Author Topic: Mana Khemia 2 ~Fall of Alchemy~  (Read 6412 times)


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Mana Khemia 2 ~Fall of Alchemy~
« on: December 15, 2009, 08:28:36 AM »
Over here:


To do list:
Skill recharge rates.
Unite gauge charge rates.
Common skills for Ulrika/Puniyo.


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Re: Mana Khemia 2 ~Fall of Alchemy~
« Reply #1 on: December 15, 2009, 10:07:28 AM »

Basic mechanics tutorial for the unaware: A timed sphere skill is a skill that places clones of itself on the turn order. In this topic, they're listed as placing timed spheres at certain numbers. These numbers are times compared to an average turn. So:
Diagonal shot: 22 physical damage, places timed spheres at 0.3, 0.6, 0.9, 1.2
Means it immediately does 22 damage, then 22 more damage at 4 intervals, for a toal of 110. First one takes 30% of the time of an average turn, last one takes 120%.

"PC damage" is damage to common randoms of the area.
If a skill takes more than a third of a PC's SP, it isn't factored in.
PC's timed sphere skills are taken as the sum of all spheres, since bosses don't clear them and they all tend to have time to go off.
Damage from offensive supports and damage reduction from defensive supports are ignored.

Yun 1

PCHP: 125
PC damage: 82

1800 HP
Damage taken from physicals: 100%
Damage taken from magic: 90%
Speed: ~105%

Attack: 35 fire/physical damage
Fiery fist: 54 fire/physical damage
Fire counter: Counters all fire damage with a basic physical.

Well he 3HKOs and has mediocre speed. Decent HP but very spoilable. Probably an average middle.

Sasalina 1

PCHP: 151
PC damage: 216

3000 HP
Damage taken from physicals: 75%
Damage taken from magic: 75%
Speed: ~115%

Attack: 30 physical damage
Diagonal shot: 22 physical damage, places timed spheres at 0.3, 0.6, 0.9, 1.2
Feather of Seal: 16 physical damage, 50% (3/6) chance of silence.
Light fall: 49* holy magic damage
Boost: Sasalina immediately tripleacts diagonal shot, then light fall, then feather of seal, each with a 20% damage boost. Diagonal shot's timed spheres don't get the boost. Usable once below 50% HP and at will below 25% HP.

Sasalina never uses light fall outside of the boost chain. Damage listed is with the boost. Without it it'd do roughly 41.

Frailer than Yun, but every diagonal shot except the last is a solid 2HKO and she's a bit fast. Harder to spoil than Yun because she's an archer and doesn't rely on an element. Heavy.

Grandwing Drake, the most random cameo ever

PCHP: 169
PC damage (normal techs): 471
Intimate strike damage: 460
Finisher damage: 950

3600 HP
Halves fire
Damage taken from physicals: 60%
Damage taken from magic: 40%
Speed: ~150%

Sonic Impulse: 17 physical damage, full MT, breaks in 3 hits
Grand Soar: 60 physical damage, slightly delays the next turn of both the drake and the target
Gatling flare: 36 physical/fire damage
Flame cannon: 44 magic/fire damage
Flare ray: 100 magic/fire damage, full MT. Has a long charge time (more than 1 turn) and greatly slows the drake's next turn.

Another middle slugger. Damage is weak but fast, HP is crap but covered up decently by defenses.

Raze's Party
You don't have Goto for this fight, hence no intimate strikes.
You fight Yun and Puniyo first. Knock out both, and Raze, Et and Lily all appear.

PCHP: 195
PC damage (normal techs): 531
Finisher damage: 1400
3000 HP
Damage taken from physicals: 100%
Damage taken from magic: 100%
Speed: ~90%

Blasting Cloth: 60 fire/physical damage, adds def down. def down makes you take 10% more from physicals and stacks.
Fiery fist: 48 fire/physical damage

2500 HP
Damage taken from physicals: 100%
Damage taken from magic: 90%
Speed: ~90%

Puni heal: 160 healing
Nightmare: 12 dark elemental damage, full MT, theoretically inflicts sleep (0/9)

