movement: Any Weather (adds Move+1; 500 JP)

(Staves are one-handed MA/PA weapons, though they may sometimes also shoot spells. They have comprehensive, paradigmatic effects: Mage Staff might add MA, MP, Strengthen Fire/Ice/Lighting, Immune Silence; Soldier Staff might add PA, HP, auto-Protect, half all elements, move and jump +1; Dragon Staff might add PA, MA, Strengthen and Absorb Fire and Wind, move +3, auto Fly. No Equip skill. Since Sages have poor stats to start with, a staff that doesn't increase a given stat can be seen as weak in that area.)

Priest 2 Fencer 2

Brief: Fighter/support mage. Immune to mental status effects, heals same in others. Lots of knockback abilities. Signature move is spin attack (Range 2 weaponized spin attack, knock back). Magical status physicals.

HP 110 MP 50 PA 80 MA 96 SP 105 Move 4 Jump 4 Cevade 20
Equips: Sticks, Hats, Robes, Mantles, Boots
Immune: Mental status effects (Confuse, Sleep, Berserk, Charm)

Reaction: MP Switch, Catch
Support: Half-MP, Equip Stick
Movement: Move+2

Fencer 4

Brief: Speed, power, range, mobility. Along with the power boost, each Aim ability will carry a status effect, of increasing severity (provisionally, Aim+1 = Blind, Aim+2 = Poison, Aim +3 = Don't Move, Aim +4 = Don't Act, Aim +5 = Confuse, Aim+7 = Head & Armour Break, Aim+10 = Dead, Aim +20 = Crystal). Very good PA and Speed, above average HP, below average MA and MP. Move 4 Jump 5. Uses Longbows, Crossbows, Hats, Clothes, Boots.

HP 110 MP 75 PA 96 MA 65 SP 115 Move 4 Jump 5 Cevade 35
Equips: Longbows, Crossbows, Hats, Clothes, Boots

Reaction: Counter Tackle, Critical: Quick
Support: Equip Crossbow, Equip Longbow, Attack Up
Movement: Ignore Height (includes Move+1, Jump+3)

(Longbows are basically unchanged, 2-handed Spd/PA, often carry elements and/or spells. Crossbows are pure speed, range 4, can be 2-handed, sometimes carry status effects.)

Fencer 2 Knight 2

Brief: Versatile physical class. Ninjitsu holds the 5 basic steal abilities, throw shruiken, some of the offensive punch art abilities (Wave Fist, Earth Slash). Magical status physicals.

HP 120 MP 60 PA 96 MA 50 SPD 110 Move 4 Jump 4 Cevade 50
Equips: Knives, Hats, Clothes, Boots, Gauntlets
Innate: Martial Arts

Reaction: Sunken State
Support: Martial Arts
Movement: Move In Water (includes Move+1), Jump+3 (includes Move+1)

Slayer (uses Geomancer sprite)
Knight 4

Brief: Offense, stat-downs, brave-reduction. Brave and faith lowering abilities, Stat downs. 2-Hands is available in this job, but not innate.

HP 130 MP 80 PA 120 MA 75 SPD 100 Move 4 Jump 3 Cevade 15
Equip: Flails, Crossbows, Helms, Hats, Clothes, Gauntlets
Innate: Secret Hunt,  Any Ground

Reaction: Counter, Meatbone Slash, HP Restore
Support: Equip Flail, 2-Hands, Secret Hunt
Movement: Any Ground (includes Move+1), Jump+3

(Flails are one-handed high power PA weapons that break shields, can be 2-handed. Haven't decided if I want them to be random yet, haven't decided if I want to copy LFT's intrinsic Shield Break, which I think is awesome.)

Knight 2 Wizard 2

Brief: Fighter/mage. I may actually leave draw-out largely unchanged (although it shoudl be evadable and hit allies), since it fits much of what JAFFT does. Samurai will have access to 2-swords, but not innately.

HP 80 MP 90 PA 100 MA 100 SPD 90 Move 3 Jump 3 Cevade 20
Equip: Katana, Swords, Helms, Armour, Robes, Gauntlets, Rings

Reaction: Arrow Guard
Support: Equip Katana, 2-Swords
Movement: Walk On Water (includes Move+1)

(Katana are high weapon power MA weapons with good weapon evade.)

Time Mage
Summoner 3 Oracle 3 Sage 3
Time Magic

Brief: Big, slow, powerful spells. Uses MP and charge-time, lots of both. Most abilities affect either the entire map, allies and enemies (Starry Heaven, Meteor, Haste 2, Slow 2, Protect 2, Shell 2 etc.), or have large areas of effect (Fire, Ice, Bolt, Cure 4).

