January works, maybe, probably, hopefully? But there is a lot of stick there and not much carrot and that saps my motivation from "ok, let's try and have something for this" to "maaaybe I should just quietly drop out now and not even try, there's no way I can keep up with these expectations..."
For me, the long spacings and times actually hurt, I want the involvement and activity to keep up. The first attempt had - by my mental standards - a really long delay from startup to action. Topic went up late September, interest came in pretty fast, but then it was mid-October before things were finalized, and then the first dates were set at the end of October into November. That's several weeks from people posting interest to actually doing anything, and in the intervening time life stuff came up, depressive phases started and entered full swing, etc. It's easy for people to lose interest in that amount of time, and kind of harsh to go from cooling heels for multiple weeks on setup to a sudden schedule of activity expected every week with penalties for missing.
In my case in particular, I was talking with Andrew about scheduling one night, and we made a rough schedule that had me in the first group with about a week to write something. That got me excited and planning... until the next day, when I woke up and saw that Ashley had posted a schedule here that had me in the last group to submit, and I talked to Andy again and we decided to go with that one since it was posted here. So my brain went "oh, now I don't actually have to get writing for another month, huh..." annnnnd other stuff came up as per above. Now, that was just miscommunication, it happens, no big deal by itself. But it highlighted the large amounts of startup downtime, especially for people in later groups.
So my long rambling point here is that we're doing it again, it's December 10 and we're already talking about doing nothing for the rest of this entire month, but then reemphasizing the need for activity in January!!! - except for whoever's in the last group and doesn't have to write anything until probably February...
So I guess for me, more activity would be better? (Or maybe I'm just being a huge jerk and should sit out? That is also possible)