3000 HP
Damage taken from physicals: 100%
Damage taken from magic: 100%
Speed: ~90%

Attack: 27 physical damage
Analyze: 45 physical damage

2500 HP
Damage taken from physicals: 100%
Damage taken from magic: 100%
Speed: ~90%

Physical: 28 damage
Ice Axel: 30 ice/magic damage, full MT
Icicle Cannon: 37 ice magic damage, full MT

3200 HP
Damage taken from physicals: 100%
Damage taken from magic: 110%
Speed: ~90%

Swallow Chakram: 22 physical damage, timed spheres at 0.6 and 1.2
Lock on Arrow: 40 physical damage + 20 extra damage at the beginning of the target's next turn

Yeah, they're all light. At least Et and Yun have enough damage to not be terrible in the division.

Sasalina 2

This is a duel with Ulrika.
Ulrika has 241 HP and does 570 damage.
Sasalina has 1000 HP and the same moves as in the first battle, with slightly better raw damage (about 10 more on the physical, proportionately more on other moves).

um... lol.

Sasalina 3
You have Yun as a temp for this. He's much more durable and much less damaging than the main crew. He is factored in.
PCHP: 264
PC damage (normal techs): 531
Intimate strike damage: 911
Finisher damage: 1875

12000 HP
Damage taken from physicals: 50%
Damage taken from magic: 60%
~120% speed

Attack: 53 physical damage
Feather of Seal: 45 physical damage, went 1/6 for inflicting silence this time
Diagonal shot: 51 physical damage, places timed spheres at 0.3,0.6,0.9 and 1.2, breaks in 3 hits
Rune: 137 magic damage, breaks in 2 hits, reduces the target's magic damage by 20%, stacks
Light fall: 115* holy magic damage, circular AoE
Boost: On Sasalina's NEXT turn, which comes somewhat faster, she quadra-acts diagonal shot, light fall, feather of seal, and rune, each with a 20% damage boost. Diagonal shot's timed spheres don't get the boost. Usable once below 50% HP and at will below 25% HP.

Same caveat as before for light fall, it'd do roughly 97 without the boost.

She's super serious now! *ahem.* Diagonal shot adds up to a high 2HKO, she breaks like crazy, and the boost chain deals 600 damage including the timed cards - that's well over 2x overkill. Fast, and somewhat durable unless her opponent's using ITE. The fact that boost eats a turn now combined with it being a limit means it's not quite as sick as it looks, but... she could still probably swing low godlike.
« Last Edit: January 04, 2010, 09:16:44 AM by Monkeyfinger »


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Re: Mana Khemia 2 ~Fall of Alchemy~
« Reply #2 on: December 15, 2009, 10:11:18 AM »
Spoiler bosses post


PCHP: 371
PC damage (normal techs): 1603
Intimate strike damage: 1600
Finisher damage: 4000

20000 HP
~80% speed
Damage taken from physicals in falling leaves mode: 60%
Damage taken from magic in falling leaves mode: 30%
Damage taken from physicals in swordtree mode: 5%
Damage taken from magic in swordtree mode: 60%
Starts in falling leaves mode.

Falling leaves skillset:
Attack: 130 magic damage
Falling leaves: 124 magical damage, timed spheres at 0.5 and 1.0, silence 6/6
Leaf of death: 170 magic damage, full MT
Bud on seed: Summons 3 mana plants. They act almost instantly.
Form Swordtree: Changes to swordtree mode. Used immediately upon being reduced below 80% and 40% HP.

Swordtree skillset:
Swordtree trial: 180 physical damage, used 3 times in a row.
Bud on seed: Summons 3 mana plants. They act almost instantly.
Form Falling leaves: Changes to falling leaves mode. Used immedately upon being reduced below 60% and 20% HP.

Mana plant
3000 HP
Weak to fire
Vulnerable to status
Speed: ~100%

Root: Disables support actions for roughly 2 turns
Attack: 93 physical damage
Anger of Trees: 45 magical damage + MDef down. MDef down makes you take 20% more from magic and stacks.
Burst: 116 physical damage, kills the plant

You'd think form swordtree would have a physical but I never saw one.
There are technically 3 different kinds of mana plant but the only difference I could see was minor defense differences (they all took 80-100% from both types of damage)

She punishes people who rely on one damage type, but is rather punished by specialized walls in return, because she always has only 1 damage type and her opponent controls when she changes form. She's slow but quite hard hitting, durability's okay, and mana plants are a nice offense boost against people with no MT (the boss and the plants are too slow to lock down anyone who can sweep em though.) Hard to rank, all I can really say is "somewhere in godlike."