HP 55 MP 120 PA 25 MA 90 SPD 140 Move 2 Jump 1 Cevade 5
Equip: Hats, Robes, Rings, Mantles
Always: Slow, Float, Reflect
Innate: Teleport, Magic Defense Up

Reaction: None
Support: Short Charge
Movement: Teleport

(it should be noted that there will not be an equipment item equippable by Time Mages that has Always: Haste)

Sage 3 Monk 3 Archer 3

Brief: Items and guns. Potions heal 100 and have 25% poison, High potions heal 300 and have 25% sleep/poison, X potions heal 999 and have 25% confuse/sleep/poison. Holy water cures all magical status effects, remedy cures all physical. Phoenix Down adds Faith.

HP 120 MP 100 PA 75 MA 75 SPD 105 Move 3 Jump 3 Cevade 10
Equip: Guns, Hats, Clothes, Robes, Mantles, Boots
Innate: Maintenance, Throw Item, Move Find Item

Reaction: Auto-Potion
Support: Throw Item, Maintenance
Movement: Move Find Item

(Guns are long-range, low-powered, pure WA weapons that ignore evade. They break helmets and do not have an Equip skill, except for Mustadio.)

Archer 3 Ninja 3 Slayer 3

Brief: Power and mobility. Basic Jump has range 2 and unlimited vertical, adds Faith+4 to jumper. If I can code it, they also get an ability that makes them jump and come down without needing a target (Dodge), and one based only on PA (not weapon) that adds Confuse and Don't Move (Flying Tackle). Dunno what else they should have. Innate Defense Up and Fly.

HP 130 MP 45 PA 110 MA 25 SPD 110 Move 6 Jump 7 Cevade 15
Equip: Axes, Lances, Helms, Armour, Boots, Gauntlets
Innate: Fly, Defense Up

Reaction: Dragon Spirit
Support: Equip Axe, Equip Spear
Movement: Fly (includes Move+2)

(Axes are high power two-handed PA weapons with random damage that sometimes inflict status effects and break armour. Lances are medium power two-handed PA weapons with range 2 that are boosted by jump.)

Summoner 3 Samurai 3 Slayer 3

Brief: Abilities that make enemies cry. Start Death Sentence, Immune Death, Immune Death Sentence (e.g. will be ignored for their first 3 actions). "Fade" inflicts Transparent on self. Some abilities copied from FFT Assassins (suitably renamed Stop Bracelet, Allure), but costing MP.

HP 80 MP 110 PA 96 MA 96 SPD 110 Move 4 Jump 4 Cevade 25
Equip: Books, Rods, Knives, Swords, Light Blades, Flails, Crossbows, Katana, Hats, Clothes, Rings, Gauntlets
Start: Death Sentence
Immune: Death, Death Sentence

Reaction: Hamedo
Support: Concentrate
Movement: Move +3

Guardian (uses Calculator sprite)
Oracle 4 Monk 4 Ninja 4 Samurai 4
Blue Magic

Brief: Defensive blue mage, gets choice monster abilities.

HP 130 MP 130 PA 80 MA 80 SPD 80 Move 3 Jump 3
Equips: Books, Sticks, Knives, Katana, Shields, Hats, Helms, Armour, Clothes, Robes, Rings, Gauntlets, Boots, Mantles
Innate: Train, Monster Skill, Move on Lava
Immune: Physical mundane status effects (Poison, Don't Act, Don't Move, Blind, Silence)

Reaction: Blade Grasp
Support: Train, Monster Skill, Defend
Movement: Move on Lava (includes Move+1)

Knight 3 Fencer 3 Wizard 3 Priest 3

Brief: Mimes seem like they might be pretty hard-coded. Optimally, they go the Gogo route and get 4 secondaries (at the cost of reaction, support, and movement ability slots), plus mimicry and perfumes, but we'll see what's actually possible

« Last Edit: July 21, 2009, 10:50:02 PM by Just Another Day »

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Re: JAFFT: an FFT pseudo thought experiment
« Reply #1 on: July 04, 2009, 01:39:01 AM »
Some good ideas here, but a number will be hard to implement, at least with current hacking tricks.  As far as I know there's no known way for a weapon to add MP, or add evade to the shield slot, for example.

