1. Due to the size of the tournament, for the first two rounds only one picture will be provided by me. Many pictures have kindly been provided
here. Relatedly
2. Feel free to vote on characters you are unfamiliar with, provided you look them up for visual reference.
Otherwise, let's get started.
Week 1
Percival Fraulein (Suikoden III) vs Tiki (Fire Emblem:Awakening)
Quistis Trepe (Final Fantasy VIII) vs Rose (Legend of Dragoon)
Jean (Lunar: Eternal Blue) vs Chris Lightfellow (Suikoden III)
Raquel Applegate (Wild Arms 4) vs Kika (Suikoden IV)
Lawfer (Valkyrie Profile) vs Squall Leonhart (Final Fantasy VIII)
Volug (Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn) vs Excellen Browning (Super Robot Taisen Series)
Yueying (Dynasty Warriors Series) vs Leliana (Dragon Age: Origins)
Jacqli (Ar Tonelico Series) vs Igrene (Fire Emblem: Binding Blade)
Mitsuru Kirijo (Persona 4 Arena) vs Arshtat Falenas (Suikoden V)
Lyn (Fire Emblem: Blazing Sword) vs Xenobia: (Lunar Silver Star)
Lorelai (Suikoden Series) vs Katt (Breath of Fire II)
Kallian (Xenoblade Chronicles) vs Nina Wyndia (Breath of Fire II)
Iori Yagumi (King of Fighters series) vs Hrist Valkyrie (Valkyrie Profile series)
Alice Elliot (Shadow Hearts) vs Millia Maxwell (Tales of Xillia)
Sopko (The RPGDL) vs Aya Brea (Parasite Eve)
Edea Kramer (Final Fantasy VIII) vs Karin Koenig (Shadow Hearts: Covenant)