PCHP: 404
PC damage (normal techs): 2117
Intimate strike damage: 2700
Finisher damage: 4800

40000 HP
Damage taken from physicals: 50%
Damage taken from magic: 50%
~120% speed

Attack: 170 magical damage
Glowing spear: 240 magical damage, inflicts slow+poison+silence+curse (19/24, separate checks)
Glowing arrows: 110 magical damage, full MT, inflicts one random status (9/9)
Triple claws: 130 magical damage, full MT
Force of destruction: 380 magical damage, full MT, takes a turn to charge
Mental destruction: SP overkill (defending or supporting reduces it to a solid 2HKO, otherwise it just reduces SP to 0)
Conviction gate: Summons 1 Gate if the boss is above 75% HP, 2 Gates if it's between 75% and 50% HP, 3 gates if it's below 50% HP. There can be up to 6 gates out at once. Boss's next turn comes almost instantly.
Barrier change: Boss becomes absorbent to one of the MK2 elements (fire, ice, earth, lightning, light, dark) or changes its absorption. Immediately takes another turn.

5000 HP
Damage taken from physicals: 70%
Damage taken from magic: 70%
Weak to light
~50% speed
Dimension gate: 280 physical damage at full health, full MT. For every 25% HP a gate loses, it loses 25% of its damage (so when it's near death it deals 70)

Well. Great durability, decent damage, MP busting and the status whoring kill PCs, and slow works on quite a few godlike bosses, which is relevant because MK2 slow is really good. Owns most single element whores. Gates are this boss's only source of physical damage, and they're really only good as a limit - they're durable enough not to get OHKOed by average damage so casual MT won't pop them, but they're so slow as to be useless against anyone who can clear em all in a turn (at the start of the fight, that's any godlike.) They contribute a great deal of damage if they can get turns though. I don't think Ulrika's final is quite on Reicher's level, but it's still a fine godlike.


Light mana

PCHP: 549
PCSP: 288
PC Damage: 2477
Intimate strike damage: 3000
Finisher damage: 5200
~120% speed

45000 HP
Damage taken from physicals: 60%*
Damage taken from magic: 60%*
*Starts out with 50% physical resistance on top of the defense, so takes 30% from physicals. He can change this to magic resistance and back at will.

All HP skillset:
Attack: 280 physical damage
Biting Seize: 230 physical/light damage to both HP and SP, MT
Axe Impact: 230 physical/light damage, MT, has a delay effect (idk about this)
Fall slicer: 180 physical/light damage, creates 12 times cards: 1 at 0.5, 1 at 1.0, 2 at 1.5, 2 at 2.0, 2 at 2.5, 2 at 3.0, 1 at 3.5, 1 at 4.0
Barrier Change: Light becomes absorbent to one of the MK2 elements (fire, ice, earth, lightning, light, dark) or changes its absorption. Free action.
Change Spector: Light Mana changes which of the main damage types he halves (physical or magic.) This stacks with his defenses (as noted above.) Free action.

Below 75% HP skillset:
Banish Light: 750 magical/light damage
Flash: 70 magical/light damage, MT, hides the turn order
Limit Absolute: Charges for half a turn, then does 0 damage at full HP, linearly increasing to 1125 damage at 1 HP, ignores defense but counts as magic
Absolute Shield: Creates a shield that absorbs 7500 damage. Doesn't block overkill. It does benefit from his resistances.

He can use both his defense shifts on the same turn. So you can see him triple-act: Barrier Change, Change Sceptor, some attack.