Your job tree seems like a fairly slow progression in general.  Most jobs in FFT require 1 additional job level to unlock (job level 1 -> job level 2).  Your tier 1 only requires Squire JL2--no problem there.  Your tier 2 is nothing too strenuous (harder to get to than Lancer/Geomancer in original FFT, but easier than Ninja/Samurai).  The average tier 3 class, however, looks like it will require spending significant time in 7 classes (likely all of the tier 1s, and 3-4 of the tier 2s).  This is...well the closest analogy is original FFT Mimes, which on a normal playthrough you don't unlock before the final boss.

Just Another Day

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Re: JAFFT: an FFT pseudo thought experiment
« Reply #2 on: July 04, 2009, 01:59:33 AM »
Yeah, now that I have my head on straight about the rough shape of things I like to do, the next major task (arguably should have been the first, but it's not as fun) is really to familiarize myself with the tools and see what's implementable. I wasn't aware that there were limits on different equipment types; I'd assumed they all used the same basic templates and that what slot they fit in was just a flag (hence ribbon-equipment in Assassin accessory slots). This not being the case presents obstacles.

The job levels... you're totally right. I hadn't thought too hard about those numbers, clearly. An across the board reduction is probably in order; say 2 and 2 for the hybrid classes (Monk, Samurai, Ninja, Oracle), 3 for the pure tier 2s (Summoner, Sage, Archer, Slayer). If the Tier 3s are 3x3, then, that's still a good 3000 JP to unlock (2 hybrids + 1 pure = 950 JP to unlock total, then 550 in each plus 200 in squire)... That's a bit above Ninja/Samurai, but pretty close to Calculator, which was more my intention. Changed.

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Re: JAFFT: an FFT pseudo thought experiment
« Reply #3 on: July 04, 2009, 04:33:05 PM »
I wasn't aware that there were limits on different equipment types; I'd assumed they all used the same basic templates and that what slot they fit in was just a flag (hence ribbon-equipment in Assassin accessory slots). This not being the case presents obstacles.
Oh you can gameshark any equipment anywhere.  (Cloud SCCs in original FFT gamesharked a materia blade into his accessory slot).  I'm not sure you can necessarily fool the game into letting you equip a shield-type equipment on your...let's say head; looks like it might be.

However there's a limited number of slots for each of weapon, shield, armor, accessory.  Only weapons have a damage formula (which, granted, you could probably change to any damage formula in the game).  Shield and accessory look identical to me, but I guess the fact that it's marked "shield" is what removes the rear-evade.  Only hats and armor can add HP or MP.

The job levels... you're totally right. I hadn't thought too hard about those numbers, clearly. An across the board reduction is probably in order; say 2 and 2 for the hybrid classes (Monk, Samurai, Ninja, Oracle), 3 for the pure tier 2s (Summoner, Sage, Archer, Slayer). If the Tier 3s are 3x3, then, that's still a good 3000 JP to unlock (2 hybrids + 1 pure = 950 JP to unlock total, then 550 in each plus 200 in squire)... That's a bit above Ninja/Samurai, but pretty close to Calculator, which was more my intention. Changed.

Not positive where you're getting your numbers here (Job level 3 is 350, not 550).  Though...regardless, adding 200 in Squire is a bit misleading because you start with an average of 150, so you only need 50 more.  If you want to get fairly accurate in your estimations, this chart is decent:

EDIT: Although...glancing at that chart seems I was a bit hasty saying "almost Mime".  The previous ones you put up were maybe half the requirements of original Mime.....
« Last Edit: July 04, 2009, 04:37:31 PM by metroid composite »

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Re: JAFFT: an FFT pseudo thought experiment
« Reply #4 on: July 04, 2009, 05:57:42 PM »
Oh you can gameshark any equipment anywhere.  (Cloud SCCs in original FFT gamesharked a materia blade into his accessory slot).  I'm not sure you can necessarily fool the game into letting you equip a shield-type equipment on your...let's say head; looks like it might be.

However there's a limited number of slots for each of weapon, shield, armor, accessory.  Only weapons have a damage formula (which, granted, you could probably change to any damage formula in the game).  Shield and accessory look identical to me, but I guess the fact that it's marked "shield" is what removes the rear-evade.  Only hats and armor can add HP or MP.

I'll probably need to revise my expectations about how to arrange evade then as well. I had expected to run up against the limited number of slots, which is why I'm not terribly sad about not finding comfortable places for scrubby equipment types like harps and bags... Weapons not giving HP/MP would be a shame, but I suppose I can always get more creative with how the armour equipment types are portioned out. (if nothing else, there's always the Ribbon-type helmet class, which I could make unique to Sages and complement the staves... Books not giving MP I can live with.)

