Team Brown vs. Team Blond
Brown has 3 revivers, Blonde only has 2, and Kornell using revival really cuts into their offense. Kornell does have the buffing to overcome a stally strat from the brown side, but eh, Guv will be unleashing either MT damage or heals both of which are bad. I'm pretty sure XS1 Ziggy has one of his techs be MT which'll help, but eh, he has to worry about turning on Aeris then. It's close, but the great trouble Team Blonde has doing damage that'll stick before late turn 2 combined with the inability to safely revive Marle makes me lean Brown, sure.
Team Brown vs. Team Red
Hmm. Heat's Charm is only 60%. Anyway yeah, the Redheads have a lot of beatdown aimed at killing one person dead, which isn't what you want vs. 3 revivers.
Team Brown vs. Team Green
Don't think Elf's strat works too well, Labby would just revive Ana then. That said... Gale has MT ID, and only Anastasia blocks it, and the sluggish Team Brown can't stop Gale from getting a turn. Funny since the greenhairs are hideously lightning-weak for some reason, but I think only Labby punish them for it... if she gets a turn, which is doubtful. Ana + 1 survivor just can't win.
Team Brown vs. Team Orange
Citrine's silence is MT?! Did not notice that. Quake in fear of the Orange hairs, once more only Ana (usefully) blocks the status, and that sinks Team Brown even ignoring Rhys.
Team Blond vs. Team Red
I'll buy Elf's argument.
Team Blond vs. Team Green
Borus & the Iron Fist might barely be able to take down Gale (and Borus wishes he had lightning-elemental SoM not fire-elemental)...? (.26 + .47 = .73 PCHP, so prolly not, actually) except wait Demi can throw a heal in there, which would get Gale a turn, which means MT ID incoming. And sure, Nephenee can kill Marle manually if her high MDef causes Gale to miss her. Kornell just can't solo this set, for all that he can put on a good show.
Team Blond vs. Team Orange
Hey, the MT silence isn't useful here for once! Iron Fist + Borus take down Rhys, and Borus eats a counter. Citrine + Alena punch out Marle. Wakka... statuses out Ziggy? Flonne shoots up Alena. Kornell revives Marle (at half health). Clive... shoots at Kornell? [Current status: Rhys dead, Marle half health, Ziggy asleep, Alena / Borus / Kornell slightly injured]
Alena... punches out Marle. Borus hits Alena [in addition to previous Flonne damage, but Alena is shockingly durable]. Citrine weakly hits Kornell and hopes Balance Down does something (but both G3 & XS3 bosses can be debuffed, so it'll work...). The Iron Fist hits Alena (.26 + .47 + .33 damage so far). Wakka hits Kornell. Flonne shoots up Alena again... I think this is finally fatal, ~1.50 PCHP or so by now? Kornell revives Marle, but then Clive will shoot Kornell and probably finish him off (Gatling if needed otherwise), which will also kill the Iron Fist. So... Wakka & Clive vs. half-health Marle, asleep Ziggy, wounded Borus, & Flonne. Well Wakka solos if he can just kill Marle at this point, does Wakka have the damage needed? no, especially since his weapon is ITD vs. the awful defense Marle. BUT he can Osmose her for some absurd amount of MP draining which might turn off the revival / magic damage spigot. Except Marle has super-huge MDef! So close match, could go either way. If Wakka only 2HKOs Marle's MP, then she'll full-revive Kornell.. but his magic damage is kinda trashy at killing Wakka any time soon. Alternately, backing up, if Clive kills Marle and Wakka is seen as having sufficient damage to take down Kornell, that also wins for Orange-hair. Let's see.... Kornell has taken Clive shot + Citrine damage + Wakka damage. Hrmm, nah, think the team needs a Clive shot or Gatling to take down Kornell's HP for me. Anyway... oh wait, Marle's revival wouldn't bring back the Iron Fist, and that's the only part that has magic damage. lulz. Even in the Wakka-only-2HKOs-Marle's MP scenario, he might well just solo the Iron Fist if it somehow came back because Kornell magic backup is bad. So yeah, Orange pulls it out, but it's dang close.
Team Red vs. Team Green
More of that "Demi heals off Id's damage and sets Gale up with a turn and he uses MT ID and turns the fight" thing.
Team Red vs. Team Orange
Even just silencing Heat isn't bad here. Silence Heat ( & Maxim), murder Karin, now nobody can stop Wakka.
Team Green vs. Team Orange
I think Clive needs to OHKO Rhys for Team Green to stand a chance here.. but I think he does with Lock-On (Rhys durability not good). That'd enable Team Green to make progress even with Gale silenced. Maybe I'll think on this one later, Orange is team on the clock once Rhys dies to make something happen since they won't have healing and Demi does. EDIT: Or Silence/Misery can turn off Lock-On. Sucks to be Clive.
Orange 3-0 (?)
Green 3-0 (?)
Brown 2-2
Red 1-3
Blond 0-4
Pretty similar to Elf ultimately, pending review of that last match when brain less fried.