Anyway. His best theoretical damage is fall slicer, adding up to around 4.4x overkill if all the cards go off. It takes 4 turns for that to happen, but with his good base durability, defensive shifts, and dollar store version of chaos shield, he tends to have lots of time to dick around with that. Enough time you basically have to wall holy to win. I mean, Myria 1 has what, 30x PC durability? 7 fall slicers kill that, and Light Mana in anti-physical mode can probably buy enough time to cast those... he can try to kill holy spoilers with his physical and limit absolute, but those moves kind of suck, so at least people like Fou-Lu/VP2 Lenneth/P4 godlikes should be able to kick him to the curb. Still, they're the only people who can do it. There's a good chance this guy's too strong for godlike.
« Last Edit: February 24, 2014, 07:57:39 PM by Monkeyfinger »

Dark Holy Elf

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Re: Mana Khemia 2 ~Fall of Alchemy~
« Reply #3 on: December 20, 2009, 08:12:07 AM »
Raze path has a huge number of plot-important bosses who could reasonably be ranked. Here's the complete list.

(stats gathered by Pyro)


PC Stats:
HP: 365
Damage: 1700

HP: 31000
Reduces Physicals to 45%
Reduces Magic to 58%
Average speed

Perfect Barrier: Uses this move with initiative. Creates a shield that will absorb 5500 damage for Reicher before breaking. When it breaks, Reicher does take damage equal to however much the shield was overkilled by. Note that the shield has Reicher's defenses (or is assumed to, since you can't see damage numbers when you attack it). At 50% HP, Reicher will use this again once and only once.

Physical Attack: 222 physical damage over 2 hits.
Rock Ming: 175 physical damage over 5 hits. Chance of Blind (turn cancellation)
Remote Blade: 140 light physical damage. Creates timed spheres at 0.6, 1.2, and 1.8 that each act twice. Does borderline 2HKO break damage. Is evil.

Light Flash: 350 physical damage. Used automatically as a free action on any opponent that is Broken. Does not consume Reicher's turn.

At 75% HP Reicher gets access to the rest of his skillset:
Protection of Light: Buffs Reicher's speed and offense by 10%. This means an effective 20% increase in damage output. This action has a very short (quarter-half turn) recovery time.

Lightsword Swing: 340 physical damage to one. A combination of Remote Blade and Rock Ming. Does tremendous break damage.

Lightsword Wave: Double-Up skill. Reicher charges for one turn and unleashes a 500 damage MT attack. Physical/Light elemental.

Flying Lightsword: 270 physical/light damage. Creates one timed sphere that acts 5 times.

Flashing Light: 216 physical/Light damage to one. 100 damage to foes near the target.

Immediately upon being lowered below 55% HP, Reicher will use Fantasy Lightwave (doesn't take a turn), which prevents the player from seeing the turn order and does nothing else. This is dispellable.

(end of Pyro)

Comments: Good durability (less so against ITD, but still respectable), and Remote Blade just piles on ridiculous damage. As in he's doing over 2x overkill every round after the first, and not far from it the first. The spheres do take some time to get going, though, so the ridiculous ITD offence will own him, and he doesn't like physical walls, but if you don't spoil him you're dealing with a top-tier slugger. Oh yeah, and anyone vulnerable to Break really hates Remote Blade/Light Flash combos. Good Godlike.

If I'm feeling very non-lazy I could get the stats for a few others (Buffacow!) but banking on my non-laziness is rarely a good idea.
« Last Edit: June 01, 2010, 03:53:51 PM by Dark Holy Elf »

Erwin Schrödinger will kill you like a cat in a box.


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Re: Mana Khemia 2 ~Fall of Alchemy~
« Reply #4 on: June 01, 2010, 02:55:18 PM »
Reicher is basically average speed on the dot.

His remote blade attack is light elemental.


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Re: Mana Khemia 2 ~Fall of Alchemy~
« Reply #5 on: August 02, 2010, 01:01:13 AM »
Ran a few tests searching for Lily hype:

Weapon Statuses. These came out lower than the base rates. I ran them against enemies in the final dungeon. Order is Puni General/Burial Band (Believe I copied this name wrong)Abyss Searcher/Sand Puppet. X means the enemy just immuned the status or I didn't test against that specific enemy.