Not positive where you're getting your numbers here (Job level 3 is 350, not 550).  Though...regardless, adding 200 in Squire is a bit misleading because you start with an average of 150, so you only need 50 more.  If you want to get fairly accurate in your estimations, this chart is decent:

EDIT: Although...glancing at that chart seems I was a bit hasty saying "almost Mime".  The previous ones you put up were maybe half the requirements of original Mime.....

It's a good thing Mime was so awesome in the original game! Otherwise you'd feel like a real goof for going to all that trouble to unlock it!

That's a really useful link, thank you. So if I'm using Calculator as my approximate goal for the tier 3s (1500 JP)... by the old numbers, they required 2Sq (100JP) + 5 in 2 tier 1 classes (1400JP) + 4 in 3 tier 2 classes (1350), or 2850 total. By what I have now, they require 2Sq (100), 2x3 Tier 1 (500), and 3x3 tier 2 (750), or 1350 total, which actually isn't bad. I think I'll meet myself halfway, though, and set the requirements for the "pure" Tier 2s back up to 4 in their tier 1 class, which brings the 3s up to 1750; slightly harder than Calculator, but with overlapping requirements that'll  make subsequent tier 3s easy enough. That puts them in the late Chapter 3 range, give or take?

Guardian, incidentally, is actually only 1100JP at this rate; I'll increase its requirements to 4 in each of the hybrids (1700 total) in order to prevent it from being unlockable solely in the process of opening up the other tier 3s.
« Last Edit: July 04, 2009, 06:02:08 PM by Just Another Day »

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Re: JAFFT: an FFT pseudo thought experiment
« Reply #5 on: July 10, 2009, 12:34:13 AM »
Some numbers for the five basic classes. I'm provisionally throwing in a 20-25% reduction of PA and MA stats; as far as scaling damage down goes, this seems the easiest place to do it without throwing out all of FFT's numbers and starting from scratch. This means care will need to be taken with speed-based damage, since I'm not applying the same reduction to speed scores.

The index numbers for abilities obviously aren't hard; they're as much a link to animation as anything. I'm very aware that changing animations is probably easier in most cases than changing formulae, but it seems like a good idea to keep track of the ability inventory from the get-go, rather than run into supply problems further down the line.

If I can figure out a way to make Fencer abilities do invert brave damage (e.g. [(1/br)*PA]*WP) this would be my preference. I think it's probably doable, but I haven't gotten around to twiddling with the available tools yet. Also not totally happy with the skillset, not sure it fits the rough image I had in my head, but haven't figured out what needs to change yet.

On evade, there appears to be a simple fix that makes Weapon Guard innate on all classes without interfering with other reactions; if it works as advertised, this solves a lot of problems; I might not have as much nuance in evade types as I might have liked, but it still turns weapon evade into a relevant stat (which it really isn't in normal FFT), which I like.

Still doing the numbers somewhat haphazardly; obviously they don't mean all that much before classes and equipment are in for full context.
« Last Edit: July 18, 2009, 02:46:47 AM by Just Another Day »

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Re: JAFFT: an FFT pseudo thought experiment
« Reply #6 on: July 18, 2009, 02:48:38 AM »
More stuffs, provisional multipliers for all classes, ability sets for Adept and Summoner, reactions, movements and supports parcelled out. Adept abilities in particular are gonna be tough to balance, Summoner abilities tough to keep under control.

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Re: JAFFT: an FFT pseudo thought experiment
« Reply #7 on: July 18, 2009, 04:20:10 AM »
Adept abilities in particular are gonna be tough to balance
Also can't really be implemented (with current tools).  "Inflict Status" have one set of checkboxes for whether they do:

Add all of these status effects
Remove all of these status effects
Add these status effects randomly, 25% each (think Grand Cross)
Add one of these status effects chosen randomly (think Confusion/Death Sentence on Muramasa, or Nameless Dance/Nameless Song).

You can't have more than one (so you can't add a status effect and remove a different status effect with the same move).

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Re: JAFFT: an FFT pseudo thought experiment
« Reply #8 on: July 21, 2009, 10:55:36 PM »
Huh, that's a bit of a drag. The self-targeting abilities no big deal, but I really liked the revival/Blood Suck combination; do you know of any way to cancel Dead without a status effect?

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Re: JAFFT: an FFT pseudo thought experiment
« Reply #9 on: July 22, 2009, 03:18:14 AM »
Cancel Dead is a whole different can of worms, in that just putting "cancel dead" on an ability won't actually make that ability revive.  From what I recall of our experimentation, you basically can't make a new style of revival move.  You can take an old revival move and change some parameters (LFT Wish is basically Raise with faith dependence removed, and a few parameters changed), but making a whole new move seems to be off the table.