Raze (Venomous): X, 11/30, X, 3/12 (14/42)
Lily (Stop Motion): 3/13, X, 1/6, 1/7 (5/26)
Enna (Silencing): 7/24, X, 2/12, X (9/36)
Overall: 28/104 (26.9%)

I also ran some tests against Dumpster enemies to see if going against weaker enemies helped status accuracy. Order is Gold Pun/Alc D/ Alc Soldier/Alc Beast, Jeweled Bow and the Poison Puni
Raze: 2/6, x, x, x, 2/7, x (4/13)
Lily: 0/3, 2/2, 0/3, 0/4, x, 4/8 (6/20)
Enna: 0/7, X, 1/5, 0/2, x, 1/7 (3/21)
Overall: 12/44 (27.3%)

These are tests I did with Deadly. No other crit skills or Dragon Band used. Again, done with enemies around the final save point:

Raze (Using Analyze): 58/117 (49.6%)
Ulrika (Using Magic Hammer: 19/42 (45.2%)
Chloe (Using Poison Demon Lord): 14/30 (46.7%)
Total: 90/189 (47.6%). Of course, not impossible for different skills or characters to have different bases, but I don't remember anything standing out much for that (Although I didn't pay much attention outside of that).

Didn't run formal tests, but looked pretty similar against Dumpster enemies (Instead looking at a single hit weak CS. Didn't really give this one an official testing, just a quick run through to see if it looked radically different).
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Jo'ou Ranbu

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Re: Mana Khemia 2 ~Fall of Alchemy~
« Reply #6 on: August 02, 2010, 02:59:09 AM »
Hm. At least for Chloe, those look a bit off. I've had a very consistent 75% rate with her crit (to the point of basically always having 3 out of 4 hits on Poizn Demon Lord crit). Can't speak for the others, of course.
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: Mana Khemia 2 ~Fall of Alchemy~
« Reply #7 on: August 02, 2010, 08:18:23 AM »
Going just by eye doesn't work at all. Not only does the word critical seem to linger even after a hit has ended, but there even appears to be some shadow of the word that pops up again making it double. If going by eye worked, I definitely would have opted to choose something besides a 1 hit move in order to get a lot more examples. Is your Poison Demon Lord not fully powered up?
...into the nightfall.

Jo'ou Ranbu

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Re: Mana Khemia 2 ~Fall of Alchemy~
« Reply #8 on: August 02, 2010, 10:40:10 PM »
It's unlikely that it isn't. I analyzed every enemy in the game with World of Booc. Also, I have to note that I was checking the individual damage numbers and reached that percentage, and I was fighting the same enemies you're testing on.
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: Mana Khemia 2 ~Fall of Alchemy~
« Reply #9 on: August 02, 2010, 10:42:35 PM »
Then you are looking at 60% rate at least, since it's 5 hits.
...into the nightfall.


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Re: Mana Khemia 2 ~Fall of Alchemy~
« Reply #10 on: August 03, 2010, 02:59:52 AM »
Just throwing in  that I ran more tests, and got a another 167/305, which means the cumulative total is 257/494. I also happened to notice that Immeasurable is rather badass, and that theoretically Godly Chain Robe is probably about a 16% speed boost for most of the cast, and probably is the best bet for the DL and in game unless for some reason Immeasurable conflicts over multiple PCs (Although I don't see why it would). I have the charge and recharge times, but squaring down Immeasurable first makes sense given how potent is it.
...into the nightfall.


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Re: Mana Khemia 2 ~Fall of Alchemy~
« Reply #11 on: August 06, 2010, 02:16:26 AM »
Immeasurable is closer to an 18% increase in speed but it doesn't affect first turn, which is why I didn't set them as default.  If you're going to put them in the speed average, PLEASE take into account that fact at least.


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Re: Mana Khemia 2 ~Fall of Alchemy~
« Reply #12 on: August 06, 2010, 09:43:42 AM »
Immeasurable directly affects the charge and recharges times, so I factored it into that. I figured that they get about 15% boost for 2 of the first 3 turns (And then Deadly Chain Robe raises speed up 10%, but turn 1 speed is kind of questionable, so the effect there is really also about 2 of the first 3 turns, so a total of 16%-17% overall boost). I'll try to get comprehensive numbers up this week (Have all the math done, just has an effect on the defensive averages, and slightly on damage since I switched Raze over).
...into the nightfall.


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Re: Mana Khemia 2 ~Fall of Alchemy~
« Reply #13 on: August 09, 2010, 08:56:21 AM »
Okay, here they are. Just a note, I got recharges by comparing to average physicals (I figured there was a high chance these were normalized across PCs). Then, I took the average recharge time as 0.8x (Skills mainly tended to range from 0.65 to 0.85, and in game you use a wide skill variety, so I felt going with 0.8x felt accurate).

I has 8 characters with Immeasurable, so Pepperoni and Puniyo (The two without it) had the lack factored into their moves and everyone else's got a little faster.

1 RT=1 whole turn of recharge. 0.8 RT would mean your second turn comes at 1.8 your normal speed. Double Up skills appear to have the same RT and CT (Charge Time).

Godly Chain Robe: 122 Def, 138 Res, 61 Act, -15% Action Speed
TRADES: -15% Action Speed and 61 Act for loss of 13% Damage and 30 SP (Durability difference is basically a wash)
Attack: +0.8 RT
Analyze- +0.85 RT
Photo Silhouette- +0.7 RT
--->Silhouette first acts at: 0.55 RT
Twin Calibur- +1.1 RT
Falling Blades- +1.1 RT
--->Timed Cards At: +0.75 RT, 1.15 RT, 1.8 RT, 2.05 RT, 2.45 RT, 3.1 RT
Drive Calibur- +1.1 RT

Godly Chain Robe: 122 Def, 138 Res, 61 Act, -15% Action Speed
TRADES: -15% Act and 61 Speed for 6% Pdur and 11% Mdur
Attack: 386 Magic Damage, +0.8 RT
Blizzard Axel (20)- 1122 Ice Magic, +0.9 RT
Frozen Sweets (30)- 1625 Ice Magic, +1. RT
Rainy Mega Spear (38)- 742 Ice Magic, +0.95 RT
--->Timed Cards +0.8 RT, +1.25 RT and +1.6 RT
Frozen Cannon (50)- 1371 MT Ice Magic, +1.1 RT
Glacieration (40)- 512 Ice Magic, +1.2 CT and RT
--->1977 (Resist-Ignoring?) Ice Magic upon 1.2 CT

Parade Star: 212 Def, 168 Res (No Change, Already has Immeasurable on Weapon)
Attack: 388 Damage, +0.8 RT
Swallow Chakram- 785 Damage, +0.9 RT
--->Timed Cards At +0.75 RT and +1.35 RT
Lock On Arrow- 1096 Damage, +0.95 RT
No Hand Loop- +0.5 RT
--->Support Chakrum status inflicts 388 extra physical damage before every offensive action Et takes.
Twinkle Moon- 828 Damage, +1.25 RT
Et Circle Rondo- 785 Damage, +1.1 RT
--->Timed Cards At +0.65 RT, +1.2 RT, +1.65 RT and +2.1 RT

Godly Chain Robe: 122 Def, 138 Res, 61 Act, -15% Action Speed
TRADES: -15% Action Cut and 61 Act for loss of 50 SP and ~5% Mdur
Attack: +0.8 RT
Fiery Fist- +0.95 RT               
Blazing Cloth- +1 RT               
Flame Pillar- +1.2 RT            
--->Delays Target Turn ~10-15%
Speedy Flame Bomb- +1.1 RT         
--->Delays Target Turn ~10-15%

Puni King Crown (No Change)
Attack: +0.9 RT
Puni Cureheal- +1.15 RT         
Puni Ball- +1.15 RT               
Puni Breath- +0.25 RT         
Puni Barrier- +1.15 RT         
Puni Allheal- +1.4               
Dropping Puni Puni- +1 RT         
--->Timed Card At: +1.3 RT, 2.6 RT, 3.9 RT and 5.2 RT

Beast Leather: 30 Mag, 118 Def, 107 Res, 15 Speed and -15% Action Speed
TRADES: -15% Action Time and 15 Speed for 10.5% Reduced HP
Attack: +0.8 RT
Magic Hammer- +0.8RT         
Cannon Ball- +0.95 RT         
Elemental Barrier- +0.95 RT      
Healing Reverb- +1.1         
---Timed Card At: +1.1 and 2.2 RT
Intent to Destroy- +0.7 CT and RT      

Godly Chain Robe: 122 Def, 138 Res, 61 Act, -15% Action Speed
TRADES: -15% Action Speed and 61 Act for 4% Pdur and 17% Mdur
Attack: +0.8 RT
World of Book- +0.8 RT         
Demon Lord Summoning- +1.1      
Poison Demon Lord- +1.2      
Grudgeful Miss Drudge- +0.75      
Devil Doll- ??? CT and RT (I didn't get the weapon that unlocked this)

PEPPERONI Build 1 (Build 2 Coming)
Armor: Meteorite Tights (No Change)
Attack: +0.9 RT
Hyper Pound- +0.75 CT and RT      
Hammer Shot-  +1.15 RT             
--->Delays Enemy Turn ~30-45%
Hammerquake- +1.3 RT         
Dynamic Toss- +1.4 RT             
Rainbow Fairy Song- +1.4 RT      
--->Delays Enemy Turn ~5%

Armor: Godly Chain Robe: 122 Def, 138 Res, 61 Act, -15% Action Speed
Trades: -15% Action Speed and 61 Act for 50 SP
Attack: +0.8 RT
Vertical Missile: +0.9 RT         
--->Timed Cards at: +0.65 RT, +0.9 RT and +1.4 RT
Lightning Blow: +0.95 RT         
Knuckle Shot: +1 RT              
--->Timed Cards at: +1.2 RT, +2.4 RT and +3.6 RT
Voltage Shot: +1 RT             
--->Timed Cards at: +1.05 RT, +2.1 RT and +3.15 RT
Interceptor: +0.8 RT         

Forest Spirit Armor: 112 Def, 118 Res, 30 Spd and -15% Action Time
TRADES: -15% Action Speed and 30 Speed for 12% Pdur, 11% Mdur and 30 HP Regen
Attack: +0.8 RT
Fortune Lover- + 0.95 RT      
Violation- +0.85 RT         
Triple Volley- +0.85 CT and RT      
Prestige Dunk +1.1 RT      
Goto Romancing- +1.2 RT    

THREE TURN AVERAGES (Not Including Et, Puniyo or Goto's forms of Turn Haxing/Manip)
RAZE: Fallen Blades w/ 3 Timed Cards, Analyze & Divine Calibur
**No Timed Cards: Analyze & Divine Calibur x2

LILY:  Rainy Mega Spear w/ 3 Timed Cards; Frozen Sweets x2
**No Timed Cards: Frozen Sweets x3

ET: Et Circle Rondo w/ 3 Timed Cards + Lock On Arrow x2
**No Timed Cards: Lock On Arrow x3

YUN: Fiery Fist x2, Flame Pillar

PUNIYO: Puni Breath x 3
**Puni Section x3 if you don't allow any Puni Breaths

ULRIKA: Magic Hammer x2, Intent to Destroy

CHLOE: World of Book, Poison Demon Lord x 2

PEPPERONI: Rainbow Fairy Swing x2

ENNA: Volate Shot w/ 1 Timed Card + Vertical Missile w/ 2 Timed Cards + Voltage Shot
**No Timed Cards: Voltage Shot x2 + Knuckle Shot

GOTO (Assumes completely on GP allowed)**
**No GP; Half GP: Attack, Prestige Dunk, Goto Romancing (Goes off in 2.9 turns)
**Full GP: Fortune Lover x2, Goto Romancing (Goes off in 2.9 turns)

Working on formatting and a bunch of other stuff. If only the board didn't hate lining up tabs!
« Last Edit: August 26, 2010, 09:12:56 AM by Dhyerwolf »
...into the nightfall.

Dark Holy Elf

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Re: Mana Khemia 2 ~Fall of Alchemy~
« Reply #14 on: February 20, 2014, 07:44:19 AM »
All of Tetri and her summons' attacks are magic-typed. Dunno if the ones marked as physical hit defence or something, and/or how they interact with Mental Down (pretty sure Burst, at least, is increased by it).

Also she has one extra attack, Falling Leaves II, which I only saw in the final stage (below 20%). Pretty much the same as the first version (probably more damage, but all the Mental Down flying around makes it hard to tell), but it makes four time spheres instead of two.

edit: Also it should be noted that the mana plants all use Burst immediately as a free action whenever Tetri changes forms.
« Last Edit: February 21, 2014, 08:54:12 PM by Dark Holy Elf »

Erwin Schrödinger will kill you like a cat in a box.